Baltimore County

Nicholas BAUCOM, Sr. Research Notes

1. Nicholas birth is probably around 1700/05. Parentage and location unknown.

2. He married his first wife, Mary about 1720/24

3. He was first found in St. George's Parish Records, pg 233: John Baucham, son of Nicholas and Mary, born 1 July 1725.

4. 1729: City of Baltimore established.

5. 1 June 1733: Baltimore Co., MD. Land Books, vol. I.S. #L, pg 438/440. Samuel Hughes sold to Nicholas Baucom, 150 acres in an estate called Tripleunion, (located in Baltimore Co. in an area that became Harford Co. 1773, and in St. George's Parish). Samuel Hughes married 14 Nov 1714 St. George Parish, Jane Watkins.. He served as a Church Warden; last in Vestry book 1744. Children: Margaret, b 18 Oct 1716, Jane b 20 May 1721, Sarah b. 15 Oct 1723, Mary b. 4 July 1725.

6. 6 Aug 1735: Baltimore Co., MD., Land Books, vol. H.W.S., #M , pg. 246/248. Samuel Huges confirmed the sale of 1733. Vol. H.W.S., #M,pg. 26/7 Nicholas Baucom took a mortgage on the property from Josiah Middlemore.

7. 1737: Baltimore Co., MD. Tax list in Upper Spesutia Hundred (twp)

Nicholas Bauken, Samuel Caws, Richard Bayley ----3

John Higginson, James Star, Moses Star, slave ------4

Richard Bayley died 9 April 1746, St. George Parish. John Higginson died 17 Oct. 1738, St. George Parish. Ann Higginson, married 19 July 1739, St. George Parish, Charles Boulton. Susannah Higginson, m. 19 June 1739, St. George Parish, Thomas Brown.

8. 20 Nov 1738: Baltimore Co., MD., Samuel Hughes and Nicholas Baucom, of Baltimore County, MD., filed security bonds for Ann Higginson's Administration of the estate of John Higginson. Pg. 472.

9. 30 Nov 1739; Baltimore Co., MD., Land Books, H.W.S., #1A, pg. 308/310. Nicholas Baucom sold "Tiepleunion" to Jacob Giles and does not appear again in Baltimore Co. Records. The documents above in Baltimore Co. Land Records contain Nicholas Baucom's mark which was: . Such marks were unique; the same mark appears on his will of 1762 in Johnston Co., NC., although it is upside down.

10. 3 Nov 1740; pg. 297, Vestry Records of St. George's Parish, Harford Co., MD., (from Vestry Records of St. John's & St. George's Parish, Harford Co., MD.; Annie Walker Burns. St. George's Parish records start on pg. 214 in 1721.) "Mary Baulkam appeared according to her summons. Robert Bowden being summoned appeared and being examined by the vestry gave his evidence concerning Mary Baulkam whereupon she was acquitted by the vestry."

11. June 1742; Nicholas Baucom proved his rights to land in Craven Co., NC. (Journal of N.C. Genealogy [was the North Carolinian] pg. 1842.)

12. 20 April 1745; Craven Co., NC Land Grants, Bk. 5, pg. 273 "George the Second to all to whom knowledge that we have given unto Nicholas Baucom 300 acres of land in Craven Co. on the south side of Neuse River beginning at a white oak on the river side Mills corner tree and running So 61 219 poles to a pine, the North 29 219 poles to pine then No. 61 219 poles to a red oak on the riverside thence the to the first station. To hold . Dated 20 day of April 1745." /s/ Gabriel Johnson.

13. 1747 and 1748; Nicholas bought and sold land in Johnston Co., NC. (Bk. Journal of NC Genealogy [was the North Carolinian], pg. 5). Johnston Co., NC., was carved from Craven Co., 1746; Wake was carved from Johnston Co., in 1771.

14. 22 Dec. 1758; The committee appointed to inquire into the one eighth (1/8) part of Carolina belonging to the Earl of Granville, reported that Nicholas Baucom who had made an entry with Col. Mosely and had it surveyed, sent the plan to Mr. Corbin and paid the entry, but the surveyor laid it out in the wrong place and surveyed the land entered to Baucom to Anderson, and Baucom never had redress. (Bk. Colonial and State Records of NC., Vol. V, pg. 1090.)

15. Last Tuesday in July 1759: Nicholas Baucomb one of those appointed to lay out a road in Johnston Co., NC. (Johnston Co., NC Court Minutes; vol. 1., pg. 17.)

16. 8 Jan 1761; Nicholas Baucombe received a land grant from the State of NC. 640 acres on both sides of the Neuse River. ( Records in State Library, Raleigh, NC., bk. 14 pg. 190.)

17. 3rd Tues. in April 1761; Johnston Co., NC court "ordered that Nicholas Baucombe have liberty to keep a ferry on his plantation on Neuse River to enter into bond and security next court." ( Johnston Co., NC Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 56.)

18. 3rd Tues. in Jan 1762; Deed of sale from Nicholas Bockom to Thomas Baughean of 135 acres registered. (Bk. Johnston Co., NC Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 90). Deed of sale from Nicholas Balkham to Thos. Youngblood of 135 acres registered (Bk. Johnston Co., NC. Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 91.)

19. 10 April 1762; Nicholas Baucom wrote his will, being of St. Stephens Parish, Johnston Co., NC., mentioning his wife, children, witnessed by Elisha Thomas, Wm. Simpson, Mary Simpson; execs to be John Lee, Sr. and James Watson.

20. 3rd Tues. in April 1762; Will of Nicholas Baucombe proved by oaths of Elisha Thomas and Wm. Simpson; execs named in will qualified. (Bk. "Johnston Co., NC Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 93.)

21. 3rd Tues. in July 1762; Court ordered that Execs of Nicholas have leave to sell perishable part of estate on 10 Aug. The next day the execs deliver an inventory of the estate to the court.

22. 3rd Tues. in April 1763; John Lee exhibited in court an account of a sale from the estate of Nicholas Baughcomb; ordered to be filed (Bk. "Johnston Co., NC, Court Minutes, vol.1, pg. 145, 149.) Purchasers from the estate included: Sarah, Susannah, Thomas and Anne Baucom; Elisha Thomas; John Blann Horton; James Weston; William Simpson, Frederick Honeycutt; John Youngblood; Thomas Vaughan; James Watson; Daniel Gwen, Henry Stone; Nathan Williams, John Scott. The next day James Watson exhibited an account involving the estate of 5 pounds, 5 sh, 10.

23. 18 July 1763; John Lee , exec. In court on account involving the estate;p ordered to be filed (Bk. "Johnston Co., NC., Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 163.)

24. 17 July 1763; Court ordered that Sarah Baughcomb be appointed guardian of Nicholas, Jacob, Moses, and Aaron Baughcomb; offer of John Vinson and Elijah Matson as sureties accepted. (Bk. "Johnston Co., NC. Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 187.) A deed from Thomas Baughcomb to John Vinson in open court acknowledged and ordered recorded. (above mentioned book, pg. 195).

25. 15 Jan 1765; Deed by execs of Nicholas Bawcom proved in court on oath of John Brown and recorded. (Bk. "Johnston Co., NC. Court Minutes, vol. 1, pg. 205, 207.)

26. 16 July 1765; Committee appointed by court to audit Est. of Nicholas Baucombe, dec'd, returned account to court - filed. (Bk. Same as in #25, pg. 223)

27. 15 July 1766; Sarah Bocham exhibited in court an account against the estate of Nicholas Boughcum, dec'd; ordered filed and she paid balance. (bk. Same as in #26, pg. 239.)

28. 1767; John Vinson to cause orphans of Nicholas Bawcomb; Nicholas, Jacob, Aaron to appear in next court to have said orphans bound out. (bk. Same as in #27, vol. 2, pg. 15).

29. 23 Feb 1768; Sarah Baughcom guardian of orphans of Nicholas Baughcom to attend next court to give account of guardianship. (bk. Same and in #28, pg. 48) This is the last entry in the court records for Sarah Baucom or a mention of Nicholas Baucom.

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