Baltimore County

1765 Land Resurvey of Tanyard for Emanuel TEAL

The following certificate and resurvey are for a tract called "Tanyard" that was originally patented in 1702 by Nathaniel Stinchcomb and lay south-west of Catonsville along the Old Frederick Pike.

Baltimore County

Emanuel Teal's Certificate and Plat of Tanyard, 637 acres
for the Examiner
Oct. 24th, 1765

(Most of the First Page Is Illegible)

Baltimore County (?) By virtue of a special warrant granted out of his Lordships Land office the 15th day of September 1763 - and renewed the 25th February 1764, August the 24 1764, and the 15th February of 1765. To resurvey and lay out for Emanuel Teal of Baltimore County 293 acres part of a tract or parcel of land called Tanyard lying and being in the County aforesaid originally on the 22nd day of August 1702 granted unto a certain Nathaniel Stinchcomb for 393 acres under new rent. Nevertheless correcting and amending any errors in the original survey and by my outlines add any vacant land thereto contiguous be the same cultivated or otherwise (?).

J William Smith Deputy Surveyor of Baltimore County have carefully resurveyd and laid out for and in the name of him the said Emanuel Teal his part of the aforesaid tract or parcel of land according to its ancient meets and bounds (?). Beginning at bounds white oak standing on the north side of Patapsco Falls and on the West side of a branch descending into said falls. Said tree standing about north seventy degrees west one hundred and eighty four perches* distant from abounded white oak the beginning tree of a tract of land called Robbin's Camp, and of one other tract of land called Cannons Lot, it being the beginning of the whole tract called Tanyard and running thence south-south west one hundred and sixty perches to abounded white oak(not known) then south twenty degrees west , twenty nine perches to abounded red oak(not known) then south thirty seven degrees, west one hundred perches to a branch thirty four degrees east, one hundred and eighty four perches to a granch, then north twenty five degrees, esast twenty perches. North twenty perches, north sixteen degrees, east fifty perches, then bounding on the first line of Nicholas Baker's part of the said tract. North thirty one degrees, east two hundred and one perches to the end of the north thirty seven degrees, west sixty five perches line of the whole tract. Being the beginning of Nicholas Baker's part of said land, then east-south-east one hundred perches, north-north-east one hundred and sixty perches, and thence with a straight line to the beginning containing and now laid out for five hundred and thirty acres. And I have by virtue of the aforesaid warrant added to the outlines thereof, the quantity of one hundred and seven acres of vacand land lying in four parcels (?). Begining for the first vacancy at the end of the third line of the original survey as marked on the Plat "B" and containing fifty (?) acres. Beginning (?) vacancy at the (?) perches on the north line of the oriiginal survey as marked on the Plat "C" containing five & a half acres. Beginning for the third vacancy at line of the original survey as marked on the Plat "D" containing thirty & a half acres. Beginning for the fourth vacancy at the end of the last line of the original survey as marked on the Plat "E" containing twenty acres. And lastly I have reduced the whole into one entire tract bounding as follows (?). Lying in Baltimore County on the north side of the main falls of Patapsco river. Beginning at abounded white oak standing on a ridge on the west side of a branch descending into the said falls. It being the beginning of the original survey and running thence bounding on the original survey the three following courses (?) ; south-south-west one hundred and sixty perches, south twenty degrees, west twenty nine perches, south thirty seven degrees, west one hundred perches to a branch descending into the said falls, then south ten degrees thirty minutes, west ten perches, south fourty degrees thirty minutes, west seventy one perches, south fourty eight degrees thirty minutes, east forty one perches, north fifty four degrees, east sixty one perches, south fourty seven perches, south twenty degrees, east twenty two perches, south west nine perches, south fourty eight degrees thirty minutes, east thirty eight perches, north east eighty four perches, north west thirty seven perches until it intersects the ninth line of the original survey. Then bounding on the original survey north thirty one degrees, east two hundred and one perches to the beginning of the east-south-east one hundred perches line of said land, then south thirty seven degrees, east sixty five perches, south eight degrees, east thirty four perches, south thirty perches, south twenty eight degrees, east thirty nine perches, south twenty six degrees, west thirty five perches, north eighty seven degrees, east twenty seven perches, north one hundred and thirty four perches, north by east sixteen perches until it intersects the east-south-east one hundred perches line of the original survey, then east-south-east eighteen perches to the end of said line then north-north-east one hundred & sixty perches still north-north-east four perches, north sixty one degrees, west fourty six perches, north forty nine degres, west fifty two perches, north sixty nine degrees, west one hundred and twenty six perches, north sixty fourt degrees and thrity minutes, west thrity sixt perches and then by a straight line to the beginning, containing and laid out for six hundred & thirty seven acres more or less to be held of the Manor of Baltimore by the name of Tanyard. July the 27th 1765

signed by Wm. Smith (illegible)

[sic.} *one perch equals 5 1/2 yards

Platted on a scale of 100 ps in an inch
A Table of courses

Note A is the beginning of the orginal survey & resurvey
B the 1st
C the 2nd
D the 3rd
E the forth

Emanuel Teal's part of Tanyard orginally 293 acres, surplus 237 ... 530
Vacant land now added 107
Tanyard contains now 637

There is on the vancant land added about 20(?) pannels of fence & 10 acres cultivated. The above survey is bound all round by elder surveys

Wm. Smith, (illegible)

Contributed by Bud Wilkinson

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This page was last updated 12/04/2024