Containing * Births & Deaths * Disasters * Commodities for Sale * Service Advertisements * Slave Trade and Indentured Servants * Lost-Found-Wanted-Rewards * Boarding & Rentals * Real & Personal Property Sales and Auctions * Court Ordered Sales and Foreclosures * Federal Territorial Land Sales * Legal Notices * Federal Procurements * Meetings & Lectures * Congressional Events * Ship Arrivals /Departures * Editorials & Commentary * Miscellaneous Notices
Birth. Norwalk (Connecticut) Nov. 8. As many of our brother editors appear to be vieing with each other for the credit of giving celebrity to the greatest productions of various domestic articles, we insert the following note which we have just received from a correspondent: "The wife of Mr. AMOS WEED of N. Stamford, was delivered of three fine boys on Monday, the 31st ult. which, together, weighed 20 pounds, and are likely to do well." -- "The Gazette."
Died. At Annapolis, on Sunday evening last, after a short but severe illness, JAMES MUNROE, Esq. Postmaster of that City. In him society has been deprived of one of its most estimable members. His memory will long be cherished and his loss deplored.
Explosion. Philadelphia, Nov. 9. Yesterday morning, between 11 and 12 o'clock, an explosion took place at the extensive establishment called the Nitre Hall Mills, by which the barrel mill and about 2,500 pounds of powder, in it at the time, were blown up. We are happy to learn that no lives were lost, or any persons injured, by the explosion. The shock and report were heard distinctly in this city. The mill was blown up on last New Year's day, and we understand had been rebuilt in a very superior manner.
New York, Nov. 8. The schooner Junius, Captain LEARY, which sailed from this port about the 12th of September, for Alvarado, was wrecked in the beginning of October on the Bahama Banks. Her cargo was insured for $100,000. A part of it reached Nassau, and was sold for $10,000.
New York, Nov. 10. We are favored with an Havana paper of the 23 ult. which gives the particulars of a gale at Trinidad, Cuba, on the 1st, the most violent ever experienced there. Much injury was done to the town and harbor. The brigs Borrell, Pilot, and Union, schooner Lucy, from Baltimore, all with part cargoes on board, with most of the other vessels and small craft, were driven high ashore, said to be near a mile on the land. The Borrell was afterwards attacked by a gang of robbers, but succeeded in beating them off. --"The Merc. Adv."
Carpetings!! Carpetings!!! I have just received 600 years best quality Kiderminster Carpetings - together with a splendid assortment of Merino Long Shawls, Shaded and fig'd Silks, for Pelisses, Plain Barge and shaded Cote Paly, for Ladies' Dresses, with many other fancy and staple Goods, suitable for the season; all of which will be sold on pleasing terms. PHILIP T. BERRY, Georgetown.
Credit Sale. New and Second-Hand Furniture. On Tuesday, the 15th inst. at 12 o'clock, M, I shall sell to the highest bidder, without reserve, in front of the City Auction Rooms: 3 Mahogany first rate sideboards; 12 best curled-hair mattresses; bedsteads of various kinds; 1 new Brussels carpet; 3 bureaus; 2 breakfast tables; 1 side saddle; 3 mantle lamps; fancy and common chairs; 1 Liverpool made coal grate; 2 stoves; and many other articles. Terms: On all sums above $20, a credit of 60 days, for notes satisfactorily endorsed. P. MAURO, Auct'r.
Sale of Furs in Baltimore. By B. FRANKLIN STEIGER, No. 2, Lorman Row. To Hatters and Furriers. On Wednesday next, the 16th of November, at 12 o'clock, I shall sell, on a liberal credit, at Warehouse No. 3 [sic], Lorman Row, Hanover street, in lots to suit purchasers, 8000 Muskrat and Nutria Skins. B. FRANKLIN STEIGER, Auctioneer.
New Dry Goods Store. JAMES A. WATERS, has just received from the North, and is now opening at the new store at the south-east corner of King and Fairfax streets, Alexandria, (recently occupied by Messrs. Withers & Washington) a handsome assortment of seasonable dry goods, among which are the following articles: [Transcriber's note: The published list, which takes up nearly an entire column, describes an assortment of silks, satins, linens, flannels, tartan plaids, and so forth. If you are interested in a fuller description of the ad, send an email to, citing the first line of the ad, the newspaper date and "Page 1."]
Evening Sale. This evening, at half past six o'clock, I shall sell a great variety of fancy articles and dry goods, consisting of: Backgammon boards; chess boards and chess men; pocket books; inkstands and pencils; mathematical instruments; blank books, &c. &c. Also, cloths, cassimeres, blankets; quilts, linens, shirtings; sheetings, calicoes; muslins, shawls; cravats, hosiery, &c. &c. M. POOR, Auct'r.
Auction Sales. At half past 10 o'clock, on Saturday morning, at the Auction Store, I shall sell a great variety of articles, viz: 3 bureaus; 2 sideboards; bedsteads, high and low posts; cots, mattrasses; dining and breakfast tables; candlestands, work tables; a variety of chairs; settee; ten-plate and grate stoves; first quality of feather beds; plated candlesticks; knives and forks, full sets; quilts, blankets; with many articles of chamber and kitchen furniture. Also, a few barrels shad, apples, onions, cheese, bags coffee, &c. &c. MOSES POOR, Auc.
VARNUM & WEBB have received a great proportion of their Fall supplies, comprising an extensive and splendid assortment of Staple and Fancy goods. Among which are superfine and common Cloths and Cassimeres, in great variety, Carpeting and Rugs, Rose and point Blankets, Flannels, Baizes, Moreens, real Tartan and Caroline Plaids, Bombazetts, Bombazines, Grecian and Caspian Stripes, Worsted Camlets, Lin. and Dorchester Bedtics, Table and Piano Covers, real Damask Table Cloths, Marseilles Quilts, common Knotted, Counterpanes, Irish Linen and Sheetings, Linen Cambric, Ginghams, calicoes, Furniture Prints, colored cambric, Jaconet, Mull, Swiss, and India Muslins, figured and plain, 4-4 Bobbinett Laces and Veils, Thread Bobbinett and Blond Laces, Edgings, insertings, and Trimmings, Lace and Paris wrought Caps, Florences and Satins, assorted colors; rich India Satins, Senchaws, Sarsnets and Umbrella Silks, Plain and shaded figured and Satin-striped Silks, rich and the most fashionable patterns; Pelisse Trimmings, Crape Lisse assorted, Silk Berage, Daman Gauze, French Crapes assorted, Gauzes Arophane, Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted colors, Ombre Silk Velvet, Bossella, and Plush Velvets, for bonnets, real Ostrich Feathers, black, white, pink, and blue Ostrich Plumes, a splendid assortment of fashionable Ribbons and Belts, Merino and Cashmere Shawls, fancy Handkerchiefs, English and French silk, worsted, and lambs' wool Hosiery, silk and other Gloves, Madame Cantello's Corsets, Shell Combs, &c.&c. Together with almost every other article usually to be found in a Dry Goods Store, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Persons desirous of buying genuine goods, will do well to call and examine for themselves.
Carriage and Harness at Auction. On Saturday (tomorrow) at 12 o'clock M. in front of the auction store, a very good second hand carriage without reserve, for cash. M. POOR, Auct.
English Books. Historical view of the Literature [of the?] South of Europe. By C. L. SIMONDE DE SISMONDI [unreadable] by THOMAS ROSCOE, Esq., 4 vol. $16. Arabian Nights Entertainment, complete in 1 vol. with many plats $2.50. Practical Chemical Mineralogy, by FREDERICK JOYCE, Operative Chemist, &c. $2.50. Adventures of a Post Captain. By a Naval Officer with characteristic engravings, 1 vol. $4. The Little Lexicon; or [Maltum?] in Parvo of the English language -- containing upwards of 2000 words more than are to be found in JOHNSON's Dictionary, 1 vol. 48p, Price $2.50. A Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years Residence in South America, in 3 vols. By W. B. STEVENSON, $13. Just received on sale by PISHEY THOMPSON.
Lately Published, Memoirs and Correspondence of RICHARD H. LEE; [unreadable] on Children; Art of Beauty; Rammohun Roya Writings, &c. &c. PISHEY THOMPSON.
DYSON & SMITH have opened an extensive wine and grocery store on Pennsylvania Avenue, two doors west from 8th Street. The articles they offer for sale are all of the first quality - selected in New York with great care and judgment.
-- Wines: Old Leacock and Murdock Madeira, Sherry, Cape and Sicily Madeira, Teneriffe, Lisbon, Canary, Colmemar, Malaga Sweet and Dry, Burgundy, Champaigne, Hock, Port, Claret and Rousillon - warranted pure as imported.
-- Brandies: Old Otard, Dupuy, & Co, Seignette and Bordeaux.
-- Rum: Jamaica, St. Croix, and Antigua.
-- Whiskey; London Brown Stout, Porter and Ale. A general assortment of Martinique cordials, fresh.
-- Teas: Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Skin, Pouchong, Souchong, Bohea - the latest importations.
-- Sugars: Double refined loaf, lump, white, Havana, St. Croix, Jamaica, Muscovado, and New Orleans. Sugar house Molasses.
-- Coffee: Old Jamaica, Laguira, and St. Domingo.
-- Sperm candles, winter and summer strained oil, very superior light and brown "Cabanos" cigars and Chewing Tobacco.
-- Cheese: Fine Apple and Goshen.
-- Spices: Nutmegs, cloves, mace, cinnamon, ginger, alspice, cayenne, and black pepper, london mustard.
-- Fruit: Muscatel, Bloom, and keg raisins, currants, prunes, citron, almonds, and filberts, vermicili, macaroons.
-- Salad oil, olives, capers, anchovies, and a general assortment of fresh pickles and sauces.
Hardware and Fancy Goods. INGLE, LINDSLEY & INGLE, at their old established store, opposite BROWN's Hotel, offer for sale, on their usual terms, a large and very general assortment of goods in their line, of their own and other recent importations, and of domestic manufacture, selecting with attention and procured on the most advantageous terms -- to which the attention of the public is solicited, with a confidence that at no other establishment of the kind in the District can they be better served. Among their goods may be found -- [Transcriber's note: The list consists of hardware, kitchen, and building supply items. If you are interested in a copy of the full list, send an email to, citing the first line of the ad, the newspaper date and "Page 1."]
Cream of Nardus, The Ancient Spikenard. One of the most efficacious and innocent productions ever yet discovered, for making the hair grow thick, long, and glossy, while at the same time it effectually prevents it from turning grey. Ladies and Gentlemen who are desirous of preserving or acquiring that beautiful ornament, a fine head of hair, have only to afford this preparation a fair trial, to be fully convinced of its really being one of the most powerful auxiliaries they could possibly employ for the attainment of their purpose; as it not only admirably promotes the rapid growth of the hair, and prevents it from falling off, but at the same time it perfectly preserves its natural gloss, color, and beauty, even to extreme old age. To artificial tresses, also, it is of considerable service; as it imparts a delicate perfume, gives the gloss of nature, and considerably strengthens the curl, which oils of every description invariably tend to weaken, if not to destroy; but for this purpose it should be used to profusely. The Spikenard of the Ancients - Much difference in opinion has arisen among the curious and the learned as to what the previous ointment was composed of. The late Sir WILLIAM JONES was of opinion that this celebrated ointment was procured from the root of the Valeriana Jatamansi, which is found growing only in India. Mr. LAMBERT tell us, also, in his illustration of the genus Chinchona, that the Valeriana jatamansi is identical with the Spikenard of the ancients, while Mr. PHILLIPS, in his late work on Vegetables, positively asserts that it was made from Lavender, and which, he says, was called Nardus in Greek, from Narda, a city of Syria, near the Euphrates, and that it was also called spica, spike; because, among all the verticillated plants, this alone bears a spike. Prepared and sold by the proprietors, E. HOPKIN & Co., No 83 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia; sold also by WILLIAM GUNTON, Washington City, and by their accredited agents throughout the United States. Price one dollar per bottle.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, &c. The subscriber has just received by the sloop Vernon, from New York, the following, viz: 20 hhds lst quality Sugar; 20 chests and half chests Tea; 20 bags Coffee; 10 hhds Molasses; 25 casks Cheese; 50 dozen brooms; 2000 bunches Onions; 500 heads Cabbage; 10 kegs Tobacco; 20 bbls Vinegar; 20 half barrels Buckwheat Meal; 20 boxes Pipes; 25 boxes Mould Candles (new); 5 kegs Salt Petre. Apply to JOEL CRUTTENDEN, Georgetown.
Remembrancers of 1826. The Gentleman's Annual Pocket Remembrancer for the year 1826, containing an Almanac, Ruled Pages for Memoranda, Tariff, Lists of Ports of Entry in the U. States and Custom House Officers, Post Office Establishment, Federal Government, Intercourse with Foreign Nations, Governors of the States, Navy List, Army List, Marine Corps, &c. &c. $1.25. Also, the American Ladies' Pocket Book, for 1826; containing a Calendar, selections of Prose, Poetry, New Songs, Enigmas, Charades, Favorite Dances, Fashionable Dresses of the Year, &c. &c., bound in Morocco, $1.25. Just published, and on sale by PISHEY THOMPSON.
Glade Butter. Just received by the subscriber, 50 kegs Glade Butter from Somerset County, Pennsylvania. SAML STETTINIUS.
Parlour Stoves. A few ornamental and serviceable Franklin Stoves of entire new patterns, suitable for Public Offices and Parlours. Also POSTLEY's Improved Patent Iron Fire Places, and a few sets backs and jams -- just received and for sale by INGLE, LINDSLEY & INGLE, opposite BROWN's Hotel.
Superior Havana Segars and Chewing Tobacco. Just received, for sale -- 20,000 very superior Havana Segars, in whole, half, and quarter boxes, Dosamago's brand, light brown and yellow, surpassed by none ever introduced into this market. Also, 800 pounds best quality old stemmed and fibred Cavendish chewing tobacco, four years old, of fine rich flavor. At the old establishment of DUPORT & Co, corner of 12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. LEWIS JOHNSON.
Copartnership Formed. The subscribers respectfully inform their customers and the public, that they have joined in partnership under the firm of PASSET & FADHEIULLE, thereby uniting all branches to the Upholsterer's line. They will always have on hand a general assortment of furniture, of the most approved patterns, and will be able, at the shortest notice, to comply with any order whatever, and to any amount. They will always have a constant supply of the best feathers and hair, also. A superb assortment of paperhangings, and borders to match, of the newest designs, both of French and American manufacture. The subscribers individually tender their thanks for the very liberal encouragement they have received, and are confident that their union will tend to give satisfaction to those who will favor them with their commands. PASSET & FADHEIULLE.
Patent Thrashing Machine. POPE's Patent Thrashing Machines, for getting out Wheat, Rye, or any other small Grain, are offered for sale by the subscriber, who has at this time two made by a first rate workman, and of the very best materials. These machines are capable of getting out with two horses, at the rate of from 75 to 100 bushels of Wheat per day, as will be seen by the annexed certificates. CARY SELDEN, Agent for the Patentee.
---POPE's Thrashing Machine. The following certificates have been received by the proprietor of this machine, which are presented to the agricultural community for the purpose of confirming the representations heretofore made of its usefulness and capacity:
---Tree Hill, near Richmond, 24th Sept. 1824. This is to certify, that one of POPE's Patent Thrashing Machines (made in Washington) for thrashing wheat has this season thrashed out my crop, consisting of about twelve hundred bushels; and it will get out with two mules, eighty bushels per day, it having done this for three days in succession from purple straw above the ordinary growth (from 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 feet long) - and when worked by the our, it got out 11 bushels, as I am informed by my overseer and others who were present. This machine requires less force to work it than any other I HAVE SEEN. J. M. SELDEN.
--- Curle's on James River, Va. Sept. 1824. Mr. JOSEPH POPE: Dear Sir, In answer to your inquire relative to the performance of your machine made by S. V. MERRICK & Co. for me I have to inform you that it has thrashed an average of 70 bushels of wheat per day, and on examination of the straw after passing through the machine, I found it well thrashed. I think your machine the best now in use for such farmers as make small crops of wheat; it requiring less force to manage, and less power to drive it, than any other machine I have seen. The machines sent to Virginia by S. V. MERRICK & Co. were badly built, the horse-wheel being too small, and the materials too slender to bear the pressure necessary to drive the machine. When these defects are remedied, I feel confident that your machine will succeed. Very respectfully yours, WADE MOSBY, Jus.
---The machines, well made, can be seen and examined on application to CARY SELDEN, Esq., Washington City.
Dancing. Mr. P. L. DUPORT, having been requested by several young gentlemen of Georgetown to open an Evening School for Dancing, gives notice that if he can make up a sufficient number, he will commence his instruction for the evenings on Monday next, the 14th November, after the duties of the afternoon school are finished. Application may be made to Mr. D. at the Union Hotel, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
WILLIAM I. STONE, engraver and copper plate printer, Pennsylvania Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets, and next door to C. ECKLOFF's. Merchant Tailor. Where everything generally connected with the above occupation will be promptly attended to, at the New York and Philadelphia prices. Ladies and gentlemen wishing visiting or invitation cards, by calling as above can be supplied on the shortest possible notice.
Dancing. Mr. DUPORT presents his respects to the citizens of Washington, and informs them that he will resume his instructions in dancing, on Tuesday, the 15th of November, at Mrs. STONE's Boarding School, for young ladies, and on the same day, at his long room over the Snuff Store, corner of 12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, for young gentlemen. The duties of the female school will commence at 4 o'clock P.M. and those for young gentlemen at 6 P.M. Days of tuition, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For particulars inquire at Mrs. STONE's Seminary.
The Washington and Baltimore Stage Company have this day reduced their fare to $3 in the Accommodation Lines. The Mail continues as heretofore. They also respectfully inform the Public, that they have put on the route an additional line, and are prepared to accommodate all passengers that may offer. Stages will be in readiness at the Steamboat Landing in Washington and Baltimore on the arrival of the boats. The Proprietors.
Practising Parties, at the Assembly Rooms. For Junior Classes. LEWIS CARUSI inform his present and former pupils that his first practising will take place on Saturday evening 22nd October, at early candlelight, and continue on the same days and hour once every fortnight. A subscription for these parties may be seen at the above place. No person will be admitted at these parties but pupils and subscribers, and their parents and guardians. Hours of tuition at the Assembly Room: Private lessons every morning from 8 till 12 o'clock A.M. Classes for young ladies: Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, from 12 till 3 o'clock P.M. Classes for young gentlemen: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from 12 till 3 o'clock P.M. Evening classes for senior and junior gentlemen: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from 5 o'clock P. M. to 9 o'clock at night.
For Sale. Two likely Negro boys of excellent dispositions, one 18, the other 14 years old and can be recommended for either house or farm work. They will not be sold to go out of the District of Columbia or State of Maryland. Inquire of P. MAURO, Auctioneer. Also, for hire, a colored Boy, aged about 12 years, accustomed to house work.
$20 Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, living near the Eastern Branch Bridge, in the District of Columbia, on the 23d inst. a Negro Man, named BILL about 38 years of age, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, tolerable well made, and of a very dark copper color; his clothing unknown, but I expect they are very indifferent, as he took nothing from home with him but his working clothes, but he might procure others. He has no particular marks that I recollect, only short feet, and the points of is great toes joining, his feet are uncommonly large, and very broad across that part of his feet; the balls of his eyes inclined to be red; he has a very bad countenance, and when spoken to or examined, he is very apt to scratch his head. The above reward will be given if taken out of the District, and $10 if taken in the District, including what the law allows, and confined in any jail so that I get him again, or all reasonable charges paid if brought home. LEWIN TALBURTT. July 27.
$75 Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, on the night of the 14th or 15th instant, a Negro lad named ABNER, calls himself ABNER RILEY; he is about five feet 2 or 3 inches high, and between 28 and 20 years of age; has a large fleshy face, an intelligent countenance, dark complection, lips rather thick, and flat nose; he is quite sprightly when spoken to, is pretty chunky and stout built, stoops considerably when standing or walking. He has been brought up as a house servant, at which he is very handy; he took with him a blue cloth coat which on examination may be discovered that it has been turned and remade; also one corduroy roundabout and pantaloons, 2 pair of shoes, one coarse the other lined and bound, 1 pair black bombazette pantaloons, and one hat; his other clothing not recollected. It is supposed he left the neighborhood in company with five or six who ran away about the same time and are making for the state of Pennsylvania or Ohio, and may possibly change his name. I will give the above reward if apprehended out of the states of Maryland and Virginia, or $40 if in the state of Maryland, $20 if in the state of Virginia, and secured so that I get him. JOHN BOYD, Middleburg, Loudoun County, VA.
$100 Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, living in Prince George's County, Md, on Thursday the 6th of October, Negro man LEWIS, commonly called LEWIS BUTLER. Lewis is about six feet high, very dark mulatto, spare made, very long limbs, with very long feet and hands; about 20 years of age; clothing, coarse Oznabergs Shirt and Trowsers, and other clothing not recollected. I will give $50 if taken in the State or District of Columbia; if out of the State, the above reward, and all reasonable charges, if brought home or confined in any jail, so that I get him again. THOMAS SNOWDEN, JR.
$100 Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, on the night of the 15th instant, a Negro man named CHARLES (calls himself CHARLES PETERS) about five feet, 6 or 7 inches high; light complexion, bordering on the mulatto; stout made, rather pleasant countenance when spoken to, has one of his front teeth considerably decayed. He took with him a variety of clothing; among the articles carried off the following are recollected: 2 blue close bodied coats, 2 blue turnout coats, 1 pair black cloth pantaloons, 3 cotton shirts, 2 cotton and linen shirts, and 1 pair of boots. I will give the above reward of $100 if said man be apprehended out of the states of Maryland and Virginia, $50 if apprehended in the state of Maryland, or $25 if taken up in the state of Virginia; and in either case secured so that I get him again, with all fair charges if brought home. NOBLE BEVERIDGE, Middleburg, Loudoun County, VA, Oct. 16, 1825. The Hagerstown Torch Light is requested to publish the above one month and forward account to this office for payment.
Bank Stock Wanted. Wanted to purchase, on short time, a few thousand dollars of Bank Stock to be secured by mortgage on real estate, of twice or thrice the value. A considerable advance on the current price will be given; inquire of JOHN H. BAKER, City Hall.
Thirty Dollars Reward. Was stolen from the subscriber's stable, about one mile from Boonsborough, on Monday night, 7th instant, a large grey horse, about 16 hands high, 7 years old, of lofty carriage, a natural and heavy trotter; has been worked under the saddle and rubbed by the hind gears; shod all around, his fore shoes steel toes; no particular marks recollected. At the same time was taken a double skirted wagon, saddle, with a leather girth, and sheepskin in place of a saddle cloth, which cannot be observed without close inspection. The above reward will be given for the horse and thief, or $20 for the horse and $10 for the thief, and all reasonable expenses paid. JACOB SCHECHTER.
To Printers and Editors. A situation is wanted by a young man, as Foreman or Overseer of a Printing Office, either in the Job, Book or Newspaper Departments. Satisfactory recommendations will be given. Apply to Mr. THOMAS DONOHO, at the Office of the National Intelligencer.
An advertisement appears in the last Petersburg Chronicle, offering a reward of $500 for the recovery of a trunk, containing, among other things, $8,000 in bank notes, which trunk was cut from behind the Southern Stage, between Capt JOHN WYNN's in Ravenscroft, and the North Spring. The advertisement is signed by "HARVEY WILLIAMS."
$100 Reward. Mail Robbery. The following Bank Notes having been placed in the Battletown, Virginia, Post Office, and never received by their owner, the subscriber is authorized to offer the above reward for such information respecting them as will lead to their recovery and the detection of the thief, or half this amount for the money only. It is hoped that the Cashiers of Banks who may see this notice will not fail to observe all cut notes of this description, in the hope that they may in some way be recovered. (1) One note of $50, No. 1985, Winchester Branch of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, payable to J. SINGLETON, and dated November 6, 1812. (2) One other note of $50, No. 2621, same bank, payable to the same, dated November 19, 1812. (3) One other note of $50, No. 4865, same bank, payable to DANIEL LEE, dated June 25, 1813. (4) One other note of $50, No. 1241, same bank, but branch not recollected, payable to C. DRINKER, dated Feb. 2, 1815. (5) One other note of $50, No. 772, same bank. but branch not recollected, payable to C. DENNIS, dated July 2, 1813. Each signed by B. HATCHER, President, and WILLIAM NEKERVIS, Cashier. Making in all the sums of $250, transmitted in half notes through the Battletown, Virginia, post office, as above stated, in April and June last, directed to HUMPHREY SHEPHERD, Franklin, Howard County, Missouri. The attention of persons in the habit of receiving large notes, is most earnestly requested to this notice, that the bills may be recovered, similar depredations on the mail department checked, and the security of remittances rendered inviolate. WILLIAM CASTLEMAN, JR., for HUMPHREY SHEPHERD.
Strayed or Stolen, from the door of JAMES C. WHITE, residing at the corner of E and 10th Streets West, on the night on Monday, the 31st ultimo, a sorrel horse, with a star in his forehead, a snip of white on one of his nostrils, the left hind foot white, and nearly blind, for the cure of which an operation has been performed on both his eyes, the scar of which is probably still remaining. The horse is from sixteen to sixteen and a half hands high, and from 7 to 8 years of age. There were taken with him a new saddle and bridle with a Martingale. Whoever will return said horse, saddle, and bridle, or the horse without the later, will be liberally rewarded. Apply at JAMES C. WHITE's aforesaid, to THOMAS BILLMEYER, Butcher.
Maryland, Prince George's County, to wit: I hereby certify that BASIL BROWN, of said county, brought before me, as a stay trespassing on his enclosures, a Sorrel Gelding, about 6 years old, between 13 and 14 hands high, the right fore and hind foot white, star in the forehead, and snip on the nose, long mane and tail, no shoes on, trots and gallops. Given under hand of me one of the justices of the peace, in and for said county, this 1st day of November, 1825. BENJAMIN L. GANTT. The owner of the above described horse is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. BASIL BROWN.
Found. On the evening after the Races, a saddle and bridle, which the owner can have by describing the same, and for paying for this advertisement. Apply at JAMES MOORE's Tavern, Washington City. AMMON GREEN.
For Rent. A spacious, elegant, and commodious dwelling house, in First Street, Georgetown. This house is the second (counting from the eastern end) in that very handsome block of buildings known by the name of COX's Row. Its situation is very pleasant and convenient. A stable and carriage house are attached to it, and all the offices requisite for a commodious residence. For terms, apply to C. C. LEE, at this house or Gen. WALTER JONES' Office, Washington.
Public Sale. Will be sold, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 5th day of December next, at 10 o'clock, at the late residence of SAMUEL PHILLIPS of Prince George's County, deceased, all the personal estate of the said PHILLIPS, consisting of Negroes, household and kitchen furniture, farm stock of all kinds, grain, farming utensils, tobacco, &c. &c. Terms of sale - all sums of five dollars and above, a credit of six months with bond and approved security; and for all sums below, cash. OVERTON PHILLIPS and SAMUEL PHILLIPS, Executors.
Wharf for Sale. Will be sold at public auction on Monday, the 21st of November next, at 10 o'clock, A.M. the whole Square southeast of Square 267, with a Wharf and other improvements thereon. This Wharf, commonly called the Steam Boat Wharf, lies immediately below and next to the Potomac Bridge. The proximity of this property to the centre of the City, with several well improved streets leading directly to it, make it a most excellent situation for a commercial establishment, or for the lumber and wood business. The square (containing 8100 feet) is on lease for ninety-nine years, renewable forever, with the right of purchasing out the fee simple, at twenty cents per square foot, or holding it under the lease, by the payment of $100.19 per annum. One half of the purchase money must be paid at the time of sale, and the balance in six and twelve months thereafter; when a good and sufficient conveyance of all the right, title, and interest of the heirs of GEORGE MOORE, deceased, in and to the same will be made to the purchaser. THOMAS CARBERY, Agent for the Adm'x of GEORGE MOORE, deceased. MOSES POOR, Auct'r.
An Excellent Farm for Sale. This farm lies in Fairfax County, consisting of 4 or 500 acres, called Mount Rocky, adjoining the land of Mr. JOHN LLOYD, Mr. STEPHEN DANIEL, Mr. CHARLES C. STUART, and others; it is well timbered and watered, of excellent quality, and very healthy, and a very good neighborhood, &c. This Farm has a tolerable good Dwelling House, with other necessary improvements on it.
Also one other Farm. In Fairfax County, containing about 350 acres, 150 of which are very heavily timbered, and the balance nearly all fresh, of excellent quality, and in good state of improvement, and lies adjoining the land of Mr. FRANCIS L. LEE, Mr. HARRISON FITZHUGH, and Capt CHARLES TURLEY's Heirs. Both these farms are well adapted to the growth of timothy and clover, and to the use of plaister; and at a convenient distance of each other. The turnpike road leading from Alexandria to Winchester passing within a mile of each of these Farms renders the carriage of grain to market quite easy. The terms will be made easy, as I am determined to sell. GEORGE LEE TURBERVILLE.
Land for Sale. By virtue of power vested in my, by the last will and testament of JOHN SMITH MAGRUDER, late of Prince Georges County, Maryland, I will sell at private bargain, two hundred acres of land, more or less, situated in said county, about half way between the City of Washington and Upper Marlborough, nearly opposite to Middletown. About two thirds of this land abounds with the finest Oak Wood and Timber; the balance contains some improvements of various kinds, and a portion of fine Meadow Land, with a never failing stream of water running through the whole. For terms apply to N. M. McGREGOR, living about three miles distant from the said land; or to the subscriber, in Washington City. CHARLES B. HAMILTON, Trustee.
Land for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, the farm on which he now resides, in Fairfax County, Virginia, about 800 acres, 300 of which, are in wood, and heavily timbered; the balance, cleared and well situated, being for the most part level and easily cultivated. The soil is of excellent quality, and well adapted to corn, wheat, rye, and grass. Upwards of 100 acres of meadow land, of the very best quality, may be selected on different parts of the farm. So that anyone wishing to establish a grazing and dairy farm, would find this peculiarly suited to his views, being situated immediately on a good turnpike road about 4 miles below Alexandria, and 10 from Washington City, and within two miles of the Potomac River. The improvements consist of a new two-story brick dwelling, comfortably and conveniently arranged, and situated on an eminence which commands a view of the whole farm, and is covered with a grove of beautiful oaks and other forest trees; a brick smoke-house, and a well of excellent water immediately at the door, besides the usual buildings, such as overseer's house, Negro quarters, stable, barn, &c. Two hundred bushels of wheat, and between sixty and seventy of rye, have been sown this fall. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the premises to any gentleman disposed to purchase, and in his absence application may be made to THOMSON F. MASON, Esq. of Alexandria. R. C. MASON.
Trustee's Sale. Will be sold at public auction, by order of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, on Saturday, the 19th November, instant, to the highest bidder, all the real and personal property of GEORGE and THOMAS O. ST. CLAIR, consisting of several acres of land, improved and unimproved; farming utensils, cattle, hogs, several valuable Negros, male and female, and a variety of household and kitchen furniture. The sale will take place at the house of GEORGE ST. CLAIR, near the Bladensburg road, about a mile from the Spring Tavern. Terms a credit of three and six months, notes satisfactorily endorsed will be required to secure the payment of the purchase money. By ENOCH BRYAN, Trustee.
Public Sale. By order of the Orphans' Court of Prince Geoge's county, the subscriber will offer at public sale, on Thursday the first day of December next, if fair -- and if not, the next fair day -- all the personal property of Captain AZEL BEALL, deceased, (except the Negroes), viz: Horses, Cattle, Sheet, and Hogs, Farming Utensils, Crop of Corn, Fodder, Rye, Oats, Straw, and Hay, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Silver Plate, &c. Terms of sale - For all sums under $10, cash; ten dollars and upwards, a credit of nine months will be given; the purchaser or purchasers giving bond with approved securities, bearing interest from the day of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, and continue from day to day, until all is sold. RICHARD BEALL and GEORGE A. BARNES, Executors of AZEL BEALL, deceased.
Public Sale. By virtue of a decree of St. Mary's County Court, acting as a Court of Equity, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 10th day of December next, if fair, if not, the next fair day thereafter, all the real estate of the late JOHN H. HIGGINSON, of St. Mary's County, consisting of two tracts of land, to wit: part of Phypoes Fort, containing eighty acres, more or less, and part of Elizabeth Manor, containing sixty-nine acres, more or less. This property is situated about 25 miles below Leonardtown, in a part of the county where the lands are very valuable, as well on account of the facility with which produce may be transported to market as the general excellence of the soil. The aforesaid tracts of land are fertile, abundantly timbered, watered, and well improved, lie adjoining each other, and comprise one farm. The terms of sale are a credit twelve months, the purchaser or purchasers giving bond with approved security, with interest from the day of sale; upon the ratification of the sale by the court, and the payment of the whole purchase money, a good and sufficient deed will be given. G. N. CAUSIN, Trustee.
Collector's Sale. Will be exposed to public sale, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1825, at the Office of the Clerk of the Corporation of Georgetown, the Lots and parts of Lots hereinafter mentioned, situated, lying, and being in Georgetown, or so many thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the Corporation of Georgetown, D.C. for Taxes due on them for the year 1824, with costs and charges. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. Terms cash.
-Part of lot on West Street, no number, 60 feet front (assessment $1300) (tax $2.16-2/3).
-Lot 23 in Peter, Beatty, Threlkeld and Deakins' addition, 60 ft on Bridge St ($400) ($0.66-2/3).
-Lot 227 Beatty and Hawkins' addition, 75 ft on Pk St, ($600) ($1.00).
-Part of lot 17, Old town, 66 Bridge, improved ($2500) ($4.16-2/3).
-Lot 10 in Deakins and Bailey's addition on Bridge St, ($100) ($0.16-2/3).
-Lot 6 in Deakins and Bailey's addition on Bridge St, ($100) ($0.16-2/3).
-Lot 7 in Deakins and Bailey's addition on Bridge St, ($100) ($0.16-2/3).
-Lots 29 & 30 in Deakins and Bailey's addition vacant ground on Warren St, ($300) ($0.50).
-Lot 34 in Beatty & Hawkins' addition, 80 ft, on High St, ($600) ($1.00).
-Lot 35 in Beatty & Hawkins' addition, 105 ft, on High St, ($600) ($1.00).
-Lot 36 in Beatty & Hawkins' addition, 105 ft, on High St, ($600) ($1.00).
-Lot 37 in Beatty & Hawkins' addition, 105 ft, on High St, ($700) ($1.16-2/3).
-Part of lot 37 Old town, 55 feet, Duck lane ($1100) ($1.83-1/3).
-Part of Lot 251, Beatty and Hawkins' add'n, 70 ft, High, frame &c ($1000) ($1.66-2/3).
By JOHN HOLTZMAN, Collector.
Public Sale. By virtue of an order from the honorable the Orphans' Court of Charles county, Maryland, will be offered at public sale, on Tuesday, the 15th November next, at the late dwelling of GERRARD GREENWELL, of said county, deceased, all the personal estate of the said deceased, consisting of several valuable young slaves, stock of all kinds, plantation utensils, and a variety of good household and kitchen furniture. Terms of sale: For all sums of $10 and under, the cash will be required; over $10, six months' credit will be given, the purchaser giving bond, with approved security, bearing interest from the day of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. JNO. SPALDING, Administrator.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of four writs of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of this District for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Tuesday, the 29th day of November next, at the south door of the County Court House, the following described lands: All that part of Chillum Castle Manor which lies within the limits of the District of Columbia and County of Washington, and bounded as follows, beginning at the fifth mile stone on the north eastern line of the said District and running with the said line until it intersects the seventeenth outline of the said tract, called Chillum Castle Manor, and then by and with the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 39th, and 31st outlines of the said tract, until the said 31st outline intersects the said north-eastern boundary line of the District of Columbia, then with the said line to the beginning, containing about 1051 acres, more or less; and excepting from the said sale lot designated No. 1, on a plat of said tract in my possession, and filed with the executors, which lot was sold by me at a former Marshal's sale to JOHN A. WILSON, to satisfy fi. fas, in my hands. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of WILLIAM DUDLEY DIGGES, and will be sold to satisfy debts due by him to GEORGE C. WASHINGTON use of ROBERT BOONE, PATRICK FARRELL, ANN PINKNEY, Administratrix of WILLIAM PICKNEY, and SAMUEL HOLTZMAN. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. The above tract has been divided into lots from 90 to 100 acres, and will in this way be sold. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Monday, the 28th day of November next, on the premises, the following described lands and tenements, lying and being situate in the City of Washington, viz: Lots Nos. 16, 17 in square No. 1046, containing 44,989 square feet, more or less, with the brick dwelling house, coach house, stable, and all the other improvements thereon, now or late in the occupancy of BENJAMIN KING, and lying between the Navy Yard and the middle bridge over the Eastern Branch. Lots No. 4, 5, 6, in square No. 1067, containing 19,939 square feet, more or less. Lot No. 3, in square south of square No. 1067, a water lot. Lots Nos. 8, 9 10, in square No. 1078, containing 17,760 square feet, more or less. Lots Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, in Square No. 33, containing 46,012 square feet, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of JAMES GREENLEAF, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due from him to WASHINGTON BOYD, use of VICKERS, PROUT, & others. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C. [Transcriber's Note: From an 1830 map, these squares are located roughly as follows: #1046: In SE, bounded by Georgia Ave and K St, and 13th and 14th Sts; #1067: In SE, bounded by L St on the north, Georgia Ave, and 14th and 15th Sts; #1078, in SE, bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, K St, and 14th and 15th; #33: In NW, between E and F Sts and 24th and 25th, approximately where the Kennedy Center is today.]
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Thursday, the 17th day of November next, at the south door of the County Court House, all the following described lands and tenements, lying and being situate within the limits of the County of Washington, viz: Beall's Addition Enlarged, Conclusion, and part of Fife Enlarged beginning for the same at a spring near the south side of the road leading from the bridge over the Eastern Branch to Annapolis, and running from thence southeast 114 perches to a stone landing in the line of the said tract called Conclusion, then with the said tract south 16-1/2 degrees, west 57 perches to a stone and a large white oak, thence south 78 degrees, east 52 perches to a stake, thence south 61 degrees, east 92 perches to a stone, the beginning of Conclusion, then by and with the given line of Conclusion reversed, south 11 degrees 48 minutes, west 91-1/2 perches to a stake standing near a stone, thence north 81-1/2 degrees, west 219 perches, to the south-east corner of WALTER T. G. BEALL's part of said land, thence north by east 160 perches, to the north-east corner of said BEALL's part still with the said part, west by north 70 perches, then leaving the said part and running with the line of AMELIA DORSETT's part, north 6-3/4 degrees, east 130 perches to the Spring Branch, and then by and with the meanders of the said branch to the aforesaid spring, the place of beginning containing 146 acres of land, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of CHARLES GLOVER, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due by said GLOVER to ROBERT MARSHALL, use of SUSAN G. BEALL, Trustee of ANN MARSHALL. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A.M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Thursday, the 17th day of November next, in front of the premises, all the following described lands and tenements, lying and being situate within the limits of the City of Washington, and comprised within the following metes and bounds, viz: part of lot numbered 18 in Square No. 457, beginning for the same 25 feet east from the alley leading into the said square on the south side of E Street North, and running thence west to the said alley, thence south down and with the said alley 188 feet, 4 inches, thence east 26 feet, 4 inches, thence north 81 feet, 2 inches, thence west 1 foot, 2 inches, thence north 107 feet, 2 inches, to the beginning, together with the buildings and improvements thereon erected; seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of ATCHESON THOMPSON, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due to LEWIS H. 6 Sale to commence at 12 o'clock M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Thursday, the 17th day of November next, in front of the premises, lots No. 6 and 7, in square numbered 634, in the city of Washington, or so much thereof as will pay the amount of debt, interests, costs, and costs of sale and advertising, arising on said fi. fa. On these lots are erected two large and commodious brick buildings, with sundry valuable improvements, now or late in the tenure of MISS POLK; seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of PETER MORTE, and will be sold to satisfy debts due to JOSEPH FAGAN, use of OFFA WILSON, administrator of HENRY M. WILSON and GEORGE N. THOMAS, use of _____. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P.M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C. [Transcriber's Note: From an 1830 map, Square 634 is located roughly as follows: North of the U. S. Capitol, bounded on the east by North Capitol Street, on the west by New Jersey Avenue, on the north by C Street, and on the south by B Street.]
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Thursday, the 17th day of November next, in front of the premises, all the following described lands and tenements lying and being situate within the limits of the City of Washington, viz: all that part of lots numbered 21, 22, and 23 in square numbered 878, which were at the time of the levy, made in virtue of said fi. fa. in the tenure and occupancy of JOHN CRABB. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of JOHN CRABB, and will be sold to satisfy debts due to the Bank of the United States. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock P.M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C. [Transcriber's Note: From an 1830 map, Square 878 is located roughly as follows: Southeast of the U. S. Capitol, bounded on the east by 7th Street, on the west by 6th Street, on the north by G Street, and on the south by H Street.]
Constable's Sale. Will be sold on Friday the 18th instant, in front of RICHARD HENDLEY's Tavern, in the City of Washington, in Seventh street, the following property, to wit: One trunk of curtains; 1 fire rug; 1 set of glass and china; pair of andirons, shovel, and tongs; 20 yards carpeting; 1 ten-plate stove; small carriage for children; dressing glass; printer's imposing stone; 1 printing press, complete; several printer's frames and standing galleys; about 100 weight of type, and 7 Chases. Seized and taken by virtue of a distrain for house rent due JAMES HOBAN, Esq. the 13th day of August last from JAMES WILSON. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. JOHN WATERS.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this District, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Wednesday, the 30th day of November next ensuing, at the south door of the County Court House, all the right title, and interest which CHARLES GLOVER had on the 15th day of June in the year 1818, the day of the rendition of the judgment aforesaid, of, in, and to, the following described lands and tenements, viz: Lots Nos. 7,8, 9, 10 in square west of Square No. 4, in the City of Washington; Lots Nos. 1 and 3 in Square No. 23 in the city of Washington; Lots Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, in Square No. 207, in the City of Washington; Lot No. 4 in Square No. 555, in the City of Washington; Part of Lot No. 12, in HOLMEAD's Addition to Georgetown, beginning at the end of five feet of the front line of the said Lot No. 12 on the west side of Montgomery Street, and 125 feet northwardly from the corner formed by the intersection of Montgomery and Bridge Streets, and running thence by and with the west side of Montgomery Street northwardly 51 feet, thence westwardly parallel with Bridge Street about 127 feet more or less, to intersect the line of Lot No. 174 in BEALL'S Addition; then by and with the said line southwardly 51 feet, then eastwardly parallel to the second line and Bridge Street 127 feet, more or less, to the beginning, including part of Lot No. 175 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of CHARLES GLOVER on the 15th day of June, 1818, the day of the rendition of the judgment aforesaid, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due from him to THOMAS OWEN and ISAAC T. LONGSTRETH. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C. [Transcriber's Note: From an 1830 map, the locations are located roughly as follows: Square 4: Abutting Georgetown, and lying west of New Hampshire Ave and south of Pennsylvania Avenue, and bounded on the north by K Street; Square 23: bounded on the west by 25th, on the east by 24th, on the north by O St, and on the south by N Street; Square 207: Located north of the White House, bounded on the north by S, on the south by R, on the west by 15th and on the east by 14th Street; Square 555: Located at the intersection of New York and New Jersey Avenues.]
By the President of the United States: In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at Batesville, in the Territory of Arkansas, on the second Monday in November next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the district of lands offered for sale at Batesville, viz: Township No. 17, of Range No. 2, West. Townships No. 17, 18, and 20 of Range No. 4; Townships No. 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 of Range No. 5; Townships No. 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20 of Range No. 6; Fract. Township No. 13, north of White, of Range No. 7. The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township and range, and to proceed in regular numerical order. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools, or for other purposes, are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this 30th day of June, A.D. 1825. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Printers of the laws of the United States in the Territory of Arkansas, are requested to publish the above Proclamation, once a week until the day of sale.
By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Sparta, in the State of Alabama, on the second Monday in December next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of lands offered for sale at Sparta, viz: Township No. 6, 7, & 8 of ranges No. 21 & 22; No. 1 to 7, inclusive, of ranges No. 23 and 24; Also those parts of townships No. 5, not heretofore exposed to public sale of ranges No. 9 and 11. The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township, and range, and to proceed in the order here designated. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Alabama are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.
By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Jackson, the Seat of Government for the State of Mississippi, on the second Monday in January next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of Lands ceded by the Choctaws, viz: East of the Meridian line of the District west of Pearl river: Fractional township No. 16 of range No. 2; Fractional townships No. 17 of ranges Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4; Fractional townships No. 18 of ranges Nos. 1 and 2; and fractional townships No. 18 of ranges Nos. 3, 4, and 5. West of the Meridian line of the Choctaw District, Township Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of range No. 4; Township no 9, of ranges Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9. The townships to be offered in the order in which they are herein designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each township. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Mississippi are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.
By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Tuskaloosa, in the State of Alabama, on the third Monday in January next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of lands offered for sale at Tuskaloosa, viz: Township No. 24 of ranges numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, East. Also Township No. 24 of ranges numbered 1 and 2, West, all of Freeman's Survey. At the same time there will be exposed to public sale such lands as were relinquished or had reverted to the United States, prior to the first day of October 1821, which were originally subject to be sold at the Land Office, at Cahaba, in Alabama, but which are now situate within the limits of the Tuskaloosa District, a descriptive list of which will appear at the Land Office at Tuskaloosa. The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township, and range, and to proceed in regular numerical order. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Alabama are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.
Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the late JEREMIAH HUNT, deceased, that I shall be ready on Monday next to make a dividend of the assets that have come into my hands. ENOCH REYNOLDS, Adm'r.
Prince George's County Court, April Term, 1825. On application by petition in writing of JOHN H. BROWN, of Prince George's County, to this Court, for the benefit of the act of Assembly passed at November session, 1805, entitled "An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors," and the several supplements thereto, a schedule of his property on oath, and a list of his creditors as far as he can ascertain the same being annexed to his petition, and the Court being satisfied that the said petitioner is a citizen of the State of Maryland, and that he hath resided therein the two last years preceding this his application; and that the said JOHN H. BROWN is now in actual confinement for debt and no other cause, and the said petitioner having entered into bond with security for his appearance in this Court on the second Monday in October next, then and there to answer such allegations as may be exhibited against him by his creditors: It is thereupon ordered and adjudged by the said Court, that the said petitioner be discharged from imprisonment, and the said second Monday in October next is appointed for the said petitioner to deliver up his property, and to have a trustee appointed for the benefit of his creditors; and it is ordered that the said JOHN H. BROWN, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the National Intelligencer, once a week for the term of three months successively, before the said second Monday of October next, give notice to his creditors that they be and appear in said Court on the said day, to recommend a trustee for their benefit. Test, AQUILA BEALL, Clk. By order of the Court, the above notice is extended until the first Monday in April next. Test, AQUILA BEALL, Clk.
The creditors of JOHN H. HIGGINSON, late of St. Mary's County, deceased, are hereby warned to file with the register of the Equity Court of Saint Mary's county, their claims, with the vouchers thereof, within 6 months from the first day of November next. G. N. CAUSIN, Trustee.
In the matter of JOHN FENOCHIO, deceased. Whereas, in pursuance of a Decree of the Court of Civil Pleas, at Gibraltar, made in the above matter, on the petition of PASQUAL FENOCHIO, of Gibraltar, Gentleman, and dated the sixth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, the sum of nine hundred and sixty hard dollars has been brought into the Registry of the said Court, to abide such further order as should be made in respect thereof. All persons having, or claiming to have, any claim or demand upon the said JOHN FENOCHIO, or his estate, or effects, are hereby required, by themselves, or their agents duly authorized, to lodge the particulars of the same together with proof in support thereof, in the Registry of the said Court of Civil Pleas, within the space of 6 months from the date hereof; after which period no claim will be admitted; and the Court will proceed to a distribution of the said sum, and of whatever other estate or effects of the said deceased shall be in the interim collected or got in. The said deceased formerly resided in Gibraltar, and afterwards carried on business in New York, in partnership with Mr. PAUL RALPH JOHOVICH. ALEXANDER SHEA, Attorney in Court for the said PASQUAL FENOCHIO.
Post Office Department, 13th August, 1825. Proposals will be received at the General Post Office, until the 15th of November next, for transporting, on horseback, the Mail from Jacksonville, in Morgan County, Illinois, by Beardstown, in Schuyler County, to Quincy, in Adams County, and back the same route, once every two weeks.
Headquarters, Marine Corps, Quarter Master's Office, Washington, September 26, 1825. Proposals will be received at this Office, until 12 o'clock M. on the 20th day of November next, for supplying the following articles of clothing for the United States Marine Corps, for the year 1826.
--700 Uniform Coats, with wings, complete.
--1400 Uniform Woollen Overalls
--1400 Linen Overalls
--2800 Cotton Shirts
--2800 pair best quality coarse Shoes
--1400 pair short woollen stockings
--700 (3-1/2) point best Blankets
--700 pair Gaiters
--700 pair Fatigue Jackets
--700 Fatigue Overalls
--100 Watch Coats
Complete samples of the different articles proposed, must accompany the bids, as specimens, not only of the material employed, but of the workmanship also. Applications may be made to the commanding officers of Marines, at Charlestown, Mass; Brooklyn, New York; Philadelphia, Pa; Gosport, Virginia; and at this office, for any information that may be required as to the make and quality of the Clothing, &c. The clothing to be delivered, free of expense to the United States, at either of the above named places that may be determined on by this Department. Proposals to be endorsed, "Proposals for Marine Clothing for 1826." E. J. WEED, Q.M.M.C. Q.M. Note: The editors of the Boston Patriot, New York City Gazette, Franklin Gazette (Philad), Baltimore American, and Norfolk Herald, will publish the above.
Navy Bread. The Commandant of the Navy Yard at Washington will receive proposals from the Bakers of the District of Columbia, until the 15th day of November, next, for such supply of Navy Bread as may be required at said Yard within the year 1826. Their proposals (accompanied with 8 or 10 biscuits each) must be made as follows:
--1 sample No. 1, to be made of fine flour.
--1 sample No. 2, to be made of fine flour and middlings, in equal proportions.
Each sample must be marked with the Baker's name and to state the price asked. THOMAS TINGEY.
Notice. Executive Department, Richmond, October 4, 1825. Proposals will be received by this Department until the 15 day of November next, for the sale of between four and five thousand Muskets, now in the Public Armory at Richmond. The proposals must state the offer for each Musket, the terms of payment, whether in cash or upon credit, and if the latter, the extent of credit desired. The arms will be open at all times to the inspection of such as are disposed to purchase. WILLIAM H. RICHARDSON, C. C.
Treasury Department, October 14th, 1825. Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of Congress, approved on the 3d of March last, authorizing the President of the United States to borrow, on the credit of the United States, on or before the first day of January next, a sum not exceeding twelve million dollars. Notice is hereby given, that sealed Proposals will be received at the Treasury, in Washington, until the twenty-first day of November next, inclusive, for lending to the United States the sum of ten million, four hundred thousand dollars. It is required that the proposals shall state the sum which the parties are willing to give for every hundred dollars of stock bearing an interest payable quarterly, of four and a half per centum per annum, and reimbursable at the pleasure of the United States, as follows: One-half at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and the remainder at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine; Provided, that no reimbursement shall be made except for the whole amount of a certificate, nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended reimbursement. It is also required that the proposals shall state the place at which the money offered will be paid; which must be at one or other of the following, viz: At the Bank of the United States in Philadelphia, or its office of Discount and Deposite in New York, Boston, Baltimore, Richmond, or Charleston. It is further required, that, on the acceptance of the proposals, the money be deposited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States at the above Bank or Offices, as the case may be, in manner following, that is to say: a portion thereof equal to four dollars and a half in each hundred dollars on or before the tenth day of December next, and the residue on or before the thirty-first day of the same month. For the first deposite, a scrip-certificate will be issued by the Cashier of the Bank or Office where it is made, and on the second or final deposite, and surrender of such scrip certificate, certificates of Stock of the description before mentioned, and bearing interest from the thirty-first day of December next, will be issued by the Commissioner of Loans at the Bank or Office where the payment has been made. The scrip certificates will be assignable by endorsement and delivery; but on failure to complete the final payment at the time stipulated, the first deposite, will be forfeited to the United States, and the script certificate become void. No proposal for less than ten thousand dollars will be received, nor will any offer be received at less than par. RICHARD RUSH, Secretary of the Treasury.
Naval Supplies. Navy Commissioners' Office, 17th October, 1825. The Commissioners of the Navy will receive sealed Proposals until the 15th day of December next, for the supply of the following articles, viz:
- Cordage, to be delivered 1-3d on or before 1st April, 1826, 1-3d 1st August, 1826, 1-3d 1st December, 1826: 35 tons at Portsmouth, NH; 140 tons at Charlestown, Mass; 130 tons at Brooklyn, NY; 35 tons at Philadelphia; 55 tons at Washington; 25 tons at Gosport, Virginia. The whole must be made of the best clean water-retted Hemp; Boltrope to be spun 32 threads to the hook; Standing Rigging 38 threads to the hook; Running Rigging 24 threads to the hook; Cables and Hawsers 20 threads to be hook; and stand the proof, as regulated last year.
- Canvas, to be delivered 1-3d at Charleston, Mass; 1-3d at Brooklyn, NY; 1-3d at Gosport, Virginia: No. 1 - 1558 bolts; No. 2 - 780 bolts; No. 3 - 668 bolts; No. 4 - 894 bolts; No. 5 - 864 bolts; No. 6 - 376 bolts; No. 7 - 150 bolts; No. 8 - 96 bolts. AND --
- Canvas, to be delivered one-half at Portsmouth, NH; one-half at Philadelphia: No. 1 - 186 bolts; No. 2 - 60 bolts; No. 3 - 56 bolts; No. 4 - 148 bolts; No. 5 - 138 bolts; No. 6 - 92 bolts; No. 7 - 50 bolts; No. 8 - 32 bolts. The Canvass to be delivered within the periods stated for the delivery of the Cordage. And for the supply, also, of all the Mattresses (of good tow, not less than 2 feet broad and 6 feet long) all the blankets (3-1/2 points), Shoes, Hats, Candles, Oil, Flour, Whiskey, Rice, and Butter, together with all the Paints and Oils, and Slop Clothing, viz:
- Blue cloth jackets; blue cloth trowsers; pea jackets; duck trowsers; duck frocks; duck banyans; red cloth vests; white flannel drawers; white flannel shirts; Yarn stockings; and black silk handkerchiefs that may be required of the Navy during the year 1826, at Portsmouth, NH; Charlestown, Mass.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Washington, Gosport, and Baltimore. Persons offering to supply the preceding articles, are required to make their proposals for each separately, and forward to this office samples of the mattresses, blankets, shoes, hats, and slop clothing with the prices marked thereon. All articles must be delivered in suitable boxes, casks or packages, free of expense, and will be inspected at the yards of delivery as usual. To be published in the National Intelligencer and National Journal, Portsmouth, N. H. Journal, Boston Patriot, N. E. Palladium, N. Y. American, National Advocate, Democratic Press, Franklin Gazette, Baltimore Patriot, Norfolk Herald, Richmond Enquirer, and Charleston City Gazette.
Washington Encampment. A meeting of the Encampment will be held at the Western Masonic Hall, in this City, on Tuesday Evening next, at early candle light, at which the punctual attendance of the members thereof is particularly requested. By order, JOS. INGLE, Recorder.
Washington Guards! Assemble on Monday next, the 14th instant, at half after one o'clock P.M. on the Post Office ground, completely equipped, parade order. By order, R. G. LANPHIER, 1st Sergt.
Public Notice. A meeting of the citizens of Prince George's county will be held in Upper Marlborough, on Thursday, the 24th inst, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing seven Delegates to meet in General Convention in the City of Baltimore, in the month of December ensuing, to consider of devise, and recommend, to the General Assembly of Maryland, such measures as they may conceive best calculated to promote the internal improvement of the State, and especially of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. As no section of the State can be more deeply interested in the object of the proposed meeting than the citizens of Prince George's county, it is to be hoped that the meeting will be generally attended.
An adjourned meeting of the Columbian Institute will be held this afternoon, at 5 o'clock. A. DICKINS, Sec'y.
Medical Department, Columbian College. The Introductory Lectures will commence on Monday the 7th instant, at the Medical College in this city, and will be delivered in the following order: Dr. SEWALL on Monday; Dr. STAUGHTON on Tuesday; Dr. HENDERSON on Wednesday, Dr. WORTHINGTON on Thursday; Dr. CUTBUSH on Friday, Dr. MAY on Saturday. The lecture each day at 1 o'clock. The Physicians of the District and other friends of medical science are respectfully invited to attend. By THOMAS HENDERSON, M.D., Dean.
Agricultural. At the last Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, held at Prospect Hill, in Philadelphia county, almost every one of the premiums for neat Cattle were taken by JOHN HARE POWELL, Esq. who relinquished the whole of them, amounting in value to $295, for the benefit of the Society. This public-spirited gentleman has taken a deep interest in the improvement of the breed of Cattle, and has spared no pains to procure and intermix the most approved descriptions. Of his success the above affords sufficient evidence, especially when it is known that there were upwards of a hundred head of cattle presented for competition. Every animal that obtained a premium, whether belonging to Mr. POWELL or not, was of the breed of "Improved Durham Short Horns, from Mr. POWELL's Stock." These premiums were awarded by disinterested practical farmers, of high standing, and may be considered as the reward of merit. To Mr. POWELL, also, was awarded several of the premiums for Sheep, of the Dishley, Southdown, and Tunistan breeds. JONATHAN ROBERTS, formerly a Senator of the United States, is president of this society, and Dr. WILLIAM DARLINGTON, formerly a Representative in Congress, delivered the Annual Address before it.
Meeting. A special meeting of the Columbia Typographical Society will be held this evening, half past 7 o'clock, at the usual place. A punctual attendance of the members is particularly requested. J. CROSSFIELD, Sec.
ASHER ROBBINS has been elected a Senator of the United States, from the State of Rhode Island, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. D'WOLF. He was opposed by E. R. POTTER and others, but was chosen by a small majority on the first ballot.
JOHN LEE, JOHN McMAHON, and MICHAEL C. SPRIGG, are already announced, in the upper District of Maryland, as Candidates to represent it in the 20th Congress. The present representative, Mr. WORTHINGTON, will, it is presumed, also be a candidate.
Ship News - Alexandria, D.C. Nov. 10: Schooner Rose-in-Bloom, Spillman, Barbadoes. Brig Susan and Hannah, Waterhouse, 48 days from Stockholm for this port, was spoken Oct. 19, latitude [43?], longitude 61. Ship Gov. Strong, Coffin of this port, was left at Marseilles, 25th Sept. waiting a freight. Brig Samual & John, Whitney, hence, at Boston, 5th inst.
Patent Brick Kiln. Those gentlemen (and my friends in particular) who have taken so lively an interest in the success of my Patent Brick Kiln, are requested to suspend their opinions thereon, until they have an opportunity of reading my letter to, and the report of the committee, which will be printed in pamphlet form, and may be had free of expense to them, and for twenty-five cents by its enemies; and, without boasting much, I am not afraid to assert, that it will throw more useful light on the theory and practice of constructing Brick Kilns, and baking Bricks, than any work of the kind that I have yet been able to meet with, not even excepting the scientific and learned Encyclopedias, that it will be interesting both to gentlemen of science, and Brick makers generally; and for the present information of my friends, I will just observe, that under all the concurring circumstances of the case, (and some no doubt were intentional) I can see no just grounds to have expected a more favorable result; and though I have been checked, I was not defeated, though chastened, not case down, (like Damon,) I could not conquer impossibilities, nor surmount a combination of unexpected occurrences, that with me can never again arise, and in the cause of which I had no participation, and which, by not being foreseen, could not be avoided -- and they will no doubt prove a useful beacon to others; and should any of my friends feel desirous o know, and inquire what are my feelings and spirits, I will reply to them in the language of Johnson, to a similar question when his favorite play of "Irene" was damned -- "Like the monument, Sir," was his reply; and so far from being discouraged, or dissatisfied, with the correctness of the principle on which the Kiln is constructed, my opinion in its favor is more firmly established than ever, and so much so, that the Delphian Oracle, if revised, could not possibly shake it; and this is not my opinion only, but that of every well informed and liberal minded Brick maker and gentleman of science who saw it in operation; yet, notwithstanding my ill luck and disappointment, and the consequent temporary crowing and chuckling of its Lilliputian minded enemies, (who never in their lives, had a single idea that projected beyond their nose,) I doubt not but that, with a few alterations -- like the life boat in a storm, it will rise superior to, and overwhelm in one general revolution the Brick Kilns at present in use, with the inveterate, rancorous, and selfish prejudice of its foes, in one common vortex, and that they might as well attempt to oppose the breaking up of the ice, and stop the violence and impetuosity (on those occurrences) of the rivers Ohio, Missouri, St. Lawrence, or the Neva, as to impede the progress of these Kilns; at any rate, those who adopt them cannot be "Yorkshired" or"Yankied" to any great amount, especially as my terms of payment are by the thousand, and they are at liberty to leave off the improvement, when ever they may find it their interest so to do, when all payments to me cease; and if those few enemies alluded to, will permit me to take down the vault, and make the trifling alterations hinted at, and also to use my late improvements in setting and covering a kiln, (which grow out of my late embarrassments,) would wish to back their fancy, (though I am no betting man myself) I will find those who will take them up, for any reasonable sum that I can procure three Potters in the District, besides myself, and of which they may take choice, who shall fire the same kiln again, with not more than 7-1/2 per cent loss in chinkers and salmon ones, with less than one-third of a cord of wood to the thousand, and in not more than 4 days and nights time; and also my favorite size and shaped kiln, 30 by 26, in the clear, with six arches, and forty-five courses high, in 4 days and nights, or, in what I should prefer, three nights and 5 days, without precipitancy, and with not more than 3.8hs of a cord of wood to the thousand, if not less, and with not more loss in bricks than five per cent. And in this item alone, there will be an increased saving of at least 20 per cent, in the quantity of the first rate ones, besides the saving in time and fuel. I will also now apprize the few individuals alluded to, that partly in consequence of their rancorous animosity, I will explain and expose to those who adopt my kilns, the Enigmatical secrets, and Alchemical mysteries, and mist, in which the art of Brick burning is at present enveloped, and that their trade, like that of the shrinemakers, is in danger. I will conclude these remarks, by candidly acknowledging, that I have been considerably annoyed by the barking of the few stupid, avaricious, frightened, curs alluded to, as well as by the buzzing of a few night flies, not such as lulled Henry the Fourth to sleep. But the lion, excepting when uncommonly provoked, never chastises curs, neither "will the eagle catch flies." I have great pleasure in having it in my power to inform my friends that the grates stand admirably, and also that the arches on which the bricks are laid, and which always caused me the greatest fears, are so little injured that I should not be afraid (if made of such materials as I may direct,) of ensuring them to stand a dozen years though burnt in regularly, and with a load of bricks forty-five courses high, or of the heaviest loaded London or Conestoga wagons constantly traveling over them. Respectfully, S. R. BAKEWELL. Those Editors who may have the politeness to insert the foregoing in their respective papers, will not only confer a favor on me, which shall not soon be forgotten, but probably serve and amuse some of their readers who may be engaged in the brick making business.
Mr. OWEN's Views. ROBERT OWEN, of New Lanark, in Scotland, and of Harmony, in these States, published the following address on his arrival, the other day, at New York: "At Sea, New York Packet, Oct. 1825. Americans: I am again hastening to your shores, and I return with fixed determination to exert all my powers for your benefit, and through you for that of the world at large. In your industry, mechanical knowledge, and general enterprise; in the quality and cheapness of your soil; in the extent and variety of your climate; in your liberation, in part, from the prejudices of the old world, but more particularly in the freedom of your government; you amply possess the means to secure immediately the most important private and national benefits, both to yourselves and to your posterity, and to give them to other nations still more in want of them. It is true, you have derived many advantages from your European ancestors, but it is equally true that you have transplanted a large portion of their errors and prejudices; you cannot, therefore, enjoy to their full extent the benefits to which I refer, until these errors of the old world shall have been removed. The greatest and most lamentable of these are the notions -- that human nature has been so formed as to be able to believe or disbelieve, and to love and hate, at pleasure, and that there can be merit or demerit in believing or disbelieving, and in loving or hating. These false notions are the origin of evil, and the real cause of sin and misery among mankind; yet they are received and continued, in direct opposition to every fact known to the human race. Every one may easily ascertain for himself that they are errors of the imagination. Let any one endeavor, by his own will alone, to compel himself to believe what he disbelieves, or has been taught to think he disbelieves. For instance, let any one who is a sincere Christian, endeavor, with all his power, to compel himself to believe that Mahomet was a true prophet; or a devout Jew that Jesus was the true Messiah, and only son of God; or a conscientious Musselman that Mahomet was a cheat and an imposter. Or again, let any one endeavor to dislike that which by his nature and education he has been made to like. This experiment, if fairly and honestly made, will be sufficient to convince any one, that belief and disbelief, love and hatred, are not under the control of the will. It is, therefore, irrational in the extreme to maintain that man can be accountable for either, and most unjust and injurious to force any such absurdity into the infant mind. Yet all religion and laws have been hitherto founded on this error. Hence, their want of success; hence the present irrational state of the human mind in every part of the world; and hence nearly all the evils, except those of climate, which afflict the inhabitants of the U. States. When these errors shall have been removed, there will be no obstacle to great improvement in education, rapid advances in valuable knowledge of every kind, the creation of wealth, and the arrangement and government of society, for the well-being and happiness of the inhabitants of every state in the Union. But this change cannot be effected until society shall be remodeled on principles in strict accordance with our nature, nor until men shall be taught the facts upon which these principles are founded, viz: that no infant ever formed any part of itself; that no two infants are alike; that infants from birth are gradually formed into the characters which they afterwards become, by the circumstances which exist around them acting upon the peculiar combination of faculties, qualities, and propensities, which has been given to each infant at birth. A knowledge of these facts will develop the real nature of man, and show the importance and necessity of well directing the circumstances which shall form the characters of the next and future generations, and which may materially amend those of the present. Having devoted many years to acquire a knowledge of the influence of the various circumstances by which men have hitherto been formed and governed, and in applying this knowledge to practice, I am induced to think that the experience thus obtained will enable me to explain to the world the science of the influence of circumstances, through a knowledge of which society may be in future so arranged and governed that it shall almost always produce happiness, and scarcely ever produce misery. It cannot be expected that a subject so comprehensive in practice and so new in the world should be really understood by a verbal or written explanation, except by a few superior minds. I have, therefore, had a model formed, explanatory of the proposed new arrangements, under the influence of which the character and condition of each individual and of society, cannot fail to be entirely changed and incalculably improved. The model I bring as a present to the General Government of the United States, that the individual government of each State may have an opportunity of obtaining a copy of it, and that all, if they choose, may be equally benefitted, should the plan be found to comprise all the extraordinary advantages which long experience has taught one to think it possess. The model and all the knowledge which experience has imparted to me on the various subjects connected with it, I freely give, without the expectation of any return. You possess nothing which I desire to obtain, except your good will and kind feelings; and these you cannot avoid giving, if circumstances shall be created to produce them; and it not, you cannot bestow them. Your wealth, places, and honors, I could not, with my views either value or accept. Your praises would be no praises to me; and the principles which I entertain lead me to estimate future fame less than an infant's rattle. I come to you with a fixed determination to make no pecuniary gain in your county -- I come to you, therefore, with no sordid, nor with an interested motive, unless it be one, to desire to see so many of my fellow creatures enjoy the happiness which I believe this change of your system will produce. If you do not make the change, I cannot, in the slightest degree, blame any of you; but I shall attribute the want of success of my views to the deficiency of power in myself to explain them in such a manner as to make it appear to be your interest to adopt them. All I ask is that you will fully and honestly examine the subject. Your friend, ROBT. OWEN."
Mr. OWEN. On the preceding page [above] will be found an Address from this Gentleman, on his return from England, in which he broadly declares his further views and purposes. Willing that he shall have every opportunity to make a fair experiment of his system, we shall avoid the course of some of our brethren, who rather roughly reprove in him sentiments which they cannot adopt. In this country, Mr. O has an indisputable right to endeavor to explain and illustrate his views: and, so far from harshness, is entitled to courtesy from all those who estimate duly the civil and religious privileges with which every man becomes invested who sets his foot on the soil of the United States. Mr. OWEN is disinterested at least; and the employment of an ample fortune in the execution of projects for the improvement of the condition of the human race, is no mean recommendation of him to hospitality and kindness among this People. Having said thus much, it is but candid to add, that we are not among the converts to his system, either politically or morally considered. That a community may exist on his principles, we believe possible; we do not believe that the experiment will evolve advantages equal to those now enjoyed by this People generally, and of course we do not believe that the example of this community will commend itself to general imitation. We are perfectly willing, however, to see the experiment fairly tried.
The Hebrew Sabbath. A question, of a nature new to us, arose lately at Cincinnati, between the Office of Discount and Deposite of the Bank of the United States in that city, and Mr. MORRIS MOSES. A bill, drawn upon the firm of MOSES & JONAS, of which he is one, at five days after sight, was presented for acceptance on Saturday, the Sabbath of the Hebrews, to which persuasion Mr. MOSES belongs. He proposed to defer the acceptance till the evening of that day, it being contrary to his principles to write on the Sabbath day. This was considered as a refusal to accept, and the note was immediately sent to the Notary to note for non-acceptance. It was, however, presented in the evening, and was then accepted, and has been since paid. The Cincinnati editor suggests that some provision ought to be made by law to pay respect to the religion and feelings of the Jews, in this particular. None can respect more that we do, the conscientious scruples of all professors of religion, Christian or Hebrew; but we should apprehend that the introduction of two Sabbaths into the mercantile law would be inconvenient, to say the least of it. Might it not open a door for evasion, also? We apprehend that there are times at which even a well-intentioned man may be so hard pressed that he would incline to Judaism on a Saturday, resuming his Christian profession on Sunday, if by so doing he could defer the payment of a bill from Saturday to Monday. Our object, however, in noticing this occurrence, is to ask for information, what is the law (by which we mean the mercantile usage,) of Europe, on this subject.
In Pittsburg (Penn.), a great addition is making to the number of substantial brick dwellings. There are now in activity in the same place, 7 considerable Steam Rolling Mills, employed in the manufacture of iron into bars, sheets and nails; 8 large Air Foundries; 6 separate Steam Engine manufactories; a Wire manufactory, &c. The Pittsburg Gazette says: "One fact worthy to be noted, which has come to our knowledge, is that Mr. STACKHOUSE has received an order to construct a steam engine of 100 horse power, for the Phoenix Iron Works, near Philadelphia. If so weighty an article can be constructed here, on terms which will justify its transportation by land to Philadelphia, what advantage might not our enterprising artisans expect to derive from the opening of a water communication to the eastern seaboard?" The same paper has the following paragraph: "We have no data from which to ascertain the number and business of the various blast furnaces scattered over the face of the Western country, and from which the iron works and foundries of this place are supplied with metal. There are several in Fayette, Westmoreland, and Beaver counties, and no less than five north of the Allegheny river."
Agriculture in Virginia. The premium offered by the Agricultural Society of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, for the best conducted farm was awarded to H. S. TURNER, Esq. of Jefferson county, upon which the Editor of the American remarks: "Rich land is a very good thing, but talents and discernment only can make the most of it. They tell in agriculture as well as in other affairs."
Franklin Insurance Office, 7th November, 1825. A dividend of six per centum has been declared for the last six months; two-thirds thereof, or four per cent, is now payable to the Stockholders, one-third being added to the "Surplus Fund." A. BRADLEY, Jun, Secretary.
Lotteries. Under the Management of J. B. YATES & A. McINTYRE. Tickets and Shares are now for sale at the Managers' Office, Washington City, by wholesale and retail, in the greatest variety, in the following Lotteries: all upon the new and popular mode by combination, by means of which the drawing of each is completed in the most just and equal manner, in a few minutes; precluding the possibility of error or fraud, and entirely removing some of the most obvious objections to Lotteries.
----Quantico Canal Lottery, of Virginia, to be drawn on the 2d of November. Amount of Scheme, $163,680. Highest Prizes: $20,000; $10,000, 2 of $5,000, 2 of $2,956, 12 of $1,000, 12 of $500 each, &c.&c.
----Washington and Delaware (St. Peter's) Lottery, to be drawn on the 16th day of November. Amount of Scheme $171,360. Highest Prizes: $15,000; $10,000, 2 of $5,000, 2 of $4,490, 18 of $1,000, 18 of $500.
-Besides a very great variety of $100, $50, $25, $10, &c. &c. Whole tickets $5; Halves, $2.50; Quarters $1.25.
----North Carolina Lottery, to be drawn on the 30th of November. Amount of Scheme, $171,360. Highest Prizes: $20,000; $10,000, 2 of $5,000, 2 of $1,990, 18 of $1,000, 18 of $500, besides prizes of lesser grade. Whole Tickets $5; Halves, $2.50; Quarters $1.25.
-On presenting for public patronage the following Scheme of a Lottery, involving upwards of Half a Million of Dollars, it will not be thought improper for the Managers to inform the Public upon what grounds they may expect the punctual performance of so great engagements. Without adverting to the money arising from the sale of tickets in the Lottery itself, (and the sales are nearly completed;) and aside from the business capital of the Managers, and their private estates; and independent, also, of the vested funds of the Literary Institutions, for whose benefit the Lottery is authorized (which funds are made responsible by law, and which, of themselves are abundantly sufficient for the occasion) -- the Managers have given the approved security of wealthy individuals, their friends, to the government of the state of New York; and additional security to the same extent, to the institutions, for the prompt and effectual performance of their contracts. And it has been made the duty, as it always has been the pleasure, of the Managers to give similar security, in each of the respective Lotteries committed to their charge. They beg leave to add, that their affairs are so arranged, that, in the event of the death of both Managers, no failure or delay would take place in the performance of their engagements to the public or to individuals, extensive as these engagements may seem to be. Having stated these facts, they feel a confidence in soliciting favor for:
----The New York State Literature Lottery, No. 3, to be drawn on the 4th of January next. Amount of Scheme, the great sum of $567,600, And only 14,000 tickets. In which are the following splendid fortunes destined for some of fortune's favorites: $100,000 in one capital, $50,000 in another, $20,000 in another. Also, $10,500, 2 of $5,000, 4 of $2,500, 10 of $2,000, 39 of $1,000, 78 of $500, 468 of $100. In this Lottery no prize is less than $50. Whole tickets $50; Halves, $25; Quarters $12.50, Eighths $6.25, and Sixteenths $3.12.
-This lottery, like all those under the management of J. B. YATES and A. McINTYRE, is arranged in the established and very popular mode by the combination of three numbers upon each ticket; there being only 45 numbers in the whole, of which six will be drawn from the wheel. It requires a ticket to contain some three of the drawn numbers, to entitle the holder to a capital prize; and that one which contains the three first numbers drawn, the Grand Capital of $100,000! A ticket with only two of the drawn numbers may be a prize of $1,000!
--Washington and Connecticut Lottery. To be drawn on the 18th of January next. Highest Prizes: $20,000; 2 of $10,000, 3 of $5,000, 10 of $1,000, 20 of $500. Tickets $5; Halves, $2.50; Quarters $1.25.
-- Union Canal Lottery, Nineteenth Class. To be drawn on the 1st of February next. Containing prizes to the amount of $366,080, in prizes of $50,000; $20,000; 2 of $10,000; 3 of $5,000; 2 of $3,970; 39 of $1,000; 45 of $500; 114 of $100; 228 of $50; 1710 of $20. And no prize less than $10. Present price of Tickets, $9; Halves, $4.50; Quarters $2.25, Eighths $1.25. But will shortly rise to $10 for a whole ticket, and shares in proportion. These lotteries are authorized, respectively, for the construction of public works, the advancement of Learning and Literature; and the promotion of the best interests of the community; they are therefore worthy of the countenance of all friends to Learning and Public Improvements; such will see in these objects a sufficient motive for their favor and patronage. Orders, post paid, for parcels, single tickets, or shares, are respectfully solicited, and will be attended to, by YATES & McINTYRE.
Bank of Washington, 1st November 1825. A Dividend at the rate of Six per cent per annum for the half year ending 31st ultimo, has been declared and will be paid to the Stockholders on the 4th instant. By Order: WILLIAM A. BRADLEY, Cash'r.
Manager's Office, Washington City. The next Washington Lottery, being like the last, connected with a lottery granted by the State of Delaware, will be drawn at Wilmington in that State on Wednesday next, the 16th inst. Tickets and shares in great variety may be had at our office, opposite BROWN's Hotel. YATES & McINTYRE.
Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salas
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