Baltimore County

BOND Family Research Notes

Bond Family Notes of Wilson Cary
Found in Maryland Historical Society
Transcribed by Lawrence E. Alley

Abstracts of Maryland Documents by Wilson Cary, Genealogist (Transcribed in 1899)

NOTE: The file locations listed here were changed when the documents were protected in plastic.
The hand writing was at times very small.
The Bond names were always written clearly.
Some letters in other names and the abbreviations were read as best as I could.
Punctuation was occasionally added to make this copy easier to understand.
Underlines and Capitals are as in the original transcription.
All Italics are notes of L. E. Alley.
(?) means illegible writing.
(sp) indicates I greatly question my interpretation of the handwriting.
Three periods "..." were used when the margin of my copy was slightly cut off.

Abbreviations used by Cary: (Those not listed are either obvious or not clear to me.)

&c – and others or, fro –from
acc – according hd– head
ackd– acknowledgedldl- – land
adj, adjg- adjoiningls – lots
afsd – aforesaid mge – marriage
appr- appraisormtge – mortgage
apptd – appointedn., s.,e., w. – north, south, east, west
bdg – bordering, boundingn.s., s.s., e.s., w.s. – north side, etc.
beg – beginning nr– near
betw, bet– betweenpd– paid
Br – branch or brookpln,pl – plantation
c.m. – currentmoneyplr, P – planter
cd – calledPossn– possession
chn – children Remr – remainder, Remg - remaining
Contg – containing rt – right
convd– conveyed sd– said
Crk – Creek stg –sterling
dw – dwellingsuv, surv– surveyed
Exr – Executor Tobo – Tobacco, used as currency
Exx– Executrix tr – track
grtd,g, gt – grantedux – wife (uxor), spouse
for – preceding Acreage looks like fnye,y – the

Initial page not numbered (Right margin slightly cut off.)

1671 4/26
Evan Gwin of Md & John Gwin of Virg for 2000 toba sell to Charles Gorsuch of Balt Co. “Spring ...” at.of ld.grtd to Paul Kinsey in Patapsco R. n.s. of s.w. br. of sd River. I ... Warrant same from us thnr and also from Thomas Williams of ... or any under him – wits Jno Benning – Hugh Montgomery
1671 4/26 Power of Atty from John Gwin of Va to his bro. Evan Gwin of AA. Co. Md – Wits Jno. Parsons – Robt Bergen
1671 4/27 Evan & John Gwin assign their whole or cl... of land granted to Paul Kensey & assigned over to William Gwin (signed and sealed) Evan Gwin, John Gwin
1711 5/2
T.R-A 142
Thomas X Gwin of B. Co. planter to Charles Crocus in exchange for at. of ld cd “Cromwell’s Island” n.s. Patapsco R Betw the 2 lesser falls (vzr(sp) Jones & Gwin’s) 60 A. s.s. Patapsco ...s. Deep Creek xx Wells Creek xx being all that part wh. lieth between Deep Creek & Wells Creek xx cut.p.ort. of ld cd on “Brandon” laid out for:... on Brandon Bay – Said Thomas Gwin being now the true sole lawful owner of aforsd land – wits Peter Bond - Hugh X Jones Sr.

Thomas Crocus ux Frances e.d. to Thomas Gwin envays “Cromwells Id” 153 A
1712 6/5
T.R-A 190
Thomas Gwin planter B.Co to Peter Bond p... for 3000 tobo “Cromwells Island” 153 A betw. Gwin’s & Jones’ Falls. wits John Clark – John Stokes

BOND Wills
Year Name Folio Vol   Year Name Folio Vol
1705Peter651 1710John29 I
1718Peter1321 1733Thomas283II
1720John1691 1748John431I
1743Anne3511 1774George269III
1748Peter4501 1784John16IV
1756Thomas912 1794George236V
1763Peter3582 1799Joshua239VI
1763Richard3602 1812William285IX
1768Joshua77V3 1845David397XX
1769William99 3
1787Elizabh200 4
1796Samuel366 5
1809James of Wm395 8
1810Elizabh16 9
1814Martha441 9
1819John W.11 11
1838Eleanor36 17


1771 10/20 - Lib VII. 128

William Bond. Susanna Bond & Christr Randall Admn c.t.a. Pd Thomas Jones Exr of Nichs Rogers on a judgt. agt them admrs of decd, who was son & heir of Thomas Bond a debt due on a bond from sd Thomas to do afsd Nicholas R. £44.18.3. These acctts also produced bond from Sarah Cookson to them as Admn of decd with Geo Risteau & Geo. Ashman his sureties in the sum of £166.13.40 c.m. dated 1772 3/27. & payable on the death of Phebe Bond widow of Thomas Bond with which they will charge themselves as per recd.

1799 ¼ - XVII 50

John Bond Inv. £662.19.7 appd by Edwd Coshey & Thos. Harvey. Relatives: Mary X Tipton. Creditors: Thos. Days, Kelly & Joshua X Tipton. 1791 6/1 John Bond Exr proves. Deptt: – Bond of Joshua Coshey £50. Balance of note Charles Gorsuch of John £3.10. Note of Thos. Gist £2.10. Book Acct Aquilla Tipton 9/4. Ewd Hall 5/-. John Bond of Jno 19/10. Total £62.1.8.

1767 2/24

William Bond Inv. – Susanna (ux) Admx – John Bond & Benjamin Bond next of kin. Christr Randal Jr. & Susanna Hammond (formerly Bond) Admr c.t.a. of Wm Bond of Thomas. Susanna’s 3ds awarded Edmund Ford intermd with Cathne Bond. The dau & heir of Wm Bond.

1786 4/8

Elizabh Bond [1787 1/28-2/5] Debts pd remr to be eq.div. betw. my 2 ch. now living – vzr(sp) Cassandra Bond & James Bond – wits Abm Stansbury – Thos Bond of Barnet

John Bond [1792 12/15 – 12/29] To son John “Bond’s Industry” 450 A he to pay to my 4 gr. Ch. JohnPeterWilliam & Keturah Bond £25 each 4 yrs after my decease – to the chn of my dau. Eleanor Gorsuch decd (1763 9/1 md Chas.Gorsuch son of John) a woman & her chn Daus, Mary Tipton, Ruth Gist, Racheal Harryman - my land in the Barrens to be sold and divided betwn Mary TiptonSarah StallRuth GistRacheal Harryman - & chn of my dau Eleanor Gorsuch son John Bond Esqr.

B. 1736 9/26, m. 1766 2/9 Charity Clark

Samuel Bond of Peter [1795 2/26 – 96 4/5] children vyr PeterSophiaMary John PittsRichd Clark, Edward, BenjaminHenryCharitySarah – Wife Charity undr of persl est & all real est. to keep during life to raise our children and at her death or mge all her personalty to be div. betw. my sons Samuel & William – To William “Bond’s Folly” 12A total 120A. reudt to Henry. Rest of land to son Samuel, reudt to Peter. Son

Samuel Exr wit Thos Gist of Wm

Edward Bond [1797 1/14 – 3/23] To eldt son Charles my dw. pln 120A son George 120A. “Cabin Field”. Edward 120A “School house Field”. Son Charles, guardian to other childn, also Executor. – Dau. Eleanor Bond – 3 gr chn of dau Mary

Rent Roll – AA Co – (?). Richd Bond – (1750?) Poss on maidstone 350A

“for Benj Chews orp.” (orphan)

Peter Bond – County Levey Anne Arundel 1669 4-5 Maryland Archives – Vol II.p.228. – Vol VII.p.96 Stephen Bond – Co Levy Somerset Co. Vol.7.p 100

Peter Bond [1705. – 1705 4/29] wife Ealse [Alice] – Dwn plantn to son Peter. To sons Thomas – William & John 300 acres on Bush River. All 3 minors –

Peter Bond Burgess from Baltimore Co 1716 AA Co Rent Roll Benjamin Bond – 123A. “Favour Resurvey” 1682 6/27 for him – n.s. South R. at mouth of Batley Crk. – Possn Hen. Carter by his mge with ye widow of Jeffryae (sp)

Peter Bond [1718 2/28 – 6/16] chn. Richard, dw. pln & ½ its land. William the other ½. Son Thomas plantn on Garrison Ridge. Son Peter ½ “Bonds Pleasant Hills” – Son John the other ½. Son Benjamin 300A bequeathed me [1717 9/32] by Stephen Gill Jr. (nephew) (his mother Jane Gill)

John Bond [1720 6/7 pd] Dw. pln “Chance” 43A & 50A &c adjg to son John – to son Benjamin minor 150 A. in the “Forest” pt of 300A called Abells Lott”. Dau Ann Bond 100A. pt of “Harris” (whole tr 300 – my pt 100) in the Forest – wife Mary Exx.

Ann Bond[1743 10/4 – 2/4] to bro. William Bond (110/30) – niece Johanna Oakeson – nephew Wm Drew Andrew – Bro-in-law Wm Andrew ux Mary – sister Elizh Rigdon – Bro. Peter Bond

Peter Bond [1748 12/18 – 1/14] to bro. William Bond a negro; rest of Realt persl est to bro-in-law William Andrew

Thomas Bond [1755 12/18 – 56 1/10] To son Thomas & wife for lives & then to their son Thomas Junr to their son Daniel. dw.pln 143A “Knaves Misfortunelin/pt “Harris” Trust” 100A.; my pt “Abells Lot” 150A; my pt “Gibson’s Ridge” 180A – my pt “Preston’s Luck” 23A. total 593A. To Gr. Son Peter son of Peter the plantn where his father dwelt with 450A out of “Bond’s Forest”. 250A. of Morgans Lot” – Gr dau. Sarah Hughs 1$. Gr dau. Ann Bond (dau. Peter) 150A of “Bond’s Forest” – Son William land already given him. ditto to son John. ditto to son Joshua – Son Jacob ditto & 200A of Osborns Lot. (Sarah Bond & Wm Fell married 1733 1/8) Gr. son Edwd Fell my lot in Balto & £50 at 21. Gr. dau Ann Day 1$. Gr. daus Jennet Few & Cathne Fell. To 2 chn of dau Sarah by Greenberry Dorsey, Thos Bond Dorsey & Sarah Dorsey 1$ each. 5 sons. Thomas – William – John – Joshua & Joeal Exrs

Peter Bond [1762 12/26 – 3 4/11] wife Susanna (executrix) (m. 1766 2/6 John Pitts) her 3d son Samuel (1736 7/26) all my land in The Barrens where he is now settled. Sons Peter (1744 4/18) & Amon (1746 7/14) my dw. pl’n – remr to son Edward (1748 7/12) – Bro. Richard. Resid leg. Chn Sophia, Kerenhappuk (1742/3 2/6), Edward 1748 7/12), Benjamin (1750 9/22), Henry, Elizh, Christopher (1757 11/2), Joshua (1759 11/2) & Johanna (Susanna?) – Wit – Nicodemus Bond

[Peter Bond died 1762 12/26 St Thomas Parish Register.]

[Peter Bond & Susanna Butler married 1735 8/1 St Pauls (should be St. Thomas)]

page 4

Richard Bond died 1763 2/9 St Thomas Parish Regist. b 1745 9/9 son of Richard &Mary

Richard Bond [1763 1/12 – 4/11] sons Richard 50A (1745 7/25). John 8..(torn corner)

(1749...)(1749 10/9 torn corner)

on Middle Ridge; Shadrach on Roundabout”; Nicodemus ...(torn corner)

of land . Daus Ruth Gott (1735 12/5) - Jemima Ensor (1741 4/23),

Mary Bond (1736 12/25), Ann (173...(1739 1/3 torn corner)

ux Patrick Constanty. To Philip & John Pindell (sons of John & Eleanor) Dau Elizabeth Cole (1747 8/30). Certain overphis(sp) to my 6 daughters vzr(?) Mary Bond – Jemima Ensor – Phebe Bond – Sarah Bond - Helen Bond (1758 1/13) - Margaret Bond – son Nicodemus & Richard Gott. Wits Joshua Bond. Died Eleanor Pindell in 26th year da. Richd & Mary Bond d. 1756 6/17 [Mary Bond nee Jones m. 1731 8/5 ux Richard d. 1761 12/30 in 46th year b. 1732 2/15 St Thomas Psh Register]

Joshua Bond [1767 12/28 – 68 7/8] son William pt of “Poplar Neck” a resurvey adj. – to have equal share of same with son Buckler 250A each. Son Thomas my pt of “Morgans Lot” on Little forks of Gunpowder 100A & adj. (Rangers Range) – “Bonds Gift” 100A. Son James pt g “Poplar Neck” where I dwell, with “Joshuas Meadows” a Resurvey adjg 250A (Bro Jacob Bond’s Pt of “Poplar Neck” acc. To our decd father’s will) – Wife Ann Exx – 5 daus Sarah, Ann, Mary, Elizabh & Amelia Bond – Son Wm co-exr Wits: Thomas & Peter Bond

[Capt.] William Bond [1767 8/6 – 69 4/8] son Luke (1733 4/-) the land he now lives on given by D. of G. Priscilla Worthington (Martin Vachel Worthington & Priscilla Bond 1757 11/15 St Thomas) – exrs to sell “Bushy Neck” Dau. Ruth Nicholson d.s.p. Cassandra Bond her 100A bdg on Nathan Nicholson Son James Bond my dw. pln Exr my brother Jacob Bond & wife Elizabeth Bond –witsThos Bond Jr, Jac.Bond affirms

Peter Bond of St Thomas Psh [1769 11/6-12/6] all land beqd to me by my late father Peter Bond to my brother Benjamin Bond, remr to my brothers Samuel B, Christopher B & Joshua B – Father in law John Pitts Exr

Sarah Bond [1770 4/9 – 5/14] – Bro. Henry Taman Mary Taman my sister Elizabeth Davis wife of Wm D – Step-dau. Alice Johnson. Ann FryerElizh RigdonElizh LeachSalome Durhaul, Elizh Baker wife of Theophilus – John Durham Plasterer – George Bradford Exr. Wit Wm Bradford tc

Luke Stansbury Bond [1772 4/19 – 3 1/2 ] (1733 4/- son of William & Elizh) Est. to be div. betw 4 children TobiasJohnElizabethWilliam – John Bond of John Exr

Charles Bond [1784 10/25 – 10/6?] all to wife Sarah & 4 children – Elizh Bond “eldest Dau” – Edward Bond “eldest son” – Barzillai Bond “youngest son” –

page 4a

Harford County – May 8, 1899 (appears to be date of original transcription) (Handwriting on pages 4a,4b, & 4c was more difficult to read.)

AJ.No 2.14. 1779 7/24 – 80 7/11

Daniel Bond – of Harford – Farmer Pcrs. Es. To be div. Bet 5 chnElizh BondThos Scott BondAlsannah BondJoshua BondZaccheus Onion Bond – wife Patrica. Son Thos Scott Bond Exur – to 3 Sons all his land “Isles of Caprae” to be eq div.

Do. 21. – 1790 5/18 – 91 12/23

John Bond of HarfordCo lud to be div his 3 sons SamuelJohn - & William 5$ ea. & no more of his R&P. est. To gr. son John Bond (s. Thomas) that pl. of “Bonds Forest” where I now dwell adj. Jacob Rush & Wm Tnuch? – Wm Baxler, Spring branch Falls – including Enoch William land & Benj Lancaster ld – ½ & cd? “Forunlain? Copper Mines”, ½ of the pl of resurv. next adj. that I now hold wh. is the 1/3 pl thereof of & the other pls that has fallen to the company by any means so ever (being a copper mine in Feda Co. – also ½ of my lots w.s. Thames St Fells Pt – wh. prop. is to be left in the hands of my son Thomas for bringing up & ed. of my grand son John Bond (s. of Thos) till 21 & then to be put in full pos. To gr. Son Thomas Bond (s.Thomas) – ½ of sd Forulain? Copper Mines & ½ Thames St Lots & so on as above – to gr. Son William Bd (s. Samuel) 5A. on Great Road W. the Quaker Meeting house & adj Wm Smith Esq – Dau Alesanna Kell (ux Thomas Kell) the plant where as she now lives being 2 t. of ld cd 2d Thory pt & 2d T. improved & all that pl of Bonds Pleast Hills that lies adj Prospect & Capt Thos Kell’s ld & what I have before given her & no money of my est. whatever – to my dau Hannah Johns ux (Aquilla) 20₤. Dau Susanna Hunt (ux Phineus) ₤50. Gr Dau Alisana Lockwood ₤50. Dau Pameula Moore (ux Wm) of Balt. town my ho. on Fells Pt Cd & known by name of The Coffee House and also 1 lot wh. improvements & house built by Hy Carver E.S. Thames St – Gr. Son John Bond (s. Wm) pt of l. cd “Bonds Forest” where Wm Bond now lives & all the ld that lies betw 2 brs Overshot & old Ives Spring Branch down to the Falls & over to the Bond’s Forest line – To Gr son EdwD Fell Bond (s. Wm) the pl of (cont. 2nd Page 4a) Bonds Forest where the Strandfords now live – ho & orchard estb at 100A – also t. where Amos Jones lives 65A. – Gr son – John Bond Fell (s. Thomas) pl Bonds Pleast Hills where Iona Ady now lives estd 100A. Frnd Isaac Everett l. where he now lives bdg on Olojues Sp’g br. –

Exrs son Thomas Bond (surv. exr at probate) & s.-1. c Capt Thos Kell – Bro Jno Bond. wits George Rush. Enoch Williams (Quaker). Benj Rush Jr. (Quaker)

Do. 38. 1782 9/8 – 83 2/1

Elizabeth Bond of Harford Co To Sister Sarah Morris 1 girl – Sister Ann Bond 1 negro Sister Amelia Bond Bro James Bond – Bro Buckler Bond Wits Wm Bond son Josa – Ann Wright

Do 40. 1780 10/2 – 11/30

Jacob Bond of Harford C. – to Son Jacob for some reasons perhaps that may as will be kept to my self 1$ stg & no more of my estate either R. or P. – Dau. Sarah Preston £50 – Gr son Walter Preston colt. Dau. Martha colt & £10. Dau Charlotte colt & £50. – Son Dennis all my pl of “Poplar Neck” deeded to me by my father for ½ of sd tract – & all my pl of “Joshua’s Meadow Enlarged” left me by bro. Joshua for 20A. – & my pl of “Clarkson Purchase” I bot of John Green for 16A. & my rt to a caution in the land office for vacant ld adj “Joshua’s Meadow Enlarged” – he is to let his bro Ralph have ½ the nursery of apple & peach trees. – to Ralph & his single sister Ann Eql sh of the fruit of his orchards for 3yr – but if sister marry, no share thereafter – use of still and rooms(sp) to sons Dennis & Ralph & my single daus for 3yrs & then sons D & R – To Dennis all my books, carpenter & cooper tools – land compass – chain protractor, Seals, Dividy(sp) as will make £100 – also to Dennis pt of a caution of Vact ld adj “Bonds Forest” i.e. ½ of sd caution, also my rt to ½ caution adj “Clarkson’s Purchase” – To son Ralph Bond – my pl of “Osborns Lot” that my father left me by will for 200A. – Also my pl of “Harris Trust” for 100A. & my pl of “Abels Lot” for 150A. wh. 2 ls I bo’t of Thos Bond son of Barnet – Also a bond from Graham Stewart to convey 18 A pl of “Lords Gift”.

Also a bond from Isaac Webster for 12½A – Caution to tr adj “Harris Trust”.

Also a bond from David Scott – 10A “Scotts Modesty” & for caut’n “Bonds Forest”, “Clarkson Purchase”, “Bonds Pleasant Hills”, Jac. (Iac?) Bond “Bonds Pleasant Hills”

Ralph & Dennis Exrs

Wits – Jnon Bond – Wm Bond Son of Joshua – Jas Bond son of Joshua – Ann Bond

Lands left by his father to him jointly with his 4 brothers

4 daus – Ann, Priscilla, Martha & Charlotte resid lees(sp or Cees)

page 4b

A. J No 2. p44. 1782 – (2/- or 3/-)

Nathan Bond of Harford (Sick) to bro Samuel Bond boots & hat – Bro Thomas Bond 14 Vols Hist Eng To Thomas Kell Inrt horse Rud. Capt Thomas Kell resid leg & Exr Thomas Bond son of Jno – 1782 10/15 relinquishes the legacy left by bro Nathan & testifies to the fact of writing this will in Feb. or Mch last past at Wm Moores in Balti,

Do 53. 1787 10/25 – 88 9/9

Thomas Bond of Harford. Dau Ann Clements 20$ and what she has already had. Her grand dau Elizabeth Howard 20$ if demanded in 12 mo. Her grand dau Sarah Howard 5$. Son Thomas Bond land in Balt Co.& the plant he now lives on. it by the s. pl of & t. cd “Isles of Caprere” beg. at a stone set up at div. of Crochets Heirs. – Wh it intersects the Lady Baltimore Manor wh. line is to be the div. line bet. sd son Thomas & the ln of my son Daniel To my 3 gr sons (son of Daniel) vry Thos Scott BondJoshua BondZacheus Onion Bond all the remr of Isle of Capere – their Mother to have pose. for life as wid. Daus Hannah McComa 3$ Martha South 5$ Gr Dau Sally Charity Bond cow & calf and bond of ƒ80. from Buckler Bond 12/31 1785

Wife Elizabeth Exrx resid Ceg(sp)

Wits James McComas, Jos Burges, Wm Wilson.

73. 1787 11/29 – 88 10/21

William Bond (s. Joshua) of Harford Co. To sister Sarah Morris ₤7.10. – Sister Pamelia Bond ₤100 – Niece Sally Charity Bond dau of my bro Buckler Bond ₤10. To Susanna Morris ₤7.10. nephew Wm Bond Morris ₤100 at 21 – To Saml Day ₤10. – To bro. James Bond Exr resid leg. – he to make over by deed to my bro Buckler Bond his ln & adj pl of 2 ls cd Morgans Lot & Rangers Range whon Richd Morris family lived contg 200A “WmBond” (signature & seal)

Wts John Lynch, Isaac X Gugtn(sp or Grigtn), Dennis Bond

74. 1783 1/18 – 84 6/1.

Ann Bond of Harford Co to sister Sarah Morris sister Asucha Bond & nephew Wm Bond Morris at 21 resid lys- Bro WmBond Bros Buckler & James Bond. Wits Buckler Bond, Ann Abbilt, Sarrah Maulsby

74. 1783 1/18 – 84 6/1.

Ann Bond of Harford Co To sister Sarah Morris sister Asucha Bond & nephew Wm Bond Morris at 21 resid legs- Bro WmBond Bros Buckler & James Bond. Wits Buckler Bond, Ann Abbitt, Sarah Maulsby

page 4c

1800 8/18 – 10/1

Thomas Bond (son of Thomas) of Harford Co. Son Fell Bond – all dwl pl of my trs devd to me by my grd father Thomas Bond e.s. gt rd from Belleair to Abingdon. To son Edward Bond all that l- lying Balti Co cd Stones Adventure Resurved he to pay in 6 yrs after my death to his 6 sisters – Elizh Gibson – Peggy Hambleton ux John – Hannah Allen – Sally Bond – Achsa Bond & Patty Bond $300 total $1800. wh. I have lent him with int. Son Thomas Bond all that pl of dw pln w.s. gt rd to Abingdon. He to pay his bro Fell Bond ₤100. – 3 daus Sally, Achsah & Patty Bond. ₤200 ea to be pd int of est. (?) distribute if resid. is ampl 6 daus – Exr to sell 4 lots of gd at Fells Pt & all that pl of my l- cd Isles of Capere (in Harford & Balti Co) – & that pl I hold of Carlen Delight, If any of ch shld claim right as demed from their decd mother l- cd Stones Adventure Resurvyd Balti Co & refuse to deed at 21. when called or … their pl.

X Edwd Bond – Eludeburn(sp) from begurts(sp)

Senr Fell & Edwrd Exrs “Thos Bond”

1795 12/24 – 1801 2/4

Ralph Bond – dau Elizh M Bond all my land left me by my father – wits Dennis Bond, Beman Preslin, Sarah Preslin

1809 1/4 – 3/7

Dennis Bond wife Mary Ex all est. R & P. for widowhood till son Elijah J. 21; son Nicholus M. Bond ld I holds w. of rd from Thos Bond to Bules Mill; & all ld s.s., Winters Run – consisting of “Poplar Neck”, “Joshuas Medws(Meadows) &c “Clarkson’s Purchase” Son Elijah J Bond – Daus Harriet, Jane, Fanny, Elizh, 150A

Wits Jno Bond Jacob Bond, Jas Bond Preston, Jno W. Bond

1800 11/3 – 7/1

James Bond of Joshua to bro Buckler Bond, to Sophia, Nancy, Acuslia, daus of Susan Moore

bror. Buckler & bro in law Wm Wilson Exrs

wits Jno Bond – J. B. Bond – Saml Bond

Bonds of St. John’s Parish, Baltimore County

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
1709-9-23 William ch. William & Mary
1712-11-10John Thomas & Ann
1713-3-13 Sarah William & Mary
1717-10-11Robert John & Mary
1718-10-8 Joshua Thomas & Ann 1720-3-30
1719-2-6 Elizabeth William & Mary 1720-4- 6
1719-12-9 Sarah Peter & Esther
1720-5-29 Ann Thomas & Ann 1720-8-20
1720/1-2-16 Elizabeth William & Mary
Johnhusband of Mrs Mary Buried...1720-4-17
MarriedMrs Mary, widow & John Wisley 1721-10-20
John ch. William & Mary1723-9-11
Married Alice& Thomas Johnson 1724-10-17
1726-11-25Thomasissue of Thomas and Alice Johnson
1729-9-9 William issue ofThomas and Alice Johnson
Married Thomas & Elizabeth Scott 1725-4-13
1726-4-13 Anne ch.Thomas & Elizabeth
1727-11- 2Elizabeth " "
1729-6-18Anne " Peter & Ester
Married Sarah & Robert Love 1729-6-9
Married Mary &William Andrews 1732-2-12
Married John & Isabel Roberts 1733-2-21
MrsMary wife of William 1732-10-17
1735-12-27Elizabeth ch. John & Isabella
Married Anne &James Carroll 1736-11-24
1738/5/12 Elizabeth Issue of Anne Bond and James Carroll
1741/5/6 James Issue of Anne Bond and James Carroll
1741/5/6 Peter Issue of Anne Bond and James Carroll
1745/4/2 Mary Issue of Anne Bond and James Carroll
1747/7/20 Eleanor Issue of Anne Bond and James Carroll
Married Benjamin &Clemency Taylor1737- 5-28
1737-7-24 Mary ch. Benjamin & Clemency
1739-10-14John " "
1742-9-15 Benjamin " "
1745-5-12 Clemency " "
1748-6-13 Sarah " "

[page 6]

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
1738-6-10Peter ch. Peter & Esther
MarriedElizabeth & Jno Griffith Howard 1746-12-7
1745-11-29Marych. William Junr & Ann
1748-5-6 Anne “ “
1749-2-12William “ “
1752-6-23Sarah “ “
MarriedRuth & Nathan Nicholson 1749-3-16
Married Clemency & James Preston 1749-3-30
Penelope &John House 1750-7-22
1754-3-12 Drew dau. William & Anne
MarriedElizabeth &John Brown 1753-10-17
" Anne& John Deaver 1756-5-11
" Mary& James Preston Jr. 1756- 5-11
" Hannah & Aquilla Johns 1757-1-27
" Priscilla & Vachel Worthington 1757-11-17
" Hannah & Zaccheus Onion 1757-12-2
" Anne & Edward Fell1758-11- 2
" Daniel& Patience Bosley 1759-11-1
" Uriah & Anne Moon 1742-12-26
" & Penelope Coleman 1748-4-23
" Sarah &Benjamin Howard 1755-10-7
" Luke& Frances Webster 1762-1-18
" Joseph &Anne Watters 1764-11-13
" Thomas 3d&Catherine Fell 1765-2-3
" Mary&Henry Jackson 1766-4-3
" Sarah &Thos Smithson Jr.1767-1-22
" Thomas of Barnet &Sarah Bond1768-2-..
" Edward & Ruth Sampson 1769-3-23
" Cassandra &James Scott 1770-4-15
" Charity &Buckley Bond 1770-4-17
" Thomas & Ruth Morrow 1771-11-4
" William & Sarah Wrongs 1771-11-16
" Thomas &Rebecca Stansbury 1771-12-19
" Peter &Elizabeth Scott 1772-2-25
" Peggy&John Hambleton 1793-6-7
" Sally Charity &Moses Maxwell 1793-12-10 Harford
" Hannah &Wm Allen1798-4-2
" Thos. William&Sarah York Scott 1806-1-30
" Edward Fell&Sarah Franklin Smith 1807-12-24
" Barney &Ann Maria Gallop 1820- 8-22

[page 7]

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
1778-3-17 Harriet ch.Dennis & Mary
1789-10-25 Jane " "
1793-3-10 Johnof Joppa age 27Buried 1793-3-10
1795-8-25 Lainbert Wilmer ch.James & Martha
1802-1-1 Bapt.Miss Mary " Jacob Buried 1805-1-5
1807-6-15Ellen ElizH " Thos Wm & Sarah York
1810-11-17 Emily Achsah " Thos Wm & Sarah York
Thomas of Middle River Neck aged abt 56Buried 1794-3-30
ThomasBuried 1800-9-5

Bonds of St Georges Parish, Baltimore County

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
Married Anne Bond & Leonard Wheeler 1741-2-16
b.1722 9/18 s. s. Benj. & Elizh
Married Elizabh Bond & John Cowen 1743-4-22
1736-8-27 Jane ch. John & Elianor
1737-9-1 Susanna " Chas(?) & Elianor
1739-11-21 Charles " "

Bonds of St Thomas Parish, Baltimore County

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
MarriedRichard Bond &Mary Jones1731-8-5
Born 1732-2-15Elinorch.Richard & Mary
1734-12-5 Ruth " " "
1736-12-25 Mary " " "
1739-4-3 Anne " " "
1741-4-23Jemima " " "
1743-7-25 Nichodemus " " "
1745-9-9 Richard " " "
1746-10-9 John " " "
1747-8-20 Elizabeth " " "
1758-1-13Helen " " "

[page 8]

Bonds of St Thomas Parish, Baltimore County, continued

Birth Given Name Parents or Spouse Marriage Deaths
MarrriedPeter Bond&Susanna Butler1735-8-1
Born 1736-9-26Samuelch.Peter & Susanna
1748-7-12Edward"" "
1742/3-2-26Kerenhappach"" "
1757-11-2Christopher"" "
1759-10-25Joshua"" "
1750-9-22Benjamin"" "
1762-8-1Susanna"" "
MarriedSarah Bond&William Fell1733-1-8
MarriedThomas Bond&Phebe Thomas1736-5-9
Born 1738/9-1-29Sarahdau.Thomas & Phebe
1741-11-30Williamch." "
1744- 9-27Thomas"" "
1742-9-10Urath"Benjamin & Sophia
1740-12-3Joshua"John & Keturah
1744-2-25Ruth"" "
1735-7-3Priscilla"Wm& Elizabeth
1733-4- -Luke Stansbury""
MarriedJacob Bond&Frances Partridge1747-12-28
"Urath Bond&Joseph Osborne1761-1-25
"Eleanor Bond&Charles Gorsuch of John1763-9-1
"Nicodemus Bond&Rachel Stevenson1765-1-1
"Susanna Bond (widow)&John Pitts1766-2-6
"SamlBond of Peter&Charity Clark1766- 2- 9

Quaker Records

Date Name Comment Commment
1772/2/17Thomas Bondmarried out of churchDismissed
1772/2/17William Bond""
1786/11/24John Bondmarried and disowned
1796/3/26William Bond of Samuel"
1802/5/27John Bond of Wm(Harford)married to Mary Richardson
1803/7/25Jane Bondmarried to Samuel Bradford (Harford m’ges)by Rev Benj Richardson

[page 9]


Lib I .332. 1718 5/17

Peter Bond £277.2.9 – Feb 10, 1719 John Bond of kin signs “I am pleased with their appraisemt.” Apprs Wm Hamilton – Edwd Teall

This inventory is recorded for fear of asauting so good an acct of the particulars as this contains – being come so long unreturned – but is not approved for want of being signed by relations (who, as Hill Savage, who mar. the widow & exx of the decd – confesses, refused to signify their approbation thereof) Therefore ordered - the relations, & Elinor his wife, & of William Bond & John Bond, the kindred of the decd – to the Exectrix such objections as their may be made & heard, in the presence of those concerned. 1st March to the time agc … are to be returned

4. 303-6. 1720 8/8.

John Bond £203.7.1 Mary Bond Exx 1721 4/11 Charles Baker – John Crochell Appraisers – Approved by his brothers Thomas Bond, William Bond

5. 343. 1739 4/3

Peter Bond £201.12.6.

Relations: Hester Bond admx, John Bond – Thos Bond Jr. Appraisors: Tho. Richardson – Jacob Bull. Creditors: John Roberts & Mordecai Hammond

5. 349-355. 1739 12/2

William Bond £710.17.1 William Bond Admr

Nearest of kin is Thos. Bond Jr – Sarah Love – Thomas Jackson

Creditor John W. Bellicepley Addl 1741 6/6. £103.3.11

3. 8-11. 1739 6/8

John Bond £225.18.4 Geo Presbury & Isabella ux Admr 1740 6/6

Apprs Wm Bradford – Wm Dallam – Nearest kin Benjamin Bond, Thos Richardson

5. 226-30. 1749 5/6 7/11

Benjamin Bond £567.19.14 James Preston Admr

Apprs Ezek. Erickson – Nathl Richardson nearest kin Thos. Bond – Ann Carroll


[Vol # is cut off of copy in first 5 items]

(?) 309. 1729 9/14

Peter Bond – Hill Savage & Elinor ux Exrs – Allowancey & Funl Chgs – Tobo due from decd to Capt John Bond & Pd by Elinor 1426 lbs – 500 lbs to Nicholas Rogers – 574 to Luke Stansbury – Pd Chansellors Fees on sale of decd patent for 200A land called "Pleasant Hills”

(?) 160. 1690 3/17

Wm Westbury – appd by John Hall & James Maxwell

IV (?)138. 1718 9/12 Philip Washington £87.17

V (?). 30. 1739

Peter Bond. Admx Hester wid. intemd with Caleb Hughes (Quaker)

£234.18.4. Cash due from decd to John Bond of Thomas £1.16.9 – to Hugh Love £13/8. To Thomas Bond Senr £3.

V (?).64 1740 9/16

John Bond of Gunpowder Neck – Geo. Resbury Isabella Admr

£126.18.4 – Debt £9.4. Debt to Benjamin Bond & Thomas Bond Senr

V (?).271. 1742 8/23

William Bond son of Thomas. Admr of William Bond Senr

(£693.16, 103.2.11, & c…) £797.0.4 – Funl Chgs £4.4.11 Acct of Thomas Bond £5.3.6


2d to Hannah Windowe. Sarah Delany ux Thomas – Walter Billingsley – Isaac Webster – Richd Ruffin – Wm Dallaus – Jas Allen – Comfort Dorsey – Elizh Day – Exx Nichs – This accounts own accl agt ye decd est. for sundries expended on sd decds family – Money pd to Humphrey Wells (?)tokes for drawing deeds to orphans of ye decd. money pd to widow of ye decd in pt for her.

3d £198.13.7 ½ - To Thomas Johnson is.i.l. for his wife’s (Alice) portion £40.18.7 – To Sarah Love dau to decd for her portion in part £42.19.4. To Ann Bond £45.12. for her portion,

4th John Rigdon for his wife’s portion £55.8.9 being one of the daus of ye decd.

William Andrews " " " £55.12.11 " " " " " " " "

[page 10 Inventories]

Lib 8.337. 1764 10/17

Benjamin Bond £41.1.6 James Preston Admr. Clemency Tribble, Sarah Bond nearest kin. Jas. Moore, Walter Billingsley Appraisers – Jno Pace, Thos Fisher Creditors

Lib 9.498-504 1763 3/

Thomas Bond of Patapsco Fresh £149.14. Phebe Bond Admr

Benjamin & John Bond Relatives – Geo. Risteau & Jno Simkins Apprs

Nicholas Ridgely Creditor

9.549-53 1763 5/17

Richard Bond £300.8.6 Nicodemus Bond, Richard Gott Exrs

Thomas Gist & Steven Gill appraisors – nearest kin Benjamin & John Bond

Creditors Andrew Buchanan & Thomas Cindaek(sp)

10.85-186 1763 12/22

Peter Bond £330.5 – Susanna Bond Exx

Geo. Risteau & John Ford Apprs Nearest of kin – John Bond Benjamin Bond

Andrew Buckanan & J. Jones Creditors – 1765 10/8 Exx files list of sperale & desperate debts (page & half) – among debtors. Peter Bond Jr – John Gist – Thos. Gist Jr – Stephen Gill – John Gill Jr – Nicholas Haile – Susa Bond – Richd Cole – Henry Cole – Joseph Cole – Benjamin Bond – Thomas Bond (desperate) total £27

10.219 1767 2/24

William Bond of Thomas - £65.17.6

Susanna Bond – Christopher Randall Exrs N. Ridgely Creditor

George Risteau – Benj. Wells Apprs nearest of kin John & Benjamin Bond

10.254 1767 3/16

Charles Bond £347.4.2 Elinor Bond Admr. John Hughes – Jas. Sutton Apprs Chas. & Edwd Bond nearest of kin. Leases – Topstan Lot 68A, Bonds Frolic 67A, Bond’s Folly 116A & 148A under caution

8.304 1768 9/28

Joshua Bond £888.9.9 Anne Bond & William Bond Exrs

apprs James Lee – Edwd Morgan (15 negroes ½ Schoolmaster 3 mo. to same)

Kin Jacob Bond (bro) – Thomas Bond

10.316 1769 6/16

Capt. William Bond (signature W Bond) £457.10.5 Elizh Bond Exx

apprs Walter Tolley & John Skinner (9 negroes, 4 sil. spoons, 6 teaspoons & c) Thomas & Jacob Bond Kin Silverware £3.14.8. Creditors J. Beale Howard - Saml Durham Jr

11.240 1775

Joshua Bond £323 Ann Bond Admr George Risteau Cred.

Nearest of Kin Shadrick Bond – John Bond – John Bond Jr

12.136 1773 2/15

Luke Stansbury Bond £240.13.6 Elizh & Cassandra Bond – Kin

Geo. G. Presbury – Moses Galloway Apprs Hy James, J. Beale Howard Creds

silver teaspoons, 7 negroes, Bx(sp) tea tongs Thomas Bond Exr probate 1778 8/14

14.66 1786 1/5

William Bond £20.3.6 Ann Bond Admr. Appraisers Jas. Buck – Jos Cromwell apprs pd creditor. Barnet Bond – Ann Barton relatives

15.55 1787 5/9

Mrs Elizh Bond £262.19.9 (4½ pages) 3 negroes, James Bond Adj Exr

apprs Moses Galloway – John Buck Edward Day & Tobias Bond, nearest kin

16.11 1789 4/25

Joshua Bond £64.4.6 Saml Bond of Peter - Admr

Mordecai Hammond – Sp…Wiest Apprs Benjamin Bond of Peter – Amon Butler

Thos. Cromwell – Andrus(sp) Buckanan Creditor John Bond Jr debtor

17.521 1795

Thomas Bond £276.6.0 Barnet Bond x – James Bond x Kin

[Administrations - left edge cut off of copy]

VI 164 1765 10/8

Peter Bond £330.8.0½ Total £413.0.10 Susanna Bond Exx Representatives are Sopia – Aaron Hablar (Kerenhappuk & Edward) see will – Benjamin – Henry – Elizabh – Christr – Joshua – Susanna – children of the deceased

(?).230 1770 5/10

Charles Bond – Elinor Bond Admr £347.4.2 Paid to Edwd, Charles & Abraham in pr of their Jilial(sp) partion ea. £27.13. Decd left 7 chn 4 of them paid partly. Elizabeth & Thos Bond Security

(?).312 1758 4/18

Thomas Bond in Patapsco Fresh £invr £149.19.0 Debts £279.11.10

(?).200 1766 9/1

Peter Bond Decd left 8 chn Jno Pitts Susanna ux Exx

Saml Bond of Peter, Joseph Osburn Security

(?).98 1771 9/30

Capt. Wm Bond Elizh Bond Exx – 108½A sold in purs.of l.w.&t. £591.10.3

(?).128 1771 10/20

William Bond – Susanna Bond & Christr Randall Admn c.t.a. – son of Thomas & Phebe

Deeds Etc.

Page 11
Lib references are from Maryland Historical Society – M.HS.]

1691 12/11 – Lib.R.351 – 1692 6/4 – 1692 11/1

Peter Bond of AACo plr fro. Rebecca Lightfoot wid. of Balto Co 140A Prosperity. w.s. Bush R., Collet’s Neck for 2200 Tob.

Peter Bond & Alice ux – to Thomas Hedge. Exchange of pl Prosperity 100A for 200A “Harris Lot” Lib.R. 363, 379-80

Peter Bond of AACo Planter from Thomas Hedge Gent. Exchange140A “Prosperity” for 300A “Harris Trust” e.s. Bush R. n.s. Binams Run. Adj. “Abell’s Lot

1708 8/18 – T.R noA 358

Peter Bond gives bond in £100 to Philip Washington to maintain & provide for Alice Washington (separated from sd P.W. her husband) for life & to pay all debts & demands that are now from the estate of Peter Bond Sr late of Baltio Co decd – Witnesses Wm Talbot – Thomas Roberts – Nicholas Rogers

1709 10/20 – do.494 – do.60

Peter Bond & Elinor ux to Jno. Wells 10A “Bonds Increase” w.s. Gwinn’s Falls – wits: Nicholas Rogers - Henry Knowles.

same date to Stephen Bentley 300A “Bonds Forest” ss. Patapsco same wits

1710 5/8 – 77

Peter Bond & Wm Hamilton plrs fro. Thos. Preston Jr. 243A “Prospect” at head of Winter’s Run.

1710 3/8 – 63

William Bond & Mary ux – Jno. Butteram & Elizh ux hrs of Thomas Day & Wm Westbury of Balto Co. decd – to Simon Pearson – all their right to land

1712 4/8 – 186

John Bond of London – mariner from Geo. Hadaway Sr & Sarah ux Talbot Co. – 200A Foxhallon Little Brilain Ridge bdg on James Morris

1712 6/5 – 190

Peter Bond from Thos. Gwin – 153A Cromwells Island n.s. Patapsco

1713 6/3 – 225

William Bond fro. Jno. Brown & ux. 200A of Clarksons Purchase (for Robt Clarkson of AA Co. 1683 10/4 600A) s.s. s.w. br. Bush R.

1715 3/2 –326

William Bond (& Mary ux) to Charles Simmonds 600 tobo 200A “Clarkson’s Purchase”

1715 11/24 – 364

William & John Bond, Gentn from Robt Brown of AA Co. Gentn & ux. 300A “Abels Lott” hd Bush R. for 8000 Tobo

1716 11/4 – 410

Peter Bond & Wm Hamilton to Jno. Horns of AA Co. 243A of “Prospect” s.s. Winters Run, hd Bush R. for £30 stg.

1717 7/1 – 425

John Bond from Thomas Preston 6000 Tobo 43A “The Chance” n.s. Gunpowder R. – wits Richd Lenox – Jno & Mary Roberts

1717 8/6 – 441

Thomas Bond fro. Thos. Preston 20A on Winters Run – pl of tr …ing to his fa. Thos. P. decd adj. Preston’s Luck. Preston’s Chance son’s Park. Knaves misfortune & Isaac Baker &c. D.S – 1718 ¾ 22

Thomas Bond from Thos. & Jas. Preston 500Acres called “Cheapside” on n.e. br. of Gunpowder R.

1718 12/9 – 125

Thomas Bond (& Anne ux) to Thomas Preston. “Antioch” 214 A

witnesses John Taylor – John Crockett

1719 11/4 – 151 – 1720 4/27

William Bond from Wm. Anderson 148A Bucks Range, 50A Anderson’s Add

206. same fro. Thos. Richardson 150A Lawrence’s Pasture

1720-1 3/8 – 270

William Bond to Mary Bond Exx of John Bond decd and Benjamin Bond recites the deed of 1715 11/24 bet. Robt Brown & Jno Bond Jr 300A “Abell’s Lott”. Wm Bond in lifetime of his bro in psc of Has Ogg & Aquilla Paca ld – Wm B taking upper ½ John the lower ½ - 150A each – John died before decd made payment (page 12) to his bro. William & gave by will (1720 6/7) to his son Benjamin said 150A of Abell’s Lot – Mary Bond the Exx is his mother.

1723 6/8 – ISnoC – 148

Thomas Bond (Anne ux) to William Bond £62 stg. 510A “Bond’s Lot” survd for Thos. Bond 1720 1/20 on Bynams Run. Adj on Rigdon’s br. – wits – Abraham Cord – John Hobert

1723 3/8 – 189

same & wife to Hy Wetherall. 200A cd “Ogg King of Bashau” between Little Falls of Gunpowder & Winters Run


Balto Co. Rent Roll. 50A “Daniel’s Neck” surv, 1663 4/8 for Thomas O Daniel e.s. Gunpowder – Possr Fras Dorllahyde belonging to ye orpns of Wm. Westbury 150A Chestnut Neck surr. 1678 5/4 for Wm Westbury – s.s. Gunpowder River

1725 675-6

William Bond & uxr 150A part of “Bonds Adventure”

IRnoPP – 1705 176-9

Peter Bond to Thomas – William & John 300 acres of “Harris Trust” on Bush River

[Page 13]

1733 8/8


413 & Elizh ux to Ed Wakeman ­- £30 stg. “Addition” 200A (pat 1695) n.s. Bush R. unmd 1721 11/26 – unmd 1731 11/6

Roger Mathews (unmd 1713) deed 400A “Rochester” s.s. Susquahanna



1715 3/2 William Bond & Mary ux to Chas Simmons 600 tobo 200A of “Clarksons Purchase” (orig. tr. by certif. of 1683 10/4. 600A)

1715 5/28


1715 5/30


Benj. Dorsey to Joshua Dorsey for £40 stg. 100A pt of tr D. of G. 1700 4/9 by Coll. Edwd Dorsey decd to his son B.D. aforesd

Benj. Dorsey to Thos. Worthington AA Co. lnchr £35 c.m. – 200A of “Long Reach” at Patuxent (100A divd him by will of Col. E.D. 1704 10/26 his father & 100A convd by Joshua Dorsey – wits – Joshua & Ann Dorsey

1708 8/18


Peter Bond A bond to PhilipWashington in £100 to maintain & provide for Alice Washington, (separated from Philip her husbd) for life & to pay all debts & demands that are now due from the est. of Peter Bond Sr. late of Balto Co. Decd – wits Wm Talbott – Thos Roberts – Nichs Rogers

1712 11/15


John Cole p. D. of G. to son Joseph – 100A pt of “Daniels Whimsey” e.s. Jones Falls Pat. 200A bdg on Thomas Roberts – Jones Falls &c

wits Thos Long, Lan. Jones, Edwd Stevenson

1715 11/24


Wm & John Bond Gentn fro Robert Brown of AA Co. Genl & Cathne ux 300A Abell’s Lot head of bush R. for 8000 lbs tobo

1716 11/6


Peter Bond & Wm Hamilton to John Norris of AA Co. 243A of “Prospect” s.s. Winters Run hd of Bush R. for £30 stg.

1717 7/1


John Bond fro. Thos. Preston (6000 tobo) 43A The Chance – n.s. Gunpowder R. wit – Nichs Lenox, wits John Roberts & Mary

1717 8/6


Thomas Bond fro. Thos. Preston 20A on Winters Run – pt of tr. belongg to his father Thomas Preston decd – bdg on Preston Luck – Prestons Chance – Gibsons Park – Knaves Misfortune – Isaac Baker &c

1717 10/27

491 John Harryman fr. Richard Lenox 100A “Pistol Thicket”

1709 10/20


Peter Bond & Elinor to John Wells 10A of Bond’s Increase w.s. Gwinns Falls – wits – Nichs Rogers – Henry Knowles

1718 2/1


Capt John Dorsey Gent no ux of B.C. to Andw Norwood 439A “Blackwells Search” £150 stg Pat 1695 11/10 to Thos. Blackwell & by him beqd to J.D. at Elle Ridge wits Jno Beale, Vachel Denton, Carpender Earle

1717 7/12


John Gorsuch p. & Elizh to Richd Colegate Gent 600 Tobo “Huntington” n.s. Patapsco – w.s. Balls crk – 146A wits Morgan Morray {Peter Bond, Jno Israel} J.Ps

1720 3/29


Pleasance Dorsey fro Jno Petticoart Poplar Spring 120A £15 stg.

Baltimore County Rent Role - 1750

[Page 14]

Bonds Forest” 301A Surv. 1688 5/16 for Peter Bond on ye hd of Stony Creek als Deep Creek in Patapsco [possn ? ]

Bonds Discovery” 222A Surv. 1704 9/7 for Tho. Bole at hd Bush R. n.c.side Winters Run

Bonds Inlargement“ 243A Surv. 1718 12/18 for Thomas Bond. Betw Winters Run & Little Falls of Gunpowder – adj “Cheapside”

Bonds Insurance” 200A Suv. 1718 12/18 for James Ebden Betw w. Falls of Gunpowder & Winters Run of Bush R.

Bonds Venture” 230A Surv. 1718 10/27 for Thomas Bond w. Little Falls of ye Gunpowder

Bonds Adventure” 150A suv. 1720 8/25 for Wm Bond Bynaun Run – adj My Lord’s Gift.

Bonds Pleasant Hills” Suv. 1714 2/6 Pat. 1716 8/10 for Peter Bond   betw Jones & Gwinn’s Falls of Patapsco R. beg. at hd of ye Middle Br.

“Bonds Last Shift” 225 A suv. 1723 12/16 for Thomas Bond beg. At w. line of Colegates Last Shift

“Forest” 301A suv 1688 5/16 for Peter Bond – Possn his heir

“Increas” 24A sur 1704 9/28 for Peter Bond n.s. Patapsco & Gwins Falls

“Newtown” 200A suv 1672 4/25 Ed. Hatton & Richd Gwinn – Possn Peter Bond

“Harris Trust” 300A 1684 2/5 for Wm Harris w.s. Bynaun Br – Possn John Bond 100A,Wm Bond 100A, Thomas Bond 100A

“Dismal Swamp” 55A 1723 6/28 Jas. Bond – Jno Hall adj a track cd Spring Gardan

“Knaves Misfortune” 73A surv. 1703 10/12 for Thomas Bond near Gibsons River

“Knaves Misfortune resurv.” 143A 1717 6/27 for Thomas Bond on main ridge between Bynaun Br. & Winters Run adjg a l- cd “Abels Lot” including itself

“Lucky Otole” 100A 1700 9/- for Thomas Bond (no description)

“Anitoch” 214 A surv. 1718 10/27 for Thomas Bond - adj “Clayetts Forest”

“Bond’s Water Mill” 1724 4/11 for Thomas Bond – on Little Falls of Gunpowder

[Page 15]

1723 6/8


Thomas (& Ann Bond ux) to William Bond £62 stg “Bonds Lot” 510A surv. for Thomas Bond 1720 1/20 – on Bynams Run on Rigdons Br

1723 3/8


Thomas Bond (Ann ux) to Hy Wetherall “Ogg King of Bashan” 300A betw Little Falls: Gunpowder & Winter Runs

1730 7/18

I.S noL 24

Peter Bond no ux, planter to Peter Johnson Boatwright £16 stg. 100A “Bonds Pleasant Hills” ackd before Richd Gist & Wm Hamilton JP’s

1730 8/5


Thomas Bond (Ann ux) & Jno Crockett (Mary ux) to Thos Dulany plr £30 stg 400A “Richardson’s Neglect” laid off 1724 by Jno Dorsey late Dt. Surv. B. Co.

1730 9/26


Richard Bond P. fro Richd Gist, – inchl – £13.17.9 c.m. 76A “Gists Search”

1730 11/3


William Bond p. D.G. to dau. Elce (Alice) Johnson (ux Thomas) 200A “Bonds Lot” – Also 100A “Wexford” to dau Sarah Love (ux Robert) – Bond to have free timber during his life. wits Thos Johnson, Robt McJhoam

1731 9/11


James Bond (Cooper) to Jno. Hall Jr. Gent 55A Dismal Swamp” grtd to J.B. & J.H. Jr. 1725. (for his part 1000 tobo) wits Parker Hill, Thos White

1732 6/7


Thomas Bond p. from Benj. Wheeler p. & (ux Elizh) 7000 tobo 100A “Francis Delight” (drafts on Dcer Crk) & 244A of “Good Neighbor” contingnous.

1732 8/25


James Bond cooper of Kent Co. to Thos Renshaw of Cecil Co. Cooper £80 c.m. “Clarks Dummurry in Antrum” Bet. Susquahannah & Deer Creek

1734 4/3



William Bond fro. Pregrine Frisby 180A “Fosberry’s Neck” s.s. Gunpowder & 201A “Midsummer Hills” Bdg on “Ebain’s Neck” wits Jno Wesley – Roger Mathews

1734 9/4


John Bond (son of Peter late of B. Co. planter) from Edwd Stevenson & Wm Rogers 130A of “Friendship” (orig gr. to Wm Rogers) £13. c.m.

1734 8/8


William Bond p. from Thos Miles & Cathne ux £30 stg – 100A “Tower Hill” Broad Run of Little Gunpowder & 40A “Miles Enlargement” e.s. Lit. Falls Gunpowder adjoining – wits John Bond, Thos. Bond, Thos. Amoss

1734 2/21


John Bond p. to Wm Wells, bricklayer £30 stg 100A “Bonds Pleasant Hills

1735 8/30


Thomas Bond, Gent, fro. Thos. Buckner of Va. £18 c.m. “Colegate’s Last Shift” 163A acc. To survey 1707 4/23 boundry on “Friends Discovery”

1736 12/21

IS no I.K.


Thomas Bond Senr of B. Co. Gent. fro. Richd Dorsey & Eliah ux of AA Co. £130 stg 1100 A “Poplar Neck” B. Co. grtd 1684 9/10 to Mark Richardson Gent – who 1703 11/10 sold to Wm Nicholson AA Co. Mucht denied by him to Wm Nicholas his son – Elizabeth Dorsey former wife to Wm N. Jr. – anything by his will 1731 12/28 to sell sd tract - head of Bush R. s.w.Branch – wits Achsah Woodward – Wm Fell – E. Dorsey

1737 7/2


Peter Bond p. (Susanna ux) to Richard Bond £20 c.m. 50A “Round About” on forks of Beaver Dam

1737 7/2

Richard Bond (Mary ux) to Peter Bond £20 50A “Gists Search”

1737 6/5


Peter Bond p. from Mordecai Hammond (Frances ux) of AA.Co. Mucht 100A Middle Ridge bdg on Richd Bonds Land

T.B no E


1746 8/14

Benjamin Bond (ux Clemency) to Thomas Bond £33 stg 150A, ½ of “Abell’s Lot” on Bynams Run – orig.. tr 300A surv. For Abel Brown & by Robt Brown conveyed to William & John Bond, by sd John Bond devised his moiety (half) to sd Benj. Bond – divided by consent 1721 3/8 between said William Bond & [his nephew] said Benjamin Bond

wits Benj. Norris – John Bond &c

Page 16 (“...” indicates words cut off right side of my copy.)

1742 5/29


Thomas Bond frm Mathew Coulter (Tailor) £60 c.m. “Bedford & Logsdoms Add” 240A & 152½A – n.s. Gwinns Falls in the Garrison Forest

Wm Rogers – Nichs Rogers

1741 11/4


Thomas Coale, Mary ux B.C. P. to Wm Coale of AA Co p £100 stg 3 tracts in B. Co. – “Young Mans Adventure” 200A pat 1694 7/26 by Wm Coale late of AA Co. decd Easlemul br. of Jones Falls bdg on Heclin McLa…

“Martintin” 100A pat by John Martin on Rosaland Run e.s. of Jones Falls

bdg on Jacobs Pasture – Rosaland Thornbury – Thos Crosson – Martins “Add” (ly(sp) Jobb Martin) 100A adjg – in all 400A.

wits – Wm Bond – John Day – Wm Gary

1750 10/31

Tobias Stansby to John Bond & John Rems “Milford” on Gwinns folly 83A

1750 11/24


Richd Bond from Benj Hammed & his wife Margaret decd 1750 11/24 – & hr rt law of dev of l. w&t of her father – Wm Talbolt of B.C. gent 100A £20 stg gp ½ “Middle Ridge” – Gunpowder Falls.

John Bond, Saml Ac…, John Ridgey


s.d. Peter Bond from same ½ “Middle Ridge” 100A £20

1750 12/5


Peter Bond to Jno Saddin £15 cm. pl y Bucks S… 50A – Susanna ux

Talbot Risteau Clerk B C. C(sp)

1751 8/31


Thomas Bond fr. Bazil Dorsey & ux Hannah of … £162 stg 650A pt gt H Walker on Little Gunpowder Fals “Isle of Capere” … for John Crockett – whose son John Jr. dying intestate – his sisters Han… of…& Mary coln to their bro John Jr. (656 her half of sd tract)

1751 11/6


Wm Bond to Robt Colluip £16.11 stg – S. Alb… 100A at hd Bynams Run

1751 11/6


Thomas Bond to John Bond (son) Dly(sp) all … pl of a tr cd Bonds Forest between that already deeded to him & this pl sols tr Hy Hicks & …

1751 11/8


John Bond to Chas Baker £40 c.m. “Oblongs” …powder W Littlefalls 84A pal gr. 1747 10/5 to J.B. – Alisana ux

1751 11/26


Thomas Bond Jr. to Edwd Mattingly, £162 stg – “… Delight” on Deer Creek bg on Wheeler & Clarks Comtrivance 100A – “Bonds Choice” 216A – Bonds Beginning survd for Thomas Bond Jr. (a …) 109A – and 122A pl y larger tr cd Good Neighbor adjg – “Bonds Fortune” survd by sd T.B.Jr – Contg in all 603A (wife n…

1751 9/21


Thomas Bond (Phebe ux) to Saml Otook (O ?) cooper … “Milford” 83A – (John Keny owns other half) fr £18 stg.

1752 8/6


Wm Bond gent – D.G. to dau. Ruth Nichols ux …

plt y Midsummer Hills & Simen oh(sp) on Saltpeter Creek – 175A

1752 6/18


Thomas Bond no ux & Thos Logadon (Mary ux) – to John Jackson £20 stg Wollys Range – 100A

page 17 (“...” indicates words cut off on my copy.)

1737 11/5



Thomas Bond to Geo. Elliot £30 all r.t.i. to 163A “Colegate’s Last Shift” hd Bush (1717 4/25 Pat. R.C.) wits Thos. Franklin, Thos While (White?)

1738 2/3


William Bond Sr. D.Cr. to William Bond Jr 4 negroes… Ann Bond £30 or negro – to son Peter Bond 4 negroes to be … immediately after my …

1738 3/7


Thomas Bond fro. John Parker 8000 tobo 180A (remg pt of … cd “Gibsons Ridge” – wits: Luke Stansbury – Thos Franklin

1739 8/8


Thomas Bond Mercht to Thos. Cresap £31 – 165A “Bonds N…” w.s. Susquehannah R. – To Edwd Evans - £40, 200A of same to Wm Cannon £20 – 100A of same (intended only as special wa…) wits T. Sheredine, Wm Fell

1739 12/15


Benjamin Bond fro Michl Gilbert & Mary 60A their 1/3 of 2 lots cd “Witly” & “Adventure” (contg 198A abt) on Ladawick Cr. of Bush R.

1741 6/20


Barnet Bond Mariner to William Bond, £90 stg 180A Forberrys Neck, 201A “Midsummer Hill” – ackd before Thos Owen, Jno Hawkman

1741 6/3


Thomas Bond to Hy Hicks £126 stg 82A of “Bonds Forest”

wits: TBond – Danl McNamara – ackd before Parkr Hall, WBond

(The signature “TBond” is written with the T & B blended together.)

1745 9/19

TB no.D


John Bond, Alisana ux to Geo Brown, Wm Dallam his rt &c to 34A Chancery Case of James Park “on … Gunpowder. Ackd before Richd Caswell, WBond (W & B blended together)

1745 11/10


William Bond D. of G. of 1 negro each to 7 chn – Ruth – Luke Stansbury – Priscilla – Elizab’h – Thomas – William, – Tobias – all mine

1745 11/9


William Bond “WBond” (signature) & ux Elizab’h to Abms Raven £120 stg. 53A “The Enlarged Lot” s.s. Setters Hill adj: “Strife” & 100A Philemon’s Lot” on Chinhapin Br. of Bush R. Achd before T. Sheredine & Chas. Ridgely

1748 12/6


Joshua Bond fro. Geo. Bunhill – 95A “Bunhill’s Makeshift” £10 stg

1749 8/2


Thomas Bond to Thomas Bond Jr. & John Bond 1A of “Bond’s Forest” for selves and Socy of Quakers. Parker Hall & Saml Owens,

Thos Franklin land officer

1749 2/10


John Bond fro. Wm Brown 50A Browns Prospect (Pat 1731 5/1-…)

1750 10/28


Benjamin Bond, plr, Sophia ux, to Richard Croxall (£52) 62½A “Bedfords Resurvey” adj. Simkins Repose nr The Garrison convd to Benj Bond by Thomas Bond (1747 7/25)

Page 18

1749 2/12



John Bond from John Derumple of Calvert Co. £40 all his right &c to a tract called “Nova Scotia” hd Bush R. a patent of 1500 by Thos. Sterling - 500A devised by T.S. to Wm Derumple (bro. of sd Thomas) and by Wm Derumples son John Derumple left to his son John Derumple party hereto. Ackd before Wm Smith & Darby Lux

1753 4/16 B.B no.1


Thomas Bond, planter to John Ridgely, Mchl £10 stg. 100A “Bonds Meadows” partly in Balto Co. & partly in Federick Co. (acc to patent)

wits Wm Rogers & James Kelly

1754 2/3

Thomas Bond from RD Robertson £110, 200A “Robertsons Outlet”

(pat by R.R. 1729) – also “Robertsons Add” 32A & negros

wits John Bond – Benjn Ryan – Jacob Bond

1754 7/27

Thomas Bond, Innholder to Richard Croxall, Mercht to correct lines described in his deed to Benjamin Bond (1747) of 100A of “Bedford Resurvey” (Phebe ux)

1755 11/5


John Bond fro. Wm & Isaac Hitchcock £30 – 100A “Bednall Green” n.s. Little Falls of Gunpowder

1756 1/10


Thomas & Jacob Bond to William – John & Joshua Bond “whereas Thomas Bond late of B.C. omitted in his will devising a tr. cd Bonds Water Mills – 286A s.s. Lit Falls Gunpowder & before death requested us to make sd conveyance to Wm, John & Joshua – hence this deed.”

1751 4/9


Thomas Bond D of G. to son John Bond 5A on main road adj. Thomas Bond Jr’s dw. pln – & whereas by D.G. 1746 7/10 from sd T.B. to his son John B. for 500A these was omitted the waters of the falls (sd omission is Tome(sp) died) Deed ackd 1755 10/9 [Land sold to Hy Hicks & Jno Holland referred to]

1756 4/28


Thomas – William – John – Joshua & Jacob Bond Division of Bond’s Forest. Thomas 250A – William 304A also 100A pt of Morgans Lot

John 3880A also 50A pt of 2lts – Morgan’s Lot & Rangers Range

Joshua 167A also 100A of Rangers Range

Jacob 180A of sd Bonds Forest & another tract of 48A of same

1756 6/2


Thomas – John & Jacob Bond no uxrs to Quakers – 1A of “Bonds Forest”

1757 2/4


John Bond fro Wm & Temperance Robertson 2 tr. s.s. Little Falls of Gunpowder – 100A “Turkey Hills” – 49A “Archibalds Add”

1757 2/4

William Bond to Joshua Bond agreeably to will of Thos bond as to div betw his 5 sons – £25 100A Morgan’s Lot & 1/3 of “Water Mills”

Page 19

1742 11/4


Benjamin Bond from Jonathan Hufner & Jane his wife – their 3d pt of 2 tracts cd “Wittey” & “Adventure”

1742 9/13


William Bond planter – to Wm Andrew & Mary uxr Innholder for £225 “Filial Care” 50A s.s. Gunpowder River – adjoining “Forberry Neck”

1743 6/7


Thomas Bond planter – to John Holland for 3640 lbs tobo 141A of “Bonds Forest” s.s. Little Falls of Gunpowder – witness Thomas Franklin Bond

1744 11/7


Thomas Bond from Thomas & Alice Johnson quit claims for damage &c. Whereas Thomas Bond in 1723 6/8 conveyed to William Bond 510A of “Bonds Lot” on Deer creek – and William Bond in 1730 11/3 conveyed to his daughter Alice Johnson 200A thereof and it being found that a tract called “Turkey Hill” did damage to, and took away some of the sd 200A given to Alice & Thomas, the said William Bond paid them £37 curt money – hence the present release of all claims for damages &c

wits Wm Rigbie – Wm Bond

1747 4/18



Thomas Bond & Richard Bond planter to Capt. Darby Lux, Merchant for £50 stg – 130A “Cromwells Island” between Jones’s & Gwinn’s Falls

wits. John Bond – John Hawkins

1746 3/5


John Bond (Alice Anna ux.) to Wm Wilson of AA Co & Henry Wilson of Calvert Co. for £150 stg “Bush Grove” (original patent 1745 10/10 called “Timber Grove”) wits: Thos. Bond Jr. – “WBond” (JP) – Benj Norris

1747 7/25


Thomas Bond (Phebe ux) planter – to Patrick & Elizh Gray for £20 stg 100A pt of 2 tracts cd “Logsdom Addition”, “Bedford Resurvey” on n.s. of Gwinns Falls in the “Garrison Forest”

1747 7/5


Thomas Bond (Phebe ux) (Innholder) to Benjamin Bond planter for £15 stg 2 moieties (divisions) of land called “Bedfords Resurvey” – 1 contg 62½A bound’g on “Simpsons Repose” – the other only 37½A

1747 11/6


Thomas Bond from William Bond (“WBond”) (B is part of W) for 30£ stg 100A called “Tower Hill” (orig survd for Chas. Simmons & patented 1742 9/10) also “Miles’s Improvement” 40A (orig survd for Thos Miles 1739 5/9) Total 140A – wits Jane Bond – Joseph Bond

1748 4/11


Benjamin Bond (Sophia ux) to Richard Croxall for £15 c.m. 37½A pt of “Bedford’s Resurvey” bdg on “Simpkins Repose” wits Jabez Bailey Edmond Talbott

1746 8/14


Benjamin Bond (Clemency ux) to Thomas Bond 150A ½ of “Abels Lot” on Bynauns Run – orig tract 300A survd for Abel Brown & convd by Robt Brown to William & John Bond – (sd John devising his ½ to sd Benjamin) which was divided by consent 1721 3/8 Betw sd William & his Nephew Sd Benjamin – wit John Bond – Benj Norris

Page 20

1744 1/7 C.


Barnet (or Ben.) Bond Mariner – to Thomas Johnson & Walter Billingsley for £100 stg all his right, title, nil &c to 2 tracts cdBonds Lot” on Benjamin’s Run originally survd for Thomas Bond by him convd 1723 6/8 to William Bond decd father of sd Barnet Bond Also “Bond’s Add” on said Run – orig survd for William Bond his father – said tract contg 460A

1744 11/104


Thomas Bond from Henry Wilson of Pr Geo Co – son & heir of Josiah Wilson – 500A cd Osborns Lot hd of Bush R. on Bynaun’s Run to whom it was convd by Frances Wilson of Calvert widow, & Thos Wilson of Pr. Geo. Planter, in 1721

1744 12/4

680 Sarah Bond from Wm Davis for £5 slaves &c

1794 2/11



John Bond to Abm Stevens, acc to directions in will of John Bond his father (1702 12/18) sells “my land in the Barrens” for £200 c.m.

wits Cornelius H. Gist – Geo H Decker

1793 6/25


In Chancery – on Petition of Mary TiptonRachel Harryman (daus of John Bond decd) John Bond son of sd John apptd by Chancellor, trustee to sell the property directed to be sold by will of sd J.B. decd for the benefit of said petitioners, and Sarah Hall, Ruth Gist, & the children of Eleanor Gorsuch – which property in the said will is described as “my land in the Barrens”

1752 11/6


Thomas Bond (no ux) D of G. to my sons Jacob Bond & Joshua Bond ½ of a tract called “Poplar Neck” where Jacob’s Plantation now is – ½ to Joshua where his plantation is.

1753 3/26

546 John Bond from Jos. Norris 126A on Winters Run pt of “Prospect”

1753 6/6


Thomas Bond, Merchant, from Edwd Saunders in exchange for 28A pt of “Gibson’s Ridge” where Saunders’ dwelling & outhouses stand – 28A pt of 50A bought of Henry Bode, being pt of sd tract of Gibson’s Ridge.

page 21


Thomas Bond to John Algiar 50A “Bonds Garrison”

1760 2/3 H. 98

Thomas Bond to John Moale £100. 310A of “Bonds Garrison” Being Remainder apd Tract not hereto sold to John Algiar

1760 2/28


Peter Bond (Susanna ux) to Richard Bond £8. 50A “Buck’s Park” bounding on the lines of Wm Anderson

1760 3/31

John Bond to Jacob Schertil £20. Lots 34 & 35 at Jappa.

1760 3/31

JBond to Ann Stande for lease100A “Bonds Forest” John Bond wit

1760 10/28

John Bond (Keturah ux) to Wm Tipton planter for £5. 40A “Bond’s Industry” adj Broad Mead.

1760 3/3

Thomas Bond fro. Wm Lyon & Mary ux. £30. 50A Motherbys Adventure

1760 6/6

Peter Bond fro. Jno. Deaver & Ann ux 150A of “Bonds Forest” devd by Thomas Bond to his gr. da. Ann Bond da. of Peter Bond & wife of sd John Deaver. Wits: Wm Andrew – Wm R. Presbury

1761 505

Joshua Bond from Wm Lux 300A “Groom’s Dhance”

1762 48


151 27

Peter Bond from Saml Higginson 167A “Bonds Forest”

Thomas Bond to Wm Willson 223A “Bonds Forest”

John Bond to James Russell &c. James Park

Thomas Bond & Jno Gill to Wm Barney rel. mtge. Valiant Hazard

1763 9/24



(Capt.) Wm Bond, planter (signature “WBond”) (B is part of W) to Josiah Duer of Bucks Co. Pa. 200 c.m. 304A Pt of “Bonds Forest” (ux Elizh) releases her dower in Lib B. no. A. 222. 1767 5/25

wits. Vachel & John Worthington – Luke Raven

1767 7/18

B no Q 168

WBond to Jacob Bond £58 100A “Timber Hall” on Little Falls of Gunpowder bo’t of Nehemiah & Wm Hicks his son.

wits Josa Bond – Danl Norris – Luke Stansbury Bond

page 22

1761 I 48



Peter Bond fro Saml. Higginson 167A Bonds Forest

Thomas Bond to Wm Wilson 223A “Bonds Forest”

John Bond to James Russell &c James Park


BnoK 27






Thomas Bond & Jon. Gill to Wm Barney rel mtge Valant Hazard

John Bond from Edwd Fell p. of atty

Benjamin Bond fro. Thos Harrison 100A “Soldiers Delight”

Charles Bond fro. Jos Sulton 113A Teagues Revenge

John Bond fr. Col. Jno Hall ⅓ Bush R. Iron Works

Jno Bond fro Thos Sligh 10⅛A Mountways neck


B.noL 294




William Bond fro. Wm & Nehemiah Hicks “Timber Hall”

John Bond fro Edward Fell Lots 17, 18, 59, 60

“ “ et. al. from Jos. Ellicot &c

Wm Bond to Josiah Dyer 304A “Bonds Forest

B.noM 54


Joshua Bond to Robt Whiteford – pt “Bond’s Gift”

Wm Bond to John Bond pt “Bond’s Water Mills”

BnoO 24


Wm Bond to Luke Stansbury Bond 410A “Bonds Forest”

Wm Bond Jr to Wm Andrew 100A Harris Trust – 150A Abells Lot – 50A Addition – 418A Bucks Range – 150A Lawrences Pasture – 196A Herods Fancy (?)2 more illegible words

BnoP 565

Thomas Bond to Susanna & Catherine Bond 100A “Fells Forest”

BnoQ 590

Thomas Bond – Land Commission on Abel’s Lot

ALnoA 208



Thomas Bond to Robt Bishop 200A Isle of Capere

Saml & Richd Bond to Ely Owsley 50A Bucks Park

Elizabh Bond to Saml Young – Rel. dower 32A “Bonds Forest”

ALnoC 625



Jacob Bond & ux to Luke Bond 118½A “Bushy Neck”

Thos Bond of Barnet to Jere Cany – lease 70A Buck’s Range

Thos Bond of Jno. to & fro. Jas & Ann Giles Lots 24,11,104,35,74,92

ALnoG 505

John Bond to Elizh Hunt – marriage settlement

WCnoS 530

John Bond of Harford aged 63. 1779 4/22 speaks of Capt Walter Talley

(“Bucks Range” 160A surv. 1701 11/3 for Matthew Hawkins in ye drafts of Patapsco)

page 23





John Bond fro. Fras Daws Fords Dw. plantn

Thomas Bond to David Stewart et. al. ground on Pitt St.

Samuel Bond of Peter – fro John Helm – 23A Crosse’s Lot – 1A “…Neglect” – 88A Bottoms & Hills

LL 293

Thomas Bond of Harford Gent To Saml Hughes lease of mines – Stones Adventure Balto Co

MM 463

Thos. Bond of Barnet fro. Wm McLaughlin 100A Winleys Rest

1794 NN 166


John Bond to Abm Stevens – “my land in the Barrens”

James Bond to Saml Holland Pl “Bonds Forest”

1795 RR 76


Benjamin Bond of Peter to Jno.T.Worthington D.Trust,“Bonds Inheritance”

Thomas Bond Jr to Fell Bond 372A Stones Adventure, Carters Add, Middle Ridge, Gish Search

1796 VV 1

XX 276

John Bond & Nancy Bosley to Thomas Cole

Thomas Bond to Thomas Yates Lot 458

ZZ 2,20,22














Thos Bond of John 131A Bonds Security

Fell Bond to Edward Bond Stone’s Adventure Resurveyed

Bonds Water Mills 18A &c

Richard Bond &c Lots 76-77 of Gay St.

Barnet Bond fro Philip Littig – Lease Lot n.s. Gough

Benjamin Bond of Peter fro. Jno. T. Worthington Rel Mtge

“Bonds Pleasant Plains” 174A

Richard Bond fro. Cornelius H. Gist Shff Lot 118

Thomas Bond Exr of John – Lot on Aliceanna St.

“Bonds Pleasant Hills” Rogers to Pringle

“Bonds Garrison” 31½A Rogers to Barnet

“Bedford Resurvey” 4A Rogers to Howard

John Bond of Joshua to Geo. Lightner Lot on High St.

Richard Bond to Wm Bosley ½ Lot 118 e.s. Jones Falls







Sally Bond & Betsy Gibson - “Stones Adventure Resurved”

Thomas Bond & ux to Thos Talbot 164½A Talbots Lot

Nichodemus Bond from Geo. Prestman Lot n.s. Lancaster(sp) Crk(sp)

Edwd Fell Bond to Achsah, Sally & Betsy Gibson “Curtin Delight”

Benj Bond to Nicod. Bond 100A Bonds Inhertc Middle Ridge, Gish Search


78.257, 342

Gist fro. Wangeler Bond Meadows Enlarged 176A



Achsah Bond to Jno Hamleton Carters Delight – Mountings – Isle of Capere – Rigbys Corich…

1809 103.387


Peter Bond & Ruth ux to Edwd Owsley Buck’s Range &c

John Pitts Bond to Saml Bond 47A



Ann C. Bond &c to Achsah Ford – Fords Choice & Bucks Purchase

1821 10/16

Ann C. Bond, Prudence C. Ford, Sara C. Ford – Ruth C. Ford of Thos Locky Day Ford their right to 21A pt. of Fords Choice in Sels...

for $2000. also their int in Bucks Purchase to Achsah Cocky Ford

for $1500 – wit Jno T.H. Worthington, John Bond

page 24 Inventories

1796 4/22

Lib XVIII 242

Samuel Bond of Peter £279.19.10 Edward & Benjamin Bond brothers – Samuel Bond Exr

1797 5/17


Edward Bond £103.0.11 Abm Sampson, Jesse Jacobs

Elizh Marshal, Edward Bond relations.

John Rutledge, Thomas Sulton Credrs

1800 12/30

XXI 198

Richard Bond $1022.70, Wm Bosley, Job. Miller apprs. Mary & Benjamin Bond nearest kin. Shadrach Bond & Rachel Price Admrs

Debts due $1600.86, set forth in 3 pages

1815 5/25

XXIX 410

John Bond (4 pages) $3566.32 incheding 12 negroes

John Bond Exr Debts due – James B. Bond note for $250.

Abm H. Price, Norman Gorsuch} atyes (both Attorneys)

Orphans Court Proceedings – Baltimore

1778 4/14

Lib I 11

James Bond apptd Guardian of John & William Bond under 14, and of Elizabeth Bond under 12 orphans of Luke Stansbury Bond

Thomas Bond of Barnet & Nathan Nicholson - Securities

1778 6/5

Tobias Bond orphan of Luke S.B. aet 14 elects James Bond

1778 8/11

John Bond (orph Luke SB) aet 14 bound to Jno Sewall as Ship...

1780 8/8

John Bond (orphan of Joshua) aet 15 elects Ann Bond Guardian

Nicholas Bond Security

1781 6/21

Edwd Cockey – John Ford estimate value of lands of John Bond son & heir of Joshua “Good Luck” 150A – “Addition to Good Luck” 20A – “Roundabout” – “Neighbors” 64½A

Wills Lib X fo. 4

1814 7/18 – 1815 3/5

John Bond (Quaker) wife Rachel [dau. Thomas Cole & Sarah Price] to have “Bonds Industry” my dw pln & 2 small tracts adjg cd “Jacks Delight” & “ohns Good Luck” & 4 negroes &c – while a widow – in order to take care of my 2 young daus. Daus Keturah Sater, Elizh Bond, Sarah Price ea 1 negro – with the tract cd “Friendship” I purchd of Fras Daws & a small tract adj cd “Jobs Neglect” in all abt 100A. My 2 youngr daus to have my land in the Barrens that came by my wife, to be eq. div. To daus Rachel & Mary Bond ea. 1 negro. My desire is that my wife (Rachel) shall take care oh her sister Rebecca Cole Idiot & after wife’s death my son to have care of his Aunt the Idiot. To wife $400 cash to help to support her & my 2 youngst daurs. Son John 2 negroes & to live with his mother & take particr care of her & his 2 sisters that is at this time single & to have all my land at his mos d. remr to his 5 sisters. Son John Exr

& as he is young in business of this kind, beg my 2 friends & relatives George Harryman & Peter Bond to assist him. Wits Aquilla & Joshua Tipton


Road from Baltimore Town westward of Randallstown through the “Barrens” of Baltimore County toward Liberty Town as far as the Frederick County line.

The following information from my own files is included here because Wilson Cary in his family chart erroneously listed Ann (Nancy) Barney as the wife of Benjamin the son of Peter Bond and Susannah Butler. He did not find Benjamin Bond, Jr. the son of Benjamin Bond and Sophia Butler, whose identity is only obvious in 1783 Baltimore Co. tax records, and in WV records. (W. Va. Heritage Encyclopedia Supplement Vol. 1, page 230.) It was Benjamin Bond, Jr. who married Ann Barney in the St. Thomas Parish records.

Additional references to Benjamin Bond (Sr.), son of Peter and Elinor

Transcribed from St. Thomas Parish Register:

20 Feb 1749 – Mr. Peter Bond vestryman

At the same time proceeded to chose Mr. Benj. Bond as a vestryman in the room of Mr. Willington Deceased. At the same time Qualified Benjamin Bond as a Vestryman and ordered advestments to be sett up to Inploy workmen to paile in the church yard…. (page 119)

Mar 1752: Proceed to chose Mr. Peter Gosnell & M Jos'a Owings Vestrymen for St. Thomas Parish in the Roome of Mr Benja. Bond and Mr John Ford Discard of their office…. Mr Amon Butler who are Discharged of their office. (page 134)

26 July 1757 – Oath of Office

I do Solemnly Swear and Declare that I will Justly and Truly Execute the trust or Office of a Vestryman of this Parrish according to my best skill and Knowledge without favour or affection.

John Bond, Peter Bond, Benjamin Bond, Stephen Gill, John Gill, Richd Bond, John Bond

27 Nov 1759 – Richard Bond Vestryman – Proceed to Business an recd. of Benj. Bond thirteen shills. and ten pence and of … for which their accts. is credited. (page 173)

"Easter Monday" 23 Mar 1761 "Mr. Benja. Bond" is chosen Church Warden and on 14 April 1761 he "refuses to serve as not being a Freeholder." (pages 181 & 182)

In 1763 the St. Thomas tax list records Benjamin Bond as owning land in Soldiers Delight Hundred as well as his brother Samuel. In 1762 Benjamin purchased 100 acres in this hundred.

The 1773 tax list records Benjamin in North Hundred with a Negro, Rachel, and a worker, Johnethen, and Thomas Bond (likely Benjamin's son).

The 1783 tax list records Benjamin in North Hundred with 114 acres called "Frazier's Delight", 48 acres called "Choice", and 40 acres called "Bond's Hazard". He is over 45 Years old, has 2 horses, 1 black cow, is the only adult male, and there are 4 white inhabitants.

Benjamin Bond, Jr. is listed without his age; listed are 1 horse, 1 white adult male, and 2 white inhabitants. (Likely with his wife since he was married in 1882.)

In 1808 Benjamin Bond, Jr. and family came to VA (WV).

There are no other father and son, Benjamins, both alive in 1783. Thus, it appears that Benjamin moved from St. Thomas Parish around April of 1761 to North Hundred. The reference there to Benjamin, Jr. is the only listing found in Maryland of him as a Jr.

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