Anne Arundel County

Will - Richard TYDINGS

Dated 02 Feb 1687

In the name of God Amen, the second day of Feby, 2, 1687, I, Richard Tidings of Ann Arundel County in the Providence of Maryland, planter, being sick and weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth, being desirous to settle things in order, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following: That is to say, first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God, my Creator, assuredly knowing that I shall receive pardon of all my sins and to be saved by the precious death and passion of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be buryed at the disposition of my Executors, hereafter named, and as for such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, my will and meaning is that the same shall be employed and bestowed as hereafter in this my last will and testament expressed.

Impr. My will and meaning that all my debts that I lawfully do owe to any persons satisfied, contented and paid by my Executors hereafter named, do make ordain and appoint this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following -

Item, I give and bequeath unto my sonn, John Tidings all that plantation where I now dwell on called Haselnutt Ridge lying in Ann Arundell County aforementioned with all houses, buildings, orchards whereon and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining when he shall attain to the full age of 21 years, but to be at age to work for him at the age of seventeen to the said plantation to my said (son) John Tidings do decease this mortall life before he shall attain to the age of one and twenty years or after without an heir lawfully begotten of his body and in such case my will and meaning that the said plantation and all other shall redound unto my eldest daughter, Charity Tidings and her heirs forever at the age of 16 years or day of marriage which shall first happen, but in case my daughter, Charity shall decease this mortall life without heirs, lawfully begotten of her body, then the said premises redound to my second daughter, Elizabeth and her heirs forever at the age of 16 or day of marriage which shall first happen but if my said daughter Elizabeth shall decease this mortall like without heirs lawfully begotten of her body, then the said plantation to redound unto my third daughter, Prelitia and her heirs forever at the age of sixteen or day of marriage whichever shall first happen and for want of an heir lawfully begotten of her body to redound to my fourth daughter, Mary Tidings and her heirs forever.

Item, My will and meaning is that all that piece or tract of land called Nanjomie lying in Baltimore County containing 375 acres to be equally divided between my daughters, Charity, Elizabeth and to her and her heirs forever at the age of 16 years or day of marriage whichever shall first happen.

Item, I give and bequeath and my meaning is that all tract of land or parcel of land called New Years Purchase lying in Gunpowder River in Baltimore County containing 500 acres be it more or less according to the lines run out lately by Thomas Lightfoot to be equally divided between my two daughters Prelitia and Mary and their heirs forever as their age of 16 years or day of marriage whichever shall first happen.

Item, My will and meaning is that all my personal estate wheresoever it may be found shall be equally divided among my five children before mentioned and their heirs at the severall ages before mentioned, only my wife's wearing clothes, linen and woolen and one sorrel mare with her increase called by the name of Bonnie and her increase which said wearing clothes and mare with her increase I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Charity and her heirs forever, not to be appraised and to be delivered to her within one week after my decease whenever I make my sole executor of this my will and testament.

Item, My will and meaning is that if any of my aforementioned children shall decease before they attain to their age or day of marriage aforementioned then in such case the severall legacies be equally divided among the survivor or survivors of them and my will is that all my children shall live in my own dwelling house and plantation until my son John shall attain the age of 21.

Item, My will and meaning is that none of that neck of land belonging to my now dwelling house and plantation joining upon Leonard Weymore's ? shall be cleared until my son, John, shall attain to the age of 21 years, only timber for repairing of now dwelling house.

Item, My will and desire is that Solomon Sparrow, John Belt, and John Jordain of Ann Arundell Co. should be the Overseers of this my last will and testament hoping and desiring them to see this will be performed according to the legacys therein mentioned that my children be not wronged nor differences rise among them. In witness thereof I hereunto sat my hand and seal to this my last will and testament.

Richard Tidings (Seal)

Witnesses: Charles Chiswell/Chesell, John Elsey, Elizabeth Chiswell/Chesell, Elizabeth Butler.

Contributed by Brian Deaver

Source: Will of Richard Tydings of Anne Arundel Co., MD Executed 2/2/1687 probated 1687 (Anne Arundel Co., Wills, Liber 6, ff. 31-32)

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