KSGenWeb Digital Library
Russell County, Kansas
Obituaries N - Z |
"With all my heart I thank Thee,
O Jesus, dearest Friend,
That with Thy dying anguish
Thou all my woe wouldst end.
O keep me ever faithful,
Relying on Thy grace,
That I, in Thee departing
May see Thee face to face."
This poem was cut from
a newspaper in March 1948
and saved all these years by
Mrs. Elma Isabel (nee Dumler) Brack
who collected most of these remembrances
Obituaries N -
Nettleingham, Amelia |
New, Vernon "Frankie" |
Newcomer, Leila R. |
Nuss, Amelia |
Nuss, Mrs. Amelia |
Nuss, Elizabeth |
Nuss, Emanuel |
Nuss, Emanuel Jr. |
Nuss, Esther |
Nuss, Henry Peter |
Nuss, John Jacob |
Nuss, Katherine Elizabeth |
Nuss, Paul |
Nuss, Pauline |
Nuss, Reuben |
O'Neill, Alma Pearl |
Osborn, Willmetta M. |
Pabitzky, Violette Carolla |
Peil, Fredrick |
Peil, Reubin Fredrick |
Peil, Susanna Katherina |
Peck, Frank Wayne |
Pope, David |
Popp, Hannah |
Radke, Anna Elizabeth |
Radke, Arthur |
Radke, Edward |
Radke, Eugenie Theresa "Agnes" |
Radke, Harvey E. |
Radke, Herman |
Radke, John |
Radke, Lydia Esther |
Radke, Pauline |
Radke, William |
Rassette, Raymond R. |
Resner, Roland A. |
Riedel, Elmer A. |
Rogers, Talma Keyes |
Rogg, Verne Lee |
Rube, Katharina E. |
Rube, Phillip |
Ruggels, Paul E. |
Savage, Helen |
Schafer, Elmer J. Sr. |
Schafer, Jacob B. |
Schafer, Mary Elizabeth |
Schatz, Elenora Rose |
Schmidt, James W. |
Schneider, Milton |
Schneider, Norman E. |
Schroeder, Emma |
Schruben, Florence Dumler |
Schuckman, William
"Bill" |
Schwien, Sigmond |
Shackelford, Vernon F. "Shack" |
Shriwise, Christina |
Smith, Logan |
Smith, Rozella |
Sorensen, Mollie Miller |
Steckel, Irene Marie |
Steinert, Alex |
Steinert, Anna E. |
Steinert, Clarence M. |
Steinert, David H. |
Steinert, Edna M. |
Steinert, Emanuel |
Steinert, Eugenie |
Steinert, Fred |
Steinert, George K. |
Steinert, Hannah L. |
Steinert, Harold Hugo Leando |
Steinert, Herman E. |
Steinert, Jacob |
Steinert, Jonathan |
Steinert, Lizzie |
Steinert, Lydia |
Steinert, Lydia |
Steinert, Marie |
Steinert, Martha |
Steinert, William |
Steponick, Nila Vena |
Streck, Jacob |
Streck, John F. |
Streck, Phoebe Tabea |
Strecker, Alexander Albert |
Strecker, Alvina Caroline |
Strecker, Edward A. |
Strecker, Ferdinand A. |
Strecker, Fred W. "Fritz" |
Strecker, Henry C. |
Strecker, John Jacob, Jr. |
Strecker, Julius |
Strecker, Katherine
Elizabeth |
Strecker, Martha |
Strecker, Paul |
Strecker, Theresa |
Steinle, Elma M. |
Thacker, Ethel |
Thies, Golda |
Truan, Ward W. |
Van Pelt, Goldie F. |
Varah, Nima Keil |
Vopat, Raymond L. |
Wagner, Martha L. |
Wagner, Mary Elizabeth |
Wahl, Vona V. |
Weedin, Amelia |
Wegele, Jacob Jr. |
Wegele, Marie Elizabeth |
Wegele, Pauline |
Weiler, Florence E.
"Sue" |
Wiedeman, Alex |
Wiedeman, George |
Wilkerson, Bonnie L. |
Willson, Verne Emery |
Wilson, Dale R |
Winder, Blaine E. |
Yost, Alois Joseph "Lum" |
Zeigler, Mary D. |
Zweifel, Samuel |
Last update:
Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:38:50
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