Anne Arundel County

Will - William SLADE

Dated 10 Jun 1676

The last will and testament of William Slade of Anarundell River being in perfect health of body and of sound memory, Praised be to the Allmighty, but knowing of our sudden departure out of this Clay, have thought good to make this my last will and testamment in manner and form following.

I Bequeath to my sonne William SLADE, two hundred acres of land lying on the South side of petapscoe, formerly bought of Quinton Parker, deceased, and the cattle that may be called myn there, the land and cattle and their increase, to be his and his heires forever, and what else is there of myn, upon the said plantation, and a great gunne muskett, fore which is lent to Rowland [Vance? Nance?] and Robertt [Grime?]. I bequeath to him two gunns more, a Basturd muskett, and a gunne for squerrills, and a small brass pestill. Also I give him the feather bed I use to lye upon with the furniture belonging and a new suite damix curtains and a vallance never yett used, my Blackman and a gelding which goes by the name of nanies foale, and all my hoggs, excepting one barrow about three or four years old, which said barrow I give to Doctor Henry Lewis. I give unto my said sonne William my best saddle, with a snaffle and new curb bitt, and my small writing trunk, and a chest of elm standing in the outward Roome, and a trunk standing in the inward Roome, a case of tooth pickers, and what money may be found of myne, and one pair of slate buttons for breeches, likewise all my wearing cloths, both linnen and wollen, a iron pott new, and a brasse kettle:

Secondly I bequeath to my daughter Mary my plantation whereon I live and to her heires forever, only excepted my sonne to live upon it for the term of five years, without any lott or molestation, but to have the full power of it for the terms above said. I give likewise my daughter Mary one hundred of land, more Called Wolfe Neck. I give her likewise my gray mare, to her heires forever, with her increase, a chest that stands in the milk house, a small trunk being marked I.K., also I give her my spice box, I give her one silver bodkin with the marke M.S. one silver tooth picker which was formerly her mothers, and a gold ring. I give her all my wifes wearing cloths, both linnen and wollen.

Thirdly I bequeath to Doctor Lewis one mare foale, about two years old, and to his sonne Henry and her increase forever, the young mare, being the foale of the gray mare.

Fourthly I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth a parcell of land lyeing between Richard [Mossa?] and Thomas [Turners?], called the Square, I give her my sorrell mare named nany, a feather bed that lyeth, under my lodging bed -- and what is thereunto belonging one chest which I use to carry in my boat and one silver bodkin marked M.S.

Fifthly I bequeath to my daughter anne, one feather bed which lies in the trundle bedstead and what belongeth to it, with a pare of sheets, and a chest, which stands in the inward Roome and a small white Box which stands in the inward Roome.

Sixthly I do desire that all my cattle, that I have at Severn, may Equally divided between my Sonne William ad my daughter Elizabeth, and anne, and my Sonne to enjoy them at my decease.

Seventhly I do dispose of my daughter Elizabeth to be brought up with Mr John homewood untill she be sixteen years of age, and to be ffree at that age.

8thly my daughter Anne I do dispose to my daughter Mary, untill she shall come to be sixteen years, and then to be ffree.

Ninethly the Rest of my estate, after my debts is paid to be Equally divided between my Sonne William, Elizabeth, and anne my daughters, and if my sonne William Should decease without issue then what is his my desire is shall fall to my daughter anne, and if my daughter Mary should decease without issue, then hers to fall to my daughter Elizabeth.

Tenthly I do leave my trusty and loving friends Doctor Henry Lewis and John [Rix? Price?] to be my adm. over this my will and testament. Lord have mercy on my soule. In wittness to this my last will and testament I doe interchangeably sett my hand and seale this 15 day of May 1675. William Slade

Signed Sealed in presence of Henry Lewis Mary Lewis

I leave my Sonne William to be at the tuition of John [Rix? Price?] untill he comes to the age of Seventeen years to be instructed in learning as wittness my hand this 5th of June 1675.

William Slade


Hen: Lewis

William Sutton

Source: Prerogative Court (Wills) 5, pp 45-48 William SLADE 10 June 1676

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