Washington D.C.

1889 Grade School Graduates

This is a list of the Eighth Grade school children who successfully completed the requirements to enter high school. Street addresses were taken from the 1889 DC Directory.

In early years, the schools were organized into numbered divisions and within each division, numbered schools. The schools were typically referred to by their division and school numbers. However, they were sometimes referred to by the building where they were located. Thus, the Division 1 schools numbering 1 through 3 were sometimes referred to as the 'Franklin School' because they occupied the 'Franklin Building.' However, the reader should keep in mind that over time, the division lines were redrawn and the schools within a division might be renumbered as populations shifted. School numbers were not transcribed since the school name is a more recognizable identifier. June 1889, Division numbers were transcribed for historical reference.

Abbott School, 2nd Division

(6th & New York Ave, NW) (S. J. Thomson, Teacher):

Howard P. Ash
Edward A. Barnes
John E. Beall
Max Z. Blumenberg
Harry T. Clifton
Vernon C. Cook
Henry D. Garron
Charles E. Hidwell
Julius P. Hiesecker
Thomas L. Jett
John B. Johnston
James S. Lay
Charles W. McWhorten
Charles Morgan
Leonard L. Nicholson
Aurelian H. Pinney
Fred W. Popham
Louis W. Richardson
Theodore J. Rupli
John G. Schultz
William G. Stuart
John W. Thompson
Harry D. Warde
Harry M. Wells
Charles R. Williams
Lewis R. Williams

Analostan School, 1st Division

(G between 22nd & 23rd, NW) (S. M. Ryder, Teacher). Note - This school was renamed the Grant School on December 6, 1889. [Source: Washington Post, Wash, DC, December 7, 1889, p. 4, New School Buildings Named.]

Sarah A. Blunt
Gertrude E. Donalson
Mary E. Doolittle
Bessie B. Elkers
Marian E. Evans
Mary C. Evans
John I. Gregg, Jr.
Lucy O. Hilton
Charles G. Hodge
Bertha W. Jones
Carrie L. Jones
Estelle C. Littlepage
Annie C. McGuigan
Cecil F. McKee
Lula Mechlin
Elizabeth B. Oliver
Jessie F. Perkins
Mary L. Roach
Mamie Rodier
Phoebe A. Ross
Clary M. Scrivener
Mary L. Sherman

Banneker Colored School, 8th Division

(3rd bet. K & L, NW) (E. F. Merritt, Teacher):

Alice Carroll
Estelle Dickson
Estelle I. Hawkins
Willetta Jackson
Eleanor N. Lewis
Gertrude Merritt
Juliet D. Thomas

Blake School, 2nd Division

(North Capitol St, corner of K) (A. M. Gording, Teacher):

Bertha Arth
Lizzie Caspari
Nellie Cowles
Susie Dutrow
Annie Eagen
Daisy Eckloff
Louise Emmerman
Maggie Frayzer
Lena Fueling
Anna Furlong
Beatrice Hottel
Sadie McCann
Clara Merriam
Pauline Mueden
Flora Reeves
Suella Roberts
Leona Sherman
Susie Waters

Bradley School, 4th Division

(13-1/2 St. bet. C and D, SW) (Mary E. Martin, Teacher):

Ellen M. Ackerman
Maude B. Billingsley
Jennie Brewer
Emmitt M. Carter
Mattie T. Codrick
Charles Duley
Maude R. Durfee
Ella Espey
Mary Espey
Sarah E. D. Grummond
Frederick Hellyar
Edith Hofman
Jessie L. (I.?) Price
Mamie C. Schnebele
Percival Strang
Agnes Turner

J. F. Cook Colored School, 8th Division

(O bet. 4th & 5th, NW) (M. P. Shadd, Teacher):

Grace Addison
Oliver Arnold
Samuel Brown
George Brown
Louisa Coleman
Minnie Crutchfield
Carrie Dabney
Hattie Franey
Eugene Gregory
Georgia Griffin
Lottie James
Nannie Jones
Katie Lucas
Addie Moore
Thomas Palmer
Anne Quander
Harriet West
Harry Williams
Maggie Wilson

Curtis School, 5th Division

(O bet. 32nd & 33rd, NW) (Laura M. Bradley, Teacher):

Bessie Appleby
Edith Appleby
Blanche Beall
Olivia Bogley
Charles Bremmerman
Lulu Cameron
Elizabeth Clagett
Josephine Cook
Eva Edmonston
Lonie English
Alfred Fisher
Marcus Goodman
Frank Gore
Ray Greenleaf
Lucy Hallett
Alice Hess
Isabel Irving
Mary Moore
Ella Reid
Alice Rhodes
Helena Roeser
William Sebastian
Lillian Storch
John Swindells
Teressa Thomas
Baker Weaver

Dennison School, 1st Division

(14th & S Sts, NW). Note - Dennison was a large school and consisted of three separate eighth grades, one for males and two for females.

Dennison School, Males

(William Quincy, Teacher):

Clarence Aspinwall
Clifton Bigelow
Royden D. Chase
George S. Gibson
Charles F. Hall
Artemas E. Harmon
Wilbur S. Hinman
John A. Hopper
Harvey E. Lake
Frank C. Lothrop
Harry Nichols
Albert De Ford Pitney
Arthur F. Randall
J. W. Reid
George W. Taylor
William H. Wahly
Frank Whitaker
Harry T. Winfield
George H. Woodworth

Dennison School, Females

(N. McLean, Teacher):

Fannie Appleby
May Breen
Lottie Brockett
Nettie Cain
Jessie Cowling
Margie Getty
Minnie Herbert
Rosa Holmes
Mary Ludgate
Carrie McCrellis
Henrietta Morrison
Rose O'Neil
Mabel Sheckells
Pauline Stutz
Fannie Thomson
Bertha Wise

Dennison School, Females

(K. E. Rawlings, Teacher):

Agnes Ballen
Jessie Barnard
Edna Birch
Minnie Brittain
Kate Burke
Sadie Carter
Alice Cleary
Kate Darby
Helen Edmonds
Gertrude Foster
Estelle Herron
Pamela Hill
Anna Hoeke
Sadie Holland
Sarah Howe
Kate Lamborn
Sarah Lamborn
Mary Liufrio (Llufrio?)
Nellie McCreary
Tessie McLean
Lulu Morris
Helen Morrison
Lilian Ritter
Minnie Rutler
Rosa Sefton
Mamie Smith
Bessie Thompson
Margaret Williamson

Force School, 1st Division

(Massachusetts Ave. bet. 17th & 18th, NW): Note - The Force School had two eighth grades, one for males and one for females.

Force School, Males

(W. B. Patterson, Teacher):

Lawrence Adams
Howard Bailey
Milton Bernard
Harry Bradford
William G. Brownlow
Robert Carmody
Charles Clark
George B. Dandy
George P. Dyer
Arthur Garner
Fadeley Glascock
Arthur Hess
Ralph Horton
Frederic Huxford
J. B. Lackey
Braithe Mitchell
Herbert Ogden
William Peachy
Harris Shaner
Frank E. Tepton
Carl Ulke
Daniel Walsh
Howard Walsh
Horace Whitney

Force School, Females

(M. C. McGill, Teacher):

Dora E. Allen
Mary W. Allen
Emily K. Cammack
Harriet E. Coflin
Sallie E. Cooper
Rose B. Dorsey
Jane Edwards
Annie V. Forbes
Florence S. Gilliss
Bessie Grey
Mary G. Happer
Emma F. Hayward
Katy Jett
Caroline L. Lanman
Mary E. Mulligan
Rose E. Paige
Myrtle H. Palmer
Eliza Peachy
Virginia Peachy
Alice Pollok (Pollock?)
Madeleine Quackenbush
Marie L. Selecman (Selecmen?)
Ella R. Simms
Katherine Sypher
Josephine White
Elenor Wilson

Franklin School, 1st Division

(13th & K, NW). Note - The Franklin School had three eighth grades, one for males and two for females.

Franklin School, Males

(E. G. Kimball, Teacher):

Stanley M. Brown
Howard Burbank
Brooke Corbett
Charles H. Demonet
George A. Didden
John F. Dutton
Harrison S. Greene
Preston King
Preston Kyes
Thaddeus H. Libbey
George Mason
Charles G. Mortimer
Walter W. Payne
Thaddeus Seaman
Columbus W. Thorn
Wilfred R. Vanderhoef
Harold Walker
Frank P. Washburn
Fred N. Whitcomb

Franklin School, Females

(Mrs. C. B. Smith, Teacher):

Bertha M. Adams
Grace L. Altschu
Jeanie I. Baxter
Josephine M. Burton
Corrine C. Chandler
Emily W. Cottrell
Gertrude J. Davis
Alice Finckel
Mabel V. Griffiths
Clara B. Hampton
Frances Heilbrun
Laura G. Hendricks
Harriet V. Keim/Kelm? Margaret A. LaGorce
Agnes V. Lewis
Jessie MacBride
Elizabeth L. Mahood
Elma N. Norris
Eva Romero
Mary R. Shinn
Minnie E. Snyder
Harriet F. Zantzinger

Franklin School, Females

(M. Ellen Morgan, Teacher):

Mabel W. Baker
Kate J. Bannon
Anna Bau
Oscar E. Carter
Helen O. Cook
Mary C. Dallas
Christopher C. Dawson
Theodore L. DeLand
Ida R. Garrett
Mabel G. Geyer
Bertha W. Gibson
Robert H. Hibbard
Spencer Hilton
Louise Hutchison
Florence R. Keene
Eliza B. Ker
Elinor M. Kinsman
Annie W. Meredith
William S. Moore
Virginia B. Newton
Mary Pettit
Fred W. Quinter
Maud E. Sharpe
Phoebe Small
Frank R. Underwood

Gales School, 2nd Division

(1st St, Corner of Mass Ave) (Siegel Roush, Teacher):

Charles F. Berkley
Lex (Alex? Alexander?) Bogan
William H. Brown
Edgar Church
Frank A. Dunn
Ralph A. Gurry
Henry W. Harris
Allie F. Hodes
Harry J. K. Hodes
John E. Horstkamp
Frank E. Lord
Guy S. Meloy
George W. Miller
Edward H. Parry
William A. Smith
Joseph C. Stack
Robert B. Stevens
Louis C. F. Voegler
Robert W. Wells

Garnet Colored School, 7th Division

(10th & U, NW) (J. H. N. Waring, Teacher):

Julia Banion
Harry Cardoza
Alexander Coleman
Beatrice Johnson
George W. Johnson
Oscar L. McElroy
Lula Peters
Leonora C. Randolph
Mary F. Thurston
Ionia Whipper
J. Gran (Grant?) Wimberly

Henry School, 2nd Division

(7th & P, NW) (M. Steele, Teacher):

Fairfax Bayard
Bessie Bresford
Harriet I. Eskew
Sophie F. Fritsch
Mabel E. Gamble
Fannie C. Glasgon
Frances M. Glennan
Bertie C. Howser
Isabella Kearney
Anita L. Latch
Adella E. Mathewson
F. Albert Nordeman
May P. Pomeroy
Edith L. Price
Minnie O. Rankin
L. Halsey Reichelderfer
Bessie L. Reichineker
Hattie C. Reichineker
Anna Roelker
C. John Roelker
H. Schuyler Shephard
Sallie Shreve
Bessie B. Stanley
Ella Sullivan
Gertie Tuelon
Blanche Tuley
Mary T. Wagner
G. Milburn Whitney
J. Washington Williams
Bessie B. Williamson
Elizabeth Winter
Nannie Withers

Hillsdale Colored School, 6th Division

(F. J. Smith, Teacher): Note - This school was renamed the Birney School on December 6, 1889, to honor of James G. Birney. [Source: Washington Post, Wash, DC, December 7, 1889, p. 4, New School Buildings Named.]

Caroline Beverly
Alberta E. Hall
Mary Hite
Georgianna Lear
Cyrus S. Shippen

Jefferson School, 4th Division

(6th & D, SW). Note - the Jefferson School had two eighth grades, one for males and one for females.

Jefferson School, Males

(R. L. Johns, Teacher):

Frank H. Burns
Edward Chase
Lamott DeAtley
Henry A. Dunn
Garnett L. Hobbs
Charles C. James
Frank A. Jones
Hiram Joseph
William P. Kenealy
Alexander J. McKericher
William S. Messer
Hamilton A. Moore
Paul Pearson
William K. Petty
John Poole
Abel Sakolski
George C. Schafer
William M. Uhler

Jefferson School, Females

(Annie Van Horn, Teacher):

Mary E. Baum
Harriet E. Boswell
Mary E. Brady
Annie M. Campbell
Margaret M. Carraher
Emma G. Crook
Jane Desmond
Annie DeVote
Mary C. Espey
Lillie F. Flannery
Regina Fowler
Laura E. Glenn
Katie Hammett
Sarah C. Hickey
Blanche M. Hipkins
Annie L. Irvine
Carrie M. Johnson
Edith F. Larcombe
Mary S. Lepphard (Leophard?)
Martha Marders
Jessie McKenzie
Emily I. Phillips
Florentine Plugge
Rosebud Rabbit
Mary E. Rose
Mary L. Smith
Ella M. Wheeler
Sarah V. Wheeler
Lucy L. Young

Lincoln Colored School, 8th Division

(2nd & C, SE) (J. C. Nalle, Teacher):

Julia Boone
Ella Carter
Mary Cissell
Emma Edelin
Carrie Edwards
Robert Grimshaw
Rosa Jackson
Martha Johnson
Minnie Kirkland
Maud Moss
Irene Parker
Lottie Piper
Eleanor Robinson
Katie Underhill
Bertha Wright

Maury School, 3rd Division

(14th & B, NE) (Mary E. Kelly, Teacher):

Earl Ambrose
Etta Austin
Lida Billups
Lottie Blandford/Blanford?
David Carr
Minnie Cooley
Gilbert Dawson
Julia Fernald
Virgil Hillyer
Henry Juenemann
David Lattimore
Jennie Lynch
Charles Reagan
Nellie Sisson
Abbie Sisson

Morse School, 2nd Division, School No. 7

(5th & R, NW) (Miss King, Teacher): Note - Only the division number and the school number were listed for this school. I believe it was the Morse School since Morse was in the 2nd Division and Miteila/Metella King taught 8th grade there. [Source: Washington Post, Wash, DC, July 30, 1889, p. 2, A List of Teachers: How They Have Been Classified for Next Year.]

Irene Banes
Anna H. Barnum
Elizabeth Bellit
Mary C. Burlingham
Grace L. DeLand
Lida H. Dorean
Eliza T. Dunn
Bertha E. Enderle
Alice B. Gannette
Mary H. Henderson
Anna M. Martin
Mary E. Minor
Elsie V. Moore
Lilian C. Paine
Fannie B. Slater
Bessie M. Smith
Emma B. Spict (Spies?)
Mabel F. Towner
Lizzie M. Warman

Mott School, 6th Division

(4th & W, NW) (H. R. Peters, Teacher):

Mary F. Alexander
Martha Carter
Frances E. Waters

Mount Pleasant School, 6th Division

(Annie E. Loomis, Teacher):

Jane D. Andrews
Grace Goodman
Mary A. Husted
May Jameson
Almon C. Kellogg
Annie E. Riggles
Katherine W. Saxton
Everard W. Snow
Grayson L. Thornton
Annie M. Yeabower
Robert H. Young

Peabody School, 3rd Division

(6th bet. B and C, NE). Note - The Peabody school had two eighth grades, one for males and one for females.

Peabody School, Males

(John T. Freeman, Teacher):

Joseph B. Allen
T. Archibald Alton
Harry R. Andrews
W. Earnest Arnold
Harrison S. Bishop
James P. Briggs
William C. Cole
A. Edwin Gibbons
Ward B. Harrington
Howard T. Heard
Charles L. Lanham
William L. Lanning
Clarence Livingood
Lucian B. Martin
Homer Medford
Charles S. Peters
William A. Quinn
Frank B. Sayre
Paul A. Simpson
H. Otto Sommer
Harry Wilburg
George L. Wood

Peabody School, 3rd Division

(Elizabeth A. Hilton, Teacher):

Gretchen A. Archer
Maud L. Bradley
Maud H. Bundy
Daisy V. Cooke
Elizabeth B. Dare
Maud Fair
Mary B. Frank
Roberta S. Gillis
Lillian M. Harding
Maud McC. Harrison
Grace I. Henry
Maud C. Hunter
Addie T. Lyon
Ellen E. McCabe
Jessie A. McDonald
Genevieve C. Nantz
Martha E. Pearson
Mary H. Pike
Alice A. Porter
Rena G. Ruff
Clara A. Sheiry
Flora G. Steinberg
Edith A. Strattan
Lulu B. Thorne
Edith P. Walford
Emma S. Wood

Phelps School, 2nd Division

(Vermont Ave & T St) (E. F. Strong, Teacher):

Harry Alburger
Frank Barry
Webb Brelsford
Louis Darrell
Harold Boyle (Doyle?)
Frank Durfour
Samuel Foster
Prescott Galley
Will Kemball
Walker McBeth
Arthur Rogers
Robert Test
Nathan Thomas
Neill Towner
Edwin Tracy

Randall Colored School, 8th Division

(1st & I, SW) (M. E. Tucker, Teacher):

William Butcher
Thomas Delaney
Ella Evans
Annie Hudnell
Sarah Hunter
Minnie Lucas
Martha Manning
Arthur Matthews
George Ricks
Georgiana Savoy
Martha Taylor
Lizzie Tyler

Seaton School, 2nd Division

(I between 2nd & 3rd NW) . Note - The Seaton school had two eighth grades, both for females.

Seaton School, Females

(Miss M. E. Rowe, Teacher):

Marie R. Bailey
Sarah L. Bell
Alice Butler
Marie A. Collett
Lillie Emmert
Lizzette Graff
Maud Hamacker
Maud E. Johnson
Margaret J. Kauffman
Frances J. Lake
Lillie Livermore
Louise B. McKelden
Lizzie A. Morse
Caroline G. Newell
Clara G. Richmond
Henrietta H. Seville
Clara A. Shearer
Janet M. Sikken
Mary A. Stiles
Addie Wall
Lillian Wetherall
Mabel Wheat
Rosa M. White

Seaton School, Females

(Ellen F. Goodwin, Teacher):

Mary C. Bresnahan
Mamie V. Cutler
Mary M. Denham
Emily J. Farnum
Susie J. Fillmore
Helen E. Gordon
Edith M. Johnson
Hannah M. Johnson
Stella N. Jones
Florence V. Montrop
Florence E. Plant
Myra E. Spilman
Maud M. Stickell
Blanch A. Tomlinson
Grace P. White
Jeanette L. White
Bertha Wolf

Stevens Colored School, 7th Division

(21st bet. K & L, NW) (R. T. Moss, Teacher):

Katie Brown
Dena (Dana? Deana?) Butler
Ella Butler
Selina Coquire
Tinsie (Tinsey?) Ennis
Emma Ferguson
Mary Ferguson
Glovenia Gant
Joseph Hawkins
Abraham Hayes
Bessie Hudnell
Alice Jackson
Harriet Johnson
Louise Johnson
William Lee
Mary McFarland
Mary Naylor
William Naylor
William Parker
Albert Ridgley
Lillie Sabbs
Georgia Stewart
George Tancil
Martha Taylor
Anna Tubman
James Wanzer
William Wayman
Mary Williams

Sumner Colored School, 7th Division

(E. W. Brown, Teacher):

Mary Anderson
Eleanora Barnes
Adelaid Beckwith
Mary Brown
Robert Brown
Ella Bruce
Mary Burrell
Emma Burwell
Anna Bush
Arminta Campbell
Joseph Cook
Annie Frazier
Henry Freeman
Harriet Geary
Leberta Gray
Winnifred Hansbrough
Susie Johnson
Robert Lacy
Teresa Marshall
Jessie Mason
Lillie Mason
William Nixon
Mary Price
Chainey Scott
Geneva Shorter
Alice Simmons
Harry Storum
Marguerita Taylor
Wellington Taylor
Laura Terrell
Mary Williamson
Maggie Younger

Tennallytown School, 6th Division

(J. W. Chappell, Teacher):

Mary C. Chappell
Clarence E. Earnest
Mary F. Gallaghan
Charles J. Solyom

Towers School, 3rd Division

(8th corner of C, SE) (N. M. Mack, Teacher):

Blanche G. Adams
Maggie L. Baden
Florence M. Blaine
Parthenia Brummett
Rosa C. Casper
Jennie Chandler
Lulu H. Diver
Annie Dunn
Minnie M. Dushane
Emma Gatchell
Lucy A. Grant
Hattie E. Harlan
Emma Hodges
Josephine Kubel
Sarah V. Lockwood
May McCauley
Anna E. Ockert
Nellie E. Pumphrey
Ruth E. Rucker
Nellie E. Scott
Georgia Sheffield
Mary E. Shields
Eleanor W. Simonds
Clara G. Smith
Susie M. Swingle
Edna Taylor
Maud E. Turner

Twining School, 2nd Division

(3rd bet. N & O, NW) (Kate T. Brown, Teacher):

Janie E. Brown
John A. Clark
Lulu M. Fuller
Christian J. Gockeler
Ethel M. Graffane
Ella Hogue
Carroll L. Hurdle
Maggie H. Jones
J. E. Lewis
Katie McClelland
Maud Nichols
Harry C. Pringle
Kate E. Ray
Nellie Schutt
May Snee
Hattie R. Stokes
J. E. Watkins
Sarah West
Samuel Williamson
Frank Woodward

Wallach School, 3rd Division

7th & D, SE. Note - The Wallach school had two eighth grades, one for males and one for females.

Wallach School, Males

(J. J. Chickering, Teacher):

Allen D. Albert, Jr.
Walter E. Allen
William Atkins
Charles A. Bliss
Harry T. Bright
Irwin C. Buckingham
John T. Loane
Charles McC. Emmons
John M. Miller
William K. Nottingham
Harris W. Slater
Burton Smith
Robert Edward Smith
John A. Sutherland
Edmund A. Varela (Varcia?)
Leopold M. Von Schilling
Clarence E. Yount

Wallach School, Females,

(Victoria L. Nourse, Teacher):

Fannie M. Allen
Regina Baptista
Katie S. Collins
Edna B. Cross
Flora B. Forrest
Marion Hartley
Addie M. Krepps
Victoria Lenham
Maude Middleton
Blanche Murray
Annie B. O'Donnell
Mamie E. Pond
Lida Schultz
Julia Skillman
Carrie C. Stratton
Carrie E. Wells
Mamie E. Yount

Webster School, 2nd Division

(10th & H, NW) (Sophie B. Kent, Teacher):

Fidele Clark
Sidney Culverwell
Kate J. Durham
Nellie Fisher
Bertha Gray
Mamie E. Greer
Mary E. Harsha
Minnie Hutchinson
Nellie Markeiter
Edna Parsons
M. A. Scott
Frank T. Skelton
Bessie T. Slater
Daisy G. Squier
Lena Stokes
Mary K. Sumner
Lydia K. Wilkins
Lottie E. Wright
Mary E. Young

Weightman School, 1st Division

(23rd & M, NW) (W. W. Willoughby, Teacher):

Mary Bradley
Walter Brandenburg
Miriam Clements
Ella Creaven
Lyda (Lydia?) French
Mary French
Rosa Girandan
Adelina Jouy
Mary Keady
William Keenan
Kirby King
Bessie Mills
Kate Orleman
Olive Travers
Josephine Willige

The list of graduates was taken from the June 19 and June 20, 1889, editions of the Washington Post, Washington, DC, pages 5 and 7.

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