Baltimore County

Will of Daniel Scott 1745

Last Will and Testatment of DANIEL SCOTT, of Baltimore Co., MD, Proved 15 April 1745

p. 81
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Daniel Scott of Baltimore County and province of Maryland being sick and weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory Blefsed by God for the same do ... in the year of Our Lord God one thousand ... [language missing at bottom of copy]

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First I Commend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it me and my Body to the earth from whence it Came to be buried in a Christian and Decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as for what worldly goods and Estate it hath pleased God to blefs me with I give and dispose of the same in manner and forme following that is to say

First I give unto my loving wife Elizabeth Scott my now Dwelling plantation and the Land thereunto belonging that is to say Scott's Improvement Enlarged Containing three hundred and ninety acres of Land and One hundred acres Joyning thereunto that I Bought of Michael Taylor being part of a Tract of Land Called [illegible] during her Natural life she making no waste Spoil or Distruction thereon nor no other person or persons whatsoever during her Natural life and from and after her Decease I give and divise the same unto my son Daniel Scott and to him his heirs and afsignes for Ever and I also give and bequeath unto the Said Daniel Scott one hundred acres of Land Called Scotts Clafe which I Bought of James and Edward Meedr lying upon the given Line of a Tract of Land Called Majors Choice to him his heirs and afsigns for Ever.

Secondly I give and Devife unto my son James Scott two Tracts of Land lying on the west side of the Northern fork of wintors run that is to say one Tract Called James Forrest Containing Two hundred and Sixteen acres and the addition to James Forrest Containing three hundred and forty acres of Land lying and Joyning unto the said James Forrest to him and his heirs and afsignes for Ever.

Thirdly, I give and Devife unto my son Acquila Scott five parcels of land that is to say four hundred acres being part of a Tract of land Called Beals Camp I Likewise Give and Devife unto my son Acquila Scott Two hundred acres of land being part of a Tract of Land Called Scotts Hopewell I Give and Devife unto my son Acquila Scott a Tract of Land Called Trust being the Tract that my Old Quarter is Settled on Containing One hundred acres of Land. I Give and devife unto my son Acquila Scott a Tract of Land Called the Addition to trust Containing Seventy five acres lying and Joyning on the head of the aforesaid Trust I Give and devife unto my son Acequila Scott a Tract of land called Scotts range Containing One Hundred and Eighty acres of land I Give and Devife the aforesaid five parcels of Land amounting to Nine Hundred and fifty five acres of Land unto him & his Heirs and Afigns for ever.

Fourthly I Give and Devife unto my son Saniel Scott a Tract  [language missing from copy]
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of Gunpowder River Between Salt Petter Creek and a Creek Called Sinecur Creek to him and his heirs lawfully begotten and to them and their heirs for Ever.

Fifthly I Give unto my loving wife Elizabeth Scott four Negroes Viz Negro Sambo Negro Hercules Negro Phillis and Negro Pegg during her Natural life and from and after her Deceafe and from and after her Deceafe (sic!) then Sambo and Phillis I give to my son James Scott and his heirs and after my said wifes deceafe I Give Pegg to my son Acquila Scott.

Sixthly I Give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Scott two Negroes that is to say old Mingo and his wife Marria.

Seventhly I give and bequeath unto my Son James Scott Two Negroes that is to Say Sampson and young Marria.

Eighthly I give and Bequeath to my Son Acquila Scott Two Negroes; one Negroe Called Jack and one Negroe Called Nero.

Ninthly I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bond Junr. Twenty five pounds Sterling in Lieu of a Negro.

Tenthly I give unto my Daughter Hannah Wife of Edward Norris one Negro Woman called Jenny.

Eleventhly I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Wife of Thomas Wheeler one Negro Man Called Mingo.

Twelthly I I give unto my Daughter Martha Wife of Daniel Maccaman one Negro Man Called Tobee.

Thirteenthly I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Scott one Negroe Negro Woman Called Sheba and one Negro girl Called Sall Daughter of the Said Sheebae.

Fourteenthly I give unto my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Scott Daughter of Daniel Scott and Hannah his wife one Negro girl Called Dinah.

Fifteenthly I give unto my grand son Daniel Scott Son of James Scott and Ann his Wife one Negro boy Called Caesar.

Sixteenthly I Give unto my Grand Daughter Martha Scott Daughter of Acquila Scott and Elizabeth his wife one Negro boy Called Sampson. [language omitted from copy]
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Eighteenthly I Give unto my son Daniel Scott all the horses Cattle and hoggs that are on the plantation where the said Daniel doth now live which property doth belong to me and that he the said Daniel shall not Enjoy any more of my Estate Either real or personal.

And Further my will is that after all parts of my will is Complyed with and my Just debts paid and the widows third is taken Out of my personall Estate that then the remaining part of my Estate be Equally Devided amongst my Children hereafter named including what my Daughters have already received at the price set Down in my Book that is to say my Daughter Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bond Junr. and my Daughter Hannah Wife of Edward Norris and my daughter Sarah wife of Thomas Wheeler and my daughter Martha wife of Daniel Maccammon and my sons James Scott and my son Acquila Scott and my Daughter Mary Scott 

And further my will is that Thomas Wheeler Daniel Maccaman Daniel Scott and James Scott be my Trustees and sole Executors to see this my last will and Testament Justly Executed According to the True Interest and meaning thereof As WITNESS my hand and seal the Day and year within written 

Dan.el Scott Senr. (seal)

Signed sealed publifhed and declared by the said Daniel Scott Senr. to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us
Robert Mchilwain
Samuel Durham
James W. Whittiker
his Mark

To which will was thus written Viz Robert Mackilwaine Samuel Durham and James Whiteaker the subscribting WITNESSES to the foregoing will being duly and Solemly sworn on the holy Evangels of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the Testator Daniel Scott sign the foregoing and heard him publish and Declared the same to be his last will and Testament that at the Time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound disposing mind and memory and that they subscribed their respective names as Witnefses to the said will in the presence of the said Testator and at his request Which Oath was Taken by the said Witnefses in the presence of Daniel Scott heir at law who did not Object to the probat of the said will. April ye 15th 1745.
Thos. White Dep. Comry.
Balt. County

Contributed by Sandy Rowe
Source: Date of Record 1745, Vol. 24 Pg. 81-84

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