John Cross and Ediff his wife
And Thomas Hunt and Ann his wife
William Hunter
This indenture
made this thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred
and eighty one between John Cross and Ediff his wife of York county and the
state of Pennsylvania and Thomas Hunt and Ann his wife of the County of
Baltimore and state of Maryland the only surviving sistars of a certain Richard
Wiley, the son and heir of a certain William Wiley and Margaret his wife whose
maiden name was Margaret Sing the grandaughter of Richard Taylor of the one part
and William Hunter of Baltimore County and the State of Maryland of the other
part witnesseth that whereas a certain Richard Taylor by his last will and
testament devised unto his grand daughter Margaret Sing, part of a tract of land
lying and being in Baltimore County and the State of Maryland and adjoining to
the Western Run of Gunpowder and called Taylor's Discovery originally granted to
the aforesaid Richard Taylor for five hundred acres of land more or less the
said part of said tract of land devised as aforesaid containing one hundred
fifty acres of land more or less after the death of the said Margaret Sing who
intermarried with a certain William Wiley descended unto her eldest son Richard
Wiley who also dying possessed thereof the same land descended unto the only
surviving sisters of said Richard Wiley to wit Ediff Wiley and Ann Wiley which
said sisters after intermarried with the above John Cross and Thomas Hunt as
above mentioned.
Now this indenture witnesseth that the said John Cross
and Ediff his wife and Thomas Hunt and Ann his wife fore and in consideration of
the sum of seven hundred pounds current money paid to them in hand by the said
William Hunter at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt and payment whereof they, the said John Cross and Ediff his wife and
Thomas Hunt and Ann his wife, do hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every
part and parcel thereof do exonerate and aquit and discharge the said William
Hunter his heirs executors Administrators and assigns and every of them forever
by these presents they the said John Cross and Ediff his wife and Thomas Hunt
and Ann his wife have granted bargained and by these presents do grant and
bargain sell ?? and confirm unto the said William Hunter his heirs, executors
administrators and assigns forever all that part of the tract of land
aforementioned called Taylor's discovery containing one hundred fifty acres of
land and devised by the said Richard Taylor as aforesaid with all and every of
their rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever and the reversions and ? Of
all and singular said form ? Lands tenements heriditerments and premises hereby
granted and of every part and parcel thereof and all rents issues ? Services
profits to whom or any of them
And Thomas Hunt and Ann, his
wife of either of them into ? Of the same, messuage lands tenements
heriteriments and premises and every part and parcel thereof to have and hold
the said messuage or tenement farm lands meadows and all other the premises
hereby granted, bargained sold or mentioned or intended to be hereby granted
bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of
appurtences and the said William Hunter his heirs executors administrators and
assigns forever and the said John Cross and Ediff his wife and Thomas Hunt and
Ann his wife do hereby covenant grant and agree for themselves and their heirs
the messuage farm lands tenements ?? And privileges them or any part or parcel
of them or any of them incident belonging or appertaining and also all any every
of the whole and estates rights letters claims interest and demands whatsoever
of them the said John Cross and Ediff his wife and all singular other the
promises herby granted and every part and parcel thereof with all singular their
and every of their rights members and appurtences unto the said William Hunter
his heirs executors administrators and assigns against them the said John Cross
and Ediff his wife and Thomas Hunt and Ann his wife and their heirs and assigns
and against all and every person and person whatsoever claiming by from or under
them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents.
In witness the partners to these presents have set their hands and affixed their
seals the same day and day first above mentioned.
Thomas Hunt
Ann Hunt
John Cross
Ediff Cross
Signed sealed and delivered In the presents of
? Merryman
Ruth Gill
On the 13th day of October in the year of
our lord 1781 then received of the above named William Hunter the sum of 700
pounds current money being the full of the consideration money aforesaid
mentioned to be paid by him to us we say.
Received by witness
Merry (soc. man)
John Cross
Ediff Cross
Thomas Hunt
Ann Hunt
Contributed by Kay L. Hunt
Source: Baltimore County MD Deed Book WG G, pages 495-497
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