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Something New for Norton County
An Historical Edition of the Norton County News


C. B. Crotsenburg from Detroit, Michigan, is here gathering and compiling data for an Historical Edition of the Norton County News, which will be issued about the middle of September.  This number will contain about twenty-four pages, and between 2,500 and 3,000 copies will be printed.

Mr. Crotsenburg makes a specialty of this line of work and wide experience, having worked on numerous big eastern dailies, and, while this is rather a huge undertaking, as well as an expensive one, for a country newspaper, he has the confidence that it will be a success.  He has not long been in Kansas but says it is the best state in the Union, and of course we have convinced him that Norton county is the best county in the state.  He has as much confidence in our county as the pioneer, and is sure its citizens will espouse any honorable cause that will promote their community and keep it up to date.

In the past four weeks he has pretty much covered the county, getting data from each town and community as far as possible, and after the Fair he will take up the work in Norton city.

The edition will contain over $100 worth of views of Norton county, together with brief sketches of life history of prominent persons, places and institutions, beginning with the organization of the county and bringing it up to date.

An enterprise of this nature has never been attempted outside of large cities and thickly-settled communities, but we believe Norton county is worth the effort; of all good things there is none too good for her; of all evil things all are too evil for her.

The News force alone cannot do this, so when Mr. Crotsenburg calls on you for data give it to him, that is ashamed.  Subscribe for as many copies as you feel able, and when the edition reaches your home or the home of the friends you send it to, it will furnish cheap and valuable reading for the whole family.

The paper in this edition alone will cost over $150.00 and we will endeavor to do our best in the way of work, that is, our best considering the rush.

Norton County News, August 24, 1916, p. 4



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