Anne Arundel County

1725 Land Grant from REYNOLDS to SYMPSON

April 2, 1725

[Note: This deed that proves that Thomas Reynolds, the "high sheriff" of Ann Arundel County, did not die in 1719, as reported in some genealogies, but after 1725.]

To All Christian People to whome these Presents shall Come We Thomas Reynolds Senr: and Eliza. Reynolds of Ann Arundel County send Greet.g in our Lord God Everlasting know ye we the said Thomas Reynolds & Eliza. Reynolds for and Inconsideration of the love good will & affection which we have & doe bare Towards our Loveing son in Law Amos Simpson & Loving Daughter Levina Sympson of the County Aforesaid have given & Granted & by these Presents do freely Clearly & Absolutely give and Grant to the Said Amos Sympson & Levina Sympson the Lawfull begotten heirs of their Bodies for Ever two hundred and ten Acres of land being Part of a tract Called Food Plenty Containing Eight hundred & thirty Acres- lying in Ann Arundell County According to the Certification of Survey Begining att two four Notched Red Oaks Standing at the End of the twentieth Course of the said Land and Runing Reverse upon the Originall Courses South Eighty five Degrees West fourty four Perches then North Seventy four Perches then North Eighty two- (Degrees) Degrees west fifty four Perches then North thirty four degrees west fifty Eight Perches then North Sixty two degrees East Seventy four Perches then North forty four degrees west seventy two Perches then North thirty three degrees East fifty two Perches then North Eighty nine degrees East Sixty Perches then North Eighty one degrees East Sixty Six Perches then South Eighty two Degrees East fifty five Perches then with a Straight line to the Beginining trees Containing and now laid out for two hundred and ten Acres more or Less now Called Amoses Lott out of Food Plenty TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Af:d Tract of Land with all the Appurtenances there unto belonging unto the Said Amos Sympson and Levina Sympson and their heirs for Ever from hence forth as their Proper Estate of Inheritance for Ever Absolutely with out any manner of Condition & further know ye that we the said Thos. Reynolds & Eliza. - Reynolds have Put the Afsd: Amos Sympson & Levina Sympson into Peasable Possession of the Afsd: Land Appurtanances as Aforesaid by Delivery to Each of them at the Ensealing of these Presents one Coined piece of Silver Called Sixpence in Wittness- Whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands and Seals this twenty Second day of Aprill in the Eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George by the Grace of God of Great Brittaine &c.: and in the year of our Lord God 1725.

Signed Sealed and Delivered

Thos. Reynolds (Seal)

Eliza. E. Reynolds (Seal)

in the Presence of
Sam:ll Young
Joh Beale

On the Back of the foregoing deed is thus Endorsed Vizt.-

Aprill the 22d 1725.
Then Came before me the Subscriber Chief Justice of his Lordships Prov'l Court of Maryland the wthin Named Thomas Reynolds and Eliza. his wife & Acknowledged the within deed and the lands therein Mentioned to be the Right of Amos Sympson and Levina his wife and their heirs for Ever According to Law The Said Eliza. being Privately Examined out of the hearing of her husband before me

5/4 Sam'l Young

Recorded May the 13th: 1725

Contributed by Katharine Harbury

Source: Maryland State Archives, MD State Archives Documents Collection, MSA SC 1878-154-1 and 1878-154-2.

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This page was last updated 12/04/2024