Anne Arundel County

1997 Jan-Mar Queries

Caryl Simpson Wed Jan 1 14:19:07 1997
JACOB/JACOBS-Wish to communicate with anyone researching descendants of John Jacobs of Anne Arundel Co 17th century. Specifically, I m interested in Jacob JACOBS son of Jonathon JACOBS born ca 1708 or any person with the name JACOB JACOBS. Thanks, Caryl

Garnet Murphey Fri Jan 3 13:44:37 1997
Seeking all Pritchetts, Veners and Voss of Eastern Shore area, MD Caroline Co and surrounding area.

Pat Burke Sat Jan 4 14:57:16 1997
Am looking for information on John (Jacob) BURGOON, born 1715 in Alsace, France. Married Elizabeth about 1745. Their children were born in Taneytown, Frederick, MD. Would like any information about when John immigrated to America. Also need information on his wife Elizabeth.

Jack Leroy Bryson Sun Jan 5 06:59:01 1997
Seeking info on WINSLOW,George William Henry b.25 Dec 1883 in Baltimore.Md. father was WINSLOW, John R. born about 1865, mother McMATHIS,Sarah Linnice. This is all I know of him. Thank You.

Charla Marchione Sun Jan 5 23:06:45 1997
Need info about family of SNOWDON and Thomas Ingmire, named in will of Thomas Burgess of Anne Arundel Co. Snowdon and Thomas married and moved to Muskingum and Hocking Counties, Ohio about 1810.Snowdon married a Chaney/Cheney. How are these families related?

Charla Marchione Sun Jan 5 23:11:52 1997
Who was Dr. Benjamin CROCKETT of Cecil County who married Mary or Elizabeth CHEW in 1750? Are these Quakers from Anne Arundel, as I believe.

Garnet Murphey Tue Jan 7 18:06:35 1997
I a desc of Dr. John PRICE, Priscilla Collison, Joel Vener, Edward Pritchett, ......Voss all of Caroline Co. Md and south VA. Is anyone else a desc?

Garnet Murphey Tue Jan 7 18:26:36 1997
seeking info on the ....VOSS family that married into the Lott Pritchett family. Lott was born ca 1780 Caroline Co. MD. They had Mahala Pritchett (born 1810), she married Benjamin Vener. Parnets of Andrew Collison Vener. Also seeking info on Benjamin Cole.

N. Loughlin Thu Jan 9 05:06:23 1997
I am looking for information on Jesse Edward PIGOTT born about 1811 in Cumberland,MD.He married a Emma Hall. His father was James Edward Pigott born of Oxfordshire,England.He married a Ann Heldreth and died about 1829. I am looking for Edward Loughlin born 1868 from Tralee, Ireland who married twice.His second wife was Agatha Hooker and know that were relatives by the first wife in the Baltimore area. Any information on "Pigott" and "Loughlin" families would be

Jack Leroy Bryson Wed Jan 8 14:06:59 1997
Seeking to exchange info. on WINSLOW,George William Henry b. about 1885 in Baltimore, Md. son of WINSLOW,John R. and McMATHIS,Linnace, no other infor available. Thank You

Tim Wyatt Wed Jan 8 15:39:04 1997
Looking for background on 3 generations of Edward W. SALMONS, possibly in Calvert County (Solomons) early 1800s; then to W. Balto. by the Civil War. West Point backgrounds for all 3; very likely Civil War service by youngest in home brigade.

Patricia Ferger Wed Jan 8 16:33:05 1997
Looking for information on Jacob H FREBURGER b.January 29,1819 in Baltimore,Md-d.July 8,1903 in Baltimore. Wife:Sarah Jane Brown b.July 29,1825 Baltimore-d.December 26,1876 Baltimore. Children: Sarah R. Freburger b.1840 Mary Elizabeth Freburgerb.Aug 22,1844-d.Jan 2,1920 (husband Joseph Sewell) John W. Freburger b.1846 Charles E.Freburger b.1847 William T.Freburger b.1860 Jacob Freburger b.Feb 23,1872-d.Aug 13,1881 Any info on this family please E-mail me,I will share what I have. Also looking for information on Rachael A. Kirby (nee Sewell)Huband John H. Kirby b.1834 in Alexandria,Va Rachael was born in DC,Nov 1,1832.I need to know if they had any children.

Avis West Sat Jan 11 10:17:56 1997
I am searching for the parents of James WEST. Born 1737c. Will proved 6 Jun 1812. He lived in Annapolis. Married Margaret Witaker and Had: James;Robert; John; Mary; Nicholas; charlotte; William; Margaret

Garnet Murphey Fri Jan 10 09:41:51 1997
Seeking info on Ester (Hester) Brooks SHANNAHAN widow on Nathan Shannahan (war of 1812) MD. Caroline Co. Possibly

H. Anne Whiteman Mon Jan 13 19:54:48 1997
i would like to communicate with descendents of John POTTIGENGER, and the Isaacs and Jacobs families. I have a lot of information but can always use more cousins. Thanks, Anne

Jeff Swann Tue Jan 14 02:57:38 1997
Looking for associated families of the Charles County SWANN family. Edward SWANN was granted 1200 acres for EAGLESTON plantation in 1664. He married Susannah HEATH and had five recorded children. Early associated Charles County families are: AMERY, BEALL, BRISCOE, BURCH, COATES, COMPTON, COTRELL, COVINGTON, DENT, DYSON, HATCH, HOLLIDAY, HOWARD, KING, MADDOX, MAGRUDER, NAYLOR, NORRIS, SCOTT, SWANN, THORNE, TURNER, WILSON and many more.

Rachael Venning Tue Jan 14 13:55:39 1997
I'm interested in the DUVALLE (maybe DUVALL) family. William,Priscilla, and others. One of the Duvalls were of the first french Heugonots to settle in either Ann Arundel or Providence counties.

Bonnie Johnston Wed Jan 15 08:26:38 1997
I am seeking information on a SOLLERS who came from England in 1653. H am descended from Isaac Sellers, son of Abraham, etc. original settlers of Maryland. Need Sellers info.

Norman Davis Fri Jan 17 03:32:11 1997
I'm looking for info on Grace Virginia KIRCHNER who resided in Eastport (Annapolis), Maryland in 1975. She was married to Harry Kirchner. I would specifically like to know her mother and fathers names and where the resided. Also where she was born. Thanks.

Rodney Hopper Sun Jan 19 18:40:03 1997
I am searching for info on Robert HOPPER b: abt 1763, Anne A.,MD. First ancestor coming to America was Marmaduke HOPPER in 1669 (MD Records, Liber 13, Folio 66). Robert moved his family to Belmont Co.,OH in the early 1800's (Will of Robert Hopper - Belmont Co., OH signed in 1812).

Peggy Hanes Tue Jan 21 07:53:24 1997
Looking for information on family of DAVID WEEMS who came to America from Scotland in 1730, arriving in Ann Arundel CO., MD. Particularly interested in the family as it relates to the BLACK family of ADAMS CO., PA.

Dorothy Powers Elliott Wed Jan 22 15:40:16 1997
ANNE JANE WILSON--born 1776 England, died 1862 Ohio, married JOHNSA S. SHIPLEY 1813 Baltimore Co. Would appreciate any information concerning Anne Jane Wilson--parents, seiblings etc. Children born Anne Arundel Co.

Dorothy Powers Elliott Wed Jan 22 15:49:08 1997
Is there any more information about the parents of JOHN MEEK born ca 1660, died 1712 Anne Arundel Co. I only have that they were GUY and RACHEL MEEK. Also need a maiden name for John's wife MARY---- and her parents etc.

Dorothy Powers Elliott Wed Jan 22 15:57:39 1997
Would like dates, parents etc. of SUSANNA STEVENS, wife of RICHARD SHIPLEY, m ca 1703 probably Anne Arundel Co. She may be daughter of BENJAMIN STEVENS.

Christine Payne CissieP@Aol.Com Thu Jan 23 12:55:14 1997
Seaarchign for information re: Barnabus/Barnet/Barnit PAYNE; He had two brothers, James and John who accompanied him to Rowan County N.C. where they appear on land records in the middle 1700's; A BARNIT PAINE is mentioned as having sworn an Oath of Fidelity in Harford County on Pg. 247 of book listing Oath's of Fidelity in Maryland. Who was this Barnit?

Ruth McConigly Wed Jan 22 21:41:14 1997
Benjamin WAILES (WALES) of Prince George Co. MD b. 1727 d. 1789 married Sarah HOWARD probably in Prince George Co. or surrounding counties in 1751. Trying to find information on her family. If she related to other HOWARDs of Anne Arundel or Howard County? Their son, Edward Lloyd WAILES married Sarah Biggs Oden in Prince George Co. 3/22/1780. Trying to find information on the BIGGS or ODEN families. Also, may be related to COVINGTON family. Any assistance would be greatfully appreciated.

Steven Jones Fri Jan 24 19:43:33 1997
I am researching the family of Stephen JONES of St Mary's Co, MD. Stephen JONES (d. before 1838) Brother to Henry JONES Married Susan WILSON (b. 1795) Sons: Joshua Wilson JONES (b. 1834) Caleb JONES (b. 1836) Daniel JONES Stephen JONES Any information would be appreciated. S. Jones

Niler Pyeatt Fri Jan 24 09:11:10 1997
I am looking for information on the family and ancestor of John Ijams b. abt 1725, d. 1781 in Anne Arundel Co. Married Ariana Worthing about 1766.

Staley Hardesty Sun Jan 26 09:39:04 1997
I am researching the family of William Emory Hardesty b. May 5,1847 d. Oct 6,1923 in Nutwell AA Co. Maryland. He was married to Mary Alice Ogden b 1858 d. 1936 in Md Seeking information as to siblings and parents of either. Parents of William are believed to be William Hardesty and Elizabeth Lyles and of Mary Alice father was Hamilton Ogden
abeth Lyles and of Mary Alice father was Hamilton Ogden

Anne Whiteman Sun Jan 26 13:50:57 1997
My line includes clergyman Hugh CONN, and I wonder if any have information about his line. Others are Richard Cheney, John Pottinger, and Richard Isaacs.

Richard Foreacre Sun Jan 26 16:50:04 1997
Looking for any information regarding the Foreacre / Foreacres / Fouracre Surname.

Linda HOWELL Tirado Mon Jan 27 13:13:55 1997
I am searching for any information at all on the following family names: HOWELL, ROSE, MOORE, MORRIS and WALL These families are believed to have arrived at the Maryland shore before 1800. At least some were Ulster Scots.

Lee Smith Sun Jan 26 20:52:51 1997
It has been reported that Elijah Smith and Martha Jenkins were married on 7/26/1788 in Anne Arundel County. I am looking for any information that the marriage license may afford regarding dates or places of birth. I guess I failed to include their names when I last queried. Sorry :o)

Linda Fluharty Mon Jan 27 18:27:04 1997
Looking for information on John Fleharty (Fleehartee, Fleaharty or other variation of the name.) I have record of a John Flyharty and Margaret transported to MD in 1678. A John Fleharty had a tract of land in 1747 Dorchester Co. called "Fleharty's Beginning", Stephen Fleharty of Anne Arundel Co. had Dorchester land called "Good Luck" and "Fleharty's Desire". A John Fleehartee married Hannah Pennick in Caroline Co. in 1735. Any information of how these people may be related. Who were John and Margaret's children? Were Stephen and John related? Any knowledge about John and Hannah's children? There is also mention of John Fleharty's "plantation" in a will dated 1705. Massy, Stephen, Noah and James Fleharty were children indentured in separate years around 1760. Were they brothers? Who were their parents? ANY HELP WILL BE TRULY APPRECIATED. There are many different spellings of this name. THANK YOU

Chris Davis Wed Jan 29 14:14:47 1997
I have a poorly documented Family Bible and have no living relatives (other than mother w/ repeated strokes) to verify or help me search history of family.

Bruce Mullenix Fri Feb 21 09:42:18 1997 I am looking for any information concerning Jonathan MULLENIX/MULANIX Jr. born before 1750 in Anne Arundel MD. His father was Jonathan MULLENIX/MULANIX/ MULINIX Sr. from England. I have not found a link but I believe that Jonathan Jr. was married to a woman name Susannah GREENBERRY/GREENBURY from this same county. Please contact me if you have any information concerning these two families. They moved to Randolph NC and died there, dates unknown. Thank You

Davis Young Fri Feb 21 13:40:04 1997 I'm looking for any information about my great grandfather James Bateman Riggs and his brother William Riggs. I have reason to believe that J. B. Riggs was born in the 1840s and it may have been in Maryland. I'm trying to determine his exact birthdate and identify his parents (possibly a Riggs-Bateman marriage?). Both Riggs boys ended up in Delaware by 1870. JBR moved to Philadelphia in the early 1870s.

Susan E. Sykes- Bundy Fri Feb 21 21:14:59 1997
I am looking for any information on the following families that were in Baltimore/Carroll County and I am willing to share all the information I have on them...Thanks in advance for any help. FRANK/FRANCK...STEVENS/STEPHENS/STEVINS...LOUDENSLAGER...DERR... SYKES/SIKES...PLOWMAN...SIAR/SYAR...WARE...MARSH...MILLER... LOVEALL/LOVELL...BRUMMEL/BRUMMELL...HARRIS and TIPTON.

William Robinette Smith Sat Feb 22 16:31:40 1997 Parents: Bernard Robinette Smith, Jr & MaryEllen Smith. Father born in Baltimore City, MD, Mother ?. Paternal Grandparents: Bernard Robinette Smith, Sr. & Ethel ? Smith. Maternal Grandmother: Annastasia Lamont Gosnel. I am looking for any information on the Smith side of the family. Tough name to follow but I want to give it a try. I think my paternal grandfather was born in Baltimore County, circa 1900, died 1967. Paternal great grandfather was a Smith, paternal great grandmother was a Robinette. Any information on either of these families would be greatly appreciated.

Anne Worthington White Sun Feb 23 12:35:48 1997 Seeking descendant of Capt John Worthington 1650-1688=Sarah Howard 1650- 1726 Missing children of John Worthington 1763-1829= Anne Dorsey 1766-1820 John Worthington Jr=Helen Hammond Thomas Worthington=Elizabeth Hammond Annie Worthington=James Henry Love related families Howard HAmmond Hebb Love Dorsey Ridgley Greenbury Wise Hayes

Tony Reina Mon Feb 24 19:15:14 1997 I'm trying to find information on my ancestors. Joseph Reina, my great- grandfather came to the U.S. from Mascu Lucia near Catania in Sicily. He sailed aboard the ship La Patria to New York City in September 1904. He moved to Baltimore and lived on Linwood Ave. I'd appreciate any information I could get on the Reina's in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County. Thanks.

Lee Wed Feb 26 08:08:20 1997 Looking for information on the SPURRIER family and related 18th cnetury connections to the family of Richard GREEN (Thomas Spurrier mar. (1) Venitia Green and (2) Susana GREEN). Thomas & family ended up in Frederick Co.

Carla Baker McHenry Wed Feb 26 19:32:14 1997 BAKER/GRINIFF or GREENIFF - I'm currently looking for the parents of Maurice BAKER b. abt 1640 and d. 1700. He was married to Elizabeth Griniff dau. of Samuel Griniff of A. A. Co. Their nine children are as follows: Charles, William, Sarah, Maurice. Jr., Mary, Indimeon, Martha, and John. Trying to find out if Maurice came up from Virginia before arriving in Maryland or did he come from England. Some researchers feel that their son Charles was born in England. I'm trying to verify this info too. I have a lot of names to share on Maurice's family. Any help would be appreciated.

Beverly Thomas Thu Feb 27 17:06:38 1997 Seeking info on my HARPER line. My ggggggrandfather was b in Maryland, possibley Ann Arundel Co. If anyone who is researching the HARPER surname and has the names, John, Hamilton and Samuel also Jacob and Joseph, PLEASE, I would appreciate hearing from you. I have hit the big brick wall. My ggggggrandfather was John Harper, found in Montgomery Co, VA as early as 1790. Thanks for any info I might receive. Bev Thomas

Carla Baker McHenry Fri Feb 28 11:11:09 1997
BAKER - I'd be interested in anyone that can help dig up info on the following paragraph taken from a BAKER paper written by Callie Baker Weisiger in 1912. "____ Baker came to this country (USA) from England with Lord Baltimore, who established a colony North of the Potomac about the year 1635. The lands were granted to Lord Baltimore by Charles II of England. Baker at one time was a surveyor for BOND and WHEELER, who were great land proprietors. He married Ann FELL, a daughter of Edward and Rebecca FELL. From this marriage came our lineal ancestor Charles Baker I." Does anyone know anything about 1. the WHEELER, BOND, or FELL families. 2. how land was granted from England. 3. Lord Baltimore's arrival to the U.S. I'm sure there is a ton of info out there in the libraries, but if anyone could give me a jump start, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Wayne E. Talbott Fri Feb 28 18:53:58 1997

Bill Barlow Sat Mar 1 12:11:04 1997
I'm trying to get as much information as possible on my ancestors from Maryland. I do know my Great Grandparents (Heller and Richter) immigrated to Baltimore from Germany in the mid 1800s. I have very little information about my other Great Grandparents on my grandfather's side (Howes and Ward). Any information will help.

Eileen Grueninger Sat Mar 1 13:16:05 1997
One of the names I am researching is my father's family name CHILDS. I am looking for information on George W. CHILDS of Baltimore County. He was married to Clara Sullivan. One of their children was Charles M. CHILDS, who was married to Sallie Colley WOODEN. Their daughter Bettie Bailey CHILDS was my grandmother. Charles & Sallie CHILDS lived in Baltimore City, MD. If you have any information on any of the above names, please contact me at 8510 Harris Avenue Baltimore, MD 21234

Carol Bair Tue Mar 4 12:15:47 1997
Looking for information on the following family names which were on my grandfather grandmother Wasmus side of the family. My granparents were raised in South Baltimore, Md and lived in Ferndale, Md. until their death.

D. Chapman Tue Mar 4 12:41:43 1997
Searching for information on the Ray family including John Ray, 1616-1696 from Essex Cty in England who was a missionary and married to Nancy Harville. He arrived in Maryland in 1636. Am also seeking information on one of his descendents, George Ray, 1752-1804 married to Sallie Stewart. He fought in the Revolutionary War. Please contact with any info. Thanks. Tue Mar 4 18:34:09 1997
We are looking information on James and Jemima (MORGAN) MURRAY. They were from Scotland (b. abt.1650)and settled in Ann Arundel/Baltimore counties. 7 children were born to them. Have two conflicting sources on all dates (b.,m.,d.). one source has further info on the next two generations but stops there. We would like to get information on this group to link to the MURRAY name of Indiana (mid 1800's).

Judy French Tue Mar 4 19:57:52 1997
SCRIBNER/SCRIVNER/SCRIVENER - I am looking for info on Lewis or John Scrivener in AA at the start of the Rev. War. I have found their "Oath of Fidelity" but need to know if they connect with my Lewis Smith SCRIBNER b. abt 1756 m. Susan "Unknown" d. abt 1836 in TN. Any info appreciated. Have plenty to share on Scribner after 1800. Thanks

Bill Rohr Wed Mar 5 16:49:06 1997
Seeking any info on the parentage of Elijah James RUSSELL. He was b. MD or PA; d. 4 Oct 1872 Annapolis,MD.; m. 4 Aug 1858 to Caroline BROWN in Baltimore. He was a mariner in 1860 census of Baltimore; a fisherman in 1870 census of Annapolis. He was in Civil War 1861-65 with Co."A", 1st Reg't. MD. Inf. Volenteers. Rev. Henry Furlong of the M.E. Church Baltimore Annual Conferece married them in Caroline's parents' (John & Pheobe BROWN) home. Believe Rev. Furlong was retired from the minstry at by 1858. Their children were: John T. RUSSELL b. 7 Jun 1859 Baltimore; Elijah J. RUSSELL b. 12 Feb 1866 who became a physican in Baltimore; Allen Travers RUSSELL b. 26 Dec 1867 Annapolis who moved to IL., m. in 1893 there but divorced and moved back to MD. & remarried, was in Denton, MD. with new wife & child in 1920 census, Allen was a civil engineer. Would welcome any info on any of these RUSSELL's.
Looking for any information at all on my gg-grandfather, Elijah James RUSSELL. He was born about 1832 in Penn. per the 1860 census of Baltimore. He was a Civil War Vet. He married Caroline Brown on 4 Aug 1858 in Baltimore. He died 4 Oct 1872. They had 4 children; John T.(b. 7 jun 1859), Elijah J. (b. 12 Feb 1866), Allen T. (b 26 Dec 1867), and one more (name unknown) Allen was born in Annapolis and his 2 older brothers in Baltim. Caroline was born Mar. 1837 in MD. (probably Baltimore) to John & Phebe BROWN. The RUSSELL's lived in Baltimore in 1860 with her parents. Both Elijah James RUSSELL and John BROWN were "mariners" then. The RUSSELL's were living in Annapolis in the 1870 census and his occupation was "fisherman". The RUSSEL's were still living with the BROWN's in 1870, but Caroline's father, John BROWN, was not listed (believe he may have died). Caroline never re-married after Elijah James (he may have gone by just James) died. I have copies of his pension files. Please forward any info on either of these RUSSELL's or BROWN's. I am really wanting to know about them, especially Elijah James RUSSELL. John BROWN was born about 1801 in MD. Mrs. Phebe Brown was born about 1807 in either MD. or CONN. Also note: Elijah James and Caroline were married in her father's home by Rev. Henry FURLONG. He was a minster of the M.E. Church Baltimore Annual Conference, but have reason to believe that he was retired before preforming this marriage.

James R. Wiley Wed Mar 5 18:07:26 1997
Seeking Parents / siblings of OBEDIAH HARDESTY, b. 1758 VA (possibly MD) d 26 Jul 1803, Ohio, m. Mary Paris - Possible Parents: Seeking wife and family of FRANCIS HARDESTY, b 27 Feb 1707, in Maryland, son of Francis (b 10 Mar 1671) and Ruth Morley (Gaither) (b 13 Jan 1703) Hardesty. Seeking wife and family of THOMAS HARDESTY, b 6 Mar 1722, in Maryland, son of of Francis (b 10 Mar 1671) and Dorcus Linthicum Hardesty, b 15 Aug 1700. Seeking wife and family of PETER HARDESTY, b 19 Sep 1723, in Maryland, son of of Francis (b 10 Mar 1671) and Dorcus Linthicum Hardesty, b 15 Aug 1700. Seeking wife and family of JOHN HARDESTY, b 29 Jan 1727, in Maryland, son of of Francis (b 10 Mar 1671) and Dorcus Linthicum Hardesty, b 15 Aug 1700. Seeking wife and family of RICHARD HARDESTY, b ca 1733, in Maryland, son of of Francis (b 10 Mar 1671) and Dorcus Linthicum Hardesty, b 15 Aug 1700. Note: The ancestors and descendants of Robert Hardesty, brother of above five men, b 23 Oct 1730, Anne Arundel Co., MD, d 1790, Prince Geroge Co., MD, m. Elizabeth ?? - well known and documented for family of Edmond Hardesty of Coshocton Co., Ohio, yet little or nothing known of this Robert Hardesty's brothers, one of whom could / may be the father of Obediah Hardesty.

Betty VanLeer Tue Feb 11 18:54:45 1997
DOUGHERTY, JAMES was an inn keeper in Annapolis when Layfette came through to meet Washington. He joined the war and fought till it ended. He had a son FRANCIS DOUGHERTY b. 1769 in Md. James m. PEGGY(?) MAYBERRY whose brother BERRY owned an iron foundry in Md. Need to verify any and or all this information. Can anyone do a lookup? Sent for the census of 1776, and they were not listed. Left Md. around 1777 for Armstrong Pa. Please help if you can. Thanks for your attention. James may have been married previously or Mayberry was his first wife, and then he remarried. Don't know which. Please help if you can.

Jack Butts Wed Feb 12 18:59:45 1997
BUTT, Richard. 1700. AA Co., purchased land "Batchelor's Delight", part of Darnel's Grove. I need info. re' Richard and/or the present-day location in the county of the land.

Jerald Hohndorf Fri Feb 14 18:51:11 1997
PHIPPS in Anne-Arundul or Calvert Co. My ancestor Loch Phipps married Jane Beavans 1792 in Anne-Arundel Co by a circuit preacher. Moved to Georgetown D.C. 1799, KY 1800 ANY PHIPPS or BEAVANS are appreciated Thanks

Sherry Jesberger Sun Feb 2 13:30:05 1997
BISH- seeking information on the Bish family. Five brothers, Peter, George, John, Jacob and Phillip Bish show up in the 1810-1820 census of Armstrong County, Pa. jome say they were born in PA , but all evidence points to Maryland birth. Peter married a Mary Elizabeth TIETS, TTITUS who says in the 1860 census that she was born in Maryland.

Gordon Bonnet Thu Feb 6 18:47:00 1997
I'm trying to find the parents of Mary GRIFFITH, b. ca. 1710, m. William Willett. One source says that she is the daughter of George Griffith d. 1756 in Dorchester Co.; another that she is the daughter of John Griffith and Mary Stevens. Neither is proven. Any clues appreciated.

Becky Stringer Fri Feb 7 16:16:41 1997
WATHEN/CISSELL Families I am looking for parents of George WATHEN b. 1804 in MD. Mar. Jul 17,1832 in Union Co, KY to Elizabeth(Eliza) CISSELL Elizabeth was b. 1816 in KY. Her father was James CISSELL. I believe James CISSELL's wife's name was Eliza. I do not have a maiden name I believe George WATHEN's mothers first name was Martha Ann. George WATHEN died in 1889 in Union Co, KY. His wife Elizabeth CISSELL died in 1895 in Union Co, KY. Anyone know anything about these families. I have descendents in KY info. George WATHEN was my gggrandfather. I am willing to share descendents info. e-mail me or write to: Becky Stringer, 10114-7 Arrowhead Dr. E., Jacksonville, FL 32257 Thanks, Becky

Beverly Thomas Fri Feb 7 17:19:34 1997
Seeking parents of George HARRISON and Agnes SHIPLEY m 12 Apr 1783 in Baltimore Co MD. George and Agnes lived in Anne Arundel Co where their son, Adam S. was born in 1787. If anyone can help me it would be most appreciated. Thanks so ever much. Beverly Thomas

Jim Sewell Fri Feb 7 22:05:59 1997
I am looking for information on English Abraham SEWELL and wife Mary CARPENTER of Anne Arundel County. Sons Joseph b. 1753, Dawson (Dorsen)b. unk and Abraham b. 1760. The brothers migrated to Wilkes County North Carolina then to Carter County Tennessee, and finally into Pulaski County Kentucky. In about 1836 Dawson (Dorsen) Sewell's widow, Mary (aka Polly) petetioned the US Government for pension benefits from Dawson's service during the Revolutionary War. She listed Joseph, then 80, of Cumberland County Kentucky as a witness to Dawson's Service. I would like early information on the SEWELL family in Anne Arundel County.

Ida M. Lancaster Sat Feb 8 17:00:33 1997
I am hunting for info. concerning the Skaggs, Scaggs, and Skeggs families of Maryland.

Rick Simpson Sun Feb 9 17:02:29 1997
Looking for information on Stephen Watkins. Born Abt 1753 - PG or AA County MD, Died February 1838 in Monongalia County, (West) Virginia. Married three times, Frances Hanslip Warman, 1784 - PG County MD; Elcy or Alice Woodward, 1793 - AA County MD; Sarah Miller, 1804 - Mon. County VA.

Patricia Garrett Mon Feb 10 16:10:17 1997
Trying to locate will or estate papers for Edward PENN b. 1705/06 All Hollows Parish, AA County. Eldest son of Edw and Judith Deavour Penn. Wife Mary. Purchased Davis Pasture in 1741 and called himself Edward Jr. Sold Davis Pasture to Phillip Hammond in 1754, wife waived her dower rights. Made deponent on land case in 1783 stated he was of the age of Eighty Years. Cannot locate will or estate. Has anyone seen this information? Perhaps had son, Edward Penn. An Edward Penn witnessed will of Rebecca Scrivener in 1812 and presented it for probate in 1820. Any help will be appreciated.

Wayne Talbott Thu Mar 6 18:34:42 1997
Looking for information on The ancestors of Richard Talbott, Richard was married to Elizabeth Ewen and was a member of the West River Hundred and The Herring Creek Hundred, he lived at Poplar Knowle untill his death in 1663, he was possably the son of Sir Robert and Grace (Calvert) Talbott of Carton, Kildare co Ireland, Grace was the sister of Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltamore)

Dominic E Noel Fri Mar 7 19:31:05 1997
NOEL Joseph(xxxx..~1842)buried at St. Vincent Cemetary, Latrobe, PA and may have been born in Maryland. Joseph's father has been given as Adam Noel from Baltimore (Co?) however that could be a a family name. A Blasius (Bloss)Noel (1762..1831)fits without conformation. An info including siblings would help.

Martin Gudz Sat Mar 8 20:14:55 1997
Looking for information on the parents of Jonathon TIPTON b 3/25/1699 in Ann Arundell. They were Jonathon TIPTON and Sarah Pearce. They known to be some of the early settlers of Ann Arundell. Any dates and from where and when did they come would be greatly appreciated. Regards Martin Gudz

Nancy Brower Sun Mar 9 15:47:45 1997
POOLE I am interested in exchanging information with anyone who is researching the Poole families of Anne Arundel County in the 1700's. In particular, I am interested in any family which has Basil or William Warren in it.

Charles Baker Sun Mar 9 16:44:02 1997
I am looking for information about Joshua Sewell who died in 1762/64 in Baltimore County or Anne Arundal County. Baltimore County Court Minutes, 18 March 1764, show "citation issued to Absalom Baker, Owen Williams, and Samuel Sewell to show cause why they refuse to sign the inventory of the Estate of Joshua Sewell, deceased, as greatest creditors and next of kin." I am especially interested in the connection and genealogy of this Absalom Baker.

Anthony W. Keefer leprof( Mon Mar 10 16:46:41 1997
Looking for any information on George Crosland who appears in Anne Arundel Census of 1790 Hunting for a researcher who is willing to check county records including annual tax assessments.

Jim Ashman Mon Mar 10 22:10:31 1997
Item 1-ASHMAN, George ASHMAN George arrived Maryland c 1678; m. Elizabeth, wid. of William Cromwell; delegate to the assembly from Baltimore County in 1692; d. by 1699; will admin. bond on 27 Feb. 1699; George and Elizabeth had children: John, b. c.1689; Charity, b. c. 1691; Elizabeth b. c 1693. Source: Baltimore County Families 1659 -1759, page 14 Item 1.1 ASHMAN George (same person as in Item 1) b. England c1665; emigrated to Anne Arundell Co. prior to 1690; received a grant from the King Nov. 30, 1694 of 500 hundred acres in Gunpowder Neck, that Province he called "Ashman’s Hope" then Baltimore County. Source: Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical Chiefly relating to Interior Pennsylvania, page 418 Item 2- ASHMAN, John ASHMAN John, s of George Ashman and Elizabeth Traherne (Cromwell); b. 1689 d. 1737 in Anne Arundell Co.; m. by 1714 Constant, dau. of John and Jane Wilmot; his will 10 Oct. 1737 named children: George, b. 8 Nov. 1714; John, b. 1 Sept. 1716; Elizabeth, b. 17 Mar. 1720; Constant, b. 17 Mar. 1720; Rachel, b. 29 Oct. 1726; Patience, b. 26 Mar. 1728; William, b. 8 Jul. 1731. Source: Baltimore County Families 1659 -1759, page 14 Item 3-ASHMAN, George ASHMAN George, s of John Ashman and Constant; 8 Nov. 1713 (one years difference from DOB given in Item 2); m. 4 Dec. 1725 (must be typo error, he would have only been 12 years old on this marriage date) to Jemima, dau of Josephus and Ruth Murray; moved to Green Spring Valley area of Baltimore County, and acquired several tracts of land; by 1750 owned 134 a. pt. Counterscarpe, 20 a. Addition to Counterscarpe, and 230 a to Ashman’s Delight; was on the vestry of St. Thomas Par., and in Nov. 1737 was constable for Upper Patapsco Hund.; no record of death or settlement of his est.; George Ashman and Jemima had children; George, b. 20 May 1740; Josephus, b. 8 May 1745; Nancy, b. 29 Nov. 1747; Elizabeth, no DOB; Ellen, no DOB; Sarah, b. 1765. Source: Baltimore County Families 1659 -1759, page 14 Item 3.1 Parish Register for St. Thomas Church, Garrison Forest, Baltimore County has the following record of births for father George Ashman and mother Jemima; George Ashman, m. date born 20 May 1740; Josephus Ashman, m date born 8 May 1745; Nancy Ashman, f., date born 29 Nov. 1747. Source: Extraction record from Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Item 3.2 ASHMAN George was born November 8, 1714, at "Ashman’s Hope" in Cecil County MD. After reaching manhood he went to England on business for his father, and while there met Miss Jemina Murray of Edinburg, Scotland, whom he married and brought with him to his home in Maryland. Her father and family accompanied them and settled in Maryland. Their children were; George, b. c. 1750 in Cecil Co., Maryland; Elizabeth, no DOB or PB; Ellen, no DOB or PB; Sarah, b. 1767 Cecil Co., MD.Source: Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical Chiefly relating to Interior Pennsylvania, page 418 Item 4-ASHMAN, George ASHMAN George, was born in about 1750 in Cecil Co. Md.; married May 15, 1775, Eleanor Cromwell; in June 1776 removed from Maryland to Bedford Furnace, now Orbisonia, Pa., and with Thomas Cromwell and Edward Ridgely, about 1785 erected the old Bedford furnace, the first iron establishment west of the Susquehanna. After coming to Pennsylvania he was commissioned colonel of one of the Pennsylvania regiments which took part in the Revolutionary war. In 1794 he built the stone house at Three Springs, Huntingdon county, Pa. on a large tract of valuable limestone land which he had acquired, and moved thence from Bedford Furnace. Source: Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical Chiefly relating to Interior Pennsylvania, page 419 Item 4.1 George Ashman was named in a list identified as ASSOCIATORS AND MILITIAMEN, date following his name is Nov. 21, 1780. Source: Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, With Genealogical and Personal History, page 93, The Lewis Publishing Company, New York- Chicago, 1906 Item 4.2 George Ashman, under listing for Second Battalion, as being commander with the rank of Colonel. Other articles appearing in this publication references George Ashman and his actions in militia activities and he signs correspondence as L. B. C., presume this to be Lieutenant Bedford County. Source: Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, With Genealogical and Personal History, page 95, The Lewis Publishing Company, New York- Chicago, 1906 Queries 1. The geographic area GunPowder Neck identified as "Ashman’s Hope" in Item 1.1 has been located in three different counties. In Item 1.1 it was located in Baltimore County. In Item 3.2 It was in Cecil County. In another article not entered here was placed in Anne Arundell County. Can anyone provide the current location for the geographic name of GunPowder Neck? 2. In Item 3 George Ashman moved to Green Spring Valley area of Baltimore County. He also purchased property identified as Counterscarpe, and added to the holdings of "Ashman’s Delight. Are there any records, land titles, deeds or tax records, that can be used to identify the current locations of these properties or locations? 3. In Item 3. George Ashman was stated as being on the vestry of St. Thomas Parish. In Item 3.1 Parish register for St. Thomas Church, Garrison Forest, Baltimore County has listed George and his wife Jemima as mother and father for the children George, Josephus and Nancy. Is there a geographic relationship to the area of St. Thomas Parish and Green Spring Valley? 4. In Item 3. George Ashman is stated as being a constable for Upper Patapsco Hund. Can anyone tell me what the Upper Patapsco Hund. was, and where it would have been located?. I would appreciate any information that would shed some light on the answers to any of these four questions. Thank You

Suzanne Malone Tue Mar 11 09:51:02 1997
Looking for info on HENRY AUGUST MERCIER he was born in 1839 in MD. His son CHARLES LOUIS MERCIER was born in Anne Arundel Co. in 1864. I think HENRY AUGUST MERCIER married MARY FRANCIS LANE. Any info on LANE or MERCIER would be great.

Les Lee LLEE407 Tue Mar 11 16:21:51 1997
I am seeking information on the following ancestors: William WAGES married Elizabeth SMITH and Thomas JACKS married Elizabeth POWELL WALTERS in All Hallows Church in 1704. Francis MERCIER married Margaret WELDON in 1713. Who were their parents? When and where did they die ? Where did they come from prior to Anne Arundel County ? Les Lee

Kathryn Stuart Tue Mar 11 18:38:13 1997
Searching for any information surrounding my 8th great grand parents, WILLIAM GUDGEON (s/o Robert Gudgeon/Gudjin) born Anne Arundel County, MD 1666 and his wife MARY DORSEY. Given the time frame she could have been a daughter of Edward Dorsey, the English immigrant. Any information on this couple, their ancestors and their descendants greatly appreciated. Sincerely,

Tom Dossey Wed Mar 12 11:03:54 1997

B T MARSH Thu Mar 13 16:42:30 1997
Looking for parentage of WILLIAM MARSH b. 1736 near Baltimore, MD d. 1831 in KY or OH, m. PATIENCE LEMON abt 1762, possibly near Baltimore, MD. William & Patience had 12 issues, Nancy, William, Rebecca, and Thomas all born in MD, Richard, John, Joseph, Patience, Temperance, Mary, Elizabeth, and Marcus all born in KY. I belive William's parentage goes back to JOHN MARSH (MARSHE) from Wales, who arrived in MD abt 1636.

SUZANNE MALONE RAPTOR72@AOL.COM Fri Mar 14 17:41:47 1997
I am searching for the parents of MARY FRANCIS LANE. She was born in Baltimore about 1840. MARY LANE married HENRY AUGUST MERCIER about 1860.They had at least on son CHARLES LOUIS MERCIER. Charles married ALICE EUGENIA FRICKER in 1884 at Baltimore, her mother was Martha Jane EVANS. Any info on MERCIER, LANE, FRICKER OR EVANS would be appreciated.

James TALBOTT Sat Mar 15 15:43:13 1997
Looking for connections with James Talbott b. 15 feb. 1758 Anne A. My. d. 9 mar 1855 Smithfield Ohio.

Hazel Dedman Conway Sat Mar 15 17:32:01 1997
Deadman Dedman Baltimore County

Barbara Hoggard Sun Mar 16 19:09:15 1997
We are trying to find information about my husband's grandfather, Willoughby Hoggard, who divorced his wife Amelia in the 1950's to 1960's and moved to West Virginia. We do not know of his ultimate destination. We are interested in anyone who may have known Willoughby or where he finally ended up. My husband's family is scattered all over the Southeast USA, however, the family seems to have "originated" in the Baltimore City area. This is the family as I know in the 20th Century.

Terry Mattison Mon Mar 17 22:10:12 1997
Searching for any info on Wm LUFFMAN who landed here from Bristol, England in 1658. Died in AA Co. in 1676, who were the other members of his family??

Richard Kyle Tue Mar 18 07:09:22 1997
Researching the Crouch family. William Crouch settled in Anne Arundel County in 1650. He recieved several patents for land and his grandson, James Crouch, was still living on North Crouchfield in the 1730's. James Crouch moved to Frederick County around 1742. Would like to correspond with anyone who has infromation on the early Crouch families of Anne Arundel County.

Larry Mocabee Wed Mar 19 11:40:10 1997
Am at wits end and desp need assistance. Am looking for a gent by the name of Mart/mert/murthy, MaCabe/ McAboy/McAbee etc etc.. Lost him in 1747 Prince Wm Co. VA. Have unsigned letter from research that individual said found him years ago in Anne Arundel Co Md. around 1700-1720. Any other researchers looking for similar spelling please help. Documentation over the years states family came from Scotland.,

Sharon Bakke Thu Mar 20 10:14:55 1997
Looking for information on John WATERS b. ca 1648 Eng., d. abt 13 June 1704 Anne Arundel Co., MD; m. Susanna WHITE b. ca 1650. Ch: 1) Samuel Waters b. 1674 Anne Arundel Co., MD, d. 1749 in Prince Geo. Co., m. 1)Sarah Arnold in 1697; m. 2) Jane Dunster/Danster 7 Jan 1706/7. 2)John Waters;3) Mary Waters; 4)William Waters.

Charles Hill Sun Mar 23 06:44:57 1997
Seeking information on Leonard Wesley Huff, DOB 1 Feb. 1833;m 24 Feb 1858 to Elizabeth Davis. Lived in the Spring Gap area until 1915, lost contact and information. Any information on Elizabeth Davis; father John Davis, mother Mary (Last name unknown)would also be appreciated.

Ron Reynolds Mon Mar 24 17:47:13 1997
TALBOTT, James b. 15 feb. 1758 A.A. Md. d. 1855 in ohio. Children are Henry Stanton and Rev. John Talbott. I cannot find his parents or siblings. Please help and I'll recopricate.

James Ross Wiley Mon Mar 24 18:06:05 1997
Searching for information of families named HARDESTY. Learned only recently of a Joseph HARDESTY who may have arrivedin America, perhaps Calvert County, ME in/about 1778 or earlier. Possibly arrived from Scotland, before 1773. Brought familiy of five sons: Richard (b 1751), Elijah, Henry, Frank, & William. Born here Hezekiah and Charles. Possibly related to HARDESTYs in Anne Arundel County and in Talbot County of same era. Many, many HARDESTYS of these families moved (eventually) to Belmont and Coshocton Counties, Ohio. Seek, Specifically, parents and siblings of Obediah HARDESTY, born 1758, possibly in VA. Married Mary (Polly) Paris (or possibly D'Aubeoulil) dau of a French soldier of LaFayette's troops in the American Revolution. Willing / anxious to share extensive data from several HARDESTY researchers with anyone related or interested. Jim Wiley

Janice Beall Taylor Mon Mar 24 06:14:16 1997
JOHN TRUNDLE, b. 1624, said to have arrived in Maryland c/a 1645, lived at Herring Creek, Ann Arundle Co. His wife was MARY ROSS, according to family tradition. His son, JOHN TRUNDLE, Jr. said to have been b.1687, baptised 1699, St. James Parish. These dates don't seem to fit. If John Trundle was one of the original settlers of A.A. Co., why is it I can never find his name in books about early settlers? Is anyone else working on this family? Descendants later (c/a1750) located in Montgomery Co., where they prospered.

Paul & Dora Clary Tue Mar 25 16:00:30 1997
We are researching John Clary who reached Maryland in 1677 and married in 1681 in Anne Arundel MD a Mary (?). Their son John CLARY m. 20 Dec 1705 in Anne Arundel an Elizabeth HALY. Elizabeth HALY's parents were Clement HALY and Mary TURNER. John and Elizabeth (HALY) CLARY son Benjamin CLARY m. in 1745 MD an Eleanor GERRARD.

Peggy Jones Wed Mar 26 04:46:31 1997
Researching the family of Richard J. CONN who married Sarah WOODWARD in Ann Arundel Co. Aug. 27, 1792. Would appreciate information on either family, will share Conn descendants. Thank you, Peggy

Carolyn Gang Wed Mar 26 10:29:20 1997
SIMMONS/WELLS Seeking info about Jesse Simmon who married Rachel Wells on September 18, 1781 in Anne Arundel Co, MD. Jesse also died 1819 and left a will in Anne Arundel Co. Thanks.

Sandi Morris Wed Mar 26 11:32:54 1997
I would like to ask for anyone's help on the ELLIS line. My 6th g grandfather first appears in a 1773 census for Baltimore County, Elk Ridge Hundred; Baltimore Minutes of the Court, non-juror Oath of Allegiance, 1778, Delaware Hundred; Anne Arundel 1783 Tax List; next he appears in Frederick Co., in 1791. Also two of children married in Federick, Eleazer m. Rebecca Onion and Rachel Ellis m. Henry Sheets. If anyone can help me find out where Obediah married and to whom? where he was before 1773? who is parents are? I would be so grateful. Will share any info I have. Also, if anyone knows why someone was a non-juror, religious reasons? Loyalist? Thanks for any assistance.

Judy Waters Mon Mar 31 08:09:12 1997
Please Help!!!Looking for any records pertaining to the death or burial of Ray PRETTYMAN. I believe he was living in the area when he died and was proabably buried here. DOB between 1886-1891. He died between 1946-1956. He owned/operated a store - Ray's Wines during the years preceeding his death. If anyone has information about his death/obit/burial please respond Thanks a million.

Denise Christenson Mon Mar 31 12:47:57 1997
I am trying to find information on Charles A. Evans and Laura Virginia Johnson. I know they were married on October 23, 1876, but have no other information on them. Specifically, I would like to have their birth dates, and the names of their parents. Please contact me if you have any furthur information on either of them. Thank you very much.

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