Washington D.C.

Armstrong High School

With the start of the industrial and manual training programs in 1873, Armstrong and McKinley Technical High Schools were founded.

1920 Armstrong High Manual Training School Commencement Program

Presiding Official: Dr. J. Hayden Johnson
Invocation: Rev. Monroe S. Caver
Address to the Graduates: E. C. Williams
Award of Scholarships: Roscoe C. Bruce, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Presentation of Diplomas: Dr. John Van Schaick, Jr.
Location: Dunbar High School Hall
1920 Graduating Gentlemen
Herald Arthur Allen
Clarence Eugene Austin
Paul Milo Beckley
Howard Edward Brandon
William Milton Bright
Cardola Burnett
Ira Carter
Earle Embry Coates
Francis Armand Cole
James Albert Darmon
Ingersol Moton Jackson
Welford Hiram Jackson
Wilton Walton Jackson
Roscoe Benjamin Long
Winston Hogue Luck
Louis Franklin Miller
Ashton Herbert Morrison
George Newsome, Jr.
Tracy Gregory Parks
James Hill Robinson
William Howard Terry
Conroy Thompson
Frank Thompson
Henry David Tyler
Waldo Emerson Webb
Eugene Willis
1920 Graduating Ladies
Edith Omelia Carter
Mabel Evelyn Datcher
Marion Estelle Demby
Josephine Elizabeth Ford
Sadie Ursuline Freeman
Mary Willis Garrison
Blanche Amanda Glascoe
Irene Glascoe
Mabel Elizabeth Harris
Margaret Virginia Hodges
Vivian Elaine Hoffman
Sarah Jane Jackson
Selena Jane Jackson
Mary Sophronia Jones
Alexine Octavia Kager
Lillian Estelle Lee
Phoebe Sutherland Miles
Leonia Virginia Murray
Margaret Bly Parker
Edith Bellvetta Pinn
Fannie Elizabeth Pleasants
Arnetta Lorraine Randall
Thelma Christine Smith
Marguerite Washington
Katherine Elizabeth Webb
Lethia May White

Transcriber's Note: Information was taken from the June 22, 1920, edition of the Washington Post (Washington, DC) at Page 14.

1931 Armstrong High School Yearbook, "The Reflector"

Class Officers - February 1931    
Fannie GrantonPresident
S.B. MerriweatherVice President
Silas BerryTreasurer
Edna HallRecording Secretary
Isiah WoodwardCor. Secretary
Charles ArnettSgt.-at-Arms
Class Officers - June 1931
Weldon CarterPresident
Catherine WatsonVice President
Vernon RicksTreasurer
Helen GrantRecording Secretary
Lucille FrazierCor. Secretary
Cecil RabbSgt. -at-Arms
Reflector Editorial Staff
Norman ScescoEditor-in Chief, February Class
Clarence JacksonEditor-in-Chief, June Class
Amy BarnesAsst. Editor-in-Chief
Thelma ArmsteadBusiness Manager, February Class
Rosalind QueenBusiness Manager, June Class
Ralph DinesAdvertising Editor
Hulet BrownArt Editor
DeAtley RidgleyLiterary Editor
James TalbertHumor Editor
   Thelma Roberta Amstead
Christine Pauline Blenheim
Richart Herbert Crutcher
Mason Leon Fields
Fannie Granton
William Anthony Hawkins
Curley LeRoy Knox
Elizabeth Mary Lewis
Norman Muchillo Scesco
Alice Fredlee Stoddard
Rosanna Worthy
Nathaniel William Wright
   Theodore Rossevelt Adams
Silas Lutrell Berry
Martin Augustus Crishlow
Christine Ellen Fuller
Clarence Edward Gilmore
Edna Mae Hall
Edmund Francis Eli Lewis
Sylvester Merriweather
Joseph Harold Middleton
Sidney Aloysius Morris
Robert Edward Swales
Isiah Alfonso Woodward
   Brainard Roland Bellfield
Everett Cooper
Helen Bernice Davis
Ralph Theodore Dines
Clarence Lorenzo Jackson
Gladys Bessie Lewis
Marjorie Rosa Mitchell
Rosalind Mary Queen
Ella Mary Swygert
James Loraine Talbert
Earl Alexander Taylor
Catherine May Watson
   Troy Barnes
Aaron Beverly
Ethel LaFay Lemon
Annie Lee Macon
Cecil Christopher Rabb
William Welford Ricks
Larre Frances Robinson
James Henry Smiler Jr
Elizabeth Marrian Stafford
Jerome Louie Vass
Geneiva Leeise Walker
Luvater Whisonant
   William Welson Alphonso Carter
Reginald Hubert Casey
Eugene Lee Graves
William Rudolph Grimes
Regina Olivia Miller
Martha Ellen Moore
Frances Estelle Murphy
Georgia Mae Parrish
Harry Frances Perritt
Jeannette Rosa Thompson
Augustus Jefferson Vowels
Viola Teresa Willis
   John Edwin Amis
Bishop Nathaniel Bearfield
Vincent Clinton Brown
William Sylvester Carson
Earl Edwin Corbin
Frank Welson Davis
Alphonso Griffin
Andrew Albert Jackson
Alexander Jocob Jones
Milton Allen Piper
Timothy John Thomas
Alton James Wilson
   Amy Rebecca Barnes
Philip Boone
Eleanor Velario Coburn
Lucille Betty Frazier
Evelyn Christine Gray
Edward Endrew Morton
Veron Heubutt Ricks
Richard Lee Spells
Edward Phillip Taylor
Florence Truss
Margaret Ellen White
Berkley Daniel Williams
   Mary Elizabeth Brockenborough
Thomas Clarence Bryant
Luther Lee Burrell
Lendall Warren Chase
Helen Virginia Grant
James Earl Johnson
Frances Key
Freeman Morrison Murray
Calvin Harrison Pendelton
Mary Elizabeth Pinkert
Marion Antoinette Poyner
Gladys Turner
   Gladys Beatrice Barton
Addison Joseph Brooks
Hulet Hilton Brown
Charles Henry Bush
Carrie Carter
Gladys Marie Hill
Earl William Johnson
Ellen Mae Knight
Naomi Isadore Millard
Nathaniel Ross Mondell
Helen Madeline Plater
De Atley Arnold Ridgely
   Vincent Anthany
Milton Baddy
Walter Clark
Roland Coton Harry Grayson
Bernice Genetree Cousart
Howard Vincent Johnson
Samuel Wood Lane
Randolph Lewis
Cornelius Martin
Clarence Frederick Reeves
Osborne Turner

Transcribed and contributed by Bertha Powe

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