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Dearborn County Indiana The Turn of the Century Births


Dearborn County Schools Christmas Exercises

--Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 4, 1900

-'Moores Hill.'
"Purnell Kerr was the happy recipient of $15 Christmas from his uncle in California."

"Christmas tree exercises were held by the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday schools on Christmas eve and Christmas night. They were well attended and all who took part acquitted themselves with credit."

"Miss Maggie Ulrich gave a splendid entertainment for her scholars and visitors and presented each pupil with a present--the girls with dolls and the boys trumpets."

--Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, December 20, 1900 edition
"Christmas exercises will be held in all the rooms at the public schools tomorrow afternoon. Visitors will be cordially welcomed."

"Christmas sermon at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 10:30. Parents having little ones to be baptized may present them at this service. The public is cordially invited."

"The annual Christmas entertainment of the Presbyterian Sunday school will be held in the church Monday evening. There will be a Santa Claus and other attractions. Admission free. Everybody invited."

--Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Friday, December 21, 1900 edition
"During the holiday season it will be well to remember the little ones, and make it a joyful season to them. With professed Christians the Christmas season is the greatest of the year. Memories cluster around it that are very precious. The family reunions that are enjoyed are especially to be encouraged and participated in by all. With many families this will be the last full family gathering, for ere another year has elapsed some loved one will be called hence, no more to meet in the charming family circle--no more to gather around the family hearthstone."
--Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, December 27, 1900 edition

-From Newtown
"Sam Marshall presented his wife a handsome gold watch...(?) for a Christmas present."
-Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 3, 1901 edition
"L B Daniel was the recipient of a large diamond ring from his good wife. It is engraved with Masonic emplems of the 32nd degree. Mrs. Daniel in turn received a fine diamond ring from her husband."
--Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 10, 1901 edition
"Miss Perle, who teaches in district number 1, had a grand time Friday. She had a tree all decorated and old Santa Claus came in and gave the scholars a nice treat. They say the other three lady teachers also treated their scholars. "

This information was
produced and provided courtesy of:

Kathleen Esposito

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