I, WW Cole of West River in the county of Anne Arundel and State of Maryland, declare this to be my last will and testament.
First I give and bequeath to my five unmarried daughters, viz: Laura E Cole, Sarah E Cole, M Georgianna Cole, Alice E Cole and Ann P Cole all of my household and kitchen furniture. They, the above named girls, can give their two married sisters, viz: Susan EJ Tanner and Lois Emma Peake, whatever they (the five girls) may elect- (I include books, work of art and chattels and effects, together with fuel, housekeeping provisions and other consumable stores, which shall at my decease be in or about my dwelling house) in household kitchen furniture.
I also give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah and her four unmarried sisters to share and share alike all of my livestock consisting of four (4) horses, ten (10) cattle, viz: five oxen, three cows and two yearlings-also one half interest in twenty-nine (29) sheep and twenty-five (25) lambs and twenty (20) hogs. Also all of my farming utensils, viz: one two-horse plow, two one-horse plows and one iron cultivator-also my interest in hoes, forks and shovels, axes, etc-also half interest in drill and reaper. I give and bequeath to my son Joseph W Cole my chest of tools. I also appoint my son Joseph W Cole executor of my "life policy" of one thousand (1000) dollars after paying himself all advancements he has made with legal interest on the same and after paying my son John W Cole twenty-five (25) dollars, he shall divide the remainder equally between himself and his seven sisters who have been named above.
In view of the fact that Providence has seen fit to remove one of daughters, viz: M Georgianna Cole, prior to the execution of the above, I hearby revoke the same insofar as it applies to her with one exception, viz: her interest in my "life policy". I direct that the same shall be applied to the enclosure and to provide tombs to mark her resting place. I further direct that in event of the death of any of my single daughters prior to my decease, or subsequent thereto without will- the property bequeathed to them shall be equally divided between the surviving single sisters above named.
In witness whereof, I, WW Cole, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and eighty-six.
Then and there signed, sealed and published by WW Cole the testator, as and for his last will, in the presence, and in presence of each other,
have hereto set our names as witnesses.
E Olin Eldridge
TG Bird
FM Byrd
Contributed by Sharon Strout
Source: Will Book JWB1, page 128, year 1886
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