The land was originally acquired between 1663 and 1703 by -
1. William Hutchison, owner of "The Vineyard," April 6, 1689
2. John Watson, owner of "Newbottle," Recorded 1687.
3. John Langworth, owner of "Widow's Mite," Oct. 10, 1664.
4. John Lewger, owner of "Layron Stone," before 1666.
5. Richard and William Pinner, owner of "Fathers' Gift," Oct. 11, 1666.
6. John Peerce, owner of "Jamaica" and of "Port Royal," Sept. 23, 1685.
7. Francis Pope, owner of "Rome" on the Tyber, June 5, 1663.
8. Robert Troope, owner of "Scotland Yard," June 5, 1663.
9. George Thompson, owner of "Duddington Manor," Duddington Pasture," and "New Troy," Feb. 12, 1663.
10. Walter Houp, owner of "Houp Yard," July 20, 1686.
11. Walter Thomson, owner of "The Nock," Feb. 16, 1686.
12. Andrew Clarke, owner of "Meurs," Sept. 24, 1685.
13. Zachariah Wade, owner of "Brothers Purchase," July 16, 1670.
14. Richard Evans, owner of "Barbadoe," March 30, 1685.
15. William Atcheson, tract unamed, 1698.
16. Walter Evans, owner of "Nameless," Dec. 9, 1698.
17. Col. Henry Jowles, owner of "The Grange," Feb. 25, 1685.
18. Col. Ninian Beall, owner of "The Inclosure," Oct. 2, 1687.
In the excellent book, The Center: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Capital Area, Christina Schaefer cites a work by Suzanne Hilton, published in Heritage Quest, Vol.55, pgs. 67-79, listing the names of owners of original lots auctioned by the Federal Government. This data is abstracted from the Washington Advertiser 1804-06, (available on microfilm). Also, the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, District of Columbia (441 4th St., NW, DC 10001, tel: (202)727-5374) has typed transcript copies of all the early deeds from 1792-1869. These would give geographical descriptions of the land parcels in question. I am unaware as to whether they maintain the original plat books. On this point, it is worth asking the Historical Society of Washington, DC Library tel: (202)785-2064.
Another excellent source for locating old street names of historical Washington City: Maps of the District of Columbia and City of Washington and Plats of the Squares and Lots of the City of Washington, printed in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the United States, Washington: Printed by A. Boyd Hamilton, 1852. A copy may be found at the Martin Luther King Library.
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