Baltimore County

John MERRYMAN Descendants Report

There were a number of Merrymans in Colonial Virginia between 1638 and 1650.

The name Merryman and Merriman shows up early on Virginia Records. Merryman in The Chancery Patent Rolls of 12 Charles I, part 23, (1636/1637) Merryman in Port Book of London, Waiters Overseas (1637/1638)

The relationship of John Merryman to there others is not certain. These others include a John Merryman and John Merryman Jr. who settled around Isle of Wight Co. VA. John, the father of Charles, is thought to been related to Richard Merryman who also settled in Lancaster County VA and lived close by to John. There is evidence of several men named Merryman coming to Maryland prior to Charles Merryman. In Skordas' "Early Settlers of Maryland" There is a John Merryman listed as being transported prior to 1677 (l.15/f.448) and prior to 1679 (l. WC/f.108) and a William Merryman transported before 1663 (l.6/f.214). Also a James Merriman was among the early settlers of Anne Arundel Co MD, being a justice in 1650. James Merryman assigned his grant of 500 acres of land in 1662 to John Browne of New England.

Charles Merryman of Baltimore Co has long been known to come from Lancaster Co., VA, as he was styled Wheelwright of Crototoman River, Virginia as grantee of the 300 acre tract "East Humphreys" on the north side of Patapsco River dated 30 March 1682 from Thomas Everset, planter and wife Hannah, alias Hanah Bale.1 Also many of the genealogies that address the family, identify records in Lancaster Co that show he was the son of John and Audrey Merriman. However, what seems to be missing from most of the material on the family is the fact that his first wife, Mary, was the daughter of Nicholas and Mary Hale/Heale and the widow of Henry King. He had a second wife Mary who appears to be the mother of his daughter, while his three sons are by Mary Hale. The Henry King who left a will dated 18 Jan 1717 in Baltimore Co appears to have been the step-son of Charles Maerryman. Also in the Virginia records we find the likely reason why Charles Merriman left Virginia and came to Maryland

The trail of evidence for the identity of Mary, wife of Charles MERRYMAN starts with the court of 12 Nov 1672 in Lancaster Co in an action concerning the estates of Nicholas HALE and Mary Hale. A suit was filed by Henry King, who married Mary, the daughter of Nicholas Hale against George Hale, the Administrater of Mary Hale who was the administrix of the estate of Nicholas Hale. The court ordered that one-third part of the two third part of Nicholas Hale's estate and a one-third part of the estate of Mary Hale be delivered to Henry King. This action shows that Mary Hale, daughter of Nicholas and Mary married Henry King. It also indicates she had two siblings. At the 12 March 1672/3 Court there is further action about the suite of Henry King, the husband of Mary daughter of Nicholas Hale against George Hale, administrator of Mary Hale who has been administrix of Nicholas Hale in which Thomas Martyn, Nicholas George, Thomas Bickley, and John Arnold on the 15th Instant were to divide the estate into three equal parts.

On 8 March 1681/82 a suit was filed in Lancaster Co Court by Nicholas George and George Heale, securities for the Estate of Henry KING. The Court order that since Charles MERRYMAN, who had married the widow and relict of the said KING, had clandestinely departed the Country, that for the security of Nicholas GEORGE and George Heale, an Inventory of the whole Estate belonging to Charles Merriman in this County be forthwith taken by Robert PRITCHARD and Thomas PARFIT and exhibited to the next Court. This is the time of course at which Charles Merryman purchased the 300 acre track "East Humphreys" in Baltimore County (30 April 1682).

For further data on Charles MERRYMAN in Virginia, researchers are encouraged to look at the Court Order books for Lancaster County, VA that have been extracted by the Sparacios, & the series Cavaliers and Pioneers of Virginia.


1. John MERRYMAN(1) was born before 1628 in England. He died before 21 Nov 1674 in Lancaster Co., VA.

He was married to Audrie in England. Audrie was born in England. John MERRYMAN and Audrie had the following children:

child+2 i. William MERRYMAN.
child3 ii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born before 1652 in Lancaster Co., VA.
child+4 iii. Charles MERRYMAN.


2. William MERRYMAN (2) was born before 1652 in Lancaster Co., VA. He died after 1680.

William MERRYMAN and Mary had the following children:

child+5 i. Thomas MERRYMAN.
child6 ii. William MERRYMAN was born about 1680. He died in 1740 in Lancaster Co., VA.
child7 iii. Margaret MERRYMAN was born before 1678.

4. Charles MERRYMAN (1) was born before 1660 in Lancaster Co., VA. He signed a will on 16 Jan 1724. He had an estate probated on 14 Jan 1725/26. He died on 22 Dec 1725 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co. MD.. He Estate Admin on 8 Nov 1726.

He was married to Mary HAILE (daughter of Nicholas HAILE and Mary ?) in Lancaster Co., VA. Charles MERRYMAN and Mary HAILE had the following children:

child+8 i. John MERRYMAN.
child+9 ii. Charles MERRYMAN Jr.
child+10 iii. Samuel MERRYMAN.

He was married to Mary. Mary died after 1735. Charles MERRYMAN and Mary had the following children:

child+11 i. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.


5. Thomas MERRYMAN (3) was born about 1674. He died in 1718 in Lancaster Co., VA.

Thomas MERRYMAN and Ellenor had the following children:

child12 i. John MERRYMAN was born before 1718. He died in 1726 in Lancaster Co., VA.
child13 ii. Adam MERRYMAN was born before 1718. He died in 1772 in Caroline Co VA.
child14 iii. Benjamin MERRYMAN was born before 1718.

8. John MERRYMAN (1) was born in 1678 in Lancaster Co., VA. He signed a will on 18 Jan 1746. He died in Jun 1749. He had an estate probated on 6 Jun 1749 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Martha BOWEN (daughter of Jonas BOWEN and Martha HENCHMAN) in 1702. John MERRYMAN and Martha BOWEN had the following children:

child+15 i. Moses MERRYMAN.
child16 ii. Joanna MERRYMAN died on 7 Oct 1790.
child+17 iii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child18 iv. Mary MERRYMAN died on 16 Apr 1791.
child19 v. unknown MERRYMAN died in infancy.
child+20 vi. John MERRYMAN.
child+21 vii. Temperance MERRYMAN.
child22 viii. Charles MERRYMAN(4) was born on 28 Sep 1723 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, MD. He died on 13 Dec 1729. (5)
child+23 ix. Joseph MERRYMAN.
child+24 x. Sarah MERRYMAN.

9. Charles MERRYMAN Jr (1) was born about 1680 in Lancaster Co., VA. He signed a will on 25 Dec 1720. He died on 17 May 1722. He had an estate probated on 23 Jun 1722 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Jane LONG (daughter of Major Thomas LONG and Jane) on 24 Jun 1702 in Baltimore Co., MD. Jane LONG died about Sep 1739 in Baltimore Co., MD. Charles MERRYMAN Jr and Jane LONG had the following children:

child+25 i. William Merryman.
child+26 ii. John Charles MERRYMAN.
child27 iii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+28 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+29 v. Jemima MERRYMAN.
child30 vi. Kedeworth MERRYMAN was born on 23 Mar 1717/18. (6)
child+31 vii. Mary MERRYMAN.

10. Samuel MERRYMAN (1) was born in 1683. (7) He died in 1754. He signed a will on 16 Jan 1754. (8) He had an estate probated on 2 Jul 1756 or 23 Mar 1754.

He was married to Mary BOONE (daughter of Capt. Humphrey BOONE). Mary BOONE died on 26 Mar 1728. Samuel MERRYMAN and Mary BOONE had the following children:

child+32 i. Keturah MERRYMAN.
child+33 ii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child+34 iii. Samuel MERRYMAN.
child+35 iv. Nicholas MERRYMAN.

11. Elizabeth MERRYMAN died in 1770 in Baltimore MD. She signed a will on 22 Jun 1770. She had an estate probated on 7 Dec 1770 in Baltimore, MD.

She was married to Jacob COX on 25 Sep 1722 in Baltimore MD. Jacob COX died on 1 Nov 1724 in St Pauls Parish Register, Balto. MD. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Jacob COX had the following children:

child+36 i. Merryman COX.
child+37 ii. Jacob COX.

She was married to Samuel SMITH on 3 Sep 1727. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Samuel SMITH had the following children:

child38 i. Rachel SMITH.
child+39 ii. Elizabeth SMITH.
child40 iii. John SMITH.
child+41 iv. Charles SMITH.
child42 v. Sophia SMITH.


15. Moses MERRYMAN .

He was married to Sarah GLENN about 1750. Moses MERRYMAN and Sarah GLENN had the following children:

child+43 i. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN.

17. Rebecca MERRYMAN died on 4 Feb 1792.

She was married to Thomas Spicer on 1 Jan 1735. Rebecca MERRYMAN and Thomas Spicer had the following children:

child44 i. John Spicer.
child+45 ii. Austin Spicer.
child46 iii. Sarah Spicer.
child47 iv. Temperance Spicer.
child48 v. Edward Spicer.
child49 vi. Valentine Spicer.
child50 vii. Elinor Spicer.
child51 viii. Thoma Spicer.

20. John MERRYMAN was born in 1703. He signed a will on 4 Feb 1774. He died on 13 Aug 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 11 Nov 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Piney Hill Road Cemetery, Baltimore MD.

He was married to Sarah ROGERS (daughter of Nicholas ROGERS and Eleanor) on 30 Dec 1725 in St Pauls Church, Balto. Co. MD. Sarah ROGERS was born about 1708. She died on 3 Mar 1775 in Baltimore MD. She was buried in Piney Hill Cemetry, (Merryman Family) Baltimore Co. MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah ROGERS had the following children:

child+52 i. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr.
child+53 ii. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child+54 iii. Mary MERRYMAN.
child+55 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+56 v. John MERRYMAN.
child+57 vi. Benjamin MERRYMAN.

21. Temperance MERRYMAN was born on 13 Dec 1720. She died on 5 Jan 1813.

She was married to Edward TALBOTT (son of John TALBOTT and Mary WATERS) on 28 May 1745. Edward TALBOTT (9) was born on 15 Jul 1723 in Anne Arundel Co., MD. He signed a will on 6 Feb 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 29 Aug 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 16 Sep 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. Temperance MERRYMAN and Edward TALBOTT had the following children:

child+58 i. John TALBOTT.
child+59 ii. Benjamin TALBOTT.
child+60 iii. Vincent TALBOTT.
child+61 iv. Mary TALBOTT.
child+62 v. Temperance TALBOTT.
child63 vi. Edward TALBOTT was born on 26 Jun 1764. He died on 5 Aug 1801.

23. Joseph MERRYMAN was born on 14 Apr 1728.(5) He died on 1 Feb 1799.

Joseph MERRYMAN and Elizabeth had the following children:

child64 i. John MERRYMAN.

Joseph MERRYMAN and Mary had the following children:

child65 i. Moses MERRYMAN.
child66 ii. Joesph MERRYMAN.
child+67 iii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child+68 iv. Jemima MERRYMAN.
child+69 v. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+70 vi. Mary MERRYMAN.
child71 vii. Job MERRYMAN.

24. Sarah MERRYMAN .

She was married to John LEMMON.

25. William Merryman was born about 1700 in Baltimore County, Maryland. (10) He died after 1750.(10) He died in 1803.

He was married to Margaret Lane (daughter of Dutton Lane and Pretitia\Pretosia Tydings) about 1725. (10) Margaret Lane was born in 1702 in Baltimore County, Maryland. (11) She died after 1742.(10) William Merryman and Margaret Lane had the following children:

child72 i. Jemima MERRYMAN(6) was born on 24 Nov 1726. She died on 13 Aug 1736.
child73 ii. Margaret MERRYMAN was born on 24 Feb 1727/28. She died on 5 Aug 1736.
child74 iii. William MERRYMAN(6) was born on 11 Apr 1729.
child75 iv. George MERRYMAN(6) was born on 25 Oct 1734.
child76 v. Joanna MERRYMAN(6) was born on 15 Oct 1736.
child+77 vi. Chloe MERRYMAN.

26. John Charles MERRYMAN .

He was married to Millicent\Milleson HAILE (daughter of Nicholas HAILE and Frances GARRETT) on 27 Feb 1730 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. Millicent\Milleson HAILE was born in 1711 in Baltimore Co., MD.. John Charles MERRYMAN and Millicent\Milleson HAILE had the following children:

child78 i. Charles MERRYMAN(6) was born on 22 May 1733.
child79 ii. Mary MERRYMAN(6) was born on 28 Jan 1734/35.
child80 iii. Millicent MERRYMAN(6) was born on 7 Dec 1736.

28. Elizabeth MERRYMAN .

She was married to Joseph CROSS on 13 Sep 1730.

29. Jemima MERRYMAN .

She was married to Henry Stevenson (son of Edward STEVENSON and Mary) on 19 Jun 1735.

31. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 27 Mar 1719.

She was married to William HALL on 17 Dec 1734. Mary MERRYMAN and William HALL had the following children:

child81 i. Nicholas HALL.

32. Keturah MERRYMAN was born in 1717. She died on 22 Feb 1789.

She was married to Thomas PRICE (son of Mordecai PRICE and Mary PARSONS) on 1 Jul 1732. Thomas PRICE was born on 1 Jan 1711 in Ann Arundel Co., MD.(12) He died in 1741. Keturah MERRYMAN and Thomas PRICE had the following children:

child82 i. Benjamin PRICE was born on 8 Mar 1732/33 in St Paul's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to William Parish Jr on 25 Feb 1743.

33. Rebecca MERRYMAN .

She was married to John PRICE (son of Mordecai PRICE and Mary PARSONS) before 1729. John PRICE was born about 1692. He died in 1790. Rebecca MERRYMAN and John PRICE had the following children:

child+83 i. Mary PRICE.
child+84 ii. Keturah PRICE.
child85 iii. Leah PRICE(13).
child86 iv. Aquila PRICE(14).
child87 v. Elizabeth PRICE.
child88 vi. Isabella PRICE(13).
child89 vii. Agnes PRICE.
child90 viii. Benjamin PRICE(13).
child91 ix. Rachel PRICE(13).
child92 x. Ann PRICE(13).
child93 xi. Rebecca PRICE(15).
child94 xii. John PRICE Jr(16).
child95 xiii. Mordecai PRICE(13).

34. Samuel MERRYMAN (4)(17) was born on 12 Nov 1721 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. MD. He signed a will on 8 Jun 1799. He died on 25 Sep 1809 in 88th year.. He had an estate probated on 13 Jan 1810 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Jane\Jean PRICE (daughter of John PRICE and Hannah) was born on 14 Nov 1722.(18) She died in 1771.(19) Samuel MERRYMAN and Jane\Jean PRICE had the following children:

child+96 i. Rachel MERRYMAN.
child+97 ii. Samuel MERRYMAN Jr..
child98 iii. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 13 Jun 1749.
child+99 iv. Action\Achsach "Nackey" MERRYMAN.
child100 v. Mordecai (Martico) MERRYMAN(20) was born on 29 Mar 1754. He died in 1807. He signed a will in 1807.
child+101 vi. Caleb MERRYMAN.
child+102 vii. John MERRYMAN.
child+103 viii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child104 ix. ? MERRYMAN.

35. Nicholas MERRYMAN was born on 8 Feb 1727. He signed a will on 7 Sep 1768. He died in 1770. He had an estate probated on 17 Jul 1770 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Averilla\Avarilla RAVEN\REAVEN (daughter of Luke RAVEN II and Sarah MAJORS) on 1 May 1755 in St John's and St George's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. Averilla\Avarilla RAVEN\REAVEN died in 1784. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Averilla\Avarilla RAVEN\REAVEN had the following children:

child105 i. Luke MERRYMAN.
child106 ii. Samuel MERRYMAN died in 1787.
child107 iii. Nicholas MERRYMAN died in 1787.
child108 iv. Keturah MERRYMAN.
child+109 v. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child+110 vi. Mary MERRYMAN.

36. Merryman COX was born on 22 Jan 1723 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore MD. (4)

He was married to Honor HALL on 26 Dec 1745 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co MD.

37. Jacob COX was born on 7 Jul 1725 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore MD. He died in 1798. He signed a will on 24 Jun 1798. He had an estate probated on 31 Jul 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Elizabeth GAIN (daughter of William GAIN and Rebecca HAWKINS) on 13 Dec 1744 in St Johns and St Georges Parish, Baltimore Co MD. Elizabeth GAIN was born on 13 Jan 1728. Jacob COX and Elizabeth GAIN had the following children:

child111 i. Zebediah COX.
child112 ii. Dinah COX.
child113 iii. Rachel COX.
child114 iv. Elizabeth COX.
child115 v. Jacob COX.
child116 vi. Rebecca COX.
child117 vii. Elijah COX.
child+118 viii. Elisha COX.
child119 ix. William COX.
child120 x. John COX.

Jacob COX and Casiah\Keziah PEREGOY had the following children:

child121 i. Unborn COX.

39. Elizabeth SMITH .

Elizabeth SMITH had the following children:

child122 i. Mary Fowble SMITH.

41. Charles SMITH .

Charles SMITH had the following children:

child123 i. Rachel SMITH.


43. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN was born in 1750 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 7 Jun 1842 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery at Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Mary ENSOR (daughter of Eleanor) in 1780. Mary ENSOR died in Jun 1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery at Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., MD. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN and Mary ENSOR had the following children:

child124 i. Sarah MERRYMAN was born in 1781. She died in Sep 1804.
child+125 ii. Moses MERRYMAN Dr..
child126 iii. Eleanor MERRYMAN was born in 1785. She died on 26 Sep 1832.
child+127 iv. Mary MERRYMAN.
child+128 v. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr.

45. Austin Spicer .

Austin Spicer and Rebecca had the following children:

child+129 i. Thomas Spicer.

52. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr was born on 11 Dec 1726. He died on 14 Jul 1801 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried on 24 Jul 1801.

Jane died after Jul 1801. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr and Jane had the following children:

child+130 i. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+131 ii. Elijah MERRYMAN.
child132 iii. Micajah MERRYMAN.
child133 iv. Jane MERRYMAN.
child134 v. Mary MERRYMAN.
child135 vi. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child136 vii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+137 viii. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr.

53. Sarah MERRYMAN was born on 12 May 1729. She died in prob. KY.

She was married to Robert WILMOTT (son of John WILMOTT Jr. and Rachel OWINGS) on 15 Dec 1748 in St. Pauls Church Baltimore Co MD. Robert WILMOTT died in 1773 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 8 Oct 1773. He had an estate probated on 4 Nov 1773 in Baltimore Co., MD. (21) Sarah MERRYMAN and Robert WILMOTT had the following children:

child138 i. John WILMONT.
child139 ii. William WILMONT.
child140 iii. Robert WILMONT.
child141 iv. Richard WILMONT.
child142 v. Benjamin WILMONT.
child+143 vi. Sarah WILMONT.
child+144 vii. Eleanor WILLMOTT.
child145 viii. Ruth WILMONT.
child146 ix. Mary WILMONT.

54. Mary MERRYMAN was born about 1732. She died before 4 Feb 1774.

She was married to Abraham ENSOR (son of John ENSOR Jr and Elizabeth COLE) on 30 Jan 1750 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co. MD. Abraham ENSOR was born on 5 Feb 1727 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. (22) He died on 8 Jul 1797. Mary MERRYMAN and Abraham ENSOR had the following children:

child147 i. William ENSOR.
child148 ii. Luke ENSOR.
child149 iii. John ENSOR.
child150 iv. Abraham ENSOR.
child151 v. Ann ENSOR.
child152 vi. Sarah ENSOR.

55. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 13 Jun 1734. She died on 2 Sep 1795.

She was married to John GORSUCH (son of Thomas B. GORSUCH and Jane ENSOR) on 11 Mar 1755. John GORSUCH was born in 1730 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died between 1779 and 1783. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and John GORSUCH had the following children:

child153 i. Richard GORSUCH(23) died in 1834.
child154 ii. Nicholas GORSUCH.
child155 iii. Robert GORSUCH was born in 1757 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1828.
child156 iv. John Merryman GORSUCH was born in 1767 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1840.
child+157 v. Dickenson GORSUCH.
child+158 vi. Joshua GORSUCH.

56. John MERRYMAN was born on 16 Feb 1737 in Hereford, Balto. Co. MD. He signed a will on 19 Jan 1813. He died on 14 Feb 1814 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 23 Feb 1814. He was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD.

He was married to Sarah ROGERS (daughter of William ROGERS and Sarah GILL) on 9 Dec 1777. Sarah ROGERS was born on 22 Mar 1743/44. She signed a will on 24 Feb 1814. She died on 21 Aug 1816. She had an estate probated on 14 Sep 1816. She was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah ROGERS had the following children:

child159 i. Benjamin Rogers MERRYMAN was born on 27 Oct 1780. He died in 1801.
child+160 ii. Anne MERRYMAN.
child+161 iii. Sarah Rodgers MERRYMAN.
child162 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 4 Mar 1786. She died in 1860.
child163 v. John MERRYMAN was born on 3 Nov 1785. He died on 24 Jun 1854. He was buried in Piney Hill Road at York Rd, Balto. Co MD.
child+164 vi. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN.

57. Benjamin MERRYMAN was born on 29 Aug 1739. He died on 30 May 1814 in Calvert St. Baltimore, MD.

He was married to Mary BELL on 2 Feb 1762 in St. Johns Parish, Balto. Co. MD. Mary BELL died on 6 Nov 1822. (24) Benjamin MERRYMAN and Mary BELL had the following children:

child165 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN was born about 1766. He died on 6 Jun 1796 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.
child166 ii. Joshua MERRYMAN died on 4 Jan 1801.
child+167 iii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child+168 iv. William MERRYMAN.
child+169 v. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child170 vi. Sarah Davidge MERRYMAN died before 1814.
child+171 vii. Catharine MERRYMAN.
child+172 viii. Mary Bell MERRYMAN.
child173 ix. Elizabeth Rogers MERRYMAN.
child+174 x. Eleanor Croxall MERRYMAN.
child175 xi. Martha MERRYMAN died before 1814.
child+176 xii. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN.
child177 xiii. Jarrett MERRYMAN.
child+178 xiv. John MERRYMAN.
child+179 xv. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN.
child+180 xvi. Rebecca Davidge MERRYMAN.

58. John TALBOTT was born on 13 Jul 1748. He died in 1830 in Bourbon Co., KY.

He was married to Hannah BOSLEY. John TALBOTT and Hannah BOSLEY had the following children:

child+181 i. Edward TALBOTT.
child+182 ii. Richard TALBOTT.

59. Benjamin TALBOTT was born on 11 Feb 1750. He died on 5 Jan 1816.

Benjamin TALBOTT and Sarah WILMONT had the following children:

child+183 i. Harriet TALBOTT.

60. Vincent TALBOTT was born on 15 Oct 1752. He died on 26 Dec 1819.

He was married to Elizabeth BOSLEY.

61. Mary TALBOTT was born on 8 Apr 1757.

She was married to Benjamin BOWEN.

62. Temperance TALBOTT was born on 5 Aug 1760.

She was married to BRITTON.

67. Rebecca MERRYMAN .

She was married to Richard DEMMITT on 9 Dec 1783 in Rev. William West, Baltimore Co. MD returns.

68. Jemima MERRYMAN .

She was married to Solomon BOWEN (son of Solomon BOWEN and Temperance ENSOR) on 20 Jun 1786 in Rev. William Gill, Baltimore MD. Solomon BOWEN was born on 22 Mar 1754 in St Thomas Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

69. Elizabeth MERRYMAN .

She was married to Benjamin BOWEN (son of Nathan BOWEN and Mary SOLLERS) in Jun 1792 in Baltimore Co., MD. Benjamin BOWEN died in 1824. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Benjamin BOWEN had the following children:

child184 i. Harriet BOWEN.
child185 ii. Amanda BOWEN.
child186 iii. Elizabeth BOWEN.
child+187 iv. Willis BOWEN.
child188 v. Nelson BOWEN.
child189 vi. Asbury BOWEN.

70. Mary MERRYMAN .

She was married to George BAXLEY on 5 Sep 1793 in Rev. John Hagerty, Balto. Co. MD.

77. Chloe MERRYMAN (6) was born on 28 Feb 1741 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in Ohio. She was baptized in St. Pauls Parish, Balto. Co MD.

(George?) Bazil TRACY (25) (son of Basil (maybe) or TEAGUE Jr. (perhaps) TRACEY) died between 1822 and 1825 in Licking Co. Ohio. He was born in Baltimore Co., MD. Chloe MERRYMAN and (George?) Bazil TRACY had the following children:

child+190 i. William TRACY.
child+191 ii. George TRACY.
child192 iii. Nackey (Accie?) TRACY was born in Baltimore Co., MD.
child193 iv. Sarah TRACY died before 1822.
child+194 v. Bazil TRACY Jr.
child+195 vi. Joshua TRACY.
child+196 vii. Margaret TRACY.
child+197 viii. Elizabeth TRACY.

83. Mary PRICE (26).

Mary PRICE and John PARRISH had the following children:

child198 i. Mary Elizabeth PARRISH.

84. Keturah PRICE died after 1790.

She was married to Richard BELT (son of John BELT and Lucy) on 24 Feb 1760 in Gunpowder Monthly Meeting, Baltimore Co., MD. Richard BELT (27) signed a will on 18 Mar 1788. He died about 1789. He had an estate probated on 19 Mar 1789 in Baltimore Co., MD. Keturah PRICE and Richard BELT had the following children:

child199 i. John BELT.
child+200 ii. Charlton BELT.
child+201 iii. Milcah BELT.
child202 iv. Aquilla BELT.
child+203 v. Mary BELT.
child204 vi. Benedict BELT.

96. Rachel MERRYMAN was born on 11 Dec 1742.

She was married to Charles STEWART on 17 Oct 1788.

97. Samuel MERRYMAN Jr. (6) was born on 17 Jan 1745 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1805.(28) He signed a will on 16 Sep 1805. He had an estate probated on 26 Oct 1805 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Samuel MERRYMAN Jr. and Ruth PRICE (?) had the following children:

child+205 i. Mordecai MERRYMAN.
child206 ii. George Price MERRYMAN died about 1834.
child+207 iii. Rachel MERRYMAN.
child+208 iv. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child+209 v. Mary MERRYMAN.

99. Action\Achsach "Nackey" MERRYMAN was born on 5 Dec 1751.

She was married to McLean STINCHCOMB (son of John STINCHCOMB and Catharine MacLANE) on 13 May 1778.

101. Caleb MERRYMAN (29)(6) was born on 12 Mar 1758. He signed a will on 29 May 1824. (6) He died on 21 Nov 1824. He had an estate probated on 17 Jan 1825.

He was married to Ann WELLS in Jan 1781. He obtained a marriage license on 2 Jan 1781 in Baltimore Co., MD. Ann WELLS died before Aug 1787.

He was married to Mary MERRYMAN (daughter of Nicholas MERRYMAN and Averilla\Avarilla RAVEN\REAVEN) on 16 Aug 1787 in Zion Church, Manchester, Carroll Co., MD. Mary MERRYMAN died in 1809. Caleb MERRYMAN and Mary MERRYMAN had the following children:

child210 i. Avarilla MERRYMAN was born on 25 Jun 1788.
child+211 ii. John MERRYMAN.
child+212 iii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+213 iv. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child214 v. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 7 Feb 1801.
child+215 vi. Eleanor MERRYMAN.

102. John MERRYMAN was born in Jan 1763. He died on 18 Aug 1849.

John MERRYMAN and Eleanor(?) had the following children:

child216 i. Samuel MERRYMAN.
child217 ii. Henry MERRYMAN.
child218 iii. John MERRYMAN.
child219 iv. Charles MERRYMAN.
child+220 v. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child221 vi. Achsah MERRYMAN.

103. Nicholas MERRYMAN (29).

He was married to Ruth SATER on 10 Oct 1781 in Baltimore Co., MD. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Ruth SATER had the following children:

child222 i. Caleb MERRYMAN was born in Jul 1786.
child223 ii. Samuel MERRYMAN was born before 1790.
child224 iii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child225 iv. John MERRYMAN.
child226 v. Nathan MERRYMAN.
child227 vi. William MERRYMAN was born about 1798.
child228 vii. Jane MERRYMAN.
child229 viii. Nancy\Ann MERRYMAN.

109. Sarah MERRYMAN .

She was married to William SCOTT on 8 Dec 1787 in First Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD.

110. Mary MERRYMAN died in 1809.

She was married to Caleb MERRYMAN (son of Samuel MERRYMAN and Jane\Jean PRICE) on 16 Aug 1787 in Zion Church, Manchester, Carroll Co., MD. Caleb MERRYMAN (29)(6) was born on 12 Mar 1758. He signed a will on 29 May 1824. (6) He died on 21 Nov 1824. He had an estate probated on 17 Jan 1825. Mary MERRYMAN and Caleb MERRYMAN had the following children:

child210 i. Avarilla MERRYMAN.
child211 ii. John MERRYMAN.
child212 iii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child213 iv. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child214 v. Mary MERRYMAN.
child215 vi. Eleanor MERRYMAN.

118. Elisha COX was born about 1759. He died 21 May 1839 (or 1837).

Aberilla MURRAY was born about 1773. She died after 1850. Elisha COX and Aberilla MURRAY had the following children:

child+230 i. Ruth Cox.


125. Moses MERRYMAN Dr. was born in 1783. He died on 19 Nov 1819.

He was married to Mary COCKEY (daughter of John COCKEY Capt.) on 13 Jun 1805. Moses MERRYMAN Dr. and Mary COCKEY had the following children:

child231 i. Edwin MERRYMAN was born in 1808. He died in 1809.

127. Mary MERRYMAN was born in 1787. She died on 2 Jan 1839 or 1829.

She was married to George W. TODD on 29 Sep 1803. George W. TODD died on 18 Jun 1818. Mary MERRYMAN and George W. TODD had the following children:

child232 i. Sarah Merryman TODD was born on 30 Sep 1804.
child233 ii. Eleanor C. TODD was born on 18 Aug 1806. She died on 7 Jun 1835.
child234 iii. Joshua F. TODD was born on 18 Sep 1808. He died on 22 Jun 1858.
child235 iv. William TODD was born on 27 Jan 1812. He died on 2 Feb 1812.
child236 v. George W. TODD Jr. was born on 14 May 1814. He died on 22 Feb 1894.
child237 vi. Merryman TODD was born on 20 Apr 1817.

Mary MERRYMAN and Benjamin BUCKNELL had the following children:

child238 i. Mary BUCKNELL was born on 27 Jul 1822.

128. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr was born on 16 May 1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 29 Apr 1854. He was buried in "Merryman's Delight"(Loch Raven Res.), Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Clarissa HARRYMAN (daughter of George Harryman and Rachel BOND) on 10 Apr 1824. Clarissa HARRYMAN died on 15 Apr 1879. She was buried in "Merryman's Delight"(Loch Raven Res.), Baltimore Co., MD. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr and Clarissa HARRYMAN had the following children:

child239 i. Moses Washington MERRYMAN M.D. was born on 27 Jan 1829. He died on 25 Jan 1904.
child240 ii. George Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 27 Jan 1829. He died on 10 Aug 1829.
child241 iii. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 9 Jul 1830. She died on 26 Sep 1830.
child242 iv. George Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 9 Sep 1831.
child243 v. Eleanor Cole MERRYMAN was born on 20 Dec 1834. She died on 16 Jul 1905.
child244 vi. Rachel Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 4 Dec 1836.
child245 vii. Henry Clay MERRYMAN was born on 27 Dec 1838.
child246 viii. Laura Virginia MERRYMAN was born on 9 Jul 1841. She died on 3 Oct 1870.
child+247 ix. Clara MERRYMAN.

129. Thomas Spicer .

Thomas Spicer and Elizabeth Harrison Llyod had the following children:

child+248 i. Hiram Spicer.

130. Elizabeth MERRYMAN (30) was born about 1750. She died on 23 Sep 1784. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

Elijah BOSLEY was born on 28 Mar 1740. He died on 29 Aug 1841 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in In the floor of the Chancery, St James Church, Monkton, Balto. Co. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Elijah BOSLEY had the following children:

child249 i. Col Nicholas Merryman BOSLEY.
child250 ii. Jane BOSLEY was born about 1770. She died on 9 Jun 1790. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child+251 iii. Elizabeth BOSLEY.

131. Elijah MERRYMAN was born about 1754. He died in Jul 1798 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Frances ENSOR (daughter of John ENSOR) before 3 Apr 1782.

Elijah MERRYMAN and ? BOND had the following children:

child252 i. John MERRYMAN died in 1800 in Cuba.
child+253 ii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.

He was married to Elizabeth CROMWELL on 15 Nov 1785 in Rev. Richard Whatcoat, Methodist Church, Baltimore Co MD. Elijah MERRYMAN and Elizabeth CROMWELL had the following children:

child254 i. Frances MERRYMAN.
child255 ii. Thomas MERRYMAN was born in 1786. He died on 6 Dec 1819.

137. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr was born in 1751. He died in 1832.

He was married to Deborah ENSOR (daughter of John A. ENSOR and Eleanor TODD) on 5 Feb 1778. Deborah ENSOR was born about 1760. She died after 26 Sep 1793 in before 7 Dec 1799. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr and Deborah ENSOR had the following children:

child256 i. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+257 ii. Elijah E. MERRYMAN.
child258 iii. Jane MERRYMAN.
child259 iv. Mary MERRYMAN.
child260 v. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child261 vi. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+262 vii. Nicholas MERRYMAN III.
child263 viii. John E. MERRYMAN died before Jul 1815.
child+264 ix. Micajah MERRYMAN.

Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN (daughter of Benjamin MERRYMAN and Mary BELL) died in 1804. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr and Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN had the following children:

child265 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child266 ii. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child+267 iii. ? MERRYMAN.

143. Sarah WILMONT .

Benjamin TALBOTT (son of Edward TALBOTT and Temperance MERRYMAN) was born on 11 Feb 1750. He died on 5 Jan 1816. Sarah WILMONT and Benjamin TALBOTT had the following children:

child183 i. Harriet TALBOTT.

144. Eleanor WILLMOTT was born in 1758. She died in Dec 1821.

She was married to John BOWEN (son of Solomon BOWEN and Temperance ENSOR) in 1779. John BOWEN was born on 7 Oct 1752 in St. Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD. (31) He died in Jul 1805 in Bourbon Co, KY. Eleanor WILLMOTT and John BOWEN had the following children:

child268 i. Robert BOWEN.
child269 ii. John Willmott BOWEN was born in 1782.
child270 iii. Sally BOWEN.
child271 iv. William BOWEN.
child272 v. Betsey BOWEN.
child273 vi. Solomon BOWEN.
child274 vii. Priscilla BOWEN.
child275 viii. Benjamin BOWEN was born on 8 Oct 1794.
child276 ix. Nicholas BOWEN was born on 29 Nov 1796.

160. Anne MERRYMAN was born on 8 Nov 1782. She died on 8 Mar 1885.

She was married to Elijah BOSLEY. Anne MERRYMAN and Elijah BOSLEY had the following children:

child+314 i. Ann BOSLEY.

161. Sarah Rodgers MERRYMAN was born on 22 Mar 1784. She was buried in Loudoun Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD..

She was married to Dr. Ashton ALEXANDER on 1 May 1828.

164. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN was born on 26 Apr 1788. He died on 21 Jan 1864 in Piney Hill, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery, Piney Hill Rd. Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Anna Maria GOTT on 15 Sep 1822. Anna Maria GOTT was born on 9 Jun 1797. She died on 9 Jan 1827 or 25 Jan 1829. She was buried. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN and Anna Maria GOTT had the following children:

child+315 i. John MERRYMAN.
child316 ii. Sarah Rogers MERRYMAN was born on 17 Sep 1827. She died on 5 Aug 1828.

He was married to Clarissa PHILPOT on 19 Jun 1832 in First Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD. Clarissa PHILPOT was born about 1806. She died on 5 Nov 1877 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Merryman Family Cem. at Piney Hill Rd, Balto. Co. MD. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN and Clarissa PHILPOT had the following children:

child+317 i. Henry Nicols MERRYMAN.
child+318 ii. Richard Smith MERRYMAN.

167. Nicholas MERRYMAN .

He was married to Sarah ANDERSON (daughter of Benjamin Jr. ANDERSON and Rozanna Little) on 22 Jun 1798 in Baltimore, MD. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Sarah ANDERSON had the following children:

child319 i. Mary MERRYMAN.
child320 ii. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child321 iii. Martha MERRYMAN.
child322 iv. Gerard MERRYMAN.
child323 v. Ann MERRYMAN.
child324 vi. Sarah MERRYMAN.

168. William MERRYMAN .

William MERRYMAN and Ann PRESBURY had the following children:

child325 i. Eleanor MERRYMAN.
child326 ii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child327 iii. George MERRYMAN.
child328 iv. William MERRYMAN.
child329 v. Gerard MERRYMAN.
child330 vi. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child+331 vii. Martha MERRYMAN.
child332 viii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child333 ix. Adam C. MERRYMAN.

169. Philemon MERRYMAN .

Philemon MERRYMAN and Elizabeth NORWOOD had the following children:

child334 i. Benjamin Bell MERRYMAN.

171. Catharine MERRYMAN was born on 2 Mar 1766. She died on 7 Aug 1799.

She was married to John BUCK (son of Benjamin BUCK) on 19 Nov 1795.

172. Mary Bell MERRYMAN .

She was married to Thomas TALBOTT on 29 Jan 1804. (35)

174. Eleanor Croxall MERRYMAN (36).

She was married to Thomas Henry HARLAND in 1821.

176. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN died in 1804.

Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr (son of Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr and Jane) was born in 1751. He died in 1832. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN and Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr had the following children:

child265 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child266 ii. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child+267 iii. ? MERRYMAN.

178. John MERRYMAN was born on 3 Nov 1775 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 21 Jun 1851. He was buried in Merryman Family Cem. Piney Hill Rd, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Sarah Johnson (daughter of Jr. Jeremiah JOHNSON and Cassandra (PEDDICOARTE) PEDDICORD) on 11 Dec 1790 in Baltimore Co., MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah Johnson had the following children:

child+335 i. Catharine MERRYMAN.
child336 ii. Elizabeth Johnson MERRYMAN.
child+337 iii. Levi MERRYMAN.
child338 iv. Ann Maria MERRYMAN.
child339 v. Sarah Rogers MERRYMAN.
child+340 vi. Joshua MERRYMAN.
child+341 vii. John Johnson MERRYMAN.

179. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN was born on 28 Mar 1786. She died on 15 Apr 1849.

She was married to Thomas CARR (son of Joseph CARR and Mary JORDON) on 27 Feb 1806. Thomas CARR was born in Mar 1789 in London, England. He died on 15 Apr 1849 in Philadelphia PA. He was buried in Monument Cemetery. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN and Thomas CARR had the following children:

child342 i. Benjamin CARR.
child343 ii. John CARR.
child344 iii. Joseph CARR.
child+345 iv. Mary Jordon CARR.
child346 v. Milchal Bell CARR.
child347 vi. Thomas CARR.
child+348 vii. Benjamin Merryman CARR.
child349 viii. Ann Rebecca CARR.
child350 ix. William Gwynn CARR.
child351 x. Elizabeth Merryman CARR.
child352 xi. Caroline CARR.
child353 xii. James Smith CARR.

180. Rebecca Davidge MERRYMAN was born on 24 Oct 1787 in St. James Parish, Balto. Co. MD (?). (34)

She was married to Lee TIPTON on 14 Oct 1818 in Harford Co., MD.(37)

181. Edward TALBOTT (38).

He was married to Mary Merritt LANING. Edward TALBOTT and Mary Merritt LANING had the following children:

child+354 i. Lewis William TALBOTT.

182. Richard TALBOTT .

He was married to Patsy CAVE. Richard TALBOTT and Patsy CAVE had the following children:

child+355 i. Richard TALBOTT.

183. Harriet TALBOTT .

She was married to Greenbury RIDGELY Jr. in 1814.

187. Willis BOWEN was born on 28 Oct 1802. He was buried in IL.

He was married to Mary STEVENSON (daughter of Nathan STEVENSON and Elizabeth STEVENSON) in 1830.(39) Mary STEVENSON was born on 7 Dec 1807. Willis BOWEN and Mary STEVENSON had the following children:

child+356 i. Elizabeth A. BOWEN.
child357 ii. William Henry BOWEN.

190. William TRACY died on 8 Dec 1833 in Belmont Co. Ohio. He was born in Baltimore Co., MD.

William TRACY and Margaret had the following children:

child358 i. Joshua TRACY.
child359 ii. Kesiah TRACY.
child360 iii. Melinda TRACY.
child361 iv. David TRACY.
child362 v. Margaret TRACY.
child363 vi. John TRACY.
child364 vii. Gerret TRACY.
child365 viii. Thomas TRACY was born on 5 Oct 1797 in MD. He died on 21 Dec 1870 in Beaver Twp, Noble Co. Ohio. He was buried in Batesville Cemetery, Noble Co. Ohio..
child+366 ix. George TRACY.

191. George TRACY was born in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in Ohio?.

He was married to Sarah COX on 14 Aug 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD. George TRACY and Sarah COX had the following children:

child+367 i. Ann TRACY.

194. Bazil TRACY Jr was born in 1767 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1841 in Licking Co. Ohio.

He was married to Mary DANNER.(40) Mary DANNER was born in 1806 in VA. Bazil TRACY Jr and Mary DANNER had the following children:

child368 i. Isaac TRACY was born in 1830 in OH. He died in 1908.
child369 ii. Louisa TRACY was born about 1832 in OH.
child370 iii. Jacob TRACY was born on 31 Aug 1836 in OH. He died on 16 Feb 1911.
child371 iv. Elizabeth TRACY was born about 1840 in OH.

195. Joshua TRACY was born about 1772 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1823 in Belmont Co. Ohio.

He was married to Nancy VAUGHN in Baltimore Co., MD. Joshua TRACY and Nancy VAUGHN had the following children:

child+372 i. Joshua TRACY.
child+373 ii. Levi TRACY.
child374 iii. Isaac TRACY(41) was born about 1800. He died before 1880.
child+375 iv. Mark TRACY.
child376 v. Andrew TRACY(41) was born between 1791 and 1800. He died before 1880.
child377 vi. Shirden TRACY(41) was born between 1801 and 1810. He died before 1880.
child378 vii. William TRACY(41) was born between 1800 and 1810. He died before 1880.
child+379 viii. Bazil TRACY.
child+380 ix. Keziah TRACY.
child+381 x. Jesse TRACY.

196. Margaret TRACY was born in 1775 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1853 in Cumberland, Morgan Co., Ohio.

She was married to Thomas DOWNEY (son of Walter DOWNEY and Chloe COX) on 14 Dec 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD. Thomas DOWNEY (42) was born in 1776 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1858 in Cumberland, Morgan Co., Ohio. Margaret TRACY and Thomas DOWNEY had the following children:

child382 i. Basil DOWNEY was born in Apr 1800 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1878.
child+383 ii. Walter DOWNEY.
child+384 iii. Merryman DOWNEY.
child+385 iv. Thomas DOWNEY.
child+386 v. Ephraim DOWNEY.
child387 vi. Joseph DOWNEY was born in Jan 1806 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died in 1878 in IND.
child+388 vii. Doctor DOWNEY.
child389 viii. John DOWNEY was born in Apr 1809 in Wellsburg, (W)Va.
child+390 ix. Chloe DOWNEY.
child391 x. Eliza DOWNEY was born in Jun 1812 in Harrison Co., OH. She died in 1895.
child+392 xi. James DOWNEY.
child+393 xii. Jacob DOWNEY.
child+394 xiii. Margaret DOWNEY.
child+395 xiv. Rebecca DOWNEY.

197. Elizabeth TRACY was born in 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1849 in Licking Co. Ohio.

She was married to Abraham BORING on 1 Aug 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD. Abraham BORING was born in 1776 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 6 Jul 1851 in Henry Co., IN.(25) Elizabeth TRACY and Abraham BORING had the following children:

child+396 i. Henrietta BORING.
child+397 ii. Caleb BORING.
child+398 iii. Lewis BORING.
child+399 iv. George BORING.
child+400 v. Mary BORING.
child+401 vi. Sarah BORING.
child+402 vii. Abraham BORING.
child+403 viii. Patterson BORING.
child+404 ix. Eli BORING.

200. Charlton BELT died about 1816 in Licking Co. Ohio.

He was married to Mary CROUCH.

201. Milcah BELT was born on 12 Jan 1765.

She was married to Jesse MATTHEWS on 25 Jan 1794.

203. Mary BELT (27) died by 1817 in Licking Co. Ohio.

She was married to James PEDDICORD on 23 Apr 1793 in Baltimore Co., MD. James PEDDICORD died before 1817 in Licking Co. Ohio. Mary BELT and James PEDDICORD had the following children:

child+405 i. Mary PEDDICORD.
child+406 ii. Isabelle PEDDICORD.
child+407 iii. Rachel PEDDICORD.

205. Mordecai MERRYMAN (6).

He was married to Margaret MAY in 1811. He obtained a marriage license on 27 Mar 1811.

207. Rachel MERRYMAN .

She was married to James CHAPMAN (son of Nathan CHAPMAN and Rebecca GRIFFITH) on 15 Feb 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD.

208. Rebecca MERRYMAN .

She was married to John BLIZZARD in Apr 1804. She obtained a marriage license on 9 Apr 1804.

209. Mary MERRYMAN (6).

She was married to Laban WELSH in Oct 1795. She obtained a marriage license on 17 Oct 1795.

211. John MERRYMAN (44) (45) was born on 28 Jan 1793. He died on 28 Dec 1843 in Brooke Co., (W)VA. He was buried in Franklin Cemetery, Brooke Co., WVA.

He was married to Catharine HAMMOND (daughter of George HAMMOND and Elizabeth WELLS) on 24 Jun 1824. Catharine HAMMOND was born on 25 Jan 1797 in Brooke Co., (W)VA. She died on 13 May 1870 in Brooke Co., WVA. She was buried in Franklin Cemetery, Brooke Co., WVA. John MERRYMAN and Catharine HAMMOND had the following children:

child408 i. Rezin MERRYMAN(46) (47) was born on 14 Aug 1826 in Brooke Co., (W)VA. He died on 11 Jun 1850.
child409 ii. Howard MERRYMAN.
child410 iii. William MERRYMAN.
child411 iv. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child412 v. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child413 vi. Henry M. MERRYMAN.
child414 vii. John MERRYMAN.
child415 viii. Mary MERRYMAN.
child416 ix. Ellen MERRYMAN.

212. Ann MERRYMAN was born on 1 Jun 1796.

She was married to Basil BURGESS on 20 Jun 1818.

213. Rebecca MERRYMAN was born on 25 Feb 1799. She died on 16 Sep 1863.

She was married to Rev William H. CHAPMAN on 2 Nov 1824.

215. Eleanor MERRYMAN (6) was born on 16 May 1804.

She was married to Isaac D. CHAPMAN in 1839.

220. Elizabeth MERRYMAN .

She was married to Joseph GORSUCH in Jul 1817. She obtained a marriage license on 30 Jul 1817.

230. Ruth Cox died on 17 Oct 1832.

She was married to Jonathan TRACEY (son of William TRACEY and Keziah TIPTON) on 8 Nov 1813 in License date, ceremony 13 or 18 Nov 1813, Balto. Co. MD. Jonathan TRACEY was born on 3 Aug 1786. He signed a will on 27 Mar 1869 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 25 Apr 1871 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 13 Apr 1881. He was buried in Baltimore Co., MD. Ruth Cox and Jonathan TRACEY had the following children:

child+417 i. Richard Cox TRACEY.
child+418 ii. Thomas Cox TRACEY.
child+419 iii. Elizabeth TRACEY.
child+420 iv. Rachel TRACEY.
child+421 v. Mary TRACEY.
child+422 vi. Lucy Ann TRACEY.
child423 vii. Kesiah Murray TRACEY was born on 30 May 1817. She died on 17 Nov 1826.
child424 viii. Bartol? TRACEY was born on 12 Nov 1826.


247. Clara MERRYMAN was born on 2 Sep 1844.

Clara MERRYMAN and Henry R. CRANE had the following children:

child425 i. Laura CRANE.
child426 ii. Clarissa CRANE.
child427 iii. Edith CRANE.
child428 iv. Helen CRANE.

248. Hiram Spicer .

Hiram Spicer and Alice Cutler had the following children:

child+429 i. Hiram Louis Spicer Dr..

251. Elizabeth BOSLEY (30) was born about 1781. She died on 18 Apr 1812. She was buried in St. James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co MD.

She was married to Archibald GITTINGS (son of James GITTINGS and Elizabeth BUCHANAN) on 13 Mar 1799. She obtained a marriage license on 12 May 1799 in Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth BOSLEY and Archibald GITTINGS had the following children:

child+430 i. Ann GITTINGS.
child+431 ii. Elijah Bosley GITTINGS.
child432 iii. Nicholas Bosley GITTINGS was born on 3 Apr 1812. He died on 23 Apr 1832. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

253. Nicholas MERRYMAN (30) was born on 21 Jan 1778. He died on 30 May 1823. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Charlotte WORTHINGTON on 16 Dec 1802 in by Rev Coleman, St. James Episcopal Church, Baltimore MD. Charlotte WORTHINGTON (30) was born on 20 Oct 1780. She died on 13 Feb 1859. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Charlotte WORTHINGTON had the following children:

child433 i. Sam W. MERRYMAN.
child434 ii. Fannie MERRYMAN.
child435 iii. James MERRYMAN died on 27 Jul 1843 in St. James, Baltimore MD.
child436 iv. John MERRYMAN.
child437 v. ? MERRYMAN.
child+438 vi. Elijah MERRYMAN.
child+439 vii. Frances MERRYMAN.
child+440 viii. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN.

257. Elijah E. MERRYMAN .

He was married to Cassandra Dye HARVEY on 20 Sep 1804 in Rev Lewis Richards, Balto. Co. MD. Elijah E. MERRYMAN and Cassandra Dye HARVEY had the following children:

child441 i. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child442 ii. John MERRYMAN.
child+443 iii. Ellen MERRYMAN.
child444 iv. Ann MERRYMAN.

262. Nicholas MERRYMAN III (5).

Nicholas MERRYMAN III and Dorcas BUCK had the following children:

child+445 i. John Buck MERRYMAN.
child446 ii. Charles MERRYMAN.
child447 iii. Grafton MERRYMAN.
child448 iv. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child449 v. Catharine MERRYMAN.

264. Micajah MERRYMAN was born in 1784. He died before 1828.

He was married to Deborah ENSOR (daughter of George ENSOR and Jemima BOND) on 8 Apr 1794 in or 1807?. Deborah ENSOR was born about 1785. Micajah MERRYMAN and Deborah ENSOR had the following children:

child+450 i. Eleanor MERRYMAN.
child+451 ii. George MERRYMAN.

267. ? MERRYMAN.

? MERRYMAN and FRISBY had the following children:

child+452 i. Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY.

314. Ann BOSLEY .

Ann BOSLEY and EMORY had the following children:

child543 i. Thomas E. EMORY.
child544 ii. Dr. ? EMORY.

315. John MERRYMAN (54) was born on 9 Aug 1824. He died on 15 Nov 1881. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeyville, MD.

He was married to Anne Louise GITTINGS (daughter of Elijah Bosley GITTINGS and Ann Lux COCKEY) on 18 Jul 1844. Anne Louise GITTINGS was born on 28 Jul 1825. She died on 16 Feb 1897. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockysville MD. John MERRYMAN and Anne Louise GITTINGS had the following children:

child545 i. Ann (Nannie) MERRYMAN was born on 3 Aug 1845. She died on 19 Apr 1917. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child+546 ii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+547 iii. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN.
child548 iv. John MERRYMAN was born on 5 Sep 1854. He died on 3 Nov 1885. He was buried in Sherewood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.
child+549 v. David Buchanan MERRYMAN.
child550 vi. Elijah Gittings MERRYMAN was born on 10 Feb 1858.
child551 vii. William Duval MERRYMAN was born on 29 Nov 1859.
child552 viii. Laura MERRYMAN was born on 19 Sep 1862.
child553 ix. Roger Brooke Taney MERRYMAN was born on 12 Jun 1864. He died on 5 Jul 1865. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child+554 x. James McKean MERRYMAN.
child555 xi. Louisa MERRYMAN was born on 21 Oct 1870. She died on 14 Dec 1937. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal, Cockeysville MD (Merryman Plot).

317. Henry Nicols MERRYMAN died in Piney Hill, Balto. MD. He was buried in Piney Hill.

Henry Nicols MERRYMAN and Mary GRIFFITH had the following children:

child556 i. Harry G. MERRYMAN was born in 1861. He died on 18 Dec 1881. He was buried in Merryman Family Cem. Piney Hill Rd. Balto. Co. MD.

318. Richard Smith MERRYMAN .

He was married to Mary Louise BROWN.

331. Martha MERRYMAN .

She was married to Solomon BOHN in 1813 in Frederick Co., MD. Solomon BOHN was born in 1775. He died in 1850. Martha MERRYMAN and Solomon BOHN had the following children:

child557 i. Thomas William BOHN was born in 1824 in Frederick Co., MD.

335. Catharine MERRYMAN .

She was married to Thomas STREETT (son of Col. John STREETT) on 23 Jan 1813 in Harford Co., MD. Thomas STREETT was born on 27 Feb 1787 in Harford Co., MD. He died on 22 Sep 1839.

337. Levi MERRYMAN .

He was married to Mary JESSOP (daughter of Charles JESSOP Sr. and Mary) on 31 Dec 1822 in Baltimore Co., MD. Mary JESSOP was born about 1795. She died on 14 Nov 1845. She was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Cockeysville, Baltimore Co., MD. Levi MERRYMAN and Mary JESSOP had the following children:

child558 i. Albert Cecilia MERRYMAN was born on 29 Mar 1824.
child559 ii. Charles Jessop MERRYMAN was born about 1826. He died on 4 Jan 1829. He was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.
child560 iii. John MERRYMAN was born on 15 Jun 1828. He died on 16 Sep 1833. He was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.
child561 iv. Mary J. MERRYMAN was born on 20 Feb 1833. She died on 20 Dec 1836. She was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.
child562 v. Clara S. MERRYMAN was born about 1837. She died on 4 Aug 1858. She was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.
child563 vi. Joesph MERRYMAN was born in 1844. He died on 16 Jan 1866. He was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.
child564 vii. Gussie V. MERRYMAN was born on 14 Feb 1845. He (or she) died on 15 Mar 1871. He (or she) was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery, Baltimore Co., MD.

Levi MERRYMAN and Mary Jordon CARR had the following children:

child565 i. George MERRYMAN.

340. Joshua MERRYMAN (55) was born in 1807.

He was married to Rebecca JORDON (daughter of German JORDON and Rebecca REID). Joshua MERRYMAN and Rebecca JORDON had the following children:

child+566 i. John G. MERRYMAN.
child567 ii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child+568 iii. Robert M. MERRYMAN.
child569 iv. Sally MERRYMAN.
child+570 v. Joshua Earle MERRYMAN.
child+571 vi. Georgianna P. MERRYMAN.
child+572 vii. Nicholas M. MERRYMAN.
child573 viii. William B. MERRYMAN.
child574 ix. Charles M. MERRYMAN.

341. John Johnson MERRYMAN .

He was married to Margaret GWYNN (daughter of Robert GWYNN). John Johnson MERRYMAN and Margaret GWYNN had the following children:

child+575 i. Robert Gwynn MERRYMAN.

345. Mary Jordon CARR .

Mary Jordon CARR and Levi MERRYMAN had the following children:

child565 i. George MERRYMAN.

348. Benjamin Merryman CARR .

Eliza Ann NICOLL (daughter of William NICOLL and Hannah MING) was born in 1818. She died on 23 Jul 1854.

354. Lewis William TALBOTT .

He was married to Laurena OTWELL. Lewis William TALBOTT and Laurena OTWELL had the following children:

child+576 i. Sarah Emily TALBOTT.

355. Richard TALBOTT was born on 29 Jan 1821.

He was married to Mary Elizabeth HOWARD in 1853. Richard TALBOTT and Mary Elizabeth HOWARD had the following children:

child+577 i. Walter TALBOTT.

356. Elizabeth A. BOWEN .

She was married to John STEVENSON.

366. George TRACY was born in 1803 in MD. He died in 1863 in Belmont Co. Ohio.

He was married to Sarah A. KINNICK on 1 Jan 1828 in Union Twp, Belmont Co. Ohio.

367. Ann TRACY (56) was born on 13 Apr 1810. She died on 1 Nov 1892.

She was married to John LEAF (son of Henry LEAF and Ann TIPTON) about 1829. (56) John LEAF was born on 20 Feb 1804. He died on 22 Oct 1895. Ann TRACY and John LEAF had the following children:

child+578 i. Mary Melinda LEAF.

372. Joshua TRACY was born between 1795 and 1800 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Sally MOORE on 20 Mar 1817 in Belmont Co., Ohio.

373. Levi TRACY (41) was born about 1796 in Maryland. (57) He died before 1880.

He was married to Mariah HOLTZ on 21 Aug 1821 in Belmont Co., OH. (58) Levi TRACY and Mariah HOLTZ had the following children:

child579 i. Margaret TRACY was born about 1823 in Ohio. (57)
child+580 ii. Nancy Jane TRACY.
child581 iii. John TRACY was born about 1830 in Ohio.(57)
child+582 iv. Catharine Amanda TRACY.
child583 v. Levi TRACY Jr. was born about 1841 in Ohio. (59)
child584 vi. Sarah TRACY was born about 1843 in Ohio. (57)
child585 vii. Harriett TRACY was born about 1845 in Ohio. (57)
child586 viii. Isaac TRACY was born about 1847 in Ohio.

375. Mark TRACY (41)(60) was born about 1802 in Maryland. He died before 1880.

He was married to Jane MORRISON on 18 Aug 1825 in Belmont Co., OH. (60) Jane MORRISON died in 1835. Mark TRACY and Jane MORRISON had the following children:

child587 i. Unknown TRACY was born before 1830.
child588 ii. John H. TRACY(60) was born about 1829 in Belmont Co., OH.
child589 iii. Martha TRACY(60) was born on 8 Jun 1831 in Belmont Co., OH.
child590 iv. Mary TRACY(60) was born about 1832 in Belmont Co., OH.
child591 v. Robert Morrison TRACY(60) was born on 23 Sep 1833 in Belmont Co., OH.

He was married to Jane CLARK on 19 Nov 1835 in Belmont Co., OH.(60) Mark TRACY and Jane CLARK had the following children:

child592 i. Keziah TRACY(60) was born on 28 Jul 1836 in Belmont Co., OH.
child593 ii. Joel Clark TRACY(60) was born on 29 Aug 1837 in Belmont Co., OH.
child594 iii. Ellen Emareta TRACY(60) was born on 18 Mar 1839 in Belmont Co., OH.
child595 iv. Jesse Wilson TRACY was born on 11 Aug 1840 in Belmont Co., OH.
child596 v. Jane Moriah TRACY(60) was born on 5 Dec 1841 in Belmont Co., OH.
child597 vi. Samuel Talbert TRACY(60) was born on 28 Aug 1843 in Belmont Co., OH.
child598 vii. Sarah Elizabeth TRACY(60) was born on 5 Nov 1844 in Belmont Co., OH.
child599 viii. Mark Albertson TRACY(60) was born on 25 Sep 1846 in Belmont Co., OH.
child600 ix. Catharine Amelia TRACY(60) was born on 28 Sep 1848 in Belmont Co., OH.
child601 x. Lucintha TRACY(60) was born between 1850 and 1851 in Ohio.

379. Bazil TRACY was born about 1806 in (W)VA. He died before 1880.

He was married to Rachel LACY.(61) Bazil TRACY and Rachel LACY had the following children:

child602 i. Rebecca TRACY(60) was born on 30 Oct 1832 in Ohio.
child603 ii. Nancy TRACY(62) was born about 1835 in Ohio.(57)
child604 iii. Keziah TRACY(60) was born on 15 Sep 1837 in Jefferson Co., OH.
child605 iv. William Joshua TRACY(60) was born on 23 Nov 1839 in Jefferson Co., OH.
child606 v. Samuel Worley TRACY(60) was born on 10 Feb 1842 in Jefferson Co., OH.
child607 vi. Sarah Jane TRACY(60) was born on 18 Nov 1844 in Jefferson Co., OH.
child608 vii. Bazil Andrew TRACY(60) was born on 15 Jun 1847 in Ohio.

380. Keziah TRACY (41) was born on 9 Apr 1809 in (W)VA. She died on 5 Sep 1862 in Ohio.

She was married to Samuel TALBOTT on 8 Nov 1827 in Belmont Co., OH.(60) Keziah TRACY and Samuel TALBOTT had the following children:

child609 i. Thomas R. TOLBERT(60) was born about 1828 in Ohio. He died before 1900.
child610 ii. Isaac J. TOLBERT(60) was born in Oct 1831 in Ohio. He died in 1917.
child611 iii. Nancy TOLBERT(60) was born in Feb 1833 in Ohio. She died in 1906 in Ohio.
child612 iv. Joshua TOLBERT(60) was born about 1837 in Ohio.
child613 v. Ruth TALBOTT(60) was born about 1839 in Ohio. She died in 1863 in Ohio.
child614 vi. Marie Jane TOLBERT(60) was born about 1840 in Ohio. She died in 1890 in Ohio.
child615 vii. Keziah TOLBERT(60) was born in Jan 1846 in Ohio. She died about 1916.
child616 viii. Samuel TOLBERT(60) was born about 1848 in Ohio.
child617 ix. William TOLBERT(60) was born about 1852 in Ohio.
child618 x. Mary A. TOLBERT(60) was born about 1858 in Ohio.

381. Jesse TRACY (41)(60) was born in 1818 in Union Twp, Belmont Co. Ohio. He died after 1880.

He was married to Lucinda McKINLEY on 19 May 1842 in Belmont Co., OH. (60) Lucinda McKINLEY died in 1864 in Belmont Co., OH. Jesse TRACY and Lucinda McKINLEY had the following children:

child619 i. Joshua TRACY(60) was born in 1845 in Ohio.(57)
child620 ii. Elizabeth TRACY(60) was born about 1848 in Ohio.(57)
child621 iii. not known TRACY(60) was born after 1850.

He was married to Margaret HILL about 1870.

383. Walter DOWNEY was born on 27 Jun 1801 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 16 Oct 1868 in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio.

He was married to Mary CLARK on 29 Mar 1821 in Guernsey Co., OH. Mary CLARK was born in Aug 1801 in Guernsey Co., OH. She died on 24 Apr 1856 in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio. Walter DOWNEY and Mary CLARK had the following children:

child+622 i. Thomas DOWNEY.
child623 ii. Benjamin DOWNEY was born about 1823. He died about 1823.
child624 iii. John DOWNEY was born about 1824 in Morgan Co., OH. He died on 13 Apr 1921.
child625 iv. Clark DOWNEY was born about 1825.
child626 v. William DOWNEY was born about 1826.
child+627 vi. Solomon Neil DOWNEY.
child+628 vii. Margaret DOWNEY.
child+629 viii. Nancy DOWNEY.
child630 ix. Jane DOWNEY was born about 1830.
child+631 x. Martha Ann DOWNEY.
child632 xi. Mary DOWNEY was born about 1832.
child633 xii. Lydia Catharine DOWNEY was born about 1833.

He was married to Savanah BOHNAM after 1856. Savanah BOHNAM was born about 1800. She died in 1880 in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio.

384. Merryman DOWNEY was born in Oct 1802 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1893.

He was married to Jemima VANHORN on 3 Apr 1826 in Harrison Co., OH. (25)

385. Thomas DOWNEY was born in Feb 1804 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1845 in Streator, IL.

He was married to Elsie BOGGS on 12 Jul 1827. (25)

386. Ephraim DOWNEY was born in Jan 1806 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died on 12 Dec 1854.

He was married to Nancy HELLYER on 26 Nov 1829 in Morgan Co., OH. (25)

388. Doctor DOWNEY was born in Nov 1807 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died after 1840.

He was married to Elizabeth HELLYER on 17 Mar 1831 in Morgan Co., OH. (25)

390. Chloe DOWNEY was born in Nov 1810 in Harrison Co., OH. She died on 4 Feb 1894.

She was married to William JORDAN on 19 Apr 1827 in Morgan Co., OH.

392. James DOWNEY was born in Sep 1813 in Harrison Co., OH. He died in 1895.

He was married to Jemima BOUGHER on 25 Feb 1836 in Guernsey Co Ohio.

393. Jacob DOWNEY was born in Feb 1815 in Harrison Co., OH. He died in 1880.

He was married to Katharine SCOTT. Katharine SCOTT was born about 1815 in Stuebenville, Jefferson Co., OH.

394. Margaret DOWNEY was born in Feb 1817 in Harrison Co., OH. She died in 1852.

She was married to Simeon WOODROW on 17 Dec 1835 in Noble Co., OH. Simeon WOODROW was born about 1817. He died after 1851.

395. Rebecca DOWNEY was born in Mar 1820 in Harrison Co., OH.

She was married to Hiram JOHNSON on 16 Feb 1837 in Morgan Co., OH.

396. Henrietta BORING (25) was born on 21 Jun 1799 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 28 Mar 1867 in Danville, IA.

She was married to William DODDS on 14 Jan 1828 in Perry Co. Ohio.(25)

397. Caleb BORING (25) died on 3 Mar 1827 in Licking Co., OH. He was born abr 1802 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Elizabeth C. GRIFFITH on 1 Mar 1827 in Licking Co., OH.

398. Lewis BORING (25) was born on 19 Oct 1802 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 27 Oct 1873 in Licking Co., OH.

He was married to Mary CROSSIN on 3 Mar 1825 in Perry Co. Ohio.(25)

399. George BORING (25) was born about 1806.

He was married to Caroline.(25)

400. Mary BORING (25) was born about 1810.

She was married to Lot HAZELTON on 31 May 1827 in Licking Co., OH.

401. Sarah BORING (25) died on 5 Sep 1884 in Licking Co., OH. She was born 12 Apri l 1814 in Licking Co., OH.

She was married to William PARR.

402. Abraham BORING (25) was born about 1815 in Licking Co., OH. He died about 1846.

He was married to Rachel.

403. Patterson BORING (25) was born about 1816 in Licking Co., OH. He died in 1865 in Licking Co., OH.

He was married to Anna Maria FRENCH on 16 Sep 1841 in Licking Co. Ohio.

404. Eli BORING (25) was born about 1819 in Licking Co., OH.

He was married to Lucinda SKINNER on 19 Mar 1840 in Henry Co., IN.

405. Mary PEDDICORD .

She was married to Roswell O'DELL about 1815.

406. Isabelle PEDDICORD was born on 22 Dec 1795.

She was married to John JACKSON Jr (son of John JACKSON) on 19 Mar 1818 in Licking Co. Ohio.

407. Rachel PEDDICORD was born about 1801 in MD or VA.

She was married to Charles Dennison JACKSON (son of John JACKSON) on 22 Feb 1825 in Vigo Co., IN. Rachel PEDDICORD and Charles Dennison JACKSON had the following children:

child634 i. Benjamin Brice JACKSON was born on 14 Apr 1828.
child635 ii. Rachel Petticord JACKSON was born on 5 Apr 1836 in IND. She died on 26 Jun 1913.
child636 iii. Annie W. JACKSON was born on 17 Jul 1840 in Terra Haute, IND. She died on 1 Jul 1906 in Doland, Spinks Co., SD.

417. Richard Cox TRACEY (63) was born on 30 Nov 1823. He died on 5 Oct 1900 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Mary A. PRICE on 3 Jun 1849. Mary A. PRICE was born on 9 Jul 1823. She died on 26 Aug 1875. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD. Richard Cox TRACEY and Mary A. PRICE had the following children:

child643 i. Laura V. TRACEY was born in 1851.
child+644 ii. Florence G. TRACEY.
child645 iii. Clarence Melvin TRACEY was born on 2 Apr 1855. She died on 26 Feb 1873. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.
child646 iv. Samuel G. TRACEY was born about 1857.
child+647 v. Emory Clinton TRACEY.
child648 vi. George TRACEY was born about 1863.
child+649 vii. R. Price (Wheeler?) TRACEY.

He was married to Charlotte FOWBLE on 28 Dec 1876 in Baltimore Co., MD. Charlotte FOWBLE was born on 30 Jun 1831. She died on 30 Mar 1892 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.

418. Thomas Cox TRACEY was born on 3 Jul 1819 in ?.

Ruth COX (daughter of Amos COX and Mary) died on 15 Sep 1848. Thomas Cox TRACEY and Ruth COX had the following children:

child650 i. John T. TRACEY was born in 1844.
child651 ii. Rachel TRACEY was born in 1844.

He was married to Henrietta MALLONEE on 1 Feb 1849 in Baltimore Co., MD. Thomas Cox TRACEY and Henrietta MALLONEE had the following children:

child652 i. Basil TRACEY was born about 1849.
child653 ii. Mary E. TRACEY was born about 1851.
child+654 iii. Margaret TRACEY.
child+655 iv. Charles McLean TRACEY.
child656 v. Priscilla TRACEY was born on 1 Dec 1859. She died on 18 Feb 1860.
child+657 vi. Catharine TRACEY.

419. Elizabeth TRACEY was born on 30 Apr 1822. She died on 12 Sep 1848.

She was married to Amos ARMACOST on 8 Jun 1846 in Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth TRACEY and Amos ARMACOST had the following children:

child658 i. Margaret Ann ARMACOST.

420. Rachel TRACEY was born on 12 Nov 1826. She died on 2 Sep 1907.

She was married to John W. ARMACOST on 12 Sep 1850. John W. ARMACOST was born on 18 Nov 1824. He died. Rachel TRACEY and John W. ARMACOST had the following children:

child659 i. Thomas Watson ARMACOST was born on 2 Jun 1852. He died on 10 Sep 1854.
child660 ii. Laryette ARMACOST was born on 31 Oct 1854. He (or she) died on 18 Jul 1885.
child661 iii. Lura Jane ARMACOST was born on 17 Jun 1857.
child+662 iv. Monroe Tracey ARMACOST.
child663 v. Anna ARMACOST was born on 26 Sep 1864.

421. Mary TRACEY was born on 23 Jun 1831 in Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Luther MARTIN on 1 Nov 1849.

422. Lucy Ann TRACEY was born on 19 Oct 1820. She died on 18 Feb 1896.

She was married to Noah Shaul COFIELL (son of Noah SHAUL and Mary COFIELL) on 16 Dec 1841. Noah Shaul COFIELL was born on 20 Jan 1820. He died on 22 Aug 1909. Lucy Ann TRACEY and Noah Shaul COFIELL had the following children:

child+664 i. Joshua Tracey COFIELL.
child+665 ii. Andrew Jackson COFIELL.
child+666 iii. Amos COFIELL.
child667 iv. Mary COFIELL.
child668 v. Lewis C. COFIELL was born on 12 Apr 1850. He died on 12 Feb 1916. He was buried in Mt Zion UM Church, Freeland, Baltimore Co., MD.
child+669 vi. Noah Frank COFIELL.
child+670 vii. Jonathan Edward COFIELL.
child+671 viii. Richard Thomas COFIELL.
child672 ix. Josephine COFIELL was born on 10 Jun 1863. She died on 2 Mar 1934. She was buried in Mt. Zion Methodist Cemetery.
child+673 x. Cornelia COFIELL.


429. Hiram Louis Spicer Dr..

Hiram Louis Spicer Dr. and Mary Catharine SCHARIF had the following children:

child+674 i. Mary Catharine Spicer.

430. Ann GITTINGS (64) was born on 15 Jun 1800 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Richard EMORY. Ann GITTINGS and Richard EMORY had the following children:

child+675 i. Anna Emory.

431. Elijah Bosley GITTINGS was born on 6 Mar 1802 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

Elijah Bosley GITTINGS and Ann Lux COCKEY had the following children:

child+676 i. Anne Louise GITTINGS.

438. Elijah MERRYMAN was born on 3 Jul 1810. He died on 18 Nov 1835.

He was married to Rebecca COCKEY on 6 Jun 1832. Rebecca COCKEY was born on 27 Feb 1815. She died on 3 Sep 1835 in Texas (1885?). Elijah MERRYMAN and Rebecca COCKEY had the following children:

child677 i. Fanny MERRYMAN.

439. Frances MERRYMAN (30) was born about 1809. She died on 26 Feb 1887. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

Eli CURTIS (30) (son of William CURTIS and Ann SHEPPERD) was born on 17 Aug 1807 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 7 Oct 1876 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in St James Episcopal Church, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Frances MERRYMAN and Eli CURTIS had the following children:

child678 i. Charles Merryman CURTIS was born on 27 Jan 1851. He died on 24 Apr 1897. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child679 ii. George Worthington CURTIS was born on 1 Mar 1848. He died on 23 May 1899. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

440. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN (30) was born on 22 Feb 1812 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 3 Jun 1888 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Levi CURTIS (son of William CURTIS and Ann SHEPPERD) on 23 May 1837 in St James Episcopal Church, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Levi CURTIS(30) was born on 23 Oct 1801 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 1 Aug 1890 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN and Levi CURTIS had the following children:

child680 i. Marion Manilla CURTIS was born on 4 Jun 1837. She died on 21 Oct 1876. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child681 ii. Catharine Jane CURTIS was born on 9 Aug 1850. She died on 18 Feb 1916. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child682 iii. Levi CURTIS Jr. was born on 25 Sep 1852. He died on 19 Jan 1854. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

443. Ellen MERRYMAN .

Salatheil COLE (son of Joseph COLE and Sophia OSBORN) was born after 1800. He died on 2 Feb 1824.

445. John Buck MERRYMAN .

John Buck MERRYMAN and Sarah B. ENSOR had the following children:

child683 i. John MERRYMAN died before Dec 1909.
child684 ii. Bettie MERRYMAN died after Dec 1909.

450. Eleanor MERRYMAN was born on 2 Jun 1809. She died on 9 Nov 1873.

She was married to Darby Smith ENSOR (son of George ENSOR and Sarah SMITH) on 11 Nov 1834. Darby Smith ENSOR died on 19 Jan 1785. He was born on 9 Aug 1815. Eleanor MERRYMAN and Darby Smith ENSOR had the following children:

child+685 i. Micajah Wesley ENSOR.

451. George MERRYMAN (65) (65) was born on 28 Dec 1814. He died on 9 Jun 1855.

He was married to Elizabeth AUSTIN. George MERRYMAN and Elizabeth AUSTIN had the following children:

child+686 i. George L. MERRYMAN.

452. Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY (5).

Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY had the following children:

child687 i. Ella.

546. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 24 Jul 1849. She died on 16 Mar 1895 in Hayfields, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.

Charles H. BLACK LCD US Navy was born on 28 Mar 1844. He died on 20 Jan 1891. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Charles H. BLACK LCD US Navy had the following children:

child804 i. John Merryman BLACK was born on 13 Jul 1882. He died on 23 Nov 1883. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.
child805 ii. J. Merryman BLACK was born on 2 Oct 1885. He died on 23 Feb 1955. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD (In Merryman plot).

547. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN was born on 19 Feb 1852. He died on 24 Feb 1921. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Church, Cockeysville MD (Merryman Plot).

Sara Wilmington Norton (Willie) MCCLESKEY was born on 24 Oct 1852 in Savanah, Georgia. She died on 26 Oct 1923. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeyville MD (Merryman plot). Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN and Sara Wilmington Norton (Willie) MCCLESKEY had the following children:

child806 i. Louisa Gittings MERRYMAN died on 21 Jan 1882. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal, Cockeysville MD.
child807 ii. Lousia Gittings MERRYMAN.
child808 iii. George McCleskey MERRYMAN was born on 5 Apr 1882. He died on 26 Sep 1892. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child+809 iv. John MERRYMAN.

549. David Buchanan MERRYMAN was born on 9 May 1856. He died on 11 Mar 1900. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

He was married to Bessie L. MONTAGUE on 23 Jul 1894. Bessie L. MONTAGUE was born on 19 Aug 1864. She died on 28 Nov 1964. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

554. James McKean MERRYMAN was born on 21 Oct 1867.

He was married to I. BROWN on 4 Dec 1891.

566. John G. MERRYMAN .

He was married to Elizabeth.

568. Robert M. MERRYMAN .

He was married to Catharine M..

570. Joshua Earle MERRYMAN (73) was born on 17 Aug 1846 in Rustburg, Campbell Co., Va.. He died on 21 Mar 1920 in Baltimore, Md.. He was a Farmer. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Margaret Amelia Boone (daughter of John Solomon Boone and Ann Hesaltine Turnbull) on 9 Nov 1886 in Washington, D.C.. Margaret Amelia Boone(73) was born on 23 Feb 1869 in Louisville, Carroll Co., Md.. She died on 27 May 1910 in Carroll Co., MD.. She was a Homemaker. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Joshua Earle MERRYMAN and Margaret Amelia Boone had the following children:

child+810 i. Myrtle Rebecca Merryman.
child+811 ii. John Stanley Merryman.
child+812 iii. Anna Elizabeth Merryman.
child813 iv. Martha L. B. Merryman(73) was born on 3 Jan 1893 in Carroll Co., MD.. She died on 12 Jul 1894 in Carroll Co., MD.. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.
child+814 v. Ruby Alberta Merryman.
child+815 vi. Joshua Earl Merryman Sr..
child+816 vii. Edgar Merryman.
child+817 viii. Lawrence Merryman.
child818 ix. Charles Herndon Merryman(73) was born on 3 Feb 1901 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 23 May 1977.
child819 x. Robert M. Merryman(73) was born on 9 Jul 1902 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 20 Jun 1924 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.
child+820 xi. William Earl Merryman Sr..
child+821 xii. Eva Pearl Merryman.
child+822 xiii. Margaret Helen Merryman.

571. Georgianna P. MERRYMAN .

She was married to Edward Pickering PHILPOT.

572. Nicholas M. MERRYMAN .

He was married to Estelle.

575. Robert Gwynn MERRYMAN .

He was married to Ida KAUFMAN (daughter of Thomas KAUFMAN and Elizabeth MOODY).

576. Sarah Emily TALBOTT .

She was married to William Henry HURSH. Sarah Emily TALBOTT and William Henry HURSH had the following children:

child+823 i. Ada Mary HURSH.

577. Walter TALBOTT .

He was married to Rebecca Lorina HODGES. Walter TALBOTT and Rebecca Lorina HODGES had the following children:

child824 i. Roy Mason TALBOTT.
child825 ii. Ora Elvin TALBOTT.

578. Mary Melinda LEAF (56) was born on 26 Jan 1853. She died on 11 Mar 1926.

She was married to Nicholas JONES (son of Joshua A. JONES and Susan) on 13 Oct 1853 in Timonium, Baltimore Co., MD. Nicholas JONES was born on 26 Oct 1826. He died on 24 Nov 1885. Mary Melinda LEAF and Nicholas JONES had the following children:

child+826 i. Charles Aquilla JONES.

580. Nancy Jane TRACY was born about 1832 in Ohio.(57)

She was married to Samuel MOSES on 11 Apr 1851 in Belmont Co., OH.

582. Catharine Amanda TRACY was born about 1837 in Ohio.(57)

She was married to James N. PORTERFIELD on 1 Sep 1853 in Belmont Co., OH.

644. Florence G. TRACEY was born in 1853.

She was married to Wesley PORT.

647. Emory Clinton TRACEY was born on 17 Feb 1860. He died on 16 Feb 1946. He was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Rozen W. GILL (daughter of Richard Hooker GILL and Margaret RICHARDS) in 1881. Rozen W. GILL was born on 10 Feb 1864. She died on 9 Apr 1912. Emory Clinton TRACEY and Rozen W. GILL had the following children:

child+832 i. Marella Grace TRACEY.
child833 ii. Grover C. TRACEY was born on 18 Nov 1885. He died on 16 Sep 1886. He was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.
child+834 iii. Arthur Gill TRACEY.
child835 iv. Anna D. TRACEY was born on 17 Sep 1889. She died on 1 Mar 1892. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.
child+836 v. Kenneth N. TRACEY.
child837 vi. Atlee V. TRACEY .

649. R. Price (Wheeler?) TRACEY was born on 9 Oct 1865. He died on 6 Mar 1942. He was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Blanche I. Blanche I was born on 6 Dec 1869. She died on 10 Dec 1965. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD. R. Price (Wheeler?) TRACEY and Blanche I had the following children:

child838 i. Rachel M. TRACEY was born on 7 Dec 1899. She died on 28 Dec 1899. She was buried in Baltimore Co., MD.

654. Margaret TRACEY was born c1 1854.

She was married to John HUBBARD in 1874. Margaret TRACEY and John HUBBARD had the following children:

child839 i. George R HUBBARD .
child840 ii. Raymond HUBBARD .
child841 iii. Norman HUBBARD .
child842 iv. Jess C. HUBBARD .
child843 v. Talmadge HUBBARD .
child844 vi. Margaret HUBBARD .

655. Charles McLean TRACEY was born in 1857.

Charles McLean TRACEY had the following children:

child+845 i. Basil Michael E. TRACEY.

657. Catharine TRACEY was born in Sep 1861.

She was married to Millard F. CROSS in 1881. Catharine TRACEY and Millard F. CROSS had the following children:

child846 i. Millard L. CROSS .
child847 ii. Lillian S. CROSS .
child848 iii. Jane M. CROSS .
child849 iv. Rose I. CROSS .

662. Monroe Tracey ARMACOST was born on 17 May 1862.

He was married to Liddie KEMP. Monroe Tracey ARMACOST and Liddie KEMP had the following children:

child850 i. Dora Ada ARMACOST .
child851 ii. Jesse Kemp ARMACOST .

664. Joshua Tracey COFIELL was born on 30 Sep 1859. He died on 5 Nov 1942.

Clara Genevieve ENSOR (daughter of Luke Edward ENSOR and Laura W. CAPLES) was born on 9 Apr 1872. (33) She was born on 9 Apr 1872. Joshua Tracey COFIELL and Clara Genevieve ENSOR had the following children:

child+852 i. Carroll Edward COFFIEL.

665. Andrew Jackson COFIELL (74) was born on 15 Apr 1843. He died on 6 May 1930. He was buried in Mt. Zion Methodist Cemetery.

He was married to Sarah WISNER.

666. Amos COFIELL was born on 13 Aug 1845. He died on 22 Jun 1893. He was buried in Bosleys United Methodist, Belfast, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Rosa E. BOWEN.

669. Noah Frank COFIELL died in 1933. He was buried in St Paul's Church, Arcadia, Carroll Co., MD.

He was married to Sadie E. MEYERS on 3 Feb 1881.

670. Jonathan Edward COFIELL (74) was born on 24 Apr 1855.

He was married to Charlotte COLE. Jonathan Edward COFIELL and Charlotte COLE had the following children:

child853 i. Lillian M. COFIELL.
child854 ii. Thomas H. COFIELL.
child855 iii. Louis Lee COFIELL.
child856 iv. Louis Ernest COFIELL.
child857 v. Clarence Elmer COFIELL.
child858 vi. John Howard COFIELL.
child859 vii. Edward Emory COFIELL.
child860 viii. George F. COFIELL.

He was married to Anne after 1886.

671. Richard Thomas COFIELL was born on 1 Jan 1858. He died on 30 Dec 1931.

Richard Thomas COFIELL and Fanny May STUMPE had the following children:

child+861 i. Leona COFIELL.

673. Cornelia COFIELL .

She was married to E. F. MARKLEY on 19 Apr 1881.


674. Mary Catharine Spicer .

She was married to Francis B. Culver in KY.

675. Anna Emory (75)(76) was born about 1825.

She was married to Henry Mactier Warfield Sr. (son of Daniel WARFIELD and Mary MACTIER) on 16 Apr 1850 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. She was married to Henry Mactier Warfield Sr.. Henry Mactier Warfield Sr. (75)(76) was born on 24 Nov 1825 in Anne Arundel (Howard) Co., MD. He was born on 24 Nov 1825 in White Cottage, Howard Co., MD. He died on 18 Jan 1885 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. Anna Emory and Henry Mactier Warfield Sr. had the following children:

child862 i. Elizabeth Warfield(75) (76) was born about 1855 in , Baltimore Co., MD. She died before 1898.
child863 ii. Daniel Warfield(75) (76) was born in 1857 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. He died before 1898.
child864 iii. Solomon Davies Warfield(75) (76) was born on 4 Sep 1859 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD.
child+865 iv. Richard Emory Warfield.
child+866 v. Henry Mactier Warfield Jr..
child+867 vi. Teackle Wallis Warfield.
child868 vii. Daniel Warfield(75) (76) was born in 1849.
child869 viii. Anna Emory Warfield(75) (76) was born in 1852. She was christened in Sep 1853 in St. James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. She died before 1898.

676. Anne Louise GITTINGS was born on 28 Jul 1825. She died on 16 Feb 1897. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockysville MD.

She was married to John MERRYMAN (son of Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN and Anna Maria GOTT) on 18 Jul 1844. John MERRYMAN (54) was born on 9 Aug 1824. He died on 15 Nov 1881. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeyville, MD. Anne Louise GITTINGS and John MERRYMAN had the following children:

child545 i. Ann (Nannie) MERRYMAN.
child546 ii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child547 iii. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN.
child548 iv. John MERRYMAN.
child549 v. David Buchanan MERRYMAN.
child550 vi. Elijah Gittings MERRYMAN.
child551 vii. William Duval MERRYMAN.
child552 viii. Laura MERRYMAN.
child553 ix. Roger Brooke Taney MERRYMAN.
child554 x. James McKean MERRYMAN.
child555 xi. Louisa MERRYMAN.

685. Micajah Wesley ENSOR was born on 23 Dec 1846 in Philopolis, Baltimore Co. MD. He died on 15 Dec 1910 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Martha Ellen BENSON (daughter of Benjamin BENSON and Hannah PRICE) on 25 Dec 1868. Martha Ellen BENSON was born on 16 Jul 1838 in Mt. Carmel, Baltimore Co MD. She died on 22 Mar 1914 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD. Micajah Wesley ENSOR and Martha Ellen BENSON had the following children:

child+870 i. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ellen ENSOR.

686. George L. MERRYMAN was born on 14 Jan 1845. He died in 1923.

He was married to Kate CROSS. George L. MERRYMAN and Kate CROSS had the following children:

child+871 i. George L MERRYMAN.

809. John MERRYMAN was born on 22 Apr 1884. He died on 13 May 1945. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

Sally Howard LOVE was born on 3 Nov 1884. She died on 18 May 1957. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD. John MERRYMAN and Sally Howard LOVE had the following children:

child939 i. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN.
child+940 ii. Sally Love MERRYMAN.

810. Myrtle Rebecca Merryman (73) was born on 29 Jan 1887 in Haight, Md.. She died on 23 Oct 1957 in Baltimore, Md.. She was buried in Holy Family Church Cemetery.

She was married to Charles Adam Nickoles (son of Michael Albert (Nichols) Nickoles and Margareth Annie Lautenbach) on 1 Mar 1905 in Baltimore, Md.. Charles Adam Nickoles(73) was born on 31 Mar 1881 in Stockton St., Baltimore, Md.. He died on 1 Oct 1970 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Holy Family Church Cemetery. Myrtle Rebecca Merryman and Charles Adam Nickoles had the following children:

child+941 i. Margaret Elizabeth Nickoles.
child+942 ii. Marie Agnes Nickoles.
child943 iii. Lawrence Nickoles(73) was born on 24 May 1909 in Haight, Md.. He died on 24 May 1909 in Haight, Md.. He was buried in Old St.Joseph's Cemetery.
child+944 iv. Victor Joseph Nickoles Sr..
child+945 v. Michael Joseph Nickoles.
child946 vi. Francis Adam Nickoles(73) was born on 17 Oct 1915 in Haight, Md.. He died on 18 Sep 1931 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Holy Family Church Cemetery.
child+947 vii. Florence Catherine Nickoles.

811. John Stanley Merryman (73) was born on 2 Jun 1889 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 9 Nov 1962 in Baltimore Co., MD.. He was a Retired Mill Worker. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Althea Rosella Green (daughter of Robert Lee Green and Georgia Ann White) on 5 Sep 1910 in Freedom, Md.. Althea Rosella Green(73) was born on 12 Feb 1893 in Baltimore Co., MD.. She died on 19 Jan 1963 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. She was a Homemaker. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. John Stanley Merryman and Althea Rosella Green had the following children:

child+948 i. Mary Alverta Merryman.
child+949 ii. John Robert Merryman.
child+950 iii. Margaret Anna Merryman.
child+951 iv. Charles Merryman.
child+952 v. Hazel May Merryman.
child+953 vi. John Milton Merryman.
child+954 vii. Helen Marie Merryman.
child+955 viii. Althea Lorraine Merryman.
child+956 ix. Wallace Earl Merryman.
child+957 x. Elizabeth Virginia Merryman.
child958 xi. Stanley Leroy Merryman(73) was born on 28 Jul 1934 in Oella, Md.. He died in Oella, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

812. Anna Elizabeth Merryman (73) was born on 6 Jan 1892 in Carroll Co., MD.. She died on 3 Apr 1967 in Baltimore Co., MD.. She was a Homemaker. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

She was married to William Henry Thompson. William Henry Thompson(73) was born on 14 Sep 1897 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died in 1969 in Baltimore Co., MD.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Anna Elizabeth Merryman and William Henry Thompson had the following children:

child+959 i. William Thomas Thompson.
child+960 ii. Marvin Vernon Thompson.
child+961 iii. Richard Charles Thompson Sr..
child962 iv. Leona Thompson(73).
child963 v. Leroy Herman Thompson(73).
child+964 vi. Lawrence Edward Thompson.
child+965 vii. Anne Louise Thompson.

814. Ruby Alberta MERRYMAN (73) was born on 16 Apr 1894 in Carroll Co., MD.. She died on 2 May 1969 in Baltimore, Md.. She was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery.

She was married to George Bedford BASEMAN (son of William Fletcher BASEMAN and Annie Ridgely Stanfield) on 27 Mar 1912 in Carroll Co., MD.. George Bedford BASEMAN (73) was born on 5 Jan 1889 in Baltimore Co., MD.. He died on 25 Jun 1982 in Harford Co., Md.. He was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery. Ruby Alberta MERRYMAN and George Bedford BASEMAN had the following children:

child+966 i. Marvin Bedford BASEMAN.
child+967 ii. Norman Carroll BASEMAN.
child+968 iii. George Vernon BASEMAN Sr..
child969 iv. Clarence Edward BASEMAN.
child+970 v. Charlotte Mae BASEMAN.
child+971 vi. Florence Marie BASEMAN.
child+972 vii. Marlene Janette BASEMAN.

815. Joshua Earl Merryman Sr.(73) was born on 2 Dec 1895 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 22 Feb 1969 in Baltimore, Md.. He was a Baltimore City Policeman. He was buried in Baltimore Nat'l Cemetery.

He was married to Helen Catherine Schmidt (daughter of Charles Schmidt and Lillian Mary Knight) on 26 Aug 1926 in Freedom, Md.. Helen Catherine Schmidt(73) was born on 14 Oct 1908 in Oakland Mills, Md.. She died on 20 Dec 1970 in Baltimore, Md.. She was a Housewife. She was buried in Baltimore Nat'l Cemetery. Joshua Earl Merryman Sr. and Helen Catherine Schmidt had the following children:

child973 i. Joshua Earl Merryman Jr.(73) was born on 12 May 1932 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 19 Apr 1950 in Louisville, Kentucky. He was buried in Balto.Nat'l Cemetery.
child+974 ii. Pauline Dolores Merryman.
child+975 iii. Robert Wesley Merryman.
child+976 iv. Beverly Anne Merryman.
child977 v. Allan Lee Merryman(73) was born on 2 Oct 1943 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 28 Apr 1975 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.. He was buried in Fort Lauderdale Cemetery.

816. Edgar Merryman (73) was born on 29 May 1898 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 27 Mar 1963 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Gladys Louise Dayhoff (daughter of Granville Dayhoff and Blanche Esworthy) on 15 Apr 1925 in Gamber, Md.. Gladys Louise Dayhoff (73) was born on 3 Oct 1906 in Frederick, Md.. She died in 1981 in Finksburg, Md.. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Edgar Merryman and Gladys Louise Dayhoff had the following children:

child+978 i. Granville Edgar Merryman.
child+979 ii. William Edward Merryman.
child+980 iii. Evelyn Inez Merryman.
child+981 iv. Sherlene May Merryman.

817. Lawrence Merryman (73) was born on 7 Feb 1900 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 16 Dec 1980 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

He was married to Mary Georgianna Smith in 1923 in Carroll Co., MD.. Mary Georgianna Smith (73) died on 30 Mar 1983. She was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. Lawrence Merryman and Mary Georgianna Smith had the following children:

child982 i. Lawrence Donald Merryman(73) was born on 4 Jul 1924 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 7 Jul 1993 in Union Memorial Hosp., Baltimore, Md..(86) He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

820. William Earl Merryman Sr.(73) was born on 29 Oct 1904 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 26 Nov 1989 in Pikesville, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Rhoda Rosella Becraft (daughter of William Rufus Becraft and Emma May Tillman) in 1924 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was divorced from Rhoda Rosella Becraft ____. Rhoda Rosella Becraft (73) was born on 29 Jun 1908 in Oakland Mills, Md.. She died on 27 Jun 1967 in Baltimore, Md.. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. William Earl Merryman Sr. and Rhoda Rosella Becraft had the following children:

child+983 i. William Earl Merryman Jr..
child+984 ii. Owen Walter Merryman.
child+985 iii. Floyd Edward Merryman.
child+986 iv. Olivia Cloverland Merryman.
child+987 v. Gilbert Allen Merryman Sr..
child+988 vi. Delmas Arnold Merryman Sr..
child+989 vii. Ronald Bernell Merryman.

He was married to Ethel Rider. William Earl Merryman Sr. and Ethel Rider had the following children:

child990 i. James Merryman .

821. Eva Pearl Merryman (73) was born on 9 Jul 1907 in Carroll Co., MD.. She died on 10 Nov 1992. She was buried in Old Oakland Church Cemetery.

She was married to George Milton Dells. George Milton Dells(73) was born in 1901. He died in 1981. He was buried in Old Oakland Church Cemetery. Eva Pearl Merryman and George Milton Dells had the following children:

child+991 i. Dolores Leverne Dells.
child+992 ii. George Merhle Dells Sr..

She was married to Earl Helmrich.

822. Margaret Helen Merryman (73) was born on 23 May 1910 in Carroll Co., MD.. She died on 4 Apr 1995 in Clifton Forge, Va.. She was buried in Mt. View Cemetery, Clifton Forge, Va..

She was divorced from Benjamin Olin Kesne.

Margaret Helen Merryman and Benjamin Olin Kesner had the following children:

child993 i. William O. Kesner .
child994 ii. Robert Allen Kesner(73) was born on 3 Jan 1935 in Meyersville, Pa.. He died on 15 Nov 1992 in Florida.

She was married to Wayne D. Mingee Sr.. Margaret Helen Merryman and Wayne D. Mingee Sr. had the following children:

child995 i. Wayne D. Mingee Jr. .

823. Ada Mary HURSH .

She was married to John Albert CLARK. Ada Mary HURSH and John Albert CLARK had the following children:

child+996 i. Margaret CLARK.

826. Charles Aquilla JONES was born on 12 Jan 1863. He died on 30 Sep 1949.

He was married to Margaret V. MORAN (daughter of John B MORAN and Elizabeth C. KREEGER (CREAGER)) on 30 Sep 1900 in Texas, Baltimore Co. MD. Margaret V. MORAN was born on 17 Sep 1871. She died on 4 Oct 1962. Charles Aquilla JONES and Margaret V. MORAN had the following children:

child+997 i. JONES.

832. Marella Grace TRACEY was born in Nov 1881. She died on 12 Apr 1973.

She was married to Carroll HUSTER. Marella Grace TRACEY and Carroll HUSTER had the following children:

child+998 i. C. HUSTER.

834. Arthur Gill TRACEY was born on 17 Jan 1888 in Upperco, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 31 Mar 1960.

He was married to Lulu M. NOLTE. Lulu M. NOLTE was born on 4 Apr 1889. She died on 26 Jan 1967. Arthur Gill TRACEY and Lulu M. NOLTE had the following children:

child999 i. Grace Loui TRACEY .

836. Kenneth N. TRACEY .

Kenneth N. TRACEY and Mary BOSSOM had the following children:

child1000 i. Dorothy TRACEY.
child1001 ii. Quinton TRACEY.

845. Basil Michael E. TRACEY .

Basil Michael E. TRACEY had the following children:

child+1002 i. Vivian TRACEY.

852. Carroll Edward COFFIEL was born on 19 Apr 1903 in Mt Zion (Upperco) Baltimore Co MD. He died on 7 Sep 1987 in Crossville, Cumberland Co. Tenn.

He was married to Annabel Louise ENSOR (daughter of John Irving ENSOR and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ellen ENSOR) on 2 Feb 1929 in Towson, Baltimore Co MD. Annabel Louise ENSOR was born on 21 Sep 1910 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 20 Mar 1958 in Baltimore City, MD.

861. Leona COFIELL was born in Apr 1900. She died on 20 Mar 1997.

She obtained a marriage license on 3 Jun 1921 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was married to Leonard Alvey MAYS (son of Joshua Grant MAYS and Sallie Elizabeth TRACEY) on 4 Jun 1921. Leonard Alvey MAYS was born on 15 Aug 1893. He died on 27 Jan 1978. He was buried in Druid Ridge Cemetery.


865. Richard Emory Warfield (75) (76) was born in 1863 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. He died after 1898. He died in Philadelphia, Pa..

Bettie Davis (75)(76) was born about 1865. Richard Emory Warfield and Bettie Davis had the following children:

child1003 i. Douglas Warfield(75) (76).
child1004 ii. Henry Warfield(75) (76).

866. Henry Mactier Warfield Jr.(75) (76) was born in 1866 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. He died after 1898.

Rebecca Dennison (75)(76) was born about 1870.

867. Teackle Wallis Warfield (75) (76) was born in 1869 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. He was christened on 31 Jul 1870 in St. James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. He died before 1898 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD.

Alice "Alys" Montague(75) (76) was born on 30 Nov 1869 in , , MD. She died in , , PA. Teackle Wallis Warfield and Alice "Alys" Montague had the following children:

child1005 i. Bessie Wallis Warfield D'ess of Windsor(75) (76) was born on 19 Jun 1896 in Monterey Inn, Blueridge Summit, Franklin Co., PA. She died on 24 Apr 1986 in Neuilly, Paris, Seine, France. She was buried in Frogmore, Windsor, Berkshire, England.

870. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ellen ENSOR was born on 7 Apr 1871 in Verona, Baltimore Co MD. She died on 30 Nov 1951 in Cockeysville, Baltimore Co MD.

She was married to John Irving ENSOR (son of Josephus Chilcoat ENSOR and Mary Elizabeth (Mary Liz) TRACEY) on 2 Aug 1892 in Randallstown, Baltimore Co., MD. John Irving ENSOR was born on 31 Jul 1867 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 27 Apr 1961 in Towson, Baltimore Co MD. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ellen ENSOR and John Irving ENSOR had the following children:

child909 i. Joesph Edward ENSOR.
child910 ii. Annabel Louise ENSOR.

871. George L MERRYMAN was born on 31 Dec 1869. He died on 3 Feb 1957.

He was married to Lena WAGNER. George L MERRYMAN and Lena WAGNER had the following children:

child1006 i. Guy W. MERRYMAN was born on 23 Jun 1894. He died on 2 Feb 1967.

940. Sally Love MERRYMAN .

Pierre C. DUGAN was born in 1912. He died in 1956.

941. Margaret Elizabeth Nickoles(73) was born on 5 Dec 1905 in Haight, Md.. She died on 8 Sep 1995 in Sykesville, Md.. She was buried on 12 Sep 1995 in Lakeview Memorial Park.

She was married to Charles Orville Wright on 20 Aug 1926 in Harrisonville, Md.. Charles Orville Wright(73) was born on 31 Mar 1905 in Taylorsville, Md.. He died on 15 May 1944 in Baltimore Co., MD.. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. Margaret Elizabeth Nickoles and Charles Orville Wright had the following children:

child1064 i. Thomas Francis Wright .
child1065 ii. Robert Alan Wright .
child1066 iii. Elizabeth Wright .
child1067 iv. Josephine Wright .
child1068 v. Charles Dennis Wright .
child1069 vi. William Joseph Wright .
child1070 vii. Michael Joseph Wright(73) was born in 1939 in Sykesville, Md..
child1071 viii. Nancy Marie Wright .

She was married to James Lee. Margaret Elizabeth Nickoles and James Lee had the following children:

child1072 i. Margaret Ann Lee(73).

942. Marie Agnes Nickoles .

Robert Peree Devilbiss (73) was born on 20 Jun 1902. He died in Aug 1986 in Hampstead, Md.. He was buried in Westminster Cemetery, Westminster, Md.. Marie Agnes Nickoles and Robert Peree Devilbiss had the following children:

child1073 i. Helen Marie Devilbiss .
child1074 ii. Kenneth Robert Devilbiss(73) was born on 28 Dec 1950 in Women's Hospital, Baltimore, Md.. He died on 11 Mar 1997 in Westminster, Carroll Co., Md.. He was buried in Westminster Cemetery, Westminster, Md..

944. Victor Joseph Nickoles Sr.(73) was born on 31 May 1911 in St.Agnes Hosp., Baltimore, Md.. He died on 1 Dec 1994 in Sykesville, Md.. He was buried on 3 Dec 1994 in Lakeview Memorial Park.

He was married to Mary Elizabeth Luers on 20 Jun 1934 in Harrisonville, Md.. Mary Elizabeth Luers(73) was born on 13 Oct 1918. She died on 12 May 1968. Victor Joseph Nickoles Sr. and Mary Elizabeth Luers had the following children:

child1075 i. Edward Francis Nickoles .
child1076 ii. Mary Catherine Nickoles .
child1077 iii. Leroy Joseph Nickoles .
child1078 iv. Patricia Lee Nickoles .
child1079 v. Victor Joseph Nickoles Jr.(73) was born on 20 Dec 1943. He died on 15 Oct 1963
child1080 vi. Thomas Wayne Nickoles .
child1081 vii. Ruth Ann Nickoles .
child1082 viii. Charles William Nickoles .
child1083 ix. Diane Virginia Nickoles .

He was married to Virginia Dorothy Shifflett on 31 May 1969 in Harrisonville, Md..

945. Michael Joseph Nickoles (73) was born on 12 May 1913 in Haight, Md.. He died on 13 Oct 1969 in Casper, Wyoming. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

He was married to Gertrude Estella Owings (daughter of Jonathan Monroe Owings and Gertrude Devilbiss) in Apr 1939 in Harrisonville, Md.. Michael Joseph Nickoles and Gertrude Estella Owings had the following children:

child1084 i. Dolores Faye Nickoles .
child1085 ii. James Edward Nickoles Sr.(73) died on 20 Jun 1985 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.
child1086 iii. Leonard Francis "Nick" Nickoles (73).
child1087 iv. Virginia Louise Nickoles(73).
child1088 v. Raymond Edward Nickoles .

947. Florence Catherine Nickoles .

Lake William LeRoy Munshower (73) (son of Walter Russell Munshower and Hanna Mary Dermia Ridinger) was born on 20 Aug 1920 in Harney, Md.. He died on 3 May 1977 in Eldersburg, Md.. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. Florence Catherine Nickoles and Lake William LeRoy Munshower had the following children:

child1089 i. Richard Leroy Munshower .
child1090 ii. Joan Marie Munshower .
child1091 iii. Gerald Francis Munshower .
child1092 iv. Ronald Edward Munshower .
child1093 v. Brenda Anne Munshower .

948. Mary Alverta Merryman (73) was born on 11 Jul 1911 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. She died on 6 Oct 1998 in St. Agnes Hosp., Balto., Md.. She was a Homemaker. She was baptized in Bethel Baptist Church. She was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

She was married to John Vernon Poe (son of William Presbury Poe and Alice Rebecca Murray) on 20 Feb 1932 in Gamber, Md.. John Vernon Poe (73) was born on 20 May 1912 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. He died on 17 Oct 1971 in Oella, Md.. He was a Mill Worker. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. Mary Alverta Merryman and John Vernon Poe had the following children:

child1094 i. Vernon Leroy Merryman(73) was born on 4 Mar 1927 in Sykesville, Md.. He died on 1 Sep 1999 in Columbia, Md.. He was a Disabled. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.
child1095 ii. Mary Alice Poe .
child1096 iii. John Franklin Poe(73) was born on 24 Jan 1935 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. He died on 10 Jun 1951 in Oella, Md.. He was buried in Deer Park Church Cemetery.
child1097 iv. Anne Larue Poe .
child1098 v. James Edward Poe .
child1099 vi. Ronald Lee Poe .
child1100 vii. Gary Dean Poe Sr. .

949. John Robert Merryman (73) was born on 25 Feb 1913 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. He died on 26 Oct 1990 in Randallstown, Md.. He was a Retired Custodian. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

He was married to Emma Caroline Stigler (daughter of Carl George Stigler and Emma Viola Robinson) on 8 Aug 1936 in Westminster, Md.. Emma Caroline Stigler(73) was born on 4 Dec 1920 in Oella, Md.. She died on 11 Feb 1972 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. She was a Factory Worker. She was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. John Robert Merryman and Emma Caroline Stigler had the following children:

child1101 i. Robert Lee Merryman(73) was born on 28 May 1937 in Oella, Md.. He died on 14 Nov 1968 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.
child1102 ii. Eldine Cecilia Merryman .

950. Margaret Anna Merryman (73) was born on 19 Aug 1914 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. She died on 9 Jan 1990 in Baltimore, Md.. She was a Homemaker. She was buried in Baltimore Nat'l Cemetery.

She was married to Walter C. Dayhoff (son of Granville Dayhoff and Blanche Esworthy) on 14 Jul 1932. She was divorced from Walter C. Dayhoff __. Walter C. Dayhoff (73). Margaret Anna Merryman and Walter C. Dayhoff had the following children:

child1103 i. Marlene Elizabeth Dayhoff .
child1104 ii. Dorethia Idell Dayhoff(73) died on 20 Apr 1933.

She was married to William Cornelious Robinson (son of William E. Robinson and Sophia C. __) on 31 Aug 1940 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. William Cornelious Robinson(73) was born on 3 Apr 1917 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 23 Jun 1963 in Ft.Howard Hosp., Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Baltimore Nat'l Cemetery. Margaret Anna Merryman and William Cornelious Robinson had the following children:

child1105 i. Ellen Colleen Robinson .
child1106 ii. Caroline Ernesteen Robinson .
child1107 iii. Nancy Cornelious Robinson .
child1108 iv. Dennis Atlee Robinson .

951. Charles Merryman (73) was born on 10 Jun 1916 in Oakland Mills, Carroll Co., Md.. He died on 11 Nov 1991 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was a Retired Custodian. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Rose Anna Sears on 11 Jan 1936 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. Rose Anna Sears(73) was born on 2 Mar 1920 in Harland, Kentucky. She died on 21 Aug 1964 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Charles Merryman and Rose Anna Sears had the following children:

child1109 i. Shirley Anne Merryman .
child1110 ii. Charles William Merryman Sr. .
child1111 iii. Patricia Merryman .
child1112 iv. Jeanne Marie Merryman .
child1113 v. Claudia Lee Merryman .
child1114 vi. Linda Jane Merryman .

He was married to Loretta M. Hardin on 24 Jul 1965. Loretta M. Hardin(73) was born on 30 Aug 1921. She died on 15 Jul 1991 in Carroll Co., MD.. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Charles Merryman and Loretta M. Hardin had the following children:

child1115 i. Lori Hardin(73).

952. Hazel May Merryman .

William Franklin Frey (73) was born on 4 Jun 1917. He died on 16 Apr 1995 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Glen Haven Memorial Park. Hazel May Merryman and William Franklin Frey had the following children:

child1116 i. David Franklin Frey .
child1117 ii. Richard Bruce Frey .
child1118 iii. Ellen Diana Frey .
child1119 iv. Susan May Frey .

953. John Milton Merryman .

Pauline Francis Zahn (73) (daughter of Levi Elias Zahn and Gladys May Ridinger) was born on 15 Feb 1927. She died on 28 Apr 1978 in Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD. She was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park. John Milton Merryman and Pauline Francis Zahn had the following children:

child1120 i. Sandura Lee Merryman .
child1121 ii. Virginia Lee Merryman .

954. Helen Marie Merryman .

Helen Marie Merryman and Charles Edward Butts had the following children:

child1122 i. Barbara Ann Butts .
child1123 ii. Donald Wade Butts .
child1124 iii. Carol Lynn Butts .

955. Althea Lorraine Merryman .

Harold Carson Johnson (73) (son of William Edgar Johnson and Cornelia Effie Armstrong) was born on 9 Oct 1921. He died on 23 Sep 1994 in Rogersville, Tenn.. He was a Retired. He was buried in Armstrong Cemetery. Althea Lorraine Merryman and Harold Carson Johnson had the following children:

child1125 i. Harold Clifford Johnson(73) was born on 16 Dec 1944 in University Hosp., Balto., Md.. He died on 21 Oct 1994. He was buried in Crestlawn Memorial Gardens.
child1126 ii. James Edward Johnson Sr. .
child1127 iii. Annette Marie Johnson .
child1128 iv. Charlotte Ann Johnson .
child1129 v. John Franklin Johnson .

956. Wallace Earl Merryman .

Wallace Earl Merryman and Esther Cecilia Stigler had the following children:

child1130 i. Cynthia Lynn Merryman .
child1131 ii. William Earl Merryman .
child1132 iii. David Wayne Merryman .

957. Elizabeth Virginia Merryman .

Dennis Winifred Ritchie (73) (son of Silas S. Ritchie and Nancy Bell Shipe) was born on 15 Mar 1926 in Mathias, WVa.. He died on 3 Mar 1992 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in Meadowridge Memorial Park. Elizabeth Virginia Merryman and Dennis Winifred Ritchie had the following children:

child1133 i. Joyce Carol Ritchie .
child1134 ii. Dennis Bruce Ritchie .
child1135 iii. Christine Rosella Ritchie .

959. William Thomas Thompson (73). He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Eleanore Ellis. Eleanore Ellis(73). She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. William Thomas Thompson and Eleanore Ellis had the following children:

child1136 i. David Leroy Thompson(73).

960. Marvin Vernon Thompson (73) was born on 2 Dec 1919 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 17 Jul 1983 in Finksburg, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Ramona Lucille Anderson on 29 Oct 1938 in Carroll Co., MD..(93) Marvin Vernon Thompson and Ramona Lucille Anderson had the following children:

child1137 i. Esther Elaine Thompson .
child1138 ii. Thomas Marvin Thompson .
child1139 iii. Mazie Ann Thompson .

961. Richard Charles Thompson Sr.(73) was born on 30 May 1922 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 10 Jun 1994 in Baltimore, Md.. He was a Retired Meat Cutter. He was buried in Lakeview Memorial Park.

He was married to Mary Lorraine Wright (daughter of Harry Wright and Dena Dayhoff). Richard Charles Thompson Sr. and Mary Lorraine Wright had the following children:

child1140 i. Linda Thompson .
child1141 ii. Richard Charles Thompson Jr. .
child1142 iii. Lisa Thompson .

964. Lawrence Edward Thompson .

L. Kathleen Barnhill (73). Lawrence Edward Thompson and L. Kathleen Barnhill had the following children:

child1143 i. Debra Lynn Thompson .
child1144 ii. Sandra Anne Thompson .
child1145 iii. Rebecca Jean Thompson .
child1146 iv. Sharon Kay Thompson .

965. Anne Louise Thompson .

Anne Louise Thompson and Howard Millard Stierhoff Sr. had the following children:

child1147 i. Howard Millard Stierhoff Jr. .
child1148 ii. Jo Ann Stierhoff .
child1149 iii. Mary Kathleen Stierhoff .

966. Marvin Bedford Baseman (73) was born on 20 Nov 1912 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 1 Feb 1998 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery.

He was married to Marion Grafton HOEY on 23 Apr 1932. Marvin Bedford Baseman and Marion Grafton HOEY had the following children:

child1150 i. Marvin Carroll Baseman .
child1151 ii. Bruce Lawson Baseman .

967. Norman Carroll Baseman (73) was born on 22 Nov 1914 in Carroll Co., MD.. He died on 30 Dec 1977 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery.

He was married to Melba Ann Holtzman (daughter of Jacob Wahl Holtzman and Edna Wilhemina Remmer-Roberts) on 20 Apr 1939 in Baltimore, Md.. Melba Ann Holtzman (73) was born on 6 Feb 1917 in Baltimore, Md.. She died on 10 Nov 1993 in Baltimore, Md.. She was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery. Norman Carroll Baseman and Melba Ann Holtzman had the following children:

child1152 i. Sally Ann Baseman(73) was born on 27 Oct 1945 in Baltimore, Md.. She died on 9 Nov 1945 in Baltimore, Md.. She was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery.
child1153 ii. Beverly Joann Baseman .

968. George Vernon Baseman Sr.(73) was born on 20 Apr 1918 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 6 Feb 1993 in Harford Co., Md.. He was a Carpenter. He was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery.

He was married to Mary Catherine Rabenau on 31 Mar 1937 in Elkton, Md..(94) He was divorced from Mary Catherine Rabenau ____. George Vernon Baseman Sr. and Mary Catherine Rabenau had the following children:

child1154 i. George Vernon Baseman Jr. .

He was married to Annaliese Elizabeth Brehms on 28 Feb 1942 in Baltimore, Md.. He was divorced from Annaliese Elizabeth Brehms ____. George Vernon Baseman Sr. and Annaliese Elizabeth Brehms had the following children:

child1155 i. Charlotte Eileen Baseman .

He was married to Clara Irene Flynn on 30 Mar 1957 in Frederick, Md.. George Vernon Baseman Sr. and Clara Irene Flynn had the following children:

child1156 i. Sandra Lee Baseman .

970. Charlotte Mae Baseman .

Francis Joseph Little (73) (son of John J. Little and Mabel B. Eyrich) was born on 9 Sep 1922 in Wilmington, Delaware. He died on 20 Dec 1968 in Baltimore, Md.. He was a Crane Operator. He was buried in Gardens of Faith Cemetery. Charlotte Mae Baseman and Francis Joseph Little had the following children:

child1157 i. Deborah Lynn Little .
child1158 ii. David Lee Little .

971. Florence Marie Baseman .

Randolph William Delcher Jr. (73) (son of Randolph William Delcher Sr. and Harriet Elizabeth Dobson) was born on 21 Jul 1929 in Seattle, Washington. He died on 12 Jun 1978 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Florence Marie Baseman and Randolph William Delcher Jr. had the following children:

child1159 i. Harriet Lee Delcher .
child1160 ii. Randy William Delcher Sr. .

972. Marlene Janette Baseman .

Marlene Janette Baseman and Christian Joseph Letsch III had the following children:

child1161 i. Wayne Christian Letsch .
child1162 ii. Kathy Diane Letsch .
child1163 iii. Gary Joseph Letsch .

974. Pauline Dolores Merryman .

William Carl Guethler Sr. (73) (son of Raymond Max Guethler and Ina Catherine Ruhe) was born on 5 Aug 1930 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 19 Apr 1990 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Pauline Dolores Merryman and William Carl Guethler Sr. had the following children:

child1164 i. Cheryl Ann Guethler .
child1165 ii. William Carl Guethler Jr. .
child1166 iii. Elizabeth Catherine Guethler .
child1167 iv. Martin Alan Guethler Sr. .

975. Robert Wesley Merryman .

Linda ___ (73). Robert Wesley Merryman and Linda had the following children:

child1168 i. Robert Wesley Merryman Jr. .

976. Beverly Anne Merryman .

Beverly Anne Merryman and Harold Wallace Morris had the following children:

child1169 i. Susan Marie Morris .
child1170 ii. Linda Morris .
child1171 iii. Deborah Morris .
child1172 iv. Kathleen Morris .

978. Granville Edgar Merryman .

Lavern Lauderbach (73). Granville Edgar Merryman and Lavern Lauderbach had the following children:

child1173 i. Denise Merryman(73).
child1174 ii. Richard Merryman(73).

979. William Edward Merryman .

William Edward Merryman and Sarah Elizabeth Allman had the following children:

child1175 i. Tamara Lynn Merryman .

980. Evelyn Inez Merryman .

Brice Schaeffer (73) (son of George Schaeffer and Edith Mae Poe) was born on 4 Apr 1924 in Oakland Mills, Md.. He died on 7 Aug 1970 in Reisterstown, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Evelyn Inez Merryman and Brice Schaeffer had the following children:

child1176 i. Brice Philip Schaeffer .
child1177 ii. Terri Roxanne Schaeffer .
child1178 iii. Donna Marie Schaeffer .

981. Sherlene May Merryman (73) was born on 11 Jul 1935 in Oakland Mills, Md.. She died on 14 Jul 1995 in Hampstead, Md..

She was married to Charles Webster Gore on 21 May 1954 in Baltimore, Md.. She was divorced from Charles Webster Gore in 1975. Charles Webster Gore (73). Sherlene May Merryman and Charles Webster Gore had the following children:

child1179 i. Duran Charles (Randy) Gore .
child1180 ii. Curtis Blake Gore .
child1181 iii. Deborah Renee Gore .

She was married to Roy B. Singer.

983. William Earl Merryman Jr.(73) was born on 31 Aug 1924 in Oakland Mills, Md.. He died on 11 Sep 1988 in Baltimore, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

William Earl Merryman Jr. and Francis Smith had the following children:

child1182 i. Richard Eugene Merryman .

He was married to Anna Louise Quimby in 1947 in Carroll Co., MD.. He was divorced from Anna Louise Quimby.
William Earl Merryman Jr. and Anna Louise Quimby had the following children:

child1183 i. William E. Merryman(73) was born on 10 Jun 1949 in Baltimore, Md.. He died on 22 Apr 1995 in Plantation, Florida.
child1184 ii. Linda Marie Merryman .
child1185 iii. Floyd Glen Merryman .
child1186 iv. Diane Shane Merryman .
child1187 v. Mary Beth Merryman .
child1188 vi. Robin Merryman(73) was born in FLORIDA. She died in Florida.

He was married to Patricia Ann Brown (daughter of George Amoss Brown and Bertha Viola Unger) on 30 Jun 1964 in Towson, Md.. William Earl Merryman Jr. and Patricia Ann Brown had the following children:

child1189 i. Connie Lynn Merryman .
child1190 ii. Wayne Dane Merryman .

984. Owen Walter Merryman (73) was born on 25 Nov 1926 in Oakland Mills, Md.. He died on 20 Dec 1952 in Reisterstown, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Catherine Griffin in 1952 in Baltimore, Md..

985. Floyd Edward Merryman (73) was born on 2 Aug 1928 in Oakland Mills, Md..(95) He died on 31 Mar 1978 in San Luis Obispo, California. He was buried in Lady Family-Setcliffe Cemetery.

He was married to Nancy Viola Fultz (daughter of Homer Clyde Fultz and Beatrice Elizabeth Baumen) on 5 Dec 1948 in Alhamber, Calif.. He was divorced from Nancy Viola Fultz in 1971. Floyd Edward Merryman and Nancy Viola Fultz had the following children:

child1191 i. Nancy Susan Merryman .
child1192 ii. Daniel Robert Merryman .

986. Olivia Cloverland Merryman .

Olivia Cloverland Merryman and Herbert Graham had the following children:

child1193 i. Ottis Graham(73).
child1194 ii. Janis Graham(73).

Olivia Cloverland Merryman and Ambrose Galvin Weaver Sr. had the following children:

child1195 i. Ambrose Galvin Weaver Jr.(73) was born on 13 Nov 1948 in Franklin Square Hospital, Balto., Md.. He died on 30 Jan 1980.
child1196 ii. Veronica Ann Weaver .
child1197 iii. Walter Arthur Owen Weaver .
child1198 iv. Thomas Joseph Weaver .
child1199 v. Michael Eugene Weaver .

987. Gilbert Allen Merryman Sr.(73) was born on 10 Apr 1932 in Oakland Mills, Md.. He died on 1 Apr 1977 in Salisbury, Md.. He was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery.

He was married to Mary Lee Evelyn Wade on 14 Mar 1953. Mary Lee Evelyn Wade(73) was born on 31 Dec 1933. She died on 20 Aug 1967. She was buried in New Oakland Church Cemetery. Gilbert Allen Merryman Sr. and Mary Lee Evelyn Wade had the following children:

child1200 i. Gilbert Allen Merryman Jr. .
child1201 ii. Mary Lee Merryman .

988. Delmas Arnold Merryman Sr. .

Shirley Marie Hawley (73) (daughter of Elbert Hawley and Mary Elizabeth Bowen) was born in Pleasant Hill Rd., Owings Mills, Md.. Delmas Arnold Merryman Sr. and Shirley Marie Hawley had the following children:

child1202 i. Delmas Arnold Merryman Jr.(73) was born in Reisterstown, Md..

989. Ronald Bernell Merryman .

Betsy Ann Rutter

991. Dolores Leverne Dells .

Dolores Leverne Dells and John Edward Dixon Sr. had the following children:

child1203 i. Linda Sue Dixon .
child1204 ii. Deborah Ann Dixon .
child1205 iii. John Edward Dixon Jr.(73) was born on 28 May 1964 in York, Pa.. He died on 14 Nov 1987 in Belair, Md..

992. George Merhle Dells Sr. .

George Merhle Dells Sr. and Dorothy Virginia Pahl had the following children:

child1206 i. Victoria Dawn Dells .
child1207 ii. George Merhle Dells Jr. .
child1208 iii. Karen Elaine Dells .
child1209 iv. Glenn Michael Dells Sr. .

996. Margaret CLARK .

She was married to Thomas VAN AMBERG. Margaret CLARK and Thomas VAN AMBERG had the following children:

child1210 i. Mary Jane VAN AMBERG.

997. JONES.

She was married to Frederick H. DORSEY (son of George Frederick Washington DORSEY and Edith Mae GILL) on 29 Jul 1929 in Baltimore Co., MD. Frederick H. DORSEY was born on 27 May 1908. He died on 15 Nov 1987.

998. C. HUSTER .

C. HUSTER had the following children:

child1211 i. Steven HUSTER.
child1212 ii. Jeffery HUSTER.

1002. Vivian TRACEY .

She was married to MACHOVER. Vivian TRACEY and MACHOVER had the following children:

child1213 i. Paul MACHOVER.


1. Helen E. Davis. Kindred: Davis-Stansbury Lines,. Dorrance and Co. Philadelphia 1978.
2. Information received from Mrs. Gladyne Merryman Mitchell of College Station Texas.
3. Research by Gladyne Merryman Mitchell.
4. Records of St Pauls Parish Vol 1, by Bill and Martha Reamy.
5. The Baltimore Sun, 26 Dec 1909, The Hearldy of Maryland, The Merryman Family of Baltimore Co.
6. Hollowak. Maryland Genealogies from the Maryland Historic Magazine. Genealogical Publishing Co.
7. Abstracts of the Baltimore County Land Commission 1727-1762.
8. Maryland Calendar of Wills Vol 11.
9. William K and Anna C. Rutherford. Genealogical History of Our Ancestors. 1977. Generations of Richard Talbot (Volume II).
10. Janet White -
11. Location - Kenyon Stevenson & A. Russle Slagle GENEALOGY & HISTORY, 5/15/1944. Date -.
12. F. Edward Wright. Anne Arundel County Church Records of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Family Line Publications, Westminster, MD.
13. E-mail from Dawn Covert.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol VII No 2, June 1991.
18. St. Paul's Parish Registry,Baltimore Co., Maryland.
19. Scott Lee Boyd. The Parish Family, Including the Allied families of Belt, Boyd, Cole and MAlone, Clorey, Garret, Merryman, Parsons, Price, Tipton. Scott Lee Boyd, Santa Barbara CA, 1935.
20. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol VII, No 2 June 1991.
21. Balto. Co. wills 3:265.
22. Robert Barnes. Baltimore County Families 1659-1759.
23. John H. Pearce. Descendants of Thomas Gorsuch. Author, Butler, MD.
24. History Trails
Baltimore County Historical Society
Agriculture Building, 9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030. Baltimore County Historical Society Quarterly. VOl 22, No 3 Spring 1988 , Monton View Farm by Katharine Simkins.
26. Dawn Covert's line from Prodigy.
27. Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk. Descendants of Richard and ELizabeth (Ewen) Talbott of Popular Knowle West River, Anne Arundel County Maryland. 1927, reprinted Clearfield Publishing, 1995.
28. Hollowak. Maryland Genealogies from the Maryland Historic Magazine. Genealogical Publishing Co. p. 216 "The Merryman Family".
29. Research by Edwin Charles Merryman.
30. Tombstone Inscriptions at St James Protestant Episcopal Church, My Lady's Manor, Monkton MD.
31. St Thomas Parish Register 1732-1850, Complied by Bill and Martha Reamy.
32. Baltimore Co Wills Liber 16, folio 375-378.
33. Ensor Family Bible in possession A. Danton and Myra Ensor of New Windsor MD 1986.
34. BIll and Martha Reamy. St James Parish Register 1787-1815.
36. History Trails
Baltimore County Historical Society
Agriculture Building, 9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030. Baltimore County Historical Society Quarterly. Spring 1988.
37. Jon Harlan Livezey and Helene Maynard David. Harford County, Maryland Marriage Licenses 1777-1863. Family Line
Westminster, MD.
40. apparently an E mail post about family of Basil of Basil in the Tracey/Tracy name form.
41. J. A. Caldwell. A History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties in Ohio. 1880.
42. Feb 1996.
43. Information from Dawn Covert.
44. Hollowak. Maryland Genealogies from the Maryland Historic Magazine. Genealogical Publishing Co. The Merryman Family by Francis B. Culver.
45. 575 South Main #1, St Geroge UT. 84770.
47. Cay Merryma.
48. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol 11, No. 4, Dec 1995.
50. Research by John H. Pearce Jr.
51. Research of Ron Cofiell.
52. Research by Ron Cofiell.
53. Note of Mrs. M. Elizabeth Gorsuch, written in Glencoe MD 1954.
54. Baltimore Cemeteries Vol 1. Balto. Co. Historic Society.
56. 10312 Burnside Dr.
Ellicott City, MD 21042.
57. 1850 Census.
59. 1850 Census.
61. Ibid.
62. Ibid.
63. e-mail from Walt Tracey.
64. Elise Greenup Jourdan. Early Families of Southern Maryland, Vol 1, Revised. Family Line Publications, Westinster, MD. 1993.
66. Descendant Kevin Brooks provided linage back to William Sr. <>
10 Dec 1995.
67. Genealogy and Biographies of Leading Families of Baltimore, 1897.
68. Walter E. Arps Jr.. Departed This Life, Death Notices from the (Baltimore) Sun V.1 1851-1853. Family Line Publications 1985.
69. Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk. Descendants of Richard and ELizabeth (Ewen) Talbott of Popular Knowle West River, Anne Arundel County Maryland. 1927, reprinted Clearfield Publishing, 1995.
70. Ida Morison (Murphy) Shirk. Dewscendants of Richard and Elizabeth (Ewen) Talbott of Popular Knowle, Wet River, Anne Arundel Co., aryland. Baltimore, MD, 1927.
71. Wayland Hiscks.
72. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol 10, No 1, March 1994, Marriages and Deaths from the Towson Maryland Journal for 1866.
73. GEDCOM file imported on 5 Dec 1999.
74. E-mail from Carol Palmer.
75. Richard Warfield Faber. GEDCOM file imported on 7 Feb 1999.
76. GEDCOM from Richard Warfield Faber Jr.
77. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien. Calvert County Genealogy Newsletter. Sunderland, MD. Vol XII #6, Dec 1997.
78. Ibid. Vol X11 #6, Dec 1997.
79. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol 10, No 2. June 1994, Marriages and Deaths from the Towson Maryland Journal for 1866.
80. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien. Calvert County Genealogy Newsletter. Sunderland, MD. Vol XII, #6, Dec 1997.
81. Ibid. Vol XII, #6, Dec 1997.
84. Mays family history as recorded by Rose Tracy Mays and Told by Amy Lewis
Mays Family Bible.
85. From Ron Cofiell, via ltr from Ethel (Ensor) Foresman.
86. Marlene Letsch.
87. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien. Calvert County Genealogy Newsletter. Sunderland, MD. Vol XII, #6, Dec 1997.
88. Ibid. Vol XII, #6, Dec 1997.
89. E-Mail from Don Johnson (also has Millers in AA Co.).
90. The Yohoe Road by Virginia and Eva Akrhurst.
91. Mays Family Bible.
92. Notes of Florence Foster.
93. Carroll County Marriage Records.
94. From G. Vernon Baseman,Jr.
95. Copy of Birth Certificate.

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