This indenture this 3 Sep 1806 between Elizabeth Jacob of Ann Arundel County widow of Samuel Jacob lately deceased of the one part and Robert Jacob, Daniel Payne Jacob, Arnold Jacob, and Sarah Ditty the children and heirs at law of the said Samuel Jacob of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Elizabeth Jacob for and in consideration of the sum of $ 100 to her in hand paid by the said Robert, Daniel Payne and Arnold Jacob and Sarah Ditty and for divers other good causes and considerations hath granted bargained and sold aliened, released, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien, release, enfeoff and confirm unto them the said Robert, Daniel Payne and Arnold Jacob and Sarah Ditty and their heirs and assigns all the estate right, title interest and claim of dower of her the said Elizabeth Jacob of in and to the real and personal estate of the said Samuel Jacob of every nature and kind whatever. To have and to hold the same unto them the said Robert, Daniel Payne and Arnold Jacob and Sarah Ditty and their heirs and assigns equally as tenants in common and not joint tenants, and the said Elizabeth Jacob doth for herself her heirs executors administrators and assigns covenant promise and agree that she the said Elizabeth Jacob her heirs executors administrators or assigns will never claim or demand any right of dower or distributive part of in and to the real and personal estate of the said Samuel Jacob but that she doth now and will at all times hereafter release the same to the children and heirs aforesaid in any other or more formal mode that may be reasonably devised, advised or required. In witness of which the said Elizabeth Jacob hath the day and year above named hereto set her hand and affixed her seal.
Wit: Richard H Harwood | Elizabeth Jacob (Seal) |
On the back of the aforegoing Instrument was thus endorsed
State of Maryland - Ann Arundel County to wit: On the 3 Sep 1806 personally appeared
Elizabeth Jacob within named before me the subscriber one of the associate judges of the third Judicial District
and acknowledged the aforegoing instrument of writing to be her act and deed. Acknowledged before and certified by:
Richard H Harwood - Recorded: 10 Oct 1806
Elizabeth Jacob to children of Samuel Jacob - 3 Sep 1806
$ 100 - relinquishes right of dower as widow of Samuel Jacob to his children:
Robert Jacob, Daniel Payne Jacob, Arnold Jacob, Sarah Ditty
Recorded: 10 Oct 1806
Contributed by Evelyn Windhaus
Source: Anne Arundel Co Deeds LDS #0013222 Page 258-259
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