Died on the night of Dec 2nd Graftonm aged 2 years and 2 months son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
At quarter part eleven-o'clock on the night of Nov 24th 1893 William Stinchcomb in the 74 year
of his age, beloved husband of Roseana Stinchcomb
Died March 9 1900 at 4 a.m. Roseana, age 70 years, beloved wife of William Stinchcomb
Died June 7 19115 at 4 a.m. Alfred Asbury, aged 66 years, son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb.
Died Oct 19, 1916 at 4:30 a.m. Rose Ida Brice age 62 years daughter of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Born on the morning of Nov 19th 1848 Alfred Asbury the son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb.
Born on the evening of June -- 1854 Mary Elizabeth daughter of William and Roseanna Stinchcomb
Born on the morning of Feb 23th 1854 Rose Ida daughter of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Born on the morning of Sept 1st 1856 Grafton son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Born on the evening of May 9th 1859 Frank Mortimer son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Born on the evening of Nov 14th 1861 Sarah daughter of William and Roseanna Stinchcomb
Born on the morning of June 8m 1864 George Randle son of William and Rosanan Stinchcomb
Married on the 29 th of April 1847 by the Rev. Dr. W. Hammond William Stinchcomb and Roseana Pumphrey.
Married on the 3rd of January 187? _________ Brice to Mary Elizabeth daughter of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Married on the 11th of November 1875 to George Brice Rose Ida daughter of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Married on the 2- of August 1872 to Sarah Adams, Alfred Asbury son of Willliam and Roseanan Stinchcomb
Married on the 26th of October Eleanore Warsing (?) George Randell son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb.
Died on the morning of Dec 13, 1932 Frank Mortimer Stinchcomb aged 73 years son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb
Died on the morning of April 14th 1945 George Randle Stinchcomb. aged 80 years. son of William and Roseana Stinchcomb.
Died August 23rd 1945 at 12:50 pm Sarah (Sallie) Stinchcomb aged 83 years, daughter of William and Rosina Stinchcomb
William Stinchcomb is in District 3 of Anne Arundel County in the 1850 Cenus, age 32, a farmer born in MD with realty valued at $3000, Rosena is age 25 born in MD and listed with them is a 3 year old Charles Stinchcomb. Anne Arundel County Marriage License is dated 28 April 1847 for William Stinchcomb to Roseana Pumphrey.
Contributed by Diana Kohler
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