Anne Arundel County

Will - A. Moore BENNETT

Dated Oct 12, 1877

In the name of God Amen. I, A. Moore Bennett of Anne Arundel County in the State of Maryland being of sound mind memory and understanding do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say.

First I will bequeath and devise to my son George B. Bennett, his heirs and afsigns all that part of my land where I now reside being on the North side of the land belonging to E. G. Kilbourn Beginning from the same above near Mooneys Barn and running hence in a northwestern direction until it strikes the land of E.G. Kilbourn, lately bought by said E.G. Kilbourn of J. K. Bennett containing seventy-five acres more or lefs with privilege of roads on the whole as now used.

Secondly, I will bequeath and devise to my daughter Margaret Mark all that part of my land which lies on the North side of the division line between the land devised to my son George B. Bennett and the land herein described commencing at Mooney's barn running Northward to Martins lot excluding the forty acre lot with privilege of use of way to Mooney's barn and also to the county road and to that portion of the forty acre lot lying West of the said County road containing eighty-five acres more or lefs to her heirs and afsigns.

Thirdly, I bequeath and devise to my daughter Mary A. Jess her heirs and assigns all that lot of land which lies on the East side of the fifty acre lot called Ellicotts lot and joins the twenty one acre lot, being one half of the forty acre lot, and the western part, I also will and bequeath to my said daughter Mary A. Jess her heirs and assigns six hundred dollars in bankable currency.

Fourthly, I bequeath and devise to my daughter Ruth H. Lodge her heirs and assigns a lot of land on the East end of the forty acre lot adjoining Hearmans and Owen's lands containing twenty acres more or lefs with right of way to county road also I will and bequeath to my said daughter Ruth H. Lodge her heirs and assigns six hundred dollars bankable currency.

Lastly, I hereby constitute to my brother William P. Bennett executor of this my last Will and testament he to see to the execution of this will without commisfsion.

In witnefs thereof I hereto set my and and seal this Twelfth day of October eighteen hundred and seventy seven.

A Moore   X   Bennett

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us by A M Bennett who at his request in his presence and the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnefs hereto

Witnefs Joseph G. Warfield
Caleb B. White

Transcript of Court Attachment To the will of Andrew Moore Bennett
As recorded in Anne Arundel County, MD

Anne Arundel County Setz
January 8th 1878 Then came J.G. Warfield and Caleb B. White the two subscribing witnefses to the aforegoing last Will and testament of A Moore Bennett deceased made oath with Holy Evangely of almighty God that they did see the testater sign and seal this will, that they heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and they subscribed their name as witnefses hereto at the request of the testater in his presence and above in the presence of each other

Contributed by Kimberly Day
Note: A. Moore Bennett was the spouse of the deceased Margaret Bennett
Source: Anne Arundel County, MD Book Ridl: 42 Page 360

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