1400 Alabama Ave. SE, 20032, (202) 562-5831
Established in 1807 by local residents, given to Christ Church, Capitol Hill, in 1808. Cemetery's website
3233 15th Place SE, 20002, (202) 563-1775
4100 River Rd. NW; AKA Methodist Cemetery, AKA Tennallytown Cemetery
Located adjacent to the Old Methodist Burying Ground. This was a burial society for free blacks; many of its members were affiliated with Mount Zion United Methodist Church. After Mount Zion took over the Dumbarton Cemetery, distinctions between the two cemeteries faded in the public mind, and the two properties together became popularly known as the Mount Zion Cemetery. Beginning in the late 1950s, real estate developers made numerous efforts to purchase the two properties. They wanted to disinter and move all the graves and construct luxury townhouses on the site. Lengthy court battles ensued; in 1975, U.S.District Judge Oliver Gasch issued a court order forbidding disinterments and appointed trustees to administer the cemeteries. Because the vault was probably a stop on the Underground Railroad, the property has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Black History Trail.
All graves are Jesuit priests. Many of the graves are in Latin so the names are Latinized.
Located on the grounds of Georgetown Visitation. AKA Georgetown Visitation Monastery Cemetery
Established in 1854, expanded significantly during Civil War, when 1500 graves were moved from graveyard of original Foundry United Methodist Church.
The original Catholic burying ground of Georgetown. Graves originally located in the Holy Trinity Churchyard were moved here in the early 19th century. Burials continued throughout the 19th century, generally in family plots. By last quarter of the century, burials were generally at Mt. Olivet. The Holy Rood plot books are kept in the Georgetown University Library.
Early 19th century, gatehouse built 1839. Cemetery's website
Oak Hill is a private cemetery located off R Street NW. It was chartered
by the U.S. Congress in 1849. Oak Hill was developed as a Victorian garden
where visitors can enjoy the botanical garden-style plantings, meditate and
enjoy the wonders of nature. Architect James Renwick designed the chapel.
There are a number of pre-1849 graves in the cemetery, mostly those who were
originally buried in either the Methodist or Presbyterian cemeteries in Georgetown and
disinterred and reburied at Oak Hill after 1849.
Q St., NW, between 27th and Q St. Bridge
Land purchased in 1808 by Montgomery Street Methodist Church (now Dumbarton United Methodist ).
Two-thirds was set aside for white burials, the other third for African-American burials. White
burials continued in the property until after the Civil War, although decreased after Oak Hill opened in 1849.
Several white graves were disinterred and moved between 1849 and 1892; most of those were buried at Oak Hill.
In 1879, Mount Zion leased the cemetery from Dumbarton for 99 years. African-American members of Mount Zion were buried
in the remaining available sections and in the plots left open by the white disinterments. The last burial was in 1950.
Founded 1858, the cemetery was originally affiliated with the Concordia Lutheran Church, an early German-speaking congregation. Of over 14,000 burials, 75% are German-American. There is a history of the cemetery available for purchase from the cemetery office. Cemetery's website
The oldest cemetery in DC. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, built 1775, is adjacent.
Contains significant number of Greek and Italian graves. Oldest grave is 1862.
3101 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest; AKA Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
4611 Benning Road Southeast
Many thanks to Jane Donovan for contributions related to the Methodist Churches and Cemeteries of the DC & Georgetown area.
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