Baltimore County

Will of Richard Gwin 1692

Last Will & Testament of RICHARD GWIN of Patapsco, Baltimore Co., Dated 13 Sept 1692, Proved 1 Nov 1692

In the Name of God Amen the 13th day of September Anno Dom: 1692. I Richard Gwin of Patapsco River in Balomore County being Sick & Weak in body, but of Sound & Perfect memory praise be given to god for the Same & knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth & being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last Will & Testament in mannor & form following that is to say first & principally I Commend my Soul to Allmighty God my Creator assuredly believing that I shall recieve(?) full pardon & _____ _____ of all my sins(?) & be saved by the precious death & _____ of my Blessed Saviour & ____ _____ Christ Jesus & my body to the Earth from whence it was ___ to be buried in ____ decent & Christian Mannor after my Executor hereafter named Shall be thought moot(?) and Conn___ & of _____ such Worldly effects as the Lord in Mercy hath lent(?) me I do order give & dissposse of same in manner & form following that is to say first I will that all those debts & duties(?) as I owe & Right or Con____ to any manner of Person or Persons whatsoever whall be well & truly conducted & paid or ordayned to be paid within Conveniant after my decease by my Executor hereafter named -

First I do give & bequeath to my Son Thomas Gwin & his heirs for Ever the plantation whereon I dwell with all that land belonging with Same to be possessed with it at twenty one years of age not before -

Item I do give & bequeath unto my Son Thomas Gwin A Point of land lying on the north side of _oops _rooks Containing Sixty Acres Being part of a piece of land I bought of Richard Johns called Brandan to him & his heirs for ever.

Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Lorkitt & her heirs for ever all the remaining part of the said land called Brandan She already liviing upon Part of it only ____ Sixty acres above bequeathed to my Son Thomas Gwin.

Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Ellinor Gwin a piece of land lying up the middle falls of Patapsco River called Newtown to her & her heirs forever.

Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter in law Ann Cornwell a ____ of land lyiing at the Road of _oop _rooks called Gwins farm to her & her heirs forever & one ___ ___ before to be _____ imediately after my decease for her use & her ___ forever.

Item I give & bequeath unto my Son in law John Lorkitt all my wearing apparill. The(?) linen(?) & wollon(?) ____Gun called Roger.

Item The remaining part of my Estate be it of money Plats(?) Goods Chaatles or C____ my will & desire is after my just Debts be truly contented(?) & payed that my loving wife Hannah Gwin have one third part & sd other two thirds to be equally divided amongst all my Children.

Item Lastly I do make & ordain my Son in law Jno. Lorkitt to be my whole Executor of this my last will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written.

Richard Gwin

Witnesses: Henry Chappell, Rich'd Robinson, Katharine Robinson, Ralph Barrow

Contributed by Dawn Warner Bailey
Note: This will is incorrectly stated to be that of Richard Green in the Maryland Calendar of Wills.
Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD: Liber 6, folio 39, rear of book (microfilm #SR4402)

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