Baltimore County

1850 Deaths in New Orleans

Date of AdmissionDate of DeathWhen Dis-charged Ward Name of PersonOccupationPlace of BirthAge Last Place From How Long
in New Orleans
Long Sick
DiseaseHr of AdmissionRemarks
13-Jan8-May7James A. LEEBaltimore City, Maryland62Baltimore20 yrsW1/2 hourInt F1 1/2
25-Feb8-Mar3Joseph EAVERSON BoatsmanBaltimore City, Maryland20Attakapas1 wk S3 dysHemiplegia11 1/4
8-Jan15-Jan31James GRIFFIN ClerkBaltimore, Maryland26Baltimore13 yrs S1 wkRheumatism4
18-Jan20-Jan11Richard CLARK LaborerBaltimore, Maryland 25Chagres4 mosS2 mosInt Fever4 1/2
1-Feb13-FebSPWRobert BALS or BURNSSeamanBaltimore, Maryland20Baltimore2 dysM5 dys Variola12Bark Elizabeth
3-Feb9-Feb28George FERBANK EngineerBaltimore, Maryland30St. Louis3 wksS5 dysTyphus Fever8 1/2
11-Feb15-Feb28William MYLES LaborerBaltimore, Maryland21Mobile5 yrsS2 dysInt Fever1 1/2
3-Feb24-FebSPWJames GRIFFINClerkBaltimore, Maryland26Baltimore13 yrsS3 dysInt Fever8 1/2
12-Feb28-Feb33Peter McDONALD or McDONOUGHLaborerBaltimore, Maryland7Cincinnati2 1/2 yrsS10 dys Phthisis9 1/4
27-Feb3-Mar31John ERWIN or IRWINLaborerBaltimore, Maryland32Natchez2 wksS1 moDysentery8 1/4

Contributed by Colleen Fitzpatrick

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This page was last updated 12/04/2024