Washington D.C.

Marriage Records


Miss Janie RITCHIE will be married to Mr. Alan BOYD, on the 10th of August, at the residence of the mother of the bride-elect, at Frederick, Md. Mr. Boyd is the confidential secretary of the Secretary of the Interior. After his marriage he and his bride will make their home for some months in Indian Territory, where he is engagged on some government work.
Source: The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 5

Miss Mary Virginia AULDRIDGE was married at Epiphany Chapel at nine o'clock yesterday morning to Mr. Frank Edward GASS. The marriage was very quiet, but one in which the friends of the bride and groom took a great interest as was testified in the most substantial manner by the set of handsome china presented to the groom by his friends in the Smithsonian Institute. The bride ore a blue traveling gown and after the ceremony left the city with her husband for a bridal trip to Atlantic City.
Source: The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 5

Mr. Giles I. CUFFEY and Miss Sarah S. WELLS were married last Wednesday evening by Father DOUGHERTY, at the bride's residence, 1631 O street northwest. Many valuable and useful presents were received by the happy pair, who left on a wedding tour at 11pm. The reception will take place on Thanksgiving Day at Portsmouth, Va., the home of the groom. They will reside in the future in this city.
Source: The Colored American, November 25, 1899, page 1

Marriages Reported in DC Newspapers 1796-1810

Note: Some of the marriages took place in Alexandria, then a part of DC.

MarriagePrintedGroomResidenceBride ResidenceNotes
12/29/1796Jan 13Beall, Upton, Esq.Williamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MDMiss Matilda PriceFrederick Co
1/31/1797Feb 3Laird, JohnGeorgetown, DCMiss Mary DickBladensburgh, MD
3/7/1797Mar 10Weems, Dr. JohnMiss Eliza FrenchGeorgetown, DC; Married by Rev. S. B. Balch. Eliza was the dau of George French, Esq
3/8/1797Mar 10Smith, Jeremiah, Esq., CongressmanNew HampshireMiss Eliza RossBladensburgh, MDMarried at Bladensburgh, MD
8/22/1797Aug 29McClean, ArchibaldMiss Mary JonesMarried at Alexandria by Rev. Dr. Rogers; groom was principal of an academy in Alexandria, Va; bride was dau of Rev. Mr. David Jones of Chester Co, VA
10/11/1797Oct 13Alexander, AmosMiss Ann RickettsMarried by Rev. Dr. Muir at Cameron, the seat of John Thomas Ricketts
10/13/1797Oct 31Eppes, John W., Esq.Chesterfield Co, VAMiss Maria JeffersonBride was the dau of Thomas Jefferson, Esq., Vice-President of the U. S.
10/14/1797Oct 18Penny, Johnthe ship SaratogaMiss Betsy HillAlexandria
1/23/1798Jan 26Lewis, HenryAlexandriaMiss Eliza HuffAlexandriabride was dau of Lawrence Huff
2/7/1798Feb 9Lindsey, BenjaminAlexandriaMiss Amelia RobinsonAlexandriaMarried at Alexandria
3/1/1798Mar 2Butts, Capt. MarkAlexandriaMiss Betsey WinterburyAlexandria
3/6/1798Mar 14Gowen, JohnsonAlexandriaMiss Sarah RussellAlexandria
4/12/1798Apr 14Claggett, ThomasMarylandMiss Julia DulaneyAlexandriaBride was the dau of Benjamin Dulaney, Esq
11/8/1798Nov 15Scott, Charles R.AlexandriaMiss Lucinda StantonFauquier Court House, VABride was the dau of Col Stanton of Fauquier, VA
11/18/1798Nov 20Sims, ThomasAlexandriaMiss Fritter (Fritser?)Alexandria
12/18/1798Dec 25Gantt, John Mackall, Esq.Georgetown, DCMrs. Mary Sprigg HermancePrince George s Co, MDMarried by Rev. Edward Gantt
2/13/1799Mar 12Brookes, BenjaminMrs. Elizabeth HalkersonUpper Marlborough, MDMarried by Rt. Rev. Bishop Clagett. Benjamin was a major of the Artillery Corps of the U. S.
4/14/1799Apr 16Beatty, Col. CharlesGeorgetown, DCMiss Verlinda OffuttMontgomery Co, MDMarried by Rev. S. B. Balch
4/16/1799Apr 19Ringgold, TenchGeorgetown, DCMiss Polly LeeWash, DCMarried by Rev. F. Neall. Polly was the dau of Thomas Simm Lee; Tench went on to be the DC Marshal
4/16/1799Apr 18Robinson, MatthewAlexandriaMrs. BoaAlexandriaMrs. Boa was widow of Cavan Boa
5/2/1799Apr 30Dempsey, ThomasAlexandriaNancy FlemmingAlexandria
7/20/1799Jul 18Card, JohnAlexandriaMrs. J. AllenNorfolk, VAMarried by Rev. Dr. Muir
8/22/1799Aug 28Hunter, John ChapmanMiss Sally D. TriplettMarried at Abington by Rev. M. L. Weems
9/17/1799Sep 20Bowie, WashingtonGeorgetown, DCMrs. ChewGeorgetown, DCMarried by Rev. Dr. Gantt
9/17/1799Sep 20Peter, DavidGeorgetown, DCMiss Sally JohnsGeorgetown, DCMarried by Rev. Dr. Gantt
9/19/1799Sep 27Chandler, Walter S.Georgetown, DCMiss Margaret RogersMarried by Rev. Mr. Higgenbotham at Annapolis, Md; bride was the dau of the late Chancellor of Md
10/30/1799Nov 2McKnight, Capt. JohnAlexandriaMiss Kitty PiercyAlexandria
11/28/1799Dec 6Forrest, HenryGeorgetown, DCMiss Jane LoveMarried at Salisbury, Loudon Co, Va; Henry was a Georgetown Merchant; bride was dau of Samuel Love
12/5/1799Dec 6Lovering, WilliamWash, DCMrs. WhiteGeorgetown, DCMarried by Rev. Dr. Gantt
12/25/1799Jan 3Rawlings, Dr. DanielSt. LeonardsMiss Ann ChesleyPoint Patience on the Patuxent, Calvert Co, MDAnn was the dau of John Chesley, Esq
12/29/1799Jan 17Robertson, SamuelMontgomery Co, MDMiss Rachel HowardFrederick Co, MDRachel was the dau of Joshua Howard
1/5/1800Jan 7Seton, John CursonBaltimoreMiss Ann WiseSumner Hill, near AlexandriaMarried by Rev. Mr. Balch at Georgetown, DC
2/8/1800Feb 10Moore, JohnAlexandriaMiss Mary HalleyAlexandria
3/10/1800Mar 13Alexander, Charles Jr., Esq.AlexandriaMiss Mary Bowles ArmisteadFredericksburgh
4/12/1800Apr 15Bartleman, WilliamAlexandriaMiss Margaret DouglassAlexandriaWilliam s occupation was merchant
6/5/1800Jun 6Brooke, RichardAlexandriaMiss Nelly OlwayAlexandria
6/10/1800Jun 13Becraft, JonathanMontgomery Co, MDMiss L. HigginsMontgomery Co, MDMarried by Rev. Mr. Balch
9/4/1800Sep 15Young, Robert, Esq.AlexandriaMiss Elizabeth ConradWinchesterMarried at Winchester, VA
10/15/1800Oct 31McCarty, DanielVirginiaMiss Matilda MagruderMarried at Prince George s Co, Md; bride was dau of Dennis Magruder
10/17/1800Oct 28Jackson, HenryGeorgetown, DCMiss Harriott StuartMarried by Rev. Mr. Elliot. Henry was son of Samuel, late of Philadelphia; Harriott was dau of the late Dr. Stuart of Mount Stuart, Westmoreland, VA
10/17/1800Oct 31Magruder, John Reed Jr.Upper Marlboro, MDMiss Nancy AddisonMarried at the seat of George Lee, Esq.; bride was dau of the late Col. John Addison
10/27/1800Oct 31Mudd, AlexanderMiss Mary MuddMarried at Charles Co, Md; bride was the dau of Henry Mudd
11/29/1800Dec 1Pomery (Pomeroy?), WilliamAlexandriaMrs. Elizabeth WrightAlexandriaMarried by Rev. Dr. Muir
12/26/1800Dec 27Muir, JohnAlexandriaMiss Mary LangAlexandriaMarried by Rev. Dr. James Muir
2/19/1801Feb 20Wood, William WallbridgeAlexandriaMrs. Eleanor DixonAlexandriaMarried by Rev. Mr. Muir
3/15/1801Mar 16Hopkins, Major DavidMiss Isabella Ford late of Jamaica.Married by Rev. Mr. McCormick. Groom was Marshal of Md
4/1/1801Apr 3Levering, AaronMiss Polly Lawranson (Lawrenson?)Married at Alexandria
4/2/1801Apr 3McClean, IsaacMiss Polly TurnerMarried at Alexandria
4/6/1801Apr 7Wilcox, WilliamAlexandriaMiss Eliza Ratcliffe PalmerAlexandria
4/16/1801Apr 17Wise, GeorgeAlexandriaMiss Patty NewtonAlexandria
1801Apr 22English, D.Miss Sally ThrelkeldGeorgetown, DCMarried by Rev. Mr. Balch at Georgetown; groom was an editor of The Museum newspaper
5/7/1801May 14Harper, Robert Goodloe, Esq.Miss Catharine CarrollCarrolltonBy Rt. Rev. Bishop Carroll. Bride was dau of Charles Carroll
6/16/1801Jun 24Hall, WilliamAlexandriaMiss Betsy ShepherdMarried at Orange Court-House; bride was the dau of Andrew Shepherd, Esq
9/17/1801Sep 18Maynadier, William Murray, Esq.BaltimoreMiss Sarah BrownMarried at Chesnut Hill, the seat of Mrs. Catharine Brown, by the Rev. Mr. Davis
9/17/1801Sep 18Stewart, RobertAlexandriaMiss Eliza WardAlexandriaMarried by Rev. Mr. Muir
9/24/1801Sep 25Grub, CurtisBerkley CoMiss Sarah TomlinsonAlexandria
10/8/1801Oct 12Selby, BriceWilliamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MDMiss Kitty MarkerWilliamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MDMarried by Rev. Mr. Reed
10/13/1801Oct 14Moore, ThomasAlexandriaMiss Barbara WardColchesterMarried by the Rev. Mason L. Weems. Groom was a Merchant
11/5/1801Nov 11Shreve, ThomasAlexandriaMiss Ann HopkinsAnn Arundel Co, MDGroom was a Merchant
11/10/1801Nov 20Myers, Moses, Esq.South CarolinaMiss Anna PolockWash, DCMarried at the house of Isaac Polock in DC
11/26/1801Nov 27Patterson, EdgarGeorgetown, DCMiss Margaret SuterGeorgetown, DCMarried by Rev. Stephen B. Balch
11/26/1801Nov 27Scott, James S.AlexandriaMrs. AdgateAlexandriaMarried by Rev Mr. Muir
12/10/1801Dec 12Rankin, Lieut. RobertMiss Elizabeth ScottWash, DC.Married by Rev. Mr. Gantt at Rock-Hill, the Georgetown mansion estate of Augustus Scott; Elizabeth was the dau of Augustus; groom was adjutant of the Marine Corps
1/7/1802Jan 8Snowden, SamuelMiss Nancy LongdenMarried by Rev. Mr. Maffett; bothAlexandria; groom was editor of the Alexandria Advertiser
1/21/1802Jan 22Scott, John C., Esq. Georgetown, DCMiss Ann LoveSalisbury, Loudon Co, VAMarried by Rev. Mr. Davis at Bush Hill, VA. John was the son of Augustus and Elizabeth Caile Scott; Ann was the dau of Samuel
3/4/1802Mar 9Treat, Samuel (late)Boston, Mass.Miss Lettice M. NaylorWash, DC
3/7/1802Mar 10Baum, John ChristianGeorgetown, DCMiss Catharine CokendofferGeorgetown, DC
1802Mar 19Loring, IsraelWash, DCMrs. Frances DeanMarried at Newport, RI; Israel was a merchant of DC
1802May 12Shreeve (Shreve?), IsaacAlexandriaMiss Hannah VeryMarried at Salem, Mass; bride was the dau of Capt. Samuel Very
5/9/1802May 15Van Ness, John P., Esq. CongressmanNew YorkMarcia BurnsWash, DCMarried at Wash, DC
5/16/1802May 19Evans, JamesCentrevilleMiss Elizabeth GardinerCentrevilleMarried at Georgetown, DC
5/20/1802May 25Lewis, Henry (late)AlexandriaMrs. Mary HagerHagerstown, MDMarried at Hagerstown by Rev. Dr. Bowers
1802Jul 8Shaw, John A.Newport, Rhode Isl.Miss Elizabeth MuchmoreMarried at Newport, RI
6/23/1802Jul 2Heiskell, Capt. JohnMiss Ann SowersBuckmarsh, Frederick Co, MDMarried at Winchester; bride was the dau of Jacob Sowers
8/28/1802Sep 9Goldsborough, Charles Washington, Esq.Wash, DCMiss Catherine RobertsPhiladelphia, Pa.Married by Rev. Bishop White at Philadelphia; bride was the dau of Hugh Roberts, Esq
10/12/1802Oct 15Fenwick, Thomas, Esq.St. Mary s, MDNelly YoungWash, DCMarried by Rev. Mr. Plunket; Nelly was the dau of the late Notley Young
10/28/1802Oct 29Taylor, ThomasAlexandriaMiss Sally ShuckAlexandriaMarried at Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Muir
11/30/1802Dec 4Carter, Bernard MooreMiss Lucy Grymes LeeMarried at Sully, the seat of Richard Bland Lee, Esq., by Rev. Mr. Thomas Davis. Groom was the son of Charles Carter, Esq., of Shirley; bride was the dau of Gen Henry Lee of Stratford
12/9/1802Dec 16Sprigg, W. O., Esq.Georgetown, DCMiss Eliza GanttPrince George s Co, MDEliza was the dau of Levi Gantt, Esq
12/30/1802Jan 3Rowles, Joseph E.Georgetown, DCMrs. Hannah E. FitzhughLoudon Co, VAMarried by Rev. Mr. Balch
01/01/1803Jan 06Greenwell, G.GeorgetownKing, Miss AnnaCharles Co, MD
01/03/1803Feb 10Heech, StephenWaters, Miss Maryat Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Ralph (Balch?)
01/18/1803Jan 27Riggs, George WashingtonGeorgetownRobertson, Miss ElizabethMontgomery Co, MDat Montgomery Co, MD
01/01/1803Jan 27Corcoran, JohnGeorgetownReisner, Miss NancyGeorgetown
02/08/1803Feb 16McPherson, Dr. Josias H.Montgomery Co, MDHanson, Miss Elizabeth B.Charles Co, MDby Rev. M. L. Weems; bride was the dau of Major Samuel Hanson
02/17/1803Feb 19Jeffrey, SamuelAlexandriaMahony, Miss SallyAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Eaton
03/15/1803Mar 16Shakes, JohnAlexandriaLa Treat, Miss SallyAlexandriaat Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch
03/22/1803Mar 30Brooke, Thomas, Esq.Prince Georges Co, MDBowie, Miss ElizabethPrince Georges Co, MDby Rev. M. Scott; bride was the dau of Walter Bowie, Esq.
03/31/1803Apr 01Allison, AmosAlexandriaGuiger, Miss AnnHagerstown, MDby Rev. James Muir
04/07/1803Apr 08Atkinson, GuyAlexandriaBirch, MissSpring Lands, near Philadelphia, PAat Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Muir; bride was the dau of William Birch
04/20/1803Apr 25Caldwell, JohnNew YorkHigginbothom, Miss MDat New York by Right Rev. Bishop Provost; groom was a merchant
04/26/1803Apr 29Morgan, Rev. John Wash, DCJones, Miss HannahWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Parkinson
05/01/1803May 11Dickson, John C. Wash, DCRafer (Raser?), ElizabethFrederick-town, MDby Rev. Mr. Knox
05/05/1803May 07Maffitt, Rev. William Turberville, Mrs. Harriotat Alexandria by Rev. Dr. Muir
05/14/1803May 19Jones, EdwardWash, DCMaus (Maws?), Miss LouisaWash, DCby Rev. Mr. David Wiley
05/31/1803Jun 01Thompson, Lieut. James Wash, DCBurrows, Miss SarahWash, DCGroom was paymaster of Marine Corps; bride was the dau of Col. William Ward Burrows, Commandant of Marine Corps
05/31/1803Jun 16Weems, WilliamCalvert Co, MDKinsey, Miss MaryBurlington, NJat Philadelphia by the Rev. Dr. Wharton; bride was the dau of the late Chief Justice Kinsey.
06/16/1803Jun 17Sibald, Capt.GeorgiaCox, MissGeorgetownby Rev. Dr. Gantt.
06/16/1803Jun 23Fox, CephasWatson, Miss Jane
06/18/1803Jun 23Sutton, RobertWash, DCWilliamson, CatharineWash, DC
06/23/1803Jun 27Waters, BenjaminMontgomery Co, MDFinagan, Miss MaryWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Long
06/30/1803Jul 01Hartshorne, WilliamAlexandriaShreve, Mrs. SusannahAlexandriaat Friends Meeting House in Alexandria
06/30/1803Jul 01Marsteller, FerdinandHeiskell, Miss Margaretby Rev. Mr. Davis.
07/14/1803Jul 18Muschett, JohnAlexandriaTebbs, Miss Mary F.Alexandriaat Dumfries, VA, by Rev. Lee Massey
07/14/1803Jul 18Smith, WilliamCarr, Mrs. Margaretby Rev. Mr. Harrison
07/28/1803Jul 29Adams, JohnAlexandria Hyees, Miss MaryAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Maffett
08/02/1803Aug 04Plum, JosephAlexandriaMarle, Miss BetsyAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
08/10/1803Aug 15Smith, JamesAlexandriaMoore, Miss Margaret F.Fairfax Co, VAGroom was a merchant
08/16/1803Aug 17Boyer, EliasAlexandriaBruce, Miss AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
09/06/1803Sep 07Puppo, Daniel C.South CarolinaStroman, Miss ElizabethAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
09/25/1803Sep 28Craven, TunisAlexandriaTingey, Miss HannahWash DCat Wash, DC, by Rev. Mr. McCormick; groom was an Alexandria merchant; bride was the dau of Capt. Thomas Tingey
10/22/1803Nov 30Bussard, DanielGeorgetownKnode, Miss CatharineWashington Co, Md.at Hagerstown, DC by Rev. Mr. Rahauser; groom was a Georgetown merchant.
10/25/1803Oct 31Williams, Jeremiah, Esq.GeorgetownStewart, Miss Sarah Fairfax Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Davis; bride was the dau of Hugh Stewart of Fairfax
10/27/1803Oct 28Nicholson, HenryAlexandriaBallard, Miss AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
12/01/1803Jan 04Berrien, John MacPherson, Esq.Anciaux, Miss Eliza at Savannah, GA; John s occupation was Attorney at law; bride was only dau of Nicholas Anciaux.
12/19/1803Dec 20Wheeler, SamuelAlexandriaParsons, Miss SarahAlexandriaby Rev. William Waters
12/25/1803Dec 28Jackson, AnnesNanjemoy, MDKirk, Miss HarriettAlexandria
12/29/1803Jan 04Manners, Capt. Thomas, Esq.Rush, Miss MaryPhiladelphia, PAby Rev. Bishop White at Philadelphia; groom was a captain in the Britannic Majesty s 49th Reg. of Foot
01/19/1804Apr 25Semple, Robert, Esq.Turnbull, Miss Eliza (Isabella)West Florida Territory (Present day Louisiana)Groom was late an officer in the U.S. Army
01/31/1804Feb 01Caldwell, Elias B., EsqGeorgetownBoyd, Miss ElizabethWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was an attorney and clk of the Sup. Court; bride was the only dau of the late Archibald Boyd
02/02/1804Feb 08Lamphier, WilliamAlexandriaSexsmith, Miss MaryFredericksburg, VAat Fredericksburg by Rev. James McConochie
02/05/1804Feb 06Alexander, Walter S.Date, Miss CatherineAlexandriaBride was the dau of Baldwin Dade, Esq.
02/09/1804Feb 17Brashears, Richard Wells, EsqUpper Marlboro, MDBerry, Miss MaryPrince George s Co, MDby Right Rev. Bishop Thos. John Claggett; bride was the only dau of Zachariah Berry, Esq.
03/16/1804Mar 23Harris, Theophilus, Esq.AlexandriaHenderson, Mrs.Lower Dublinat Philadelphia, PA, by Rev. Mr. Mantayne
03/22/1804Mar 28Hamme, Frederick, Esq.Mecklenburgh Court House, VAButler, Mrs.North Carolinaat Mecklenburgh Court House, VA
03/30/1804Apr 04Cutts, Hon. RichardMassachusettsPayne, Miss AnnaWash, DCby Rev. Dr. Gantt; Richard was U.S. Representative from Mass; Anna was sister to Dolley, wife of President James Madison
04/18/1804Apr 19Gray, JohnAlexandriaHelmbold, Miss Ann MariaPhiladelphia, PAat Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch
04/19/1804Apr 23Foyles, NathanWash, DCDavis, Miss SusanWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
04/19/1804Apr 23Thaw, JosephGeorgetownScott, Miss EleanorGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Fenwick
04/21/1804Apr 25Fleury, Elie PeterGeorgetownSanford, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Gant
04/22/1804Apr 23Rowan, JosephRhodes, NancyAlexandriaby Rev. William Waters; bride was the dau of William Rhodes, merchant of Alexandria
04/25/1804May 02Rapine, DanielWash, DCOsborne, Miss CharlotteWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Balch; groom s occupation was bookseller
04/26/1804Apr 30Wall, JohnWash, DCBrooks, Mrs. ElizabethWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Parrot
04/28/1804May 01Galt, JamesAlexandriaResler, Miss EveAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Maffett
05/13/1804May 14Baggett, JohnAlexandriaMaddocks, Miss MaryAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Eaton
05/15/1804May 16Dixon, T. GeorgetownKaldenback, Miss C.Georgetownby Rev. Mr. Neal
05/29/1804May 30Mountz, JacobGeorgetownBelt, Miss ParmeliaWash, DCby Rev. S. B. Balch; groom was a Georgetown merchant; bride was the dau of Benjamin Belt
06/10/1804Jun 13Kean, WilliamWash, DCDocker (Bocker?), Miss JuliaWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
06/23/1804Jul 11Waterman, JamesFountain, Miss HannahNew Yorkat New York by Rev. Mr. McKnight; groom was a printer
06/30/1804Jul 07Custis, George Washington Parke, EsqFitzhugh, Miss Mary Lee ( Molly )Alexandriaat Alexandria by Rev. Thomas Davis; bride was the dau of William Fitzhugh, Esq.
06/30/1804Jul 17Shreve, BenjaminAlexandriaGoodhue, Miss MarySalem, MABride was the dau of Hon. Benjamin Goodhue; groom was a merchant of Alexandria
07/01/1804Jul 02Wirt, John GeorgetownRenshaw, Miss SallyGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Bunn
07/08/1804Jul 17Watson, Dr. JohnAlexandriaHowe, Miss AnnFrederick Co, VA
07/09/1804Jul 16Polk, SamuelSomerset Co, MDGillis, Miss IrvingWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
07/17/1804Jul 17Dye, Capt. RuebenAlexandriaTurner, Miss BetseyAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
07/29/1804Aug 01Turner, WilliamAlexandriaWest, Miss KittyAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
08/25/1804Sep 26Reintzel, JohnGeorgetownWaughop, Miss BetsySt. Mary s Co, MDin St. Mary s Co.
09/20/1804Oct 01Hooe, James H.AlexandriaHooe, Miss E. Prince William Co, VABride was the dau of Benjamin Hooe, Esq.; groom was a merchant of Alexandria
11/25/1804Nov 26Christman, JohnJefferson Co, VABarr, ElizabethAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
12/09/1804Dec 12Tripplett, Major GeorgeFairfax CoLindsey, Miss SarahFairfax Coby Rev. Mr. Kemp
12/09/1804Dec 15Knight, JamesGeorgetownMcClary, Miss PollyFrederick-town, MDby Rev. Mr. Pitts; groom was a Georgetown merchant
12/27/1804Jan 09Sprigg, Benjamin, Esq.Prince George s Co, MDBurgess, Miss MaryPrince George s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Scott; bride was the dau of the late Dr. Richard Burgess.
01/06/1805Jan 09Brent, Capt. WilliamWash, DCJohnson, Miss KittyWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Matthews
01/08/1805Jan 12Manning, Capt IgnatiusSt. Mary s Co, MDSewell, Miss MaryAlexandriaby Right Rev. Bishop Neale; bride was the 2nd dau of Capt C. Sewell.
01/10/1805Jan 11Alexander, Amos, EsqWroe, Miss Elizaby Rev. Mr. Muir
01/31/1805Feb 02Knowles, DavidGeorgetownBarnes, Miss EleanorPrince George s Co, MDby Rev. S. B. Balch; bride was the dau of Daniel Barnes.
02/02/1805Feb 04Davidson, James, Jr., Esq.Wash DCBarber, Miss MaryWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick; both of Wash, DC; groom s occupation was cashier at the Office of Discount and Deposit
02/21/1805Feb 22Pearce, Gideon, Esq.MarylandDick, Miss JuliaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Davis; bride was the dau of E. C. Dick, Esq., mayor of Alexandria
02/21/1805Feb 23Janney, MosesAlexandriaLawrence, JudithFormerly of Massachusettsby Rev. Dr. Muir
02/26/1805Feb 27Lyon, AndrewMassey, Miss MaryFormerly of St. Mary s Co, MDby Rev. Dr. Muir
03/02/1805Mar 23Sterrett, Capt JamesCopperthwaite, Mrs. CharlotteNew Orleans, LAGroom was with the United States Artillery
03/14/1805Mar 16Boyd, George, Esq.Wash, DCJohnson, Miss HarrietWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Balch
04/07/1805Apr 10Coolidge, CharlesBoston, MATempleman, Miss HettyGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Sayers
06/04/1805Jul 05Livingston, Edward, Esq.Moreau, Mde. Marie Louise Magdeleine Valentine Davezac Castraat New Orleans by Fr. Walsh; bride was the widow of the late Louis Moreau de Lassy
06/04/1805Jun 05Devanter, Dr. John V.Waterford, Loudoun Co, VAThompson, Miss PleasantWaterford, Loudoun Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Balch
06/05/1805Jun 10Hokes, GeorgeAlexandriaStreet, Miss AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
06/06/1805Jun 07Harper, Capt. JohnAlexandriaDavis, Miss SarahAlexandriaby Rev. James Muir
06/13/1805Jun 21Edwards, JessePhiladelphia, PAClaxton, Miss SarahWash, DCat Philadelphia by Rt. Rev. Bishop White
06/14/1805Jun 29Spence, WilliamRichmond Co, VASisson, Miss WinifredRichmond Co, VAat Lansdown, one of the farms of John Tayloe, Esq.
06/20/1805Jun 21Gilman, EphraimAlexandriaCrawford, Miss AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Robbins
06/30/1805Jul 05Gale, ThaddeusBates, Miss Harriotat East Hartford, CT; the groom was a Medico electrician, age 43; the bride was 11 yrs old
07/18/1805Jul 19Jones, William AlexandriaMatthews, Miss MarthaAlexandriaat Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch
07/25/1805Jul 26Campbell, Capt. JamesAlexandriaCahall, Miss CatharineAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Moore
07/30/1805Aug 30Aldey, PerrinTankesley, Mrs. Annat Charlotte Co, VA; groom was 105 yrs old; bride was 90. It was a third marriage for each.
09/02/1805Sep 03Patton, Robert, Jr.AlexandriaReeder, Miss Ann Cliftonat Clifton Lodge, the home of the groom s brother, James Patton, by the Rev. Mr. Eden; the bride was the dau of Benjamin and Eleanor Clifton Slaughter Reeder
10/10/1805Oct 18Johns, Stephen S.Calvert, MDSkinner, Miss Eliza G.Prince George s Co, MDat Nottingham, MD, by Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Claggett
11/03/1805Nov 06Gadsby, JohnAlexandriaMcLaughlin, Miss MargaretGeorgetownat Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Sayres
11/07/1805Nov 11Macdaniel, George G.Wash, DCSimmons, Miss Catharine C.Wash, DCby Rev. Mr. Sayrs
11/18/1805Nov 21Meem, PeterGeorgetownMcFee, Mrs.Georgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was aged 69; brie was aged 54
12/03/1805Dec 05Wallace, JamesNorfolk, VADouglass, Miss SusanAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis; groom was a merchant of Norfolk; bride was the dau of Dr. Charles Douglass
12/12/1805Dec 13Ricketts, BenjaminAlexandriaStewart, Miss Mary M.Alexandriaby Rev. Mr. Davis
01/13/1806Jan 14Entwisle, IsaacAlexandriaRyan, Mrs. AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
01/19/1806Jan 22Vallett, PeterGeorgetownStone, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch
01/19/1806Jan 25Hingston, NicholsAlexandriaBloomfield, Elizabethat Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was botanist and merchant of Alexandria; bride was sister to celebrated author Robert Bloomfield
01/30/1806Jan 31Towers, ThomasAlexandriaChatham, ElizaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
01/30/1806Feb 03Turnbull, WilliamMontgomery Co, MDMagruder, VelindaMontgomery Co, MDby the Rev. Mr. Sayrs
01/30/1806Feb 03Semmes, JosephGeorgetownDoyne, Miss MaryGeorgetownat Georgetown by Rt. Rev. Bishop Neale
02/27/1806Feb 28Smith, IsaacWelch, Miss Maryby Rev. Dr. Muir
02/27/1806Feb 28Mills, William NelsonAlexandriaLeap, Miss AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir
03/06/1806Mar 07Taylor, Robert I., Esq.AlexandriaRose, Maria M.Alexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
04/20/1806Apr 22Faw, Abraham, Esq.AlexandriaMoody, Miss SarahCalvert Co, MDby Rev. Dr. Muir
04/26/1806Apr 28Flannery, MichaelAlexandriaTurner, Mrs. RebeccaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Davis
05/01/1806May 02Catlett, Charles Jefferson, EsqNorfolkFairfax, Miss AnnMount Eagle, Fairfax Co, VAat Woodville by Rev. Dr. Muir; groom was a merchant of Norfolk; bride was the dau of the late Bryan Lord Fairfax
05/01/1806May 19Ninian Pinkney, EsqHobbs, Mrs. Ameliaby Rev. Mr. Higgenbothom; groom was secretary to the Maryland Governor
05/18/1806May 19Crab, John N.HavannaGray, Miss JaneAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
06/04/1806Jun 05Coulter, HenryAnnapolisMcCoutchen, Miss MarthaAlexandria
06/26/1806Jun 27Corwin, StephenAlexandriaHopewell, Miss JuliaAlexandriaby Rev Isaac Robbins
09/14/1806Sep 15Bury, JamesWash, DCCoons, Miss MargaretWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
09/23/1806Sep 24Scott, Charles W.AlexandriaBeadle, Mrs. ElizabethAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
09/25/1806Sep 26Coleman, Capt. GeorgeAlexandriaMarsteller, Miss ElizabethAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
10/02/1806Oct 03Talbot, ElishaSanders, Miss Sarahat Alexandria at the Friends Meeting House
10/02/1806Oct 03Carew, Capt. ThomasAlexandriaKorn, Miss MargaretAlexandriaby Rev. Thomas Davis
10/09/1806Oct 13Long, Capt.BaltimoreHarper, Miss SarahAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
10/16/1806Oct 17Hopkins, John, EsqRichmondLee, Miss CorneliaGreenspring, VAat Bellevue, the residence of William Hodgson, Esq., by Rev. Davis; bride was the dau of the late William Lee, Esq.
10/16/1806Oct 20Tarbell, Lieut. JosephCassin, Miss ElizaGroom was with the U.S. Navy; bride was the dau of Capt. John Cassin
10/27/1806Nov 05Ott, Dr. JohnGeorgetownRitchie, Miss AnnGeorgetownat Frederick Town, MD
11/06/1806Nov 07Cole, Capt. ThomasAlexandriaHand, Miss Tryphosa N.Alexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
11/28/1806Nov 29Carson, Dr. SamuelHamilton, Miss Janeby Rev. Mr. Muir
12/18/1806Dec 24Blackburn, Thomas Jr., Esq.Prince William Co, VASinclair, Miss ElizabethJefferson Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Hill
12/24/1806Dec 29Wilkinson, HenryAlexandriaHarper, Miss MiraWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Wiley
12/27/1806Dec 29Cutting, John B.Carter, Mrs. SarahAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Moscrop
02/03/1807Feb 04Jamieson, JohnAlexandriaLaidler, Miss VioletteCharles Co, MDby Rev. Dr. Contee; groom was an Alexandria baker; bride was the eldest dau of Mr. Laidler of Rose-Hall, Charles Co
02/26/1807Feb 27McDonald, JohnAlexandriaKing, Miss AnneAlexandriaby Rev James Muir
04/02/1807Apr 03Shields, ThomasAlexandriaGee, Miss Mary AnnAlexandriaby Rev Mr. Robbins
04/07/1807Apr 10Smoot, Wilson, EsqCharles Co, MDHargraves, Miss AnnBerry Plainsby Rev. Mr. Weems
04/23/1807May 04George, Marcus, EsqCampbell, Mrs. Mary F.Formerly of Alexandriain Warrenton, NC
05/12/1807May 13George, MartinLancaster Co, VAKline, MissAlexandriaBride was the eldest dau of Gabriel Kline of Alexandria
06/29/1807Jul 02Lawrence, JohnAlexandriaJanuary, Mrs. CatharineAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Shay
07/09/1807Jul 10Davidson, Capt. Bazil H.AlexandriaHunter, Miss ElizaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Muir; bride was the dau of John Hunter, Alexandria
07/21/1807Jul 29Riddle, James R.AlexandriaHeiskell, Miss AmeliaStaunton, VAat Staunton; bride was the dau of Peter Heiskell of Staunton
08/09/1807Aug 11Knight, JohnAlexandriaShade, Miss CatherineAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Shay
09/03/1807Sep 04Levering, Aaron RighterBaltimore, MDLawrason, Miss Nancy ButcherAlexandriaat Alexandria; bride was the dau of James Lawrason of Alexandria
09/15/1807Sep 16Parry, William H.AlexandriaMadden, Miss Mary F.Alexandriaby Rev Dr. Muir; groom was an Alexandria merchant
09/24/1807Sep 29Moss, WilliamFairfax Co, VAHolmes, Miss GertrudeMartinsburg, VA (WV)
10/15/1807Oct 16Chatman, Charles T.AlexandriaGadsby, Miss Margaret S.Alexandriaby Rev. Mr. Sayre
10/29/1807Oct 30Long, WilliamMartinsburg, VA (WV)Stewart, Miss SusannaAlexandriaby Rev James Muir; Groom was a Martinsburg merchant
11/12/1807Nov 13Thompson, Craven Peyton, Esq.AlexandriaTucker, Miss Sally ElizaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Gibson; groom was an Alexandria merchant; bride was the dau of John Tucker of Alexandria
11/23/1807Nov 30Hand, CalebAlexandriaKeen, Miss Leah C.Philadelphia, PAby Rev Bishop White; groom was an Alexandria merchant
12/03/1807Dec 08Hunter, ColinAlexandriaHatton, Miss Henrietta D.Thompson s Risk, MDby Rev Mr. Addison
04/06/1807Apr 08Van Zandt, Nicholas B.Wash, DCSouthall, Miss Maria WoodWash, DCby Rev. J. Buchanan
09/01/1807Sep 02Washington, GeorgeBeall, Miss Elizaby Rev. Mr. Balch; bride was the dau of Thomas Beall, Esq.
09/29/1807Sep 30Webster, ToppanWash, DCOsborne, Miss MarthaWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Laurie
11/05/1807Nov 20Weems, Capt. WilliamAnne Arundel Co, MDTaylor, Miss Sally E.Prince William Co, VAby Rev. William Steers
11/12/1807Nov 18Varden, WilliamMaul, Miss Mariain DC by Rev. Mr. Pitt; bride was eldest dau of John Maul
11/15/1807Nov 27Brooks (Boothe?), JeremiahWash, DCWalker, Miss AnnSt. Mary s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Malvey; groom was a DC merchant
12/01/1807Dec 09French, GeorgeGeorgetownWeems, Miss Margaret HallPrince Georges Co, MDby Rev. Thomas Scott
12/27/1807Jan 08Coyle, AndrewWash, DCChisholm, Miss ElizaAnne Arundel Co, MDby Rev Parson Compton
01/05/1808Jan 09Nichols, William S.GeorgetownDoughty, Miss MargaretFormerly of Philadelphiaby Rev. Mr. Pitts
01/14/1808Jan 20Deaver, JamesGeorgetownShayon, Miss HarrietGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Sayrs
02/08/1808Feb 13Maffit, JohnDoyne, Mrs. Annby Rev. Mr. Sayrs
02/23/1808Feb 24Hollingshead, JohnGeorgetownMelvin, Miss MargaretGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balor; groom was a Georgetown merchant
06/01/1808Jun 04Talbott, JesseAlexandriaLittle, Hannah Jr.Wash, DCat Wash, DC, at Friends Meeting House, being the first marriage performed by the Society of Friends in Washington City
06/09/1808Aug 22Morse, Nathan, EsqNew JerseyNichols, Miss Martha C.Formerly of Marylandat New Iberie, Territory of Orleans, by the Rt. Rev. Father Isabaye; groom s occupation was attorney; bride was the dau of Edward Church Nichols, Esq., formerly of Maryland
12/12/1804Jun 18Hudson, GeorgeMansfield, Miss Seraphina Maria Caroline Matilda Juliana Sophia Annat Washington, VA
06/16/1808Jun 27Smith, Thomas L., EsqLouisa Co, VAClay, Miss Sarah G.Pittsylvania Co, VAby Rev. Mr. John Atkinson; bride was the dau of Matthew Clay of Pittsylvania Co.
07/20/1808Jul 23Crossfield, JehielWash, DCTriplett, Miss Margaret Eleanor TownsendWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Laurie; groom s occupation was printer.
07/26/1808Jul 30Thaw, JosephWoodside, Miss Elizaby Rev. Mr. Sargent; bride was the dau of John Woodside, clk in the Treasury Dept.
08/23/1808Aug 24McDaniel, EzekielWash, DCMoore, Miss AnnWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Balch
09/06/1808Sep 08Patton, John B., EsqAlexandriaButcher, Miss RebeccaAlexandriaat Washington, DC by Rev. Thomas Sargent; bride was the dau of Jonathan Butcher of Alexandria
10/04/1808Oct 05Clark, JosephWash, DCThompson, Miss NancyWash, DCby the Rev. Mr. Mathews
10/06/1808Oct 12Carroll, Daniel, EsqThe Plantation Duddington Wash, DCBoyce, Miss Annat Sweet Air [Baltimore, MD], the residence of Mrs. Carroll, by the Rev Mr. Beeston
10/16/1808Oct 18Beall, NinianWash, DCGroves, Miss RachelGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Sergeant
11/15/1808Nov 17Roosevelt, Nicholas J., EsqNew York CityLatrobe, Miss Lydiaby Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the dau of B. H. Latrobe, Esq., Surveyor of the Public Buildings of the U.S.
11/29/1808Dec 02Wingate, Joseph Ferdinand, EsqTingey, Miss Margaret Gayby Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the dau of Thomas Tingey, Esq., Commandant of the Navy Yard.
12/01/1808Dec 05Ross, JacobLeesburg, VAScott, Miss Rebecca MatildaWash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
12/11/1808Dec 28Charlton, RalphWash, DCStillwell, Miss AbigailBedford Co, PA
12/27/1808Jan 05Getty, RobertGeorgetownWilmot, Miss MargaretAnnapolis, MDat Annapolis by Rev. Mr. Judd
12/29/1808Jan 05Baltzer, GeorgeGeorgetownWebb, Miss SusannaMontgomery Co, MDby Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the eldest dau of Thomas Webb, Esq., of Lowe s Rest, Montgomery Co
12/31/1808Jan 14Burwell, William A., Esq.VirginiaMcCreery, Miss Letitiaat Baltimore Co, MD; groom was a representative in Congress from the Commonwealth of VA
01/17/1809Jan 19Murray, JamesCharles Co, MDGreen, Miss SarahCharles Co, MDby Rev. Mr. John Fenwick
01/19/1809Jan 21Beeler, Christian LouisAlexandriaEakin, Mrs. Frederica AugustaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Gibson
01/26/1809Jan 28Frobel, John J., Esq.Marshall, Miss Mary S.at Bush Hill in Fairfax Co, VA, the residence of Richard M. Scott, Esq., by Rev. Mr. Gibson
02/06/1809Feb 09Reed, William FlemingStenger, Miss Charlotte Augusta Matildaby Rev. Mr. Balch
02/16/1809Feb 17Johnson, ThomasDixon, Miss Teresaby Rev. Mr. Matthews
02/16/1809Feb 28Conrad, Dr. EdwardRoberdeau, Miss Harrietat Winchester, VA, by Rev. Mr. Hill
03/27/1809Apr 07Montgomery, John, Esq.MDNicholson, Miss MariaNYby Rev. Mr. Abeel; groom was a representative in Congress from the State of MD
03/28/1809Mar 29Cox, John Florentius, Esq.NYLansdale, Miss ElizaPrince George s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of the late Major Thomas Lansdale of Prince George s Co
04/10/1809May 11Sudler, WilliamQueen Ann s Co, MDMackubin, CharlotteSevern, MD
04/15/1809Apr 26Eppes, Hon. John W.VirginiaJones, Miss MarthaHalifax Co, NCat Halifax; bride was the dau of the late Willie Jones of Halifax
04/18/1809May 11Boyer, StephenSimmonds, MariaKent Co, MD
04/25/1809Apr 28McDaniel, John, Jr.GeorgetownOsborne, Miss MaryWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Stephen B. Balch
04/27/1809Apr 28Calder, WilliamGeorgetownKurtz, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Foxall
04/27/1809May 11Bowler (Bowley?), William L.Hollins, Mariaat Baltimore, MD; bride was the dau of William Hollins
05/15/1809May 19Way, Andrew, Jr.Wash, DCPawson, Mrs. Mary MatildaBaltimore, MDby Rev. Mr. Roberts
05/18/1809May 19Harper, Capt. RobertAlexandriaDavis, Miss Mary AnnAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
05/20/1809May 22Ward, JamesWash, DCMyers, Miss PrudenceAlexandriaby Rev. John Childs
05/22/1809May 23Conway, RobertNorthumber-land Co, VASweet, Miss MargaretAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
05/23/1809May 25Dade, Capt. Charles S.AlexandriaAdams, Miss JaneAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
06/01/1809Jun 05Smith, JohnAlexandriaWay, Miss CatharineAlexandriain Wash, DC, by Rev. E. T. McCormick
06/25/1809Jun 28Parsons, SolomonOccoquan, VACoffer, Miss HariottFairfax Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Robins
06/18/1809Jul 24Roberts, ErastusHudson, NYJenkins, Miss ElizabethAlexandriaat Wash, DC, by Rev. Mr. McCormick; groom s occupation was printer
06/19/1809Jul 17Edwards, Horace H., Esq.Wash, DCButler, Maria G.New Haven, CTat New Haven, CT
07/26/1809Jul 28Lee, Charles, Esq.AlexandriaPeyton, Mrs. Margaret C.Fauquier Co, VAby Rev. James Thompson
07/27/1809Jul 29Rigden, StephenGeorgetownGloyd, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch
08/15/1809Aug 16Hipkins, LewisAlexandriaCarne, Miss Mary L.Alexandriaby Rev. William Waters; bride was the dau of William Carne
08/22/1809Aug 28West, James CraikFairfax Co, VAPayne, Miss ElizaFairfax Co, VAby Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of Col William Payne of Fairfax Co
08/29/1809Oct 09Murray, James, Jr.Wash, DCRadcliffe, CharlotteWorcester Co, MD
09/12/1809Sep 13Garner, WilliamAlexandriaSimms, Mrs. MargaretAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
09/14/1809Sep 18Dundass, James H., Esq.Pratt, Miss Mariaby Rt. Rev. Bishop; bride was the dau of Henry Pratt, Esq., of Philadelphia, PA
09/14/1809Sep 18McKean, Thomas, Jr., Esq.Pratt, Sarahby Rt. Rev. Bishop; bride was the dau of Henry Pratt, Esq., of Philadelphia, PA
09/21/1809Oct 03Luckett, Capt. FielderAlexandriaWillis, Miss ElizabethJefferson Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Streight of Winchester; bride was the youngest dau of Rich Willis
10/02/1809Oct 12Lee, William, EsqGeorgetownHolliday, Miss Mary L.Baltimore, MDat Baltimore by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Carroll
10/10/1809Oct 16Wilson, James, Balch, Miss HarriettGeorgetownby Rev. David Wiley; groom was with the U.S. Navy; bride was the dau of Rev. S. B. Balch of Georgetown
10/05/1809Oct 13Thomas, John Hanson, Esq.MarylandColston, Miss Mary I. Berkley Co, VAby Rev. Mr. Ballman; bride was dau of Rawleigh Colston, Esq., of Berkley Co
10/19/1809Oct 23Ball, Henry W.Fairfax Co, VAFrost, Miss Catharine B.Wash, DCby Rev. Mr. McCormick
10/29/1809Oct 30Wagler, Frederick A.Wash, DCHinton, SusanaPrince George s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Addison; groom was a Wash, DC, merchant
11/02/1809Nov 07Robertson, ThomasWash, DCBeverly, Miss Jane BradshawWash, DCat the seat of Robert Beverly, Esq., by Rev Walter D. Addison
11/16/1809Nov 18Turnee, JohnKurtz, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch
11/19/1809Nov 22Matlock, SimeonWash, DCDove, Miss Sarah Y.Wash, DCby Rev. Mr. Rozell
12/08/1809Dec 09Peter, Capt. GeorgeGeorgetownPlates, Miss AnnWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of Thomas Plates, Esq., of Greenwood, Wash, DC
12/14/1809Dec 15Smith, Hon. SamuelPennsylvaniaGrayson, Miss SarahWash, DCBride was the dau of the late Richard Spencer Grayson of Virginia; groom was a member of Congress from Pennsylvania
12/19/1809Dec 28Rittenhouse, John R. (B?)Beverley, Miss HarriotGeorgetownby Rev. Addison; bride was sister of Robert Beverley, Esq., of Georgetown
01/14/1810Jan 17Franks, JohnWash, DCTuttle, Miss MaryGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Boswell; groom s occupation was printer
01/18/1810Jan 19Gideon, JacobWash, DCCoons, Miss MaryWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Brown; groom s occupation was printer
01/23/1810Jan 25Maupin, BaptisteWash, DCFliset, Miss CatharineWash, DCby Rev. Mr. Balch
01/30/1810Feb 01Bussard, PhilipWash, DCHazel, Miss MargaretWash DCby Rev. Mr. Balch
02/07/1810Feb 14Saunders, PeterAlexandriaMcPherson, Miss HannahJefferson Co, VAat Jefferson Co at the Friends Meeting House; bride was the dau of John McPherson
02/15/1810Feb 17Dufief, JeremiahWells, Mrs. MaryGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch
02/11/1810Feb 19Pope, Hon. John, Esq.Johnson, Miss Eliza J. D.Wash, DCGroom was a U. S. Senator; bride was the dau of the late Joshua Johnson, Esq., of Wash, DC
02/22/1810Mar 05Giles, Hon WilliamGwynn, Miss Frances AnnVirginiaby Rev. Dr. Gantt; groom was a U.S. Senator; bride was eldest dau of he late Thomas Peyton Gwynn of Virginia
03/01/1810Mar 06Grayson, William B.GeorgetownThrelkeld, Miss MaryWash, DCat Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of John Threlkeld, Esq., of Burleath, Wash, DC
03/07/1810Mar 12Smith, Thomas A.Dumfries, VAShort, Miss Priscilla T.Of Carlton at Fredericksburg, VA, by Rev. Mr. Samuel Wilson
03/15/1810Mar 23McCrea, RobertAlexandriaFurgerson, Miss JennetNYat New York by Rev. Mr. Thomas Harrison; groom s occupation was merchant of Alexandria
03/22/1810Mar 30Brent, WilliamStafford CoLee, Miss Winifred B.Loudoun Co, VAat Coton, the seat of the late Col. Thomas L. Lee, by Rev. Mr. Dunn
03/29/1810Mar 31Wilson, OliverWilmington, DEHeineman, Miss Mary West End, Alexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of Jacob Heineman of West End
04/11/1810Apr 13Triplett, Dr. ThomasTebbs, Miss Margaret C.Dumfries, VAat Dumfries by Rev. Mr. O Neal; groom was with the U. S. Navy
04/15/1810May 11Hutchinson, Capt. JoshuaFairfax Co, VALane, MissFairfax Coby Rev. Jeremiah Moore
04/19/1810Apr 21Hunter, RobertHarley, Miss Unice (Eunice?)Alexandriaby Rev. Mr. Robbins
05/03/1810May 05Wood, RichardAlexandriaBagget, Miss CatharineAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. Muir
05/08/1810May 11Cobb, Howell, Esq.GeorgiaRootes, Miss Martha J.Fredericksburgby Rev. Mr. Wilson; bride was the dau of Thomas R. Rootes of Fredericksburg, VA; groom was a member of Congress
05/17/1810May 18Dashiell, Thomas B.Wash, DCCouzins, Miss Keziah A.Wash, DCby Rev. Mr. Addison
05/22/1810May 28Bronaugh, Jeremiah W.GeorgetownMitchell, Miss Elizabeth H.Georgetownby Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of the late Capt. John Mitchell
05/29/1810May 31Retter, PeterGeorgetownLyon, Mrs. TeresaGeorgetownby Rev. Mr. Balch
05/29/1810Jun 01Riggs, RomulusGeorgetownLawrason, Miss Mercy AnnGeorgetownby Rev. Dr. Barclay; groom was a Georgetown merchant
05/29/1810Jun 02Clark, Dr. GeorgeBeverley, Miss Mariaby Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of Robert Beverley, Esq.
05/31/1810Jun 05Sherlock, JohnGeorgetownPoole, Miss Sarah AnnGeorgetownby Rev. Francis Neale
06/12/1810Jun 23Peerce (Pierce?), WilliamGeorgetownGaither, Miss Harriet T.Georgetownby Rev. S. B. Balch; bride was the dau of Mrs. Mary Gaither of Georgetown
06/24/1810Jun 26Whips, ReubenGeorgetownLayland, Miss NancyGeorgetownby Rev. Stephen Bloomer Balch
06/28/1810Jun 30Barclay, Rev. FrancisBrown, Miss Helen Baley Clarkat Chestnut Hill, Fairfax Co, VA, by Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of the late Dr. William Brown
07/12/1810Jul 16Swann, William T.MarylandAlexander, Miss Frances Brownat Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Barclay; bride was the dau of the late Charles Alexander, Esq., of Preston
07/16/1810Jul 25Boarman, Thomas C.AlexandriaBoarman, Miss Mary LouisiaAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Fenwick
07/19/1810Jul 21Stephenson, WilliamSmithfield, Jefferson Co, VAHogan, Miss MargaretAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Fenwick; groom was a merchant of Smithfield
07/22/1810Jul 28Lexis, PeterGeorgetownHillsanders, Miss AnnGeorgetownby Rev. Walter D. Addison
07/29/1810Aug 10Jackson, Hon. John GeorgeClarksburgh, VA (WV)Meigs, Miss Mary SophiaMarietta, Washington Co, OHat Marietta; bride was the dau of Col. Return Jonathan Meigs; groom was a member of Congress
08/25/1810Aug 28Wilson, Capt. WilliamAlexandriaWinterberry, Miss MaryAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Gibson
09/16/1810Sep 19Matthews, TobiasWash, DCBoose, Miss Sarah AnnPrince George s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Hoskins
09/23/1810Oct 01Clarke, Lieut. SatterleeWhetcroft, Miss Francesat Annapolis
09/24/1810Oct 01Eustis, Hon. WilliamWash, DCLangdon, Miss CarolinePortsmouth, NHat Portsmouth by Rev. Dr. Buckminster; groom was Secretary of War; bride was the dau of the late Hon. Woodbury Langdon of Portsmouth
10/03/1810Oct 12Brown, William E.AlexandriaWilson, Miss Marthaat Friend s Meeting House in Jefferson Co, VA; groom was a merchant of Alexandria; bride was dau of Thomas Wilson
10/09/1810Oct 16Clarke, WilliamGeorgetownEdelen, Miss HarriettCharles Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Finick; bride was the dau of John Edelen of Charles Co
10/09/1810Oct 24Gantt, Dr. EdwardCalvert Co, MDBlake, Miss MariaCalvert Co, MDat Calvert Co, MD, by Rev. Sutton; bride was the dau of Col Joseph Blake of Calvert Co
10/13/1810Oct 16Chauncey, ElihuPhiladelphia, PATeackle, Miss HenriettaGeorgetownat the residence of John Teackle by Rev. Mr. Addison
10/13/1810Oct 24Davis, Capt. WilliamPhiladelphia, PAHely, Miss Margaret Matildaat Charlotte Hall, St. Mary s Co, MD, by Rev. Dr. Bowman
10/20/1810Oct 22Harper, William, Jr.AlexandriaNewton, Miss Mary T.Alexandrianear Leesburg, Loudoun Co, VA, by Rev. Mr. Mines
11/03/1810Nov 09Mumford, Gurdon S., Esq.Van Soren, Miss Letitiaat New York City; groom was a representative in Congress
11/04/1810Nov 09Scott, William B.Holton, Miss AnnSt. Mary s Co, MDby Rev. Mr. Dorsey; groom was late a lieutenant in the US Navy
11/13/1810Nov 15Blount, Thomas H., Esq.North CarolinaBrown, Miss Eleanor MargaretCharles Co, MDin Wash, DC; groom was the son of John Gray Blount, Esq.
11/20/1810Nov 25Boyd, RobertWash, DCBailey, Miss BetseyAlexandriaby Rev. Mr. Roberts; groom s occupation was bookbinder
11/22/1810Nov 27Spence, Dr. JohnDumfries, VAMuschett, Mrs. Mary F.Dumfries, VAby Rev. Charles O Neal; groom was a physician
11/27/1810Dec 01Armistead, Capt. GeorgeHughes, Miss LouisaBaltimore, MDat Baltimore; groom was with the U.S. Army; bride was the dau of Christopher Hughes, Esq., of Baltimore
12/06/1810Dec 07Vowell, John C.AlexandriaTaylor, Mrs. Mary JaquelineAlexandriaby Rev. Dr. James Muir; groom was an Alexandria merchant
12/06/1810Dec 08Somervill, DavidWash, DCUnderwood, Miss JaneWash, DC
12/07/1810Dec 11Hoburg, RichardRice, Miss ElizabethGeorgetownat Baltimore, MD
12/12/1810Dec 28Campbell, RobertWinchester, VAMcMunn, Miss Fanny M.Alexandriaat Winchester by Rev. Mr. Streit; bride was the dau of the late George McMunn of Alexandria
12/13/1810Dec 15Tarrence, JohnWash, DCGodman, Miss NancyPrince George s Co, MD
12/26/1810Dec 27Litle, Richard H.AlexandriaTalbott, Miss ElizabethWash, DCat Wash, DC, at the Friends Meeting House
12/27/1810Dec 29Dobbins, DavidWash, DCColeman, Miss RachaelAlexandria

Divorces Mentioned in Early Washington, DC Newspapers

In early U.S. history, divorces were granted not by the courts, but by the local legislatures of the territories. However, residents of the District of Columbia and Alexandria wishing to divorce were required to petition the U.S. Congress to pass a special bill granting a divorce to the parties. Over time, the power to grant a divorce was gradually stripped from the legislatures and vested in the local courts. And by 1886, a statute had been passed expressly forbidding the legislatures to get involved in any divorce action. Because these news articles document early divorces, many make mention of petitions to the legislatures. --Susan Salus

BURNHILL, John & Elizabeth: Whereas Elizabeth Burnhill, my wife, hath eloped from my bed and board, and living an adulteress with another man, this is to forewarn all persons whatever from trusting her on my account, as I will pay none of her debts, and I mean to apply to the next General Assembly of Maryland for an act of divorce. (Signed and dated) John Burnhill, Prince Georges County, MD, March 17, 1809 [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, April 12, 1809.]

GIBBONS, Mary & William: The subscriber, Mary Gibbons of Washington City, intends to petition Congress at their next session for an act to divorce her from her husband, William Gibbons. [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Nov 14, 1806.]

HOWARD, Jesse and Amelia. All persons are hereby forbidden to trust Amelia Low (late my wife Amelia Howard) on my account, we having been divorced by mutual consent, as the law directs, and I will pay no debts of her contracting. (Signed and dated) Jesse Howard, May 4, 1819. [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, May 6, 1819.]

ROSENTHAL, Charles & Augusta Sophia. Charles Rosenthal vs. Augusta Sophia Rosenthal. The object of the petition filed in Prince George's County Court, sitting as a Court of Equity for the July term 1842, filed by Charles Rosenthal, is to procure a decree for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from his wife, Augusta Sophia Rosenthal. The petitioner states that the said Augusta Sophia, the lawful wife of he said Charles Rosenthal, now of Prince George's County and State of Maryland, but formerly of Washington City, in the District of Columbia, having contracted an adulterous intimacy with a certain Charles Krebs, a resident of Washington City, did on the 3d of August 1842, by his artful persuasions adulterously elope from Washington City in his company to parts unknowns to the said Charles Rosenthal, and that were frequently seen in the act of adultery prior to said elopement, which fact was concealed from him until after said elopement occurred. The petition further states that the said Charles Rosenthal, since his intermarriage with the said Augusta Sophia, has always treated her in the most kind and affectionate manner; that he was in no manner accessory to said elopement, and that the said Augusta Sophia resides out of the State of Maryland in foreign parts unknown to him. It is thereupon, this 26th day of August, 1844, by the subscriber, chief judge of Prince George's County court, sitting as a court of equity, adjudged and ordered that the petitioner, Charles Rosenthal, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published at Washington City once in each of four successive weeks, before the first day of October next, give notice to the said Augusta Sophia Rosenthal of the object and substance of this petition, and warn her to appear in this court in person or by solicitor on or before the second Monday of January next to answer the premises and show cause, if any she has, why a decree ought not to pass as prayed. Signed: John Stephen; John B. Brooke, Clerk. [Legal notice in the National Intelligence, Wash, DC, Sept 5, 1842.]

THOMPSON, Andrew J. and Jane Eliza. In the Superior Court of Baltimore City, Petition for Divorce a vinculo matrimonii, Andrew J. Thompson vs. Jane Eliza Thompson. The object of the petition in this cause is to have a decree for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii of the petitioner from the said Jane, his wife. The petition states that the petitioner and said Jane intermarried in the city of Baltimore, where the petitioner has for more than two years resided; and that said Jane has since her said intermarriage been guilty of adultery in said city and in Washington, in the District of Columbia. The petitioner alleges that said Jane resides out of the State of Maryland, and is absent therefrom. It is thereupon, this 14th January, 1853, adjudged and ordered by said Court, that by publication in some daily newspaper of the city of Baltimore, and also of the District of Columbia, once a week for four successive weeks, before the 10th day of March next, to answer said petition, and show cause why a decree shall not be passed as prayed. [Signed] William Frick. Test: Edward Dowling, Clerk. [Legal Notice, Daily National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Jan 19, 1853.]

WHEELWRIGHT, John and Caroline Eliza. Mr. Mercer, House of Representatives, presented a petition of John Wheelwright, of Alexandria in the District of Columbia, praying to be divorced from his wife, Caroline Eliza [Payson] Wheelwright, on the ground of her insanity at the present, as well as at the time of her marriage. On motion, it was ordered that the said petition be referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia. [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Dec 17, 1822.]

WHEELWRIGHT, John and Caroline Eliza. The Senate took up the bill to divorce John Wheelwright of Alexandria and Carolina Eliza Wheelwright, his wife. [Mr. Wheelwright petitions for a divorce on the ground of insanity of his wife at the time of his marriage (though then to him unknown); of the increase of the malady until it became entirely settled and confirmed of its having now continued for several years, and the belief (in which he has the opinion of the physicians in whose care she has been long placed), that the insanity is incurable.] A long and feeling debate took place on this bill - chiefly on these points: Whether the insanity actually existed at the time of marriage so as to render the contract void; whether an affliction of this character ought to dissolve the marriage contract; whether, if it was entitled to relief, the tribunal appointed for the purpose of granting such relief in the State of Massachusetts (where the marriage was contracted) was not the proper place for the petitioner to seek it; whether it was right for Congress to grant divorces at all (it has never yet granted one), &c &c. It was agreed on all hands the facts being generally admitted that it was a case of great hardship. Messrs. Barbour and Southard advocated the bill with much earnestness. It was opposed by Messrs. King of New York, Benton Mills, Holmes of Maine, and Chandler. Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts without taking sides on the bill spoke in corroboration of the facts set forth by the petitioner and as to the great respectability of the connections of the lady residing in Boston. The question being taken on ordering the bill to be engrossed and read a third time, it was decided in the negative by yeas and nays so the bill was rejected. [National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Feb 24, 1823.]

WILSON, Annie & James:
Alimony for Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Annie F. Wilson, who is suing her husband, James E. Wilson, for divorce, was yesterday afternoon granted alimony in the sum of $60 per month, pending future proceedings in the case. Judge Hagner signed the order. [The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 2]

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