In the name of God, Amen. I Michael Earlocker living in Anne Arundel County and State of Maryland labouring under a bodily affliction though of perfect mind, to constitute and make this my last Will and Testament: After my just debts are paid, I wish all my property of every kind whatsoever to remain in the hands of my beloved wife Honestasia for the use of her and my children only in same manner as though I was living but in case any of my children should marry, it is then my wish, that they do be put into possession of their equal portion of my Estate as soon as can be done without injuring the Estate.
Item, It is my wish, in case my wife marrys hereafter that she be only entitled to one third part of my Estate, as allowed by law in such cases, and that some proper person or persons be appointed to take charge of the property belonging to my children to be applied to their use only. The proper person or persons shall be appointed by the Orphans Court. In witness whereof this the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and three. I fix my hand and seal.
Signed, sealed and delivered in Michael Earlocker
the presence of
Caleb Porter
Horatio Hudson
On the back of the aforegoing Will was the following ___:
Anne Arundel County ~ Then came Caleb Porter and
Horatio Hudson
the 23rd Day of February 1803. the two subscribing witnesses
to the within last Will and Testament of Michael
Earlocker, late of Anne Arundel County, deceased, and made Oath on the holy
Evangels of Almighty God, That they did see the Testator wherein named sign
and seal this Will and that they heard him publish, pronounce and declare the
same to be his last Will and Testament; that at the time of his so doing he
was to the best of their approxonsing [their spelling!] of a sound desposing
mind, memory and understanding; and that they respectfully subscribed their
names as witnesses to this Will in the presence and at the request of the
Testator, and in the presence of each other.
Sworn before, Jno. Gassaway,
Regr. Wills A. A. County
Contributed by Donna Thomas
Note: Michael Earlougher's wife was Anne Astatia Earlougher
Source: Wills, Liber JG, No. 2, folio 226, Maryland State Archives, Michael
Earlocker, Dated February 1, 1803. Microfilm CR 72,2542
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