In the name of God Amen December the 31st: 1730 I John Gale of Annarundell County being sick in Body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to almighty God for the same and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordain and declare, this my last Will and Testament in mannor and form following Forsaking and anulling by those Presents all and every Testamont and Testamonts Will and Wills heretofore by me made and Declared either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for my last Will and Testament and none other, and now for the setling my Temporal Estate and such Goods and Chattles as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do order give and dispose of in manner and form following That is to say first I Will that all my Just Debts that I owe in right to any manner of Person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid within convenient time after my Decease by Execut. Here after named.
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Elizabeth Frizell all that part or parcell of a Tract of Land called Rockholds purchase lying on the South side of a Branch called backbrook Branch During her natural life and after her Decease I give it to my Grandson Gale Frizell and his heirs forever.
Item I give unto my loving daughter Margaret Frizell all the remaining part of the said Tract of Land called Rockhold Purchase lying on the North side of the aforesaid Branch During her Naturall Life and after her Decease give it to my 2 Granddaughters named Margaret and Constant Frizell to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever
Item I give to my aforesaid two Grand Daughters one Negro man named Sambo also one good feather Bedd and furniture and two Cows and Calves with all Female Increase after my Decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson James Marsh one Cow and Calf
Item I give unto my Grandson Gale Frizell one feather bedd which I currently lye on
Item I give unto my Son-in-law John Frizell one feather bedd and furniture lying in the Shedd
Item I give unto my Grandson Jacob Frizell one Dark Bay Mare (&) Colt
Item I give unto my Son in Law Abraham Frizell one feather bedd and furniture _______ _________
Item I give unto my ______GrandDaughters Margaret & Constant one Iron pot and frying pans
Item I give unto my grandson Gale Frizel one Negro man named Peter and the remaining part of my estate to be equally Divided between my two Daughters Elizabeth and Margaret Frizell and further my Will is that my Sons in law John and Abraham Frizell to be my Executors of this my last Will as witness of my hand
Test: Lance Todd | |
Charles G. H. Hall | |
Robert Smith (his mark) |
On the back of the foregoing Will was the following Probate thus written _______ ____________
May the 10th 1733 Then came Capt. Lance Todd and Robert Smith two Subscribing Evidences to the within
Will who makes Oath upon the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they saw the within named John Gale
the Signature and Deliver the Written Instrument as his last Will and testament and at the same time
heard him Publish and declare the same to be and that at the time of his so doing he was of sound
disposing mind and memory to the best of their knowledge and that they signed as witnesses to the
within will in the prescence of the Testator and at his request and they further declare on their oath
that Charles Hall the other witness who is now dead signed as evidence to the said will with them.
Sworn before me the day and year above
John Deale (Beale) Hon. AA Coty.
Contributed by Elaine Blackwell Thomasson
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