Anne Arundel County

Will - Joshua WARFIELD

Dated 23 Apr 1768

Maryland, I Joshua Warfield of Ann Arundel County Practioner of Physic being of perfect Mind and Memory do make this my last Will and Testament in form and manner following vizt: Imprimis, I give and Bequeath unto my Dear Beloved Wife Rachel Warfield (during her widowhood) the free enjoyment of my Lands and my Mill provided she keep the Mill in proper order and also her third part of my Personal Estate and that neither of my Sons shall interupt her during the time aforesaid: according the Lands mentioned.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Joseph Warfield my Dwelling Plantation with all the Lands and improvements I now possess in the Western side of the middle River of Patuxant (only the liberty of the Buttment of a Mill Damn) to him and his Heirs forever.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son Joshua Warfield all the Lands that I now Possesss on the Eastern side of the Middle River of Patuxent, together with my Mill and all other improvements thereon amd also free liberty to make a Buttment for a Damn on the Water on side of the said River to him and his Heirs forever.

Item. I give and Bequeathunto my Beloved daughters Sarah, Dinah, Ruth, and RAchel Warfield each one Hundred Pounds Currency (as the Money shall be then passing) to be paid them on the Day of Marriage or at the age of Sixteen Years, as shall happen first and that what ever I shall give them before either of then times; shall be deemed and Understood as their own, and not their part of my Estate. But their absolute property.

Item. I give and Bequeath all the remainder and Residue of my Personal Estate (after my Debts & Legacies are paid) to be equally divided between my six Children aforesaid but in case either of them die before they come of AGe, then that part to be still equally divided among the Survivors.

Item. I giver and Bequeath unto my Beloved Brother-in-Law James Howard the sum of fifty pounds Sterling for his troubles in assisting my Executrix hereinafter named in the Administration of my Estate Collecting the Debts due thereto and such othermatters as an Administation in such Cases require provided he will undertake and Act Carefully therein.

Lastly.. I consistute appoint and ordain my Beloved Wife Rachel Warfield my Sole Executirix of this my last Will and Testament Ratifying anb Confirming this and no other .........
I have hereunto set my hand and Sea this 23 Day if April 1768

Joshua Warfield

Signed Sealed Pronounced, Published and Declared by the said Joshua Warfield to be his last Will and Testament in presence of}
Joseph Howard son of Ephraim
William Selman
Willima Barker

Anne arundel County to wit: April 10th 1769 Came Joseph Howard son of Ephraim, William Selman, and William Barker the three subscribing witnesses to the within will and made oath on the holy Evangley of Almighty God that they saw the Testator herein named sign and seal & heard him publish pronounce & declare the same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of his doing the same he was of a Sound & Disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they Severally sisgned their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the testator and in the p[resence of each other. Sworn before Elie Vallette Hour?????

At the Same Time came Rachel Warfield and made her Election of having the one third of her late husbands Estate. ?? Law of the ???? Dower agreeable to the act of assembly in that case made & proved.

Contributed by Anonymous
Source: Liber WD No2 Folio 201

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