Washington D.C.

1914 Grade School Graduates

The school locations were taken from the 1905 edition of Boyd's Directory or later versions. The school division lines were redrawn as populations shifted, sometimes as frequently as annually. Thus, the divisions listed in the 1905 directory didn't always agree with the division listed below.

The Matthew G. Emery School was not listed in the 1905 Boyd's Directory. Perhaps Matthew G. Emery and Emery are the same school, despite the fact that they were listed as separate schools in the graduate announcement.


Congress Heights
H.D. Cooke
John Eaton
Joseph Henry
Matthew G. Emery
S.J. Bowen
Van Buren

Curtis School
(O bet. 32nd & 33rd, NW)

Allen, Virginia
Biggins, Philip F.
Boteler, Elsie D.
Collier, Charles W.
Flynn, Charles F.
Guigon, Josephine E.
Heide, Marie C.
Moreland, S. Eugene
Pendleton, William N.
Rich, Edgar M.
Scheilhorn (Schellhorn?), Roy J.
Sutliff, Milo J.
Torreyson, William F.

Hyde School
(Street Unk.)

Beach, Harry L.
Binsted, Leonard C.
Bullen, Annie W.
Collins Charles L.
Cook, Ellen F.
Cronin, Catherine C.
Elliott, Esther L.
Fadeley, Grace
Hopkins, Marie J.
Howard, Leland T.
Hughes, Beatrice R.
Hunter, Donald A.
Hussion, Margaret T.
Inscoe, Nellie C.
Keith, Gladys E.
Kramer, Lillian G.
Krick, Rose
Macias, J. Shirley
Payne, John N.
Reichard, Raymond E.
Rich, Eva B.
Ricker, Martin M.
Smith, C. Viola
Stickney, Harry
Thompson, Evelyn A.
Thompson, Gertrude D.
Tippett, Frank D.
Van Every, Robert
Walker, Beatrice L.
Walling, Nannie V.

Jackson School
(U bet. 30th & 31st, NW)

Allston, Edward Francis
Darcey, William Montgomery
Dowling, Clinton
Hoskinson (Hopkinson?) Helen Elizabeth
Merchant, Brintnall Hill
Munson, Marion Virginia
Youngs, Albert Neville

Corcoran School
(28th bet. M & Olive Ave, NW)

Bernstein, Gertrude Alberta
Blanbock, Isabella
Drury, Elsie Marie
Flaharty, Lewis
Green, Victor Edwin
Jenkins, Christal Edith
King, Mae Ruth
Leissler, George Adolph, Jr.
Mueller, Myrtle Irene
Quigley, Eileen Veronica
Scott, Walter Edward

Tenley School
(Street Unk.)

Lindner, Edna Louise
Meneffee, Virginia Ellison
Riley, Iva Virginia
Smith, Marguerite Agnes
Smith, Patia

Toner School
(24th and F, NW)

Allison, Edna
Colbert, Alice
Connell, Ruth
Doughty, Mae
Fletcher, Elmer
Glasco, Naomi
Goucher, Mary
Hanley, Margaret
Herke, Josephine
Lee, James
McGinness, Margaret
Potter, Harold
Reiff, Joseph
Simeon, Mary

Weightman School
(23rd, corner of M, NW)

Altman, Herman
Cady, Marian Elizabeth
Devlin, George Thomas
Hutchins, Olga J. M.
Line, Samuel
Meany, Mary Isabelle
Merrill, Esther Irene
Rollin, Mary Elizabeth

H. D. Cooke School
(Opened 1909; 17th St &
Columbia Rd, NW)

Ames, Adelaide
Beasley, James W. Jr.
Benham, Fannie Mae
Berryman, Florence S.
Covington, William Warner
Cusack, Mary H. C.
Eastwood, Eileen E.
England, Lucie G.
Falkner, Charles H.
Ginechesi, Frances C.
Goodacre, Daniel Millson
Handy, Jean Y. T.
Helgesen, Francis E. L.
Hills, Elizabeth S.
Hursh, Francis H.
King, Mattie Josephine
Laughton, William Miller
Lockwood, Elizabeth P.
Lupton, Josephine K.
McKinney, Samuel H.
Moorman, Heath C.
Nollner, Henrietta M.
Spurgeon, Robert P.
Tracewell, Louis O'C.
Vickers Constance Marie
Wells, Eunice Agatha
West, Marjorie
Wilfley, Nora Katherine
Wilkins, Babette Helene
Wollard, Frank Lee

Adams School
(R bet. 17th & New Hampshire Ave NW)

Caldwell, Frank Repp
Casanova, Arturo Y., Jr.
Chamberlaine, G. Harry
Conway, Gertrude E.
Daniels, Worth Bagley
Dawe, Robert S.
Delaney, W. Francis
Ehrhardt, Louise E.
Eldridge, Maxine
Enterline, Henrietta A.
Fischer, Alvin B.
Fitzgerald, Mary Frances
Hayes, Arthur W.
Hildredth, Barbara
Hoover, Arthur Reeve
Hulse, Lydia
Johnson, Dorothy Virginia
Kauffman, Esther Mae
Lewis, Catherine Campbell
Littlehales, George Reber
McCullock, Roderick Roy
Nairn, Bronwen M.
Pekofsky, Isidor A.
Ryan, John T.
Studds, Helen Howard
Wagenheim, Frances
Watt, R. Morgan, Jr.
Youngs, Louisa A.

Force School
(Massachusetts Ave bet.
17th & 18th, NW)

Baer, Francis M.
Bradford, Nadine
Chamberlein, Donal L.
Claxton, A. Elizabeth
Daly, Marguerite M.
De Schields, J. Marshall
Duke, D. Fitzgerald
Finley, Margaret
Harvey, Abigail H.
Hume, Charles W.
Hyland, M. Catherine
Jackson, Alice V.
Kwan, Pao Chun
Mallan, R. Beatrice
Manning, Margaret G.
Martin-Rivera, Antonio
Mori, Eric
Murphy, William B. J.
Murray, Frances E.
Niland, Elsie M.
Pace, Catherine L.
Plant, Paul J.
Robinson, Marion
Rogers, A. Mary
Savage, Elsie I.
Schumann, Frieda E.
Schwartz, Alfred M.
Shiach, M. Beatrice
Smith, J. Parker
Trabue, Virginia T.
Watkins, LeRoy R.
Webel (Weber?), Richard C.

Grant School
(Street Unk)

Acton, Edith
Armstrong, Esther
Cohen, Maurice
Funkhauser, Arthur
Kleindienst, Dorothy
Ludlow, Marjorie

John Eaton School
(Opened 1910; 34th &
Lowell Sts, Cleveland Park)

Condon, Merle James
Gichner, Hanna
Gorman, Frank
Hazen, Mary Catherine
Henry, Pamela Brown
Kincer (Kineer?), Alice Ruth
Long, J. Weber

Brightwood School
(Brightwood, Street Unk)

Armstrong, Helen Frances
Bassford, Garland Benjamin
Bohlayer, Helen Mae
Davis, Winifred Braxton
Eckert, Mildred Elizabeth
Labofish, Lillian Ethel
Sparks, Ernest Powers
Sprinkle, Joseph Bernard
Violett, Ernest Randolph

Ross School
(opened 1906; Harvard Street, NW)

Averill, Grace
Berry, Jeanette Cell (Ceil?)
Burch, Ralph
Davidge, Anna Washington
Deitrich, William Wade
Dellett, Harry Ballock
Eisminger, Agnes Clara
Fellers, Alma Katherine
Greenbaum, Carl
Gregg, Mary Louise
Guthridge, John Franklin
Kuhn, Thilo LeRoy
Leech, Francis Booraem
Martin, Roy Stansbury
Myers, Louise
Niepold, Bertha Cecelia
Peckham, Felix Augustus
Saunders, William Webster
Sellhausen, Frederick William
Shea, Mary Frances
Sisemoore, Alfred Taylor
Slye, Elva Crawford
Sweeny, John
Towles, George Edgar
Wallace, David Franklin
Wilkerson, Porman (Norman?) Richard
Wine, Elizabeth Buehler

Powell School
(opened abt 1910;
School St. bet. Park Rd & Irving St)

Duffey, Hugh Clarence
Horton, Edward Raymond
Simon, Barney Krucoff
Johnson, Robert Sidney
Nolan, James Parker
Stetson, Wellen Ashby
Dowling, Ruth Anne
McLaughlin, Helen Louise
Shea, Margaret Agnes
Evans, Thomas Henry
Anderson, John
Horton, Ross
Drennan, Eleanor Ruth
Havens, Lily Jarvis
Peterson, Kathryn Brittain
Schwartz, Blanche Beatrice
Sheer, Annie
Beauchamp, Victor Roberts
Smith, Orlando Henry
Darte, Amy Louise
Cahill, Paul Victor
Barber, Edna Elizabeth
Fettis, Miriam Winslow
Maher, Katharyn Salome
Hennig, Howard Edward
Hough, Ashbel
Levitan, Wolfe
Malone, Robert Wilcox
Robbin, Samuel
Wailes, Raymond Bartlett
Loetsch, Louise Antoinette
Miller, Dorothy
Tuley, Frances Elizabeth
Giddens, Sylvester Riley
McCurdy, James Stinson
Hance, Viola Myrtle
Middleton, Florence Leach
Sweeney, Josephine
Smith, Genevieve Frances
Bruncken, Herbert Gerhard
Warther, Frederick John
King, George Badger
Clark, Annie Louise
Horton, Irma May
Rixey, Lulu Henrie

Monroe School
(Steuben near Brightwood Ave, NW)

Anderson, Mabel Myrtle
Bent, May Viola
Bingham, Lee Rudd
Buchanan, Eldred Holmes
Burchfield, Recyl Elizabeth
Cronise, Agnes Veronica
Cruit, Frances Hall
George, Hazel Beatrice
Gottlieb, Estelle
Howe, Ralph Mermin
Kent, Helen Susan
Knight, May Winifred
Kohl, Faith Ruth
Maher, John Bassette, Jr.
Pavloshek, Albert
Pollis, Frank Edward
Randall, Benjamin Harlan
Range, John James, Jr.
Schlegel, Roy Downey
Smith, Loretta Darlington
Snapp, Margaret Evelyn
Snapp, Ruth Winnifred
Spink, Emilie
Templeton, Thomas Norman
Thurtell, Charles Snow
Walker, Grace Allen
Wineberger, James Buck

Twining School
(3rd bet. N & O, NW)

Frank, Aaron
Kelly, J. Edwin
Lewis, Margaret
McDowell, Julian N.
Nichols, Alice V.
Olinger, Annie G.
Watkins, Margaret W.
Zeller, Mildred E.

Webster School
(10th at corner of H, NW)

Fishman, Isadore
Green, Hetty C.
Hammel, Elizabeth J.
Hammond, Austin M.
Keroes, Isadore M.
Leifer, Rose
Schneider, Ernest Paul
Sweeney, William C.
Volk, Leila L.

Joseph Henry School
(P bet. 6th & 7th, NW)

Bachrach, Israel
Berry, Warren O.
Bobys, Minnie
Campbell, George R.
Cohen, David
Coleman, Beverly C.
Friedman, Effrus M.
Harper, Viola
Heard Marguerite E.
Horan, Edwin H.
Livingstone, Rosalie
McClure, Ralph W.
McConchie, Ellen T.
Norton, Golder B.
Protas, Maurice
Pyles, Mary E.
Redman, Mary
Roberts, Lucile B.
Schenkel, Pauline
Shepperson, Vivian B.
Slattery, Blanche

Thomson School
(12th bet. K & L, NW)

Anderson, Lionel G.
Appleby, Nannie
Browne, Walter A.
Buckholz, Frederick G.
Chase, Juanita
De Groot, Edith V.
Dodge, John H.
Eisinger, John O.
Flood, Genevieve M.
Folger, Worth B.
Guaragua, Jennie
Huntress, Wesley T.
Jones, Ruth D.
Keane, Charles E.
Kiener, Tyler B.
Manning, Eleanor G.
Marston, Martin M.
Montgomery, Helen
Morgan, Harry N.
Mumphrey (Humphrey?), Ardella I.
Page, Jane
Plugge, Wilbur M.
Reynolds, Clara B.
Ring (King?), Freda
Rogers, Marguerite
Ross, Gertrude A.
Ruppert, Cecelia B.
Spence, Virginia I.
Veitrch, Caroline E.
Vincent, Edith E.
Zirkin, Schley

Abbott School
(New York Ave, corner of 6th, NW)

Anderson, Chester Marion
Arkin, Dora
Beaulac, Madeleine Helen
Bennett, William Eugene
Brandt, Arthur Adam
Carroll, Theodore Zimmerman
Fleming, Anna Elizabeth
Harris, Louise Martha
Philips, Bernhardt
Rosenblatt, Solomon
Sherman, Mary Lauretta
Silverstone, Bessie Bertha
Sisson, Robert Wells

Brookland School
(Brookland, NE)

Fitzmorris, William John
Holden, Daphne Mary
Houser, William Krobauer
Judge, Edward Maxtadt
Lewis, William Eberly
Lynch, William Wade
McArdle, Madeline Cecelia
McLean, Marion McDugald
Miller, Sydney May
Schaefer, Edna May

Matthew G. Emery School
(Street Unk)

Adams, Edward Godman
Anderson, Albert Ferdinand
Baird, Francelia (Francella?) Minnetta
Bell, Rosalie Grace
Brenner, John Lawrence
Cattell, James Kenneth
Conliff, Robert Sickles
Cooley, Jesse Bogart
Down, Leon
Dunbar, Dorothy Davis
Dunbar, Erroll
Flicker, Edna Harriet
Fowler, Alice Virginia
Graham, Daniel Parsons
Gunn, Lida May
Harrison, Emily Elizabeth
Hoover, James Elbert
Hunt, Warren Hanseil (Hansell?)
Jones, Edith Virginia
Jones, Evelyn Wellington
Kettner, Dorothy Louise
Lippincott, Ethel Runyon
Lowe, Mary Louise
McConville, Mary Ellen
Pearson, Ruth Virginia
Porter, Vivien Winifred
Quesada, Graham
Reynolds, Hilda Dorman
Sanders, James Henderson
Schwarzmann, Louise Marie
Shaffer, Katherine Curran
Smith, Blanche Camille
Steele, Virginia Marshall
Stuntz, Lois Isabelle
Swindler, Marguerite Hampton
Wadsworth, Robert Langford
Weeks, Helen Marian
Wolf, Morris

Emery School
(Lincoln Ave. & Prospect, NE)

Campbell, Richard Dodge
Carey, Frances
Carey, Helen
Dulin, Edna Laurie
Duvall, Ruth Marie
Evans, Ruth
Gersdorff, Anita Estelle
Glennan, Marjorie Denver
Goodall, Alfred Burros
Greenberg, Martha
Harrison, Kathryn Delcourt
Hazelbush, Ralph Edward
Jones, Arthur
Lamb, Richard Weller
Lewis, Martha Louise
Marstella, Marian Josephine
McCurdy, Albert Joseph
McLaren, William Charles
O'Beirne, Alice Cecilia
Phelps, Edith Gilbert
Phelps, Ethel Margaret
Poole, Maud Jeanette
Quigley, Louise Elizabeth
Rhodes, James Charles
Riddick, Eva Parkinson
Rinehart, Helen Warren
Schuyler, Francis Hedgeman
Siggers, Edythe Katherine
Stokes, Horace Francis
Tracy, Charles James Joseph
Walker, Alvin A. V.
Wallace, Minnie Geneva
Wilbur, Burton Rosecranse
Zimmeril, Lena Irene

Gales School
(1st & G, NW)

Anderson, Thomas Everyn
Brice, Louise Robins
Brickerd, Herbert Sidney
Carey, Mary Belle
Conner, Mary Aline
Davis, Hope Willis
Davis, Nina Ellsworth
Grigsby, Louis Sinclair
Hobbs, Lorena Lee
Humes, Elmer Ellsworth
Joseph, Albert Marion
Kawcinsky, Abraham Solomon
Knapp, Grayson Moler
La Mont, William
Laubach, Magdeline Anna
Lohr, George Alfred
McEvoy, Margaret Mary
Nairn, Roland Edward
Perry, Ethel Estelle
Russell, John Paul
Schwarz, Paul John
Snyder, Walter Michael
Thomas, Frank Lesley
Viehmann, John Raymond

Langdon School
(Frankfort & 20th St, NE)

Berry, Sophy Olevia
Burnside, Bradford Lewin
Byler, Mabel
Gundling, John Louis
Lawson, Pauline Eliza
Love, Bulah Virginia
Mockabee, Mamie
Sullivan, Esther Lynn

Hayes School
(E near 13th, SE)

Bailey, Joseph P.
Bers, Nessie
Bilson, Samuel W.
Boswell, Braxton
Brandon, Lorence E.
Clements, Henrietta
Daly, Teresa M.
Jones, Catherine M.
Lee, May E.
Luskey, Esther A.
McGhan, Frances A.
O'Brien, Elden J.
Rockett, William J.
Rossiter, J. Edward
Russell, Sir Louis
Sellers, Myrle (Myrtle?) G.
Woodbridge, Nellie

Kenilworth School
(Kenilworth, St Unk)

Smith, Cornelia Roberts

Pierce School
(14th & G, NE)

Bell, Grace Skillman
Booth, George Edward
Crivella, Joseh
Diekmann, Rudolph Conrad
Eslin, Minnie Irene
Farley, John Lawrence
Finn, Margaret Katherine
Gingell, Marion Lee
Glascock, Joseph Thomas
Glassman, Leah
Godwin, Mabel Josephine
Goodwin, Walter Theodore
King, Edward Aloysius
Lesser, Charles
Macnab, John Carter
Mann, Marion
McLane, Marian Katherine
McNamara, Walter Ernest
Newmann, Alan
O'Dea, Stephen
Reilly, Marie
Shaw, Richard Albert
Spriggs, Viola Elizabeth
Strudley, Helen Alice
Talbert, Howard Raymond
Thiele, Harold John
Wrenn, Margaret Louise

Wallach School
(D bet. 7th & 8th, SE)

Baptista, Frances A.
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, Paul E.
Doniphan, Emma W.
Ellis, Marjorie
Fuller, May E.
Gray, Thelma
Iseman, Christine
Jump, Cecilia K.
Ledoux, Laundriville
Martsch, Dorothy H.
McGuire, Merlin M.
Melvin, Grace E.
Miller, Kenneth S.
Parater, Margaret
Parsons, David A.
Petit, John A.
Ratcliffe, John P.
Roetschi (Rortechi?), Charles L.
Romer, Richard P.
Small, Apphia E.
Wall, Mary L.
Weinberg, Bessie

Hilton School
(6th bet. B & C, NE)

Barnes, John M.
Butt, Vivian J.
Carr, Mildred
Cohen, Elenora
Craword (Crawford?), George E.
Elliott, Helen C.
Gass, Ernest C.
Gleason, Margaret D.
Greer, Dorothy E.
Grinder Isabel
Jameson, Ruth M.
Krumpsaw, Katherin
Lynch, Marcus F.
Membert, Charles K.
Mercier, Bessie I.
Morrison, William J.
Moss, Joseph G.
Nolan, Norman R
Simpson, Geneva
Watson, Charles F.
Whitehill, Edith M.
Williams, Philip T.

Edmonds School
(9th & D, NE)

Bennie, Gwennie
Caton, Grace L.
Dettmers, Edith A.
Flemer, Carl
Greenwood, Herbert
Healey, Evelyn B.
Kemp, Edwin S.
Lithgow, Anna S.
Little, Robert M.
Manders, Emma M.
Olenstein, Joseph M.
Parnell Thomas H.
Powell, Roscoe L.
Price, Margaret
Roy, Helen M.
Sharp, Helen
Simpson, Paul J.
Stone, W. Jennings
Tancill, Perry M.
Wagner, Crystal V.
Williamson, Mabel
Wingfield, Arthur

Jefferson School
(6th, corner of D, SW)

Abendschein, George Louis
Barron, Agnes Louise
Dakin, Ellis Worth
Filgate, George Edward Dewey
Gregory, Alfred Matthew
Hammer, Emily Elizabeth
Hickey, Mary Margaret
Hill, Anna Cecilia
Johnson, Goldie Elizabeth
Leonard, Melville Harlan
Loy, William Frederick
Lukens, Ruth Anna
Oscar, Nathan
Ryan, Alice Mabel
Ryan, Florence Isabella
Waite, Loring Francis
Williamson, Florence Elizabeth
Winter, Lorena Conrad

S. J. Bowen School
(3rd, corner of K, SW)

Boswell, Grace Alverna
Broechin, Anna Bertha
Buckley, John Thomas
Burneston, Joseph Lee
Coates, Ethel Gertrude
Dyer, John William
Egloff, Elsie Marguerite
Fitton, Robert Douglas
Gallahorn, Marie Elaine
Garner, Reba Virginia
Harris, James Walston
Humphrey, Ruth Belle
Hurley, Pauline Naomi
McConnell, John Joseph
McGill, Dorothy Calista
Miller, Emmanuel
Montgomery, Herman Clay
Seidenspinner, Arthur Henry
Sterne, Addie Elizabeth

Buchanan School
(E Street near 13th, SE)

Bankert, Irene
Beavers. Gertrude
Burke, Margaret
Cooksey, Eva
Crown, Eola
Davis, Everett
Frederick, Walter
Grady, Beatrice
Griest, Staley (Stanley?)
Hazell, Milton
Hooper, Carl
Horn, Mary
Howe, James
Keith, Edmund
Lee, Norman
Leizear, Mary
Loehmann, Ernest
Mansfield Edna
Martin, Delphia
McCormick, Michael
Queen, Melvin
Richardson, Esther
Robey, Rachel
Sakolski, Dena
Saks, Maurice
Schultz, Martha
Seyfried, Albert
Stubener, Marie
Tomlin, Edwin
Whipp, Pearl

Van Buren School
(Anacostia, Street Unk)

Davidson, W. Delozier
Fisher, Thornton L.
Green, Edwin W
Gude, Edgar R.
Gude, Edwin N.
Koontz, Helena T.
Montgomery, Robert G.
Press, Alvin O.
Weigel, Lena C.
Welch, Edith E.

Lenox School
(5th bet. Virginia Ave & G St SE)

Corbin, Florence Annie
Crowther, George Edward
Decatur, Ethel Belle
Duley, Guy Rudolph
Duvall, Lyndall Ellenor
McGrath, Robert
Rittenhouse, Carrie Catherine
Trosselt (Tresselt?), Bertha Rosanna
Womersley, William Everett
Zuschnitt, Mildred Emma

Congress Heights School
(Street Unk)

Bayer (Beyer?), Norman George
Bender, Bertha Louise
Burch, Louie Antoinette
Cohen, Amy Wyville
Dodge, Alice Marion
McKenna, George Alexander
Mullikin, Iona Belle
Weisbrod, Melvin Cole

The names of the graduates were taken from the January 31, 1914, edition of the Washington Post, Washington, DC, page 11.

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