Baltimore County

Will of John Whitacre 1713

Will of John Whitacre of Baltimore County, Dated 27 Nov 1713

I Jno. Whitticar of Baltimore County being sicke & weake in Body but in p.fect sence & memory doe appoint this to be my Last Will & Testiment, utterly revoak all other wills what so ever either by writing or other ways & this to be taken for my Last Will and no other.

Item. I give & bequeath my Soul to God that gave it & my body to be decently buried by those whome I shall appoint my true & Lawful exr.s. It. I desire that all my just debts that I owe to any p.son in ye world be justly & duly pay'd by those whome I appoint my Exr.s. Item. I give & bequeath unto my son Jno: Witticar & son Charles Witticar all my Right title & Interest of and in a certain tract of land called or known by ye name Witticars Ridge being by Pattent 250 to be equally Divided between ye sd Jno: Witticar & Charles Witticar & ye sd Land to hold to them & their heirs forever, Item I give & bequeath unto my son Peter Witticar & my son Abraham Witticar all my Right to a certain tract of Land known by ye name of ye inlargemt: & to be equally Divided between ye sd Peter & Abraham Witticar & ye same to hold to them & their heirs for ever. It. I give & bequeath unto my son Isaac Witticar & my Dear & Loving Wife & the Child she goes wth: all, all my Right & Title to a certain Tract of Land whereon I now live & known by ye name of Witticars Ridge by pattent containing 150 acres of Land & ye same to be equily Divided between ye Isaac Witticar & Mary Witticar & ye child she goes w:th all & ye same to hold to them & their heirs for ever & my Desire is that my son Isaac shall live w:th her that is my Dear & Loving wife until he comes of ye full age of mannority if she so long shall live & as for my P.sonall Estate my Desire is that after my just Debts be Duely pay'd that it will be equally Divided between my Daughter Eliza:th & Sarah & Hannah Witticar only I desire that my son Jno: & Charles may have ye two young horses known by ye names of Prince & Wise as they are appraised & Jno: have it first Choyce. Lastly I do appoint my Dear & Loving wife Mary Witticar & my son Jno: Witticar to be my whole & Sole Exrs of this my Last Will & Testamt: In wittness thereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seals ye Day & Year first above written.

the marke of Jno: Witticar

Signed Sealed & Delivered in ye p.sence of us
ye marke of Jno: Macomus
ye marke of Tho:s Ramsey
ye marke of Edw:d Harry

and on ye back was Endorsed.
On ye 23:d Xber 1713 came Jno: Macomus & Tho:s Ramsey & in common forms proved ye above will before Rich:d Colegate Dep:ty Con:sr Balt: Co:

Contributed by Lisbeth Cramer
Source: (Liber 13, Folio 639 & 640)

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