Miss Janie RITCHIE will be married to Mr. Alan BOYD, on the
10th of August, at the residence of the mother of the bride-elect, at Frederick,
Md. Mr. Boyd is the confidential secretary of the Secretary of the Interior.
After his marriage he and his bride will make their home for some months in
Indian Territory, where he is engagged on some government work.
Source: The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 5
Miss Mary
Virginia AULDRIDGE was married at Epiphany Chapel at nine o'clock yesterday
morning to Mr. Frank Edward GASS. The marriage was very quiet, but one in which
the friends of the bride and groom took a great interest as was testified in the
most substantial manner by the set of handsome china presented to the groom by
his friends in the Smithsonian Institute. The bride ore a blue traveling gown
and after the ceremony left the city with her husband for a bridal trip to
Atlantic City.
Source: The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 5
Mr. Giles I. CUFFEY and Miss Sarah S.
WELLS were married last Wednesday evening by Father DOUGHERTY, at the bride's
residence, 1631 O street northwest. Many valuable and useful presents were
received by the happy pair, who left on a wedding tour at 11pm. The reception
will take place on Thanksgiving Day at Portsmouth, Va., the home of the groom.
They will reside in the future in this city.
Source: The Colored American, November 25, 1899, page 1
Note: Some of the marriages took place in Alexandria, then a part of DC.
Marriage | Printed | Groom | Residence | Bride | Residence | Notes |
12/29/1796 | Jan 13 | Beall, Upton, Esq. | Williamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MD | Miss Matilda Price | Frederick Co | |
1/31/1797 | Feb 3 | Laird, John | Georgetown, DC | Miss Mary Dick | Bladensburgh, MD | |
3/7/1797 | Mar 10 | Weems, Dr. John | Miss Eliza French | Georgetown, DC; Married by Rev. S. B. Balch. Eliza was the dau of George French, Esq | ||
3/8/1797 | Mar 10 | Smith, Jeremiah, Esq., Congressman | New Hampshire | Miss Eliza Ross | Bladensburgh, MD | Married at Bladensburgh, MD |
8/22/1797 | Aug 29 | McClean, Archibald | Miss Mary Jones | Married at Alexandria by Rev. Dr. Rogers; groom was principal of an academy in Alexandria, Va; bride was dau of Rev. Mr. David Jones of Chester Co, VA | ||
10/11/1797 | Oct 13 | Alexander, Amos | Miss Ann Ricketts | Married by Rev. Dr. Muir at Cameron, the seat of John Thomas Ricketts | ||
10/13/1797 | Oct 31 | Eppes, John W., Esq. | Chesterfield Co, VA | Miss Maria Jefferson | Bride was the dau of Thomas Jefferson, Esq., Vice-President of the U. S. | |
10/14/1797 | Oct 18 | Penny, John | the ship Saratoga | Miss Betsy Hill | Alexandria | |
1/23/1798 | Jan 26 | Lewis, Henry | Alexandria | Miss Eliza Huff | Alexandria | bride was dau of Lawrence Huff |
2/7/1798 | Feb 9 | Lindsey, Benjamin | Alexandria | Miss Amelia Robinson | Alexandria | Married at Alexandria |
3/1/1798 | Mar 2 | Butts, Capt. Mark | Alexandria | Miss Betsey Winterbury | Alexandria | |
3/6/1798 | Mar 14 | Gowen, Johnson | Alexandria | Miss Sarah Russell | Alexandria | |
4/12/1798 | Apr 14 | Claggett, Thomas | Maryland | Miss Julia Dulaney | Alexandria | Bride was the dau of Benjamin Dulaney, Esq |
11/8/1798 | Nov 15 | Scott, Charles R. | Alexandria | Miss Lucinda Stanton | Fauquier Court House, VA | Bride was the dau of Col Stanton of Fauquier, VA |
11/18/1798 | Nov 20 | Sims, Thomas | Alexandria | Miss Fritter (Fritser?) | Alexandria | |
12/18/1798 | Dec 25 | Gantt, John Mackall, Esq. | Georgetown, DC | Mrs. Mary Sprigg Hermance | Prince George s Co, MD | Married by Rev. Edward Gantt |
2/13/1799 | Mar 12 | Brookes, Benjamin | Mrs. Elizabeth Halkerson | Upper Marlborough, MD | Married by Rt. Rev. Bishop Clagett. Benjamin was a major of the Artillery Corps of the U. S. | |
4/14/1799 | Apr 16 | Beatty, Col. Charles | Georgetown, DC | Miss Verlinda Offutt | Montgomery Co, MD | Married by Rev. S. B. Balch |
4/16/1799 | Apr 19 | Ringgold, Tench | Georgetown, DC | Miss Polly Lee | Wash, DC | Married by Rev. F. Neall. Polly was the dau of Thomas Simm Lee; Tench went on to be the DC Marshal |
4/16/1799 | Apr 18 | Robinson, Matthew | Alexandria | Mrs. Boa | Alexandria | Mrs. Boa was widow of Cavan Boa |
5/2/1799 | Apr 30 | Dempsey, Thomas | Alexandria | Nancy Flemming | Alexandria | |
7/20/1799 | Jul 18 | Card, John | Alexandria | Mrs. J. Allen | Norfolk, VA | Married by Rev. Dr. Muir |
8/22/1799 | Aug 28 | Hunter, John Chapman | Miss Sally D. Triplett | Married at Abington by Rev. M. L. Weems | ||
9/17/1799 | Sep 20 | Bowie, Washington | Georgetown, DC | Mrs. Chew | Georgetown, DC | Married by Rev. Dr. Gantt |
9/17/1799 | Sep 20 | Peter, David | Georgetown, DC | Miss Sally Johns | Georgetown, DC | Married by Rev. Dr. Gantt |
9/19/1799 | Sep 27 | Chandler, Walter S. | Georgetown, DC | Miss Margaret Rogers | Married by Rev. Mr. Higgenbotham at Annapolis, Md; bride was the dau of the late Chancellor of Md | |
10/30/1799 | Nov 2 | McKnight, Capt. John | Alexandria | Miss Kitty Piercy | Alexandria | |
11/28/1799 | Dec 6 | Forrest, Henry | Georgetown, DC | Miss Jane Love | Married at Salisbury, Loudon Co, Va; Henry was a Georgetown Merchant; bride was dau of Samuel Love | |
12/5/1799 | Dec 6 | Lovering, William | Wash, DC | Mrs. White | Georgetown, DC | Married by Rev. Dr. Gantt |
12/25/1799 | Jan 3 | Rawlings, Dr. Daniel | St. Leonards | Miss Ann Chesley | Point Patience on the Patuxent, Calvert Co, MD | Ann was the dau of John Chesley, Esq |
12/29/1799 | Jan 17 | Robertson, Samuel | Montgomery Co, MD | Miss Rachel Howard | Frederick Co, MD | Rachel was the dau of Joshua Howard |
1/5/1800 | Jan 7 | Seton, John Curson | Baltimore | Miss Ann Wise | Sumner Hill, near Alexandria | Married by Rev. Mr. Balch at Georgetown, DC |
2/8/1800 | Feb 10 | Moore, John | Alexandria | Miss Mary Halley | Alexandria | |
3/10/1800 | Mar 13 | Alexander, Charles Jr., Esq. | Alexandria | Miss Mary Bowles Armistead | Fredericksburgh | |
4/12/1800 | Apr 15 | Bartleman, William | Alexandria | Miss Margaret Douglass | Alexandria | William s occupation was merchant |
6/5/1800 | Jun 6 | Brooke, Richard | Alexandria | Miss Nelly Olway | Alexandria | |
6/10/1800 | Jun 13 | Becraft, Jonathan | Montgomery Co, MD | Miss L. Higgins | Montgomery Co, MD | Married by Rev. Mr. Balch |
9/4/1800 | Sep 15 | Young, Robert, Esq. | Alexandria | Miss Elizabeth Conrad | Winchester | Married at Winchester, VA |
10/15/1800 | Oct 31 | McCarty, Daniel | Virginia | Miss Matilda Magruder | Married at Prince George s Co, Md; bride was dau of Dennis Magruder | |
10/17/1800 | Oct 28 | Jackson, Henry | Georgetown, DC | Miss Harriott Stuart | Married by Rev. Mr. Elliot. Henry was son of Samuel, late of Philadelphia; Harriott was dau of the late Dr. Stuart of Mount Stuart, Westmoreland, VA | |
10/17/1800 | Oct 31 | Magruder, John Reed Jr. | Upper Marlboro, MD | Miss Nancy Addison | Married at the seat of George Lee, Esq.; bride was dau of the late Col. John Addison | |
10/27/1800 | Oct 31 | Mudd, Alexander | Miss Mary Mudd | Married at Charles Co, Md; bride was the dau of Henry Mudd | ||
11/29/1800 | Dec 1 | Pomery (Pomeroy?), William | Alexandria | Mrs. Elizabeth Wright | Alexandria | Married by Rev. Dr. Muir |
12/26/1800 | Dec 27 | Muir, John | Alexandria | Miss Mary Lang | Alexandria | Married by Rev. Dr. James Muir |
2/19/1801 | Feb 20 | Wood, William Wallbridge | Alexandria | Mrs. Eleanor Dixon | Alexandria | Married by Rev. Mr. Muir |
3/15/1801 | Mar 16 | Hopkins, Major David | Miss Isabella Ford late of Jamaica. | Married by Rev. Mr. McCormick. Groom was Marshal of Md | ||
4/1/1801 | Apr 3 | Levering, Aaron | Miss Polly Lawranson (Lawrenson?) | Married at Alexandria | ||
4/2/1801 | Apr 3 | McClean, Isaac | Miss Polly Turner | Married at Alexandria | ||
4/6/1801 | Apr 7 | Wilcox, William | Alexandria | Miss Eliza Ratcliffe Palmer | Alexandria | |
4/16/1801 | Apr 17 | Wise, George | Alexandria | Miss Patty Newton | Alexandria | |
1801 | Apr 22 | English, D. | Miss Sally Threlkeld | Georgetown, DC | Married by Rev. Mr. Balch at Georgetown; groom was an editor of The Museum newspaper | |
5/7/1801 | May 14 | Harper, Robert Goodloe, Esq. | Miss Catharine Carroll | Carrollton | By Rt. Rev. Bishop Carroll. Bride was dau of Charles Carroll | |
6/16/1801 | Jun 24 | Hall, William | Alexandria | Miss Betsy Shepherd | Married at Orange Court-House; bride was the dau of Andrew Shepherd, Esq | |
9/17/1801 | Sep 18 | Maynadier, William Murray, Esq. | Baltimore | Miss Sarah Brown | Married at Chesnut Hill, the seat of Mrs. Catharine Brown, by the Rev. Mr. Davis | |
9/17/1801 | Sep 18 | Stewart, Robert | Alexandria | Miss Eliza Ward | Alexandria | Married by Rev. Mr. Muir |
9/24/1801 | Sep 25 | Grub, Curtis | Berkley Co | Miss Sarah Tomlinson | Alexandria | |
10/8/1801 | Oct 12 | Selby, Brice | Williamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MD | Miss Kitty Marker | Williamsburgh, Montgomery Co, MD | Married by Rev. Mr. Reed |
10/13/1801 | Oct 14 | Moore, Thomas | Alexandria | Miss Barbara Ward | Colchester | Married by the Rev. Mason L. Weems. Groom was a Merchant |
11/5/1801 | Nov 11 | Shreve, Thomas | Alexandria | Miss Ann Hopkins | Ann Arundel Co, MD | Groom was a Merchant |
11/10/1801 | Nov 20 | Myers, Moses, Esq. | South Carolina | Miss Anna Polock | Wash, DC | Married at the house of Isaac Polock in DC |
11/26/1801 | Nov 27 | Patterson, Edgar | Georgetown, DC | Miss Margaret Suter | Georgetown, DC | Married by Rev. Stephen B. Balch |
11/26/1801 | Nov 27 | Scott, James S. | Alexandria | Mrs. Adgate | Alexandria | Married by Rev Mr. Muir |
12/10/1801 | Dec 12 | Rankin, Lieut. Robert | Miss Elizabeth Scott | Wash, DC. | Married by Rev. Mr. Gantt at Rock-Hill, the Georgetown mansion estate of Augustus Scott; Elizabeth was the dau of Augustus; groom was adjutant of the Marine Corps | |
1/7/1802 | Jan 8 | Snowden, Samuel | Miss Nancy Longden | Married by Rev. Mr. Maffett; both | Alexandria; groom was editor of the Alexandria Advertiser | |
1/21/1802 | Jan 22 | Scott, John C., Esq. | Georgetown, DC | Miss Ann Love | Salisbury, Loudon Co, VA | Married by Rev. Mr. Davis at Bush Hill, VA. John was the son of Augustus and Elizabeth Caile Scott; Ann was the dau of Samuel |
3/4/1802 | Mar 9 | Treat, Samuel (late) | Boston, Mass. | Miss Lettice M. Naylor | Wash, DC | |
3/7/1802 | Mar 10 | Baum, John Christian | Georgetown, DC | Miss Catharine Cokendoffer | Georgetown, DC | |
1802 | Mar 19 | Loring, Israel | Wash, DC | Mrs. Frances Dean | Married at Newport, RI; Israel was a merchant of DC | |
1802 | May 12 | Shreeve (Shreve?), Isaac | Alexandria | Miss Hannah Very | Married at Salem, Mass; bride was the dau of Capt. Samuel Very | |
5/9/1802 | May 15 | Van Ness, John P., Esq. Congressman | New York | Marcia Burns | Wash, DC | Married at Wash, DC |
5/16/1802 | May 19 | Evans, James | Centreville | Miss Elizabeth Gardiner | Centreville | Married at Georgetown, DC |
5/20/1802 | May 25 | Lewis, Henry (late) | Alexandria | Mrs. Mary Hager | Hagerstown, MD | Married at Hagerstown by Rev. Dr. Bowers |
1802 | Jul 8 | Shaw, John A. | Newport, Rhode Isl. | Miss Elizabeth Muchmore | Married at Newport, RI | |
6/23/1802 | Jul 2 | Heiskell, Capt. John | Miss Ann Sowers | Buckmarsh, Frederick Co, MD | Married at Winchester; bride was the dau of Jacob Sowers | |
8/28/1802 | Sep 9 | Goldsborough, Charles Washington, Esq. | Wash, DC | Miss Catherine Roberts | Philadelphia, Pa. | Married by Rev. Bishop White at Philadelphia; bride was the dau of Hugh Roberts, Esq |
10/12/1802 | Oct 15 | Fenwick, Thomas, Esq. | St. Mary s, MD | Nelly Young | Wash, DC | Married by Rev. Mr. Plunket; Nelly was the dau of the late Notley Young |
10/28/1802 | Oct 29 | Taylor, Thomas | Alexandria | Miss Sally Shuck | Alexandria | Married at Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Muir |
11/30/1802 | Dec 4 | Carter, Bernard Moore | Miss Lucy Grymes Lee | Married at Sully, the seat of Richard Bland Lee, Esq., by Rev. Mr. Thomas Davis. Groom was the son of Charles Carter, Esq., of Shirley; bride was the dau of Gen Henry Lee of Stratford | ||
12/9/1802 | Dec 16 | Sprigg, W. O., Esq. | Georgetown, DC | Miss Eliza Gantt | Prince George s Co, MD | Eliza was the dau of Levi Gantt, Esq |
12/30/1802 | Jan 3 | Rowles, Joseph E. | Georgetown, DC | Mrs. Hannah E. Fitzhugh | Loudon Co, VA | Married by Rev. Mr. Balch |
01/01/1803 | Jan 06 | Greenwell, G. | Georgetown | King, Miss Anna | Charles Co, MD | |
01/03/1803 | Feb 10 | Heech, Stephen | Waters, Miss Mary | at Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Ralph (Balch?) | ||
01/18/1803 | Jan 27 | Riggs, George Washington | Georgetown | Robertson, Miss Elizabeth | Montgomery Co, MD | at Montgomery Co, MD |
01/01/1803 | Jan 27 | Corcoran, John | Georgetown | Reisner, Miss Nancy | Georgetown | |
02/08/1803 | Feb 16 | McPherson, Dr. Josias H. | Montgomery Co, MD | Hanson, Miss Elizabeth B. | Charles Co, MD | by Rev. M. L. Weems; bride was the dau of Major Samuel Hanson |
02/17/1803 | Feb 19 | Jeffrey, Samuel | Alexandria | Mahony, Miss Sally | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Eaton |
03/15/1803 | Mar 16 | Shakes, John | Alexandria | La Treat, Miss Sally | Alexandria | at Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch |
03/22/1803 | Mar 30 | Brooke, Thomas, Esq. | Prince Georges Co, MD | Bowie, Miss Elizabeth | Prince Georges Co, MD | by Rev. M. Scott; bride was the dau of Walter Bowie, Esq. |
03/31/1803 | Apr 01 | Allison, Amos | Alexandria | Guiger, Miss Ann | Hagerstown, MD | by Rev. James Muir |
04/07/1803 | Apr 08 | Atkinson, Guy | Alexandria | Birch, Miss | Spring Lands, near Philadelphia, PA | at Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Muir; bride was the dau of William Birch |
04/20/1803 | Apr 25 | Caldwell, John | New York | Higginbothom, Miss | MD | at New York by Right Rev. Bishop Provost; groom was a merchant |
04/26/1803 | Apr 29 | Morgan, Rev. John | Wash, DC | Jones, Miss Hannah | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Parkinson |
05/01/1803 | May 11 | Dickson, John C. | Wash, DC | Rafer (Raser?), Elizabeth | Frederick-town, MD | by Rev. Mr. Knox |
05/05/1803 | May 07 | Maffitt, Rev. William | Turberville, Mrs. Harriot | at Alexandria by Rev. Dr. Muir | ||
05/14/1803 | May 19 | Jones, Edward | Wash, DC | Maus (Maws?), Miss Louisa | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. David Wiley |
05/31/1803 | Jun 01 | Thompson, Lieut. James | Wash, DC | Burrows, Miss Sarah | Wash, DC | Groom was paymaster of Marine Corps; bride was the dau of Col. William Ward Burrows, Commandant of Marine Corps |
05/31/1803 | Jun 16 | Weems, William | Calvert Co, MD | Kinsey, Miss Mary | Burlington, NJ | at Philadelphia by the Rev. Dr. Wharton; bride was the dau of the late Chief Justice Kinsey. |
06/16/1803 | Jun 17 | Sibald, Capt. | Georgia | Cox, Miss | Georgetown | by Rev. Dr. Gantt. |
06/16/1803 | Jun 23 | Fox, Cephas | Watson, Miss Jane | |||
06/18/1803 | Jun 23 | Sutton, Robert | Wash, DC | Williamson, Catharine | Wash, DC | |
06/23/1803 | Jun 27 | Waters, Benjamin | Montgomery Co, MD | Finagan, Miss Mary | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Long |
06/30/1803 | Jul 01 | Hartshorne, William | Alexandria | Shreve, Mrs. Susannah | Alexandria | at Friends Meeting House in Alexandria |
06/30/1803 | Jul 01 | Marsteller, Ferdinand | Heiskell, Miss Margaret | by Rev. Mr. Davis. | ||
07/14/1803 | Jul 18 | Muschett, John | Alexandria | Tebbs, Miss Mary F. | Alexandria | at Dumfries, VA, by Rev. Lee Massey |
07/14/1803 | Jul 18 | Smith, William | Carr, Mrs. Margaret | by Rev. Mr. Harrison | ||
07/28/1803 | Jul 29 | Adams, John | Alexandria | Hyees, Miss Mary | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Maffett |
08/02/1803 | Aug 04 | Plum, Joseph | Alexandria | Marle, Miss Betsy | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
08/10/1803 | Aug 15 | Smith, James | Alexandria | Moore, Miss Margaret F. | Fairfax Co, VA | Groom was a merchant |
08/16/1803 | Aug 17 | Boyer, Elias | Alexandria | Bruce, Miss Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
09/06/1803 | Sep 07 | Puppo, Daniel C. | South Carolina | Stroman, Miss Elizabeth | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
09/25/1803 | Sep 28 | Craven, Tunis | Alexandria | Tingey, Miss Hannah | Wash DC | at Wash, DC, by Rev. Mr. McCormick; groom was an Alexandria merchant; bride was the dau of Capt. Thomas Tingey |
10/22/1803 | Nov 30 | Bussard, Daniel | Georgetown | Knode, Miss Catharine | Washington Co, Md. | at Hagerstown, DC by Rev. Mr. Rahauser; groom was a Georgetown merchant. |
10/25/1803 | Oct 31 | Williams, Jeremiah, Esq. | Georgetown | Stewart, Miss Sarah | Fairfax Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Davis; bride was the dau of Hugh Stewart of Fairfax |
10/27/1803 | Oct 28 | Nicholson, Henry | Alexandria | Ballard, Miss Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
12/01/1803 | Jan 04 | Berrien, John MacPherson, Esq. | Anciaux, Miss Eliza | at Savannah, GA; John s occupation was Attorney at law; bride was only dau of Nicholas Anciaux. | ||
12/19/1803 | Dec 20 | Wheeler, Samuel | Alexandria | Parsons, Miss Sarah | Alexandria | by Rev. William Waters |
12/25/1803 | Dec 28 | Jackson, Annes | Nanjemoy, MD | Kirk, Miss Harriett | Alexandria | |
12/29/1803 | Jan 04 | Manners, Capt. Thomas, Esq. | Rush, Miss Mary | Philadelphia, PA | by Rev. Bishop White at Philadelphia; groom was a captain in the Britannic Majesty s 49th Reg. of Foot | |
01/19/1804 | Apr 25 | Semple, Robert, Esq. | Turnbull, Miss Eliza (Isabella) | West Florida Territory (Present day Louisiana) | Groom was late an officer in the U.S. Army | |
01/31/1804 | Feb 01 | Caldwell, Elias B., Esq | Georgetown | Boyd, Miss Elizabeth | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was an attorney and clk of the Sup. Court; bride was the only dau of the late Archibald Boyd |
02/02/1804 | Feb 08 | Lamphier, William | Alexandria | Sexsmith, Miss Mary | Fredericksburg, VA | at Fredericksburg by Rev. James McConochie |
02/05/1804 | Feb 06 | Alexander, Walter S. | Date, Miss Catherine | Alexandria | Bride was the dau of Baldwin Dade, Esq. | |
02/09/1804 | Feb 17 | Brashears, Richard Wells, Esq | Upper Marlboro, MD | Berry, Miss Mary | Prince George s Co, MD | by Right Rev. Bishop Thos. John Claggett; bride was the only dau of Zachariah Berry, Esq. |
03/16/1804 | Mar 23 | Harris, Theophilus, Esq. | Alexandria | Henderson, Mrs. | Lower Dublin | at Philadelphia, PA, by Rev. Mr. Mantayne |
03/22/1804 | Mar 28 | Hamme, Frederick, Esq. | Mecklenburgh Court House, VA | Butler, Mrs. | North Carolina | at Mecklenburgh Court House, VA |
03/30/1804 | Apr 04 | Cutts, Hon. Richard | Massachusetts | Payne, Miss Anna | Wash, DC | by Rev. Dr. Gantt; Richard was U.S. Representative from Mass; Anna was sister to Dolley, wife of President James Madison |
04/18/1804 | Apr 19 | Gray, John | Alexandria | Helmbold, Miss Ann Maria | Philadelphia, PA | at Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch |
04/19/1804 | Apr 23 | Foyles, Nathan | Wash, DC | Davis, Miss Susan | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
04/19/1804 | Apr 23 | Thaw, Joseph | Georgetown | Scott, Miss Eleanor | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Fenwick |
04/21/1804 | Apr 25 | Fleury, Elie Peter | Georgetown | Sanford, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Gant |
04/22/1804 | Apr 23 | Rowan, Joseph | Rhodes, Nancy | Alexandria | by Rev. William Waters; bride was the dau of William Rhodes, merchant of Alexandria | |
04/25/1804 | May 02 | Rapine, Daniel | Wash, DC | Osborne, Miss Charlotte | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch; groom s occupation was bookseller |
04/26/1804 | Apr 30 | Wall, John | Wash, DC | Brooks, Mrs. Elizabeth | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Parrot |
04/28/1804 | May 01 | Galt, James | Alexandria | Resler, Miss Eve | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Maffett |
05/13/1804 | May 14 | Baggett, John | Alexandria | Maddocks, Miss Mary | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Eaton |
05/15/1804 | May 16 | Dixon, T. | Georgetown | Kaldenback, Miss C. | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Neal |
05/29/1804 | May 30 | Mountz, Jacob | Georgetown | Belt, Miss Parmelia | Wash, DC | by Rev. S. B. Balch; groom was a Georgetown merchant; bride was the dau of Benjamin Belt |
06/10/1804 | Jun 13 | Kean, William | Wash, DC | Docker (Bocker?), Miss Julia | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
06/23/1804 | Jul 11 | Waterman, James | Fountain, Miss Hannah | New York | at New York by Rev. Mr. McKnight; groom was a printer | |
06/30/1804 | Jul 07 | Custis, George Washington Parke, Esq | Fitzhugh, Miss Mary Lee ( Molly ) | Alexandria | at Alexandria by Rev. Thomas Davis; bride was the dau of William Fitzhugh, Esq. | |
06/30/1804 | Jul 17 | Shreve, Benjamin | Alexandria | Goodhue, Miss Mary | Salem, MA | Bride was the dau of Hon. Benjamin Goodhue; groom was a merchant of Alexandria |
07/01/1804 | Jul 02 | Wirt, John | Georgetown | Renshaw, Miss Sally | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Bunn |
07/08/1804 | Jul 17 | Watson, Dr. John | Alexandria | Howe, Miss Ann | Frederick Co, VA | |
07/09/1804 | Jul 16 | Polk, Samuel | Somerset Co, MD | Gillis, Miss Irving | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
07/17/1804 | Jul 17 | Dye, Capt. Rueben | Alexandria | Turner, Miss Betsey | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
07/29/1804 | Aug 01 | Turner, William | Alexandria | West, Miss Kitty | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
08/25/1804 | Sep 26 | Reintzel, John | Georgetown | Waughop, Miss Betsy | St. Mary s Co, MD | in St. Mary s Co. |
09/20/1804 | Oct 01 | Hooe, James H. | Alexandria | Hooe, Miss E. | Prince William Co, VA | Bride was the dau of Benjamin Hooe, Esq.; groom was a merchant of Alexandria |
11/25/1804 | Nov 26 | Christman, John | Jefferson Co, VA | Barr, Elizabeth | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
12/09/1804 | Dec 12 | Tripplett, Major George | Fairfax Co | Lindsey, Miss Sarah | Fairfax Co | by Rev. Mr. Kemp |
12/09/1804 | Dec 15 | Knight, James | Georgetown | McClary, Miss Polly | Frederick-town, MD | by Rev. Mr. Pitts; groom was a Georgetown merchant |
12/27/1804 | Jan 09 | Sprigg, Benjamin, Esq. | Prince George s Co, MD | Burgess, Miss Mary | Prince George s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Scott; bride was the dau of the late Dr. Richard Burgess. |
01/06/1805 | Jan 09 | Brent, Capt. William | Wash, DC | Johnson, Miss Kitty | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Matthews |
01/08/1805 | Jan 12 | Manning, Capt Ignatius | St. Mary s Co, MD | Sewell, Miss Mary | Alexandria | by Right Rev. Bishop Neale; bride was the 2nd dau of Capt C. Sewell. |
01/10/1805 | Jan 11 | Alexander, Amos, Esq | Wroe, Miss Eliza | by Rev. Mr. Muir | ||
01/31/1805 | Feb 02 | Knowles, David | Georgetown | Barnes, Miss Eleanor | Prince George s Co, MD | by Rev. S. B. Balch; bride was the dau of Daniel Barnes. |
02/02/1805 | Feb 04 | Davidson, James, Jr., Esq. | Wash DC | Barber, Miss Mary | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick; both of Wash, DC; groom s occupation was cashier at the Office of Discount and Deposit |
02/21/1805 | Feb 22 | Pearce, Gideon, Esq. | Maryland | Dick, Miss Julia | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Davis; bride was the dau of E. C. Dick, Esq., mayor of Alexandria |
02/21/1805 | Feb 23 | Janney, Moses | Alexandria | Lawrence, Judith | Formerly of Massachusetts | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
02/26/1805 | Feb 27 | Lyon, Andrew | Massey, Miss Mary | Formerly of St. Mary s Co, MD | by Rev. Dr. Muir | |
03/02/1805 | Mar 23 | Sterrett, Capt James | Copperthwaite, Mrs. Charlotte | New Orleans, LA | Groom was with the United States Artillery | |
03/14/1805 | Mar 16 | Boyd, George, Esq. | Wash, DC | Johnson, Miss Harriet | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
04/07/1805 | Apr 10 | Coolidge, Charles | Boston, MA | Templeman, Miss Hetty | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Sayers |
06/04/1805 | Jul 05 | Livingston, Edward, Esq. | Moreau, Mde. Marie Louise Magdeleine Valentine Davezac Castra | at New Orleans by Fr. Walsh; bride was the widow of the late Louis Moreau de Lassy | ||
06/04/1805 | Jun 05 | Devanter, Dr. John V. | Waterford, Loudoun Co, VA | Thompson, Miss Pleasant | Waterford, Loudoun Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
06/05/1805 | Jun 10 | Hokes, George | Alexandria | Street, Miss Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
06/06/1805 | Jun 07 | Harper, Capt. John | Alexandria | Davis, Miss Sarah | Alexandria | by Rev. James Muir |
06/13/1805 | Jun 21 | Edwards, Jesse | Philadelphia, PA | Claxton, Miss Sarah | Wash, DC | at Philadelphia by Rt. Rev. Bishop White |
06/14/1805 | Jun 29 | Spence, William | Richmond Co, VA | Sisson, Miss Winifred | Richmond Co, VA | at Lansdown, one of the farms of John Tayloe, Esq. |
06/20/1805 | Jun 21 | Gilman, Ephraim | Alexandria | Crawford, Miss Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Robbins |
06/30/1805 | Jul 05 | Gale, Thaddeus | Bates, Miss Harriot | at East Hartford, CT; the groom was a Medico electrician, age 43; the bride was 11 yrs old | ||
07/18/1805 | Jul 19 | Jones, William | Alexandria | Matthews, Miss Martha | Alexandria | at Georgetown, by Rev. Mr. Balch |
07/25/1805 | Jul 26 | Campbell, Capt. James | Alexandria | Cahall, Miss Catharine | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Moore |
07/30/1805 | Aug 30 | Aldey, Perrin | Tankesley, Mrs. Ann | at Charlotte Co, VA; groom was 105 yrs old; bride was 90. It was a third marriage for each. | ||
09/02/1805 | Sep 03 | Patton, Robert, Jr. | Alexandria | Reeder, Miss Ann Clifton | at Clifton Lodge, the home of the groom s brother, James Patton, by the Rev. Mr. Eden; the bride was the dau of Benjamin and Eleanor Clifton Slaughter Reeder | |
10/10/1805 | Oct 18 | Johns, Stephen S. | Calvert, MD | Skinner, Miss Eliza G. | Prince George s Co, MD | at Nottingham, MD, by Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Claggett |
11/03/1805 | Nov 06 | Gadsby, John | Alexandria | McLaughlin, Miss Margaret | Georgetown | at Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Sayres |
11/07/1805 | Nov 11 | Macdaniel, George G. | Wash, DC | Simmons, Miss Catharine C. | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Sayrs |
11/18/1805 | Nov 21 | Meem, Peter | Georgetown | McFee, Mrs. | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was aged 69; brie was aged 54 |
12/03/1805 | Dec 05 | Wallace, James | Norfolk, VA | Douglass, Miss Susan | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis; groom was a merchant of Norfolk; bride was the dau of Dr. Charles Douglass |
12/12/1805 | Dec 13 | Ricketts, Benjamin | Alexandria | Stewart, Miss Mary M. | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Davis |
01/13/1806 | Jan 14 | Entwisle, Isaac | Alexandria | Ryan, Mrs. Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
01/19/1806 | Jan 22 | Vallett, Peter | Georgetown | Stone, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
01/19/1806 | Jan 25 | Hingston, Nichols | Alexandria | Bloomfield, Elizabeth | at Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Balch; groom was botanist and merchant of Alexandria; bride was sister to celebrated author Robert Bloomfield | |
01/30/1806 | Jan 31 | Towers, Thomas | Alexandria | Chatham, Eliza | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
01/30/1806 | Feb 03 | Turnbull, William | Montgomery Co, MD | Magruder, Velinda | Montgomery Co, MD | by the Rev. Mr. Sayrs |
01/30/1806 | Feb 03 | Semmes, Joseph | Georgetown | Doyne, Miss Mary | Georgetown | at Georgetown by Rt. Rev. Bishop Neale |
02/27/1806 | Feb 28 | Smith, Isaac | Welch, Miss Mary | by Rev. Dr. Muir | ||
02/27/1806 | Feb 28 | Mills, William Nelson | Alexandria | Leap, Miss Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir |
03/06/1806 | Mar 07 | Taylor, Robert I., Esq. | Alexandria | Rose, Maria M. | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
04/20/1806 | Apr 22 | Faw, Abraham, Esq. | Alexandria | Moody, Miss Sarah | Calvert Co, MD | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
04/26/1806 | Apr 28 | Flannery, Michael | Alexandria | Turner, Mrs. Rebecca | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Davis |
05/01/1806 | May 02 | Catlett, Charles Jefferson, Esq | Norfolk | Fairfax, Miss Ann | Mount Eagle, Fairfax Co, VA | at Woodville by Rev. Dr. Muir; groom was a merchant of Norfolk; bride was the dau of the late Bryan Lord Fairfax |
05/01/1806 | May 19 | Ninian Pinkney, Esq | Hobbs, Mrs. Amelia | by Rev. Mr. Higgenbothom; groom was secretary to the Maryland Governor | ||
05/18/1806 | May 19 | Crab, John N. | Havanna | Gray, Miss Jane | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
06/04/1806 | Jun 05 | Coulter, Henry | Annapolis | McCoutchen, Miss Martha | Alexandria | |
06/26/1806 | Jun 27 | Corwin, Stephen | Alexandria | Hopewell, Miss Julia | Alexandria | by Rev Isaac Robbins |
09/14/1806 | Sep 15 | Bury, James | Wash, DC | Coons, Miss Margaret | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
09/23/1806 | Sep 24 | Scott, Charles W. | Alexandria | Beadle, Mrs. Elizabeth | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
09/25/1806 | Sep 26 | Coleman, Capt. George | Alexandria | Marsteller, Miss Elizabeth | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
10/02/1806 | Oct 03 | Talbot, Elisha | Sanders, Miss Sarah | at Alexandria at the Friends Meeting House | ||
10/02/1806 | Oct 03 | Carew, Capt. Thomas | Alexandria | Korn, Miss Margaret | Alexandria | by Rev. Thomas Davis |
10/09/1806 | Oct 13 | Long, Capt. | Baltimore | Harper, Miss Sarah | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
10/16/1806 | Oct 17 | Hopkins, John, Esq | Richmond | Lee, Miss Cornelia | Greenspring, VA | at Bellevue, the residence of William Hodgson, Esq., by Rev. Davis; bride was the dau of the late William Lee, Esq. |
10/16/1806 | Oct 20 | Tarbell, Lieut. Joseph | Cassin, Miss Eliza | Groom was with the U.S. Navy; bride was the dau of Capt. John Cassin | ||
10/27/1806 | Nov 05 | Ott, Dr. John | Georgetown | Ritchie, Miss Ann | Georgetown | at Frederick Town, MD |
11/06/1806 | Nov 07 | Cole, Capt. Thomas | Alexandria | Hand, Miss Tryphosa N. | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
11/28/1806 | Nov 29 | Carson, Dr. Samuel | Hamilton, Miss Jane | by Rev. Mr. Muir | ||
12/18/1806 | Dec 24 | Blackburn, Thomas Jr., Esq. | Prince William Co, VA | Sinclair, Miss Elizabeth | Jefferson Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Hill |
12/24/1806 | Dec 29 | Wilkinson, Henry | Alexandria | Harper, Miss Mira | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Wiley |
12/27/1806 | Dec 29 | Cutting, John B. | Carter, Mrs. Sarah | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Moscrop | |
02/03/1807 | Feb 04 | Jamieson, John | Alexandria | Laidler, Miss Violette | Charles Co, MD | by Rev. Dr. Contee; groom was an Alexandria baker; bride was the eldest dau of Mr. Laidler of Rose-Hall, Charles Co |
02/26/1807 | Feb 27 | McDonald, John | Alexandria | King, Miss Anne | Alexandria | by Rev James Muir |
04/02/1807 | Apr 03 | Shields, Thomas | Alexandria | Gee, Miss Mary Ann | Alexandria | by Rev Mr. Robbins |
04/07/1807 | Apr 10 | Smoot, Wilson, Esq | Charles Co, MD | Hargraves, Miss Ann | Berry Plains | by Rev. Mr. Weems |
04/23/1807 | May 04 | George, Marcus, Esq | Campbell, Mrs. Mary F. | Formerly of Alexandria | in Warrenton, NC | |
05/12/1807 | May 13 | George, Martin | Lancaster Co, VA | Kline, Miss | Alexandria | Bride was the eldest dau of Gabriel Kline of Alexandria |
06/29/1807 | Jul 02 | Lawrence, John | Alexandria | January, Mrs. Catharine | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Shay |
07/09/1807 | Jul 10 | Davidson, Capt. Bazil H. | Alexandria | Hunter, Miss Eliza | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Muir; bride was the dau of John Hunter, Alexandria |
07/21/1807 | Jul 29 | Riddle, James R. | Alexandria | Heiskell, Miss Amelia | Staunton, VA | at Staunton; bride was the dau of Peter Heiskell of Staunton |
08/09/1807 | Aug 11 | Knight, John | Alexandria | Shade, Miss Catherine | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Shay |
09/03/1807 | Sep 04 | Levering, Aaron Righter | Baltimore, MD | Lawrason, Miss Nancy Butcher | Alexandria | at Alexandria; bride was the dau of James Lawrason of Alexandria |
09/15/1807 | Sep 16 | Parry, William H. | Alexandria | Madden, Miss Mary F. | Alexandria | by Rev Dr. Muir; groom was an Alexandria merchant |
09/24/1807 | Sep 29 | Moss, William | Fairfax Co, VA | Holmes, Miss Gertrude | Martinsburg, VA (WV) | |
10/15/1807 | Oct 16 | Chatman, Charles T. | Alexandria | Gadsby, Miss Margaret S. | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Sayre |
10/29/1807 | Oct 30 | Long, William | Martinsburg, VA (WV) | Stewart, Miss Susanna | Alexandria | by Rev James Muir; Groom was a Martinsburg merchant |
11/12/1807 | Nov 13 | Thompson, Craven Peyton, Esq. | Alexandria | Tucker, Miss Sally Eliza | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Gibson; groom was an Alexandria merchant; bride was the dau of John Tucker of Alexandria |
11/23/1807 | Nov 30 | Hand, Caleb | Alexandria | Keen, Miss Leah C. | Philadelphia, PA | by Rev Bishop White; groom was an Alexandria merchant |
12/03/1807 | Dec 08 | Hunter, Colin | Alexandria | Hatton, Miss Henrietta D. | Thompson s Risk, MD | by Rev Mr. Addison |
04/06/1807 | Apr 08 | Van Zandt, Nicholas B. | Wash, DC | Southall, Miss Maria Wood | Wash, DC | by Rev. J. Buchanan |
09/01/1807 | Sep 02 | Washington, George | Beall, Miss Eliza | by Rev. Mr. Balch; bride was the dau of Thomas Beall, Esq. | ||
09/29/1807 | Sep 30 | Webster, Toppan | Wash, DC | Osborne, Miss Martha | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Laurie |
11/05/1807 | Nov 20 | Weems, Capt. William | Anne Arundel Co, MD | Taylor, Miss Sally E. | Prince William Co, VA | by Rev. William Steers |
11/12/1807 | Nov 18 | Varden, William | Maul, Miss Maria | in DC by Rev. Mr. Pitt; bride was eldest dau of John Maul | ||
11/15/1807 | Nov 27 | Brooks (Boothe?), Jeremiah | Wash, DC | Walker, Miss Ann | St. Mary s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Malvey; groom was a DC merchant |
12/01/1807 | Dec 09 | French, George | Georgetown | Weems, Miss Margaret Hall | Prince Georges Co, MD | by Rev. Thomas Scott |
12/27/1807 | Jan 08 | Coyle, Andrew | Wash, DC | Chisholm, Miss Eliza | Anne Arundel Co, MD | by Rev Parson Compton |
01/05/1808 | Jan 09 | Nichols, William S. | Georgetown | Doughty, Miss Margaret | Formerly of Philadelphia | by Rev. Mr. Pitts |
01/14/1808 | Jan 20 | Deaver, James | Georgetown | Shayon, Miss Harriet | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Sayrs |
02/08/1808 | Feb 13 | Maffit, John | Doyne, Mrs. Ann | by Rev. Mr. Sayrs | ||
02/23/1808 | Feb 24 | Hollingshead, John | Georgetown | Melvin, Miss Margaret | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balor; groom was a Georgetown merchant |
06/01/1808 | Jun 04 | Talbott, Jesse | Alexandria | Little, Hannah Jr. | Wash, DC | at Wash, DC, at Friends Meeting House, being the first marriage performed by the Society of Friends in Washington City |
06/09/1808 | Aug 22 | Morse, Nathan, Esq | New Jersey | Nichols, Miss Martha C. | Formerly of Maryland | at New Iberie, Territory of Orleans, by the Rt. Rev. Father Isabaye; groom s occupation was attorney; bride was the dau of Edward Church Nichols, Esq., formerly of Maryland |
12/12/1804 | Jun 18 | Hudson, George | Mansfield, Miss Seraphina Maria Caroline Matilda Juliana Sophia Ann | at Washington, VA | ||
06/16/1808 | Jun 27 | Smith, Thomas L., Esq | Louisa Co, VA | Clay, Miss Sarah G. | Pittsylvania Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. John Atkinson; bride was the dau of Matthew Clay of Pittsylvania Co. |
07/20/1808 | Jul 23 | Crossfield, Jehiel | Wash, DC | Triplett, Miss Margaret Eleanor Townsend | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Laurie; groom s occupation was printer. |
07/26/1808 | Jul 30 | Thaw, Joseph | Woodside, Miss Eliza | by Rev. Mr. Sargent; bride was the dau of John Woodside, clk in the Treasury Dept. | ||
08/23/1808 | Aug 24 | McDaniel, Ezekiel | Wash, DC | Moore, Miss Ann | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
09/06/1808 | Sep 08 | Patton, John B., Esq | Alexandria | Butcher, Miss Rebecca | Alexandria | at Washington, DC by Rev. Thomas Sargent; bride was the dau of Jonathan Butcher of Alexandria |
10/04/1808 | Oct 05 | Clark, Joseph | Wash, DC | Thompson, Miss Nancy | Wash, DC | by the Rev. Mr. Mathews |
10/06/1808 | Oct 12 | Carroll, Daniel, Esq | The Plantation Duddington Wash, DC | Boyce, Miss Ann | at Sweet Air [Baltimore, MD], the residence of Mrs. Carroll, by the Rev Mr. Beeston | |
10/16/1808 | Oct 18 | Beall, Ninian | Wash, DC | Groves, Miss Rachel | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Sergeant |
11/15/1808 | Nov 17 | Roosevelt, Nicholas J., Esq | New York City | Latrobe, Miss Lydia | by Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the dau of B. H. Latrobe, Esq., Surveyor of the Public Buildings of the U.S. | |
11/29/1808 | Dec 02 | Wingate, Joseph Ferdinand, Esq | Tingey, Miss Margaret Gay | by Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the dau of Thomas Tingey, Esq., Commandant of the Navy Yard. | ||
12/01/1808 | Dec 05 | Ross, Jacob | Leesburg, VA | Scott, Miss Rebecca Matilda | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
12/11/1808 | Dec 28 | Charlton, Ralph | Wash, DC | Stillwell, Miss Abigail | Bedford Co, PA | |
12/27/1808 | Jan 05 | Getty, Robert | Georgetown | Wilmot, Miss Margaret | Annapolis, MD | at Annapolis by Rev. Mr. Judd |
12/29/1808 | Jan 05 | Baltzer, George | Georgetown | Webb, Miss Susanna | Montgomery Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. McCormick; bride was the eldest dau of Thomas Webb, Esq., of Lowe s Rest, Montgomery Co |
12/31/1808 | Jan 14 | Burwell, William A., Esq. | Virginia | McCreery, Miss Letitia | at Baltimore Co, MD; groom was a representative in Congress from the Commonwealth of VA | |
01/17/1809 | Jan 19 | Murray, James | Charles Co, MD | Green, Miss Sarah | Charles Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. John Fenwick |
01/19/1809 | Jan 21 | Beeler, Christian Louis | Alexandria | Eakin, Mrs. Frederica Augusta | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Gibson |
01/26/1809 | Jan 28 | Frobel, John J., Esq. | Marshall, Miss Mary S. | at Bush Hill in Fairfax Co, VA, the residence of Richard M. Scott, Esq., by Rev. Mr. Gibson | ||
02/06/1809 | Feb 09 | Reed, William Fleming | Stenger, Miss Charlotte Augusta Matilda | by Rev. Mr. Balch | ||
02/16/1809 | Feb 17 | Johnson, Thomas | Dixon, Miss Teresa | by Rev. Mr. Matthews | ||
02/16/1809 | Feb 28 | Conrad, Dr. Edward | Roberdeau, Miss Harriet | at Winchester, VA, by Rev. Mr. Hill | ||
03/27/1809 | Apr 07 | Montgomery, John, Esq. | MD | Nicholson, Miss Maria | NY | by Rev. Mr. Abeel; groom was a representative in Congress from the State of MD |
03/28/1809 | Mar 29 | Cox, John Florentius, Esq. | NY | Lansdale, Miss Eliza | Prince George s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of the late Major Thomas Lansdale of Prince George s Co |
04/10/1809 | May 11 | Sudler, William | Queen Ann s Co, MD | Mackubin, Charlotte | Severn, MD | |
04/15/1809 | Apr 26 | Eppes, Hon. John W. | Virginia | Jones, Miss Martha | Halifax Co, NC | at Halifax; bride was the dau of the late Willie Jones of Halifax |
04/18/1809 | May 11 | Boyer, Stephen | Simmonds, Maria | Kent Co, MD | ||
04/25/1809 | Apr 28 | McDaniel, John, Jr. | Georgetown | Osborne, Miss Mary | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Stephen B. Balch |
04/27/1809 | Apr 28 | Calder, William | Georgetown | Kurtz, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Foxall |
04/27/1809 | May 11 | Bowler (Bowley?), William L. | Hollins, Maria | at Baltimore, MD; bride was the dau of William Hollins | ||
05/15/1809 | May 19 | Way, Andrew, Jr. | Wash, DC | Pawson, Mrs. Mary Matilda | Baltimore, MD | by Rev. Mr. Roberts |
05/18/1809 | May 19 | Harper, Capt. Robert | Alexandria | Davis, Miss Mary Ann | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
05/20/1809 | May 22 | Ward, James | Wash, DC | Myers, Miss Prudence | Alexandria | by Rev. John Childs |
05/22/1809 | May 23 | Conway, Robert | Northumber-land Co, VA | Sweet, Miss Margaret | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
05/23/1809 | May 25 | Dade, Capt. Charles S. | Alexandria | Adams, Miss Jane | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
06/01/1809 | Jun 05 | Smith, John | Alexandria | Way, Miss Catharine | Alexandria | in Wash, DC, by Rev. E. T. McCormick |
06/25/1809 | Jun 28 | Parsons, Solomon | Occoquan, VA | Coffer, Miss Hariott | Fairfax Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Robins |
06/18/1809 | Jul 24 | Roberts, Erastus | Hudson, NY | Jenkins, Miss Elizabeth | Alexandria | at Wash, DC, by Rev. Mr. McCormick; groom s occupation was printer |
06/19/1809 | Jul 17 | Edwards, Horace H., Esq. | Wash, DC | Butler, Maria G. | New Haven, CT | at New Haven, CT |
07/26/1809 | Jul 28 | Lee, Charles, Esq. | Alexandria | Peyton, Mrs. Margaret C. | Fauquier Co, VA | by Rev. James Thompson |
07/27/1809 | Jul 29 | Rigden, Stephen | Georgetown | Gloyd, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
08/15/1809 | Aug 16 | Hipkins, Lewis | Alexandria | Carne, Miss Mary L. | Alexandria | by Rev. William Waters; bride was the dau of William Carne |
08/22/1809 | Aug 28 | West, James Craik | Fairfax Co, VA | Payne, Miss Eliza | Fairfax Co, VA | by Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of Col William Payne of Fairfax Co |
08/29/1809 | Oct 09 | Murray, James, Jr. | Wash, DC | Radcliffe, Charlotte | Worcester Co, MD | |
09/12/1809 | Sep 13 | Garner, William | Alexandria | Simms, Mrs. Margaret | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
09/14/1809 | Sep 18 | Dundass, James H., Esq. | Pratt, Miss Maria | by Rt. Rev. Bishop; bride was the dau of Henry Pratt, Esq., of Philadelphia, PA | ||
09/14/1809 | Sep 18 | McKean, Thomas, Jr., Esq. | Pratt, Sarah | by Rt. Rev. Bishop; bride was the dau of Henry Pratt, Esq., of Philadelphia, PA | ||
09/21/1809 | Oct 03 | Luckett, Capt. Fielder | Alexandria | Willis, Miss Elizabeth | Jefferson Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Streight of Winchester; bride was the youngest dau of Rich Willis |
10/02/1809 | Oct 12 | Lee, William, Esq | Georgetown | Holliday, Miss Mary L. | Baltimore, MD | at Baltimore by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Carroll |
10/10/1809 | Oct 16 | Wilson, James, | Balch, Miss Harriett | Georgetown | by Rev. David Wiley; groom was with the U.S. Navy; bride was the dau of Rev. S. B. Balch of Georgetown | |
10/05/1809 | Oct 13 | Thomas, John Hanson, Esq. | Maryland | Colston, Miss Mary I. | Berkley Co, VA | by Rev. Mr. Ballman; bride was dau of Rawleigh Colston, Esq., of Berkley Co |
10/19/1809 | Oct 23 | Ball, Henry W. | Fairfax Co, VA | Frost, Miss Catharine B. | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. McCormick |
10/29/1809 | Oct 30 | Wagler, Frederick A. | Wash, DC | Hinton, Susana | Prince George s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Addison; groom was a Wash, DC, merchant |
11/02/1809 | Nov 07 | Robertson, Thomas | Wash, DC | Beverly, Miss Jane Bradshaw | Wash, DC | at the seat of Robert Beverly, Esq., by Rev Walter D. Addison |
11/16/1809 | Nov 18 | Turnee, John | Kurtz, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch | |
11/19/1809 | Nov 22 | Matlock, Simeon | Wash, DC | Dove, Miss Sarah Y. | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Rozell |
12/08/1809 | Dec 09 | Peter, Capt. George | Georgetown | Plates, Miss Ann | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of Thomas Plates, Esq., of Greenwood, Wash, DC |
12/14/1809 | Dec 15 | Smith, Hon. Samuel | Pennsylvania | Grayson, Miss Sarah | Wash, DC | Bride was the dau of the late Richard Spencer Grayson of Virginia; groom was a member of Congress from Pennsylvania |
12/19/1809 | Dec 28 | Rittenhouse, John R. (B?) | Beverley, Miss Harriot | Georgetown | by Rev. Addison; bride was sister of Robert Beverley, Esq., of Georgetown | |
01/14/1810 | Jan 17 | Franks, John | Wash, DC | Tuttle, Miss Mary | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Boswell; groom s occupation was printer |
01/18/1810 | Jan 19 | Gideon, Jacob | Wash, DC | Coons, Miss Mary | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Brown; groom s occupation was printer |
01/23/1810 | Jan 25 | Maupin, Baptiste | Wash, DC | Fliset, Miss Catharine | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
01/30/1810 | Feb 01 | Bussard, Philip | Wash, DC | Hazel, Miss Margaret | Wash DC | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
02/07/1810 | Feb 14 | Saunders, Peter | Alexandria | McPherson, Miss Hannah | Jefferson Co, VA | at Jefferson Co at the Friends Meeting House; bride was the dau of John McPherson |
02/15/1810 | Feb 17 | Dufief, Jeremiah | Wells, Mrs. Mary | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch | |
02/11/1810 | Feb 19 | Pope, Hon. John, Esq. | Johnson, Miss Eliza J. D. | Wash, DC | Groom was a U. S. Senator; bride was the dau of the late Joshua Johnson, Esq., of Wash, DC | |
02/22/1810 | Mar 05 | Giles, Hon William | Gwynn, Miss Frances Ann | Virginia | by Rev. Dr. Gantt; groom was a U.S. Senator; bride was eldest dau of he late Thomas Peyton Gwynn of Virginia | |
03/01/1810 | Mar 06 | Grayson, William B. | Georgetown | Threlkeld, Miss Mary | Wash, DC | at Georgetown by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of John Threlkeld, Esq., of Burleath, Wash, DC |
03/07/1810 | Mar 12 | Smith, Thomas A. | Dumfries, VA | Short, Miss Priscilla T. | Of Carlton | at Fredericksburg, VA, by Rev. Mr. Samuel Wilson |
03/15/1810 | Mar 23 | McCrea, Robert | Alexandria | Furgerson, Miss Jennet | NY | at New York by Rev. Mr. Thomas Harrison; groom s occupation was merchant of Alexandria |
03/22/1810 | Mar 30 | Brent, William | Stafford Co | Lee, Miss Winifred B. | Loudoun Co, VA | at Coton, the seat of the late Col. Thomas L. Lee, by Rev. Mr. Dunn |
03/29/1810 | Mar 31 | Wilson, Oliver | Wilmington, DE | Heineman, Miss Mary | West End, Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of Jacob Heineman of West End |
04/11/1810 | Apr 13 | Triplett, Dr. Thomas | Tebbs, Miss Margaret C. | Dumfries, VA | at Dumfries by Rev. Mr. O Neal; groom was with the U. S. Navy | |
04/15/1810 | May 11 | Hutchinson, Capt. Joshua | Fairfax Co, VA | Lane, Miss | Fairfax Co | by Rev. Jeremiah Moore |
04/19/1810 | Apr 21 | Hunter, Robert | Harley, Miss Unice (Eunice?) | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Robbins | |
05/03/1810 | May 05 | Wood, Richard | Alexandria | Bagget, Miss Catharine | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. Muir |
05/08/1810 | May 11 | Cobb, Howell, Esq. | Georgia | Rootes, Miss Martha J. | Fredericksburg | by Rev. Mr. Wilson; bride was the dau of Thomas R. Rootes of Fredericksburg, VA; groom was a member of Congress |
05/17/1810 | May 18 | Dashiell, Thomas B. | Wash, DC | Couzins, Miss Keziah A. | Wash, DC | by Rev. Mr. Addison |
05/22/1810 | May 28 | Bronaugh, Jeremiah W. | Georgetown | Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth H. | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of the late Capt. John Mitchell |
05/29/1810 | May 31 | Retter, Peter | Georgetown | Lyon, Mrs. Teresa | Georgetown | by Rev. Mr. Balch |
05/29/1810 | Jun 01 | Riggs, Romulus | Georgetown | Lawrason, Miss Mercy Ann | Georgetown | by Rev. Dr. Barclay; groom was a Georgetown merchant |
05/29/1810 | Jun 02 | Clark, Dr. George | Beverley, Miss Maria | by Rev. Mr. Addison; bride was the dau of Robert Beverley, Esq. | ||
05/31/1810 | Jun 05 | Sherlock, John | Georgetown | Poole, Miss Sarah Ann | Georgetown | by Rev. Francis Neale |
06/12/1810 | Jun 23 | Peerce (Pierce?), William | Georgetown | Gaither, Miss Harriet T. | Georgetown | by Rev. S. B. Balch; bride was the dau of Mrs. Mary Gaither of Georgetown |
06/24/1810 | Jun 26 | Whips, Reuben | Georgetown | Layland, Miss Nancy | Georgetown | by Rev. Stephen Bloomer Balch |
06/28/1810 | Jun 30 | Barclay, Rev. Francis | Brown, Miss Helen Baley Clark | at Chestnut Hill, Fairfax Co, VA, by Rev. Dr. Muir; bride was the dau of the late Dr. William Brown | ||
07/12/1810 | Jul 16 | Swann, William T. | Maryland | Alexander, Miss Frances Brown | at Alexandria by Rev. Mr. Barclay; bride was the dau of the late Charles Alexander, Esq., of Preston | |
07/16/1810 | Jul 25 | Boarman, Thomas C. | Alexandria | Boarman, Miss Mary Louisia | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Fenwick |
07/19/1810 | Jul 21 | Stephenson, William | Smithfield, Jefferson Co, VA | Hogan, Miss Margaret | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Fenwick; groom was a merchant of Smithfield |
07/22/1810 | Jul 28 | Lexis, Peter | Georgetown | Hillsanders, Miss Ann | Georgetown | by Rev. Walter D. Addison |
07/29/1810 | Aug 10 | Jackson, Hon. John George | Clarksburgh, VA (WV) | Meigs, Miss Mary Sophia | Marietta, Washington Co, OH | at Marietta; bride was the dau of Col. Return Jonathan Meigs; groom was a member of Congress |
08/25/1810 | Aug 28 | Wilson, Capt. William | Alexandria | Winterberry, Miss Mary | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Gibson |
09/16/1810 | Sep 19 | Matthews, Tobias | Wash, DC | Boose, Miss Sarah Ann | Prince George s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Hoskins |
09/23/1810 | Oct 01 | Clarke, Lieut. Satterlee | Whetcroft, Miss Frances | at Annapolis | ||
09/24/1810 | Oct 01 | Eustis, Hon. William | Wash, DC | Langdon, Miss Caroline | Portsmouth, NH | at Portsmouth by Rev. Dr. Buckminster; groom was Secretary of War; bride was the dau of the late Hon. Woodbury Langdon of Portsmouth |
10/03/1810 | Oct 12 | Brown, William E. | Alexandria | Wilson, Miss Martha | at Friend s Meeting House in Jefferson Co, VA; groom was a merchant of Alexandria; bride was dau of Thomas Wilson | |
10/09/1810 | Oct 16 | Clarke, William | Georgetown | Edelen, Miss Harriett | Charles Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Finick; bride was the dau of John Edelen of Charles Co |
10/09/1810 | Oct 24 | Gantt, Dr. Edward | Calvert Co, MD | Blake, Miss Maria | Calvert Co, MD | at Calvert Co, MD, by Rev. Sutton; bride was the dau of Col Joseph Blake of Calvert Co |
10/13/1810 | Oct 16 | Chauncey, Elihu | Philadelphia, PA | Teackle, Miss Henrietta | Georgetown | at the residence of John Teackle by Rev. Mr. Addison |
10/13/1810 | Oct 24 | Davis, Capt. William | Philadelphia, PA | Hely, Miss Margaret Matilda | at Charlotte Hall, St. Mary s Co, MD, by Rev. Dr. Bowman | |
10/20/1810 | Oct 22 | Harper, William, Jr. | Alexandria | Newton, Miss Mary T. | Alexandria | near Leesburg, Loudoun Co, VA, by Rev. Mr. Mines |
11/03/1810 | Nov 09 | Mumford, Gurdon S., Esq. | Van Soren, Miss Letitia | at New York City; groom was a representative in Congress | ||
11/04/1810 | Nov 09 | Scott, William B. | Holton, Miss Ann | St. Mary s Co, MD | by Rev. Mr. Dorsey; groom was late a lieutenant in the US Navy | |
11/13/1810 | Nov 15 | Blount, Thomas H., Esq. | North Carolina | Brown, Miss Eleanor Margaret | Charles Co, MD | in Wash, DC; groom was the son of John Gray Blount, Esq. |
11/20/1810 | Nov 25 | Boyd, Robert | Wash, DC | Bailey, Miss Betsey | Alexandria | by Rev. Mr. Roberts; groom s occupation was bookbinder |
11/22/1810 | Nov 27 | Spence, Dr. John | Dumfries, VA | Muschett, Mrs. Mary F. | Dumfries, VA | by Rev. Charles O Neal; groom was a physician |
11/27/1810 | Dec 01 | Armistead, Capt. George | Hughes, Miss Louisa | Baltimore, MD | at Baltimore; groom was with the U.S. Army; bride was the dau of Christopher Hughes, Esq., of Baltimore | |
12/06/1810 | Dec 07 | Vowell, John C. | Alexandria | Taylor, Mrs. Mary Jaqueline | Alexandria | by Rev. Dr. James Muir; groom was an Alexandria merchant |
12/06/1810 | Dec 08 | Somervill, David | Wash, DC | Underwood, Miss Jane | Wash, DC | |
12/07/1810 | Dec 11 | Hoburg, Richard | Rice, Miss Elizabeth | Georgetown | at Baltimore, MD | |
12/12/1810 | Dec 28 | Campbell, Robert | Winchester, VA | McMunn, Miss Fanny M. | Alexandria | at Winchester by Rev. Mr. Streit; bride was the dau of the late George McMunn of Alexandria |
12/13/1810 | Dec 15 | Tarrence, John | Wash, DC | Godman, Miss Nancy | Prince George s Co, MD | |
12/26/1810 | Dec 27 | Litle, Richard H. | Alexandria | Talbott, Miss Elizabeth | Wash, DC | at Wash, DC, at the Friends Meeting House |
12/27/1810 | Dec 29 | Dobbins, David | Wash, DC | Coleman, Miss Rachael | Alexandria |
In early U.S. history, divorces were granted not by the courts, but by the local legislatures of the territories. However, residents of the District of Columbia and Alexandria wishing to divorce were required to petition the U.S. Congress to pass a special bill granting a divorce to the parties. Over time, the power to grant a divorce was gradually stripped from the legislatures and vested in the local courts. And by 1886, a statute had been passed expressly forbidding the legislatures to get involved in any divorce action. Because these news articles document early divorces, many make mention of petitions to the legislatures. --Susan Salus
BURNHILL, John & Elizabeth: Whereas Elizabeth
Burnhill, my wife, hath eloped from my bed and board, and living an adulteress
with another man, this is to forewarn all persons whatever from trusting her on
my account, as I will pay none of her debts, and I mean to apply to the next
General Assembly of Maryland for an act of divorce. (Signed and dated) John
Burnhill, Prince Georges County, MD, March 17, 1809 [Notice in the National
Intelligencer, Wash, DC, April 12, 1809.]
GIBBONS, Mary & William: The subscriber, Mary Gibbons of Washington City,
intends to petition Congress at their next session for an act to divorce her
from her husband, William Gibbons. [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash,
DC, Nov 14, 1806.]
HOWARD, Jesse and Amelia. All
persons are hereby forbidden to trust Amelia Low (late my wife Amelia Howard) on
my account, we having been divorced by mutual consent, as the law directs, and I
will pay no debts of her contracting. (Signed and dated) Jesse Howard, May 4,
1819. [Notice in the National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, May 6, 1819.]
ROSENTHAL, Charles & Augusta Sophia.
Charles Rosenthal vs. Augusta Sophia Rosenthal. The object of
the petition filed in Prince George's County Court, sitting as a Court of Equity
for the July term 1842, filed by Charles Rosenthal, is to procure a decree for a
divorce a vinculo matrimonii from his wife, Augusta Sophia Rosenthal. The
petitioner states that the said Augusta Sophia, the lawful wife of he said
Charles Rosenthal, now of Prince George's County and State of Maryland, but
formerly of Washington City, in the District of Columbia, having contracted an
adulterous intimacy with a certain Charles Krebs, a resident of Washington City,
did on the 3d of August 1842, by his artful persuasions adulterously elope from
Washington City in his company to parts unknowns to the said Charles Rosenthal,
and that were frequently seen in the act of adultery prior to said elopement,
which fact was concealed from him until after said elopement occurred. The
petition further states that the said Charles Rosenthal, since his intermarriage
with the said Augusta Sophia, has always treated her in the most kind and
affectionate manner; that he was in no manner accessory to said elopement, and
that the said Augusta Sophia resides out of the State of Maryland in foreign
parts unknown to him. It is thereupon, this 26th day of August, 1844, by the
subscriber, chief judge of Prince George's County court, sitting as a court of
equity, adjudged and ordered that the petitioner, Charles Rosenthal, by causing
a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published at Washington
City once in each of four successive weeks, before the first day of October
next, give notice to the said Augusta Sophia Rosenthal of the object and
substance of this petition, and warn her to appear in this court in person or by
solicitor on or before the second Monday of January next to answer the premises
and show cause, if any she has, why a decree ought not to pass as prayed.
Signed: John Stephen; John B. Brooke, Clerk. [Legal notice in the National
Intelligence, Wash, DC, Sept 5, 1842.]
THOMPSON, Andrew J. and Jane Eliza. In the Superior Court of Baltimore City, Petition for Divorce a vinculo matrimonii, Andrew J. Thompson vs. Jane Eliza Thompson. The object of the petition in this cause is to have a decree for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii of the petitioner from the said Jane, his wife. The petition states that the petitioner and said Jane intermarried in the city of Baltimore, where the petitioner has for more than two years resided; and that said Jane has since her said intermarriage been guilty of adultery in said city and in Washington, in the District of Columbia. The petitioner alleges that said Jane resides out of the State of Maryland, and is absent therefrom. It is thereupon, this 14th January, 1853, adjudged and ordered by said Court, that by publication in some daily newspaper of the city of Baltimore, and also of the District of Columbia, once a week for four successive weeks, before the 10th day of March next, to answer said petition, and show cause why a decree shall not be passed as prayed. [Signed] William Frick. Test: Edward Dowling, Clerk. [Legal Notice, Daily National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Jan 19, 1853.]
WHEELWRIGHT, John and Caroline Eliza. Mr. Mercer, House of Representatives,
presented a petition of John Wheelwright, of Alexandria in the District of
Columbia, praying to be divorced from his wife, Caroline Eliza [Payson]
Wheelwright, on the ground of her insanity at the present, as well as at the
time of her marriage. On motion, it was ordered that the said petition be
referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia. [Notice in the National
Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Dec 17, 1822.]
WHEELWRIGHT, John and Caroline Eliza.
The Senate took up the bill to divorce John Wheelwright of Alexandria and
Carolina Eliza Wheelwright, his wife. [Mr. Wheelwright petitions for a divorce
on the ground of insanity of his wife at the time of his marriage (though then
to him unknown); of the increase of the malady until it became entirely settled
and confirmed of its having now continued for several years, and the belief (in
which he has the opinion of the physicians in whose care she has been long
placed), that the insanity is incurable.] A long and feeling debate took place
on this bill - chiefly on these points: Whether the insanity actually existed at
the time of marriage so as to render the contract void; whether an affliction of
this character ought to dissolve the marriage contract; whether, if it was
entitled to relief, the tribunal appointed for the purpose of granting such
relief in the State of Massachusetts (where the marriage was contracted) was not
the proper place for the petitioner to seek it; whether it was right for
Congress to grant divorces at all (it has never yet granted one), &c &c. It was
agreed on all hands the facts being generally admitted that it was a case of
great hardship. Messrs. Barbour and Southard advocated the bill with much
earnestness. It was opposed by Messrs. King of New York, Benton Mills, Holmes of
Maine, and Chandler. Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts without taking sides on the bill
spoke in corroboration of the facts set forth by the petitioner and as to the
great respectability of the connections of the lady residing in Boston. The
question being taken on ordering the bill to be engrossed and read a third time,
it was decided in the negative by yeas and nays so the bill was rejected.
[National Intelligencer, Wash, DC, Feb 24, 1823.]
WILSON, Annie & James:
Alimony for Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Annie F. Wilson, who is suing her husband,
James E. Wilson, for divorce, was yesterday afternoon granted alimony in the sum
of $60 per month, pending future proceedings in the case. Judge Hagner signed
the order. [The Morning Times, August 01, 1895, page 2]
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