Maryland Chancery Records

with African Americans

Records located at Maryland State Archives in Annapolis.

  • ADAMS George ADAMS - - Insolvency - 28 Dec 1792 - Frederick County An Act of Assembly passed an Insolvent Act in Nov 1792 called “Relief of Fundry” George ADAMS was indebted to Frederick Lodowick HENOP and filed for insolvency. LAND - "Rattle Snake Spring", 255 acres; - "Monocacy Manor" (part) At the hearing, he was asked if he had removed any property to Kentucky, namely a wagon, horses, Negroes and phaeton*. He was also asked if, in the Fall of 1792, he sent to Kentucky, by his brothers, several Negroes consisting of 200 men, SAMUEL, BENJAMIN, a yellow woman and two girls He responded he hadn’t; it was his brother Andrew ADAMS and they had belonged to his father. He owed two bonds of $300 each to Gen WILLIAMS. *(Dictionary describes phaeton as "a light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle) [MSA S512- 57; 1/35/5/16-61] ============================
  • BURCH Thomas BURCH, Thomas BURCH, Jessie BURCH, Fielder BURCH, James JOHNSON, Mildred JOHNSON, John STEPHENSON, and Kitty STEPHENSON vs William SCOTT Estate of Jesse BURCH - Montgomery County - 14 Jul 1823 Slaves - RACHEL, LOUISA, ELIZA, SIDNEY, CECILIA and MILFORD [MSA 17,898-6305-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6371 Location: 1/37/3/] ============================
  • CULVER - JONES - GAITHER Abraham JONES, George GAITHER, and Ephraim GAITHER vs Henry CULVER - Title - 28 Oct 1823 - Montgomery County Slaves - ABRAHAM, JAMES, NELL and HARRY [MSA 17,898-8982-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8922 Location: 1/38/4/] ============================
  • CLELAND - GWINN - FERGUSON Robert FERGUSON vs Samuel CLELAND, John GWINN - Foreclosure - 15 Jan 1794 - Frederick County Slaves - SAM, JOHN, WILFRED, GUY, HENNY, MOLLY and ANNY [MSA S512- 1841; 1/36/2/40-1763] ============================
  • ELDER John ELDER vs Harmon GREATHOUSE and Lodwick WAMPLER – Contract to Purchase - 3 Apr 1789 - Baltimore County On 25 May 1783, John ELDER of Baltimore County delivered bond to Harmon GREATHOUSE for 510 pounds cm of MD and since paid it; but, Greathouse (a weaver) sold the bond to Lodwick WAMPLER who petitioned the court for a judgment against Elder which came to be 980 pounds of tobacco. GREATHOUSE signed over the bond, which included John TOWSON’s name jointly with ELDER, on 4 Jun 1787. In Feb 1788, among the list of property taken of John ELDER’s was numerous livestock, and SLAVES - Negro men named SOCK, ROBIN - Negro woman (can’t read name) and her child GEORGE - Negro boys named BEAL, JIM - Negro girl named JENNY - Negro women named SEW, and BETT Harmon GREATHOUSE, age 75, testified in Baltimore County on 17 Jan 1792, verifying the payments of ELDER and mentioning bond to include use for Abel BROWN, Hugh FINLAY and Thomas STAINS. On 5 Nov 1792, at the house of Daniel GRANT, known by 'Fountain Inn' in Baltimore, testimony was heard from: - Edward DORSEY of Ann Arundel County who mentioned a sale of a horse to Able BROWN, and a bond for purchase of a mill and land. - Benjamin MUSGROVE - John ELDER Jr. of Baltimore County - Michael ELDER of Baltimore County who testified "WAMPLER took a wagon, two horses and Slaves - ROBIN (age 48-49) - SUE (about 40) - BET (about 16-17) - Edward WHEELER of Baltimore County - David GRATEHOUSE - Absalom BUTLER - Daniel BURKE - Thomas PHILIPS - James WELLS (not recorded) [MSA S512- 1756; 1/36/2/31-1685; 2 folders ] ============================
  • GILBERT Thomas GILBERT - Trust Estate - 29 Jul 1795 Thomas GILBERT d/ 1794 (Will 27 Jul 1793; 29 Dec 1794) widow - Hannah and 4 children, 1/ Rebecca (Gilbert) widow of William NIXON (her 5 children by 1st h/ Jacob ROADS .....Joshua ROADS .....Elizabeth ROADS .....Abraham ROADS, a minor .....Mary ROADS, a minor .....Susanna ROADS, a minor 2/ Elisabeth (Gilbert) w/o Michael HUMBERT* - her 4 children .....William HUMBERT, a minor .....Michael HUMBERT, a minor .....Elisabeth HUMBERT, a minor .....Barbara HUMBERT, a minor 3/ Jeremiah GILBERT - his 11 children (possibly 2 marriages) .....Thomas GILBERT .....Catharine GILBERT .....Hannah GILBERT .....George GILBERT .....Sophia GILBERT .....Reubin GILBERT and later .....Jeremiah GILBERT, a minor .....William GILBERT, a minor .....Isaac GILBERT, a minor .....James GILBERT, a minor .....Sarah GILBERT, a minor 4/ Susanna (Gilbert) w/o Alexander WRIGHT/RAITH - her 4 children .....John WRIGHT, a minor .....Margaret/Peggy WRIGHT, a minor .....Martha WRIGHT, a minor .....Elisabeth WRIGHT, a minor SLAVES - negro girl, ALCE (to widow) LAND - "Gilbert’s Inheritance Enlarged", 392 acres; - "Smith’s Mistake Rectified", 77 acres, conveyed from George DILTZHAVER in 1778 and to him from John STONE in 1777. Tenant on property was Francis GREEN. Executors were Jacob BURTON and Joseph JOHNSON; but they refused. Witnesses: William MARTENY, Jonathan MILLER, Solomon MILLER and Francis GREEN. Petition asked for Jeremiah GILBERT to be appointed administrator to carry out the Will (Jeremiah had been given part of the tract). *Michael HUMBERT separated from his wife and moved to Pittsburgh, PA. Elizabeth (Gilbert) HUMBERT later married John RIGGS. Note - One of Elizabeth’s daughters appears to have died per the distribution dated 4 Dec 1797. There is only one line for both daughters which says “Barbara dead ^ sale ^ say Elizabeth” indicating some confusion on the name of the surviving daughter. [MSA S512- 3895; 1/36/5/11-3773; 2 folders] =================================
  • HAUER - Frederick County Nicholas HAUER, Sr - Insolvency by Act of Assembly - Relief of Fundry advertised in Winter's newspaper on 2 Aug 1799. On 5 Sep 1799, the following was listed as his property being sold: LAND - in Georgetown - Lot #91 (owed Peter MANTZ and William WISTER) - Lots #220, 15, 290, 62, 278, 279, 130, 205, 206 - Lot #2 and 13 in Middletown on Susquehana in Pennsylvania Mulatto Slaves - WATL and CHARITY (wife), and their children, BET, MILL, NICH and BET's child (There was an enormous listing of his debtors and creditors; however, I found nothing to note any family relationships.) [MSA S 512-2808; MdHR 17, 898-2742-1/2; Loc 1/36/3/69 dtd 2 Aug 1799] ============================
  • HOGG Thomas HERON vs Christopher ORNDORFF - Estate - 25 Oct 1791 - Washington County Estate of Thomas HOGG LAND - "Pork Hall" SLAVES - (named ??) Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 44. [MSA 17,898-2437-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2525 Location: 1/36/2/] ============================
  • JACQUES Philip MAINS vs Eli WILLIAMS, Lancelot JACQUES, and Denton JACQUES - Trust Estate - 26 Jun 1809 - Washington County Denton JACQUES - Trust - 26 Jun 1809 Slaves - NELL, JACOB, BOB, JACK, SONDON, NACEY BEZAR, MUTAR, JUBA, TOM [MSA 17,898-3588 MSA S512-4- 3706 Location: 1/36/3/ and 1/36/4/74-3588] ============================
  • LAWSON - SEMPLE James LAWSON vs State of Maryland - Foreclosure - 21 Feb 1800 - Washington County Interrogatory for State regarding money in mortgage dated April 1769 from John SEMPLE, formerly of Virginia, but now deceased. (paper not dated) LAND - Keep Trieste Furnace; also Occoquan Forge SLAVES - in Frederick County - at "Ore Hill", "Gleanings", and "Keep Trieste Furnace" PETER BOATSWAIN, ROGER GOLINGS, HARRY GOLINGS, WILLIE, CESAR, PETER, HARRY, SAMPSON, JIM, DICK, WILL, EBOE, HARRY, TOM, ICYLY, SAM, SARAH, MARY ANN, BECK, JEAN, CASSIE - in Washington County and Virginia - at "Little I Thought It", and "Occoquan Forge" ABNER, HARRY, GEORGE, ELISHA, JOE FORGE, HARRY, POMPEY, TONEY, ABRAM, JOHN CHAISE, JAMES FOX, TOM, PAD PORT, TOBACCO TOM, GILBERT, SAM, EBOE, BEN KING, GEORGE KILL, AARON, DENNEY WILLOUGBAY, GEORGE, YEMAN, BOB, NATE, TOMANY, KATE, JEAN, SALL, AGNES, MARY, PEGG, LUCK, CLOE, TANNER, NELL [MSA S512-3121; 1/36/4/9-3037; 9 folders] Note - (Erroneously in file - Henry PITSELL / BEITZELL [MSA S512-3120; 1/36/4/9-3036]) ============================
  • LEONARD, CHISWELL, JAMISON Thomas F. CHISWELL and Joseph N. CHISWELL vs John A. LEONARD, Susan LEONARD, and Henry A. JAMISON - Injunction against Sale of Slaves - 14 Apr 1848 - Montgomery County Slaves - SARAH, JOHN, JAMES, NANCY, WILLIAM, CHARLOTTE REBECCA, ELISA, CHARLOTTE AND ANTHONY [MSA 17,898-6777 MSA S512-8- 6822 Location: 1/37/3/] =============================================
  • MASTERS Legh MASTER vs William BUCHANAN - Contract to Purchase - 1784 Legh MASTERS of Annapolis in an agreement with William BUCHANAN of Frederick County, dated 13 Jun 1770 for Sale to Legh MASTERS for tracts with houses, outhouses, furnace, banks of ore, tenements and mills. Tenant then was Alexander McGEE. LAND - "Robert’s Eden", "Signature"; same values maintained. (not recorded). Exception to the sale was household furniture and Slaves: - three negro men - BILL, CAESAR and JACK; - one negro wench - HESS. In Aug 1787, bond was held for Buchanan by James CLARKE, Joseph Morgan BOWEN and James SOMERVILL of Baltimore County. (see Contract of Purchase - Buchanan vs Master recorded previously. Injunction dissolved. Most of the file contains copies from the previous hearing.) [MSA S512- 253; 1/35/5/35-215A; 4 folders] ============================
  • MASTERS Thomas Samuel POLE vs Ross McGUIRE - Injunction of Judgment - 22 Dec 1797 Thomas Samuel POLE, adm/of Leigh MASTERS, dec’d, stated Ross McGUIRE had instituted a suit against Legh MASTERS, which was removed by the General Court and referred to Upton SHERIDINE, arbitrator. Before the matter was resolved, Legh MASTERS died. On 5 Oct 1797, award was made against Thomas Samuel POLE as administrator of Masters’ estate for 300 pounds cm and costs. There were several suits taken out against Masters and his estate is not sufficient to pay all of the debts. Listed in the vast inventory of Legh Masters, in addition to a large amount of livestock and other farm and household items, were the following Negroes listed by name and age and value: SLAVES at Store and Granery in Frederick County - 1796 - OLD JOE, 60, 10 pds - OLD SMITH TOM, 60, 10 pds - HANNIBAL, 70, Superanuated - PHILIS, 85, “ - JOYCE, 80, “ - PEGGY, 80, “ - ANDREW, 26, 110 pds - BILL, 23, 100 pds - BOB, 20, 90 pds - CHARLES, 21, 90 pds - NED, 20, 80 pds - HAMPTON, 25, 100 pds - SAM, 15, 60 pds - STEPHEN, 15, 60 pds - GEORGE, 10, 45 pds - ISAAC, 10, 45 pds - JOE, 7, 35 pds - ABRAHAM, 20, 65 pds - DAPHNEY w/3 children – JOHN, 6 wks old; PATIENCE, 9 yrs; and SALL, 3 yrs – 75 pds - RACHEL w/2 children - BECKEY and NANCY – 75 pds - YELLOW POLL w/2 children - DAVID and NELL – 70 pds - YOUNG PEG, 16, 50 pds - NATHAN, 7, 35 pds - RUTH (Masters gave to Miss POLE who now claims her) - CHARLOTTE, 40, 20 pds Total - 32 - valued at 1,260 pounds Inventory also in Baltimore Town dated 15 July 1796 (both stores appear to be dry goods). Among items were a table and chairs listed as being at Mrs TOWSON’s, valued at 9 pds. At the bottom of this inventory, listed was Creditor, James CLARKE; and Guardian, Legh Hoskins MASTER; and Charles Legh HOSKINS. Inventory recorded (Inventory GM-3, 408) in Frederick County on 16 Sep 1801. (Dismissed, not recorded) [MSA S512- 3596; 1/36/4/60-3489] ============================
  • McGLAUGHLIN SAM vs. James McGLAUGHLIN - Injunction - 7 Jul 1837 - Frederick County Injunction against enslavement of SAM [MSA 17,898-11254 MSA S512-14-11087 Location: 1/39/3/] ============================
  • NEFF Estate of Henry & Hannah NEFF - Sale of Real Estate - 29 Jan 1841 - Baltimore County George TRUMBO of Carroll County, Augustus GROVE of Worcester County, Louis GROVE of Washington County, all of the State of Maryland; and John WINEBRENNER and wife Hannah of Pennsylvania - Petition Henry NEFF, the Elder of Baltimore County d/ about 1 Jul 1796 widow - Hannah d/ about 1 Jul 1827 - 1/ John NEFF (died since his father, intestate) leaving 9 children - .......Peter NEFF, Allegany Co, MD (has since died, assumed w/o issue) .......John NEFF, Allegany Co, MD .......Elizabeth w/o Thomas WRIGHT - Allegany Co, MD .......Susannah w/o William WRIGHT - Allegany Co, MD .......Ann, now dec'd w/o _______ COOMBS - Allegany Co, MD (5 children) . . . . . . .Sarah COOMBS, a minor . . . . . . .Margaret COOMBS, a minor . . . . . . .Elizabeth COOMBS, a minor . . . . . . .John COOMBS, a minor . . . . . . .Susannah COOMBS, a minor .......Hannah, now dec'd w/o ____ KOONTZ - Allegany Co, MD (3 children) . . . . . . .Sarah KOONTZ . . . . . . .Catharine KOONTZ w/o Salem HUMBERSON . . . . . . .Jacob KOONTZ - Out of State .......Sarah w/o Isaiah FROST .......Henry NEFF (has since died) - his 2 children, . . . . . . .John NEFF 3rd - Out of State . . . . . . .Sarah NEFF - Out of State .......Jacob NEFF (has since died) - his 3 minor children, . . . . . . .John NEFF - Allegany Co, MD . . . . . . .Sarah Ann NEFF - Allegany Co, MD . . . . . . .Mary NEFF - Allegany Co, MD 2/ Mary “Molly” (Neff) TRUMBO, dec'd, leaving 4 children .......George TRUMBO - Carroll Co, MD .......Mary TRUMBO, dec'd w/o Abraham LAMMOTT - Carroll Co, MD . . . . . . .Elizabeth LAMMOTT . . . . . . .Angaline LAMMOTT . . . . . . .George Wesley LAMMOTT . . . . . . .William Henry LAMMOTT . . . . . . .Lewis I.A. LAMMOTT .......Elizabeth TRUMBO, dec'd w/o Jacob GROVE (3 children) . . . . . . .Augustus G. GROVE (minister) - Worcester Co, MD . . . . . . .Louis I. GROVE - Washington Co, MD . . . . . . .Hannah w/o John WINEBRENNER - PA .......Hannah TRUMBO wid/o John Lewis WAMPLER - Westminster, Carroll Co, MD - she d/ 1838 (Will Jun 1838; 15 Oct 1838) 3/ Susannah NEFF d/ 26 Feb 1840 - Carroll Co, MD (Will written 26 Dec 1839 stated her share to be divided amongst her relatives except - William DURBIN and his heirs to be excluded; mentions her niece Hannah, w/o John NICODEMUS) 4/ Henry NEFF (Jr) d/ 24 Mar 1830, w/o issue - Baltimore Co, MD (Will written 14 Mar 1830 for his share to be divided amongst his heirs, also freed his Slaves - PRISS, GEORGE, JACK and SALL 5/ Elizabeth (Neff) REESE, dec'd, leaving 3 children, .......Andrew REESE (has since died) - Carroll Co, MD (2 children) . . . . . . .John REESE . . . . . . .David REESE .......Elizabeth (Reese) w/o William DURBIN - Allegany Co, MD .......Catharine (Reese) (now dec'd) w/o Nicholas DURBIN - Carroll Co, MD . . . . . . .Andrew R. DURBIN . . . . . . .Susannah DURBIN . . . . . . .Mary DURBIN 6/ Ann (Neff) NICODEMUS, dec'd, leaving 7 children, .......Henry NICODEMUS (now dec'd) - Carroll Co, MD (11 children) . . . . . . .Isaac C. NICODEMUS . . . . . . .Margarett NICODEMUS . . . . . . .Mary (Nicodemus) w/o Thomas STEVENSON . . . . . . .John NICODEMUS . . . . . . .Sarah Ann NICODEMUS . . . . . . .David NICODEMUS, a minor . . . . . . .Susanna NICODEMUS, a minor . . . . . . .Eliza NICODEMUS, a minor . . . . . . .Jesse NICODEMUS, a minor . . . . . . .Hanson NICODEMUS, a minor . . . . . . .Catharine NICODEMUS, a minor .......Andrew NICODEMUS - Carroll Co, MD .......Rebecca (Nicodemus) w/o John PRUGH - Out of State .......Sarah (Nicodemus) w/o Levi DEVILBISS - Frederick Co, MD .......Lydia (Nicodemus) w/o Isaac CASSILL - Out of State .......Anna (Nicodemus) w/o Frederick CRONISE - Frederick Co, MD .......John NICODEMUS - Carroll Co, MD 7/ Jacob NEFF, dec'd, leaving 3 children, .......Margaret (Neff) w/o Burgess MAGRUDER - Allegany Co, MD .......Mary (Neff) (not Sarah) w/o Emanuel EASTER - Allegany Co, MD .......Hannah (Neff) dec'd w/o Robert A. ROBERTSON - Allegany Co, MD . . . . . . .Anna N. ROBERTSON, a minor (her only child) 8/ George NEFF - Out of State 9/ Hannah NEFF, d/ 18 Oct 1839 - Carroll Co, MD (will dtd 17 Dec 1838 gave estate to sister Susannah for life, then to be divided amongst relatives except - George TRUMBO and William DURBIN to be excluded.) 10/ Conrad NEFF - Out of State * - Distribution (listing mentions will of Hannah WAMPLER) - Mary LAMMOTT for 1/3 of 1/4 of 1/9 to George TRUMBO, trustee, $26.14; - Jacob GROVE, Legatee under same will, $100, $10.05 - Angelina LAMMOTT, $100, $10.05 - George W. LAMMOTT, $20, $2 - William H. LAMMOTT, $20, $2 - Louis I. A. LAMMOTT, $20, $2 George TRUMBO was appointed trustee to sell the properties, securities were George TRUMBO, John FISHER and Abraham WAMPLER. Two years after this, 12 Jul 1843, John NICODEMUS brought a complaint for contempt against Trumbo because he had not yet sold the property or made any report to the court. One who testified was Andrew POUDER of Carroll Co, MD. Land - Farm composed of two tracts, "Friendship Compleated", and "Rochester" (now in Carroll County), 217+ acres, lies along the Washington Road; and "Martin’s Spring", 177 acres (now in Allegany Co, MD and purchased before the Elder Henry‘s will). Indenture recorded 27 Jan 1785, written 17 Nov 1784 by Jacob HARMAN (wife Margaret) and Nicholas POUL (wife Elizabeth) of Frederick Co, MD to Henry NEFF of Baltimore Co, MD for 5 pounds specie, tract "Martin’s Spring", formerly in Frederick County but then in Washington County, MD, 177 acres with houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, waterways, timber, etc. Indenture written 7 Jan 1802 by Henry NEFF to Hannah NEFF, both of Baltimore Co, MD, for $1,333.33, tract "Friendship Completed", 200 acres, previously conveyed by William ROBERTS in Oct 1756; and also part "Rochester", 17 1/2 acres, previously conveyed by Charles CARROLL of Carrollton on 8 Nov 1790. By 12 Apr 1844, George TRUMBO had divided the Carroll Co, MD land into 15 lots and sold to the highest bidders: Lewis TRUMBO (2 lots), Jacob RIGHTER, Daniel CASSELL, Jacob GROVE (7 lots including the largest one of 64 acres), Jacob BEAVER, Benjamin DAVIS, Basil HAYDEN and Jacob RENAULD. The outcome of the Washington Co, MD property is uncertain. [MdHR 17,898-11359-1/3; MSA S 512-11184; Loc 1-39-04-07, 29 Jan 1841] ============================
  • PERRY Elizabeth PERRY - Estate - 30 Jan 1802 - Washington County Slaves - MOLL, CLARE [MSA S512-1255; 1/36/1/33-1187] ============================
  • REYNOLDS - ORME Charles REYNOLDS vs Jeremiah ORME - Contract to sell - 23 May 1791 - Montgomery County LAND - "Friendship Inlarged" and Slaves - NELL, JACOB, NED [MSA 17,898-4261 MSA S512-6- 4383 Location: 1/37/1/] ============================
  • RUSSELL, NORWOOD, GAITHER William RUSSELL vs Belt NORWOOD and Elijah GAITHER - Petition to Record Mortgage - 19 Jan 1788 - Anne Arundel County for Slaves - DOLL, BOLT, JACOB [MSA 17,898-4262 MSA S512-6- 4384 Location: 1/37/1/] ============================
  • SIM - LEE Philip Richard FENDALL vs Joseph Sim PATRICK - Title to Slaves - 15 Jun 1790 Richard LEE, dec'd, of Charles County Administrator was Philip Richard FENDALL of Alexandria, VA Patrick SIM was indebted to estate of Richard LEE and bill of sale was to be made by SIM for a 6-year-old bay gelding and his Slaves, some of which are named: JOHN, CHARLES, NAT, MOSES, BILLY, JAMES, TOM, WILL, NAT s/o BILLY, JACK s/o NAT, NELL, KATE, SAL, MARY, JENNY, HENNY, YOUNG HENNY, MAGDALEN, NANCY and BETT and all others in his possession. Patrick SIM executed bill of sale of Negroes to Joseph SIM and Patrick Sim SMITH with date of 6 May 1790. FENDALL is disputing this document and claims it to be fraudulent as Patrick SIM was at FENDALL's house that day in Alexandria, Virginia and Joseph SIM was in PG Co. (not recorded) [MSA S512-1848; 1/36/2/41-1770] ============================
  • SNOWDEN, ODEN, WHITE James WHITE vs Nancy SNOWDEN, Richard SNOWDEN, Thomas SNOWDEN and Benjamin ODEN - Injunction - 1806 - Montgomery County Against Execution of Judgment on Slaves - JUDAH, JOHN and MARY [MSA 17,898-5512 MSA S512-7- 5631 Location: 1/37/2/] ============================
  • THOMPSON - Estate - Sep 1787 - Montgomery County John THOMPSON d/ 5 Mar 1751, planter, will dtd 25 Sep 1748 (spelled Thomson) in province of MD widow - Yacomintye; leaving his children s/ William THOMPSON b/ 11 Mar 1739 s/ Cornelius THOMPSON b/ 20 Mar 1741 s/ John THOMPSON b/ 13 Dec 1743 d/ Ann b/ 1 Sep 1746 (later m/ Angus McDONALD d/ before 1787) Numerous land tracts were divided amongst all four children with his wife as executrix. Witnesses: William McKAY, Nicholas GARRETT and Mary MORFY. LAND - "Thompson's Hop Yard", "Derby Island", and "Fair Island". Inventory of John Thompson dated 8 Aug 1751 listed as: Negro Slaves: CATE, BEN, PEGG, GEORGE, PETER and NAN Also listed is James PEARRE as creditor with Mary PEARRE as nearest kin; and Christopher LOWNDES as creditor and Cornelius ELTING as nearest kin. Isaac ELTING was administrator of John THOMPSON's estate, but Isaac ELTINGE d/ 9 Jun 1756 (or 1 Oct 1756), testate widow - Mary (later rmarried John CARY) s/ Cornelius (only child at writing of will but made provisions for others if be). sis/ Elizabeth KERRIC sis/ Iacomintye THOMPSON, dec'd .......her children - William, Cornelius, John and Anna. Will dated 18 Mar 1756 Execs/ Rudolph ELTING and Mary ELTING Witnesses: John KIMBOL, Thomas BEATTY Jr and William BARNS. LAND - "Darby Island", "Mill Curn", "Fair Island", "Hills", "Invention", "Sinicor Foard" (Seneca Ford?), "Fortun", "Mill Road", "Isaac Eltinge", "Eltinge Chains", "Grubby Hill", and "Partnership", all in Frederick County; - "Frogg Island" at mouth of Rock Creek. Mill is on land at Rock Creek, which wife and Rodolphus ELTINGE as executors are asked to sell. Inventory of Isaac ELTINGER dated Jan 1758 included the following: Negro Slaves: LEACH, ANN, JACK, TOM, MARGARET, HANNAH, PETER, DAW, JOE, NANN, DINAH, CATE, and another CATE. Rudolph ELTING died 1 Sep 1760 leaving his widow, Sarah, as administrator as he had no will. Sarah ELTING took possession of all the property including that in trust for the children of John THOMPSON and received profits from it from the time of Rudolph's death until about 1 Aug 1761 when she intermarried with Col. Josias CLAPHAM (also spelled CLAPPIN). Distribution of Isaac ELTING's estate: - widow, 1/3 - Elizabeth FERRIE, 1/3 - Four THOMPSON heirs. Copy of indenture for lease of 7 years for 600 pounds of tobacco yearly to Isaac ELTINGER, millar, by William TRACY, planter, both of Frederick County for "Derby Island" lying between Walter EVENS and Cornelius ELTINGER on Potomac River; witnessed by Rodof ELTINGER dated 2 Mar 1750. Isaac also had another indenture for lease dated 11 Mar 1751 with Thomas BREASTER, planter of Fairfax Co, Virginia. William JONES made agreement with Sarah ELTINGE for the plantation at the Mill on 17 Jul 1761. Zachariah ELLIS gave testimony at this time regarding "Fair Island" and walnut timber. [MdHR 17, 898-834-1/5; Loc 1-36-1-1; dtd 22 Sep 1787] ============================
  • TRAMMEL - MACKALL - DELASHMUTT Ralph BRISCOE and w/ Sarah of Frederick County and Samson TRAMMEL of Montgomery County - Land Dispute - 20 Jan 1797 John TRAMMEL, dec'd (Will 1 Jan 1784; 24 Feb 1784) friend - William DROWN/BROWN Sr. - tract "Trammell’s Conoy Islands" (at lower end of plantation now in tenure of John UNGLESBY, on the bank of Potomack River) housekeeper - Cumfort WALKER (monies) nurse - Jemima TRACEY (monies) sister - Milcah PEARSON (100 acres of land and improvements) grand-daughter - Susannah MACKALL d/o James MACKALL, dec'd (all lands lying in Fairfax Co, VA, except for the 100 acres to Milcah; but upon Milcah’s death, to go to Susannah). Also, all the lands in Louden Co, VA purchased from William GLADDING with mill, etc; and all lands in Louden Co, VA, lying upon Clerk’s Run, purchased from John HANBY and Margaret ST CLARE, where John TUCKER and Thomas EDELEN now live. Also, part of lands called "Broken Islands"; also 1/4 of copper mines and lands purchased from Stephen RICHARDS;
    Slaves - negro woman LYE and
    her four children - PRISS, SINER, JACOB and AIREY
    daughter - Sarah (Trammel) w/o Lindsey DELASHMUTT (lands) grandson - Trammel DELASHMUTT (Conoy Island on Potowmack and timber and other lands; also
    Slaves - negro woman ISSABELA and her seven children:
    Executors were Lindsey DELASHMUTT and w/ Sarah. Witnesses: Josiah CLAPHAM, John STEER, Isaac STEER, William JENKENS and Samuel S. THOMAS. On 19 Feb 1783, John YOUNG of Frederick County sold to John TRAMMEL, now deceased, 2 acres of "Duke’s Woods" which is a mill seat along with other rights, but land was not conveyed. John YOUNG, farmer, sold part of "Duke’s Woods", 95 acres, to William HOWARD, now deceased, on 7 Dec 1784, which land overlaps Trammel’s. William HOWARD, dec'd, farmer widow - Martha and 6 children, s/ Cornelius HOWARD d/ Ann HOWARD, now w/o Ellis HART d/ Elizabeth HOWARD, now w/o Richard BRIGHTWELL s/ Benjamin HOWARD d/ Margaret Young HOWARD, minor s/ Richard HOWARD, minor The widow was given 1/3 and land bought of John YOUNG. (Will 14 May 1786; 19 Jun 1786) Executors were the widow and son Cornelius. Witnesses: Joseph WOOD, Henry HARTSOOK, and Jonathan WOOD. (not recorded) [MSA S512- 447; 1/35/5/54-392] ============================
  • WILSON - RILEY - WORTHINGTON - DAVIS George RILEY and Sarah RILEY vs William WORTHINGTON, Ann WORTHINGTON, Leonard DAVIS, Mary DAVIS, Joseph W. DAVIS, William R. DAVIS, Leonard G. DAVIS, Thomas W. DAVIS, Samuel G. DAVIS, Nancy W. DAVIS, Clementine DAVIS and Aquilla DAVIS - Estate - 30 Aug 1796 - Montgomery County Estate of Joseph WILSON LAND - "Two Brothers", "Valentine's Garden", "Discontent" and "Advantage". Slaves - GARMOTH, PETER, CAESAR, SARAH, LUCE, DARKE, FLORA, SOOK, JUDE, SANGO, TENE, ANTHONY, PEGG, CATO, JACOB, BECK, BASH, FULLER, GEORGE, CLEM, JO, RACHAEL, FEEBE, HANNAH, DOLL, JIM, PAGE, NELL, YARROW, ELICK, MAGO, ISAAC, JIM [MSA 17,898-4277-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4399 Location: 1/37/1/] ============================
  • WILLSON - BRADDOCK, etc Horace WILLSON vs John BRADDOCK, John ADAMSON, William WILLSON, and Matthew MURRAY - Injunction - 25 Oct 1826 - Montgomery County Injunction against sale of SLAVES [MSA 17,898-12207 MSA S512-15-12021 Location: 1/39/4/] ============================
  • WOODWARD, BRENGLE, etc Jacob BRENGLE vs Abraham WOODWARD, Stephen BASFORD, Harry G. WATERS, Henry SMITH, Thomas BURGER and Miles BURGER - Petition to Sell - 11 May 1816 - Frederick County LAND - Lot in New Market Slaves - HARRY, CHARLES, HANNAH [MSA S512- 6712; 1/37/4/26-6660; 2 folders] ============================

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