Maryland, Anne Arundel County. In the name of God Amen I Edward Penn of the County and Province aforesaid Plantor this fifth day of June 1741 being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth and being desirous to settle things in order do mark and name this my last will and testament in maneer and form followeth that is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as my executor hereafter named think moot and convenient (last four words difficult to decipher) and as touching such worldly estate as the Lord hath blessed me with my will and meaning is the? same shall be bestowed as hereafter by this my will is estated? and first do revoke renounce flustrate? and make void all wills by me formerly made and declare and appoint this my last will and testament viz.
Item I give and bequeathe to my son Edward Penn five shillings to be paid out of the estate--
Item I give and bequeathe to my son Benjamin Penn his heirs and assigns a tract of land called Plantors Pleasure containing one hundred acres lying in Anne Arundel County--
Item I give and bequeathe to my son Joseph Penn his heirs an assigns the land whereon I now dwell containing one hundred fifty seven acres being part of a tract of land called Duvalls Delight in the county aforesaid. I appoint my four sons.Edwatd, Benjamin, Joseph and John executors of this my last will and testament--
Item I give and bequeathe to my daughter Jane Penn five and twenty pounds sterling to be paid her by my executors aforesaid. Likewise a feather bed and furniture belonging to it, a cow, a calf, sow, and piggs to be paid her by my aforesaid exectors--
Item My will is that all my cattle, horses, and hoggs be equally divided between my two sons Joseph and John Penn's and my daughter Jane Penn and after that my will is the remainor to be equally divided among my five children viz Edward, Benjamin, Joseph, John, and Jane Penn's
his E.P. mark
Edward Penn (seal)
Signed sealed pronounced
and declared by the above
named Edward Penn to be
his last will & testament
in the presence of John Wators
James Eldor his mark, William
On the back of the foregoing will is thus written viz. August 12, 1741 came John Wators,
William Wators and James Elder the subscribing witnesses to the within will James Eldor being
duly and solomnly sworn on the holy evangels of almighty God does depose and say, John Wators
and William Wators being of the people called Quakers on their solomn affirmation sincerely
declared and affirmed that they saw the withing named Edward Penn sign and seal the withing
instrument of writing and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and
testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound
and disposing mind and memory and that they the said John Wators & James Eldor signed their
respective names and William Wators subscribed his mark as witness to the same will in the
presence of the said testator and at his request--sworn and affirmed before me
--D. Dulany Comly--
Source: The Maryland State Archives as "Prerogative Court (Wills) 22, 372-373, Edward Penn, 1741 [MdHR 1300,1-11-1-27].
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