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11 November 1954
Marie Katherine, the daughter of George Jacob and Katherina Elizabeth Mai, nee Schneider, was born August 30, 1904 on a farm about 4 miles southwest of Russell, Kansas and departed this life on November 11, 1954 at her farm home in southwest Russell County. Age 50 years, 2 months and 12 days.

In early infancy she was baptized and later she was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. As a child her parents moved to WaKeeney, Kansas, where she attended public school and grew to womanhood.

On May 14, 1928 she was united in marriage to Henry Wegele at Milberger, Kansas and they started housekeeping on the farm where she resided the remainder of her life. There were 5 children born to this union, all of whom survive her. A few years ago she became mentally ill and received treatment and care at different times but she often became depressed and despondent. It was during one of those periods that she tragically ended her life last Thursday evening.

She leaves to mourn her sudden passing; her husband, Henry Wegele, five children, Reinhold, Leona, Melvin and Shirley, all of the home and Victor of Newton, Kansas. Also one sister, Mrs. Amalie Laas, Osswattomi, Kansas; three brothers, Henry Mai, Ransom, Kansas, Fred and Herman Mai, Wakeeney, Kansas; and many other close relatives and friends. Her parents and two sisters preceded her in death.

Services: Held Monday, November 15, 1954 at 2:30 p.m. from the Deines Funeral
Chapel, Russell, Kansas.
Minister: Rev. V. W. Brack (handwritten note, "Virgil"), Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Russell, Kansas
Organist Mrs. Clara Graham
Final Resting Place Milberger Cemetery
Casket Bearers: Melvin Mai, Solomon Dumler, Albert Wegele, Kenneth Mai, Howard Mast, Leonard Wegele
Choir Arthur Brown, Mrs. Lawrence Strecker, Clyde Carter, Mrs. Margaret Koepka, Mrs. Clyde Carter

Transcribed and Contributed by Glenda Brack

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:37:39

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