Anne Arundel County

Will - Richard WEEMS

Dated 27 Feb 1780; Proved 7 Jun 1780

In the name of God, Amen. I Richard Weems of Annarundel County in the state of Maryland being of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be to God for that and all his other mercies on me bestowed, and being desirous of settling my outward affairs do make and ordain these present writings to be my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made. In manner and form following viz

Imprimis. I commend my soul to God who gave it me and my Body to the Dust to be decently interred at the discretion of my Exec hereinafter named.

2nd I desire that all my just debts be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my death.

3rd I give and bequeath to my son Charles Howell Weems and his heirs one Negro man named Gassaway. Also one Negro wench named Levinia and all her future increase. I likewise give to my said son Charles the silver watch given to me by my late brother Loch Weems and a mare colt called May Pink and her future increase, and it is my will that my son Charles shall be paid the whole of the above legacy immediately after my decease.

4th I give and bequeath to my son Richard Weems a Negro Boy named Jem and horse called Spark

5th I give to my son John Weems a Negro Boy named Peter and a mare colt called Fly Gall and her future increase.

6th I give and bequeath to my son Edward Ward Weems a Negro girl named Camilla and all her future increase Also a horse colt called Hummingbird

7th I give and bequeath to my son James Nicholson Weems a Negro girl Luck and her future increase. Also three ewes and a calf

8th I give to my dau Sarah Howell Weems a Negro wench called Bett Cook and all her future increase. Also a feather bed and furniture, six ewes and a mare colt Merry Kitty and her future increase. The whole of this legacy to my dau to be paid to her on the day of her marriage or when she arrives at the age of sixteen years whichever shall first happen and it is my will that the foregoing legacies to my sons Richard, John, Edward and James be paid to them as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years but in case either of my sons shall die before he attains that age without issue or if my daughter shall die unmarried, then I divide the legacy give to him or her so dying to be applied to the making good any loss which either of the survivors of my said four sons and daughter may have sustained by the death of the legacy to them given. But if no such loss has been sustained, then I direct the legacy of the deceased be equally divided between the survivors of my children by my present wife and further it is my will that the profits of the labour of the Negroes heretofore given to my said four sons and daughter that during their minority be applied toward the educating and bringing them up in the manner which be judged most to their benefit and advantage.

Lastly I give and bequeath to my dear and loving wife Mary Weems during her natural life the full and free use of my now dwelling plantation being a part of a tract of land called Pascall's Chance and ---

After her decease I devise the said plantation to my son Charles Howell Weems and his heirs forever. But in case he dies without issue before he arrives at the age of twenty one years, then and I give and devise my said plantation after the decease of my dear wife to my son Richard and his heirs forever. I also give and bequeath to my dear wife during her natural life the use of all the residue and remainder of my personal estate of whatever it may consist after payment of my just debts and deducting the legacies herein above given and it is my will and desire that in case my dear wife should die before all my children arrive at the age of twenty one years that my son Charles Howell Weems shall have the immediate possession of my now dwelling plantation. Holding him obliged to sheare with his brothers and sister an equal part of the profits arising form the said plantation for the education and maintenance of them until they are all arrived to the age of twenty one years. It is my will and desire that the remainder of my estate already given to my dear wife shall after her decease be equally divided between my four sons Richard, John, Edward, and James and my daughter Sarah and their heirs.

Lastly I constitute and appoint my dear wife Mary Weems my whole and sole exc

27 Feb 1780

Benjamin Harrison
William Weems Jr.
David Weems

7 June 1780

Contributed by Anne Scrivener Agee
Source:Maryland State Archives, Annapolis MD, Anne Arundel County Wills Box W Folder 65

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