This Indenture made this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two between Francis Earlougher, of Anne Arundel County and state of Maryland, of the one part, and Lloyd T. Hammond of the county and state aforesaid of the other part; Witnesseth, that the said Francis Earlougher for and in consideration of the sum of Five dollars to him in hand paid by the said Lloyd T. Hammond, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the said Francis Earlougher doth hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoff, convey and confirm, unto the said Lloyd T. Hammond his heirs and assigns forever, all that part of a tract of land called "Rebecca's Lot," lying and being in the county aforesaid containing one hundred and two acres and three quarters of land more or less, conveyed to the said Francis Earlougher by deed bearing date the seventeenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, by a certain Joseph Lownes To have and To hold the same and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Lloyd T. Hammond, his heirs and assigns forever, to his and their own proper use and behoof, and to and for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever; and the said Francis Earlougher for himself his heirs, executors and administrators, doth hereby covenant grand and agree to and with the said Lloyd T. Hammond his heirs and assigns that he the said Francis Earlougher and his heirs, the aforesaid part of a tract of land and premises, unto the said Lloyd T. Hammond his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend against him the said Francis Earlougher and his heirs and against all manner of persons claiming the same by from or under him, them or any of them. Provided nevertheless that if the said Francis Earlougher his heirs, executors and administrator shall well and truly pay to the said Lloyd T. Hammond his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the full and just sum of Two thousand dollars current money of Maryland on or before the seventeenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty four with legal Interest thereon, they this deed as also a certain make bearing date the sixteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty two given by the said Francis Earlougher to the said Lloyd T. Hammond conditioned to pay the same sum with interest thereon at the time aforesaid shall be void otherwise shall remain in full force and virtue in law. And provided also and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents and of the parties thereto, that until default be made in the payment of the aforesaid sum of Two thousand dollars or the interest thereon, the said Francis Earlougher, his heirs and assigns are to remain in the undisturbed use possession and enjoyment of the said mortgaged premises. In witness whereof the said Francis Earlougher have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year being first above or within written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence Of ________ ____________ | |
On the back of the aforegoing was thus written, to wit:
Received on the day of the date of the aforegoing Indenture the sum of
Five dollars being the consideration money therein mentioned.
Test ________________ | Francis Earlougher |
Maryland and Anne Arundel County to wit: On the twenty fifty day of
August in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, personally
appeared before me the subscriber Chief Judge of the third Judicial District
of the state of Maryland Francis Earlougher the person named in the
aforegoing instrument of writing and acknowledged the same to be his act and
deed according to the true intent and meaning thereof and the acts of
assembly in such cases made and provided.
Acknowledged before
Thomas B.
Recorded the 24th day of September 1832.
Contributed by Donna Thomas
Note: Francis Earlougher was the son of Michael and Anastatia EARLOUGHER.
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