A Long Lived Family
The York (Pa) Age of recent date says:
"Our fellow townsman, Mr. Amos Kidd, has gone to some trouble to look up the ancestry of his family, and received from William Kidd, of Baltimore County, Md., a copy of the names and respective ages of his ancestors.
His great-grandfather, James Kidd, came from Scotland about the beginning of the eighteenth century.
His grandfather, John Kidd, was born in the State of Maryland in 1727, and died in Baltimore County , Md. in 1823, aged 98 years. The maiden name of his grandmother was Margaret Royston, a daughter of John Royston, a native of England. She was born in Harford County, Md., in 1744, and died in 1836, aged 92 years. "His grandparents had two daughters and four sons, including his father Ezekiel, who were born and died on the following dates:
Joshua was born in 1766, and died in 1846, aged 80
Alestic was born in 1769 , and died in 1840, aged 71 years.
Sarah was born in 1774, and died in 1853, aged 79 years.
Ezekiel was
born in 1782, and died in 1867, aged 85 years.
David was born in
1785, and died in 1875, aged 90 years.
Moses was born in 1787, and
died in 1837, aged 50 years.
Mr. Amos Kidd was born in Codorus Township, February, 1823 and has lived in York County ever since.
Contributed by Dick Hunt
Source: Baltimore Union, published in Towson, Saturday, June 13, 1885, page 3, column 5
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