These records were handwritten in a Pocket Bible that belonged to William Samuel Wood (born January 21, 1854, Maryland, died June 19, 1940, Baltimore, Maryland). The family had tobacco plantations in Southern Maryland in Anne Arundel and possibly Calvert or St. Mary's Counties. The Pocket Bible is in the possession of Catherine Wood Vitilio, granddaughter of William Samuel.
Susanna Steuart Wood, Born May 1752
Samuel Wood, Sr, Born August 17, 1752
Samuel Wood, Jr., Son of Samuel and Susanna Steuart, Born December19, 1782
Mary Wood, Daughter of Samuel and Susanna Steuart, Born October 28, 1787
Ann Wood, Daughter of Samuel and Susanna Steuart, Born September 10, 1789
Sarah Wood, Daughter of Samuel and Susanna Steuart, Born May 29, 1793
William Henry Wood, Son of Samuel Wood, Jr. and Anne Boswell, Born September 22, 1812
Susan Jane Wood, Daughter of Samuel Wood, Jr. and Anne Boswell, Born February 13, 1818
Mary Tongue Garner, Daughter of Robert Samuel Hanson McPherson Garner and Harriet McPherson, Born June 22, 1822
Harriet Ann Wood, Daughter of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born August 25, 1844
Florence Wood, Daughter of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born December 7, 1847
Robert Garner Wood, Son of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born September 8, 1849
Mary Elizabeth Wood, Daughter of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born April 17, 1852
William Samuel Wood, Son of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born January 24, 1854
Gertrude Burgess Wood, Daughter of William Henry Wood and Mary Tongue Garner, Born June 6, 1856
William Power Zollinger, Son of William Power Zollinger and Florence Wood, Born August 16, 1869
Mary Garner Zollinger, Daughter of William Power Zollinger and Florence Wood, Born August 16, 1869
Julia Power Zollinger, Daughter of William Power Zollinger and Florence Wood, Born January 9, 1872
John Bond, Jr., Son of John Bond, Sr. and Harriet Ann Wood, Born February 8, 1870
Garner Wood Denmead, Son of Adam Denmead and Gertrude Burgess Wood, Born March 17, 1879
Newbold Burgess, Son of John Henry Burgess and Julian Power Zollinger, Born, July 30, 1898
Hildegard Von Knoblock, Born November 9, 1811[?1911], [parents probably Garner Wood Denmead and Leonia Von Knoblock]
William Henry Wood to Mary Tongue Garner, May 4, 1841
George Dunbar Lyles to Susan Jane Wood, February 22, 1844
Harriet Ann Wood to John Bond, October 15, 1868
Florence Wood to William Power Zollinger, November 19, 1868
Gertrude Burgess Wood to Adam Denmead, April 20, 1878
Julia Power Zollinger to John Henry Burgess, October 20, 1897
Garner Wood Denmead to Leonia[sp.?] C. Von Knoblock, April 17, 1907
Samuel Wood, Sr., April 3, 1832, Age 79 years
Samuel Wood, Jr., April 6, 1818, Age 34 years
Mary Wood Weems, June 26, 1818, Age 31 years
Ann Wood Wyvill, October 25, 1818, Age 29 years
Susanna Steuart Wood, November 15, 1823, Age 71 years
William Henry Wood, January 3, 1889, Age 77 years
William Power Zollinger, Sr., July 11, 1899
Mary Elizabeth Wood, December 24, 1882, Age 37 years
Mary Tongue Garner Wood, December 30, 1889, Age 67 years
Florence Wood Zollinger, August 31, 1905, Age 58 years
William Power Zollinger, Jr. Jan 13, 1898, Age 28 years
Contributed by Letitia (Letty) and George Wood Wambaugh, who were born and raised in Baltimore but now live in Washington State
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