Slave cabins

African Americans

Montgomery Co, Maryland

from Judgment Book 1814-1821
and Land Record 1811

JUDGMENTS - 1814-1821
  • BEALL Josiah BEALL vs William HOLMES - Trepassing & Ejectment - 21 Feb 1819 John DENN was lessee of Josiah BEALL. Richard FENN, planter, had tenant William HOLMES. William HOLMES was charged with forcefully ejecting John DENN from the property whose lease was still intact. LAND - "Layhill", 700 acres To Josiah BEALL. James BEALL of Prince Georges County d/ 1725 w/ Sarah s/ John BEALL (eldest son) - tracts "Rovers Content", "Biffe" & "Good Luck", lies on east side of Cabbin Branch; also "Deremaldree" ..........Josias Fendall BEALL ..........James A. BEALL s/ Nathaniel BEALL - tracts "Easy Purchase" & "Addition to Easy Purchase" s/ James BEALL - tracts "Good Luck" on west side of Cabbin Branch and "Lone Head" s/ Robert BEALL - 1/2 of tract "Lay Hill" s/ Joseph BEALL (d/ 1801) - 1/2 of tract "Lay Hill" s/ Zephaniah BEALL - tract "Allison's Park" & "Cooper" d/ Sarah BEALL - tract "Beall's Manour" & 30 pounds sterling to be paid by his son-in-law Thomas ODELL upon her marriage. - Rev. Hugh COWN - 10 pounnds sterling yearly SLAVES - DEGON, HOCKELLY and PEAK; others not named; to be divided among his children. Will written 21 Nov 1723; files 10 Jul 1725. Execs/ brother Alexander BEALL, son John BEALL and cousin William BEALL Sr Witnesses: Thomas APPLEGATE, Joseph PEACH, Mary BOYCE The widow renounced the Will and asked for 1/3 share of estate. Joseph BEALL died in 1801 and devised his share to Josiah BEALL. James BEALL (heir of James BEALL) devised his share to John BEALL. In 1810, John BEALL's heirs petitioned for recovery of trepass; a survey was ordered. The court rules that Robert and Joseph BEALL held land for life only and found for the defendant. Closed Nov 1820. [Montgomery Co, Maryland - Judgments - 1814-1821 - pgs 221-227] =====
  • BELT Lloyd BELT Sr - Petition - To Divide Lands – Nov 1816 Carlton BELT, dec'd of Montgonery County (Will written 8 Mar 1802; filed 16 Jun 1802) widow - Ann (later married William TRAIL), now dec'd (Will) s/ Carlton BELT (Jr) d/ Molly (Belt) w/o Joseph MAGRUDER ..........Carlton MAGRUDER ..........Lloyd MAGRUDER s/ Alfred BELT s/ Tilghman BELT s/ Aeneas BELT d/ Esther (Belt) w/o Daniel TRUNDLE s/ Lloyd BELT, a minor d/ Anna Campbell BELT, a minor d/ Elizabeth BELT, a minor d/ Henny Ann Campbell BELT, a minor, now dec'd Last eight children were by his then present wife, Ann; the last five children listed were minors when Will was written and they to receive the remaining estate upon their mother's death. Negro SLAVES - OZ or OZWALD, BIG MOSES, BELL, CHARITY, EVE, CANDACE, SUEY, HANNAH, LITTLE JOE, TOM and LITTLE MOSES. (to wife) - SALL and SOLOMON (to son Carlton) - NACE, LITTLE DAFTNEY, KIT (to daughter Esther) and PEG (to Esther as gift from her grandfather, Eneas/Aeneas CAMPBELL) - GRACE, JEM and MARY (to son Aeneas) - HENRY and PHILL (to son Alfred) - CANDACE, JEM and POFF (to son Tilghman) - JENY, ISAAC and DICK (to son Lloyd) - HARRY, JUDY and HANSON LANDY(?) (to daughter Ann) - JACK, ARCH and BELL or BELT (to daughter Elizabeth) - JACK or JACOB, SALL and BILL (CANDACE's child) (to daughter Henny) - JANE and ABRAHAM (to daughter Molly's children) To son Carlton - part of "The Whole Included", 100 acres, on south side of Stoney Branch and near the Sugarland Road and 'The Still House Spring' and MITCHELL's Cabbin; adjoined land of Thomas COWLEY, John YOUNG; surveyed by Thomas VEATCH s/o Hezekiah VEATCH. - "Money's Worth", 100 acres (of Carl Sr's brother John BELT), on draught of Bennett's Creek. Carlton Jr to pay his sister Molly. To son Eneas - 1/3 part of "Dispute", in Allegany County. To son Alfred - 1/3 part of "Dispute", in Allegany County. To son Tilghman - 1/3 part of "Dispute", in Allegany County. Exec/ wife Ann BELT Witnesses: Thomas VEATCH Sr, Johnn BEARD Sr, Christian HEMPSTONE and Hugh L. DUNN --- Ann BELT, but now w/o William TRAIL, dec'd - Montgomery County (Will written 28 Dec 1807; filed 23 Apr 1808) s/ Aeneas BELT s/ Alfred BELT s/ Tilghman BELT d/ Esther TRUNDLE s/ Lloyd BELT d/ Anne Campbell BELT d/ Elizabeth BELT d/ Henny Ann Campbell BELT SLAVES - OS (to husband) - CHARITY (to daughter Esther) - BIG MOSES (to son Aeneas, being unsound, not to sell without Exec) - TOM (to son Alfred) - LITTLE JO (to son Tilghman) - LITTLE LEICE (to son Lloyd) - ANN(?) (to daughter Anne) - LILEY (to daughter Elizabeth) - HANNAH (to daughter Henney) Land conveyed to Ann to be divided among the last five children listed above. Daughter Esther to be guardian of younger sisters to care for their morals and education. Ann mentioned she was pregnant at the time she wrote her Will but was not expected to deliver the child. Exec/ son-in-law Daniel TRUNDLE and son Alfred BELT. Witnesses: William HEMPSTONE, Thomas VEATCH Sr and John YOUNG LAND - "The Whole Included", 640 acres (previously part of "Cool Spring"). Conveyed to Carlton BELT. - "The Three Tracts Resurveyed", 55 acres; adjoined "Resurvey on Part of Poplar Spring" and the Potomac River. To Anne TRAIL from John Thompson VEATCH. Land Divided into 5 Lots: - Lot #1 - to Esther (Belt) w/o Daniel TRUNDLE for 87.75 + 38 acres - Lot #2 - to Elizabeth BELT for 144.75 acres - Lot #3 - to Lloyd BELT for 137.75 acres - Lot #4 - to Heirs of Henny Ann Campbell BELT, 135.75 acres* - Lot #5 - to Anne Campbell BELT for 134.75 acres Total acreage resurveyed to be 678.75 acres. (Individual surveys included) Lots valued at $4,072.50. *Upon the death of Henny Ann Campbell BELT; her 7 heirs were: - Daniel TRUNDLE - Elizabeth BELT - Lloyd BELT - Ann C. BELT - Eneas/Aeneas BELT to David TRUNDLE by deed - Alfred BELT's to Ann C. BELT by deed - Tilman BELT's to Elizabeth BELT by deed Eneas BELT, being the eldest heir of Henny Ann C. BELT, elected to take Lot #4 and pay the others their shares. Guardian was Alfred BELT. File ended 18 Nov 1817 [Montgomery Co, MD - Judgments 1814-1821; pgs 35-49] =====
  • CLAGETT John A. T. KILGOUR vs David CLAGETT, John BRADDOCK, Joseph MAGRUDER, William BRADDOCK and Robert WILLETT, yoemen - Judgment - 21 Oct 1819 Judgment rendered for $2,820. LAND inventory of David CLAGETT: - ""Three Brothers Industry", 202 acres; valued at $1,010 - "Allison's Park", 28 acres; valued at $140 SLAVES - negro boy FRANK, valued at $150 - negro woman and child HANNAH, valued at $175 Closed 19 Dec 1821. [Montgomery Co, MD - Judgments 1814-1821 - pgs 321-325] =====
  • LODGE State of Maryland, use of John LODGE, adm/of William LODGE vs William ONEAL, yeoman - Judgment - 7 Feb 1817 Joanna LODGE and William O. LODGE owed $6,000 to the state from administrating the Estate of William LODGE. The bond was also signed by William ONEALE Jr and Laurence LODGE. LAND - sold House and 1/2 of Lot #2 in Rockville to Richard K. WATTS at $460. The balance of the property remained unsold. LAND - "Exchange" and "New Exchange Enlarged", 120.5 acres; from estate of William LODGE. - "Exchange", "New Exchange Enlarged", "Partnership" and "Sandusky", 173.5 acres with houses. - "Addition to Scotland", 25 acres with the mill; purchased from Lawrence ONEALE at $20/acre. SLAVES - negro man JAMES; FLORA and WILLSHIRE Closed 25 Feb 1819. [Montgomery Co, MD - Judgments 1814-1821 - pgs130-135] =====

  • THOMPSON - BALDWIN - Marriage Contract At the request of Moses THOMPSON and Elizabeth BALDWIN, the following Marriage Contract was Recorded 3 Jan 1812, to wit - Articles of Agreement made the 14th of December 1811, between Moses THOMPSON of Montgomery County and and Elizabeth BALDWIN of Frederick County, Witnesseth whereas a marriage is shortly to be had and solemnized It is therefore covenanted and agreed to by the said Moses THOMPSON to and with the said Elizabeth BAWLDWIN that, if married by law, Moses THOMPSON shall give to Elizabeth BALDWIN and the lawfull heirs of her body the following to wit five negroes named SAL, LARA, MILLY, DAVY and SUSANAH together with all the rest, residue and remainder of my property that I possess whether goods or chattles, To Have and To Hold unto her the said Elizabeth BALDWIN during her natural live, and after her decease, then to the children lawfully begotten by the said Moses THOMPSON and said Elizabeth BALDWIN, their heirs forever. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and year first above written. - Moses THOMPSON (seal) - Elizabeth (her X mark) BALDWIN (seal) Witnesses: Peter BURKHART, Thomas B. JONES Certified on this 14th day of December 1811 in Frederick County. [Montgomery Co, MD - Deed Book P, 420-421]

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