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Dearborn County Indiana The Turn of the Century Births

Home For The Holidays

--Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 4, 1900 edition
"Charles Wolff, employed in a stove foundry at Piqua, O., spent the past week here with his mother and sisters."
"S(?).R. Connor visited his parents in Ohio county last week."
"Mr. Elsle of Logan, O., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Ella Hiett, the past week."
"Herman Ferger of Chattanooga was here the last day of 1899 and the first day of 1900 renewing old acquaintances."
"Fred and Will Moeller were down from Cincinnati from Friday until Monday visiting relatives and hunting rabbits."
"Gussie Poellmann of Cincinnati spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. L. Poellmann."
"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demann and son Clemens of Vevay spent several days last week with relatives and friends here."
--'Moores Hill.'
"Miss Rebecca Jones of Cincinnati spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs., Mary Jones."
"Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lowe of Cincinnati spent the holidays here with relatives."
"Miss Katherine Haire and her brother have returned from spending the holidays with their mother at Louisville."
"John Dieffenbach of Mattoon, Ills., after five years absence, is again here with his mother."

"Mrs. Belle Grubbs and son Lorain, after spending the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Cottingham, returned to Cincinnati Monday."

--Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, December 27, 1900 edition
"Mrs. Nannie Wingate of Cincinnati is gladdening the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hornberger's by a few day's visit."

"Miss Alice Dennis and niece, Miss May Dennis, left Friday to spend a week at their respective homes at Cole's Corner and Bennington."

"Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Moore left Christmas morning for New Albany to spend a few days with their son, Rev. L.D. Moore and wife."

"Miss Minnette Harlan, supervisor of music and penmanship in the public schools, is enjoying the holiday vacation at her home at Osgood."

"Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Gold, son Earl and daughter Mabel enjoyed Christmas at Harrison at the home of Mrs. Gold's mother, Mrs. Mary E. Thomas."

"There was a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Huth on Christmas day, their son Frank being here from Bloomington, Illinois, and their daughter Lizzie(?) from Cincinnati."

-'From Newtown':
"William Koch is home from Shelbyville enjoying a few days around the family fireside."
--Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 3, 1901 edition
"Mrs. Philip Stein and her two children spent the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Leppert, in Cincinnati."

"Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirsch entertained Thursday evening in honor of their daughter Elizabeth, who is home from a Cincinnati hospital to spend the holidays."

"Professor J.O. Churchill, superintendent of schools at Cheyenne, Wyo, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J.E. Schooley, part of last week. Professor Churchill is a native of this county, having been born and reared near Moores Hill. He has more than a local reputation in educational circles."

--Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Friday, January 4, 1901 edition

-'Dearborn County'
"Frank Wright and family of Jonesboro, Ind., have been visiting relatives in Washington and Clay townships."
--Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thursday, January 10, 1901 edition

"George Randel is here from Champaign, Ills., visiting relatives and friends."

"Mrs. Lizzie Rolphing of Osman, Ills., has returned to her home after a pleasant visit here with relatives and friends."

"Mrs. Stewart of Norwood, O., and Miss Emma York of Linwood have returned to their homes after a pleasant visit here."

This information was
produced and provided courtesy of:

Kathleen Esposito

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