Names were taken from the World War I Memorial (in Washington, DC) for the Washingtonians who lost their lives. Rank and cause of death are included for those who served with the U.S. Army. These additional details were taken from Soldiers of the Great War, Vol I, compiled by W. M. Haulsee, F. H. Howe, and A. C. Doyle (Washington, DC: Soldiers Record Publishing Assn), 1920.
(A) = Died of Accident
(D) = Died of Disease
(K) = Killed in Action
(W) = Died of Wounds
"This memorial was erected through the voluntary subscriptions of the people of Washington.
It was dedicated on Armistice Day, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-One by Herbert Hoover,
President of the United States. Within this corner-stone are recorded the names of the
twenty six thousand Washingtonians who when the United States entered the World War
answered the call to arms and served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
"The names of the men and women from the District of Columbia who gave their lives in the
World War are here inscribed as a perpetual record of their patriotic service to their country.
Those who fell and those who survived have given to this and to future generations an
example of high idealism, courageous sacrifice and gallant achievement."
![]() Earl Adams Edward L. Adams Alexander K. Anderson (Lieutenant) (D) Frederick Anderson (Wagoner) (A) Louis C. Anderson (Private) (W) William Arnold (Private) (K) Melvin M. Augenstein Eugene H. Austin Curtis R. Auten Ellis B. Babcock Carrington E. Bailey Philip M. Bailley Wilk S. Baker (Private) (K) William H. Baker (Sergeant) (K) John Thomas Banks Bernard B. Barnes (Horseshoer) (W) Warren R. Barnes (Private) (A) Charles M. Barnett Frederick Barrack (Private) (W) Morris R. Barssock George Cleveland Bates William L. Baurman Benjamin Baylor Louis H. Bayly (Lieutenant) (D) Walker Blaine Beale (Lieutenant) (W) James D. Bebout William E. Bell Abe Bellmore (Private) (K) Harry O. T. Benson Samuel B. Beyer Arthur Everett Birkle John A. Bligh Walter R. Blue (Private) (D) John Maurice Bohrer Charles H. Bolden (Private) (D) James L. Booth (Captain) (D) Lewis H. Boss (Lieutenant) (W) Carl Augustus Bostrom Franklin K. Boswell Alexander A. Boteler Wilber H. Boteler William Boxley Elmer Francis Boyd Wilbur Leroy Boyer Clarence M. Brandenburg Guy E. Brandt Mack Bray John F. X. Brennan Charles Joseph Brewer William I. Brooke Harold F. Brooks Charles La Ray Brown Douglas M. Brown Edward Joseph Brown James R. Brown Oliver Brown Thomas Brown (Lieutenant) (D) Wilmarth Brown (Lieutenant) (K) ![]() Sidney H. Bryan Victor Buchalter Chester W. Buchanan (Lieutenant) (K) William R. Buchanan Joseph Budd Albert O. Burgdorf John Irving Burns (Private) (D) Millard M. Burrows Mattie Virginia Bushee Raymond P. Cady (Private) (D) Francis Quigley Carr Roy C. Carroll (Private) (D) Edward Carter Hiram F. Cash (Lieutenant) (W) John A. Chamberlin Charles E. Chambers Henry E. Chandler Kenneth B. Charlton Volney O. Chase Philip G. Chaves Alfred Cherner (Private) (K) George B. Chew, Jr. William Luck Chinn Charles E. Clark (Sergeant) (K) Charles Elsworth Clark Harold M. Clark Alan Ogilvie Clephane Ralph McKinley Coates Harry K. Cochran Howard R. Colbert (Private) (D) John Cole James H. Coleman (Private) (D) Warren Coleman (Private) (D) Henry Teller Collison (Wagoner) (D) Clarence M. Collord (Lieutenant) (K) Max L. Colman Thomas T. Colmesnil Edward T. Comegys (Lieutenant) (A) Willis E. Comfort William J. Compher Boyd F. Conley (Private) (D) John J. Connors George Thomas Contee (Private) (W) Andrew H. Cookman (Private) (K) Vincent Genger Cooley (Corporal) (K) James A. Cooper Ernest A. Corbin (Private) (D) Vincent B. Costello (Private) (K) Edward R. Cramer (Private) (D) Daniel W. Crawford (Private) (D) Harold Lee Crawford John Crilly, Jr. Joseph V. Cullen (Lieutenant) (K) Louis A. Currier John S. Curry John J. Daly William F. Daughton Alvin Elliott Davis Harry Genther Davis Horace M. Davis Hugh Mackay Davis Stafford L. Davis Harry T. Davison, Jr. Alexander R. Dean (Lieutenant) (K) James Leslie Dean (Private) (W) Charles Smith Deans Edward H. DeGaw Stafford G. DeLesdernier Nicholas J. Demopoulos Edward G. DePaschalis (Lieutenant) (D) William K. Dieste (Private) (K) J. Forsyth Digges William Godfrey Dillon Myron D. Dodge (Private) (K) Thomas E. Donovan Thomas J. Doran (Master Engineer) (D) Tony Dordos (Private) (K) Herman W. Dorr (Private) (D) Aloysius Dorsey James W. Dorsey, Jr. (Private) (K) Julian Noyes Dowell (Lieutenant) (A) Albert Thomas Drake Cornelius A. Driscoll (Private) (D) Sylvester Duckett (Private) (K) Edward Joseph Dudley Frank E. Dunkin (Corporal) (D) Henry Albert Dunn Arthur H. Dutton (Lieutenant) (W) Julius E. Eades (Private) (K) Ellette Tuncle Early John H. Easton (Private) (K) George Robert Edelen Charles M. Edwards John George Egerton Louis E. Eisensmith Theodore S. Elliott Arthur T. Elmore (Lieutenant) (W) Ernest W. Emery George D. English John I. Eopolucci William A. Eopolucci (Private) (K) John F. Evans (Corporal) (K) John W. Evans John F. Evansha ![]() Frank T. Fagan Frederick J. Fagan Abraham J. Fainman Thomas H. Farnsworth (Lieutenant) (K) Foster Cabert Felton William D. Fenwick (Private) (D) Frederick Fickling Franklin E. Fletcher Henry W. Fletcher Joseph H. Ford Franklyn G. Fox (Lieutenant) (A) Hilary Reid Frazier (Lieutenant) (K) Charles A. Fuches Joseph L. Garner (Private) (D) John Gately William Joseph Geary (Sergeant Major) (K) James W. Geddes (Private) (D) William H. Giles Ernest I. Gillem Alfred Glascock (Captain) (D) Harold L. Gochenour James R. Goggins, Jr. (Private) (W) Victoria Good Frank Gordon (Private) (W) James N. H. Gordon Raymond L Gordon Albert Goss (Private) (D) George H. Gray Donald R. Green (Sergeant) (W) John A. Green John D. Green (Private) (K) Robert C. Greenwell Robert R. Griffith Benjamin J. Griswold (Army Field Clerk) (D) William H. Gross Gordon James Groves Allen T. Grymes Clarence L. Gunnell Pete Haddad James F. Hagan (Corporal) (K) Maurice Leo Harding William W. Hardy Arthur A. Harig (Private) (A) J. Randolph Hapman Warren G. Harries (Lieutenant) (A) Aloysius D. Harris Charles D. Harris (Captain) (K) Richard Samuel Harris Morgan B. Harvey John A. Havener (Cook) (D) Harry W. Hawes (Private) (W) Bertha Ryan Hayes Charles Henry Enrique Hernandez William Leland Hibbs Edward S. Higdon George Chafee Hill Maron Lester Hodgson Leroy B. Holcombe (Lieutenant) (K) Claude Holley Frank Willard Hollows Henry S. Holmes Mathew Holmes (Private) (D) James R. Hopkins Wallace F. Howard (Corporal) (D) William B. Hudson (Captain) (K) Charles F. Huntemann Henry Hunter Paul L. Hurdle (Private) (D) James William Hurley Francis Hutchins Harry Frederick Huth Maurice James Hutton Daniel M. Jackson Edward Jackson (Private) (K) George Jackson Joseph J. Jackson Wilson W. Jackson (Private) (D) Charles A. Rhett Jacobs Roger W. Jannus Hubert Alfred Johnson James Johnson James W. Johnson (Private) (D) Milton Johnson (Private) (K) James Rawlins Jones Marcus A. Jordon |
Stanton F. Kalk David Kay John Joseph Keady James Keeley (Captain) (K) John O. Kelser John A. Kendall (Private) (W) Frank S. Kennedy (Private) (K) Harry B. Kennedy Maurice Keplinger (Sergeant) (D) John A. Kersey (Corporal) (D) James W. Keyes William George Kidd (Private) (D) Allen L. Kidwell (Sergeant) (D) George Emmett Killeen Harry L. Kimmell (Captain) (K) James L. G. King Ralph Melvin King French Kirby Clarence A. Knudtson (Lieutenant) (W) Herbert Graham Kubel ![]() Leo Laffey John M. Lambert Relious Latney William J. Lawless Robert L. Lawson Fred Lee Malachi Lee Kenneth Lewis (Private) (W) Lloyd Baxter Liebler (Lieutenant) (K) Harry D. Lombardi John James Loulan (Private) (D) Norman A. Loveless (Private) (D) Joseph Lovings William T. Lusby Earl L. Lyles (Sergeant Major) (K) Thomas Michael Lynch Douglas C. Mabbott Charles W. MacDonald (Corporal) (K) Lee B. Magner (Sergeant) (K) George Magruder (Private) (K) Maurice F. Mahoney (Private) (K) Maurice J. Mahoney (Wagoner) (D) Donald H. Manning William S. Manning Peyton C. March, Jr. Stuart Leroy Marlow Theodore C. Marrs Harace Matthews (Private) (K) Victor E. J. Mayer Aubrey Allen Mayo Aloysius McCauley John B. McCauley George Baldwin McCoy Joseph G. McDonald J. A. Ray McFadden Stephen P. McGroarty Edward E. McKenzie William H. McKimmie (Corporal) (K) Wilson Meads Milton S. Medley (Corporal) (K) David L. Meeks (Private) (K) Robert E. Meinekheim (Private) (D) Carl Frederick Miller Lemuel B. Miller, Jr. Samuel Miller, Jr. Carl Olin Minor Antonio Missini Theodore N. Mitchell William George Moore Edward S. Morgan, Jr. John Francis Moriarty John C. Morrison (Private) (D) Howard H. Morrow (Private) (W) Carl Joseph Munch Beatrice T. Murphy John Joseph Murphy Evans Elliott Murray Hagop Mushekian (Private) (K) Matt Francis Myers (Private) (D) James Barbour Nalle (Major) (K) Richard A. Nally Kenneth H. Nash Frank R. Needham Francis Emmett Neil Clair T. Newell Irving T. C. Newman Frank Edward Newton Louis A. Niedomanski Henry Francis Nolan James Francis Noone Seymour Nottingham David T. O Connell Francis A. O Connor John F. O Connor Dave Oettinger Helen V. Orchard Leo J. Osborne (Private) (D) Thomas O Toole (Private) (W) Lenwood Hughes Ott (Lieutenant) (A) Phillips W. Page Richard Walter Parfet John Pate Griffin Payne (Private) (K) Joseph Peluzzo (Private) (W) Joseph B. Phelps John Manly Pickrell Blanche E. Pierce Charles Edwin Poates George W. Polhemus John Prender, Jr. Ralph Pumphrey Israel Putnam (Major) (K) Albert Zane Pyles (Captain) (W) W. Otis Quesenberry (Private) (D) William DeC. Ravenel, Jr. William F. Redman William Aubrey Reed ![]() William T. Reiley (Private) (K) Ralph W. Remick (Corporal) (K) Frederick T. Remler William L. Rhine Franklin A. Richards Charles David Ricker James W. Riddick William H. Ritenour George R. Robinson Harold M. Robinson Jesse Morse Robinson (Lieutenant) (D) Edward L. Roche (Private) (K) Alexander Rodgers, Jr. (Lieutenant) (D) Warner M. Rodgers William H. Rollins Robert C. Rusk (Private) (W) Thomas Russell (Private) (K) Ferdinand Sauers (Private) (K) Ernest C. Schleith Frederick W. Schutt Paul B. Schwegler Henry H. Scott John Crawford Scott John H. Seaburn Chase Emily Sebold George Vaughn Seibold (Lieutenant) (K) Valentine Sellers Richard McA. Shamley (Private) (W) William A. Sheehan (Lieutenant) (K) Robert L. Shepherd (Private) (W) Philip H. Sheridan George Shoulders Abraham W. Sidkowsky Leo I. Simmons William P. Slattery Carroll B. Smith Ernest Smith Ernest S. Smith (Private) (K) Francis Marion Smith Israel Smith James E. Smith (Private) (D) James L. Smith Tony Smith (Private) (D) William F. Smith Harry F. Smurr Edward P. Sneed Maurice B. Snyder (Corporal) (K) Norman H. Sonnemann (Private) (K) Samuel W. Sowerbutts (Captain) (K) Henry C. Spengler (Lieutenant) (K) Edwin Leo Springmann Ralph Stambaugh Edwin M. Stanton (Sergeant) (K) Percy Albert Stein (Lieutenant) (D) Albert B. Stelzer James Stepheny John Wellington Stepp Louis G. Stevens George E. Stewart (Private) (D) Joseph C. Stewart Raymond L. Stewart Francis W. Stone, Jr. Peter Strickland George Word Strieby Benjamin F. Strothers Albert D. Sturtevant Harry M. Sullivan John Sullvon (Private) (K) Allen M. Sumner (Captain) (K) Howard G. Swann Robert E. Symmonds Charles P. Talks George Tarantino (Private) (D) John H. Taylor William McK. Taylor Francis A. Tennant Emil Theiss William E. Thomas Raymond W. Thompson ![]() George K. Thornton Lula May Thrift Russell D. Tibbitts Albert W. Tierney Clarence Tillman J. Wilder Tomlinson Philip H. Toomey William G. Toone (Private) (K) Henry Peirce Torrey Lawrence Townsend, Jr. Charles Ashby Towson (Private) (W) Francis M. Tracy (Lieutenant) (K) John G. Utterback (Corporal) (D) Frank C. Valentine Arthur G. Vanderlip Stanley Vanderwalker Dean R. Van Kirk John W. Vinson (Sergeant) (K) B. Stuart Walcott Leonard Waldman (Private) (D) Hall Christie Walker James Edward Walker Louis Walker (Private) (K) John B. Warfield Benjamin Warner Edward M. Watkins (Private) (W) Charles S. Weaver (Private) (W) Carl H. Weber (Sergeant) (D) Charles F. Wedderburn Benjamin W. Wells, Jr. John W. Wheeler Albert White (Cook) (D) Robert L. Whitehand Raymond Whitney Victor M. Whitside (Major) (D) Edwin Earl Wilkerson Laurence O. Wilkins Guy I. Willard Frank Aloysius Willeke Archie W. Williams Arthur F. Williams Guy Williams James H. Williams Lea D. Williams Lloyd Williams Survain A. Williams Price Williamson Robert L. Willingham (Mechanic) (A) Harry V. Wilson (Private) (K) John W. Wilson (Sergeant) (K) Harold D. Winans Carl Alfred Woline (Master Engineer) (K) John Boyd Wolverton John H. Woodson (Private) (D) Harmon George Young |
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