Anne Arundel County

Will - William JONES

Dated 01 May 1705

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN --- the thirty-first day of May One thousand Seven hundred and five I William Jones Gent of the County of Ann Arundel in the province of Maryland Planter being sick and weak in Body of Sound and perfect Memory thanks be to God for the Same and Calling to mind the uncertain State of this life and that all must goeth unto Death when it shall please God to call Doe make and sine constitute and appoint and Declare this my Last will and testament in Manner and form following revoking annulling and making void all other will and wills by me hereto made either by word of mouth or writing and this only to be Taken for my Last will and noe other and first Commit my Soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping through the Merits of my blessed lessons to be Eternally loved and my body to the Earth to be Decently buried by my Executive hereafter named and for my Temporall Effects which it hath pleased God to bless me with I Dispose as follows

Item I give and bequeath to my Dear and loving wife Elizabeth Jones all that Plantation whereon I now Dwell Together with the land belonging to the home During the terme of her Naturall life and pass on after her decease to the use and ________of my son William Jones and his heirs forever except what is hereafter given to Mary Beddingfield and Anthony Beddingfield

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Duvall the wife of John Duvall unto my Daughter Jane Clarke the wife of Neale Clarke and unto my Daughter Ann Cheney the wife of Charles Cheney the sume of one Shilling Cash to be paid by my Executive hereafter named

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Beddingfield and Anthony Beddingfield a piece or parcel of land whereon they now Dwell it being piece of a tract Called Johns Cabin Ridge which is to begin at a ______Spanish Oaks in a line Janey land __________land Wm Jones and running to est North west Cross the land to an ______bounded with twelve_____ and be bounding on the land of Thomas Cheney to have and to hold the ____land and the appertainces unto the land Mary Beddingfield and Anthony Beddingfield and their heirs for Ever

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Granddaughter Mary Duvall the Daughter of John Duvall one cow and Calfe to be delivered in Time convenient after my decease by my Executive hereafter named

and lastly I Give and bequeath unto my Law wife customary debts legacies and funerall Charges shall be paid all the remainder of my Estate whatsoever to be Equally divided between her my Law wife and my Grandson William Trogden share and share alike and my Law Grandson to remain with my Law wife till he Comes to the age of Sixteen at which time I will that he shall be free for himself and of this my last will I leave my Law wife my full whole and sole Executive in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Day and Year

Wm (X) Jones

Above written Signed Sealed and Published and Declared to being the Last will and testament of the late Wm Jones in the presents of
Richard Duckett
John Starkey -
Powell Mary Powel

( on the back of the will was written)
Then came the witness' to the within written will and made Oath that they saw the within named Wm Jones sine seal and deliver the same as his last Will and Testament
John Grossman (?)

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