Baltimore County

Orphans Court - A - E

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County, letters of administration on the estate of Rachel Adams, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of November, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of April 1889. Harry E. Mann, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 13 Apr 1889

The will of Isabel Ady was probated in the Orphans' Court. The testatrix leaves to her sisters, Priscilla and Cassandra Ady $250 each, ? horse and carriage for the joint use of both. The balance of the estate is left to the Sisters of Mercy, of Baltimore city. The will provides trust? in the event of the testatrix's death, before the Harford county property, on which her mother, sisters and brother reside, is sold, no action shall be taken by the residuary? devisee to compel the sale. It is the testatrix's will that her mother, sisters and brother enjoy the property as long as they desire, but, when the property is sold or divided, her interest in it shall go to the Sisters of Mercy. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 16, 1895

In the Orphans' Court letters were granted to Samuel J. Ady on the estate of Isabel Ady. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 4, 1896

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to Anna M. Lawson, of New York city, on the estate of Anna C. Ahrens. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 May 1893

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Mary Aiela, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 20th day of July, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 16th day of December, 1890. Joshua G. Bosley, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 20 Dec 1890

The will of Charles Akehurst, late of Mt. Washington, was admitted to probate on Wednesday. He bequeaths his property to his widow and names her as executor, without bond. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 Dec 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Charles Akehurst to Martha E. Akehurst, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 March 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Charles Akehurst to Martha E. Akehurst, executrix. (sic. note: this is as it was in the paper. The 7 March 1903 notice Martha Akehurst administratrix, while the second made her executrix. it is unknown if the court was wrong in issuing the letters or if the paper was wrong in reporting what letters were issued. A will could have also been found and letters testamentary would have to be issued to make her an executrix.) –– Baltimore County Union, 14 March 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William T. Akehurst to Robert G. Akehurst, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 4 Oct 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Jehu A. Alban to O. Parker Baker and George H. Alban, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 24 May 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William A. Aldrich to Joseph Verdin, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 April 1903

Letters testamentary were granted this week to Thomas Henry Algire on the estate of his father, Jacob Algire. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 7, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Jacob Algire to Lucy A. Algire, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union. 8 Aug 1903

The will of Jacob Algire was probated on Wednesday. He gives to his widow all of his property of every kind except a 3-year-old colt, which shall go to his son, Claude Algire. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Aug 1903

The will of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, late of the 4?th district, provides that all her property be divided equally among her children. Letters testamentary have been granted to the testator's son, Luther E. P. Allen. –– Baltimore Democrat, 19 January 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Allender, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of December, 1870, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 31st day of May, 1870.Walter T. Allender, Executor –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 July 1870

Letters of administration were granted to Sarah C. Almony on the estate of Benjamin Almony. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 1, 1896

Letters of administration were granted to Mary A. Alt on the estate of William E. Alt. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Sept 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William R. Altenburg to Charles Pielert, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 10 May 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Amelia Dimling and John Grason on the estate of William F. Altevogt. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 20, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphan's Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Ann Elizabeth Anderson, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of January, 1889. Thomas J. Hunter, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 12 Jan 1889

In the matter of the Estate of Aquila B. Anderson. John S. Curtis, vs. Levi A. Slade, And Others. In Circuit Court For Baltimore County. In Equity. Ordered by the Court this 31st day of August, 1858, that the Trustees in this cause give notice in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, for three successive weeks, before the 21st September next, notifying the creditors of Aquila B. Anderson, deceased, to file their claims against his estate, duly authenticated, wit the Clerk of this Court, on or before the first day of November, 1858. Jno. H. Price. True copy Test: Geo. H. Carman, Clerk. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 4 Sept 1858

Notice. The creditors of Aquila B. Anderson, deceased, and collectors for all arrearages of taxes, are hereby notified to file their claims against his estate, duly authenticated, wit the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, on or before the 1st day of November, 1858, John S. Curtis, Levi A. Slade, Trustees. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 11 Sept 1858

Letters of administration were also granted to Frank E. Anderson on the estate of George L. Anderson. (George Lucas Anderson died 17 Jan 1896, the son of Leonard Anderson and Rebecca Lucas) –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 22, 1896

Letters were granted on the personal estate of James M. Anderson to Mary E. Anderson, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 27 June 1903

I hereby give notice to the creditors of the late John Anderson, to file their claims with the auditor of Baltimore county Circuit Court, with legal vouchers, on or before the 1st day of June next. Levi A. Slade, Trustee. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 3 April 1858

The will of Orrick Anderson was also filed. The testator bequeaths all his property to his wife, Mary E. Anderson, for life. Upon her death the property is to be divided among his three children. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 Jan 1894

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Phebe Anderson, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 2d day of April, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 28th day of Sept., 1858. Joseph G. Dance, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 2 Oct 1858

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Thomas S. Anderson, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 16th day of March, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 13th day of August, 1890.Martha Jane Anderson, Executrix. –– Maryland Journal, 16 August 1890

Letters of administration were granted to John F. Gore, on the estate of W. H. F. Anderson. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 2, 1897

The will of the late Samuel Appold, of Lutherville, has ben admitted to probate. He bequeaths $30,000 in trust to each of his two nieces, Susan C. and Julia T. Von Reisen, $25,000 to his nephew, Samuel A. Von Reisen, a house on K street, Washington, to his brother-in-law, Lemuel Towers, and the income from $10,000 to Julia A. Appold, the widow of his son Howard. All the remainder is left to his two sons and three daughters, share and share alike. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 1 July 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Catharine Armacost to William L. Armacost, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 28 Feb 1903

Letters of administration have been granted to George W. Armacost on the estate of George Armacost. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 19, 1898

H. Sherman Armacost in his will leaves his wife, Emma B. Armacost, one-half of all his money; the other half to be divided among his children. He also left his wife $3,00 and some specified articles of personality and an interest in the realty until the youngest child is 21 years of age. It will then be equally divided among all his children. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of H. Sherman Armacost to Emma B. Armacost, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 July 1902

The will of H. Sherman Armacost, late of the 5th district, was admitted to probate this week. He disposes of his property as follows: To his widow, Emma, one-half of all moneys, mortgages and personal securities which he had at his death, $3,000 and one-half of the personal chattels which he did not otherwise specifically devise and the right to live in his dwelling house and on his farm until their youngest child becomes of age. The remainder of his property is to be divided among his children, should they live to attain the age of 21, but if they all die before that time then the entire property to go to the widow. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 July 1902

The will of Mr. Jabez Armacost, ex-treasurer of this county, was probated Wednesday. Letters were granted to the testator s son, Augustus Armacost. William E. Armacost, another son, was also named as executor, but he renounced the trust. Bond was fixed at $1,800. The testator left $?00 and some furniture to his son William E. Armacost. All the remainder of his estate is to be divided among William Armacost and his three other children, who are Augustus Armacost, Jane, wife of Edward L. Hook, and Ellen, wife of William L. Towson. The will was executed December 15, 1893, and was witnessed by John Schultz, Lewis Martin and Thomas Kelbaugh. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Jan 1894

Letters of administration were granted to Elizabeth F. Armacost on the estate of Thomas L. Armacost. Bond was filed in $4000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 23, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration D. B. N., on the estate of Christopher Armat, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 21st day of February, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 21st day of Aug., 1858.
Christopher Armat, Administrator D. B. N. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 21 Aug 1858

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Mary E. Armat, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 21st day of February, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 17th day of Aug. 1858. Christopher Armat, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 21 August 1858

Administrator s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court for Baltimore county, the undersigned administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Armat, late of said county, deceased, will sell on Tuesday 21st September, at 10 o clock, A. M., all the personal property of said deceased, remaining on the farm, about 4 miles from Baltimore, between the Falls Turnpike and the Charles Street Avenue, to wit: one Horse and Carriage, one Cow, Hay, Corn, Wagons, Carts, Farming Implements, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. Chr. Armat, Administrator. Terms cash, in bankable money. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 11 Sept 1858

ARMOR, Rachel
Letters of Administration have been granted to Josephine Armor on the estate of Rachel Armor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 12, 1898

The will of John Atkinson was filed for probate Wednesday in the Orphans' Court. He bequeaths his property to his sister Mary Kay, during her life, and after her death to her son, Joseph Atkinson. –– Baltimore County Democrat, June 18, 1898

Letters of administration were granted to Harry V. Augustus on the estate of Victorine P. Augustus. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 7 July 1894

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of John Aulbach, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of December, 1870, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 22d day of June, 1870. Catharine Aulbach, Administratrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 July 1870

The late Edward Austen, of Glencoe, in his will, left all of his estate to his wife, who will settle his estate. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 16 Dec 1893

The will of Mr. Edward Austen, of Glencoe, this county, was admitted to probate Tuesday in the Orphans Court. Letters testamentary were granted to Mrs. Mary M. Austen, widow of the testator, and to his son-in-law, Mr. Richard M. Hodge, of Philadelphia. Mr. Austen directs in his will that to each of his children who survive him be given one of the Bibles used by him during his lifetime, the eldest daughter to have the Bible containing the family records, and the other children to make choice of Bibles according to age. Mr. Austen says: I express very earnest hope that they will daily study the book, placing implicit and childlike faith in all its statements as the Word of God, and I humbly trust that by His grace they may be made heirs to an inheritance eternal in the heavens, and that fadeth not away. To his widow the testator leaves absolutely all the remainder of his estate, together with the proceeds of all his life insurance policies in effect at the time of his death. The widow and Mr. Richard M. Hodge are appointed executrix and executor without bond, and are not to be held liable for errors of judgment in the administration of the trust reposed in them. No inventory is to be made of the household effects. The will was made in 1886, and is witnessed by Wm. A. Hammond, Harry E.? Mann and J. Alex Seth. Mr. Mann is the only witness living and he was present and proved the will. Mr. Austen left three daughters. It is estimated that the estate is worth about a half a million dollars, mostly in lands, stocks and bonds. –– Baltimore County Union, 23 Dec 1893

An inventory of the personal estate of the late Edward Austen was made to the Court Wednesday. The total amount of chattels and stocks aggregate $90,162.40, with $2,550 cash in bank, making the whole amount $92,712.40. The chattels amounted to $21, 962.20 and the stocks to $68,200.20. The chattels included 187 cows, valued at $55 each, $6,545; 75 heifers at $20, $1,500; 21 work mules at $75 each, $1,575; 22 farm horses at $60 each, $1,320, and three carriage horses at $100 each, $300. The stocks included 26 shares Towson National Bank stock, $2,900; 200 shares Western Union Telegraph Company, $17,000; 50 shares Curtis Electric Manufacturing Company, $6,000; 148 shares Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, $12,?20; 100 shares Merchants Trust and Deposit Company, $5,000; certificate Assurance Lloyds of America, $5,000; mining stocks, $10,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 3 Feb 1894

The will of Mrs. Nannie Ax, widow of Christian Ax, has been admitted to probate. She makes the following disposition of her estate: Fifteen thousand dollars is bequeathed to her executors to be disposed of them in accordance with instructions heretofore given them. A codicil to the will gives the executors discretion in carrying out these instructions (which are not disclosed in the will). She says that as her stepdaughter, Marie, received $30,000 from her grandfather s estate, she, the testator, wishing to place her son Christian on an equal footing, she gives him $30,000 absolutely, and gives him one-half of the residue of her estate. The other half is left to the executors as trustees Christian Ax and George W. Gail, her brother in trust for her stepdaughter Marie, for her life. At her death, to her children, and if she dies childless and without descendants, then her share is to go to the testatrix s son Christian. She also directs that such portion of her estate as is at present invested in the firm of Gail & Ax shall remain there so long as it pays 5 per cent interest. –– Baltimore County Union, 16 Aug 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Rosetta Bachler to Mary Louisa Ruff, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 13 June 1903

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to Charles W. Bachmann on the estate of Elizabeth Bachmann. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 10 June 1893

The will of Samuel Bachtel was also filed. The testator leaves all his property to his children, and $50 to Bell Elliott, an employee. Mary Amanda Richardson, one of his daughters, is executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 12, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Martin Bacon, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 15th day of November, 1858, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 12th day of May, 1858. John Bacon, Executor. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 15 May 1858

In The Orphans Court Of Baltimore County. Ordered, by the Orphans Court of Baltimore County, this 12th day of February, 1902, that the sale of the real estate of Nancy Badders, deceased, made by W. Gill Smith, the Executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, and this day reported to this court by the said Executor, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before the 10th day of March, 1902, Provided a copy of this order be inserted in some weekly newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the said 10th day of March, 1902. The report states the amount of sales to be $350.00.
Melchor Hoshall,
Albert F. Brunier,
Louis W. Held, Judges.
True Copy Test: Harrison Rider, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

The will of the late Charles J. Baker was on Tuesday probated in the Orphans Court of this county. His estate is valued at $700,000. Of this amount, $230,000 is in real estate and improvements, and the balance in personal property. To his wife, Katie Baker, the testator bequeaths, in lieu of her dower, a de? Of $35,000, due by the Chemical Company of Canton, a number of ground rents, stocks, bonds, &c. He then makes a number of charitable bequests, and the balance of the property is to be divided into eight parts, and distributed as follows. One-eighth to each of his children William Baker, Charles E. Baker, George B. Baker, Bernard N. Baker, Richard J. Baker, Frank M. Baker, Ashby Lee Baker, Safe Deposit and Trust Company, in trust of his daughter, Mary H. Bradenbaugh. The country place, Tremont, containing eighteen acres, adjoining Athol, is included in the shares allotted to William Baker. The Safe Deposit and Trust Company is named as the executor, with power to continue the firm of Baker Bros. & Co. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 Oct 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Elizabeth J. Baker to William S. G. Baker, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 Dec 1902

The will of Peter K. Baker was left for probate. The testator bequeaths all his property to his children, Charlotte Burkhart, Mary Reybold and Henry H. Baker, the latter being a resident of Clark county, Ohio. Jno. I. Yellott is named as the executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 10 Feb 1894

This Is To Give Notice - That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Richard Baker, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 22d day of June, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 19th day of November, 1890. William M. Baker, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 6 Dec 1890

The late William H. Baldwin left a personal estate estimated to be worth $750,000. He died without a will. He was a manufacturer and a brother of Mr. Summerfield Baldwin. –– Baltimore County Union, 1 Nov 1902

The will of John Frederick Bahlke was probated. The testator bequeaths to his son, Frederick W. H. Bahlke, $25; to his daughter, Wilhelmina Enders, $175; to his son, William Bahlke, $200; to his daughter, Ida L. Gross, $500; to his granddaughter, Annie Gross, $100; to his grandson, William Gross, a watch and chain; to his granddaughter, Mary Gross, certain furniture and the remainder of his estate to his son-in-law, Frederick Gross. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 Jan 1894

Letters testamentary on the estate of John Frederick Bahlke were granted to Frederick Gross, son-in-law of the testator, who was required to give $2,000 bond. Mr. Bahlke left money bequests to his two sons and two daughters and also to several grandchildren. All the remainder of the estate goes to Frederick Gross, husband of his daughter, Ida L. Mrs. Gross gets $500, the testator s son, William, gets $200, his son, Frederick W. H., $25 and his daughter, Wilhelmina Enders, wife of Conrad Enders, $175. If any of the legatees dispute or attack the will they are not to get anything. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Jan 1894

In the Orphans Court letters of administration were granted this week to Eli Bailey on the estate of Frederick Bailey. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 21 July 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Elizabeth Z. Baker to William S. G. Baker, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 23 May 1903

The will of the late Mrs. Agnes Eldridge Ball, of Catonsville, has been filed in the office of the Register of Wills. It directs that the estate of the testatrix shall be held in trust by her brother, Erwin James Eldridge, of Americus, Ga, the income to be paid to her husband, Philip A. Ball. Upon the death of the husband the trustee is to turn over the entire estate to the two nephews of the testatrix, Griffith Morgan Eldridge and Archibald Rondaldson Eldridge. The will provides that in case of the death of the nephews leaving no heirs, the property is to be turned over to Erwin James Eldridge. Legacies of $500 each are left to Emily Howard Ball and Roberta Lee Ball, children of Philip A. Ball. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 2 June 1894

An opinion has been filed by Judge Dennis, in the Circuit Court, of Baltimore, construing the will of Daniel B. Banks, who died January 20, 1875, leaving an estate valued at about $500,000. The question before the court was as to the operation of the proviso in the will as to the share of Frank Godwin, grandson of the testator, who died under the age of twenty-one years. Judge Dennis holds that the proviso is good, and that the share of the grandson was diverted by his death to the heirs of Daniel B. Banks. The court also holds that the interest of Andrew Banks, son of the testator, in the share of Frank Godwin did not pass to the trustee in insolvency of Andrew Banks. The case will be taken to the Court of Appeals. Mr. Banks owned valuable property both in Baltimore county and city. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

Letters of administration were granted to Reuben Jones on the estate of William Barnes. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

Letters of administration were granted to Jefferson Davis Norris on the estate of Shadrack Banks. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 January 1894

This Is To Give Notice, that the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration C. T. A. on the estate of Samuel Barnes, late of said county deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 25th day of June, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Gives under my hand (as in paper) this 21st day of Dec., 1858. Susan Barnes, Sheppard A. Leakin, Administrators C. T. A. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 25 Dec 1858

This Is To Give Notice. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of William Barnes, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 2d day of November, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of April, 1893. Reuben Jones, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 May 1893

The will of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles R. Barnett, U.S. Army, was admitted to probate in the Orphans court at Towson on Wednesday. It is dated June 5, 1893, and is a very short document in which he bequeaths everything to his wife. There are two papers or memoranda even shorter, and which were evidently also intended to indicate the testator s intention in disposing of his property. They are dated, respectively, August 3, 1896, and May 10, 1902. They were substantially the same as the instrument which was admitted to probate. In the will no executor is named, and Mrs. Barnett, having renounced the right to administer, letters of administration c. t. a. were granted to the Safe Deposit and Trust Company, which filed a bond for $200,000, indicating the value of the estate to be $100,000. Mrs. Barnett is a daughter of the late Samuel M. Shoemaker, of Burnside, Green Spring Valley. –– Baltimore County Union, 26 July 1902

Order Of Publication. In The Matter Of The Trust Estate Of Joshua Barnett. In The Circuit Court For Baltimore County, In Equity.
The object of this petition is to bring into this case all of the children of Martha Ann Oler, deceased. The petition shows that the said Martha Ann Oler after she was made a party to the above case and duly summoned to appear thereto departed this life bearing three children Jacob Oler, who is a nonresident of the State of Maryland and resides from the best information in the State of Iowa; Edward Oler, who lives in Baltimore county, and Lavina Oler, who resides in Harford county, and the petition also shows that under the Deed of Trust of Joshua Barnett to R.R. Boarman the mother of said children was entitled to a sister s part of the proceeds of the real estate directed to be sold by the Trustee under said Deed of Trust she being a sister of said Joshua, and the portion of the land of said Joshua Barnett, located in Baltimore county, has been sold by said Trustee for $6,000.00, and that the aforesaid children are properly parties to the above entitled cause to participate in the distribution of the same after payments of debts.
It is thereupon, on this 18th day of October, A.D. 1889, by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County ordered that notice be given to Jacob Oler, a party entitled to a portion in said proceeds and who is absent out of the State of Maryland by causing a copy of this order to be published for at least four successive weeks before the day hereinafter mentioned in some newspaper published in Baltimore County, such notice containing the object and substance of this bill, warning them to appear in this Court in person, or by solicitor, on or before the 4th day of December next, to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be made a party to said cause as made.
John W. Shanklin, Clerk
True Copy Test: John W. Shanklin, Clerk –– Maryland Journal, 19 Oct 1889

Letters of administration were granted Tuesday to John W. Smith and Wm. H. Smith on the estate of Julia Barron. –– Baltimore County Democrat March, 16, 1895

- Upon the petition of Ruxton M. Ridgely, administrator of Julia Barron, the Orphans' Court revoked the letters of administration granted to him heretofore. In his petition Mr. Ridgely ? that there are near relatives of the deceased who are entitled to administer, and that the deceased married James Parks, but was known as Julia Barron for thirty years prior to her death. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 23 Mar 1895

Letters of administration were granted Wednesday by the Orphans Court to Edward N. Rich on the personal estate of Mrs. Rebecca A. Barron, late of Reisterstown. (as in paper) –– Baltimore County Democrat, 5 Jan 1889

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court for Baltimore county letters testamentary on the estate of Rebecca A. Barron, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 5th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 2d day of January, 1889. Edward N. Rich, Executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 5 Jan 1889

In the Orphans court letters of administration were granted this week to Charles F. Barton and Frederick Schutz on the estate of Wm. T. Barton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 7 Oct 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of August H. Bartscher to Frank Bartscher, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Nov 1902

Letters have been granted to Caroline Bassler on the estate of Andrew Bassler. By the will of Andrew Bassler all his property is left to his wife, Caroline Bassler, during her life, and at her death it is to be equally dived among her six children. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 9 June 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Martin Bates to Sarah Jane Bates, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 March 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Jacob Baublitz to Sarah E. Baublitz, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union 21 Nov 1903

William H. Baublitz and the other heirs of the late John Baublitz, of the Sixth district, by Noah Offutt, attorney, have instituted proceedings in equity for the sale of 123 acres of land belonging to the estate and for division of the proceeds among the heirs and creditors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, April 2, 1898

Letters of administration were granted to William F. Bauer on the estate of Alexander H. Bauer. –– Baltimore Democrat, 9 Feb 1895

Since the death of F. Joseph Bauer, of Perry Hall, who was declared of unsound mind by a jury, the court has revoked the power given to Justice Charles Brockmeyer to take charge of the person and property of Bauer, and Mr. Andrew G. Bowers, a son of the deceased, has been appointed administrator of the estate. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Aug 1903

In Baltimore County Orphans Court; July 21, 1858. Ordered, that the sale of the Real Estate of Michael Bauer, deceased, made by Elizabeth Bauer, the Executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the 22d day of September next, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some weekly newspaper published in Baltimore County, for three successive weeks, before the 23d day of August next. The report states the amount of sales to be $250.00 True Copy. Test: Jas. L. Ridgely, Register of Wills, Baltimore County. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 24 July 1858

The will of Mrs. Eva W. Baughman leaves her estate to her three children. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 Dec 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Frank R. Baugher on the personal estate of Eva W. Baugher. –– Baltimore County Union, 10 January 1903

Margaret S. Baughman directs her son-in-law, Louis F. Young, trustee and executor under her will, to pay her son, Samuel Hyde Baughman, $100 annually and to divide the balance of the income of her estate between Mrs. Mary Anne Saumenig and Mrs. Frances Ellen Young. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 12, 1898

Letters have been granted to Louis F. Young on the estate of Margaret S. Baughman. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 12, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Elizabeth Bauman to George Bauman, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 March 1902

Messrs. S. S. Field and A. A. Piper, attorneys for Laura Baumgartner, have entered suit for $1,000 damages against Henry Eckenrode and wife, charging them with having deprived her of the custody, love and affection of her ward and niece, Matilda Job. –– Baltimore County Union, 1 March 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Amedeo Bautti to John Arthur, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 9 May 1903

Mr. Elmer J. Cook, attorney for Mary E. (Bowell) Dorney and others, guardians of Norman H. and Minnie F. Bawell, has filed a bill in equity against Daniel Bawell in the Circuit Court here. The object of the bill is to have the defendant, who is a life tenant of about 66 acres of land in the 11th district, in which the plaintiffs hold the remainder in fee, enjoined from cutting any timber from the land. An injunction was issued and served. The same plaintiffs also brought suit against the same defendant for $1,500 by titling. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Hester A. Baxter and John C. Bell on the estate of John W. Baxter. –– Baltimore County Democrat January 11, 1896

N. Rogers Bayly, Maria B. Rogers and Charles B. Rogers, guardians of Fanny S. Bayly and Mary G. Bayly, by Benzinger & Calwell, attorneys, have applied to the court for authority to sell 128 1/2 acres of land in the Third district, belonging to their wards. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 29, 1898

Col. Charles B. Rogers and others, guardians of Misses Fannie and Mary Bayly, daughters of Mr. N. Rogers Bayly, of South Carolina, have filed a bill in the Circuit Court here to procure a decree to sell certain real estate belonging to the Misses Bayly. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Feb 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of John T. Beard to Benjamin J. Beard, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 June 1903

This is to give notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county letters testamentary on the estate of Barbara Beck, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 26th day of June, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23d day of November, 1892. Christoph Beck, Executor. –– Baltimore County Democrate
26 Nov 1892

The will of John M. Becker was probated. All his property is left to his widow and children and the widow, Mrs. Mary Becker, is named as executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 Sept. 1902

The will of Daniel Beckley, of Beckleysville, was also admitted to probate. The testator leaves all his property in trust, to his wife, Mary Ann Beckley, until hi son, John Henry Beckley, becomes twenty-one years of age. The property is then to be sold, and the proceeds divided between the wife and the two children, John Henry and Mary Elizabeth Jane Beckley. The daughter is to receive her share when she becomes eighteen years of age. The wife of the testator is named as the executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 14 July 1894

The judges of the Orphans' Court held a special session Monday to hear argument on a petition of the administration of the late Daniel Beckley for a resale of property belonging to the estate, consisting of a farm, paper-mill and tenement houses, & c., which had been purchased by Mrs. Jennie E. Benson for $23,500. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 6, 1895

Upon petition of John H. Beckley, administrator of Daniel Beckley, the Orphans' Court rescinded an order of ratitication? of the sale of the real estate, and passed an order for the resale of the property, empowering the administrator to make the sale. The first sale was made without the authority of the court. –– Baltimore County Democrat August 24, 1895

BECKLEY, Daniel,
The Court sat as a board of arbitration in the case of Mary Ann Beckley against John H. Beckley, administrator, c.t.a., of Daniel Beckley. The plaintiff filed a claim against the Beckley estate for $5,000, and this claim is disputed. John T. Ensor & Son represent Mary Ann Beckley, and W. Frank Mitchell is counsel for the defendant. The court reserved its decision. –– Baltimore County Democrat August 31, 1895

The Court, sitting as a board of arbitration in a dispute over a $5,000 claim of Mrs. Mary Ann Beckley, against the estate of Daniel Beckley, on Wednesday awarded the claimant $2,500. John H. Beckley, administrator c. t. a. of the estate, was represented by Mitchell & Mitchell, and the claimant by John T. Ensor & Son. –– Baltimore County Democrat September 14, 1895

Jennie Benson, wife of Johnson F. Benson, and B. Frank Benson filed in the Orphans' Court exceptions to the ratifications of the sales made by John H. Beckley, administrator, c. t. a., of Daniel Beckley. It is charged that the sales were made without authority, and that the price was grossly inadequate. The administrator is also charged with misconduct. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 12, 1895

On Tuesday, in answer to the petitions filed by William Mitchell, attorney for the estate, to have the administrator dismissed in the estate of Daniel Beckley the court returned answer that it could see no reason why such action should be taken, and therefore decided to sustain him. Mr. Mitchell immediately filed an appeal with the court to have the case transferred to the Court of Appeals. –– Baltimore County Democrat December 7, 1895

Letters of Administration have been granted to Rachel E. Beckley on the estate of Robert T. Beckley. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 12, 1898

A habeas corpus case was tried before judge Fowler on Saturday last involving the right of custody of Emma Frances Beideman, aged about 14 years. The child's parents died about four years ago and she was taken in charge by her mother's sister, Mrs. Mary E. Randall, of Waverly. About two months ago the child went on a visit to another aunt, Mrs. Martha A. Snowden, sister of Mrs. Randall, who resides near Greenwood, in the 11th district of this county. While there she wrote to her aunt, Mrs. Randall, that she would not return. According to her evidence, Mrs. Randall sent her son, Frank Randall, for her, who when informed by Emma that she would not return, attempted to take her by force. Failing in that he beat her severely and she was laid up in bed for several days. The writ was issued at the instance of Mrs. Randall and directed to Mrs. Snowden. After hearing the testimony on both sides the court directed that the child remain in the custody of Mrs. Snowden until after the indictment, which has already been found against Frank Randall, for assault, is disposed of. Mr. Eugene Burton represented the petitioner and Mr. A. A. Piper the respondents. Since the habeas corpus proceedings, Mr. Piper has been appointed guardian of the child by the Orphans' Court. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 Sept 1888

The Orphans' Court has passed an order appointing Mr. Augustus A. Piper guardian for Emma Frances Biedeman, about whom a habeas corpus case was heard Saturday. Action will now be taken to have the court dismiss the habeas corpus on the ground that the appointment of a guardian takes the case out of the hands of the Circuit Court. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 Sept 1888

Letters of administration were granted to George M. Belt on the estate of Mariam Belt. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 25, 1896

Letters of administration were granted to Catherine A. Alexander on the estate of Susannah Belt. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 10 June 1893

In the Register of Wills office Thursday the will of Henrietta Bender was proven. She bequeaths $500 to her grandson, Christopher Nicholas Bender, when he becomes of age. All the remainder of the property is to be divided equally among her son and three daughters, except that her daughter Wilhelmena is to get the household furniture in addition to her share. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 21 Oct 1893

Notice To Creditors. This is to give notice, that the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Fredericka Benhoff, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 4th day of September, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 31st day of January, 1893. J. Henry Benhoff, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Democrat 4 March 1893

Judge Burke on the 22d inst. passed an order removing Charles Poe as trustee to carry out the provisions of the will of F. W. Bennett, deceased, and appointed Benjamin F. Bennett trustee in his stead. He required the new trustee to give bond in the sum of $100. Bond in this sum was immediately filed. F. C. Heighe, as attorney and on behalf of the new trustee, filed a petition setting forth the appointment of the trustee; that no bond was required of Charles Poe; that some of the defendants were, and still are, under twenty-one years of age, and that a commission was issued to assign a guardian ad litem, which commission has not been returned to court; that Mr. Poe received United States registered bonds to the amount of $17,350 (purchased at 109 15-16) and a balance in cash, amounting in all to $19,127.73; Mr. Poe petitioned to sell three $100 bonds to pay certain charges and expenses, which were sold, but no accounting to the court was made; Mr. Poe petitioned for a sale of $17,500 government bonds, and there was an order of court directing a sale of them and the immediate investment of the proceeds of the sale in Baltimore City stocks, and for a return forthwith to the court of a full and particular account of the sales and investment. Mr. Poe reported sales of $17,000 of bonds at 127 7/8, making $21,565.75, filed August 16, 1886. This fund was never invested in city stocks, as required by the order of court, and no paper or docket entry in the case shows what has become of the fund. The petition then prays for an order of court requiring Mr. Poe to bring his trust into court and to fully account therefor on some certain day. On this petition an order of court was passed requiring Mr. Poe to bring his trust funds into court and to account for the same on or before five days after service of a copy of the petition and order of court on him. –– Maryland Journal, 30 Aug 1890

Messrs. Christian Gies and Peter G. Zouck have filed petitions in the Circuit Court, stating that they are creditors of the late Francis W. Bennett, and ask that the real estate belonging to the deceased by sold to satisfy the claim of the petitioners and other creditors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 2, 1897

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Sarah W. Bennett, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of September, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 4th day of February, 1890. Elisha H. Bennett, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 8 Feb 1890

Letters were granted to Charles W. Bentley, Jr., on the estate of Ann Owens Bentley. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 1 July 1893

The will of Francis Ber was probated Tuesday. The testatrix leaves a house and lot near Butler to her son, Isaac Ber, and his wife. The balance of the estate is left to John and Richard Ber, sons of the testatrix, and Harriet, her granddaughter. Mrs. Eleanor Scott is named as executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 9, 1895

Catharine Berger, administratrix of John Berger, returned inventory of deceased s personal estate. Wednesday, Oct. 9 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 12 Oct 1872

Letters were granted on the personal estate of August Berkemeier to Charles and George Berkemeier, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 April 1903

Mr. Thomas C. Weeks, attorney for Charles Berkmeier and others, has filed a bill against George Berkmeier and Mary E. Berkmeier, his wife, to obtain a decree for a sale of the real estate of the late August Berkmeier, consisting of 64 acres, in Baltimore county, and a lot in Baltimore city, and for a distribution of the proceeds among the parties in interest. –– Baltimore County Union, 16 May 1903

Letters of administration were granted by the Orphans Court this week to Peyton M. Hughes on the estate of Abraham Berry, colored. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 August 1894

An injunction has been filed on the equity side of the Circuit Court by Jas. H. Berry, through his attorney, Alfred Hughes, against Thomas J. Hunter, to prevent the defendant from foreclosing a mortgage held on the estate of the late Abraham Berry, which is claimed to have been paid, but was never released. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 August 1894

The will of Margaret Berryman has been admitted to probate and names her son, George G. Berryman, executor. Laura Weller, her granddaughter, is given a feather bed, and all the rest of the estate is directed to be sold, and after the funeral and other expenses have been paid, one- fourth of the remainder is to be paid her son, George G. Berryman; one-fourth to her daughter, Vilmina, wife of Wm F. Weller; one-fourth to Hannah Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Gore and the remaining fourth to her son, George G. Berryman, to be held in trust for her grandson, Mitchell Brown, until he shall become 21 years of age. –– Maryland Journal July 18, 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Margaret Berryman to George G. Berryman, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 18 July 1903

The will of Mrs. Margaret Berryman, late of Reisterstown, which was probated on Tuesday, gives to her granddaughter, Laura Weller, one feather bead, and all the rest of her estate she directs to be sold, and after the payment of her funeral and other expenses, she directs one-fourth of the remainder to be paid to her son, George G. Berryman; one-fourth to her daughter, Vilmina, wife of William F. Weller; one-fourth to Hannah Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Gore, and the remaining fourth to her son, George G. Berryman, to be held in trust for her grandson, Mitchell N. Brown, of Towson, until he shall become 21 years of age. –– Baltimore County Union, 18 July 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Leonard Besold to Martin Besold, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 24 or 31 Oct 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Catharine O. Besore to Francis C. Haughey, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 9 May 1903

Order Nisi. In the Orphans' Court of Baltimore Co. Ordered, by the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 2?th day of December, 1892, that the sale of the leasehold estate of Wm. J. Bevan, deceased, made by Frances J. Bevan, the Administratrix of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Administratrix, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 16th day of January, 1893. Provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 16th day of January, 1893. The report states the amount of sales to be $456.25. Mark Mellor, James W. Offutt, Wm. H. Tracey, Judges True Copy - Test: Benjamin W. Ady, Register of Wills. –– Baltimore County Democrat
24 Dec 1892

Order Nisi, In the Orphans' Court of Baltimore Co. Ordered, by the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 20th day of December, 1892, that the sale of the leasehold estate of Wm. J. Bevan, deceased, made by Frances J. Bevan, the Administratrix of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Administratrix, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 16th day of January, 1893, Provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 16th day of January, 1893. The report states the amount of sales to be $456.25.
Mark Mellor,
James W. Offutt,
Wm. H. Tracey, Judges.
True Copy - Test: Benjamin W. Ady, Register of Wills. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 7 Jan 1893

BEVAN, Tomas
The will of Tomas Bevan, which was filed Thursday, all his property is left ot his wife, Susan Bevan, for life, and after her death is to be divided equally among his children. Mrs. Bevan is appointed executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 Dec 1897

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Frances T. Bevans to John T. Bevans, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union. 8 Aug 1903

Dr. James F. H. Gorsuch has filed a bill by his counsel, J. M. T. Lawrence, against Richard N., John and Elmer Bevans and others, asking that there be sold as much of the interest of the late Mar E. Bevans in two tracts of land and improvements in Baltimore county, formerly belonging to her father, George W. McCubbin, as may be necessary to pay the claims of the plaintiff and other creditors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 April 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Ernest Bewersdorf to Dorothea Bewersdorf, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Feb 1902

Letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah Bias were granted to Walter R. Townsend. –– Baltimore County Union, 10 Jan 1903

This Is To Give Notice - That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of George C. Bibleheiser, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of July, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of December, 1890. Alice M. Bibleheiser, Administratrix. –– Maryland Journal, 13 Dec 1890

The will of John S. Biddison, of Gardenville, was filed, but not probated. Testator leaves all his household effects to his wife, Martha G. Biddison, Julia A. Biddison, wife of Thomas C. Biddison, Susannah Hinkle and Martha Couglar. He also leaves to his wife a horse, carriage and set of harness, and the accrued interest on a mortgage covering the estate of Abram Biddison and wife. To his adopted daughter, Fannie Carter, he leaves bond No. 6 of the Baltimore and Jerusalem Turnpike Company, par value $5?0, and to the stewards of Andrew Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Gardenville, bond No. 7, par value $500?, in trust for the benefit of the ministry. The balance of his real and personal property is to be sold within twelve months after his death, and the proceeds distributed among his wife and five children. His wife is named as the executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 16, 1895

John F. Gentrum (or Gontrum), counsel for Thomas C. Biddison, filed objections to the probating of the will, and gave notice of is intention of filing a caveat. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 16, 1895

John F. Gontrum, counsel for Thomas c. Biddison, filed a caveat to the will of John S. Biddison. Letters of administration pendente lite were granted to John F. Gontrum and W. Frank Tucker on the estate of John S. Biddison. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 23, 1895

Letters testamentary were granted on the estate of Edward Biemuller to Edward and Henry Biemuller. All the real and personal property is devised by the testator to his widow for her use so long as she remains a widow. At her death all the property remaining is to be equally divided among Edward, John Henry, Frederick, Sophia, Margaret, Annie and Julia Biemuller. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 25 Nov 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Waldo O. Bigelow to William P. Bigelow, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 27 Sept 1902

Letters on the personal estate of Luther M. Birmingham were granted to J. H. and L.C. Birmingham, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Feb 1902

Letters of administration were granted to P. Macauley Birckhead on the estate of James Birckhead, Jr. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 2, 1895

Letters of administration were granted to William H. Birkett on the estate of Frank T. Birkett. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 2, 1895

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to William H. Birkett on the estate of Thomas A. Birkett. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 1 Sept 1894

Letters of administration have been granted to Franklin Bitzer on the estate of Franklin Bitzer. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 7, 1898

BLACK, Elizabeth M
Letters of administration were granted to Ann Gott Merryman on the estate of Elizabeth M. Black. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Apr 1895

The joint will of Chas. Blake and Eliza C. Blake, his wife, was left for probate in the Orphans Court Tuesday. The will directs that the policy of $3,000 in the New York Life Insurance Company on the life of Charles Blake be used in defraying his funeral expenses, in raising a mortgage debt of $2,500 on his property, in canceling his debts, and in repairing his house. Another policy of $2,000 is to be divided among his five children, Annie A. Bennett, Charles W. Blake, Robert Vinton Blake, Harry S. Blake and Emory S. Blake. The home place is left to Eliza G. Blake during her life and afterwards to her children. The store conducted by Charles Blake is to be given to C. W. W. and Harry S. Blake, together with the stock and fixtures, provided they pay the indebtedness of the store. A codicil to the will, made by Charles Blake, after the death of his wife, directs that $399 is to be taken from the $3,000 policy to pay for a lot of ground at Mount Washington, 25 by 100 feet. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Jan 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Charles W. W. Blake to R. Vinton Blake, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 27 Sept 1902

Letters testamentary have been granted on the estate of Eliza C. Blake to R. Vinton Blake, of Baltimore. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Jan 1894

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of William J. Bland, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 7th day of January, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3d day of June, 1890. Samuel B. Bland, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 7 June 1890

Letters of administration were granted to Samuel H. Bleakley, Sr., on the estate of Sarah A. Bleakley. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 16 June 1894

In the matter of the estate of Margaret Blizzard, lunatic, Judge Burke signed a decree for the sale of the property, which consists of one hundred and eighteen acres of land at Woodensburg. Casper Reigler was appointed trustee to make the sale, Messrs. Bryan & Rich acting as his counsel. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March, 16, 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Henry Bloom to William H. Bloom, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 25 Oct 1902

Letters of administration on the estate of Mary L. Bloom were granted to Robert R. Boarman. –– Baltimore County Democrat
17 Dec 1892

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Valentine Bommel to George Trent, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Aug 1903

The will of Valentine Bommel, late of the 10th district, was probated on Tuesday. He gives the sum of $50 to each of his grandchildren, Bertine Koerner, Minnie Koerner, Rica Koerner and Valentine Koerner; to his daughter, Augusta Koerner, he gives his dwelling in Towson and to his brothers, Lawrence Bommel and Valentine Bommel, and his sisters, Elizabeth and Christina, all of Oberzelle, on the river Wena, in the Duchy of Sachse-Weimar, Germany, all the money he has deposited in the Baltimore City Savings Bank, and he appoints his son-in-law, John B. Koerner, to be his sole executor. Mr. Koerner filed a renunciation and letters of administration, with the will annexed, were granted to George Trent. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Aug 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Napolean Bonaparte, colored, to Abram W. Ensor, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 June 1903

Messrs. George R. Willis and E. Winthrop Bosley, attorneys for Alonzo J. Merritt and John G. Tibbalis, have filed a bill in court at Towson against Joseph Bond, administrator of the personal estate of Caroline V. Bond, to procure a decree declaring the money deposited in the Savings Bank of Baltimore in the name of Caroline V. Bond to be the shares of two minor children of Joseph Bond in his estate; that the same may be deposited in court for distribution, and that the defendant be restrained from disposing of the money in question as a part of the personal estate of Caroline V. Bond. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 Sept 1902

Letters of administration have been granted on the estate of Charles C. Bond to Joseph Bond. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Jan 1894

Letters testamentary were granted to Martha A. Morris on the estate of Elizabeth Bond. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

The will of Elizabeth Bond, admitted to probate, gives all her property, real and personal, to her daughter, Martha E. Bond. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

Letters of administration have been granted to Joseph Bond on the estate of Josiah Bond. –– Baltimore Democrat 19 January 1895

An inventory of the personal estate of the late Josiah Bond was filed in the office of the Register of Wills this week. The appraised value of the estate is $1 (or 4), 945.00 –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 26, 1895

Letters testamentary have been issued to Rosa Bond on the estate of Mary Bond –– Baltimore County Democrat, April 30, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William P. Bond to J. F. Tucker, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

William P. Bond in his last will made the following disposition of his estate: All his personal property to his wife, absolutely, and a life estate to her in the realty, which at her death is to be divided into three lots and given share and share alike to his three children John Bond, Ada Winder and Maria Banks. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

The will of James Bonday, Jr., was admitted to probate in the Orphans Court Tuesday. The will directs that the debts due the estate, and whatever may be to the testator s credit on the books of the firm of James Bonday, Jr., & Co., shall be decided and credited to his wife and four children, but shall remain with the firm for five years, provided the firm has use for it, the interest to be paid semi-annually to the heirs. Should the firm not need all the money, the testator directs that the share of I. Randolph Bonday only be retained for five years. It is further directed that the business of the firm shall be satisfactory to the heirs. The home, farm, improvements, carriages, furniture and other personal effects of the testator are bequeathed to his wife. The will directs that the money from the life insurance policies of the testator shall be disposed of as follows: To his sister, Mary Ann Rummell, $1,000; to his step-sister, Kate Henderson, $1,000; to Miss Jane Daily, $500; to the Preachers Aid Society of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, $1,000, the interest only to be used by the society; to the trustees of the East Baltimore Station Methodist Episcopal Church, $1,000 in trust for the Stewards Poor Fund, the interest only to be used annually for the relief of the members of the church. It is directed that in the event of the Muntford Avenue Chapel becoming a separate charge, one-half of the amount bequeathed to the East Baltimore Station shall be paid to the chapel. The wife of the testator is named as executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 17 Feb 1894

Letters testamentary have been issued to Christina Bonday, widow and executrix of James Bonday, Jr. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 Feb 1894

The will of the late Stephen Bonsal, Sr., has been proved and filed for record in the office of the Register of Wills at this place. The will directs the executor, Leigh Bonsal, to set aside property sufficient to yield a net annual income of $200, and to pay the income to the testator s sister, Mrs. Ellen H. Bloodgood, during her life. The executor is also to buy the ground rent on the house of Morris Moore and to convey it to Mr. Moore when he shall think proper. All the remainder of the estate is to be divided into eleven equal parts, to be distributed among the testator s children, as follows; One part each to Mrs. Sarah B. Jenkins, Mrs. Fanny L. Brooks, Leigh Bonsal, Mrs. Virginia P. White, William Roscoe Bonsal, Frank Adair Bonsal, Stephen Bonsal, Jr., Louise W. Bonsal, J. Pembroke Bonsal, Mabel Bonsal and J. Purviance Bonsal, the shares of the minor children to be held in trust by the executor until they shall attain the age of twenty-four years. The share of Stephen Bonsal, Jr., is to be held in trust for him by the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company until the year 1905. The executor is excused from giving bond and is to receive $1,000 as payment for his services in lieu of commissions. The will is dated January 25, 1893, and is witnessed by Edgar G. Miller, Jr., and David M. R. Culbreth. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 25 Feb 1893

Leigh Bonsal, executor of Stephen Bonsal, reported to the Orphans Court that he had sold to Joshua Levering for $17,431.25 the testator s country seat, known as Willougby, containing 12 acres –– Baltimore County Democrat, 8 April 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Rose Boon to Nelson Boon, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 12 April 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Mary E. Bosley on the estate of Charles Bosley. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 Oct 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of John Bosley to William P. Bosley, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 3 Dec 1903

The will of John Bosley, late of the 10th district, was admitted to probate on Wednesday. His farm of 202 acres is left to his son, William P. Bosley, charged with the payment of a legacy of $2,200 to Hannah E. Bosley; $1,100 to Fannie V. Thomas, an annuity of $125 to his mother, Mary Bosley, and $100 to James Bosley. He must also provide a home for Miss Lucretia Bosley, Miss Hannah E. Bosley and his mother, Mary Bosley. –– Baltimore County Union, 3 Dec 1903

John G. Bosley, executor of Joshua Bosley of G. passed first account. Wednesday, Oct. 23 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Oct 1872

Letters of administration on estate of Matilda Bosley granted to John G. Bosley. Wednesday, Oct. 23 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Oct 1872

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah A. Bosley, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 4th day of February, 1859, (as in paper), they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 31st day of Aug., 1858. William Bosley, Executor. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 4 Sept 1858

BOSSOM, MARY - The will of Mary Bossom distributes all her estate among her children and grandchildren. –– Baltimore County Democrat 21 Jan 1899

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Adeline P. Bowen to John M. Carter, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 Nov 1903

Messrs. Luther L. Day and William M. Pearce have filed a bill in the Circuit Court here to secure a decree for the sale of the real estate owned by the late F. Joseph Bowers, of the 11th district. Andrew J. Bowers and others are named as defendants in the case. Messrs. A. A. Piper and Z. Howard Isaac appear for the plaintiffs. –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Dec 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Joseph Bowers to Andrew G. Bowers, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Aug 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William H. Bowers to Annie M. Anderson, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 4 Oct 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Samuel Bowly to James C. Dalrymple, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 23 May 1903

Messrs. Charles Marshall and Blackistone & Blackistone, attorneys for Catharine Harrison and James Boyce, two of the children of the late James Boyce, have filed a caveat to Mr. Boyce s will, charging that the testator was subjected to undue influence. The caveators make the charge of undue influence particularly with reference to a clause in the will which directs the executors to treat as part of the estate all sums of money which the testator had charged on his books or memoranda against any of his children. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 17 March 1894

In the James Boyce will case an appeal was on Tuesday taken by the executors - William A. Fisher and William W. Boyce - from the decision of the Orphans' Court, sending the issues in the case to the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 12, 1895

Messrs. William A. Fisher and William W. Boyce, executors of the late James Boyce, have conveyed to Mr. Benjamin F. Deford, Jr. Mr. Boyce's residence, Kalmia? Park, on the Joppa road, between Towson and Sherwood. The price paid by Mr. Deford was $26,033.50. The land comprises nearly 50 acres. –– Baltimore County Democrat June 18, 1898

Letters of administration were granted to Wm. Kennard, on the estate of Ellen Boyer. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 June 1893

The will of Mr. Wm. D. Brackenridge, the well-known Govanstown florist, was made in 1888, when his wife was yet alive. He leaves all of his property to her, to be equally divided among his children at her death. She having died two years ago, the property goes to the children. His property consists mainly of his nursery of twenty acres and residence on Bellona avenue. In addition to her share of the property, real and personal, Miss Belle Brackenridge, who always lived at home with the father, gets by the will the furniture, books and medals which belonged to her father. It is estimated that the trees and shrubbery in the nursery are worth about $3,000. Messrs. George G. Hooper and John C. Pape are the executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 Feb 1893

The will of Wm. D. Brackenridge was also filed. He bequeaths all his property to his wife, Isabel A. Brackenridge, during her life. After her death the household furniture, library, collection of shells, medals and silver snuff-box, the will provides, shall be possessed by the testator s daughter, Isabel Brackenridge, as a well-merited reward for her faithful care and attention to her mother and myself. The balance of the property is to be divided among the three daughters of the testator s deceased son, Archibald Brackenridge. Messrs. George G. Hooper and John C. Pape are named as the executors. The bond was $7,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 25 Feb 1893

The court decided to dismiss the petition of Isabel C. Brackenridge against George G. Hooper and John C. Pape, executors of the estate of William D. Brackenridge. It was charged in the petition that the executors grossly mismanaged the estate.
The Democrat, June 29, 1895

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to Helen Brady, on the estate of Samuel Brady. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 June 1893

John W. S. Brady, Richard H. Woolen and Martha A. Woolen, his wife, have filed a bill in equity in the Circuit Court against Christopher Columbus Sadtler and his wife, Mary, Dr. H. Louis Naylor and his children, Helen and others, asking that certain real estate of the late Samuel Brady, Sr., be sold for the purpose of dividing the proceeds among the children and grandchildren, heirs at law, the property being alleged to be incapable of division in kind. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 26 May 1894

Letters were granted to George Norbury Mackenzie and Maggie E. Brandeberry, on the estate of Richard H. Brandeberry, otherwise C. B. Martin, bond $4,200. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 August 1893

Letters testamentary have also been granted to Frances Brandt, executrix and sole legatee of the estate of John Brandt. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 10 March 1894

BRATT, Comfort C.
The will of Comfort c. Bratt was probated in the Orphans' Court. The testatrix leaves all her property to her two adopted daughters, Clara and Rosa Berry. Letters testamentary were granted to Mary Clare Berry on the estate of Comfort C. Bratt. –– Baltimore County Democrat January 11, 1896

The will of Philip Breckenridge was filed in the office of the register of wills Tuesday. He bequeaths his dwelling-house and a lot containing one and a half acres of ground, near the Hookstown road, to Thomas Henry Thornton; $25 to Augusta Thornton; $200 each to Alberta and Eva Norris; and the balance of the estate to Thomas Henry Thornton. Dr. William S. Norris is named as executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 4 Nov 1893

In the Orphans Court Wednesday letters of administration with the will annexed were granted to William S. Keech on the estate of Philip Breckenridge. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 Nov 1893

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County, letters of Administration on the estate of John Brod, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber on or before the 2d day of July next, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 29th day of December, 1857. Catharine Brod, Administratrix –– Baltimore County Advocate, 2 Jan 1858

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Anne R. Brodie to Ella C. Brodie, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 14 Nov 1903

(Circuit Court) An opinion was filed Saturday in the Circuit Court in which Judges Fowler and Burke concur, dismissing the bill of complaint in the case of Eliza G. Elliott and others against Rachel B. Brodie. The plaintiff wrought to have a deed set aside, by which the late John A. Brodie deeded certain properties to his wife, the defendant. The court decides that Mr. Brodie was mentally capable of disposing of his property at the time the deed was executed, and therefore, sustains its validity. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 27, 1897

Letters were granted on the personal estate of John H. Brommelsick to Peter H. Brommelsick, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Mar 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Albert A. Brooks to Sarah E. Brooks, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 5 July 1902

The will of Albert A. Brooks, colored, late of Towson, gives to his two sons, William Henry and Albert A. Brooks, the sum of $5 each, and all the remainder to his wife, Sarah E. Brooks, for life, and after her death to his son, Charles W. Brooks, for life, and after his death to his children absolutely. –– Baltimore County Union, 5 July 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Laura Brooks to Lewis M. Bacon, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 21 June 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Sarah E. Brooks on the estate of Maggie Brooks. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 13 Nov 1897

Mary Brooks has filed a petition asking the court to annul an order which authorized the lease of a tract of land near Timber Grove Station to Franklin P. Goodwin for six years, with the privilege of renewal for six years more. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 30, 1895.

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Sarah C. Brooks to Frank F. Brooks, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 May 1903

On Tuesday last in the office of the Register of Wills the will of William Brooks was admitted to probate. The will provides that the executors shall place tombstones or a monument over the graves of the testator s three children, and that the same shall not cost over $60. He bequeaths to his step-daughter, Luvenia Annetta Wagner, wife of George H. Wagner, $20, which shall be paid when his son, George Edward Brooks, becomes of age. The balance of his property is bequeathed to his three children William Lewis Brooks, Sarah Florence Brooks and George Edward Brooks for their use until the youngest son becomes of age, when the property is to be sold, and the proceeds divided among the three children. John M. T. Fishpaw and William Lewis Brooks are the executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

Letters testamentary were granted to John M. T. Fishpaw and William Lewis Brooks on the estate of William Brooks. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

Letters testamentary were granted to Johanna Brown, on the estate of Anne Brown. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 8 Apr 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of George Brown to George Brown, Jr., executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 31 May 1902

The will of the late George Brown, of Broklandwood, was probated in the Orphans Court at Towson, on Tuesday last, and letters testamentary granted to his son, Mr. H. Carroll Brown, who is named as executor.
The will was clearly and plainly drawn and disposes of the testator s property as follows: The whole body of the estate is granted to his son, H. Carroll Brown, as trustee, to hold it for the use of Mrs. Frances W. Brown, his widow, during her life. At her death the whole estate is to be divided into as many portions as there are children surviving Mr. Brown at the time of his death. These portions are to be, except that of Mrs. Isabella Brown Merryman, wife of Mr. James McK. Merryman, as nearly equal as possible. Mrs. Merryman s part will be less by $10,000 than the others because of a farm which her father gave her in his lifetime. These portions are each to be given to the children, except that of Irvin M. Brown, whose portion the trustee will hold until he attains the age of 25 years.
Mrs. Brown is given the fullest power to change the investments, to buy and sell portions of the estate and to invest and reinvest the proceeds of the same fro the benefit of the estate. H. Carroll Brown is named as trustee and executor, and it is also provided that in case he shall decline to act ass trustee, or shall be disabled in any manner from so acting, that George Brown, Jr., another son of the testator, shall act as trustee to carry out the provisions of the will.
It is expressly provided that neither of them shall be required to give any bond for the faithful performance of the trusts, and also that they shall not be accountable to a court of equity for their actions as such trustee. –– Baltimore County Union, 31 May 1902,

Mr. Richard S. Culbreth, attorney for Mr. Harry A. Parr, who is now in Europe, this week filed a bill of complaint at Towson against Mr. R. Carroll Brown, executor of the estate of the late George Brown, of Brooklandwood, and others interested in the estate. It is a creditor s suit to enforce the payment of an alleged indebtedness of the late George Brown to the plaintiff. It is set out in the bill that the indebtedness due is made up of notes and open accounts aggregating, with interest, $66, 135.78. This indebtedness accrued, it is alleged, over a number of years. The largest item is a note for $40,195.95. There is another note for $7,319.72. The open account is for $8,362.85. A sale of the real estate is asked to satisfy this debt and the debts of other creditors. –– Baltimore County Union, 21 Nov 1903

The case instituted in the Circuit Court here by Mr. Henry A. Parr against the estate of the late George Brown, of Brooklandwood, has been dismissed by the plaintiff, the matter having been settled. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 Dec 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Joshua Brown to Stewart H. Brown, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Sept 1903

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Laura Brown, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 5th day of May, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 1st day of October, 1889. Laurence W. Brown, Executor. –– Maryland Journal 5 October 1889

Letters of administration were granted to Margaret A. Brown on the estate of Lucinda Brown. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Oct 1894

Letters of administration have been granted to Jacob Brown on the estate of Mary Brown and Nelson Brown. –– Baltimore Democrat 19 January 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Zachariah Brown to Clara Brown, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 9 Aug 1902

The orphan children of the late James W. Broumel, by E. Otis Hinkley, attorney, have filed a caveat to the will of the late James Broumel, their grandfather, alleging unsoundness of mind whereby the testator was incapacitated to make a valid will. –– Maryland Journal, 26 April 1890

Slade & Risteau, auctioneer, sold at the Court House on Monday, for W. Ashbie Hawkins, attorney, in the equity case of Mary V. Chance and others against Beal A. Bruce and others, one acre of land and improvements in the 2d district, belonging to the estate of Samuel Bruce, deceased; purchased by Moses A. Bruce for $350. –– Baltimore County Union, 26 July 1902

Letters of administration were granted to N. C. Logedon? on the estate of August Bruhein. –– Baltimore County Democrat June 18, 1898

Letters were granted on the estates of Thomas V. Brundige, Margaret T. Brundige and Sallie W. Brundige to Thomas W. Brundige, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Aug 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William Brundidge to Thomas W. Brundidge and Annie R. Elliott, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 Feb 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Charles N. Brush to John J. Timanus, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 March 1902

Roger T. Gill, administrator of the estate of John T. Brush, has sold to Katherine Osterhaus, Margaret G. Ostrhaus and William J. Osterhaus, for $1,000, a lot of ground on the south side of the Philadelphia road. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 Nov 1893

The will of James M. Bryan was filed in the office of the Register of Wills Tuesday. The will provides that all the property of the testator shall be distributed as follows: To his son, Wm. Bryan, three-tenths of the proceeds is bequeathed; to his son Edgar Bryan, three-tenths, and to his daughter, Mrs. Cross, wife of Charles Cross, four-tenths. John P. Clark is appointed trustee to invest, in fee simple property, for Mrs. Cross her share of the estate, so as to provide a home for her. If any balance is left after the purchase of a home, it shall go to Mrs. Cross. Codicils to the will bequeath the testator s house, at Waverly, known as No. 27 Valley street, to Mrs. Cross, and provide that $500 be deducted from her four-tenths part of the estate bequeathed to Edgar Bryan and divided between Wm. Bryan and Mrs. Cross. John P. Clark and Wm. Bryan are named as the executors. They gave bond in $20,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 25 Feb 1893

Mr. A. W. Machen this week left for probate at the office of the register of wills the will of Mrs. Mary S. Bryarly, widow of Dr. Wakeman Bryarly, who died last week at her home in the 11th district. The will was made in 1879, and the late Richard J. Gittings, brother of the testatrix, was named as executor. It is understood that letters of administration, with the will annexed, will be granted to Mr. Machen. Mrs. Bryarly was the daughter was the daughter of Dr. David S. Gittings. Her estate is valued at over $100,000. She left no children, and the whole estate will be divided among the relatives of the testatrix and of her late husband except $5,000, which she bequeathed to Jt. John s Episcopal Church, in Long Green. The will was witnessed by Messrs. A. W. Machen, John B. Tidy, Jr., and William H. Moore. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 2 June 1894

Mrs. Bryarly, widow of the late Dr. Bryarly, of Kingsville, this county, in her will leaves to the children of the late Dr. William T. Munnikhuysen $3,200, among them Dr. Wakeman B. Munnikhuysen, of Harford county. She leaves $5,000 cash and a cabinet containing a very valuable collection of minerals, collected by her husband in California and other parts of the West. (end of article) –– Baltimore County Democrat, 9 June 1894

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to Arthur W. Machen and D. Sterett Gittings on the estate of Mary S. Bryarly. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 7 July 1894

Two codicils to the will of Mary S. Bryarly were also filed. The first, dated October 14, 1892, bequeaths to her nurse, Mary A. McDermott, $500, and the second dated October 15, 1892, devises to her sister, Charlotte E. Lindsay and two children all the furniture in her home known as Roslin. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 Sept 1894

The Orphans' Court on Wednesday passed an order authorizing Arthur W. Machen and D. Sterett Gittings, administrators c.t.a. of Mary S. Bryarly, to sell $5,000 worth of Virginia Midland Railway Company mortgage bonds, fifth series, 5 per cent., $4,000 worth of Texas Pacific Railway Company first mortgage five per cent. gold bonds, $25,000 worth of State of Maryland 3.65 per cent. deferred loan stock due in 1889 or 1899 and $2,000 worth of Baltimore City ? per cent Western Maryland stock, due in 1827?. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 19, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Wm Buckler, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of December, 1870, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 1st day of June, 1870. Thos. H. Buckler, Executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 July 1870

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Peter J. Buettner, Sr., to Christian Mutschler, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 Dec 1902

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Ellen R. Bujac, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 25th day of August, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 21st day of January, 1890. D. Hopper Emory, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 25 Jan 1890

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of James Bujac, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 28th day of July, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 24th day of December, 1889. D. Hopper Emory, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 28 Dec 1889

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Christopher Bull of C., late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 26th day of October 1873; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23d day of April, 1873. John E. Bull, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 3 May 1873

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of John Bull, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of August, 1872; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 5th day of February, 1872. Melchoir T. Bull, Administrator C. T. A. –– Baltimore County Union, 2 March 1872

John Burgan, by his will, leaves to Agnes Burgan his stall in the Point market; to William E. and Agnes Burgan all his personal property. The real estate is to be sold by the executor, John S. Biddison, and out of the proceeds a bequest of $100 is to be given to Agnes Burgan, and the residue to be divided among testator's children. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 4 Dec 1897

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Leander Burgess to Eva Burgess, adminisratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Nov 1902

Letters of administration have been granted to Georgia E. Burke on the estate of Alonzo J. Burke. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 Feb 1893

Order of Publication. George Johnson, et als vs. Lewis Burke, et als. In the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, In Equity. The object and purpose of this suit is to procure a decree for a sale of the real estate of which Benjamin Burke died seized and possessed, and for a distribution of the proceeds of sale among the heirs at law of said deceased. The Bill states that Benjamin Burke, being possessed of certain real estate in Baltimore county, containing fourteen and one-half acres, died intestate and without issue sometime in the year 1886, leaving as his heirs at law surviving him the complainants, George Johnson and Rachel Ellen Johnson, who are the only children of Catharine Johnson, a deceased sister of said Benjamin; Lewis Burke, Mary Jane Hall and John Burke, children of Elizabeth or Betsey Burke, a deceased sister of said Benjamin , and Laura Burke, a daughter of Henry Burke, who was also a son of said Elizabeth or Betsey Burke; that Henry Burke, a brother of said Benjamin, is supposed to have died in Harrisburg, in Pennsylvania, but his heirs, if any living, are unknown; that John Burke, when last heard from was living in Philadelphia, but whether he be living or dead is unknown, and if dead the names of his children, if any, are unknown; that letters of administration on his personal estate were granted to Lewis Burke, who has fully administered the same; that the real estate is not susceptible of advantageous partition amongst the parties in interest, and that it is for the benefit, interest and advantage of all the parties to have said real estate sold and the proceeds arising therefrom distributed among those interested; that an offer of $225 in cash has been made for the property, which the complainants are willing to accept. It is thereupon ordered by the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, this 5th day of August, 1890, that the plaintiffs, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, once a week for four successive weeks, before the 8th day of September, 1890, give notice to the said absent and unknown defendants of the object and substance of this bill of complaint, and warn them to be and appear in this Court, in person or by attorney, on or before the 23d day of September, 1890, to show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not pass as prayed.
John W. Shanklin, Clerk.
True Copy - Test: John W. Shanklin, Clerk. –– Maryland Journal, 9 Aug 1890

Letters of administration, with the will annexed, were granted to JoshuaBurke on the estate of Jacob Burke. –– Baltimore County Democrat October 15, 1898

The will of Levi Franklin Burke was also probated in the Orphans Court Tuesday. The testator leaves all his property to his wife and children. Elizabeth Burke, his wife, and George Thomas Burke, his son, are named as executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 Feb 1894

Letters on the estate of Mrs. Sarah Jane Burke were granted to her daughter, Mary Burke. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 12, 1895

Lydia Burnett, adminisratrix of Jas. L. Burnett, deceased, passed first account. Tuesday, Oct. 15 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Oct 1872

Letters were granted on the personal estate of G. G. W. Burnham to Mary A. Burnham, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

The will of Garrett G. W. Burnham was probated. Excepting a legacy of $50 to his son, Emory J., all his property is left to his wife, Mary A. Burnham. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Edgar E. Burns to Jennie A. Burns and A. Alonzo Sparks, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 21 Feb 1903

By the will of Jeremiah Burns the following bequests are made: One hundred dollars to the Little Sisters of the Poor, $100 to William Cluny, of Queen's county, Ireland; $100 to Ann Cluny; $50 to John McGrain; $50 to the oldest child of William and Mary Borden. The sum of $250 is set apart for masses for the repose of his soul. The residue of the estate is left to his children. William J. Burns, Mary Burns and Julia Burns, who are also named as executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 29, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of John Burns to Edward E. Burns, executor.
Baltimore County June, 6 June 1903

Under the will of John Burns his house and lot on the York road, Towson, is given to his daughters, Emma V. and May V. Burns. The residue of the property, including a lot and stable on the Dulany s Valley turnpike, goes to Edward and Francis Burns, charged with the payment of $50 to each of the following children: (rest illegible) –– Baltimore County Union, 3 June 1903

Letters of administration have been granted to Charles S. Rich on the estate of William D. Burns. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 18,1895

Letters of administration were granted to Clare E. Burton on the estate of Cassandra Burton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Nov 1894

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Horatio Burton, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of March, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of August, 1889. Horatio Burton, Executor. –– Maryland Journal, 10 August 1889

Mr. W. Gill Smith, attorney for Susan Burton, widow, and Mary A. Gorsuch and her husband, Chas. Gorsuch, on Tuesday filed a bill in the Circuit Court here against Carville C. Burton, Mary E. Burton, his wife, and a large number of others asking for a decree to sell certain lands owned in his lifetime by John Burton, who died some time in the year 1857, and whose will was admitted to probate April 21st, 1857, and that the proceeds of the sale be distributed among the parties. To his son, William Burton, the elder Burton gave one half of his farm, with the improvements thereon. The son died in 1901. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 March 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Susan J. Burton to Oscar J. Burton, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 March 1902

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Susan J. Burton, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of September, 1902, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 4th day of March, 1902. Oscar J. Burton, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 March 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William Burton to Susannah Burton, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 March 1902

William Burton, late of the 11th district, left all of his property absolutely to his wife, Susannah Burton. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 March 1902

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters testamentary on the estate of William Burton, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 15th day of September, 1902, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of March, 1902. Susannah Burton, Executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 March 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Robert Laupheimer, on the estate of James Bush. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 10 Feb 1894

Letters of administration were granted to Roger T. Gill on the estate of John T. Bush. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 23 Sept 1893

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of George L. Butler, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 7th day of January, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3d day of June, 1890. Nicholas W. Butler, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 7 June 1890

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Patrick Butler to Mary Butler, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of James O. Button to Albert E. Donaldson, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

In the Orphans Court, letters of administration were granted to Robert H. Bussey on the estate of Abigail E. Byrnes. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 14 Oct 1893

In the Orphans Court letters of administration were granted this week to Michael F. Connor on the estate of Kate A. Byrnes. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 June 1893

Letters of administration have been granted to Sarah R. Cairnes and John T. Johnson on the estate of Dr. Charles F. Cairnes. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 2, 1895

Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Calwell have been granted to James S. Calwell, who gave bond for $25,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat August 3, 1895

In the Orphans Court this week letters of administration were granted to James S. Calwell on the estate of Nannie K. Calwell. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Sept 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Miss Lucinda Amelia Cameron to Thomas C. Hunter, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Feb 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Lucinda A. Cameron to Thomas C. Hunter, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 2 Feb 1902

Eliza J. Campbell, et al. vs. William H. Bayne et al. In the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, In Equity. Ordered by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County this 25th day of June, 1890, that the sale made and reposted May 20th, 1890, by Eliza J. Campbell, William H. Bayne and Charles M. Roche, Trustees, for the sale of the late country residence of Ross Campbell, deceased, mentioned in the proceedings in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 21st day of July, 1890, Provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 21st day of July, 1890. The report states the amount of sales to be $20,000.00. John W. Shanklin, Clerk. True Copy Test: John W. Shanklin, Clerk. –– Maryland Journal, 5 July 1890

The Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company, trustee of the trusts created by the will of Ross Campbell, filed a petition asking the authority of the court to sell a lot on Paca street, Baltimore, for which Charles Williams has offered $6,500. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 28 Oct 1893

In the Orphans' Court Wednesday the will of the late Emily Canby was admitted to probate. She bequeaths her property to her children.
Balitmore County Democrat, 13 Nov 1897

The jury in the case of George Whitelock, executor of Emily B. Canby, vs. Baltimore and Northern Electric Railway gave a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $1,200. The action was brought to recover damages for injury alleged to have been done Mrs. Canby's property on Kelly avenue, Mt. Washington, by changes in the grade of the avenue made in connection with the laying of tracks for the railway. –– Baltimore County Democrat June 25, 1898

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of William Canby, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of March, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of August, 1889. Emily B. Canby, Executrix. –– Maryland Journal, 10 August 1889

Letters of administration were granted to Sallie J. Brooks on the estate of Charles A. Canoles. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 23 Dec 1893

Mr. John Grason, of Towson, administrator, sold on the premises, near Eklo, on the 16th inst., the personal effects of the late Andrew Carman. Fair prices were realized. –– Maryland Journal, 21 June 1890

CARROLL, Charles
Letters of administration were granted to Augustus A. Piper on the estate of Charles Carroll.
The Baltimore County Demcrat, 27 Apr 1895

Messrs. David H. Carroll, Ethelbert E. Shipley and Charles W. Ridgely, trustees under the will of David Carroll, have reported to the Circuit Court the private sale of five lots near Hampden to the City and Suburban Railway Company. The total price for the ground is $9,566.33, of which one-third is to be paid in cash on the ratification of the sale, one-third in one year and the balance in two years after ratification. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 2 Sept 1893

Dr. William Kennedy Carroll, son of the late David Carroll, by his attorneys, J. H. C. Legg and W. Frank Mittchell, has filed a petition in the estate of his father, who died in 1881, asking that it be divided at once, in accordance with his last will and testament. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 22, 1898

The will of the late James Carroll, of the Eleventh district, was filed in the Orphans' Court Tuesday. He bequeaths to his daughter, Annie Carroll, a house and lot on the Harford road. He directs that the property on which he resides after his said daughter shall become twenty-one years of age shall be sold, and the proceeds divided between her, his wife, and his three sons. The residue of the estate is bequeathed to the testator's wife and daughter, share and share alike. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 30, 1898

Orphans' Court Nisi Order. In Baltimore County Orphans' Court, September 24th, 1890. Ordered that the sale of the real estate of Robert Caskey, deceased, made by John F. Caskey, the Executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Executor, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before the 20th day of October, 1890, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some weekly newspaper printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 20th day of October, 1890. The report states the amount of sales to be $1,050.00.
Mark Mellor
B. Howard Gorsuch
Andrew Dorsey
True Copy - Test: Benjamin W. Ady, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. –– Maryland Journal, 4 Oct 1890

Judge Burke has passed an order in the case of Herbert Cassard, executor of Thomas Cassard, against George G. Hooper, under the provisions of chapter 111 of the laws of 1892, requiring the defendant to show cause why a decree should not be passed that he pay to the plaintiff $674.73, the amount by which the net proceeds of mortgaged property, after satisfying expenses allowed by the court, falls short of being sufficient to pay the mortgage debt and accrued interest. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 5 August 1893

The will of Joseph Cathell, admitted to probate on Wednesday, gives his entire estate to his widow, and letters of administration, with the will annexed, were granted to his daughter Miss Mary J. Cathell. Mr. Cathell, who died about three weeks ago, was a well known farmer near Sweet Air. –– Baltimore County Union, 18 Jan 1902

Letters of administration on the estate of Mary H. Chamberlaine were granted to Thos. W. Brundige and Henry M. Chamberlaine. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 Aug 1902

In the Orphans Court letters of administration were granted to John K. Chambers on the estate of Mary Chambers. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

This Is To Give Notice. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Mary Chambers, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 2d day of November, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 25th day of April, 1893. John K. Chambers, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 May 1893

The will of Mary Charles was probated in the Orphans' Court Wednesday. The testatrix leaves all her property to her daughter, Elizabeth Gunsaule?, whom she appoints executrix. –– Baltimore Democrat, 9 Feb 1895

Court Proceedings, Dec. 12, 1888 - Hannah A. Carroll, by her next friend, John Carroll, vs. George W. Davis, executor of the last will of Annie Chatterton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 15 Dec 1888

Court Proceedings, Dec. 13, 1888 - Hannah A. Carroll, by her next friend, John Carroll, vs George W. Davis, executor of Anne Chatterton, before reported: on trial. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 15 Dec 1888

Court Proceedings, Dec. 14, 1888 - Hannah A. Carroll, by her next friend, John Carroll, vs Geo. W. Davis, executor of the last will of Anne Chatterton; before reported: argument begun. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Dec 1888

Court Proceedings, Dec. 17, 1888 - Hannah A. Carroll, by her next friend, John Carroll, vs. Geo. W. Davis, executor of Anne Chatterton: not concluded. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Dec 1888

Court Proceedings, Dec. 18, 1888 - Hannah A. Carroll, by her next friend, John Carroll, vs. Geo. W. Davis, executor of Anne Chatterton: verdict for plaintiff for $354. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Dec 1888

Messrs. Barton, Wilmer, Ambler & Stewart, attorneys for Willoughby Chatterton, administrator, and others, have instituted suit in the Circuit Court here against Charles A. Chatterton. The bill alleges that the late John H. Chatterton died owing the plaintiffs $1,826.81, and that at the time of his death he had no apparent assets, but that it has recently been discovered that a few days before his death he gave $1, 536.35 to his brother Charles A. Chatterton- and that he also assigned a policy of insurance. They ask that the transfer both of the money and the policy be set aside, and that both be declared part of the estate of John H. Chatterton. –– Baltimore County Union, 24 May 1902

Letters of administration have been granted to John H. Chatterton on the estate of Robt. M. Chatterton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 Dec 1897

Letters of administration were granted to Harriet R. Chew on the estate of Charles R. Chew. –– Baltimore County Democrat March 14, 1896

Sarah Chilcoat, administratrix of Elijah Chilcoat, returned inventory. Tuesday, Oct. 22 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 26 OCt 1872

Letters of administration were granted to Mary Jane Chilcoat on the estate of Elijah Chilcoat. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 9 Sept 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Mary J. Chilcoat to George B. Chilcoat, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 July 1903

The will of Mr. Nimrod Chilcoat was probated. His widow, Mrs. Lucretia Ella Chilcoat, receives all his personal property absolutely, and is given a life interest in his real estate,which, after her death, is to be divided among Mr. Chilcoat's brothers and sisters. George B. Chilcoat, executor, named in the will, has taken out letters testamentary. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 20, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Rachel Frances Chilcoat, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of January, 1889. Thomas J. Hunter, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 12 Jan 1889

The will of Nicholas Chisler was probated. He bequeaths all his property to his wife, Anna Margaret Chisler. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 July 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Edward Chisley to Bruner R. Anderson, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

The Orphans Court was occupied all day Wednesday with the case of David E. Christy et al. against Henry Christy, executor of David Christy. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

The Orphans Court has sustained the will of the late David E. Christie, which bequeaths the property to the widow for life and her son Henry after her death. David Christie, a son, and other persons had filed a caveat. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 13 May 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Frederick M. Christie to Frederick G. Christie, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 12 July 1902

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters testamentary on the estate of Edward J. Church, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 30th day of November, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23d day of May, 1893. Cornelia A. Church, Executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 May 1893

Letters of administration were granted by the Orphans' Court this week to George W. Carr on the estate of John Clagett. –– Baltimore County Democrat, April 4, 1896

Court Proceedings, Dec. 12, 1888 - Emily F. Clark and Wm. M. Burgan, executors of George R. Clark, vs. John C. Cross; judgment for plaintiffs for $389.88. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 15 Dec 1888

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of George S. Clark, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of October, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 25th day of February, 1890. David L. Slade, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 1 March 1890

The will of Mrs. Martha E. Clark was admitted to probate on Tuesday. Her entire estate is bequeathed to her children and her executors, her only son and one of her daughters, are excused from giving bond. –– Baltimore County Union, 14 feb 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Martha E. Clark to James G. Clark and Elizabeth L. Clark, executors. –– Baltimore County Union, 14 Feb 1903

A caveat to the will of Mrs. Anne Catherine Clay was filed in the Orphans Court, this week, by John Clay, showing that the court had no jurisdiction, because the testatrix died in the city, and that a later will was filed in the Orphans Court of Baltimore. The court refused to admit the will to probate. By the first will the bulk of the estate is bequeathed to Louis and Jacob Clay, her sons. The last will provides for an equal distribution of the estate to all the heirs. James J. Lindsay is named the executor in the first will, and John Clay in the second. Mr. Lindsay will file a caveat to the second will. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 Nov 1893

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of William H. Clay, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 27th day of January, 1871, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of July, 1870. John G. Clark, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 July 1870

Sylvester Foard and John B. M. Clayton, executors of John W. Clayton, passed first account. Tuesday, Oct. 22 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 26 Oct 1872

The will of Josiah Clayton was probated in the Orphans Court and letters testamentary were granted to the executors, Hezekiah B. and Joseph Clayton. Mr. Clayton left his farm of 55 acres, on the Baltimore and Harford turnpike, and 20 acres of woodland, to be divided equally among six of his children and his grandchild, Wilbur Clay, subject to the legal rights of his wife, Mary M. Clayton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 8 April 1893

A caveat to the will of Josiah Clayton has been filed by John Wesley B. Clayton. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 April 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Mary K. Clayton to Theodore Clayton, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Aug 1903

Under the will of Mrs. Mary Keyser Clayton all of her property goes to her husband, Theodore Clayton, for life. Upon his death it is to be divided equally among her children: John L., Roy, Mabel F. and Emily C. Clayton. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Aug 1903

The will of Mrs. Rebecca Clayton, widow of Elizah Clayton, has been left for probate in the office of the Register of Wills. Testatrix left to her daughter, Temperance Rebecca Inloes Wisnom, wife of Alexander Wisnom, all of her real estate during Mrs. Winsom s lifetime. After the death of Mrs. Wisnom the property is to go to her children. Mrs. Wisnom is appointed executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 May 1894

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Wells Clayton, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 16th day of July, 1858, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 12th day of Jan., 1857 (as printed in paper). Mary E. Clayton, Administratrix. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 16 January 1858

Letters of administration have been granted to Wm. H. Lawrence on the estate of Edward Cleary. –– Baltimore County Democrat, April 11, 1896

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Mary Cleaver, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 19th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of January, 1889.
Isaac T. Uhrich,
Martha A. Uhrich, Administrators. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 19 Jan 1889

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Willie B. Cochran to Carrie E. Cochran, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 May 1903

Letters testamentary were granted to William S. G. Baker on the estate of Eliza Cockey. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

This Is To Give Notice. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Eliza Cockey, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 2d day of November, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of April, 1893. William S. G. Baker, Administrator with the will annexed. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 May 1893

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of George B. Cockey, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of April, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of September, 1890. Maggie W. Cockey, Executrix. –– Maryland Journal, 4 Oct 1890

The will of the late John G. Cockey, of Lutherville, was filed in the office of the Register of Wills Tuesday. He bequeaths the home place, containing four acres and improvements, and the use of the spring on the Landon House property, to his wife, Mary A. E. Cockey, during her life. The will provides that if the wife of the testator should move from the home place, the property is to be rented by the trustee for her benefit, and if she and the trustee jointly decide to sell the property, he is authorized to do so and reinvest the proceeds and pay her the revenue. After the death of Mrs. Cockey, the home place is to become the property for life of the testator s daughter, Mrs. Laura B. Talbott, the wife of Hon. J. Fred C. Talbott. After the death of the testator s daughter the property is to merge into the rest of the estate. To his grandson, George B. Cockey, the testator bequeathes his gold watch, and to his daughter, Lara B. Talbott, all the balance of the estate, for the following purposes: the net rents, issues and income is to be used by Mrs. Cockey, wife of the testator, during her life, and after her death by Mrs. Talbott during her life. In case J. Fred C. Talbott, her husband, is living after her death, he is to enjoy one-fourth of the net income during his life. Upon the death of Mr. and Mrs. Talbott the income of one equal share is to be divided among their children, if they have any. The other equal share is to be enjoyed by Maggie W. Cockey during her life, and after her death by the children of George B. Cockey, the deceased son of the testator. In the event of the death of either of the children leaving a child or children him or her surviving, the child or children of such one so dying shall take the part to which the parent would have been entitled, and in the event of the death of either without leaving a child him or her surviving, the whole of said one share of the net income shall go to the survivors. The whole estate is to remain in trust during the life of the wife of the testator, during the life of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C. Talbott, of Maggie W. Cockey, and of the survivors of them. In the event of the death of all of them before the youngest of the testator s grandchildren becomes of age, the trust is to continue until that time. Then it shall cease, and the entire estate shall be divided among the grandchildren then living, and if any be dead at that time leaving child or children him or her surviving, said child or children of such grandchild so dying shall take the part to which the parent would have been entitled. The testator confers upon the trustee, Laura B. Talbott, and her successor in the trust, full power to invest any money coming into her or their hands and to sell or lease any portion or all of the estate for any of the purposes under the will. Mrs. Talbott is appointed executrix, to act without bond. The will is dated February 24, 1893, and is witnessed by Charles B. Taylor and John Crowther, Jr. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 1 April 1893

The will of Cornelius M. Cole was admitted to probate Wednesday. A caveat which had been filed to the will was withdrawn. The testator's personal property is left to his wife, Elizabeth Frances Cole, who has since died. The will provides that by her death the property is to be disposed of as follows: to his daughter, Elizabeth E. V. Colbert, house 279 North Exeter street, Baltimore; to his daughter Emily Francis Pitt, 109 of same street, and to his daughter, Sarah Pope Brown, 107 adjoining the last mentioned house. The testator's farm, near Brooklandville, is devised to his daughters, Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. Brown, in equal shares. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 26, 1895

The will of Mr. Cornelius M. Cole was left for probate in the office of the Register of Wills on the 18th instant. The widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Frances Cole, was named as executrix, but letters were not granted to her because notice was given by Mr. William S. Keech that he intended to file a caveat to the will. Letters of administration pending the litigation were granted to J. C. LeGrand Cole and Charles W. Heuisler. The testator left to his widow absolutely all his household furniture, silverware, his gold watch and all his money in the Eutaw Savings Bank, Baltimore, or in the house at the time of his death. The remainder of his estate goes to his widow during her lifetime, or as long as she remains the widow of the testator. After the death of the widow Mr. Cole directs that his daughter Elizabeth E. V. Colbert, shall have the house and lot 279 North Exeter street, Baltimore; his daughter Emily Frances Pitt, house and lot 109 North Exeter street, and his daughter Sarah Pope Brown, house and lot 107 North Exeter street. The executrix is given authority to sell, if she so desires, the farm on which the testator lived, near Brooklandville, Baltimore county, and invest the proceeds in real estate in fee, Mrs. Cole to hold such real estate and use the income. After her death this property is to be divided equally between Emily Frances Pitt and Sarah Pope Brown. The will was executed July 2, 1893, and witnessed by Joseph S. and Charles W. Heuisler. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 9 Dec 1893

Mr. Wm. S. Keech, attorney for Elizabeth E. V. Colbert, by her husband, Augustus F. Colbert, has filed a caveat to the will of the late Cornelius M. Cole, lately filed in the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, on the alleged grounds that testator was unduly influenced and incapable of making a will, &c. The estate left by the late C. M. Cole, situated in this county is alleged to amount to from ten to twelve thousand dollars. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 16 Dec 1893

The case of Elizabeth E. V. Colbert, by her husband and next friend, Augusts F. Colbert, against Elizabeth Frances Cole, executrix of Cornelius M. Cole, has been removed to the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 17 March 1894

The will of E. Rebecca Cole was probated on Tuesday. She bequeaths to her son, Clarence G. Cole a lot on the York turnpike, a ground rent on Greenmount avenue and a lot of personalty; to her daughter Fannie, 27 acres of land and four ground rents. The residuary legatee is her son, Clarence G. Cole. –– Baltimore County Union, 21 Nov 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of E. Rebecca Cole to Clarence G. Cole, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 21 Nov 1903

Letters of administration have been granted to Thos. E. Pearce and JohnCollett on the estate of Benson Collett. –– Baltimore Democrat, 19 January 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Emma Collett, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of January, 1889. Thomas J. Hunter, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 12 Jan 1889

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Mary Jane Collett, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of January, 1889. Thomas J. Hunter, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 12 Jan 1889

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Nicholas Collett to Nicholas A. Collett, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 June 1903

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Silas Franklin Collett, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of August, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of January, 1889. Thomas J. Hunter, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 12 Jan 1889

Letters were granted on the personal estate of George W. Colvin to Isabella P. Guy, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 May 1903

In the Orphans' Court this week letters were granted on the personal estate of Mary Conn to William Conn, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 Jan 1902

Letters of administration were granted to Dixon Connolly Jr., and Alice J. Connolly, on the estate of Dixon Connolly. –– Baltimore County Democrat March 14, 1896

Letters of administration were granted to Frank I. Duncan on the estate of Mary Connor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 7 July 1894

The will of Charles Conrad was also filed. Testator leaves all his property to his brother, John F. Conrad, and his sister, Mrs. Mary Trischman, wife of Henry Trischman. John F. Conrad is executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 21, 1895

Letters were granted to John F. Conrad on the estate of Charles Conrad. –– Baltimore County Democrat December 21, 1895

Letters of administration were granted to Charles Conrad on the estate of John Conrad. –– Baltimore County Democrat July 27, 1895

The will of Mary E. Conrad was filed. The testatrix leaves all her property to her children. Her sons, John and Charles Conrad, are the executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 13, 1895

Letters testamentary were granted to John T. Mason, on the estate of Virginia M. Conrad. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 15 Sept 1894

The will of Marion Whipple Cook was probated. The testatrix bequeaths to Moses hinds Powder $1,000 in a bond of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, and makes bequests of jewelry to Daisy Belle Seymour, Inez Lopaz Seymour, Ruby Smallwood Davidson, Margaret and Maud Powder and Mary H. Seymour. One-third of the balance of the estate is left to Mary H. Seymour, and the remaining two-thirds in trust for Arlington Lee Cook and Charles Powder. Mary A. Seymour is named as the executrix. A codicil of the will revokes the clause bequeathing a $1,000 bond to Moses Hinds Powder, the latter having died. The executrix filed a bond in $15,000, indicating an estate of $7,500. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 16, 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of W. T. Cooney to Mary C. Cooney, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 4 April 1903

Letters of administration have been granted to Charles E. Cooper on the estate of Harry Cooper. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 21, 1898

Letters of administration were granted Wednesday in the Orphans' Court to Minnie N. Condon, on the estate of Henry J. Condon. –– Baltimore County Democrat, October 2, 1897

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Elizabeth Connor to Michael Connor, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Nov 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Bridget Conway to Michael T. Conway, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 Jan 1902

Letters of administration have been granted to Elmer W. Corbin and Ballard F. Torbit on the estate of Nathan Corbin. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 9, 1898

In the Orphans Court letters of administration were granted Wednesday to Robert H. Bussey and Margaret Corbin on the estate of Wm. N. Corbin. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 3 June 1893

Letters of administration on the estate of Henry W. Corner were granted to Wm. T. Townsend, who gave bond for $6,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 August 1893

Mr. Martin J. Murphy applied to the Orphans Court for letters of administration on the estate of Wm. W. Corner, late of Catonsville. In the absence of a will, the court decided to wait until the expiration of twenty days before granting letters –– Baltimore County Democrat, 15 July 1893

Col. D. G. McIntosh, attorney for Mr. Robert S. Corse and others, has filed a bill of complaint in the Circuit Court here against John H. Campbell and others. The object of the suit is to have sold 200 acres of land of which the late William Corse was possessed at the time of his death. It is alleged that the parties to the bill are the only persons in interest, and that it would be to their advantage to have the land sold, as it cannot be partitioned without loss. The land is located in the 12th district, and was left by William Corse to Mrs. Debora Corse, his widow, during her life, and then to their children. Mrs. Corse died in 1899, and the parties to the bill are her children and descendants. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 Dec 1903

The will of Mrs. Eliza Jane Coulter was probated in the Orphans' Court Wednesday, by which bequests are made as follows: $1,000 to the seminary at Pittsburgh under the charge of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church; $1,000 to the board of foreign missions of the same church; $1,000 to the board of home missions; $500 to the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Baltimore; $100 to testatrix's nephew, John T. Bolzman; $100 to her niece, Martha Hunter; a cameo pin, a pair of spectacles and all her wearing apparel to her sister, Margaret C. Caldewood; to crayon portraits to her nephew, John C. Caldewood; a gold watch, chain and locket to her niece, Jane E. Caldewood; some furniture to her niece, Annie E. Core; a workbox to her niece, Eliza C. Core; a silver butter dish and cake basket to Marian Core. Various other bequests are made to other relatives and friends. John T. Bosman is made residuary legatee. He and John D. Core and Annie E. Core are appointed executors. Letters testamentary have been granted. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 14, 1898

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of John T. Councilman, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 23d day of March, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 20th day of August, 1890.Christiana D. Councilman, James B. Councilman, Executors. –– Maryland Journal, 23 Aug 1890

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Wesley B. Coursey, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 27th day of November, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 24th day of April, 1889. William Ewing, Executor. –– Maryland Journal, 18 May 1889

COX, Amelia
The will of Amelia Cox was admitted to probate in the Orphans' Court Tuesday. She bequeaths her property to her children. The caveat filed to the will of Joseph Cox was dismissed. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 4 Dec 1897

A caveat to the will of the late Joseph Cox, has been filed, and argument was heard on it Tuesday in the Orphans' Court. The caveat was filed by Mrs. Caroline Stanley and others, on the ground that Mr. Cox was not a citizen of the county, and the court was without jurisdiction to probate the will. The caveators were represented by Thomas Clendenin and Gill & Preston. The Safe Deposit Company of Baltimore, the executor under the will, was represented by Bernard Carter and Col. D. G. McIntosh. The court reserved its decision. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 27, 1897

The Orphans' Court heard argument Wednesday on a petition in connection with a caveat to the will of Joseph Cox. The petition, which related to the question of the court's jurisdiction, was dismissed. Messrs. Thomas R. Clendinen, Charles H. Stanley and Gill & Preston appeared for the caveators, and Messrs. A. W. Machen, D. G. McIntosh and Bernard Carter for the caveatees. –– Baltimore County Democrat, June 25, 1898

The will of the late Dr. John A. Craig, of Govanstown, has been probated in the Orphans Court here. The deceased leaves to his widow, Sallie Ann, the house and lot on Woodburn avenue, Govanstown, and his homestead, called Ravenswood, on the avenue of that name, containing seventy-two acres, and a lot of about six acres on Ravenswood avenue, during her natural life; also, $5,000, with a request that she devise all her part thereof to her sisters, Mary and Laura Kune, should they or either survive her. The wife also receives all the rest of his property, except as hereinafter disposed of. He leaves to his son, Wm. Pinkney, all the property appropriated to his mother should he survive her, with certain additional provisions. To his son James he leaves six houses and lots on the east side of the York road in Govanstown.
To Mrs. Howe (deceased son s daughter) $2,000, to be invested in a breastpin, pair of rings, which I desire she will wear in remembrance of her grandfather; having equal affection for her as I have for my other grandchildren, I give her less, for to me the pleasing fact that she is too well provided for to need any division of my property needed by other grandchildren.
To his son William Pinkney, he leaves a lot on York road and Woodburn avenue on attaining his twenty-first birthday; to his son William, two Richmond and Danville Railroad bonds of $1,000 each and two first mortgage bonds of Sinepuxent Beach Company, of Maryland, of $1,000 each; to his grandson, John A. Craig, two first mortgage bonds of Sinepuxent Company of $1,000 each; to his granddaughter, Maud Craig, $1,000 bond of Kansas Water Company, of Missouri, and also one $500 bond of the Sinepuxent Company; to Francis Craig, three bonds of Kansas Company of $1,000 each, also one bond of Sinepuxent Company of $500.
He appoints his grandson, John, guardian of his brothers and sisters during their minority. The children of deceased s daughter, Mrs. Margaret Bayly, receive following bequests; Rita Bayly a house and lot known as Woodlawn, on Woodburn avenue; also a lot adjoining, etc., and the bond of the Sinepuxent, first mortgage, six per cent. $1,000 bond, also certain silver plate formerly bequeathed to testator s daughter Margaret; also $250 in cash deposited in the Equitable Insurance Company, of Baltimore, to insure Woodlawn.
To his granddaughter, Alverda Bayly, the house and lot known as Sunny Side, and a lot west thereof, and one first mortgage bond of Sinepuxent Beach Company, and half of the silver plate. The widow is appointed executrix of his will, without bond, and the guardian of William Pinkney Craig. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 23 Dec 1893

Magnificent Bequest. We learn that Mr. Altred L. Cramton, whose death will be found under that head in another column, made a will two days before his death and left the sum of $25,000 to Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of ? Lowe, who resides near this city. Mr. Cramton and Miss Lowe were to have been married in November next, we understand. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 April 1872

George Whitelock, executor of the estate of the late William Cranby, has filed a suit against the Northern Electric Railway Company for damages, on the ground that property belonging to the estate has been damaged to that amount, on account of the building of the railway. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 27, 1897

Letters of administration were granted to John T. and Augustine J. Creaghan on the estate of Augustine Creaghan. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 17 Feb 1894

Letters of administration were granted to John Creamer on the estate of Emma M. Creamer. –– Baltimore County Democrat March 14, 1896

The will of Henry Cronhardt was admitted to probate on Tuesday. His entire estate is bequeathed to his children and grandchildren. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 Dec 1902

Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Cronhardt were granted to Henry Cronhardt and Lena Cronhardt. –– Baltimore County Union, 3 Jan 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Francis A. Crook to Anna L. Crook and George A. Crook, executors. –– Baltimore County Union, 14 June 1902

The will of Ann B. Crooks was probated in the Orphans' Court Tuesday. The testatrix leaves to her nephew, James A. Crooks, her interest in ten acres of land near Walters' camp ground; to her niece, Alexina Walters, $300; to her nieces, Toronsanna East, Jane Albertine Klemann, Ann Rebecca Walters, Mary Susanna Walters and Jane A. Walters, $50 each. The balance of the estate is left to her nephew, James A. Crooks, and her niece, Alexina Walters, both of whom are appointed executors. –– Baltimore County Democrat September 14, 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Herod C. Cross to Elizabeth and John R. Cross, executors. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 Jan 1902

Letters of administration were granted to William C. Cross on the estate of Mina Cross. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Oct 1894

CROSS, Nicholas
- Letters of administration, with the will annexed, were granted to Minerva Cross and William G. Harvey on the estate of Nicholas Cross. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 13 Apr 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of William Cross, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 11th day of June, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 8th day of Dec., 1858. Philemon Cross, William Wooden, Executors. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 11 Dec 1858

Letters of administration were granted this week to William Shutt and Margaret J. Crossmore on the estate of William L. Crossmore. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 21 OCt 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Amelia Crowther to Isaac H. Crowther, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union. 27 June 1903

The will of the late Isaac Crowther, Sr., who died at his home in Hampden on August 15th last, was filed for probate in the Orphans Court in Baltimore Thursday, and letters testamentary were granted to his sons, Isaac S., Samuel S. and Berry R. Crowther. The entire estate is devised to the family of the deceased. Mr. Crowther was one of the best known builders and contractors of Hampden. He was a staunch Republican, and was elected one of the County Commissioners of Baltimore county in 1875 on the Potato B? ticket. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 8 Sept 1894

The will of Mr. Isaac W. Crowther was probated in the Orphans' Court Tuesday and letters testamentary granted to his widow, Mrs. Amelia Crowther, of Upperco, fifth district, who was not required by the will to give bond. Mr. Crowther left all his property, personal and real, to his wife. If the income is not sufficient, she is privileged to use the principal, and if she desires it, she can sell the property left to her and re-invest the money. If Mrs. Crowther desires, she can advance or give a part of the property to her daughter, Effie Bucher. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 29, 1898

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of George Cullison, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 6th day of April, 1891, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 2d day of September, 1890. George R. Cullison, George W. Belt, Executors. –– Maryland Journal, 6 Sept 1890

Letters of administration were granted to Walter B. Cullison on the estate of John N. Cullison. –– Baltimore County Democrat , January 25, 1896

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Mary A. Cullison, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 21st day of April, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 17th day of September, 1889. George R. Cullison, Executor. –– Maryland Journal, 21 Sept 1889

Samuel Eugene CULVER, adoption
On Saturday last Judges Fowler and Burke heard the petition of Mrs. Carrie Nicoll, who desired to adopt Samuel Eugene Culver, the young son of her deceased brother, Samuel Culver. The boy is now in the custody of his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Scheiblien. There was evidence that the mother of the boy had desired that he should be placed in the custody of her parents. The petitioner claimed that it would be for the best interest of the boy that he should be placed in her custody. The court decided on Monday that the boy shall remain in the custody of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Scheiblein.
Baltmore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

Samuel Eugene CULVER, adoption
Circuit Court - In the matter of the petition of Carrie C. Nicoll and Samuel P. Nicoll for the adoption of Samuel Eugene Culver; argued and held sub curia. –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

Letters of administration were granted Tuesday in Orphans' Court to W. J. A. Cummings and S. G. Cummings on the estate of Jane Cummings. –– Baltimore County Democrat June 4, 1898

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of William Curley, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, on or before the 20th day of August, 1858, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 16th day of February. Mary E. Curley, James E. Carr, Administrators. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 20 Feb 1858

Letters of administration were granted to Arthur V. Milholland, on the estate of Catherine Currey. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 25 Mar 1893

Arthur V. Milholland, administrator, has filed a bill of complaint against the unknown heirs of Catherine Curry, who died at Mt. Hope Retreat in August, 1891. The object of the proceedings is to determine who are the persons entitled, as distributes, to the funds in the hands of Mr. Milholland as administrator, amounting to $1,160. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 14 July 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Anna B. Curtis to W. Harrison Curtis, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 10 May 1902

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of William Curtis, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 27th day of July, 1872; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 24th day of January, 1872. Sarah Curtis, Edward Matthews, Administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 27 Jan 1872

Letters of administration, d.b.n., c.t.a., were granted to Frank Gosnell on the estate of Thomas Cusack. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 26, 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of David F. Dailey, to Lillie C. Price, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 20 Sept 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Matthew Daly to Agnes Daly, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 April 1902

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Sophia C. Damer, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of September, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 29th day of January. Henry Schmitz, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 1 Feb 1890

Estate Of Sophia C. Damer, In The Orphans' Court Of Baltimore County. In The Matter Of The Estate Of Sophia C. Damer Upon The Petition Of Henry Schmitz, Administrator Of Sophia C. Damer, deceased. It is ordered by the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 3d day of September, A.D. 1890, that the day appointed by said Administrator, to wit: the 17th day of December, 1890, for a meeting of persons entitled to a distributive Share, Legacy or residue in said estate in this Court in pursuance of Article 93, Section 143, of the Maryland Code Public General Laws, be and the same is hereby approved to the end that payment and distribution may be then and there made under the Court's direction and control. It is further ordered that notice of the same and of this order be given by publication once and week for four weeks before said day in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, and one of the newspapers published in the Empire of Prussia.
Mark Mellor
B. Howard Gorsuch
Andrew Dorsey, Judges
True Copy - Test: Benjamin W. Ady, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. –– Maryland Journal, 4 Oct 1890

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Lydia A. Dance to Milton Dance, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 9 May 1903

The will of Lydia A. Dance, late of Dulany s Valley, was admitted to probate on Tuesday. She gives all of her property to Lydia A. Ensor and Beulah Dance, nieces; Phoebe Ensor, a sister, and Eli Scott Dance, a brother. –– Baltimore County Union, 9 May 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Ernest Dauber to Maria Dauber, administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 14 Feb 1903

John Collins Daves and W. Hall Harris, trustees under the will of Edward Graham Daves, on Wednesday filed a petition asking the court to assume jurisdiction of the trust estate. Judge Burke signed an order assuming jurisdiction, and fixing the bond of the trustees at $15,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 2, 1895

The case of William H. Stembler and others against Harry M. Davis was concluded in the Circuit Court before Judge Burke. The jury, after being out for a short time, returned a verdict for the defendant, and sustaining the will of Amelia Davis. The case was on which turned on the mental ability of the testatrix, who had made a will leaving all her property to her adopted son, Harry M. Davis, to the exclusion of her relatives, to make a will at the time the document was executed. The jury held that the will was valid. The case occupied the court several days. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 Jan 1898

Letters testamentary have been granted to Henry M. Davis on the estate of Amelia Davis. A caveat to the will was disposed of by a verdict of a jury in the Circuit Court which sustained it, after a trial lasting several days. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 5, 1898

Letters of administration were granted to Benjamin Davis, Jr., on the estate of Benjamin Davis. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 28 Oct 1893

By the will of Edwin Davis all his property is bequeathed to his wife, Mary Davis, who is also authorized to act as executrix without bond. Letters testamentary have been granted to Mrs. Davis. –– Baltimore County Democrat February 19, 1898

A bill of complain in equity has been filed by Henry A. Davis against J. Joseph Davis and others, in which the Court is asked to pass an order for the sale of a house and lot at Pikesville, the estate of the late Henry Davis. The Court signed the order. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 21 Oct 1893

Letters of administration have been granted to Justina Parker on the estate of John Davis, bond $1,400. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 23 June 1894

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Madison L. Day to Wellington O. Day, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 Dec 1903

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Charles D. De Ford, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 16th day of February, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day of August, 1858.
William G. De Ford, Executor. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 14 Aug 1858

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of William Dearhault, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 31st day of January, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of July, 1858. Susanna Dearhault, Administratarix. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 31 July 1858

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Peter Deckman to William H. Lawrence, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 June 1902

In the equity case of Dehoff against Dehoff, a bill was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court by John F. Gontrum asking for a decree for the sale of certain property belonging to the estate of the late Louis A. Dehoff, and requesting the court to construe the will. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 29 April 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William B. Denny to Robert H. Carr, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Aug 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Samuel K. George Devries to Henry A. Devries, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 7 nov 1903

Letters were granted to Eva Dey and Frederick Schultz on the estate of John A. Dey. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 April 1894

On petition of Mrs. Agnes J. Dickey, and the other heirs, the court has assumed jurisdiction of the trust contained in Mr. Dickey's will. The trustees appointed in the will - Mrs. Dickey and Messrs. Geo. A. and William A. Dickey - are represented by Barton & Wilmer, attorneys. The value of the estate is estimated to be about $650.000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, April 30, 1898

Judge Burke has signed a decree assuming jurisdiction of the trusts created by the will of the late William J. Dickey, and directing that the further execution of the trusts be conducted under the supervision of the court, and further providing for the maintenance of the dispensaries at the Wetherdville and Oella Mills as beneficial to the business of W. J. Dickey & Sons. –– Baltimore County Democrat July 23, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Emily J. Dickinson to Mrs. Kate M. Herbert, executrix. Deceased left all of her estate to her sister, Mrs. Herbert. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Aug 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Conrad Diering to Catharine Diering, executrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 6 Dec 1902

Letters of administration were granted to William Dilworth on the estate of Anthony Dilworth. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 9, 1895

City National Bank of Jamestown vs. Albert Dilworth and Harry Dilworth, executors of Robert Dilworth; judgment by confession in favor of plaintiff on terms to be filed. –– Maryland Journal, 15 March 1890

The contest over the will of the late William Dilworth, of Kingsville, 11th district, came up in the Circuit Court here on Monday and went over until February 19. Lehman L. Dilworth, son of the deceased, by Messrs. John S. Biddison and Edward L. Ward attorneys, filed the caveat to the will, which is defended by the widow, Mrs. Emma E. Dilworth, who is represented by Messrs. Boarman & Lindsay. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Feb 1902

The trial of the case of Lehman L. Dilworth against Emma E. Dilworth, executrix, was commenced before Judge Burke and a jury in the Circuit Court here on Wednesday. It is to break the will of the late William Dilworth, in which he left to his widow, Mrs. E. E. Dilworth, the defendant, all of his property for life. About seventy witnesses have been summoned, and it is likely the case will last for several days. Messrs. Edward L. Ward, John S. Biddison, Frank I. Duncan and William Colton appear for Lehman L. Dilworth, only child of the testator, and Messrs. Boarman & Lindsay for Mrs. Dilworth. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Feb 1902

On Wednesday morning last the Dilworth will case, which had been on trial in the Circuit Court here several days, came to a sudden termination. When court met the attorneys announced that a compromise had been effected, but in order to make it effective the jury had to return a verdict in favor of the caveator. The terms of the compromise are that all of the property of the testator, William Dilworth, late of Kingsville, shall be sold and the proceeds divided between his widow, Mrs. Emma E. Dilworth, and son, Lehman L. Dilworth. The former is to receive eight-fifteenths of the proceeds and the latter seven-fifteenths. Judge Burke signed a decree appointing Messrs. James J. Lindsay and Edward L. Ward, trustees to conduct the sale. The attorneys in the case were Messrs. Boarman & Lindsay for Mrs. Dilworth, and Messrs. William Colton, Edward L. Ward, John S. Biddison and Frank I. Duncan for Lehman L. Dilworth, who filed the caveat to the will. –– Baltimore County Union, 1 March 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of William Dilworth to Edward L. Ward and James J. Lindsay, administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 March 1902

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of William Dilworth, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 8th day of September, 1902, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 4th day of March, 1902. Edward L. Ward, James J. Lindsay, Administrators. –– Baltimore County Union, 29 Mar 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of James Dixon to Charles Pielert, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 24 Jan 1903

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Henry Doering, Sr., to John Doering and John Link, executors. –– Baltimore County Union, 13 June 1903

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration D. B. N., on the estate of Peter Donnelly, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 16th day of February, 1859, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day of August, 1858.
Thomas Parkin Scott, Administrator, D. B. N. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 14 August 1858

The following bequests are made by the will of Sarah Donohoe; one hundred dollars to the pastor of St. Charles' Roman Catholic Church, Catonsville; $800 to testator's niece, Ann Murphy; $300 to her nephew, William Murphy; $200 to her sister, Annie Healy, $500 to her sister Bridget Murphy, of County Carlow, Ireland; $20 to her niece, Kate Murphy, and the residue to Ann Murphy, Kate Murphy, Annie Healy and Bridget Murphy. Charles B Tiernan is appointed executor and is not required to give bond. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 16, 1895

By the will of Sarah Donohoe the following bequests were made. To the testator's niece, Ann Murphy $800; to her nephew, Wm. Murphy, $300; to her sister, Mrs. Bridget Murphy, of County Carlow, Ireland, $500 and the residue of the estate to Ann Murphy, Kate Murphy, Wm. Murphy, Annie Healey and Bridget Murphy, in equal shares. Charles B. Tiernan is appointed executor and not required to give bond. A codicil dated November 3d, 18??, to which the testator made her mark in pencil, recites that since the execution of the will Mrs. Donohoe has paid to her niece, Kate Murphy, a larger amount than the sum of $500, which was bequeathed to her in the will, and that instead of $5000 Miss Murphy, who is now Mrs. Charles Schultes, is to receive $20. The item of the will containing the bequest referred to in the codicil is canceled in the will itself, besides being revoked in the codicil, Thom. Arthur and Frank Arthur of Lockearn, are witnesses to the codicil. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 23, 1895

The will of Sarah Donohoe was admitted to probate
The Baltimore County Democrat, February 23, 1895

This Is To Give Notice That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Caroline Donovan, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 29th day of October, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 25th day of March, 1890. James W. Harvey, Albert Ritchie, Executors. –– Maryland Journal, 29 March 1890

Mr. Herman Doring left his property to his wife during her life and at her death it is to be divided equally among his children. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 May 1893

This Is To Give Notice. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county letters of administration on the estate of Kuniundi Doring, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of October, 1893, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 12th day of April, 1893. Henry Doring, Sr., Administrator. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 6 May 1893

The joint will of George and Barbara Dorn was probated the same day. It directs that their property after $1,000 is bequeathed to Maggie Westerman, $200 each to the six children of Barbara Dorn and $200 to George Westerman and several smaller bequests be divided equally among their seven grandchildren Maggie, Lizzie, Katie, George, Mary and Ella Dorn and George Westerman. –– Baltimore County Union, 23 Aug 1902

Letters testamentary on the estate of Barbara Dorn were granted to Frederick Lassahn, who is named as executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 Aug 1902

DORSEY, Basil John
Letters of administration have been granted to William C. Rehmeyer on the estate of Basil John Dorsey. –– Baltimore County Democrat August 10, 1895

The will of Mr. James H. Dorsey has been filed for record in the office of the Register of Wills. He bequeaths $100 to his mother, Eleanor A. Cook, $50 to his sister, Frances A. Palmer, and the residue of his estate to his wife, Martha Ellen Dorsey, who is appointed executrix without being required to give bond. Letters testamentary have been granted to the executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 18, 1895

Letters of administration were granted to Martha Ellen Dorsey and Joseph W. Nelson on the estate of James H. Dorsey. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 20, 1895

DORSEY, James H.
The personal effects of the late James H. Dorsey will be offered at public sale, on the premises near Monkton, on October 31st. The stock, farm implements and furniture will be sold. –– Baltimore County Democrat October 12, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court for Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Maria T. Dorsey, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of December, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 14th day of May, 1889. George E. Shelley, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 18 May 1889

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Sophia T. Dorsey, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of December, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 14th day of May, 1889. George E. Shelley, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 18 May 1889

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Vernon W. Dorsey to Dr. John E. Bolte, executor. –– Baltimore County Union 11 July 1903

The will of Vernon W. Dorsey, late of the 2d district, was admitted to probate on Tuesday. He bequeathed all of his jewelry to his sister, Gertrude Dorsey; all his wearing apparel to his brother, R.W. Dorsey, and all his firearms of every description to his half-brother, Marriott Dorsey. All the rest of his property he directs shall be sold and his debts and funeral expenses paid, and a tombstone or monument erected at his grave. Out of the residue he bequeaths to his housekeeper, Mary Rupp???, $800, and to his hired man, George W. Ensor, $200. The remainder is to be divided between his sister, brother and half-brother, his sister and brother each to receive twice as much as his half-brother. –– Baltimore County Union, 11 July 1903

Letters testamentary have been granted to John K. Bolte on the estate of Vernon W. Dorsey. –– Maryland Journal July 18, 1903

DORSEY, VERNON - The will of Vernon Dorsey was admitted to probate. He bequeaths $800 to his housekeeper, Mary Roberts and $200 to George N. Enos. The residue of the estate is bequeathed to the testator's brothers and sister.
The Democrat, 11 July 1903

In the Orphans Court here on Wednesday a caveat was filed by Messrs. Slingluff & Slingluff, attorneys for Mrs. Marcella Zemansky, to the will of the late Vernon W. Dorsey, alleging testamentary incapacity on the part of the testator. Mrs. Zemansky is the mother of the deceased, who died unmarried. –– Baltimore County Union, 12 Sept 1903

DOSH Hanna B.
Letters of administration were granted to Lewis M. Bacon on the estate of Hanna B. Dosh.
The Democrat, April 20, 1895

Wm M. Isaac, administrator d. b. n. of Ann Doughterty, deceased, returned an account of sale of personal property. Wednesday, Oct. 9 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 12 Oct 1872

Letters were granted on the personal estate of James A. Douglas to John I. Yellott, executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Nov 1902

By the will of Mr. Douglas he bequeaths $750 to Robert J. McGee, a friend, and to Mary E. McGee, his wife, $250. A nephew, John Douglas, is to get $500, to be held in trust by William J. Carl and T. Alva Merritt until he is 25 years of age. The remainder of the estate goes to William J. Carl and T. Alva Merritt in trust for testator s niece, Marian Douglas. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Nov 1902

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Mary Douglas to John W. H. Geiger, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 22 Feb 1902

- Letters of administration were granted to John K. Downs and Thomas R. Downs on the estate of Leah Downs. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 4, 1895

The will of Peter Doyle, Sr., was admitted to probate in the Orphans Court Wednesday. He wills to his son, Peter Doyle, Jr., three fields adjoining the lands of Wm. A. Francis; also, all the woodland connected therewith, with the understanding that his two daughters shall have firewood therefrom for one year after his death. To his son David Joseph he leaves $400, and the residue of his property to his two daughters, Sarah Jane and Mary Catherine, share and share alike. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 August 1894

Order Nisi. In the Orphans' Court of Baltimore Co. Ordered, by the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 23d day of November, 1892, that the sale of the real estate of Terrence Doyle, deceased, made by Charles Damer, the surviving Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Executor, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 19th day of December, 1892. Provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 19th day of December, 1892. The report states the amount of sales to be $2,500. Mark Mellor, James W. Offutt, Wm. H. Tracey, Judges. True Copy Test: Benjamin W. Ady, Register of Wills. –– Baltimore County Democrat
26 Nov 1892

The will of the late John Dressel, of Gardenville, was admitted to probate Tuesday in Orphans' Court. He bequeaths his real and personal property to his wife during her life and after her death to his children. The testator directs his wife to pay the following legacies; $50 to St. Andrew's Catholic Church at Gardenville and $50 to St. Andrew's Church in Baltimore; $50 to St. Joseph's Catholic Church at Necker and $100 to St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum in Baltimore. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 7, 1898

The will of Mrs. Mary Dressel was filed for probate in the Orphans Court on Tuesday. She bequeathed her estate to her son, John Dressel; to her daughter, Mrs. Martin Necker, and to the children of the testator s deceased son, George Dressel, each to receive one-third, with the provision that $50 shall be paid to St. Andrew s Catholic Church, $50 to St. Anthony s Catholic Church, $25 to St. Joseph s Catholic Church, at Necker, which sums shall be expended in celebrating masses for the repose of the testator s soul. Letters testamentary on the estate were granted to John Dressel, who is named as executor. –– Baltimore County Union, 23 Aug 1902

The will of the late George E. Ducker was filed in the office of the Register of Wills Thursday. The will is dated April 21, 1894, and nearly all the property is devised to his two children, Julia Ducker Sears, wife of Dr. Thomas E. Sears, and Harry T. Ducker. The home and lot on Bond street in Reisterstown he leaves to his old servant, Mary Ann Tucker, and also $1,000 in trust for Mary Ann Tucker, to go at her death to his daughter, Julia. To his two servants, Josephine Tucker and Joshua L. Burgess he leaves $100 each, and to his sister, Catharine Dean?, $4,000, to be held in trust for her by his son Harry and daughter Julia, and at her death to go to his daughter, Julia D. Sears. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 27, 1895

DUCKER, George E.
Letters testamentary were granted to Harry T. Ducker and Julie D. Sears on the estate of George E. Ducker. –– Baltimore County Democrat August 3, 1895

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of Jeremiah Ducker, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 17th day of October, 1858, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of April, 1858. Jeremiah T. Ducker, George E. Ducker, Executors. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 17 Apr 1858

The will of Henrietta C. Duling was filed Wednesday. The testatrix bequeaths to her grandson, John C. Duling, and to her daughter, Mary E. Seidel, certain furniture, and to her three grandchildren the ground rent of $18 per annum, issuing from a lot on the west side of Arlington avenue, St. Denis. The balance of her property is bequeathed to her sons, Wm. H. and Louis F. Duling. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 12 January 1894

The court has assumed jurisdiction of the trust created by a deed of trust from the late Mrs. Elizabeth A. Dunphy to William S. and James E. Dunphy, of Towson. –– Baltimore County Democrat, May 14, 1898

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of John Durr, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. On or before the 8th day of September, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 5th day of February, 1890. Caroline E. Durr, Executrix. –– Maryland Journal, 8 Feb 1890

Letters of administration were granted to John G. Schwartz on the estate of Wilhelmina Duvel, bond $1,500. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 16 Dec 1893

Letters of Administration have been granted to Emma J. Dykes on the estate of George Dykes. –– Baltimore County Democrat, March 12, 1898

The will of James Dykes was probated in the Orphans' Court. He leaves all his property to his wife, Mary Dykes, for two years, at the end of which time Mrs. Dykes and her two sons, James A. Dykes and Walter W. Dykes, are to sell the property and divide the proceeds equally among testator's heirs. –– Baltimore County Democrat, August 13, 1898

By the will of Joshua Eagleston the following bequests are made: to Julia Ann Blight, $1,500; to John A. Koerner and wife, $600; to Mary Ann Blessing, $500; to Almira Poole, $500. Thomas Gorsuch of C. is executor of the will. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 11 Feb 1893

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Sylvia H. Eaton to Ellen M. Evans, Administratrix. –– Baltimore County Union, 8 Feb 1902

The will of the late Mary E. (or F.) Edmonston, of the 9th district, was admitted to probate Wednesday. One-half of her estate is bequeathed to the testator's sister, Miss Christiana Berry, during her life, and after her death to the testator's nephew, Thomas L. Berry, who is also given the remaining one-half of the estate. The testator's brother, J. M. Berry, is relieved from all indebtedness to her. –– Baltimore County Democrat October 15, 1898

Letters were granted on the personal estate of John Edwards to Charles Pielert, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 18 July 1903

Letters of administration with the will annexed were granted to John Eichelman on the estate of Casper Eichelman. All the testator s property was left to his widow, Margaretta. After her death the estate, which consisted largely of real estate on the Washington turnpike and the old Washington road, was to be divided among the children and grandchildren of the testator. Mr. Eichelman s widow is now dead. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Jan 1894

The will of Justice Eicholtz was admitted to probate. Justice Eicholtz, by his will, leaves all his property to his wife, Margaret Eicholtz, and names his sons, John and George Eicholtz, executors of his will. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 20, 1895

Letters testamentary were granted to George and John Eicholtz on the estate of Justice Eicholtz. –– Baltimore County Democrat, July 20, 1895

Mr. A. A. Piper, attorney for John H. Eicholtz and George Eicholtz, executors of the estate of Margaret Eicholtz, has filed a suit in the Circuit Court asking that a decree be passed directing the sale of the real estate of the deceased. –– Baltimore County Union, 1 Mar 1902

In Orphans' Court this week letters testamentary on the estate of Ellen Egus were granted to John Egus. –– Baltimore County Union, 4 Jan 1902

By the will of Mr. Alexander A. Elder, $500 is given to the trustees of the Middletown Methodist Episcopal Church, in the Sixth district, upon condition that the trustees and their successors shall forever attend to and keep in proper condition the grave of the testator. If the trustees shall neglect to do so, they are to pay over the $500 to Margaret Bond?, sister of Mr. Elder, or to her heirs. Mr. Elder leaves $1,000 to George W. Elder, $500 to his sister, Mrs. Caleb Austine, and $300 in money, all his right and claim to a tract of land called "Boring's Habitation Rock," and four acres of woodland in the Fifth district to Clinton Elder, nephew of the testator. All the remainder of the estate is left to Rebecca J. Austine, niece of Mr. Elder. Letters testamentary on the estate were granted to Philip S. Cross, who gave bond in the sum of $6,000. –– Baltimore County Democrat, August 17, 1895

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Robert North Elder to William V. Elder, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 24 Jan 1903

This Is To Give Notice That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court for Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of Caroline M. Ellicott, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of October, 1890, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of February, 1890. Thomas P. Ellicott, Executor. –– Maryland Journal, 1 March 1890

The Orphans' Court have granted letters of administration to Thomas P. Ellicott, on the estate of Thomas Ellicott. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 22 Dec 1888

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Ellicott, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 22d day of July, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 19th day of December, 1888. Thomas P. Ellicott, Administrator. –– Maryland Journal, 5 Jan 1889

Letters testamentary were granted to Robert H. Bussey, on the estate of Margaret Ellwood. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 8 April 1893

Letters of administration were granted to Ella C. Elsroad on the estate of John T. Elsroad. –– Baltimore County Democrat, February 2, 1895

By the will of Magdalene Emmart, which was also filed, the testatrix leaves all her property to her sister, Catherine Dean.
he Baltimore County Democrat February 23, 1895

The will of Mrs. Johanna Lizetta Emmerich was admitted to probate this week. She directs that all her property be divided equally between her eight children. Henry J. Emmerich, son of the deceased, is named as executor, without bond, and letters testamentary were granted to him. –– Baltimore County Union, 30 Aug 1902

The will of the late Dr. Richard Emory was probated. The testator bequeaths to his mother, Ann Emory, $400, the value of two oxen and four cows which he borrowed from her and after wards sold. The balance of the estate is left to his wife, Agnes S. Emory, who is named as executrix. The will is dated June 1st 1871.
The Democrat, June 29,1895

Letters testamentary were granted to Agnes S. Emory on the estate of Dr. Richard Emory.
The Democrat, 29 June 1895

Letters testamentary were granted to Annie L. and Mary Engel on the estate of Annie Sophia Engel. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

Under the will of Annie E. Engel all of the decedent's property goes to Annie S. Engel and Annie M. Engel. (as in paper) –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

In the Orphans' Court letters were granted to Cecilia V. Ensor and Arthur C. Crommer on the estate of Aquila C. Ensor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 4, 1896

By the will of Aquila C. Ensor all his property is given to his wife, Cecilia V. Ensor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, January 4, 1896

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of administration on the estate of Darby H. Ensor, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of March, 1859; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of Sept., 1858. John H. Ensor, Administrator. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 18 Sept 1858

This Is To Give Notice, that the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamentary on the estate of John Ensor, of Geo., late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, on or before the 12th day of June, 1858, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 8th day of Dec., 1857. John S. Ensor, George S. Ensor, Executors. –– Baltimore County Advocate, 2 January 1858

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Mary L. Ensor to George R. Ensor, administrator. –– Baltimore County Union, 19 Sept 1903

Letters of administration were granted in the Orphans' Court Tuesday to Ozella Ensor on the estate of Mitchell Ensor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, December 25, 1897

The will of Rachel Ensor was probated. The following bequests are made by the testator: To her nephew, Thomas H. Scott, $300; to her nieces, Deborah Baker and Elizabeth Arie, $200 each; to Elder F. A. Chick, $100; to T. W. Davis, a relinquishment of legatee's indebtedness to testator; to testator's nephew, J. B. Davis, the balance of the estate. J. B. Davis is named as the executor, and is instructed not to enforce the payment of a $1,200 mortgage debt against Peter Kessler until November 21, 1895. –– Baltimore County Democrat, November 23, 1895

The will of the late Wm. C. Ensor was left for probate in the Orphans' Court here Tuesday. The testator leaves all his property to his son, Aquilla C. Ensor, subject to the payment of testator's debts and two legacies of $1,000 each to his two sons, John E. and Wm. H. Ensor. The legacies are to be paid in installments of $100 at the end of one year, $400 in three years and $500 in four years from the testator's death, and all without interest. Aquilla C. Ensor is appointed executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 20 Oct 1888

This Is To Give Notice, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County letters testamentary on the estate of William C. Ensor, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 27th day of May, 1889, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23d day of October, 1888. Aquilla C. Ensor, Executor. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 27 Oct 1888

Letters were granted on the personal estate of Letitia Erdman to John G. Erdman of P., administrator. (as printed) –– Baltimore County Union, 15 Feb 1902

The will of Mr. Robert W. Eubank has been left for record. He leaves to his daughter Lulu his farm, called Hopedale, in Lancaster county, Va., also a policy of insurance of $1,000 on his life. To his daughter Lulu and his sister-in-law, Miss Lou D. Haynie, he gives his house and lot in Harve de Grace, and the personal effects contained in his late residence at Govanstown. His daughter, his sister-in-law and his brother, Giles F. Eubank, are appointed executors of the will. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 24 March 1894

By the will of Mrs. Harriet Evans several small bequests of household furniture and wearing apparel are made to Mrs. Evans' children, John, William, Maria, Mary Anne, Frederick and George. Letters of administration, with the will annexed, have been granted to Frederick Evans. –– Baltimore County Democrat May 11, 1895

By the will of John J. Evans all his property, consisting mostly of real estate ,in Howard and Carroll counties,is left to his wife, Ellen M. Evans, for her life and afterward to his surviving children in equal shares. Mrs. Evans is also executrix. –– Baltimore County Democrat March 5, 1898

Samuel P. Storm, executor of Jacob Everhart, deceased, same. (Returned an inventory of personal property.) Tuesday, Oct. 8 (1872) –– Baltimore County Union, 12 Oct 1872

In the Orphans Court letters of administration were granted to John P. Clark on the estate of Frank K. Ewing. –– Baltimore County Democrat, 18 Feb 1893

Transcribed and contributed by Mary Kerr

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