Baltimore County

Major Thomas LONG Descendants Report


1. Major Thomas LONG died before 19 May 1696; said to have died ca Sept 1691.

He was married to Jane. Jane died in May 1696 or Jun 1696 in Baltimore Co., MD. She signed a will on 19 May 1696.
She had an estate probated on 3 Jun 1696 in Baltimore Co., MD. She Estate Admin on 6 Mar 1697.
Will and Last Testament of JANE LONG of Baltimore County
Dated 19 May 1696, Proved 3 June 1696
"In the name of God. I Jane Long of Baltimore County Widow being weake of body but of good and perfect memory praised be God, Do make this my Last will and Testament on the 19th of May Anno Dom 1696.

Imprimis: I will that my daughter Jeane Peake be overseer of my whole personal Estate and also to live upon my now Dwelling Plantatione, to manage all affaires for the good and benefit of my sone Thomas and also to keep him at school to learne what he can attaine to till the years of nineteene and then hes to be my sole ExE of all my Estate.

Item: I will that these my Legaies hereafter mentioned be paid by overseer as it can be raised out of my Estate.

Item: I will that my Daughter Jane Peake have out of my estate as it can be purchased ten thousand pounds of tobacco--that is to say out of the cropps as it can be spared and also out of the stock keeping the old stock still ... taile and number and those Legacies hereafter mentioned to paid in same manner.

Item: I will that my Daughter Tabitha Long have paid her out of my Estate as before mentioned twenty thousand pounds of Tobacco as it may be raised and in case she betrow herself to George Chaney, I give to her but one Shilling that to be her full portion if she mariey with George Chaney.

Item: I will that Lettice Robinson have all my Silver Spoones marked with ML and in case she deths before her full age then the Spoons to fall to Penelope Scudamore.

Item: I will that my Daughter Tabitha Long in case she doth not marrie George Chaney the best feather bed and furniture belonging to it, also the five head of cattle which I formerly gave her with theire increase also a silver cup and poring and my silver tankard to my overseer Jane Peake: also that thing w... I sent for my daughter Tabitha if they come safe in I will ... before mentioned.

I give my grand child Penelope Scudamore one cow and one yearling mare coult. I also give my grandchild Katherine Peak one cow. I give my grandchild George Peak one heiffer two years old. I also give to Joseph Peak twenty shillings to buy him a ring. I also give my daughter the overseer Jeane Peake all my wearing apparrell. I give unto Susanna Robinson two ewes I give unto John Willkenson a yearling cow calf. In witness whereof I have sett my hand and seal this day and year above mentioned.

Jane Long. her signum.
Witness by
Robt D. Phillipps,
Isaac Mortiall,
Tho Durbin, and
Mary Whaylum

Memorandum- On the 3d day of June Anno Dm 1696 the within mentioned will was in common form proved and made oath to 3 of the witnesses as within mentioned to be the last will and testament of Jane Long decd.
Edward Booth by Dep Com Ex Balt Coun."

Major Thomas LONG and Jane had the following children:
child+2 i. Jane LONG.
child+3 ii. Tabitha LONG.
child+4 iii. Thomas LONG.


2. Jane LONG died about Sep 1739 in Baltimore Co., MD. Her linage was traced in MD Genealogy Society Bulletin by Barnes:
19 May 1696 Jane Long widow of Thomas made will naming dau. Jane Peake and Grandsons Joesph and George Peake.
6 March 1697 Joesph Peake and wife Jane file accounts of Jane Longs Estate (Balt. Co. Admins Acct 2:34)
27 Oct 1700 Will of Joesph Peake filed Balto Co. names sons John & George, both minors, wife Jane Extrix.
14 Jan 1709 Jane Merryman files as adminstrator of estate of Joseph Peake
13 May 1718 Jane Merryman files account as administratrix of Joseph Peake (Balto. Co. Adm. Accts 2:19).
Barnes Maryland marriage bood lists her has marrying a Merryman by 24 June 1702.
Jane adminstered the estate of dec'd husband Charles Merryman as the wife of Benjamin Knight on 9 Sept 1724, 12 Aug 1729, and 3 Aug 1739.

She was married to Charles MERRYMAN Jr (son of Charles MERRYMAN and Mary HAILE) on 24 Jun 1702 in Baltimore Co., MD. Charles MERRYMAN Jr(1) was born about 1680 in Lancaster Co., VA. He signed a will on 25 Dec 1720. In the Name of God, Amen, I Charles Merryman Junior of Baltimore County, planter, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind, memory and understanding, first and principally recommend my soul into ye hands of ye almighty, my body I commit to ye earth to be decently (----) at the discretion of my Executrix, herein after named. Imprimus, I give and bequeath unto my two sons William and Charles and their heirs lawfully begotten in wedlock, all my tract of land whereon I now live called by name of Merrimans Beginning, to be equally divided betwixt ye said William and Charles. Also I give and bequeath my tract of land at Gunpowder called Brotherly Fellowship to be equally divided betwixt my two sons William and Charles and their heirs lawfully begotten in wedlock. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William a young sorrel mare branded CM. Also to my son Charles Merryman, ye cattle which I previously gave him. I give unto my son Charles Merryman one black mare branded W and one three year old heiffer and her female incesafe(?). Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William all my wearing apparel. Item, I give unto my servant man Patrick one cow calf. Item, my will and (----) is that my loving wife Jane Merryman shall have ye priviledge of either my plantations which she shall think fit to live on during her life and to clear and make use of such timber as shall be useful on ye plantation without any interruption from either my sons William or Charles or their heirs or any that shall possess after them. Furthermore my desire is that my loving wife Jane Merriman shall be my whole and sole
Executrix of all that I have and after all my debts shall be paid all ye remaining part of my estate to be equally divided amongst all my children.
Lastly, I do hereby dismiss, revoke and make void all my former and other wills and testaments by me heretofore made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and soul this the three pieces of lines being interlined in this my last will this 25th day of December 1720.
Witness....... Charles Merryman George Browne mark
Edward Stevenson
John (mark) Merryman
Mary (mark) Merryman Maryland, the June 23 1722 There came George
Browne, Edward Stevenson, John Merryman & Mary Merryman the subscribing
evidence (??) ro the above mentioned will and make oath on the holy Evangels of
Almighty God that they saw the testator Charles Merryman sign and seal the
above will as his last will and testament and that he published and declared
...that at the time of his so doing he was of sound and perfect mind and memory
to the best of their knowledge. Sworn to before me.....County of Baltimore June
22, 1702...
He died on 17 May 1722. He had an estate probated on 23 Jun 1722 in Baltimore Co., MD. He became owner of his fathers 246 acres of "Merryman's Beginnings" and acquired other land Jane LONG and Charles MERRYMAN Jr had the following children:

child+5 i. William Merryman.
child+6 ii. John Charles MERRYMAN.
child7 iii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+8 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+9 v. Jemima MERRYMAN.
child10 vi. Kedeworth MERRYMAN was born on 23 Mar 1717/18. (2) Kedeworth was indicted for bastardy in June 1741, Balto. Co., Henry Quine (alias James) admitted paternity of the child.
child+11 vii. Mary MERRYMAN.

She was married to Benjamin KNIGHT on 6 Aug 1723 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. Benjamin KNIGHT died about 1743 in Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Joseph PEAKE (son of George PEAKE and Mary) before 1696. Joseph PEAKE was born after 1653. He died before 27 Oct 1700. He had an estate probated on 27 Oct 1700 in Back River, Baltimore Co., MD. Will names son George at age 18 to have part of "Boulden Forest". son John (not yet 18), wife Jane. Jane LONG and Joseph PEAKE had the following children:

child+12 i. Johanna PEAKE.
child13 ii. George PEAKE was born before 19 May 1696.
child14 iii. John PEAKE was born after Jun 1696.
child15 iv. Katharine PEAKE was born before 19 May 1696 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 15 Jan 1714 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child+16 v. unknown PEAKE.

3. Tabitha LONG .

She was married to Henry KING (son of Henry KING and Mary HAILE) on 6 Jul 1678 in Lancaster Co., VA.. Henry KING signed a will on 18 Jan 1717. He had an estate probated on 30 Apr 1718 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died BET 1717/1718 in Baltimore Co., MD. Tabitha LONG and Henry KING had the following children:

child+17 i. William KING.
child+18 ii. Mary KING.

4. Thomas LONG was born about 1678. He died about 1721. On 28 Jan 1720/21, Susanna Long signed over rights of Administration of her dec;d husband, Thomas Long;'s estate to THomas Sheridine.

He was married to Susannah MEAD (daughter of Francis MEAD and Anne) by Sept 1706 in Baltimore Co., MD. Susannah MEAD(3) was born about 1678. She was born about 1690. She died before Feb 1728 in probably Baltimore Co., MD. Thomas LONG and Susannah MEAD had the following children:

child+19 i. John LONG.
child+20 ii. Ann LONG.


5. William Merryman was born about 1700 in Baltimore County, Maryland. (4) He died after 1750.(4) He died in 1803.

He was married to Margaret Lane (daughter of Dutton Lane and Pretitia\Pretosia Tydings) about 1725. (4) Margaret Lane was born in 1702 in Baltimore County, Maryland. (5) She died after 1742.(4) Dutton Lane left part of "Hampton Court" to his daughter Margaret in his will, dated 1713, on 30 Aug 1740 William Merryman and wife Margaret sold part of "Hampton Court" to Charles Ridgley. On 5 May 1750, William and Margaret sold 50 acres of "Merryman's Grotto" to Jabez Murray. William Merryman and Margaret Lane had the following children:

child21 i. Jemima MERRYMAN(2) was born on 24 Nov 1726. She died on 13 Aug 1736.
child22 ii. Margaret MERRYMAN was born on 24 Feb 1727/28. She died on 5 Aug 1736.
child23 iii. William MERRYMAN(2) was born on 11 Apr 1729.
child24 iv. George MERRYMAN(2) was born on 25 Oct 1734.
child25 v. Joanna MERRYMAN(2) was born on 15 Oct 1736.
child+26 vi. Chloe MERRYMAN.

6. John Charles MERRYMAN . May have been the Charles Merryman appointed as Overseer of Roads in Nov 1737 in Baltimore Co. According to Maude Crow's book, this family migrated to Bedford Co., VA

He was married to Millicent\Milleson HAILE (daughter of Nicholas HAILE and Frances GARRETT) on 27 Feb 1730 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. Millicent\Milleson HAILE was born in 1711 in Baltimore Co., MD.. John Charles MERRYMAN and Millicent\Milleson HAILE had the following children:

child27 i. Charles MERRYMAN(2) was born on 22 May 1733.
child28 ii. Mary MERRYMAN(2) was born on 28 Jan 1734/35.
child29 iii. Millicent MERRYMAN(2) was born on 7 Dec 1736.

8. Elizabeth MERRYMAN .

She was married to Joseph CROSS on 13 Sep 1730.

9. Jemima MERRYMAN .

She was married to Henry Stevenson (son of Edward STEVENSON and Mary) on 19 Jun 1735.

11. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 27 Mar 1719. Also have seen her birth date listed as 1704.

She was married to William HALL on 17 Dec 1734. Mary MERRYMAN and William HALL had the following children:

child30 i. Nicholas HALL.

12. Johanna PEAKE was born after Jun 1696. She died on 14 Oct 1735 in Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to KEMP. Johanna PEAKE and KEMP had the following children:

child31 i. John KEMP died on 27 Nov 1759.
child32 ii. Richard KEMP died on 13 Jan 1735/36 in Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to James PHILIPS about 1716. James PHILIPS died on 3 Mar 1720. Johanna PEAKE and James PHILIPS had the following children:

child+33 i. Capt. James PHILIPS.
child+34 ii. Susanna PHILIPS.

She was married to Aquila HALL on 17 Dec 1720 in Baltiimore City, Maryland. Aquila HALL was born on 27 Jun 1699. He died on 28 Dec 1728. Johanna PEAKE and Aquila HALL had the following children:

child+35 i. John HALL.
child36 ii. Aquila HALL was born on 7 Oct 1724 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 1 Dec 1724 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child37 iii. Martha HALL was born on 6 Jul 1725 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 7 Jan 1734 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child38 iv. Aquila HALL was born on 1 Sep 1726 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died about 1727.
child39 v. Aquila HALL was born on 10 Jan 1727/28 in Baltimore Co., MD.

16. unknown PEAKE was born about 1701. She died before 1720.

She was married to John HENDERSON. John HENDERSON died before 5 Dec 1720. unknown PEAKE and John HENDERSON had the following children:

child+40 i. Jemima HENDERSON.

17. William KING .

He was married to Susanna before 10 Nov 1724.

18. Mary KING was born about 1700.

She was married to Samuel MAXWELL before Sep 1720 in Baltimore Co., MD.

19. John LONG died about 1759 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Eleanor OWINGS on 8 Mar 1735.

20. Ann LONG .

She was married to Nicholas HAILE (son of Nicholas HAILE and Frances GARRETT) on 25 Sep 1723 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6) Nicholas HAILE was born in 1702 in Hailes Fellowship, Baltimore Co., MD.. He was Episcopalian; part of original vestrymen building St. Thomas, in Baltimore. He resided Moved to Buck's Co., Pennsylvania and on to Bedford Co., VA. Ann LONG and Nicholas HAILE had the following children:

child41 i. Nicholas HAILE was born on 2 Nov 1724 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6)
child42 ii. Susannah HAILE was born on 26 Dec 1727 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6)
child43 iii. Mary HAILE was born on 7 Jul 1730 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. (6)
child44 iv. Sadrach HAILE was born on 7 Sep 1735 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6)
child45 v. Mescheck HAILE was born on 19 Aug 1738 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.
child46 vi. Abednego HAILE was born on 12 Aug 1741 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6)
child47 vii. John HAILE was born on 13 Sep 1743 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(6)


26. Chloe MERRYMAN (2) was born on 28 Feb 1741 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in Ohio. She was baptized in St. Pauls Parish, Balto. Co MD.

(George?) Bazil TRACY (son of Basel\Bazzel TRACEY) died between 1822 and 1825 in Licking Co. Ohio. He was born in Baltimore Co., MD. Chloe MERRYMAN and (George?) Bazil TRACY had the following children:

child+48 i. William TRACY.
child+49 ii. George TRACY.
child50 iii. Nackey (Accie?) TRACY was born in Baltimore Co., MD.
child51 iv. Sarah TRACY died before 1822.
child52 v. Bazil TRACY Jr was born in 1767 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1841 in Licking Co. Ohio.
child+53 vi. Joshua TRACY.
child+54 vii. Margaret TRACY.
child+55 viii. Elizabeth TRACY.

33. Capt. James PHILIPS was born on 13 Dec 1716.

He was married to Mrs. Sarah KNIGHT on 27 Sep 1737.

34. Susanna PHILIPS was born on 5 Sep 1718.

She was married to George STOKES.

She was married to Winston SMITH.

She was married to Talbot RISTEAU.

35. John HALL was born on 9 Oct 1722 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died about 1768.

He was married to Susanna MARSHALL on 2 Jun 1742 in Baltimore Co., MD. Susanna MARSHALL died on 26 Jun 1744.

He was married to Cordelia KNIGHT on 2 Mar 1748 in Baltimore Co., MD.

40. Jemima HENDERSON was born about 1717. She died after 24 Sep 1787.

She was married to John BOARD (son of Francis BOARD and Ann MEAD) on 13 Jan 1733 in St Paul's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. John BOARD was born on 13 Oct 1706 in St Margaret's Westminster Parish Anne Arundel Co MD. He died before 24 Sep 1787 in Bedford Co., VA. He had an estate probated on 24 Sep 1787 in Bedford Co., VA. The will of John Board, Sr., was proved 24 September 1787.


48. William TRACY died on 8 Dec 1833 in Belmont Co. Ohio. He was born in Baltimore Co., MD.

William TRACY and Margaret had the following children:

child56 i. Joshua TRACY.
child57 ii. Kesiah TRACY.
child58 iii. Melinda TRACY.
child59 iv. David TRACY.
child60 v. Margaret TRACY.
child61 vi. John TRACY.
child62 vii. Gerret TRACY.
child63 viii. Thomas TRACY was born on 5 Oct 1797 in MD. He died on 21 Dec 1870 in Beaver Twp, Noble Co. Ohio. He was buried in Batesville Cemetery, Noble Co. Ohio.
child64 ix. George TRACY was born in 1803 in MD. He died in 1863 in Belmont Co. Ohio.

49. George TRACY was born in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in Ohio?. Was a minister. Listed in Ohio 1820 Census.

He was married to Sarah COX on 14 Aug 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD. George TRACY and Sarah COX had the following children:

child65 i. Ann TRACY(7) was born on 13 Apr 1810. She died on 1 Nov 1892.

53. Joshua TRACY was born about 1772 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1823 in Belmont Co. Ohio. In 1810 Joshua Tracy is in the Census of Brooke Co (W)VA. pg. 683 with 1 male 26-44, one female 16-45, one female under 10, 3 males aged 10-15, and 5 males under 10. In 1820 Joshua is in Union Twp, of Belmont Co., OH with 1 male over 45, 5 males age 16-26, 1 male 16-18, 2 males 10-15, 2 males under 10, 1 female over 45, 1female 16-25, and 1 female 10-15. five in the hh engaged in agriculture and 3 in manufacturing. There is also a William Tracy age 45 and over on the same page of the census. The following is from the "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties in Ohio" by J.A. Caldwell (1880): "Joshua Tracy was born in Baltimore County, Md. He married Nancy Vaugh and migrated to Wellsburg, West Virginia in 1808, where he remained until 1813. He then moved to Belmont County, and settled on a farm one mile and a fourth southwest of Morristown. The farm is now owned by his son Jesse, where he lived and followed farming as his avocation until his death which occurred in 1823. His wife survived him until in 1853. They were the parents of eleven children: Joshua, Levi, Isaac, Mark, Andrew, Shirden, William, Bazil, and Keziah, all of whom are dead except Jesse who is living in Morristown."

In the 1850 census, children Bazil and Keziah both say they were born in VA, thus he probably moved before 1808 to (W)VA.

He was married to Nancy VAUGHN in Baltimore Co., MD. Joshua TRACY and Nancy VAUGHN had the following children:

child66 i. Joshua TRACY was born between 1795 and 1800 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child67 ii. Levi TRACY(8) was born about 1796 in Maryland.(9) He died before 1880. May have been the Eli Tracy in the 1830 census of Union Twp., of Belmmont Co. Ohio. This Eli is listed with two males 30-39, a 20-29 year old male, one female 5-9, one male 5-9, and one male under 5. In 1840 census Levi Tracy is in Union Twp., of Belmont Co with 1 male age 40-49, one female 30-39, 1 female 15-19, one female 5-9, 2 females under 5, 2 males 10-14, and one male 5-9. In 1850 census in Richland Twp., Levi is age 54 with Mariah, Margaret age 27, Nancy age 19 or 17, John age 20, Catharine age 13, Levi Jr. age 9, Sarah age 7, Harriett age 5, and Isaac age 3. In the 1860 census Levi is in Goshen Twp age 63, with his 4 youngest children.
child68 iii. Isaac TRACY(8) was born about 1800. He died before 1880.
child69 iv. Mark TRACY(8) (10) was born about 1802 in Maryland. He died before 1880. Mark Tracy is in the 1830 census in Kirkwood Twp., Belmont Co., OH, in 1840, 1850, and 1860 census he was in Warren Twp.
child70 v. Andrew TRACY(8) was born between 1791 and 1800. He died before 1880.
child71 vi. Shirden TRACY(8) was born between 1801 and 1810. He died before 1880.
child72 vii. William TRACY(8) was born between 1800 and 1810. He died before 1880.
child73 viii. Bazil TRACY was born about 1806 in (W)VA. He died before 1880.
child74 ix. Keziah TRACY(8) was born on 9 Apr 1809 in (W)VA. She died on 5 Sep 1862 in Ohio.
child75 x. Jesse TRACY(8) (10) was born in 1818 in Union Twp, Belmont Co. Ohio. He died after 1880. Jesse Tracy is discussed in "A History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties in Ohio" 1880. "Jesse Tracy, a son of Joshua Tracy, was born in Union Township, Belmont County in 1818. He married Lucinda McKinley in 1841 and settled on the old home farm. He reared a family of three children, one son and two daughters. His wife died in 1864. He then married Margaret Hill in 1870. They lived on the farm until 1872, then moved to Morristown where they are now living. Mr. Tracy engaged in the drug business when he came to Morristown, which he is still following, keeping on hand a fine stock of drugs and patent medicines $c. He also keeps on hand a general assortment of hardware. In February 1878 he opened up a hotel, known as the Tracy House, which he is keeping at present, giving first class accommodations to the traveling public." Jesse was one of the first councilmen of Morristown Ohio in Jan 1853. In 1835 he belonged to the Stillwater Christian Church and was selected as a representative to negotiate the purchase of the Stillwater Baptist Church interests. Jesse was one of the early Deacons of this church and apparently his father was an elder. In 1862 when the Stillwater Christina church merged with the Auburn Christian Church to form the Morristown Christian Church, Jesse was one of the first five deacons along with a Robert Tracy.

In the 1850 Census, his mother, Nancy (nee Vaughn) Tracy is living in his household.

54. Margaret TRACY was born in 1775 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1853 in Cumberland, Morgan Co., Ohio.

She was married to Thomas DOWNEY (son of Walter DOWNEY and Chloe COX) on 14 Dec 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD. Thomas DOWNEY(11) was born in 1776 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1858 in Cumberland, Morgan Co., Ohio. Margaret TRACY and Thomas DOWNEY had the following children:

child76 i. Basil DOWNEY was born in Apr 1800 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1878.
child77 ii. Walter DOWNEY was born on 27 Jun 1801 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 16 Oct 1868 in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio.
child78 iii. Merriman DOWNEY was born in Oct 1802 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child79 iv. Thomas DOWNEY was born in Feb 1804 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1845.
child80 v. Ephraim DOWNEY was born in Jan 1806 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died in 1855.
child81 vi. Joseph DOWNEY was born in Jan 1806 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died after 1840.
child82 vii. Doctor DOWNEY was born in Nov 1807 in Wellsburg, (W)Va. He died after 1840.
child83 viii. John DOWNEY was born in Apr 1809 in Wellsburg, (W)Va.
child84 ix. Chloe DOWNEY was born in Nov 1810 in Harrison Co., OH.
child85 x. Eliza DOWNEY was born in Jun 1812 in Harrison Co., OH.
child86 xi. James DOWNEY was born in Sep 1813 in Harrison Co., OH. He died after 1840.
child87 xii. Jacob DOWNEY was born in Feb 1815 in Harrison Co., OH. He died in 1880.
child88 xiii. Margaret DOWNEY was born in Feb 1817 in Harrison Co., OH.
child89 xiv. Rebecca DOWNEY was born in Mar 1820 in Harrison Co., OH.

55. Elizabeth TRACY was born in 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1849 in Licking Co. Ohio.

She was married to Abraham BORING on 1 Aug 1798 in Baltimore Co., MD.


1. Helen E. Davis. Kindred: Davis-Stansbury Lines,. Dorrance and Co. Philadelphia 1978.
2. Hollowak. Maryland Genealogies from the Maryland Historic Magazine. Genealogical Publishing Co.
3. Imported GEDCOM file from Bill Kuethe.
4. Janet White -
5. Location - Kenyon Stevenson & A. Russle Slagle GENEALOGY & HISTORY, 5/15/1944. Date -.
6. Records of St Pauls Parish Vol 1, by Bill and Martha Reamy.
7. 10312 Burnside Dr.
Ellicott City, MD 21042.
8. J. A. Caldwell. A History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties in Ohio. 1880.
9. 1850 Census.
11. Feb 1996.

Contributed by Isabelle Board Obert, who authored The Board Family Chronicle: from Maryland to Bedford County, Virginia about the Board, Long, Mead, and Peake families. Copies of this book were submitted to the Maryland State Archives and the Maryland Historical Society.

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