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Transcriber's Notes


This historical edition of the Norton County News was not dated, except for the 1870-1916 designation.  It has been microfilmed by the Kansas State Historical Society, Reel No. N611, Norton County News, September 9, 1915 to November 8, 1917.  On the reel of microfilm it appears after the issue of October 19, 1916. 

The issue also was unnumbered.  I assigned page numbers for ease of organization within this transcription.  The numbers were assigned using a hard copy of the Historical Number.  The page numbers coincide with the microfilm with the following exceptions: 

page 76 in hard copy was page 78 on film
page 77 in hard copy was page 79 on film
page 78 in hard copy was page 76 on film
page 79 in hard copy was page 77 on film

The original special edition was organized in haphazard fashion, most likely to utilize fully all available space on the pages.  In an effort to make the data more usable, I have totally re-organized the format of the content, while retaining all the information presented.  The data was transcribed as printed in the original; many errors noted with (sic).  Where I am aware of a correct spelling of a name, it is included in [square brackets].  I have not attempted to fix numerous run-on sentences, or sentences where subject and verb do not match case.  In some cases additional clarifying information has been included in [square brackets].

Abbreviations and Clarifications

A.     O. U. W. -  Ancient Order of United Workmen

The Ancient Order of United Workmen was a benevolent organization that provided insurance to members. 

Additional information on this organization is available through the Kansas State Historical Society.  Ancient Order of United Workmen of Kansas, Records, 1877-1954. Collection No. 117.  The collection includes membership information and lists of deaths of members.

M. W. A. - Modern Woodmen of America

Modern Woodmen was founded in 1883 by Joseph Cullen Root in Lyons, Iowa.  He dreamed of a fraternal benefit society, one designed to provide financial security to families from all walks of life.  Root envisioned a self-governing society whose members came from local camps (lodges) across America. The lodge system, which remains in effect today, nurtures community spirit by bringing families together for wholesome, social, recreational and service activities.

Knights and Ladies of Security

A benefit society started in 1892 in Topeka, Kansas.  Currently Security Benefit Life Insurance Company.  [source: Hoovers online]  Several members lived in the Clayton area.



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