Baltimore County

Jonas Bowen Descendants

Jonas Bowen was in Baltimore County by 1673 when "Jonas Chance" was surveyed 20 May 1673 for Jonas Bowen. In 1676, when Jonas Boyen purchased from William and Jane Ebden, the 100 acre tract "Gooseberry Neck." Also in the Patapsco Hundred of Baltimore Co was "Jonas Out Lett" surveyed 12 May 1689 for Jonas Bowen, "Jonas Addition" 51 acres surveyed 20 Aug 1687 for Jonas Bowen, The will of Lewis BRYAN of Baltimore Co (dated 31 Jan 1676/77 names Elizabeth daughter of Jonas Bowing and heirs as executrix and residuary legatee of the estate and 100 acres "Bryan's Forest" on Back River, with Jonas Bowing and Nicholas Corbin named as witnesses. It is believed that Jonas was first married to a daughter of Lewis Bryan and had issue Elizabeth. Jonas was married second, to Martha, the widow of Laurence WOODEN The will of Nathaniel HENCHMAN of 20 Oct 1694 names Lawrence Walder, Samuel of Amos Evans, Mary Green, Rebecca Bowen daughter of Jonas Bowen and child of wife Margaret, Benjamin Bowen Because of this will it is thought that Margaret may have been the sister of Nathaniel Henchman.

What relationship exists between early Bowen settlers of MD is not proven. There was a Samuel Bowen in Baltimore Co. ca. who witnessed a deed of John Wheeler in 1671 and the will of Henry Jones in 1670. Also there is the Bowen family of Calvert Co. to whom some linkage has been claimed.


1. Jonas BOWEN died in 1699 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 26 Mar 1699. He had an estate probated on 13 Apr 1699 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Jonas BOWEN and Martha HENCHMAN had the following children:

child+2 i. Martha BOWEN.
child+3 ii. Jonas BOWEN.
child+4 iii. Honor BOWEN.
child5 iv. Rebecca BOWEN was born about 1680.
child+6 v. Benjamin BOWEN.
child+7 vi. John BOWEN.

Jonas BOWEN and ? BRYAN had the following children:

child+8 i. Elizabeth BOWEN.


2. Martha BOWEN .

She was married to John MERRYMAN (son of Charles MERRYMAN and Mary HAILE) in 1702. John MERRYMAN (1) was born in 1678 in Lancaster Co., VA. He signed a will on 18 Jan 1746. He died in Jun 1749. He had an estate probated on 6 Jun 1749 in Baltimore Co., MD. Martha BOWEN and John MERRYMAN had the following children:

child+9 i. Moses MERRYMAN.
child10 ii. Joanna MERRYMAN died on 7 Oct 1790.(3).
child+11 iii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child12 iv. Mary MERRYMAN died on 16 Apr 1791.
child13 v. unknown MERRYMAN died in infancy.
child+14 vi. John MERRYMAN.
child+15 vii. Temperance MERRYMAN.
child16 viii. Charles MERRYMAN(2) was born on 28 Sep 1723 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore, MD. He died on 13 Dec 1729. (3)
child+17 ix. Joseph MERRYMAN.
child+18 x. Sarah MERRYMAN.

3. Jonas BOWEN was born about 1676. He died in 1728 in St. Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co. MD. He had an estate probated on 4 Feb 1728 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 12 Dec 1728.

Jonas BOWEN and Ann had the following children:

child+19 i. Martha BOWEN.
child+20 ii. Rebecca BOWEN.

4. Honor BOWEN was born about 1677.

She was married to Tobias STANSBURY (son of Tobias STARNBOROUGH and Sarah RAVEN) on 8 Jun 1737. Tobias STANSBURY was born about 1691. He signed a will on 6 Jan 1762. He died in 1764. He had an estate probated on 7 Aug 1764 in Baltimore Co., MD. Honor BOWEN and Tobias STANSBURY had the following children:

child+21 i. Tobias STANSBURY.
child+22 ii. George STANSBURY.
child23 iii. Bowen STANSBURY.
child24 iv. Averilla STANSBURY was born on 9 Oct 1723.
child+25 v. Honor STANSBURY.
child+26 vi. Sophia STANSBURY.

6. Benjamin BOWEN was born between 1681 and 1683. He signed a will on 14 Jun 1741. He died in 1742 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 21 Jun 1742 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Mary in Nov 1710 in Baltimore Co., MD. Benjamin BOWEN and Mary had the following children:

child+27 i. Benjamin Cox BOWEN.
child+28 ii. Nathan BOWEN.
child+29 iii. Mary BOWEN.
child+30 iv. Solomon BOWEN.
child31 v. Josiah BOWEN was born on 22 Dec 1729. He signed a will on 6 Mar 1792.
child32 vi. Tabitha BOWEN was born on 20 Feb 1731.
child33 vii. Sarah BOWEN was born on 26 Jan 1732.

Benjamin BOWEN and Sarah had the following children:

child34 i. Mary BOWEN(2) was born on 1 Mar 1723 in St. Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD.

7. John BOWEN was born about 1687.(4) He died between 1742 and 1745 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 16 Apr 1742. He had an estate probated on 6 May 1745 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Mary was born about 1677. She signed a will on 12 Mar 1760. John BOWEN and Mary had the following children:

child35 i. Martha BOWEN died before 24 Jun 1747.
child36 ii. Mary BOWEN.
child+37 iii. Samuel BOWEN.
child38 iv. Edward BOWEN.
child+39 v. Elizabeth BOWEN.
child40 vi. Benjamin BOWEN died between 1745 and 1748. He signed a will on 17 Dec 1745. He had an estate probated on 1 Jul 1748 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child41 vii. John BOWEN died before 16 Apr 1742.
child+42 viii. Jonas BOWEN.

8. Elizabeth BOWEN .

Elizabeth BOWEN and James ROBINSON had the following children:

child43 i. James ROBINSON Jr.
child+44 ii. Jonas ROBINSON.


9. Moses MERRYMAN .

He was married to Sarah GLENN about 1750. Moses MERRYMAN and Sarah GLENN had the following children:

child+45 i. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN.

11. Rebecca MERRYMAN died on 4 Feb 1792.

She was married to Thomas Spicer on 1 Jan 1735. Rebecca MERRYMAN and Thomas Spicer had the following children:

child46 i. John Spicer.
child+47 ii. Austin Spicer.
child48 iii. Sarah Spicer.
child49 iv. Temperance Spicer.
child50 v. Edward Spicer.
child51 vi. Valentine Spicer.
child52 vii. Elinor Spicer.
child53 viii. Thoma Spicer.

14. John MERRYMAN was born in 1703. He signed a will on 4 Feb 1774. He died on 13 Aug 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 11 Nov 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Piney Hill Road Cemetery, Baltimore MD.

He was married to Sarah ROGERS (daughter of Nicholas ROGERS and Eleanor) on 30 Dec 1725 in St Pauls Church, Balto. Co. MD. Sarah ROGERS was born about 1708. She died on 3 Mar 1775 in Baltimore MD. She was buried in Piney Hill Cemetry, (Merryman Family) Baltimore Co. MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah ROGERS had the following children:

child+54 i. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr.
child+55 ii. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child+56 iii. Mary MERRYMAN.
child+57 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+58 v. John MERRYMAN.
child+59 vi. Benjamin MERRYMAN.

15. Temperance MERRYMAN was born on 13 Dec 1720. She died on 5 Jan 1813.

She was married to Edward TALBOTT (son of John TALBOTT and Mary WATERS) on 28 May 1745. Edward TALBOTT (5) was born on 15 Jul 1723 in Anne Arundel Co., MD. He signed a will on 6 Feb 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 29 Aug 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 16 Sep 1797 in Baltimore Co., MD. Temperance MERRYMAN and Edward TALBOTT had the following children:

child+60 i. John TALBOTT.
child+61 ii. Benjamin TALBOTT.
child+62 iii. Vincent TALBOTT.
child+63 iv. Mary TALBOTT.
child+64 v. Temperance TALBOTT.
child65 vi. Edward TALBOTT was born on 26 Jun 1764. He died on 5 Aug 1801.

17. Joseph MERRYMAN was born on 14 Apr 1728.(3) He died on 1 Feb 1799.

Joseph MERRYMAN and Elizabeth had the following children:

child66 i. John MERRYMAN.

Joseph MERRYMAN and Mary had the following children:

child67 i. Moses MERRYMAN.
child68 ii. Joesph MERRYMAN.
child+69 iii. Rebecca MERRYMAN.
child+70 iv. Jemima MERRYMAN.
child+71 v. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+72 vi. Mary MERRYMAN.
child73 vii. Job MERRYMAN.

18. Sarah MERRYMAN .

She was married to John LEMMON.

19. Martha BOWEN .

She was married to Patrick LYNCH\LINCH (son of Roebuck LYNCH and Mary) in 1722. Martha BOWEN and Patrick LYNCH\LINCH had the following children:

child+74 i. Martha LYNCH.
child+75 ii. Roebuck LYNCH.
child+76 iii. Anne LYNCH.
child+77 iv. Flora LYNCH.
child+78 v. Mary LYNCH.

20. Rebecca BOWEN .

She was married to Zachariah GRAY on 15 Jan 1729.

21. Tobias STANSBURY was born on 11 Feb 1726/27. He died on 10 Dec 1799.

He was married to Blanche. Tobias STANSBURY and Blanche had the following children:

child+79 i. Rev Tobias STANSBURY.
child80 ii. Nathaniel STANSBURY was born on 10 Mar 1759. He died about 1808.
child+81 iii. Catharine STANSBURY.
child+82 iv. Sarah STANSBURY.
child83 v. Ellen STANSBURY.

22. George STANSBURY was born on 3 Jul 1732. He died in 1789.

He was married to Mary. George STANSBURY and Mary had the following children:

child+84 i. George STANSBURY.
child85 ii. Elisha STANSBURY.
child86 iii. Darius STANSBURY.
child87 iv. William STANSBURY.
child+88 v. Ruth STANSBURY.
child+89 vi. Catharine STANSBURY.
child+90 vii. Ellin STANSBURY.
child91 viii. Rebecca STANSBURY.
child92 ix. Mary STANSBURY.
child93 x. Sarah STANSBURY.

25. Honor STANSBURY .

She was married to GAMBRILL.

26. Sophia STANSBURY .

She was married to ROBINSON before 1762.

She was married to Thomas DIMITT in 1734 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

27. Benjamin Cox BOWEN died in 1770 in Baltimore MD. He signed a will on 9 Mar 1770. (6) He had an estate probated on 10 Aug 1770 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Benjamin Cox BOWEN and Mary had the following children:

child94 i. Benjamin BOWEN.
child95 ii. Joshua BOWEN.
child96 iii. Thomas BOWEN.
child97 iv. Josias BOWEN.
child98 v. Elizabeth BOWEN.

28. Nathan BOWEN (7) was born about 1721. He signed a will on 29 Nov 1762. He died about 1770. He had an estate probated on 5 Dec 1770 in Baltimore Co MD (Balto. Co 3:138). He Estate Admin on 12 Feb 1773 in Baltimore Co., MD.(8)

Mary SOLLERS (daughter of Sabritt SOLLERS Sr. and Mary HEIGHE) died in 1789 in Baltimore Co., MD. Nathan BOWEN and Mary SOLLERS had the following children:

child99 i. John BOWEN.
child100 ii. Jehu BOWEN.
child+101 iii. Sarah BOWEN.
child+102 iv. Eleanor BOWEN.
child+103 v. Catharine BOWEN.
child+104 vi. Sabret BOWEN.
child+105 vii. Ann BOWEN.
child+106 viii. Mary BOWEN.
child+107 ix. Lydia BOWEN.
child108 x. Elam (Eli?) BOWEN.
child109 xi. Nathan BOWEN.
child+110 xii. Benjamin BOWEN.
child+111 xiii. James BOWEN.

29. Mary BOWEN was born on 1 Mar 1722/23.

Sabritt SOLLERS Jr (son of Sabritt SOLLERS Sr. and Mary HEIGHE) signed a will in 1786.

30. Solomon BOWEN was born on 18 Dec 1724. He died on 13 Jun 1804.

He was married to Temperance ENSOR (daughter of John ENSOR Jr and Elizabeth COLE) on 28 Nov 1751 in St Thomas Parish, Baltimore Co MD. Temperance ENSOR was born on 19 Sep 1732. She died on 25 May 1811. Solomon BOWEN and Temperance ENSOR had the following children:

child+112 i. John BOWEN.
child+113 ii. Solomon BOWEN.
child+114 iii. Ruth BOWEN.
child115 iv. Naomi BOWEN was born on 15 Mar 1758 in St Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD.(9)
child+116 v. Benjamin BOWEN.

37. Samuel BOWEN Estate Admin Bond made. on 20 Apr 1782 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Sarah. Samuel BOWEN and Sarah had the following children:

child117 i. John BOWEN was born on 18 Oct 1764 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

39. Elizabeth BOWEN .

Francis SOLLERS signed a will on 25 Apr 1796. He had an estate probated on 4 Apr 1798. Elizabeth BOWEN and Francis SOLLERS had the following children:

child+118 i. Achsah SOLLERS.

42. Jonas BOWEN was born about 1706. He died in 1751 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 12 Aug 1751.(10) He had an estate probated on 18 Nov 1751 in Baltimore Co., MD.(11) He Estate Admin on 13 Jan 1764 in Baltimore Co., MD. He Estate Administ Balance Book of Perogative Ct. on 29 Apr 1765 in Baltimore Co., MD.

Jonas BOWEN and Mary had the following children:

child119 i. Mary BOWEN.
child120 ii. Cloe BOWEN.
child121 iii. Violetta BOWEN was born before 1735.
child122 iv. John BOWEN was born about 1736.

44. Jonas ROBINSON .

Jonas ROBINSON and Rosanna ROBINSON had the following children:

child123 i. Tabitha ROBINSON was born on 23 Feb 1726.
child124 ii. Rosanna ROBINSON was born on 4 Jun 1729.
child125 iii. Elizabeth ROBINSON was born on 23 Feb 1733.
child126 iv. Rebecca ROBINSON was born on 17 Aug 1736.


45. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN was born in 1750 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 7 Jun 1842 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery at Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Mary ENSOR (daughter of Eleanor) in 1780. Mary ENSOR died in Jun 1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery at Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., MD. Maj. Micajah MERRYMAN and Mary ENSOR had the following children:

child127 i. Sarah MERRYMAN was born in 1781. She died in Sep 1804.
child+128 ii. Moses MERRYMAN Dr..
child129 iii. Eleanor MERRYMAN was born in 1785. She died on 26 Sep 1832.
child+130 iv. Mary MERRYMAN.
child+131 v. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr.

47. Austin Spicer .

Austin Spicer and Rebecca had the following children:

child+132 i. Thomas Spicer.

54. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr was born on 11 Dec 1726. He died on 14 Jul 1801 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried on 24 Jul 1801.

Jane died after Jul 1801. Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr and Jane had the following children:

child+133 i. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+134 ii. Elijah MERRYMAN.
child135 iii. Micajah MERRYMAN.
child136 iv. Jane MERRYMAN.
child137 v. Mary MERRYMAN.
child138 vi. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child139 vii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+140 viii. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr.

55. Sarah MERRYMAN was born on 12 May 1729. She died in prob. KY.

She was married to Robert WILMOTT (son of John WILMOTT Jr. and Rachel OWINGS) on 15 Dec 1748 in St. Pauls Church Baltimore Co MD. Robert WILMOTT died in 1773 in Baltimore Co., MD. He signed a will on 8 Oct 1773. He had an estate probated on 4 Nov 1773 in Baltimore Co., MD. (12) Sarah MERRYMAN and Robert WILMOTT had the following children:

child141 i. John WILMONT.
child142 ii. William WILMONT.
child143 iii. Robert WILMONT.
child144 iv. Richard WILMONT.
child145 v. Benjamin WILMONT.
child+146 vi. Sarah WILMONT.
child+147 vii. Eleanor WILLMOTT.
child148 viii. Ruth WILMONT.
child149 ix. Mary WILMONT.

56. Mary MERRYMAN was born about 1732. She died before 4 Feb 1774.

She was married to Abraham ENSOR (son of John ENSOR Jr and Elizabeth COLE) on 30 Jan 1750 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co. MD. Abraham ENSOR was born on 5 Feb 1727 in St Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. (13) He died on 8 Jul 1797. Mary MERRYMAN and Abraham ENSOR had the following children:

child+150 i. William ENSOR.
child+151 ii. Luke ENSOR.
child+152 iii. John ENSOR.
child+153 iv. Abraham ENSOR.
child+154 v. Ann ENSOR.
child+155 vi. Sarah ENSOR.

57. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 13 Jun 1734. She died on 2 Sep 1795.

She was married to John GORSUCH (son of Thomas B. GORSUCH and Jane ENSOR) on 11 Mar 1755. John GORSUCH was born in 1730 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died between 1779 and 1783. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and John GORSUCH had the following children:

child156 i. Richard GORSUCH(14) died in 1834.
child157 ii. Nicholas GORSUCH.
child158 iii. Robert GORSUCH was born in 1757 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1828.
child159 iv. John Merryman GORSUCH was born in 1767 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1840.
child+160 v. Dickenson GORSUCH.
child+161 vi. Joshua GORSUCH.

58. John MERRYMAN was born on 16 Feb 1737 in Hereford, Balto. Co. MD. He signed a will on 19 Jan 1813. He died on 14 Feb 1814 in Baltimore Co., MD. He had an estate probated on 23 Feb 1814. He was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD.

He was married to Sarah ROGERS (daughter of William ROGERS and Sarah GILL) on 9 Dec 1777. Sarah ROGERS was born on 22 Mar 1743/44. She signed a will on 24 Feb 1814. She died on 21 Aug 1816. She had an estate probated on 14 Sep 1816. She was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah ROGERS had the following children:

child162 i. Benjamin Rogers MERRYMAN was born on 27 Oct 1780. He died in 1801.
child+163 ii. Anne MERRYMAN.
child+164 iii. Sarah Rodgers MERRYMAN.
child165 iv. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 4 Mar 1786. She died in 1860.
child166 v. John MERRYMAN was born on 3 Nov 1785. He died on 24 Jun 1854. He was buried in Piney Hill Road at York Rd, Balto. Co MD.
child+167 vi. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN.

59. Benjamin MERRYMAN was born on 29 Aug 1739. He died on 30 May 1814 in Calvert St. Baltimore, MD.

He was married to Mary BELL on 2 Feb 1762 in St. Johns Parish, Balto. Co. MD. Mary BELL died on 6 Nov 1822. (15) Benjamin MERRYMAN and Mary BELL had the following children:

child168 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN was born about 1766. He died on 6 Jun 1796 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.
child169 ii. Joshua MERRYMAN died on 4 Jan 1801.
child+170 iii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child+171 iv. William MERRYMAN.
child+172 v. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child173 vi. Sarah Davidge MERRYMAN died before 1814.
child+174 vii. Catharine MERRYMAN.
child+175 viii. Mary Bell MERRYMAN.
child176 ix. Elizabeth Rogers MERRYMAN.
child+177 x. Eleanor Croxall MERRYMAN.
child178 xi. Martha MERRYMAN died before 1814.
child+179 xii. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN.
child180 xiii. Jarrett MERRYMAN.
child+181 xiv. John MERRYMAN.
child+182 xv. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN.
child+183 xvi. Rebecca Davidge MERRYMAN.

60. John TALBOTT was born on 13 Jul 1748. He died in 1830 in Bourbon Co., KY.

He was married to Hannah BOSLEY. John TALBOTT and Hannah BOSLEY had the following children:

child+184 i. Edward TALBOTT.

61. Benjamin TALBOTT was born on 11 Feb 1750. He died on 5 Jan 1816.

Benjamin TALBOTT and Sarah WILMONT had the following children:

child+185 i. Harriet TALBOTT.

62. Vincent TALBOTT was born on 15 Oct 1752. He died on 26 Dec 1819.

He was married to Elizabeth BOSLEY.

63. Mary TALBOTT was born on 8 Apr 1757.

She was married to Benjamin BOWEN.

64. Temperance TALBOTT was born on 5 Aug 1760.

She was married to BRITTON.

69. Rebecca MERRYMAN .

She was married to Richard DEMMITT on 9 Dec 1783 in Rev. William West, Baltimore Co. MD returns.

70. Jemima MERRYMAN .

She was married to Solomon BOWEN (son of Solomon BOWEN and Temperance ENSOR) on 20 Jun 1786 in Rev. William Gill, Baltimore MD. Solomon BOWEN was born on 22 Mar 1754 in St Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD.

71. Elizabeth MERRYMAN .

She was married to Benjamin BOWEN (son of Nathan BOWEN and Mary SOLLERS) in Jun 1792 in Baltimore Co., MD. Benjamin BOWEN died in 1824. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Benjamin BOWEN had the following children:

child186 i. Harriet BOWEN.
child187 ii. Amanda BOWEN.
child188 iii. Elizabeth BOWEN.
child+189 iv. Willis BOWEN.
child190 v. Nelson BOWEN.
child191 vi. Asbury BOWEN.

72. Mary MERRYMAN .

She was married to George BAXLEY on 5 Sep 1793 in Rev. John Hagerty, Balto. Co. MD.

74. Martha LYNCH was born on 28 Jan 1725.

She was married to John CREIGHTON on 15 May 1770. Martha LYNCH and John CREIGHTON had the following children:

child192 i. James CREIGHTON.

She was married to ACTON.

75. Roebuck LYNCH was born on 23 Jul 1728. He died on 25 Mar 1797.

He was married to Jemima STANSBURY (daughter of Thomas STANSBURY and Jane Dixon HAYES) on 16 Aug 1747. Jemima STANSBURY was born on 19 Jul 1727 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. Roebuck LYNCH and Jemima STANSBURY had the following children:

child193 i. Martha LYNCH was born on 15 Jun 1748.
child+194 ii. Patrick LYNCH.
child195 iii. Elizabeth LYNCH was born on 14 Jan 1752.
child+196 iv. William LYNCH.
child+197 v. Roebuck LYNCH.
child+198 vi. Jane LYNCH.

76. Anne LYNCH was born on 18 Mar 1729.

She was married to FLANAGAN.

77. Flora LYNCH was born on 11 Feb 1732.

She was married to Daniel SMITH.

78. Mary LYNCH .

She was married to Zachariah GRAY on 22 Dec 1748.

79. Rev Tobias STANSBURY died about 1811.

He was married to Ariana SOLLARS (daughter of Thomas SOLLARS and Ariana DORSEY) on 10 Dec 1799. Ariana SOLLARS was born on 9 Dec 1780. Rev Tobias STANSBURY and Ariana SOLLARS had the following children:

child199 i. Nathaniel STANSBURY was born in 1804.
child200 ii. Catharine Partridge STANSBURY.
child201 iii. Sarah Bowen STANSBURY.

81. Catharine STANSBURY .

She was married to PARTRIDGE.

82. Sarah STANSBURY was born on 20 Oct 1756.

She was married to BOWEN.

She was married to John M GORSUCH.

84. George STANSBURY was born on 18 Apr 1771.

George STANSBURY had the following children:

child+202 i. George STANSBURY.

88. Ruth STANSBURY was born on 19 Nov 1760.

She was married to William LYNCH (son of Roebuck LYNCH and Jemima STANSBURY). William LYNCH was born on 17 Jun 1766. He died before 26 Mar 1800.

89. Catharine STANSBURY .

She was married to Joseph GREEN.

90. Ellin STANSBURY .

She was married to John BATTIE on 1 May 1787.

101. Sarah BOWEN .

She was married to WATERS.

102. Eleanor BOWEN .

She was married to WATERS.

103. Catharine BOWEN .

She was married to Joshua BOWEN (son of Benjamin BOWEN and Mary CARR) on 29 Oct 1783 in Baltimore Co., MD. Joshua BOWEN was born on 13 Dec 1750.

104. Sabret BOWEN was born on 10 Dec 1758. He died on 10 Nov 1811.

He was married to Elizabeth Humphrey on 4 Jan 1792. Elizabeth Humphrey was born on 13 Mar 1761. She died on 29 Apr 1847. Sabret BOWEN and Elizabeth Humphrey had the following children:

child203 i. Eleanor BOWEN.

105. Ann BOWEN .

She was married to SWEETIN.

106. Mary BOWEN .

She was married to STEVENSON.

107. Lydia BOWEN .

She was married to Thomas WATTS.

110. Benjamin BOWEN died in 1824.

He was married to Elizabeth MERRYMAN (daughter of Joseph MERRYMAN and Mary) in Jun 1792 in Baltimore Co., MD. Benjamin BOWEN and Elizabeth MERRYMAN had the following children:

child186 i. Harriet BOWEN.
child187 ii. Amanda BOWEN.
child188 iii. Elizabeth BOWEN.
child189 iv. Willis BOWEN.
child190 v. Nelson BOWEN.
child191 vi. Asbury BOWEN.

111. James BOWEN died in 1800.

He was married to Margaret ROBINSON on 1 Jan 1783.

112. John BOWEN was born on 7 Oct 1752 in St. Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD. (9) He died in Jul 1805 in Bourbon Co, KY.

He was married to Eleanor WILLMOTT (daughter of Robert WILMOTT and Sarah MERRYMAN) in 1779. Eleanor WILLMOTT was born in 1758. She died in Dec 1821. John BOWEN and Eleanor WILLMOTT had the following children:

child+204 i. Robert BOWEN.
child205 ii. John Willmott BOWEN was born in 1782.
child+206 iii. Sally BOWEN.
child+207 iv. William BOWEN.
child+208 v. Betsey BOWEN.
child+209 vi. Solomon BOWEN.
child+210 vii. Priscilla BOWEN.
child211 viii. Benjamin BOWEN was born on 8 Oct 1794.
child212 ix. Nicholas BOWEN was born on 29 Nov 1796.

113. Solomon BOWEN was born on 22 Mar 1754 in St Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Jemima MERRYMAN (daughter of Joseph MERRYMAN and Mary) on 20 Jun 1786 in Rev. William Gill, Baltimore MD.

114. Ruth BOWEN was born on 4 Feb 1756 in St Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD. She died in 1796 in Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Samuel TIPTON (son of Samuel TIPTON and Sarah GOTT) on 16 Nov 1777 in Baltimore Co., MD. Samuel TIPTON was born about 1753 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died about 1817. Ruth BOWEN and Samuel TIPTON had the following children:

child213 i. Elizabeth TIPTON(16) was born in 1779. She died in 1860.
child214 ii. Joshua TIPTON(16) was born about 1781. He died after 1817.
child215 iii. William TIPTON(16) was born about 1785.
child216 iv. Gerrard TIPTON(16) was born in 1787. He died in 1830.
child217 v. Benjamin TIPTON(16) was born about 1789. He died after 1817.
child+218 vi. Rosanna TIPTON.
child219 vii. Sarah TIPTON(16) was born about 1791. She died after 1817.
child+220 viii. Solomon B. TIPTON.
child221 ix. Susanna TIPTON was born about 1795. She died after 1817.
child222 x. John TIPTON was born about 1797. He died after 1817.
child223 xi. Temperance TIPTON(16) was born about 1799. She died after 1817.
child224 xii. Elijah TIPTON(16) was born about 1801. He died after 1817.

116. Benjamin BOWEN was born on 12 Mar 1760 in St Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD.(9)

He was married to Jemima EVANS on 14 Dec 1796.

118. Achsah SOLLERS .

She was married to Henry BROWN.


128. Moses MERRYMAN Dr. was born in 1783. He died on 19 Nov 1819.

He was married to Mary COCKEY (daughter of John COCKEY Capt.) on 13 Jun 1805. Moses MERRYMAN Dr. and Mary COCKEY had the following children:

child225 i. Edwin MERRYMAN was born in 1808. He died in 1809.

130. Mary MERRYMAN was born in 1787. She died on 2 Jan 1839 or 1829.

She was married to George W. TODD on 29 Sep 1803. George W. TODD died on 18 Jun 1818. Mary MERRYMAN and George W. TODD had the following children:

child226 i. Sarah Merryman TODD was born on 30 Sep 1804.
child227 ii. Eleanor C. TODD was born on 18 Aug 1806. She died on 7 Jun 1835.
child228 iii. Joshua F. TODD was born on 18 Sep 1808. He died on 22 Jun 1858.
child229 iv. William TODD was born on 27 Jan 1812. He died on 2 Feb 1812.
child230 v. George W. TODD Jr. was born on 14 May 1814. He died on 22 Feb 1894.
child231 vi. Merryman TODD was born on 20 Apr 1817.

Mary MERRYMAN and Benjamin BUCKNELL had the following children:

child232 i. Mary BUCKNELL was born on 27 Jul 1822.

131. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr was born on 16 May 1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 29 Apr 1854. He was buried in "Merryman's Delight"(Loch Raven Res.), Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Clarissa HARRYMAN (daughter of George Harryman and Rachel BOND) on 10 Apr 1824. Clarissa HARRYMAN died on 15 Apr 1879. She was buried in "Merryman's Delight"(Loch Raven Res.), Baltimore Co., MD. Lt. Col. Micajah MERRYMAN Jr and Clarissa HARRYMAN had the following children:

child233 i. Moses Washington MERRYMAN M.D. was born on 27 Jan 1829. He died on 25 Jan 1904.
child234 ii. George Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 27 Jan 1829. He died on 10 Aug 1829.
child235 iii. Mary MERRYMAN was born on 9 Jul 1830. She died on 26 Sep 1830.
child236 iv. George Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 9 Sep 1831.
child237 v. Eleanor Cole MERRYMAN was born on 20 Dec 1834. She died on 16 Jul 1905.
child238 vi. Rachel Harryman MERRYMAN was born on 4 Dec 1836.
child239 vii. Henry Clay MERRYMAN was born on 27 Dec 1838.
child240 viii. Laura Virginia MERRYMAN was born on 9 Jul 1841. She died on 3 Oct 1870.
child+241 ix. Clara MERRYMAN.

132. Thomas Spicer .

Thomas Spicer and Elizabeth Harrison Llyod had the following children:

child+242 i. Hiram Spicer.

133. Elizabeth MERRYMAN (17) was born about 1750. She died on 23 Sep 1784. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

Elijah BOSLEY was born on 28 Mar 1740. He died on 29 Aug 1841 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in In the floor of the Chancery, St James Church, Monkton, Balto. Co. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Elijah BOSLEY had the following children:

child243 i. Col Nicholas Merryman BOSLEY.
child244 ii. Jane BOSLEY(17) was born about 1770. She died on 9 Jun 1790. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child+245 iii. Elizabeth BOSLEY.

134. Elijah MERRYMAN was born about 1754. He died in Jul 1798 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Frances ENSOR (daughter of John ENSOR) before 3 Apr 1782.

Elijah MERRYMAN and ? BOND had the following children:

child246 i. John MERRYMAN died in 1800 in Cuba.
child+247 ii. Nicholas MERRYMAN.

He was married to Elizabeth CROMWELL on 15 Nov 1785 in Rev. Richard Whatcoat, Methodist Church, Baltimore Co MD. Elijah MERRYMAN and Elizabeth CROMWELL had the following children:

child248 i. Frances MERRYMAN.
child249 ii. Thomas MERRYMAN was born in 1786. He died on 6 Dec 1819.

140. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr was born in 1751. He died in 1832.

He was married to Deborah ENSOR (daughter of John A. ENSOR and Eleanor TODD) on 5 Feb 1778. Deborah ENSOR was born about 1760. She died after 26 Sep 1793 in before 7 Dec 1799. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr and Deborah ENSOR had the following children:

child250 i. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+251 ii. Elijah E. MERRYMAN.
child252 iii. Jane MERRYMAN.
child253 iv. Mary MERRYMAN.
child254 v. Sarah MERRYMAN.
child255 vi. Ann MERRYMAN.
child+256 vii. Nicholas MERRYMAN III.
child257 viii. John E. MERRYMAN (3)(26) died before Jul 1815.
child+258 ix. Micajah MERRYMAN.

Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN (daughter of Benjamin MERRYMAN and Mary BELL) died in 1804. Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr and Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN had the following children:

child259 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child260 ii. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child+261 iii. ? MERRYMAN.

146. Sarah WILMONT .

Benjamin TALBOTT (son of Edward TALBOTT and Temperance MERRYMAN) was born on 11 Feb 1750. He died on 5 Jan 1816. Sarah WILMONT and Benjamin TALBOTT had the following children:

child185 i. Harriet TALBOTT.

147. Eleanor WILLMOTT was born in 1758. She died in Dec 1821.

She was married to John BOWEN (son of Solomon BOWEN and Temperance ENSOR) in 1779. John BOWEN was born on 7 Oct 1752 in St. Thomas Parish, Garrison Forest, Balto. Co. MD. (9) He died in Jul 1805 in Bourbon Co, KY. Eleanor WILLMOTT and John BOWEN had the following children:

child204 i. Robert BOWEN.
child205 ii. John Willmott BOWEN.
child206 iii. Sally BOWEN.
child207 iv. William BOWEN.
child208 v. Betsey BOWEN.
child209 vi. Solomon BOWEN.
child210 vii. Priscilla BOWEN.
child211 viii. Benjamin BOWEN.
child212 ix. Nicholas BOWEN.

150. William ENSOR died before 21 Oct 1834.

He was married to Nancy HEADINGTON on 2 Mar 1800. William ENSOR and Nancy HEADINGTON had the following children:

child262 i. Maranda ENSOR.

151. Luke ENSOR died before 4 May 1836.

He was married to Eleanor LEMMON (daughter of John LEMMON and Sarah Stansbury) on 3 Feb 1824. Eleanor LEMMON had an estate probated on 7 Oct 1737 in Baltimore Co., MD. She signed a will on 4 May 1836.(18) She died about 1837 in Baltimore Co., MD.

152. John ENSOR was born about 1752. He died before 1 Apr 1831.

He was married to Dorcas GORSUCH (daughter of Charles GORSUCH and Sarah) on 2 Jul 1772 in St Johns & St. Georges Parish, Baltimore Co MD. Dorcas GORSUCH was born in Jun 1752 in St. Pauls Parish, Balto. Co. MD. She died after 1792. John ENSOR and Dorcas GORSUCH had the following children:

child263 i. Ann (Nancy) ENSOR died in 1867 in home of John Hunter Ensor..
child+264 ii. Elizabeth ENSOR.
child+265 iii. Ruth ENSOR.
child+266 iv. Jane ENSOR.
child267 v. Sarah ENSOR was born about 1773. She died before 23 Dec 1828.
child+268 vi. Mary ENSOR.
child+269 vii. Luke Gorsuch ENSOR.
child+270 viii. Dorcas ENSOR.
child+271 ix. John ENSOR.
child+272 x. Abraham (Abe) ENSOR.

He was married to Naomi ENSOR (daughter of George ENSOR and Jemima BOND) on 8 Apr 1812. Naomi ENSOR was born about 1769.

153. Abraham ENSOR (19) was born in 1757. He died on 23 Jun 1835.

He was married to Bethier BROOKS (daughter of Charles BROOKS and unknown) on 20 Dec 1787. Bethier BROOKS died on 1 Aug 1815 in in her 43rd year. She was born BET 1772/1773. Abraham ENSOR and Bethier BROOKS had the following children:

child273 i. William ENSOR was born on 5 Oct 1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child274 ii. Mary ENSOR was born on 12 Apr 1790 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child+275 iii. John Brooks ENSOR.
child+276 iv. Luke Brooks ENSOR.
child+277 v. Abraham C. ENSOR.
child278 vi. Rachel Brooks ENSOR was born on 15 Mar 1800 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child279 vii. Sarah ENSOR was born on 31 Jul 1802 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)

He was married to Jemima ENSOR (daughter of George ENSOR and Jemima BOND) after 1 Aug 1815. Jemima ENSOR was born about 1765. She died on 20 Apr 1837 in Baltimore Co., MD.(19)

154. Ann ENSOR was born between 1760 and 1769. She died before 1830.

She was married to John Thomas HOLLAND on 26 Feb 1783. Ann ENSOR and John Thomas HOLLAND had the following children:

child+280 i. Mary HOLLAND.

155. Sarah ENSOR was born between 1761 and 1769. She died on 23 Apr 1835.

She was married to Jonathan PLOWMAN (ENSOR?) in Feb 1783. Sarah ENSOR and Jonathan PLOWMAN (ENSOR?) had the following children:

child281 i. John ENSOR.
child282 ii. Abraham ENSOR.

160. Dickenson GORSUCH (14) was born in 1769. He died in 1815.

He was married to Mary TALBOTT (daughter of Thomas TALBOTT and Belinda SLADE) on 27 Mar 1794 in Baltimore Co., MD. Dickenson GORSUCH and Mary TALBOTT had the following children:

child+283 i. Edward GORSUCH.
child+284 ii. Elizabeth GORSUCH.
child+285 iii. Belinda GORSUCH.
child+286 iv. Thomas Talbott GORSUCH.
child287 v. Dickinson GORSUCH Jr. was born on 22 Sep 1805 in St Jame's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.(20) He died in 1837.
child288 vi. Mary GORSUCH was born on 17 Sep 1809 in St Jame's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1826.

161. Joshua GORSUCH was born about 1770 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 9 Aug 1844 in Verona, MD. He was buried in Pvt. Gorsuch Cemetery #1, Glenco MD.

He was married to Ann SMITH on 24 Jun 1795. Ann SMITH died before 1806. Joshua GORSUCH and Ann SMITH had the following children:

child+289 i. Evelyne GORSUCH.

He was married to Eleanor LYNCH on 23 Oct 1806. Joshua GORSUCH and Eleanor LYNCH had the following children:

child+290 i. John Lynch GORSUCH.
child+291 ii. James M. GORSUCH.
child+292 iii. Ellen Maria GORSUCH.
child+293 iv. Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH.
child+294 v. Joshua Merryman GORSUCH.
child+295 vi. Martha L GORSUCH.
child+296 vii. George R. GORSUCH.
child+297 viii. William McKendress GORSUCH.
child298 ix. Mary E. GORSUCH.

163. Anne MERRYMAN was born on 8 Nov 1782. She died on 8 Mar 1885.

She was married to Elijah BOSLEY. Anne MERRYMAN and Elijah BOSLEY had the following children:

child+299 i. Ann BOSLEY.

164. Sarah Rodgers MERRYMAN was born on 22 Mar 1784. She was buried in Loudoun Park Cemetery, Baltimore MD..

She was married to Dr. Ashton ALEXANDER on 1 May 1828.

167. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN was born on 26 Apr 1788. He died on 21 Jan 1864 in Piney Hill, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Merryman Family Cemetery, Piney Hill Rd. Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Anna Maria GOTT on 15 Sep 1822. Anna Maria GOTT was born on 9 Jun 1797. She died on 9 Jan 1827 or 25 Jan 1829. She was buried. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN and Anna Maria GOTT had the following children:

child+300 i. John MERRYMAN.
child301 ii. Sarah Rogers MERRYMAN was born on 17 Sep 1827. She died on 5 Aug 1828.

He was married to Clarissa PHILPOT on 19 Jun 1832 in First Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD. Clarissa PHILPOT was born about 1806. She died on 5 Nov 1877 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Merryman Family Cem. at Piney Hill Rd, Balto. Co. MD. Nicholas Rodgers MERRYMAN and Clarissa PHILPOT had the following children:

child+302 i. Henry Nicols MERRYMAN.
child+303 ii. Richard Smith MERRYMAN.

170. Nicholas MERRYMAN .

He was married to Sarah ANDERSON (daughter of Benjamin Jr. ANDERSON and Rozanna Little) on 22 Jun 1798 in Baltimore, MD. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Sarah ANDERSON had the following children:

child304 i. Mary MERRYMAN.
child305 ii. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child306 iii. Martha MERRYMAN.
child307 iv. Gerard MERRYMAN.
child308 v. Ann MERRYMAN.
child309 vi. Sarah MERRYMAN.

171. William MERRYMAN .

William MERRYMAN and Ann PRESBURY had the following children:

child310 i. Eleanor MERRYMAN.
child311 ii. Ann MERRYMAN.
child312 iii. George MERRYMAN.
child313 iv. William MERRYMAN.
child314 v. Gerard MERRYMAN.
child315 vi. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child+316 vii. Martha MERRYMAN.
child317 viii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child318 ix. Adam C. MERRYMAN.

172. Philemon MERRYMAN .

Philemon MERRYMAN and Elizabeth NORWOOD had the following children:

child319 i. Benjamin Bell MERRYMAN.

174. Catharine MERRYMAN was born on 2 Mar 1766. She died on 7 Aug 1799.

She was married to John BUCK (son of Benjamin BUCK) on 19 Nov 1795.

175. Mary Bell MERRYMAN .

She was married to Thomas TALBOTT on 29 Jan 1804. (21)

177. Eleanor Croxall MERRYMAN (22).

She was married to Thomas Henry HARLAND in 1821.

179. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN died in 1804.

Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr (son of Nicholas MERRYMAN Sr and Jane) was born in 1751. He died in 1832. Ann (Nancy) MERRYMAN and Nicholas (Whiteheaded Nicky) MERRYMAN Jr had the following children:

child259 i. Benjamin MERRYMAN.
child260 ii. Philemon MERRYMAN.
child261 iii. ? MERRYMAN.

181. John MERRYMAN was born on 3 Nov 1775 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 21 Jun 1851. He was buried in Merryman Family Cem. Piney Hill Rd, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Sarah Johnson (daughter of Jr. Jeremiah JOHNSON and Cassandra PEDDICOART) on 11 Dec 1790 in Baltimore Co., MD. John MERRYMAN and Sarah Johnson had the following children:

child+320 i. Catharine MERRYMAN.
child321 ii. Elizabeth Johnson MERRYMAN.
child+322 iii. Levi MERRYMAN.
child323 iv. Ann Maria MERRYMAN.
child324 v. Sarah Rogers MERRYMAN.
child325 vi. Joshua MERRYMAN.
child+326 vii. John Johnson MERRYMAN.

182. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN was born on 28 Mar 1786. She died on 15 Apr 1849.

She was married to Thomas CARR (son of Joseph CARR and Mary JORDON) on 27 Feb 1806. Thomas CARR was born in Mar 1789 in London, England. He died on 15 Apr 1849 in Philadelphia PA. He was buried in Monument Cemetery. Milcah Bell MERRYMAN and Thomas CARR had the following children:

child327 i. Benjamin CARR.
child328 ii. John CARR.
child329 iii. Joseph CARR.
child+330 iv. Mary Jordon CARR.
child331 v. Milchal Bell CARR.
child332 vi. Thomas CARR.
child+333 vii. Benjamin Merryman CARR.
child334 viii. Ann Rebecca CARR.
child335 ix. William Gwynn CARR.
child336 x. Elizabeth Merryman CARR.
child337 xi. Caroline CARR.
child338 xii. James Smith CARR.

183. Rebecca Davidge MERRYMAN was born on 24 Oct 1787 in St. James Parish, Balto. Co. MD (?). (20)

She was married to Lee TIPTON on 14 Oct 1818 in Harford Co., MD.(23)

184. Edward TALBOTT (24).

He was married to Mary Merritt LANING. Edward TALBOTT and Mary Merritt LANING had the following children:

child+339 i. Lewis William TALBOTT.

185. Harriet TALBOTT .

She was married to Greenbury RIDGLEY Jr. in 1814.

189. Willis BOWEN was born on 28 Oct 1802. He was buried in IL.

He was married to Mary STEVENSON (daughter of Nathan STEVENSON and Elizabeth STEVENSON) in 1830.(25) Mary STEVENSON was born on 7 Dec 1807.

194. Patrick LYNCH was born on 17 May 1750. He died before 13 Apr 1803.

He was married to Elizabeth.

196. William LYNCH was born on 17 Jun 1766. He died before 26 Mar 1800.

He was married to Ruth STANSBURY (daughter of George STANSBURY and Mary). Ruth STANSBURY was born on 19 Nov 1760.

197. Roebuck LYNCH .

He was married to Priscilla COLE.

198. Jane LYNCH .

She was married to John BROWN in Jun 1781. She obtained a marriage license on 16 Jun 1781 in Baltimore Co., MD.

202. George STANSBURY .

He was married to Elizabeth SOLLARS. George STANSBURY and Elizabeth SOLLARS had the following children:

child340 i. Darius STANSBURY.
child341 ii. Eliza STANSBURY.
child+342 iii. Catharine STANSBURY.
child343 iv. Mary Ann STANSBURY.

204. Robert BOWEN was born in 1780.

He was married to Delilah TRUNDLE on 3 May 1804.

206. Sally BOWEN was born in 1784 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1823 in KY.

She was married to Benjamin BERRY on 27 Aug 1801.

207. William BOWEN was born in 1787.

He was married to Elizabeth FISHER.

208. Betsey BOWEN was born in 1789.

She was married to Nathaniel FISHER.

209. Solomon BOWEN was born in 1791. He died on 18 May 1843 in Rush Co., IN.

He was married to Ruth MEREDITH on 3 Apr 1815. Ruth MEREDITH was born in 1793. She died on 11 Nov 1859 in In.

210. Priscilla BOWEN was born in 1793.

She was married to Thomas TRUNDLE in Oct 1815.

218. Rosanna TIPTON (16) was born on 10 Sep 1790 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 2 May 1873 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. She was buried in Bethel Presby. Cemetery, Madonna, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Abraham SLADE (son of William SLADE and Priscilla McCOMAS). Abraham SLADE (16) was born on 13 Nov 1787 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. He died on 28 Nov 1860 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. He was buried in Bethel Presby. Cemetery, Madonna, Baltimore Co., MD.

220. Solomon B. TIPTON was born in Mar 1793. He died on 28 Sep 1860 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Wesley Chapel United Methodist, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Jemima ANDERSON (daughter of Abraham ANDERSON and Elizabeth MCCOMAS) about 1819. Jemima ANDERSON was born on 15 Dec 1794 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 3 Aug 1825 in Baltimore Co., MD. Solomon B. TIPTON and Jemima ANDERSON had the following children:

child+344 i. Ira Anderson TIPTON.
child+345 ii. William Bowen TIPTON.
child346 iii. Jemima Elizabeth TIPTON was born on 29 Jul 1825. She died on 21 Aug 1825.

He was married to Rebecca GORSUCH (daughter of Charles Gorsuch and Hannah BOSLEY) on 1 Dec 1826 in Baltimore Co., MD. Rebecca GORSUCH was born on 1 Apr 1793 in Fork, Baltimore Co., MD. (16) She died on 17 Jun 1878 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Wesley Chapel United Methodist, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Solomon B. TIPTON and Rebecca GORSUCH had the following children:

child347 i. Nicholas Gorsuch TIPTON(16) was born on 22 Aug 1827. He died on 12 Mar 1835.
child+348 ii. Samuel Slicer TIPTON.
child349 iii. Eleanor Merryman TIPTON was born on 11 Dec 1831 in Maryland. She died on 4 Apr 1835.
child350 iv. Ann Rebecca TIPTON was born on 19 Nov 1834 in Maryland. She died on 3 Apr 1917.


241. Clara MERRYMAN was born on 2 Sep 1844.

Clara MERRYMAN and Henry R. CRANE had the following children:

child+351 i. Laura CRANE.
child352 ii. Clarissa CRANE.
child353 iii. Edith CRANE.
child354 iv. Helen CRANE.

242. Hiram Spicer .

Hiram Spicer and Alice Cutler had the following children:

child+355 i. Hiram Louis Spicer Dr..

245. Elizabeth BOSLEY (17) was born about 1781. She died on 18 Apr 1812. She was buried in St. James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co MD.

She was married to Archibald GITTINGS (son of James GITTINGS and Elizabeth BUCHANAN) on 13 Mar 1799. She obtained a marriage license on 12 May 1799 in Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth BOSLEY and Archibald GITTINGS had the following children:

child+356 i. Ann GITTINGS.
child+357 ii. Elijah Bosley GITTINGS.
child358 iii. Nicholas Bosley GITTINGS was born on 3 Apr 1812. He died on 23 Apr 1832. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

247. Nicholas MERRYMAN (17) was born on 21 Jan 1778. He died on 30 May 1823. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Charlotte WORTHINGTON on 16 Dec 1802 in by Rev Coleman, St. James Episcopal Church, Baltimore MD. Charlotte WORTHINGTON (17) was born on 20 Oct 1780. She died on 13 Feb 1859. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Nicholas MERRYMAN and Charlotte WORTHINGTON had the following children:

child359 i. Sam W. MERRYMAN.
child360 ii. Fannie MERRYMAN.
child361 iii. James MERRYMAN died on 27 Jul 1843 in St. James, Baltimore MD.
child362 iv. John MERRYMAN.
child363 v. ? MERRYMAN.
child+364 vi. Elijah MERRYMAN.
child+365 vii. Frances MERRYMAN.
child+366 viii. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN.

251. Elijah E. MERRYMAN .

He was married to Cassandra Dye HARVEY on 20 Sep 1804 in Rev Lewis Richards, Balto. Co. MD. Elijah E. MERRYMAN and Cassandra Dye HARVEY had the following children:

child367 i. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child368 ii. John MERRYMAN.
child+369 iii. Ellen MERRYMAN.
child370 iv. Ann MERRYMAN.

256. Nicholas MERRYMAN III (3).

Nicholas MERRYMAN III and Dorcas BUCK had the following children:

child+371 i. John Buck MERRYMAN.
child372 ii. Charles MERRYMAN.
child373 iii. Grafton MERRYMAN.
child374 iv. Nicholas MERRYMAN.
child375 v. Catharine MERRYMAN.

258. Micajah MERRYMAN was born in 1784. He died before 1828.

He was married to Deborah ENSOR (daughter of George ENSOR and Jemima BOND) on 8 Apr 1794 in or 1807?. Deborah ENSOR was born about 1785. Micajah MERRYMAN and Deborah ENSOR had the following children:

child+376 i. Eleanor MERRYMAN.
child+377 ii. George MERRYMAN.

261. ? MERRYMAN.

? MERRYMAN and FRISBY had the following children:

child+378 i. Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY.

264. Elizabeth ENSOR was born on 13 Oct 1790 in Baltimore Co., MD. (27) She died on 1 Jan 1877 in Baltimore Co., MD. (27)

She was married to John Scarborough CARTER (son of John CARTER and Hannah SCARBOROUGH) on 19 Jun 1814. John Scarborough CARTER was born in 1789. (27) He died on 3 Jul 1844 in Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth ENSOR and John Scarborough CARTER had the following children:

child+379 i. Durus CARTER.
child+380 ii. Desmus John CARTER.
child381 iii. Vallurea CARTER(27) was born on 28 Jan 1819. He (or she) died on 5 Jul 1890.
child382 iv. Elavious CARTER(27) was born on 11 Jun 1822. He (or she) died on 7 Oct 1903.
child383 v. Ann CARTER(27) was born on 2 Sep 1827. She died on 13 Nov 1906.

265. Ruth ENSOR.

She was married to Elisha STANSBURY on 1 Feb 1799.

266. Jane ENSOR was born in Jan 1765 in or 1775?.

She was married to Nicholas GORSUCH on 4 Sep 1813.

268. Mary ENSOR was born on 2 Oct 1774. She died on 1 Feb 1854.

Daniel B. BOSLEY (son of Joseph BOSLEY and Mary Spicer HALL) was born in 1772. He died in 1854. Mary ENSOR and Daniel B. BOSLEY had the following children:

child+384 i. John E. BOSLEY.
child+385 ii. Sarah Ensor BOSLEY.

269. Luke Gorsuch ENSOR was born in 1776. He died in 1857.

He was married to Sarah HUNTER on 4 Apr 1820. Sarah HUNTER died before 1842. Luke Gorsuch ENSOR and Sarah HUNTER had the following children:

child+386 i. Ruth Ann ENSOR.

He was married to Rachel DAVIS between 1842 and 1850.

270. Dorcas ENSOR was born about 1780. She died on 22 Sep 1861 in or 1864?.

She was married to William BROOKS (son of Charles BROOKS and unknown) on 31 Dec 1806 in Baltimore Co., MD. William BROOKS was born between 1759 and 1761. He died in Sep 1830. Dorcas ENSOR and William BROOKS had the following children:

child387 i. Nimrod BROOKS.
child388 ii. Thomas BROOKS.
child+389 iii. William BROOKS.
child+390 iv. Charles BROOKS.
child391 v. Abraham BROOKS was born about 1810. He died on 11 Jun 1885.
child+392 vi. Elizabeth J. BROOKS.
child393 vii. John BROOKS was born in 1816. He died in 1870.
child394 viii. Sarah BROOKS was born between 1817 and 1819.
child395 ix. (maybe) Dorcas BROOKS was born on 24 Dec 1818. He died on 18 Jun 1909.
child+396 x. Mary BROOKS.
child+397 xi. Daniel Bosley BROOKS.

271. John ENSOR was born between 1782 and 1785. He died about May 1835.

He was married to Rachel CHILCOAT on 22 Apr 1815.

272. Abraham (Abe) ENSOR was born on 3 Dec 1786. He died on 26 Feb 1865.

He was married to Rebecca COLE on 6 Feb 1813.

275. John Brooks ENSOR was born on 11 Nov 1791.(19) He died on 13 Jun 1880.

Delilah CHILCOAT (daughter of Elijah CHILCOAT and Elizabeth Ensor) was born on 18 Feb 1792. She died on 18 Apr 1883. John Brooks ENSOR and Delilah CHILCOAT had the following children:

child+398 i. George C. ENSOR.
child+399 ii. Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR.
child+400 iii. Josephus Chilcoat ENSOR.

276. Luke Brooks ENSOR (19) was born on 4 Aug 1793 in Baltimore MD. He signed a will on 31 Dec 1855 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 1 Jan 1856 in Baltimore MD. He had an estate probated on 15 Jan 1856 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Naomi ENSOR (daughter of George ENSOR and Sarah SMITH) on 22 Jan 1819. Naomi ENSOR was born about 1800. She died on 20 Jun 1870. Luke Brooks ENSOR and Naomi ENSOR had the following children:

child401 i. Bethier ENSOR was born on 6 Dec 1819 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19) She died before 1821.
child402 ii. Bethier ENSOR was born on 12 Mar 1821 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child+403 iii. Sarah Jane ENSOR.
child404 iv. Abraham ENSOR was born on 26 Feb 1826 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child405 v. George ENSOR was born on 8 Dec 1826 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child406 vi. Elizabeth Ellen ENSOR was born on 3 Sep 1832 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child407 vii. William Hamilton Orick ENSOR was born on 11 Jul 1834 in Baltimore Co., MD.(19)
child408 viii. Rachel Emly ENSOR was born on 10 Jun 1836 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child409 ix. Mary Ann (H.?) ENSOR was born on 30 Dec 1837 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)
child+410 x. Luke Edward ENSOR.

277. Abraham C. ENSOR was born on 20 Sep 1796 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)

He was married to Bethier on 2 Aug 1840. Abraham C. ENSOR and Bethier had the following children:

child411 i. Luke Poizel ENSOR was born on 15 Sep 1841. (19)
child412 ii. John B ENSOR was born on 16 May 1844.(19)
child413 iii. Elijah Ringold ENSOR was born on 27 Jun 1846. (19)
child414 iv. George Washington ENSOR was born on 23 Sep 1848. (19)

280. Mary HOLLAND .

She was married to Darius STANSBURY.

283. Edward GORSUCH was born on 18 Apr 1795 in Glenco, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 11 Sep 1851 in Christiana, PA. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Sarah Bowen STANSBURY on 1 Feb 1820 in MD. Edward GORSUCH and Sarah Bowen STANSBURY had the following children:

child+415 i. Rev John S. GORSUCH.
child416 ii. Thomas GORSUCH.
child417 iii. Belinda GORSUCH.
child418 iv. Dickinson GORSUCH was born in 1827. He died on 2 Aug 1882.

He was married to Mary TALBOTT on 17 Feb 1846. Edward GORSUCH and Mary TALBOTT had the following children:

child419 i. Mary Sollars GORSUCH.

284. Elizabeth GORSUCH (14) was born on 1 Apr 1797 in Glenco, Baltimore Co., MD.(20) She was baptized on 17 Sep 1797 in St Jame's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1824. She was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

She was married to Philip PEARCE (son of William PEARCE and Elizabeth PUTNAM) on 18 Jan 1820 in MD. Philip PEARCE was born on 10 Oct 1785. He died on 13 Aug 1861 in Glenco, Baltimore Co. MD. He was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth GORSUCH and Philip PEARCE had the following children:

child+420 i. Thomas Talbott Gorsuch PEARCE.

285. Belinda GORSUCH (14) was born on 25 May 1799 in Glenco, Baltimore Co., MD.(20) She died on 6 Oct 1839 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Gorsuch, Private Cemetry, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

She was married to John Putnam PEARCE (son of William PEARCE and Elizabeth PUTNAM) on 17 Feb 1818. John Putnam PEARCE was born in 1784 in "Clifford", Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 30 May 1861 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD. Belinda GORSUCH and John Putnam PEARCE had the following children:

child+421 i. Edward Gorsuch PEARCE.
child+422 ii. Mary Talbott PEARCE.
child+423 iii. Elizabeth J. PEARCE.

286. Thomas Talbott GORSUCH (14) was born on 1 Nov 1802 in Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD.(20) He died on 6 Feb 1879 in Glencoe, Baltimore Co. MD. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery, Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH (daughter of Joshua GORSUCH and Eleanor LYNCH) on 15 Sep 1829 in Maryland. Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH(14) was born in 1810 in Verona, MD. She died on 4 Oct 1874 in Glenco, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery #1, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD. (14) Thomas Talbott GORSUCH and Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH had the following children:

child424 i. Dickinson GORSUCH died on 7 Feb 1832.
child425 ii. Mary T. GORSUCH died on 20 Jun 1831.
child426 iii. Eleanor Ann GORSUCH was born on 24 Feb 1831. She died on 30 Nov 1880.
child427 iv. Joshua Larkin GORSUCH was born on 12 Apr 1835. He died on 5 Dec 1904.
child428 v. Edward B. GORSUCH was born on 26 Feb 1836. He died on 29 Jan 1847.
child429 vi. Elizabeth Francis GORSUCH was born in 1841. She died on 28 May 1879.
child430 vii. Mary T GORSUCH was born in 1845. She died on 7 Jan 1846.
child+431 viii. Thomas T. GORSUCH.
child432 ix. John D GORSUCH was born in Jul 1848. He died on 17 Sep 1848.

289. Evelyne GORSUCH .

She was married to William LINCH\LYNCH on 25 Feb 1821. Evelyne GORSUCH and William LINCH\LYNCH had the following children:

child433 i. son LINCH\LYNCH was born on 17 Oct 1821.

290. John Lynch GORSUCH died about 1844. He was born in Verona, MD.

He was married to Mary Ann STANSBURY on 25 Jan 1837 in Baltimore, MD. John Lynch GORSUCH and Mary Ann STANSBURY had the following children:

child434 i. Joshua L GORSUCH.
child435 ii. William Stansbury GORSUCH.

291. James M. GORSUCH (14) died on 23 Jun 1852 in Carroll Co? MD. He was born in Verona MD. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt Cemetery, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Mary GREEN on 15 Mar 1836 in Carroll Co. MD. James M. GORSUCH and Mary GREEN had the following children:

child436 i. Isabella GORSUCH.
child437 ii. Sarah Angeline GORSUCH.
child438 iii. Henry Clay GORSUCH.
child439 iv. Henrietta S.(or A?) GORSUCH.
child440 v. Susanna H GORSUCH.
child441 vi. Thomas T. GORSUCH.
child442 vii. Ellen M GORSUCH.
child443 viii. James GORSUCH.
child444 ix. Julia Ann R GORSUCH was born in 1811. She died on 10 Jan 1818.

292. Ellen Maria GORSUCH died after 1844. She was born in Verona, MD.

She was married to Abraham STANSBURY on 16 Jun 1842 in MD.

293. Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH (14) was born in 1810 in Verona, MD. She died on 4 Oct 1874 in Glenco, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery #1, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.(14)

She was married to Thomas Talbott GORSUCH (son of Dickenson GORSUCH and Mary TALBOTT) on 15 Sep 1829 in Maryland. Thomas Talbott GORSUCH(14) was born on 1 Nov 1802 in Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD. (20) He died on 6 Feb 1879 in Glencoe, Baltimore Co. MD. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt. Cemetery, Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD. Elizabeth Ann GORSUCH and Thomas Talbott GORSUCH had the following children:

child424 i. Dickinson GORSUCH.
child425 ii. Mary T. GORSUCH.
child426 iii. Eleanor Ann GORSUCH.
child427 iv. Joshua Larkin GORSUCH.
child428 v. Edward B. GORSUCH.
child429 vi. Elizabeth Francis GORSUCH.
child430 vii. Mary T GORSUCH.
child431 viii. Thomas T. GORSUCH.
child432 ix. John D GORSUCH.

294. Joshua Merryman GORSUCH was born in 1812 in Verona, MD. He died on 31 Jan 1879 in Verona MD. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt Cemetery, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD. (14)

He was married to Mary Jane ENSOR in 1854. Joshua Merryman GORSUCH and Mary Jane ENSOR had the following children:

child+445 i. Ellen Rebecca GORSUCH.

295. Martha L GORSUCH was born in 1816 in Verona, MD. She died on 7 Apr 1883 in Belfast, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Bosleys United Methodist, Black Rock, Balto. Co. MD.

She was married to Joseph BOSLEY on 29 Apr 1841 in Bosley's UM, Belfast, Balto. Co. MD. Martha L GORSUCH and Joseph BOSLEY had the following children:

child446 i. Mary E. BOSLEY was born in 1842. She died in 1843.
child447 ii. Thomas Cole BOSLEY was born in 1843. He died in 1904.
child448 iii. Eleanor Gorsuch BOSLEY was born in 1846. She died in 1906.
child449 iv. Maria Louisa BOSLEY was born in 1848.
child450 v. Joshua Gorsuch BOSLEY was born in 1850.
child451 vi. Josephine BOSLEY was born in 1852.
child452 vii. Martha Rebecca BOSLEY was born in 1855.
child453 viii. Daniel Webster BOSLEY was born in 1857. He died in 1925.

296. George R. GORSUCH (14) was born in 1822 in Verona, MD. He died on 5 May 1854 in Hereford, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Mary Jane ENSOR on 24 Mar 1846 in Maryland.

297. William McKendress GORSUCH was born in 1822 in Verona, MD. He died on 28 Jun 1856 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Gorsuch Pvt Cemetery #1, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

He was married to Astridge ENSOR on 28 Jan 1846 in Maryland. William McKendress GORSUCH and Astridge ENSOR had the following children:

child454 i. John McKendress GORSUCH.
child455 ii. Elizabeth E. GORSUCH.
child456 iii. William McKendress GORSUCH Jr.
child457 iv. Abraham S. GORSUCH.
child458 v. Estella GORSUCH.
child+459 vi. Mary E. GORSUCH.

299. Ann BOSLEY .

Ann BOSLEY and EMORY had the following children:

child460 i. Thomas E. EMORY.
child461 ii. Dr. ? EMORY.

300. John MERRYMAN (28) was born on 9 Aug 1824. He died on 15 Nov 1881. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeyville, MD.

He was married to Anne Louise GITTINGS (daughter of Elijah Bosley GITTINGS and Ann Lux COCKEY) on 18 Jul 1844. Anne Louise GITTINGS was born on 28 Jul 1825. She died on 16 Feb 1897. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockysville MD. John MERRYMAN and Anne Louise GITTINGS had the following children:

child462 i. Ann (Nannie) MERRYMAN was born on 3 Aug 1845. She died on 19 Apr 1917. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child+463 ii. Elizabeth MERRYMAN.
child+464 iii. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN.
child465 iv. John MERRYMAN was born on 5 Sep 1854. He died on 3 Nov 1885. He was buried in Sherewood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.
child+466 v. David Buchanan MERRYMAN.
child467 vi. Elijah Gittings MERRYMAN was born on 10 Feb 1858.
child468 vii. William Duval MERRYMAN was born on 29 Nov 1859.
child469 viii. Laura MERRYMAN was born on 19 Sep 1862.
child470 ix. Roger Brooke Taney MERRYMAN was born on 12 Jun 1864. He died on 5 Jul 1865. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child+471 x. James McKean MERRYMAN.
child472 xi. Louisa MERRYMAN was born on 21 Oct 1870. She died on 14 Dec 1937. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal, Cockeysville MD (Merryman Plot).

302. Henry Nicols MERRYMAN died in Piney Hill, Balto. MD. He was buried in Piney Hill.

Henry Nicols MERRYMAN and Mary GRIFFITH had the following children:

child473 i. Harry G. MERRYMAN was born in 1861. He died on 18 Dec 1881. He was buried in Merryman Family Cem. Piney Hill Rd. Balto. Co. MD.

303. Richard Smith MERRYMAN .

He was married to Mary Louise BROWN.

316. Martha MERRYMAN .

She was married to Solomon BOHN in 1813 in Frederick Co., MD. Solomon BOHN was born in 1775. He died in 1850. Martha MERRYMAN and Solomon BOHN had the following children:

child474 i. Thomas William BOHN was born in 1824 in Frederick Co., MD.

320. Catharine MERRYMAN .

She was married to Thomas STREETT (son of Col. John STREETT) on 23 Jan 1813 in Harford Co., MD. Thomas STREETT was born on 27 Feb 1787 in Harford Co., MD. He died on 22 Sep 1839.

322. Levi MERRYMAN .

He was married to Mary JESSOP (daughter of Charles JESSOP Sr. and Mary) on 31 Dec 1822 in Baltimore Co., MD. Mary JESSOP was born about 1795. She died on 14 Nov 1845. She was buried in Jessup Family burial gnd. Baltimore Co. MD. Levi MERRYMAN and Mary JESSOP had the following children:

child475 i. Albert Cecilia MERRYMAN was born on 29 Mar 1824.
child476 ii. Charles Jessop MERRYMAN was born about 1826. He died on 4 Jan 1829. He was buried in Jessop Family Ceme. Balto. Co. MD.
child477 iii. John MERRYMAN was born on 15 Jun 1828. He died on 16 Sep 1833. He was buried in Jessop Family Cem. Balto. Co. MD.
child478 iv. Mary J. MERRYMAN was born on 20 Feb 1833. She died on 20 Dec 1836. She was buried in Jessop Family Cem. Balto. Co. MD.
child479 v. Clara S. MERRYMAN was born about 1837. She died on 4 Aug 1858. She was buried in Jessop Family Cemetery..
child480 vi. Joesph MERRYMAN was born in 1844. He died on 16 Jan 1866. He was buried in Jessop Family Cem. Balto. Co. MD.
child481 vii. Gussie V. MERRYMAN was born on 14 Feb 1845. He (or she) died on 15 Mar 1871. He (or she) was buried in Jessop Family Cem. Balto. Co. MD.

Levi MERRYMAN and Mary Jordon CARR had the following children:

child482 i. George MERRYMAN.

326. John Johnson MERRYMAN .

He was married to Margaret GWYNN (daughter of Robert GWYNN). John Johnson MERRYMAN and Margaret GWYNN had the following children:

child+483 i. Robert Gwynn MERRYMAN.

330. Mary Jordon CARR .

Mary Jordon CARR and Levi MERRYMAN had the following children:

child482 i. George MERRYMAN.

333. Benjamin Merryman CARR .

Eliza Ann NICOLL (daughter of William NICOLL and Hannah MING) was born in 1818. She died on 23 Jul 1854.

339. Lewis William TALBOTT .

He was married to Laurena OTWELL. Lewis William TALBOTT and Laurena OTWELL had the following children:

child+484 i. Sarah Emily TALBOTT.

342. Catharine STANSBURY .

She was married to Nathaniel STANSBURY.

344. Ira Anderson TIPTON (16) was born on 25 Feb 1820. He died on 22 Dec 1875 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Annie E. PARSONS on 28 Dec 1852 in Maryland. Ira Anderson TIPTON and Annie E. PARSONS had the following children:

child485 i. Lewis Vinton TIPTON(16) was born in 1855. He died in 1936.
child486 ii. Solomon Augustus TIPTON was born in 1856. He died in 1897.
child487 iii. Mary Zillah TIPTON was born in 1850.
child488 iv. Mitchell TIPTON was born in 1859.
child489 v. Lydia V. TIPTON was born in 1861.
child490 vi. Martha Lucilla TIPTON was born in 1864.
child491 vii. Annie Elizabeth TIPTON(16) was born in 1868.

345. William Bowen TIPTON (16) was born on 26 Oct 1822. He died on 8 Dec 1880 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. He was buried in Bethel Presby. Cemetery, Madonna, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Catharine A. DEETS on 25 Apr 1849 in Harford Co., MD. Catharine A. DEETS(16) was born on 11 Nov 1832 in Stewartstown, York Co., PA. She died on 30 Apr 1896 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. She was buried in Bethel Presby. Cemetery, Madonna, Baltimore Co., MD. William Bowen TIPTON and Catharine A. DEETS had the following children:

child+492 i. Alfred Slade TIPTON.
child493 ii. John F. TIPTON(16) was born in 1853. He died in 1944.
child494 iii. William S. TIPTON(29) was born in 1856. He died in 1856.
child495 iv. Hannah H. TIPTON(16) was born in 1859. She died in 1863.
child496 v. Fannie TIPTON(16) was born in 1855. She died after 1863.
child497 vi. Mary L. TIPTON was born in 1861. She died in 1863.
child498 vii. Charles Bowen TIPTON(16).
child499 viii. Amanda E. TIPTON was born in 1852. She died in 1928.
child500 ix. Rosanna TIPTON(16).

348. Samuel Slicer TIPTON was born on 15 Jan 1830 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 28 May 1904 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Wesley Chapel United Methodist, Monkton Baltimore Co MD.

Margaret Elizabeth BOSLEY (daughter of Benjamin BOSLEY and Maria ELLIOTT) was born on 20 Apr 1837 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 30 Jun 1915 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Wesley Chapel United Methodist, Monkton Baltimore Co MD. Samuel Slicer TIPTON and Margaret Elizabeth BOSLEY had the following children:

child501 i. Wilbur TIPTON(16) was born on 2 Jan 1864. He died on 29 Sep 1864.
child+502 ii. Clara E. TIPTON.
child503 iii. Hannah Bosley TIPTON(16) was born on 31 Aug 1871. She died on 12 Mar 1892.


355. Hiram Louis Spicer Dr..

Hiram Louis Spicer Dr. and Mary Catharine SCHARIF had the following children:

child504 i. Mary Catharine Spicer.

356. Ann GITTINGS (30) was born on 15 Jun 1800 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Richard EMORY. Ann GITTINGS and Richard EMORY had the following children:

child505 i. Anna Emory(31) (32) was born about 1825.

357. Elijah Bosley GITTINGS was born on 6 Mar 1802 in St James Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.

Elijah Bosley GITTINGS and Ann Lux COCKEY had the following children:

child506 i. Anne Louise GITTINGS was born on 28 Jul 1825. She died on 16 Feb 1897. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockysville MD.

364. Elijah MERRYMAN was born on 3 Jul 1810. He died on 18 Nov 1835.

He was married to Rebecca COCKEY on 6 Jun 1832. Rebecca COCKEY was born on 27 Feb 1815. She died on 3 Sep 1835 in Texas (1885?). Elijah MERRYMAN and Rebecca COCKEY had the following children:

child507 i. Fanny MERRYMAN.

365. Frances MERRYMAN (17) was born about 1809. She died on 26 Feb 1887. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

Eli CURTIS (17) (son of William CURTIS and Ann SHEPPERD) was born on 17 Aug 1807 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 7 Oct 1876 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in St James Epsicopal Church, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Frances MERRYMAN and Eli CURTIS had the following children:

child508 i. Charles Merryman CURTIS was born on 27 Jan 1851. He died on 24 Apr 1897. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child509 ii. George Worthington CURTIS was born on 1 Mar 1848. He died on 23 May 1899. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

366. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN (17) was born on 22 Feb 1812 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 3 Jun 1888 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Levi CURTIS (son of William CURTIS and Ann SHEPPERD) on 23 May 1837 in St James Epsicopal Church, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Levi CURTIS(17) was born on 23 Oct 1801 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 1 Aug 1890 in Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD. Catharine Jane MERRYMAN and Levi CURTIS had the following children:

child510 i. Marion Manilla CURTIS was born on 4 Jun 1837. She died on 21 Oct 1876. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child511 ii. Catharine Jane CURTIS was born on 9 Aug 1850. She died on 18 Feb 1916. She was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child512 iii. Levi CURTIS Jr. was born on 25 Sep 1852. He died on 19 Jan 1854. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.

369. Ellen MERRYMAN .

Salatheil COLE (son of Joseph COLE and Sophia OSBORN) was born after 1800. He died on 2 Feb 1824.

371. John Buck MERRYMAN .

John Buck MERRYMAN and Sarah B. ENSOR had the following children:

child513 i. John MERRYMAN died before Dec 1909.
child514 ii. Bettie MERRYMAN died after Dec 1909.

376. Eleanor MERRYMAN was born on 2 Jun 1809. She died on 9 Nov 1873.

She was married to Darby Smith ENSOR (son of George ENSOR and Sarah SMITH) on 11 Nov 1834. Darby Smith ENSOR died on 19 Jan 1785. He was born on 9 Aug 1815. Eleanor MERRYMAN and Darby Smith ENSOR had the following children:

child515 i. Micajah Wesley ENSOR was born on 23 Dec 1846 in Philopolis, Baltimore Co. MD. He died on 15 Dec 1910 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD.

377. George MERRYMAN (33) (33) was born on 28 Dec 1814. He died on 9 Jun 1855.

He was married to Elizabeth AUSTIN. George MERRYMAN and Elizabeth AUSTIN had the following children:

child516 i. George L. MERRYMAN was born on 14 Jan 1845. He died in 1923.

378. Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY (3).

Elizabeth (Betty) FRISBY had the following children:

child517 i. Ella.

379. Durus CARTER (27) was born on 11 Aug 1815 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 4 Aug 1879 in Howard Co., MD.

He was married to Elizabeth CRAGG in 1839.(27)

380. Desmus John CARTER (27) was born on 30 Mar 1817 in Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Elizabeth PEARCE on 29 Nov 1855. Elizabeth PEARCE(27) was born on 7 Jul 1830. She died on 3 Dec 1861. Desmus John CARTER and Elizabeth PEARCE had the following children:

child518 i. William Pearce CARTER(27) was born on 30 Apr 1860. He died on 3 Dec 1861.

He was married to Ciscelia ROYSTON (daughter of Wesley ROYSTON and Mary Ellen FULLER) on 16 Nov 1865 in Baltimore Co., MD. Ciscelia ROYSTON(27) was born on 23 Mar 1832 in Pheonix , Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 31 Jan 1916 in Baltimore, MD. Desmus John CARTER and Ciscelia ROYSTON had the following children:

child519 i. Alice May CARTER was born on 27 Oct 1867 in Baltimore, MD. She died on 29 May 1947 in Baltimore, MD.

384. John E. BOSLEY .

He was married to Dorcas Ingham ENSOR (daughter of Abraham ENSOR and Rebecca COLE) on 22 Mar 1843 in Baltimore Co License. Dorcas Ingham ENSOR was born in 1815. She died in 1909.

385. Sarah Ensor BOSLEY was born on 16 Sep 1804 in Belfast, Baltimore Co MD. She died on 24 Jan 1897 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Wesley Chapel United Methodist, Monkton Baltimore Co MD.

She was married to William PEARCE (son of Thomas PEARCE and Elizabeth BACON) on 14 Jun 1828 in Baltimore Co., MD. William PEARCE was born on 24 Jul 1802 in Monkton, Baltimore Co MD. He died on 3 Feb 1869 in My Ladys Manor lots 87 & 88. He was buried in Wesley Chapel UM (removed from St Johns Monkton, MD). Sarah Ensor BOSLEY and William PEARCE had the following children:

child520 i. John Bosley PEARCE(34) was born on 20 Jun 1837.(35) He died in 1886.

386. Ruth Ann ENSOR died on 4 Mar 1918.

George C. ENSOR (son of John Brooks ENSOR and Delilah CHILCOAT) died on 15 Feb 1881. Ruth Ann ENSOR and George C. ENSOR had the following children:

child521 i. Sarah Ann ENSOR was born on 9 Jan 1852.
child522 ii. Samuel Edward ENSOR was born on 7 May 1853.
child523 iii. Mary Francis ENSOR was born on 21 Sep 1854.
child524 iv. Elijah S. ENSOR was born on 27 Dec 1855.
child525 v. Edward T. ENSOR was born on 15 Jul 1857.
child526 vi. Delilah ENSOR was born on 2 Sep 1859. She died on 29 Mar 1904.
child527 vii. Laura Eugnia ENSOR was born on 18 Sep 1861.
child528 viii. George W. ENSOR was born on 25 Oct 1862.
child529 ix. John Albert ENSOR was born on 2 Aug 1864.
child530 x. Bettie Florence ENSOR was born on 4 Mar 1866.
child531 xi. Maggie Ruply ENSOR was born on 25 Oct 1867.
child532 xii. John B. ENSOR was born on 25 Jul 1869.

389. William BROOKS (36) was born BET 1807/1808.

He was married to Achsah Ann LITSINGER (daughter of Joseph LITSINGER and Matilda WRIGHT) on 23 Dec 1847. Achsah Ann LITSINGER was born on 4 Jul 1844. William BROOKS and Achsah Ann LITSINGER had the following children:

child533 i. Virginia BROOKS was born about 1848.
child534 ii. Joseph L BROOKS was born about 1849.
child535 iii. Charles A. BROOKS(37) was born about 1851.
child536 iv. Darius Ride BROOKS.
child537 v. James C. BROOKS was born about 1856.
child538 vi. Henry T. BROOKS was born about 1859.
child539 vii. Ida BROOKS was born about 1862.
child540 viii. William P BROOKS was born about 1865.
child541 ix. Lilly Belle BROOKS was born about 1868.

390. Charles BROOKS was born on 11 Feb 1809. He died on 10 Dec 1888.

Mary P. WILLIAMS OR GOODWIN died in 1885.(38) She was born in Carroll County MD. Charles BROOKS and Mary P. WILLIAMS OR GOODWIN had the following children:

child542 i. Benjamin BROOKS was born between 1850 and 1854. He died after 1897.
child543 ii. Matilda G "Tilla" BROOKS was born in 1856. She died on 26 Aug 1864 in in 8th year.
child544 iii. Ruth T BROOKS was born on 23 Feb 1859. She died on 6 Oct 1949.
child545 iv. William C. BROOKS was born on 27 Apr 1861 in near Belfast, Baltimore Co. MD.

392. Elizabeth J. BROOKS was born between 1813 and 1815. She died on 6 Nov 1853 in Baltimore Co., MD. (39)

She was married to Thomas J. MORFORD (son of John MORFORD and Susanna CHAMBERLAIN) in Dec 1829 in Baltimore Co., MD. She obtained a marriage license on 9 Dec 1829 in Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth J. BROOKS and Thomas J. MORFORD had the following children:

child546 i. William MORFORD.
child547 ii. Susie MORFORD.
child548 iii. Elizabeth MORFORD.
child549 iv. Dorcas MORFORD.
child550 v. Alice MORFORD.
child551 vi. Annie Ensor MORFORD was born on 10 Mar 1832 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 13 May 1923 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Mt. Carmel ME Church Cemetery, Baltimore Co MD.

396. Mary BROOKS was born on 3 Jun 1820. She died on 11 Jun 1885.

She was married to John E. CHILCOAT (son of John CHILCOATE and Elizabeth ENSOR) in 1848. John E. CHILCOAT was born in 1822 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1889 in Baltimore Co., MD. Mary BROOKS and John E. CHILCOAT had the following children:

child552 i. Elizabeth CHILCOAT was born in Baltimore Co., MD.
child553 ii. Thomas CHILCOAT.
child554 iii. Julia CHILCOAT.
child555 iv. George B. CHILCOAT(38) was born in Baltimore Co., MD.
child556 v. Mollie CHILCOAT was born in Baltimore Co., MD.

397. Daniel Bosley BROOKS was born in 1823. He died on 21 Oct 1869.

He was married to Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR (daughter of John Brooks ENSOR and Delilah CHILCOAT) on 1 May 1850 in Baltimore Co., MD. Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR was born in Oct 1831. She was baptized on 3 Sep 1871 in Black Rock Old School Baptist Church, Baltimore, Co. MD. She died on 2 May 1903 in Baltimore MD. Daniel Bosley BROOKS and Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR had the following children:

child557 i. Joseph BROOKS.
child558 ii. Annie BROOKS.
child559 iii. Sarah BROOKS.
child560 iv. Frank BROOKS.
child561 v. John Francis (Frank) BROOKS was born in 1851. He (or she) died on 15 May 1860.
child562 vi. Daniel Bosley BROOKS Jr was born about 1854. He died on 21 Oct 1869 in age 15.
child563 vii. Rachel BROOKS was born on 17 May 1854. She died on 19 Nov 1906.
child564 viii. Delilah BROOKS was born in 1857. She died on 29 Jun 1861.
child565 ix. Alexander D. BROOKS(40) was born on 8 Oct 1863 in Black Rock, Baltimore Co MD. He died on 16 Apr 1956 in Black Rock, Baltimore Co. MD.

398. George C. ENSOR died on 15 Feb 1881.

Ruth Ann ENSOR (daughter of Luke Gorsuch ENSOR and Sarah HUNTER) died on 4 Mar 1918. George C. ENSOR and Ruth Ann ENSOR had the following children:

child521 i. Sarah Ann ENSOR.
child522 ii. Samuel Edward ENSOR.
child523 iii. Mary Francis ENSOR.
child524 iv. Elijah S. ENSOR.
child525 v. Edward T. ENSOR.
child526 vi. Delilah ENSOR.
child527 vii. Laura Eugnia ENSOR.
child528 viii. George W. ENSOR.
child529 ix. John Albert ENSOR.
child530 x. Bettie Florence ENSOR.
child531 xi. Maggie Ruply ENSOR.
child532 xii. John B. ENSOR.

399. Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR was born in Oct 1831. She was baptized on 3 Sep 1871 in Black Rock Old School Baptist Church, Baltimore, Co. MD. She died on 2 May 1903 in Baltimore MD.

She was married to Daniel Bosley BROOKS (son of William BROOKS and Dorcas ENSOR) on 1 May 1850 in Baltimore Co., MD. Daniel Bosley BROOKS was born in 1823. He died on 21 Oct 1869. Sarah Chilcoat ENSOR and Daniel Bosley BROOKS had the following children:

child557 i. Joseph BROOKS.
child558 ii. Annie BROOKS.
child559 iii. Sarah BROOKS.
child560 iv. Frank BROOKS.
child561 v. John Francis (Frank) BROOKS.
child562 vi. Daniel Bosley BROOKS Jr.
child563 vii. Rachel BROOKS.
child564 viii. Delilah BROOKS.
child565 ix. Alexander D. BROOKS.

400. Josephus Chilcoat ENSOR was born in 1834. He died on 10 Oct 1894.

Sophia Jane TRACEY (daughter of George TRACEY and Rossanah SIMPERS) was born on 21 Dec 1839 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 1 Mar 1860 in Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Mt Carmel ME Church Cemetery, Baltimore Co MD. Josephus Chilcoat ENSOR and Sophia Jane TRACEY had the following children:

child566 i. Rosie (Rosa) Alba Jolene ENSOR.

He was married to Mary Elizabeth (Mary Liz) TRACEY (daughter of George TRACEY and Rossanah SIMPERS) on 2 Jun 1862 in aft Sophia Jane's Death. Mary Elizabeth (Mary Liz) TRACEY was born on 18 Feb 1841. She died on 6 Jul 1914. Josephus Chilcoat ENSOR and Mary Elizabeth (Mary Liz) TRACEY had the following children:

child567 i. Lila ENSOR.
child568 ii. Sophia ENSOR died in Died Young.
child569 iii. Estella ENSOR.
child570 iv. Ada O. ENSOR.
child571 v. Harry ENSOR.
child572 vi. John Irving ENSOR was born on 31 Jul 1867 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 27 Apr 1961 in Towson, Baltimore Co MD.

403. Sarah Jane ENSOR was born on 15 Jan 1824 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19)

She was married to Samuel C. PRICE.

410. Luke Edward ENSOR was born on 28 Apr 1843 in Baltimore Co., MD. (19) He was born on 29 Apr 1843. He died on 23 Mar 1915.

Laura W. CAPLES (daughter of William CAPLES and Sarah (Sally) Ensor SIMPERS) was born on 28 Oct 1843. She died on 28 Jun 1904. Luke Edward ENSOR and Laura W. CAPLES had the following children:

child573 i. Clara Genevieve ENSOR was born on 9 Apr 1872. (19) She was born on 9 Apr 1872.
child574 ii. Clifton Tansley ENSOR was born on 21 Feb 1875. (19)
child575 iii. Levine Edward ENSOR (Private).

415. Rev John S. GORSUCH was born in 1820. He died in 1852.

He was married to Fransina H. WARFIELD.

420. Thomas Talbott Gorsuch PEARCE(14) was born on 10 Jun 1822 in Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD. He died on 3 Jul 1882 in Glencoe, Balto. Co. MD. He was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD.

He was married to Mary Eleanor MOORES (daughter of Samuel Lee MOORES MD) on 29 Nov 1855 in MD. Mary Eleanor MOORES was born on 25 Jun 1837 in Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 8 Sep 1911 in Glencoe, Baltimore Co. MD.

421. Edward Gorsuch PEARCE was born in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 323 E Biddle St, Balto. MD.

He was married to Priscilla Merryman BRITTON (daughter of Edward Talbott BRITTON and Ariel HUTCHINS) on 23 Feb 1841 in MD. Priscilla Merryman BRITTON was born on 24 Jun 1819 in Blethnia Cambria, Warren, Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1847. Edward Gorsuch PEARCE and Priscilla Merryman BRITTON had the following children:

child576 i. Charles Putnam PEARCE.
child577 ii. Richard Britton PEARCE.
child578 iii. John Edward PEARCE was born in 1846 in Baltimore, MD. He died on 1 Apr 1906 in Baltimore, MD.

422. Mary Talbott PEARCE was born in 29 or 20 Sep 1821 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 12 Jul 1887 in Phoenix, MD. She was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to John Grier PATTERSON (son of Samuel PATTERSON and Mary GRIER) on 4 Jul 1844. John Grier PATTERSON was born on 16 Jul 1818 in Lancaster Co. PA. He died on 19 Jan 1878 in Pheonix, MD. Mary Talbott PEARCE and John Grier PATTERSON had the following children:

child579 i. Belinda Gorsuch PATTERSON was born on 3 Apr 1845 in Pheonix MD. She died on 24 Jun 1883 in Baltimore Co., MD.
child580 ii. Lysander Edward PATTERSON was born in 1846. He died in 1847.
child581 iii. Samuel Taylor PATTERSON was born in 1848. He died in 1848.
child582 iv. John Thomas PATTERSON(14) was born on 26 Jul 1849 in Pheonix, MD. He died on 14 May 1873 in Taylor, Harford Co. MD. He was buried in St James Epsicopal Church, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child583 v. Edwin Pusey PATTERSON was born on 15 May 1851 in Pheonix, MD. He was born on 15 May 1851 in Pheonix, MD. He died on 26 Jun 1880 in Pheonix, MD. He died in Pheonix, MD. He was buried in St. James PE, MLM. He was buried in St James PEC Cemetery, Monkton, Baltimore Co., MD.
child584 vi. Mary Emma PATTERSON was born in 1853. She died in 1855.
child585 vii. Harry Wilmer PATTERSON was born in 1855. He died in 1943.
child586 viii. William Thompson PATTERSON was born in 1857. He died in 1857.
child587 ix. Evert Pearce PATTERSON was born in 1860. He died in 1861.

423. Elizabeth J. PEARCE (14) was born on 6 Feb 1826 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. She died on 3 Mar 1860 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD.

James Kelso RICHARDSON (son of Thomas RICHARDSON and Mary KELSO) was born on 1 Jul 1820 in Clynmalira, Baltimore Co., MD. He died on 13 Dec 1870. He was buried in Clynmalira UM Church, Baltimore Co., MD. Elizabeth J. PEARCE and James Kelso RICHARDSON had the following children:

child588 i. John Pearce RICHARDSON.
child589 ii. Mary Kelso RICHARDSON.
child590 iii. Thomas RICHARDSON.
child591 iv. Jemima RICHARDSON was born in 1825. She died in 1928.
child592 v. Belinda Gorsuch RICHARDSON was born in 1848. She died in 1855.
child593 vi. James E. RICHARDSON was born in 1859. He died in 1860.

431. Thomas T. GORSUCH was born on 17 Sep 1845. He died on 12 Apr 1923.

He was married to Sarah Temple MAYS (daughter of John P. MAYS Jr. and Martha MELLOR) in 1866.(41) Sarah Temple MAYS was born about 1847.

445. Ellen Rebecca GORSUCH was born on 20 Dec 1846 in Verona, MD. She died on 13 Aug 1903 in Verona, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Bosleys United Methodist, Belfast, Balto. Co. MD.

She was married to Franklin Edgar COLE on 13 Jun 1872. Ellen Rebecca GORSUCH and Franklin Edgar COLE had the following children:

child594 i. Joshua Merryman COLE.
child595 ii. Clarence Gorsuch COLE was born on 20 Mar 1873 in Gorsuch's Tavern, Verona MD.. He died on 20 Mar 1915 in Verona, MD. He was buried in Jessops United Methodist, Cockeysville, Balto. Co. MD.
child596 iii. Fannie Davis COLE was born on 27 Jan 1877 in Gorsuch's Tavern, Verona, Balto. Co. MD. She died on 23 Nov 1960 in Belfast, Balto. Co. MD. She was buried in Immanuel PE, Glenco, Balto. Co. MD.

459. Mary E. GORSUCH was born on 5 Oct 1851 in Verona, Balto. Co. MD. She died on 11 Mar 1921 in Butler, Baltimore Co., MD. She was buried in Black Rock OS, Butler, Balto. Co. MD.

She was married to John E. ENSOR in Oct 1874 in MD. Mary E. GORSUCH and John E. ENSOR had the following children:

child597 i. John H. ENSOR.
child598 ii. Adam G. ENSOR.
child599 iii. James V. ENSOR.
child600 iv. Alexander E. ENSOR.
child601 v. Lawrence E. ENSOR.
child602 vi. Thomas R. ENSOR.
child603 vii. Elizabeth A. ENSOR was born on 3 Oct 1873. She died on 7 May 1953.
child604 viii. William Pinkney ENSOR was born on 2 Jan 1875. He died on 18 Jun 1954.

463. Elizabeth MERRYMAN was born on 24 Jul 1849. She died on 16 Mar 1895 in Hayfields, Baltimore Co. MD. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.

Charles H. BLACK LCD US Navy was born on 28 Mar 1844. He died on 20 Jan 1891. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD. Elizabeth MERRYMAN and Charles H. BLACK LCD US Navy had the following children:

child605 i. John Merryman BLACK was born on 13 Jul 1882. He died on 23 Nov 1883. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD.
child606 ii. J. Merryman BLACK was born on 2 Oct 1885. He died on 23 Feb 1955. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch. Cockeysville MD (In Merryman plot).

464. Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN was born on 19 Feb 1852. He died on 24 Feb 1921. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Church, Cockeysville MD (Merryman Plot).

Sara Wilmington Norton (Willie) MCCLESKEY was born on 24 Oct 1852 in Savanah, Georgia. She died on 26 Oct 1923. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeyville MD (Merryman plot). Nicholas Bosley MERRYMAN and Sara Wilmington Norton (Willie) MCCLESKEY had the following children:

child607 i. Louisa Gittings MERRYMAN died on 21 Jan 1882. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal, Cockeysville MD.
child608 ii. Lousia Gittings MERRYMAN.
child609 iii. George McCleskey MERRYMAN was born on 5 Apr 1882. He died on 26 Sep 1892. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.
child610 iv. John MERRYMAN was born on 22 Apr 1884. He died on 13 May 1945. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

466. David Buchanan MERRYMAN was born on 9 May 1856. He died on 11 Mar 1900. He was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

He was married to Bessie L. MONTAGUE on 23 Jul 1894. Bessie L. MONTAGUE was born on 19 Aug 1864. She died on 28 Nov 1964. She was buried in Sherwood Episcopal Ch., Cockeysville MD.

471. James McKean MERRYMAN was born on 21 Oct 1867.

He was married to I. BROWN on 4 Dec 1891.

484. Sarah Emily TALBOTT .

She was married to William Henry HURSH. Sarah Emily TALBOTT and William Henry HURSH had the following children:

child+611 i. Ada Mary HURSH.

492. Alfred Slade TIPTON was born on 17 Jun 1860. He died on 2 May 1919 in Jarrettsville, Hartford Co., MD. He was buried in Jarrettsville Cemetery, Harford Co., MMD.

He was married to Jemmima Jane DUNCAN (daughter of William DUNCAN and Hannah Hughes WILEY). Jemmima Jane DUNCAN was born on 25 Mar 1859 in Harford Co., MD. She died on 29 Jun 1940 in Harford Co., MD. Alfred Slade TIPTON and Jemmima Jane DUNCAN had the following children:

child612 i. Infant TIPTON was born in 1889. He (or she) died in 1889.
child613 ii. Col. William D. TIPTON(16) was born in 1892. He died in 1945.
child614 iii. John Martin TIPTON was born on 21 Feb 1895. He died on 2 Aug 1988 in Harford Co., MD. He was buried in Jarrettsville Cemetery, Harford Co., MD.
child615 iv. C. Louise TIPTON (Private).
child616 v. A. Lee TIPTON (Private).
502. Clara E. TIPTON was born on 17 Aug 1865. She died on 22 Jul 1938 in White Hall, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to Harvey Milton SLADE (son of Madison SLADE and Francis Ellen LYTLE) on 27 Jan 1886 in Baltimore Co., MD. Harvey Milton SLADE was born on 30 Oct 1860 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died in 1927 in White Hall, Baltimore Co., MD. Clara E. TIPTON and Harvey Milton SLADE had the following children:

child617 i. Harry Tipton SLADE(16) was born in 1887. He died in 1887.
child618 ii. Lida Ellen SLADE(16) was born on 24 Jun 1888 in White Hall, Baltimore Co., MD. She died in Baltimore Co., MD.
child619 iii. Stanley Milton SLADE was born on 7 Apr 1894. He died on 16 Jan 1956 in Vernon, Baltimore Co., MD.
child620 iv. Ralph SLADE(16) was born in 1895. He died in 1897.
child621 v. Anna Bosley SLADE(16) was born on 27 May 1891 in White Hall, Baltimore Co., MD. She died in 1984 in Baltimore Co., MD.


1. Helen E. Davis. Kindred: Davis-Stansbury Lines,. Dorrance and Co. Philadelphia 1978.
2. Records of St Pauls Parish Vol 1, by Bill and Martha Reamy.
3. The Baltimore Sun, 26 Dec 1909, The Hearldy of Maryland, The Merryman Family of Baltimore Co.
4. Abstracts of the Baltimore County Land Commission 1727-1762.
5. William K and Anna C. Rutherford. Genealogical History of Our Ancestors. 1977. Generations of Richard Talbot (Volume II).
6. MD Wills book 38, page 162.
7. MD Will book 38, page 108.
8. liber 6 folio 293.
9. St Thomas Parish Register 1732-1850, Complied by Bill and Martha Reamy.
10. Maryland Calendar of Wills.
11. Balto. Co. Wills 3:413.
12. Balto. Co. wills 3:265.
13. Robert Barnes. Baltimore County Families 1659-1759.
14. John H. Pearce. Descendants of Thomas Gorsuch. Author, Butler, MD.
15. History Trails
Baltimore County Historical Society
Agriculture Building, 9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030. Baltimore County Historical Society Quarterly. VOl 22, No 3 Spring 1988 , Monton View Farm by Katharine Simkins.
16. Research by John H. Pearce Jr.
17. Tombstone Inscriptions at St James Protestant Episcopal Church, My Lady's Manor, Monkton MD.
18. Baltimore Co Wills Liber 16, folio 375-378.
19. Ensor Family Bible in possession A. Danton and Myra Ensor of New Windsor MD 1986.
20. BIll and Martha Reamy. St James Parish Register 1787-1815.
22. History Trails
Baltimore County Historical Society
Agriculture Building, 9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030. Baltimore County Historical Society Quarterly. Spring 1988.
23. Jon Harlan Livezey and Helene Maynard David. Harford County, Maryland Marriage Licenses 1777-1863. Family Line
Westminster, MD.
26. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol 11, No. 4, Dec 1995.
28. Baltimore Cemeteries Vol 1. Balto. Co. Historic Society.
29. Research by John H. Pearce Jr.
30. Elise Greenup Jourdan. Early Families of Southern Maryland, Vol 1, Revised. Family Line Publications, Westinster, MD. 1993.
31. Richard Warfield Faber. GEDCOM file imported on 7 Feb 1999.
32. GEDCOM from Richard Warfield Faber Jr.
34. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien. Calvert County Genealogy Newsletter. Sunderland, MD. Vol XII #6, Dec 1997.
35. Ibid. Vol X11 #6, Dec 1997.
36. Descendant Kevin Brooks provided linage back to William Sr. <>
10 Dec 1995.
38. Genealogy and Biographies of Leading Families of Baltimore, 1897.
39. Walter E. Arps Jr.. Departed This Life, Death Notices from the (Baltimore) Sun V.1 1851-1853. Family Line Publications 1985.
40. From Ron Cofiell, via ltr from Ethel (Ensor) Foresman.
41. The Notebook of the Baltimore Co Genealogical Society, Sept 1995, Vol 11 #3. Vol 10, No 1, March 1994, Marriages and Deaths from the Towson Maryland Journal for 1866.

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