Whereas being indisposed, but of sound mind and memory, dispose of my property in following manner
Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my son John my dwelling plantation called Carter Bennett, bought of Francis Holland, my tract of land called Carter bought of Morgan Jones, my tract of land called Carter bought of Richard Wells, and my tract of land called West Wells and Wells bought of Philemon L. Chew and one acre more or less bought of Major Richard Chew called Wells. I also give him four Negro boys and three girls and one hundred pounds. The above lands I give to John and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son George Evan's Purchase of two hundred acres more or less, Kirketon's Choice of one hundred and sixty acres more or less. And I give him also four Negro boys and three girls and one hundred pounds. The above lands I give to George and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my wife William and Nan during her life. They and their increase to go to my son John at her death.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Nancy, and Sarah and my son Francis each an equal division of the residue of my Negroes, such of them as have received any before now to account for them in the above division mentioned.
Item, I give to my sons John and George each a colt, to my son John one of two years old and to George one of a year old. To John likewise six oxen.
Item, I give to my wife three cows and three calves to go to my son John at her death.
Item, I give and bequeath to be equally among my children all the residue of my estate, first paying Mr. Darnall (out of the money now in the house) his account. It is my will that my son John receive my son Francis's part to hold for his maintenance during his life and to be continued to John.
I hereby appoint my son John and John Whittington joint executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have unto set my hand.
Signed and delivered in the presence of
Walter Harrison
Sam'l Harrison Junr
Lewis Scrivener (his mark)
On the 20the day of November 1797 came Eleanor Scrivener the widow of Francis Scrivener late of Anne Arundel County
deceased and quitted her claim to the several bequests and devices made to her in the will of her said husband
deceased and elected in lieu thereof her dower, a third part of the deceased's estate both real and personal.
Before Jno Gassaway, Register of Wills, Anne Arundel County
Contributed by Anne Agee
Source: Maryland Archives Anne Arundel County Wills Box 5 Folder #22
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