The Parker Warner Museum, Providence, Webster Co, Ky

Grand Opening, September 22, 2001

Roxie Rhea - Billie Miranda - Billie Majors
And last but not least, as I was walking thru the museum, visiting with people and taking pictures, I wandered back into Room 2. There was 3 ladies discussing, what else... genealogy. <grin>. I introduced myself and asked if they would mind if I took their picture to be placed on the Webster County website.
A little more visiting and then Billie told me that she was Billie's first cousin, and that they had just met for the first time in almost 60 years.

Billie Jean Miranda - Billie Jeanette Majors
Roxie and I were enthralled as we stood there listening to how this reunion came together, almost as a 'maybe'. Children came in for the grand opening at the last moment, and the two families who had never met had a wonderful time getting to know each other and Roxie and I stood there ready to cry listening to them all talk. <Yes, I'm a sentimental fool at times - grin>

I grabbed Lowell and told him what was going on and asked if we could get the press to come down but he said no, they had been invited but didn't come. I have taken several photos and will offer them to the paper if they would like to run a story.

Roxie and I both took a couple of family photos and we both enjoyed being a part of this unexpected reunion.

Family Photo

Museum | Welcome | Benefactor | Built 1885 | Hall | Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 3 | Room 4 | Kitchen | Lowell | Visitors
A Mattingly Reunion