Containing: * Obituaries * Marriages * Commodities for Sale * Service Advertisements * Slave Trade and Indentured Servants * Lost-Found-Rewards-Wanted * Boarding & Rentals * Real Estate Sales * Court Ordered Sales * Jail Notices * Legal Notices * Miscellaneous Notices *
Died. On Sunday morning, Mrs. REBECCA F. NEWELL, wife of Lieut. THOMAS M. NEWELL, of the Navy, aged 23 years. Her friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral, from her residence in G Street, this day at 3 o'clock. At the death of this lovely woman society pauses to behold the hopes, the pride of a husband and family, born up by the roots and dashed to the ground.
Died. At Norfolk, Vir. on Wednesday night last, JAMES JOHNSON, Esq. Collector of that port, and for several years previous to his acceptance of that appointment, a Representative in Congress from the District of Isle of Wight, Surry, Southampton, &c. in Virginia - previously to which service he was for several years a Representative of his county in the Legislature of Virginia. He was distinguished, in public life, for integrity, inflexible purpose, and an uncompromising disposition. His principles were democratic; his elocution was forcible, and sometimes eloquent. In private life, he was distinguished by amenity, friendliness, and sincerity. After a long confinement with the gout, which finally put an end to his life, he has left a family of children to mourn the loss of an affectionate father, which was not long preceded by that of their mother.
Died. On Saturday the 3d instant, at Locust Hill, Prince George's County, Maryland, MARGARET RUTH, second daughter of the late COL THOMAS BOWIE, in the 19th year of her age, of Pulmonary disease, with which she had been long afflicted, and which she bore with unexampled fortitude.
Died. At her mother's residence in Charles County, MD., on the 6th instant, with a pulmonary affection, Miss MARY A. FENWICK, the only surviving child of NICHOLAS FENWICK, Esq., deceased; in the 19th year of her age. In the death of this amiable girl, a disconsolate mother, numerous relations and friends have experienced an irreparable loss; but they have this consolation left, although snatched from this vale of tears in the bloom of youth, she was perfectly resigned to her fate. Hence, they may conclude that, having died in that religion which teaches that true virtue only receives its reward in the world to come, they may confidently hope she is only gone to receive the rewards of her virtue.
Married. On the 8th inst. at the residence of JOHN TABB, Esq, in the borough of Norfolk, by the Rev. Mr. WINGFIELD, Lieutenant JOHN H. LEE, of the U. S. Navy to Miss ELIZABETH PROSSER, of Gloucester County.
Fresh Fruit, Teas, &c. Fifty boxes Muscatel and Bloom raisins, 15 chests, half chests, and boxes; gunpowder; Imperial and Young Hyson teas; 20 bbls New York Pippins; 25 boxes sperm and mould candles; 500 gallons winter strained oil, warranted pure. Received from New York and for sale by F. X. KENNEDY. 4000 bushels coal, now landing at the Eastern Branch, and for sale low. Apply as above.
Grass Cloth Brushes. BARTOW & BRANNAN, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite the Center Market, have just received from New York, a supply of the above articles, of American manufacture, which has given general satisfaction to those who have used them. Members of Congress and the public generally are invited to call and view them.
Ladies' Reticules, newest pattern, black, red, and fawn color, elegant. Silver spectacles, tortoise shell rim spectacles, 1st quality.
Hall Lamps. The subscriber has just received a supply of hall lamps. On hand, an extensive assortment of China, Glass, and Earthenware. A. B. WALLER, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Books! Books! Books! By P. MAURO, Auctioneer. Sales by auction of valuable books, will be held at the City Auction and Commission Rooms, on the Evenings of the following days, at half past six o'clock: Tuesday 13th; Saturday 17th; Tuesday 20th; Friday 23rd. By P. MAURO, Auc'r.
Apothecary and Drug Store. The subscriber having taken the house lately occupied by MR. CHARLES TIMS, near the General Post Office, and having made considerable additions to the Stock which he has purchased, respectfully begs leave to solicit a share of patronage in his line. In addition to his supply of drugs and medicines, which can be recommended with confidence, he has Segars, Snuff, and other articles usually kept by Apothecaries. To the respected faculty of physicians, he begs permission to say, he is just "beginning the world" for himself, and having been a long time in the practice of putting up medicines from the prescriptions of physicians in Baltimore, and lately in the employ of MR. EDWARD CLARKE, at the Navy Yard, he humbly requests of them a portion of their charitable notice; and he hopes by an unremitting attention to his business, and a constant desire to accommodate, to deserve such notice. By JOHN WOLFENDEN.
Oak and Hickory wood for sale at the Wood Yard east of the Seven Buildings, Pennsylvania Avenue, for which apply at the Yard, or to PHILIP HINES, adjoining thereto. Two or three steady hands, as drivers, are wanted. Apply as above.
Exhibition Cloths, from the manufactory of B. WELLS & Co. Steubenville, Ohio, to be sold by ISAAC CLARK's, nearly opposite BROWN's Hotel. Such as remain unsold at the end of three days will be then removed from the City.
New Grocery and Shoe Store. LOWRY & DOUGHERTY respectfully inform the citizens of Washington and its vicinity that they have commenced business in the above line, on Seventh Street, nearly opposite the General Post Office, where they will at all times keep a good assortment of groceries and shoes. They have received an additional supply of 1,000 pairs of men's, women's and children's shoes, suitable for the season. Also -- 250 pairs men's boots, good quality.
Elegant Chairs. By the Packet Hetty Ann, from Philadelphia, I have just received for sale 10 dozen elegant chairs, selected from the extensive and celebrated factory of JOHN A. STEWART, of that city, to be viewed in the wareroom over my Auction Store. MOSES POOR, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.
MURDOCK, YUILLE, WARDROP & CO's Finest Old Madeira Wine. The subscribers, agents for the above house, have received, by the brig Martha, arrived at New York, the wines ordered through them, which will be shipped round by the next packet. They will also receive, by this arrival, a large addition to their present stock, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter casks, warranted of the best quality, and now for sale at importation cost. Those gentlemen who have not been in the habit of having their wine especially ordered for them in Madeira, and may be disposed to do it in the future, will please forward their orders at any time to A. C. CAZENOVE & Co., who have on consignment, and for sale on the unusual terms, a supply of inferior wines. [Transcriber's note: I have omitted a full description of the items for sale. For these details, send an email to, citing the newspaper date and first line of the ad.]
Richmond Coal. 2500 bushels Richmond Coal, now landing at BRADLEY's wharf, and will be sold on reasonable terms, in lots to suit purchasers, by F. X. KENNEDY.
Elegant Present. Le Souvenir, or Picturesque Pocket Diary, for one thousand eight hundred and twenty six. Contents: Calendar, Government of the United States, Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, Governors of the States, Intercourse with Foreign Nations, Foreign Ministers in the United States, Federal Courts, Ruled Pages for memoranda, &c. with many beautiful Literary Selections, original tale, Poetical Sketches, &c, and the following Embellishments: Vignette Portrait of John Quincy Adams; the Capitol; President's House, Washington, View of Boston; View near Fishkill, on the Hudson; Mount Vernon; Residence of S. Breck, Esq. on the Schuylkill; Residence of Count Survilliers; Gilpin's Mills, on the Brandywine; Andalusia, Seat of N. Biddle, Esq; View on Schuylkill; Woodlands, near Philadelphia; Emblematical Designs of the Seasons - fitted up in a variety of bindings, in morocco, embossed kid, satin and embossed paper cases, from $1.50 to $10.00. Just published, and on sale by PISHEY THOMPSON.
Sparkling Rose Champaigne, Fish Sauces, English Pickles and Mustard, Fresh Teas, &c. Received per the Levant from Boston, and Exchange, from New York --
30 Cases and hampers Champaigne, I. C. & Dinet.
25 Cases superior Claret wines, Latour, St. Julien, Medoc, &c.
**12 Cases English Mustard, 1 doz each, in half lb. bottles.
**5 Cases English Mustard, 1 doz each, in 1 lb. bottles.
**7 Cases Fish Sauces, assorted, 6 dozen each, in pint bottles.
**22 Cases English Pickles, assorted kinds, 1 dozen each, in pint bottles.
**12 Cases English Pickles, assorted kinds, 1 dozen each, in quart bottles.
**Just imported from WARDALE & Co, of superior quality.
3 pipes Old French Brandy, from the London Docks.
4 hhds Old Jamaica Rum, 7 and 9 years imported.
3 pipes Holland Gin, Weesp anchor.
10 half chests Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Pouchong, and Souchong Teas.
10 bags Java, Laguira, Cuba, and St Domingo Coffee.
10 bbls first quality brown sugar.
5 bbls second quality brown sugar.
15 qr boxes Imperial Cigars, very superior.
10 boxes sperm candles, assorted sizes.
10 boxes Mould and Tallow candles.
10 boxes brown soap.
These items all for sale by WILLIAM COX, at his new store, nearly opposite WILLIAMSON's Tavern, and three doors west of his old stand.
For Sale. Apples, English Cheese, &c. Just received by the subscriber, from New York, by the schooner Exchange and others:
50 barrels Pippin apples
10 hampers English cheese, superior quality
50 boxes Mould Candles, Converses's brand
10 barrels hulled Buckwheat flour
10 half barrels hulled Buckwheat flour
And daily expected, a large supply of fresh raisins, guava jelly, preserved ginger, citron, &c., &c. By SAMUEL STETTINIUS
New Books. BALLENTYNE's Novelist Library, Vol. X. containing the novels of Mrs. ANN RADCLIFFE, Royal 8vo. $8. Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in all that relates to guns and shooting by LT. COL. P. HAWKER, with 10 explanatory plates, $6. Manual of Surgical Operations, containing the new methods of operating by LISFRANC. By J. COSTER, M.D. &P. Translated, with Notes, by JOHN D. GODMAN, M.D., $1.25. The Myriocarpia, or Endless Changes of Fruit, $5.50. Shakespeare's Plays, complete in 1 vol. 8vo, $4. The Souvenir, or Picturesque Pocket-Diary Johnson's Lives of the Poets, complete in 1 vol, $2. Pendar's Works, complete in 1 vol, $1.75. The Spectator, complete in 1 vol, $4.50. Lately published and on sale by PISHEY THOMPSON.
Butter. Just received and for sale at my store, High Street, Georgetown, 65 kegs and 1200 lbs roll butter, of the best quality, and will be sold low, if applied for immediately. Also a supply of good Family flour and whiskey. By JESSE LIPSCOMB.
Glade Butter. I have this day received 70 kegs of Glade butter, 1000 weight of Roll Butter. All of a very superior quality. Those in want of this article will do well to apply immediately at my store. JOHN H. KING, High Street, Georgetown.
New Goods. Just received, and for sale very cheap, linen cambrics; cambric handkerchiefs; black nankeen crape, very superior; black levantine, Italian mantuas; cotton hose. Also, 10 boxes spermaceti candles. W. S. NICHOLLS, Georgetown. I want to purchase a servant boy, from 17 to 20 years of age, to wait in my family. For one of good character for honesty and sobriety, I will give a liberal price.
Removal. MRS. EASTER having removed her millinery establishment to the corner of Tenth Street, on the Avenue, opposite COL WATSON's, informs her friends and the ladies of Washington and Georgetown, that she has on hand, at the above place, a full assortment of millinery suitable to the Autumn and Winter.
For Sale. At the subscriber's a consignment of 84 cases, from London, of WARDALE & Co's celebrated Durham mustard, pickles, and sauces, Georgetown. By THOMAS C. WRIGHT.
Old and Selected Madeira Wine, Liquors, Cigars, Teas, and Gunpowder for sale by WILLIAM COX at his new store nearly opposite WILLIAMSON's Hotel and three doors West of his old stand. [Transcriber's note: The full ad is 8 inches long. I have omitted a listing of the actual items for sale. For those details, send an email to, citing the newspaper date and first line of the ad.]
New Goods. H.S. GARDINER has just received plain and figured Gros de Naples; Ombre and Shaded Silks; Italian Lustrings; Worsted and Silk Barrages; Cote Paly and Baptise; White, black, and colored Crape Lisse; Black embroidered Crape Lisse; Black Velum Gauze; White and colored Gauze plushes; Barrage and gauze handkerchiefs; Italian Crape handkerchiefs; Merino shawls, handsome assortment; Flora, pipeing, and cotton Cords; Thread and Bobbinett Laces; Rich Bobbinet Flouncings; 4-4 and 5-4 Bobbinett Laces; Silk and cotton hosiery; worsted and lamb's wool hosiery; cloths and cassimeres; Baizes and point blankets; Irish linens and linen cambrics; Fig'd and plain Swiss muslins; Camb. Jaconet, and Mull muslins; Crimson, blue and black silk velvets; and also 20 doz genuine Cologne, 3 dozen Reticules, new style, with many other articles in the Fancy and Staple line all of which will be sold much lower than usual for cash.
WILLIAM I. (L?) STONE, engraver and copper plate printer, Pennsylvania Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets, and next door to C. ECKLOFF's. Merchant Tailor. Where everything generally connected with the above occupation will be promptly attended to, at the New York and Philadelphia prices. Ladies and gentlemen wishing visiting or invitation cards, by calling as above can be supplied on the shortest possible notice.
CHRISTIAN BUCKLEY, Confectioner, respectfully informs his customers and the public in general that he has received his usual assortment of fresh fruit, and can supply the largest dinners, balls, and parties, at the shortest notice, and in the most workmanlike manner. Also, ice cream, jelly, blanc mange, at $3.00 a gallon; plum cake, pound cake, and small cakes, at 37-1/2 cts per pound.
Old, Cheap, and Expeditious Route, from Washington and Alexander to Richmond, touching at Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, and City Point. The Alexandria and Norfolk Steam Boat Company have established the swift, strong, and elegant Boat Potomac, URIAH JENKINS, Master on the abovementioned route, now running. To persons having particular regard to their own safety and comfort, this line has a decided preference as the passage in the Chesapeake Bay, the only place of risk, is performed both ways in day time, in a superior boat, particularly constructed for navigating said bay. By N. WATTLES, Agent. [Transcriber's note: I have omitted a full description of the schedule and the rates. For these details, send an email to, citing the newspaper date and first line of the ad.]
Dr. Robert SMETHER, Dentist, respectively tenders his professional services to the citizens and residents in Washington City and its vicinity, during the approaching session of Congress. Ladies will we waited upon at their respective houses. Dr. Smether has taken the pleasant and commodious rooms over the shop occupied by Mr. BROWN, (saddler) on Penn. Avenue, a few doors east of Brown's Hotel.
JONAH D. SINNOTT, A. M. M.D., Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, having been 15 years practising in the various branches of his profession, particularly in that of Midwifery, in which department he has been extensively and successfully engaged in Baltimore, with confidence offers his professional services to the citizens of Washington and its vicinity. Dr. SINNOTT may for the present be found at MISS SINNOTT's Academy, Varnum's Row, D Street. [Transcriber's Note: The above advertisement is also included in French with the following additional paragraph: "P.S. Doctor SINNOTT consacrera deux heures par jour a enseigner la langue Anglaise a des Francais."]
For Norfolk. The Schooner Sidney Matilda, C. ASHBEE, Master, to sail on Tuesday next. For Freight, which will be taken low, apply to INGLE, LINDSLEY, & INGLE.
For Sale. For a term of years, several servants, of both sexes. Should they not be sold before the 1st day of January next, they will then be for hire by the month or year. And for hire, immediately, a Boy, about 15 years of age. JOHN A. WILSON, G Street, north, near the Department of State. Who has also for rent on High Street, Georgetown, a three-story brick building, calculated for a store and family; and a small brick building on Green Street.
Negroes for Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Charles County, the subscriber will sell, at public auction, in Port Tobacco, on Thursday, the 29th of December next, about 30 likely Negroes, of divers ages and sexes, late the property of Dr. SAMUEL HANSON, Senr., deceased. This property will be sold on a credit of six months, the purchasers to give bond with approved security, for the payment of the purchase money. By WILLIAM D. MERRICK, Administrator.
Cash in Market. And high prices will be given for likely sound young Negroes. Those wishing to sell will do well to inquire soon at McCANDLESS's Tavern, in Georgetown, D. C., where they will find a purchaser. By JESSE BERNARD.
$100 Reward. Left my farm on Saturday night, 15th instant, in company with three others who have been recovered, Negro HENRY, a bright mulatto, about 18 years of age, of very brisk motion, and sprightly countenance, and apt to stammer or stutter a little if confused. His clothing consists of a few fur hat, a gray frock coat, a pair of brown pantaloons, both domestic cloth twilled, a pair of cassimere pantaloons, and a white cotton shirt with a linen bosom and collar. HENRY has brown wavy hair, showing completely the white man and Negro mixture. His companions were taken near Greencastle, Pennsylvania. The above reward, and all reasonable expenses, will be given for apprehending and delivering to me the above Negro. By WILLIAM C. FITZHUGH, Upperville, Loudoun County, VA, Oct. 17, 1825.
Wanted. I wish to purchase a handsome, smart servant boy, from 17 to 20 years of age, to wait in my house; one from the country, who is known to be sober and honest (and none other need be offered). I will give a fair price for. Apply to W. S. NICHOLLS.
Lost. On the 8th instant, a double cased Silver watch, between Capitol Hill and the President's House. The finder can have a reward of three dollars by leaving the watch at the office of the National Intelligencer, with MR. T. DONOHO, and many thanks from an old Revolutionary soldier.
$75 Reward. Ran away from the subscribers, on the night of the 14 or 15th instant, a Negro lad named ABNER, calls himself ABNER RILEY; he is about five feet 2 or 3 inches high, and between 18 and 20 years of age; has a large fleshy face, an intelligent countenance, dark complection, lips rather thick, and flat nose; he is quite sprightly when spoken to, is pretty chunky and stout built, stoops considerably when standing or walking. He has been brought up as a house servant, at which he is very handy. He took with him a blue cloth coat, which on examination may be discovered that it has been turned and remade; also one corduroy roundabout and pantaloons, 2 pairs of shoes one coarse the other lined and bound, 1 pair bombazette pantaloons, and one hat; his other clothing not recollected. It is supposed he left the neighborhood in company with five or six who ran away about the same time and are making for the State of Pennsylvania or Ohio, and may possibly change his name. I will give the above reward if apprehended out of the states of Maryland and Virginia, or $40 if in the State of Maryland, $20 if in the State of Virginia, and secured so that I get him. By JOHN BOYD, Middleburg, Loudoun County, VA.
$100 Reward. The above reward will be given for the apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again of my Man BEN, who ran away on Saturday, the 20th of May last. He is a carpenter by trade, about 5 feet 10 inches high; a remarkably large, square built fellow; has a white lock of hair on the mole of the head; a bright mulatto, with high cheek bones, deep creases on each cheek, thick lips, and about 45 years of age. He can write a pretty good hand, and no doubt has copied the papers of some free man; and I have reason to believe he stole the Stafford County seal and attached the impression of it to his papers. He carried with him three of his daughters, the property of my neighbor, MOSES KENDALL, and a Negro man, the husband of one of them, who was taken up at Vansville, Maryland, , on the 23d of May, and lodged in the Washington jail. He says that my man intended to go to St. Domingo. I forewarn all captains of vessels and any other persons from employing or harboring said fellow, at their peril. By ROWZEE PEYTON, Stafford County, VA, June 1, 1825.
$30 Reward. Will be given to any person for apprehending and securing, so that the subscriber recovers them, a Negro servant named SYLVIA, and her child named JANE, or $15 for either of them, or for such information as may lead to their recovery. Sylvia was formerly the property of MR. CREASE; had been hired in Alexandria for some months past, where she is well known. On or about the 12th of last month she left Alexandria with the intention (as she stated) to come home. She is about 31 years old, but appears to be more; is rather tall and slender, not very black, and has a pleasant countenance, pock marked about the nose. She sews with her left hand and generally wears a handkerchief about her head. It is unnecessary to describe her clothing, as she may have a variety with her, one article of which is probably a new blue cloth shawl. She dresses neatly, and is a good looking servant. Whether she left Alexandria at the time reported, or at what time, is as uncertain as the direction she may have taken. It is probably she is yet in the District or in the neighborhood, or she may have taken a northern direction. Jane, her daughter, who it is supposed she has with her, is about 6 years old, and looked delicate, owing to a late sickness. Her complection is lighter than the mother. The above reward will be paid to any person for securing the above named servants so that I get them again, by giving immediate information to EDMOND I. LEE, Esq. of Alexandria or to the subscriber at Salisbury, on the old Turnpike Road, and near Centreville and all reasonable charges will be paid if brought home. SYLVIA has connection in the neighborhood of Aldie, Loudoun County. By JOHN LLOYD, Salisbury, Fairfax County.
$150 Reward. Absconded from the subscriber (without any previous disagreement) within the last 14 months, the two following described slaves, viz: (l) From by Oatland Farm, near Brookeville, Montgomery County, Maryland, in May, 1824, JAMES SCOTT, a black fellow, about 40 or 45 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, flat face and bowlegged; a rough carpenter, but slow and lazy; professes to be religious, and is fond of talking. Had on when he left home a domestic blue cotton coat, made straight breasted, coarse linen shirt and trowsers, shoes, and a nearly new furred hat, with a mourning band around it, independent of which he had a variety of other clothing, amongst which is remembered a good broadcloth blue coat with yellow gilt buttons. (2) From Milford, my residence on Potomac, at the mouth of Seneca, about the 1st instant, ANTHONY, who calls himself ANTHONY BUCHANAN, a one-legged fellow, very stout, and a remarkably active and brisk walker notwithstanding his infirmity; he is about 25 years of age, 6 feet fully in height, light complexion inclining to yellow, reads pretty well, professes to be religious, and very fond of singing hymns. Excepting a blue broad cloth coat his clothing is all domestic, or home made, strong and coarse, twilled black and white cotton and wool, and a good deal worn; his hat, though old, is a platt of very superior quality, East India manufacture, and double, very fine, and a brown or mahogany color. Both these fellows are artful and plausible and have no doubt obtained from their companions in their respective neighborhoods either forged passes or legal ones, assuming other names, and made for Pennsylvania or some other northern state. If apprehended and secured (so that I get them) in Maryland or the District of Columbia, I will pay $30 for either, or sixty for both, and if in any other state or district, the above reward, or one half for either. By WASHINGTON BOWIE, Oatland near Brookville, MD, September 23, 1825. The Reporter, of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and Franklin Gazette, Philad. will insert the above weekly for 6 months and forward their accounts as above for payment.
Boarding. Four Gentlemen can be furnished with genteel boarding and lodging, in B street, about two hundred yards south of the Capitol and directly opposite the residence of Mr. JOHN COYLE. By R. GILDER.
Boarding. J. GARDINER can accommodate a few Members of Congress, at his house on 9th Street (one square west of the Post Office) opposite to the residence of Mr. JOSEPH GALES, JR.
Boarding. MRS. HOMANS can accommodate six or seven Members of Congress. The house she occupies is the first in the second block west of the Market, on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Boarding House. MICHAEL SARDO, corner of Tenth Street west and Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington City, respectfully invites the attention of Members of Congress and others to the conveniences of his boarding establishment. It is a large and commodious three story brick house, the rooms of which have been fitted up with care, so as insure comfort to all who may favor him with their patronage. He can accommodate a mess of 10 or 12 Members with single rooms, and also a small number with their families. The sidewalks to the Capitol or the Public Offices are paved throughout, which will render the walking excellent. His table will be spread with the choicest productions of the season, and his terms will be very moderate.
For Rent. A handsome two story brick house on G Street West, between 21st and 22nd streets. It is in excellent repair, and contains a parlor, dining room, and four or five chambers, together with a kitchen, smoke house, and a large garden well fenced in. To a good tenant the rent will be very reasonable. Apply at the bar of the Franklin House Hotel.
For Rent. The House recently occupied by ROBERT EASTER, situated on Pennsylvania Avenue, having undergone a thorough repair, it is now offered for rent. Any information concerning it may be had by applying to JOHN ADAMS, JR, at the President's.
For Rent. The two story brick dwelling house near Coombes' wharf, lately occupied by the Rev. Mr. CHALMERS. Application to be made to ERASMUS J. MIDDLETON, or D. W. MIDDLETON, nearly opposite the premises.
For Rent, and possession given on the first of January next, the estate called Woodley, the residence of the late P. B. KEY, Esq. This property lies upon the Heights of Georgetown, and has all the advantages of contiguity to the two markets of Washington and Georgetown, of fine air, excellent water, and withal admitted to be as healthful a situation as can be found anywhere. The buildings are commodious, the orchards valuable, gardens well located, wood continuous, and the lands, of which there are about 230 acres, as productive as are any in the neighborhood. To a good tenant, and one who would take care of the property, the terms would be moderate. Apply to WILLIAM THOMPSON, Jr., Agent for ANN KEY, Adm'x.
For Rent. GEORGE SEALE's house and lot, about one mile (North) from the Capitol, lately occupied by JAMES MOORE. Immediate possession may be had. Inquire of EZEKIEL MACDANIEL.
Land for Sale. I will sell my farm, containing 500 acres or upwards, lying in Prince George's County, called Melwood Park, about 5 miles from Upper Marlborough and 12 from the city of Washington. The land is good both for farming and planting. There is wood and timber sufficient for its support. There are three good tobacco houses almost new, and every house that is requisite for the use of the farm, all in good order. MR. DORSEY, the present manager, who resides on it, will show it to any person who may wish to view the same, but if not sold at private sale, before the second day of Prince George's County Court, it will, on that day, be offered at public sale, to the highest bidder. If sold, an indisputable title will be given. Terms to be known on the day of the sale. By JOSEPH F. CLAGETT.
Lots &c. for Sale. The subscriber has lots and squares to dispose of in every ward of this city; and has several lots particularly well situated for the construction of ice houses, which are now much wanted for the supply of the city. Liberal credits will be given to purchasers for the purpose of early improvement. Apply to JAMES GREENLEAF, at his house in 14th Street West, last occupied by the Hon. WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD.
For sale, Or exchange for city property, about 50 acres of land, lying in Prince George's County, Maryland, four miles from the Capitol. By JNO H. BAKER.
Charles County Court, August Term, 1825. Ordered that the sale made and reported by WILLIAM H. SMOOT, Trustee for the sale of the real estate of HEZEKIAH DENT, deceased, be notified and confirmed on the 3rd Monday of March next, unless cause be shown to the contrary; Provided a copy of this order be published in some newspaper in the District of Columbia, once a week for three successive weeks before the first Monday of January next. The report states that the property sold for $2154. Test, JOHN BARNES, Clerk.
Constable's Sale. By virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued by ISRAEL LITTLE, a justice of the Peace for the County of Washington, and to be directed, I shall expose to public for sale, for cash, on Friday the 16th day of December, 1825, at 7 o'clock A.M. at the Navy Yard Market House, one gig and harness, seized and taken as the property of D. G. HICKEY, and will be sold to satisfy debts due J. EVANS and PETER LITTLE, JUNR. By ENOCH BRYAN.
Constable's Sale. In virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued by ISRAEL LITTLE and BERNARD SPALDING, Esq. Justices of the Peace for the County of Washington, District of Columbia, and to me directed, I shall expose to public sale on Thursday the first day of December next, one two-story house and lot, situate on South D street, and adjoining the Eastern Free School; also all the household and kitchen furniture belonging to EDWARD D. TIPPETT; two hacks and horses, and a Negro girl aged 17 years. Seized and taken at the suit of WILLIAM A. SMALLWOOD and DAVID BREARLY. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock on the premises. ENOCH BRYAN, Constable. The above sales are postponed to the 13th inst. at the same hour and place for the want of bidders. E. BRYAN, Constable.
By virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, issued by JOHN CHALMERS and ISRAEL LITTLE, Justices of the Peace for the county of Washington, D.C. and to me directed, I shall expose to sale for cash, on the 25th Nov. next, a part of a tract of land called "Conjuror's Defeat." All the interest of WALTER EVANS, in and to the said land, to satisfy debts due to DAVID BUTLER, M. JARBOE, EDWARD SIMS, and PHILIP OTTERBACK. Sale at 12 o'clock A.M. about two miles from the Eastern Branch. By ENOCH BRYAN, Constable. Constable's Note: The above sale is postponed for the want of bidders, to Friday, 17 instant, at the same hour and place. By E. BRYAN, Constable.
Public Sale. By virtue of a deed of trust from EDWARD D. TIPPET, I will expose to public sale on Thursday the 1st day of December next, all the interest of said TIPPET, in and to one two story house and lot, situated on south D street, adjoining to the Eastern Free School; also all the household and kitchen furniture, belonging to said TIPPET, two hacks and horses, and one Negro girl, aged about 17 years. Sale to take place at 11 o'clock A.M. on the premises. By GRIFFITH COOMBE.
Trustee's Sale. By virtue of a decree of the County Court for Prince George's County in the State of Maryland, sitting as a court of equity, rendered at their last October term, in the case of W. & C. SMITH, complainants against ANN BECK and others, representatives of JAMES BECK, defendants, I will proceed on Monday, the 30th day of January next, on the premises at 12 o'clock meridian, to sell at auction, to the highest bidder, subject to the widow's dower, the following valuable real estate lying in Prince George's County aforesaid, to wit: Part of a tract of land called "Expedition," containing 90 acres, more or less; also part of a tract of land called the "Addition to Hope Enlarged," containing five acres, more or less; also two hundred and five acres of the tract of land called "Parcel Enlarged," to be laid off adjoining the former two parts of tracts, in such manner as the purchaser may deem most beneficial and advantageous to himself. The above property lies within three or four miles of Vansville and within seven or eight miles of Bladensburg, is said to be of good quality and has the requisite improvements for its cultivation. Terms of sale are, that the purchaser shall give bond, with approved security, for the purchase money, payable in two equal instalments, at nine and twelve months, with interest from the day of sale. And on the ratification of the sale by the court, and the full payment of the purchase money, I will execute to the purchaser a full conveyance of the full title of the said complainants and the said JAMES BECK in the said land. Purchasers not complying with the terms of sale within six days thereafter, the land will be liable to be resold at their risk. CLEMENT COX, Trustee.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, at the front door of the Union Tavern in Georgetown, on Monday the 19th of December next, the following described lands and tenements, viz: Part of Lots Nos. 53, 54, 65 in old Georgetown fronting 23 feet 6 inches on the causeway. Lot No. 149 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 60 feet on Gay Street, with the improvements and houses thereon, now or lately the residence of NICHOLAS HEDGES. A part of Lots Nos. 134, 135 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 30 feet on Washington street and 120 Feet on Dunbarton Street. Lot No. 136 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 60 feet on Dunbarton Street. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of NICHOLAS HEDGES, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due by him to the Bank of Columbia, use of the Bank of the United States. Sale to commence at 4 o'clock P.M. By TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, DC. Immediately after the above sale, I shall offer at public sale parts of lots Nos. 14 and 15 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, and fronting 79 feet 6 inches on Washington Street; being the property adjoining and south of the house and premises of JOHN LAIRD, Esq. which parts of lots belong to the Bank of the United States. Terms of sale a credit of 1, 2, and 3 years, for notes satisfactorily endorsed, bearing interest from the day of sale. By RICHARD SMITH, Cashier, Branch Bank, Washington.
Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash on the premises, on Saturday, the 31st of December, instant, the following described lands and tenements, viz: Lots Nos. 25, 26 in Beall's addition to Georgetown, fronting 120 feet on West Street, and 120 feet on Washington Street, with the two-story brick house and all other improvements thereon. Sized and taken in execution as the estate and property of ELIZABETH WEEMS, and will be sold to satisfy debts due to ISAAC V. BROWN and JOHN WEBB. Sale to commence at 4 o'clock, P.M. By TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal.
Marshal's Sale. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, upon a judgment of the Commercial and Farmer's Bank of Baltimore against JOHN COX, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Thursday, the 12th day of January 1826, next ensuing, all the right, title, and interest, which JOHN COX had on the 31st day of January, 1820, the day of the rendition of the judgment aforesaid, or since, of, in, and to the following described lands, lots, and tenements, viz: Part of Lot No. 7, in Old Georgetown, beginning for the same, 38 feet 9 inches, Westwardly from East Lane, as it was formerly called, now called Congress Street, and on the North side of Bridge Street, and running Northwardly parallel with Congress street 120 feet, to a 20 feet alley, then Westwardly, parallel with Bridge Street, and by and with said Alley 24 feet; then Southwardly, parallel with the first line to Bridge street, then with a straight line to the beginning, with the improvements thereon. Lots Nos. 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, in THRELKELD's addition to Georgetown, fronting on Fayette Street and lying between Third and Fourth Streets. All the following described lot or parcel of ground lying in Georgetown, binding on Congress street, and beginning for the same, at the Southwest corner of a 12 foot alley on the East side of Congress street, about 140 feet south of Bridge street, then running east with the said alley about 90 feet; then south 25 feet; the west 90 feet; then North 25 feet, with Congress street, to the beginning, with the improvements thereon. The following piece and parcel of ground, lying and being in BEATTY and HAWKINS' addition to Georgetown, and beginning for the same on First street, 63 feet from Frederick Street, running east 27 feet on First street, then north 163 feet, more or less, to the alley, with the free use of the said alley; then west, 27 feet; then south, 136 feet to the beginning, with improvements thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of JOHN COX, bound by the aforesaid judgment, and will be sold to satisfy the said debt due from him to the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore, use of the Bank of Columbia. Sale to take place at 12 o'clock M. at SEMMES' Tavern, Georgetown. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal D.C.
Valuable Property for Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, sitting as a Court of Chancery, I shall expose for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises, on Saturday the 21st day of January next, at 4 o'clock P.M. the following property, in the City of Washington, namely: The three story brick house on part of lot 7 in square 461, opposite the Center Market and now occupied by Mrs. S. MEYER. Also, part of lot No. 5, in square 461, fronting 22 feet on B street, and running back 66 feet, upon which is erected a large brick Carriage House and Stable. Terms of sale, four equal payments, at two, six, nine, and twelve months, the purchaser or purchasers giving notes, with two good endorsers, to be approved by the Trustee, bearing interest from the day of sale; upon the payment of the whole of which purchase money sufficient deeds and conveyances will be made of all the title and claim of the late JOHN CAMPBELL, deceased, which title is indisputable. If the terms of sale are not complied with in three days, the property will be resold at the risk and expense of the first purchaser or purchasers, upon giving not less than three days' notice of the time and place of such resale, in the National Intelligencer. By order of the Trustee. P. MAURO, Auct.
Charles County Court, August Term, 1825. On the petition of BENJAMIN OGLE TAYLOE, for the division of the real estate of JOHN B. MEEK, late of Charles County, deceased, it is alleged that THEOPHILUS GARNER and SALLY GARNER (which said Sally is the daughter of a certain NANCY SUTHERLAND) and JOSEPH U. MEEK, heirs and persons entitled, are not citizens of the State of Maryland, and they do not reside therein. It is thereupon ordered that notice be inserted in the National Intelligencer once a week for the space of three months successively, before the third Monday in March next, warning the said absent heirs and representatives to appear in Charles County Court on the said third Monday in March next, in person or by solicitor, to show cause, if any they have, why the return of the Commissioners for the division of the real estate of the said JOHN B. MEEK, deceased, shall not be confirmed. Test, JOHN BARNES, Clerk.
Trustee's Sale. Will be sold at public auction, by order of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, on Saturday, the 19th November, instant, to the highest bidder, all the real and personal property of GEORGE and THOMAS O. ST. CLAIR, consisting of several acres of valuable land, improved and unimproved; farming utensils, cattle, hogs, several valuable Negroes, male and female, and a variety of household and kitchen furniture. The sale will take place at the house of GEORGE ST. CLAIR, near the Bladensburg road, about a mile from the SPRING TAVERN. Terms -- a credit of three and six months; notes satisfactorily endorsed will be required to secure the payment of the purchase money. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. By. ENOCH BRYAN, Trustee. Trustee's Note: The above sale is postponed to the 19th day of December next, same place and hour.
Trustee's Sale. In consequence of the failure of the purchasers to comply with the terms of sale, I will proceed on Monday, the 23d day of January next, at 12 o'clock M. to resell, at their risk, at public auction, the following Lots of Ground, in Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, consisting in part of the real estate of GEORGE KING, deceased, to wit: Part of Lot No. 76, fronting on Cecil Alley about 300 feet, on which are two two-story frame dwelling houses. Also, part of Lot No. 77, on Water street, on which is a three story brick Store and Dwelling house. The above sale will take place on the premises, and the purchaser or purchasers shall give bonds, with approved security, for the purchase money, payable in six equal semi-annual payments, with interest from the day of sale; provided that any purchaser, in lieu of giving bond may pay the money in hand; and on the full payment of the purchase money and the ratification of the sale by the Court, I will execute to each purchaser, at his proper expense, a valid conveyance of all the title to which the said GEORGE KING died seized. By RAPHAEL SEMMES, Trustee. The Baltimore Patriot and Fredericktown Herald will please insert the above once a week till the day of sale.
Was committed to the Jail of Baltimore County, as a runaway, by HENRY TASWELL, Esq., a Justice of the Peach for the County of Baltimore, on the 16th day of November 1825, a Negro man, five feet seven inches high, about 21 years of age, who calls himself JOHN KELLY, and says he belongs to CALEB DAVIS, of Baltimore city. Had on when committed, a drab cassimere roundabout, linsey waistcoat, corduroy pantaloons, blue yarn stockings, coarse shoes, coarse cotton shirt, fur hat; a blemish in the left eye, scar on the right check on the breast, and on the left wrist, small finger of the left hand much contracted. The owner of the above described Negro man is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away; otherwise he will be discharged according to law. By. S. BARRY, Sheriff, B.C.
Was committed on Monday, the 10th inst. to the jail of Frederick County, as a runaway, a Negro man named ISAAC, about five feet ten inches high, between 22 and 23 years of age, says he belongs to WILLIAM FITZHUGH, of Washington County. He had on when committed a coarse linen shirt and pantaloons, and straw hat. The owner of the above described Negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be discharged according to law. THOMAS CARLTON, Sheriff.
District of Columbia, County of Washington, to wit: SEDLY WOODWARD has applied to the Hon. JAMES S. MORSELL, Assistant Judge of the Circuit Court of The District of Columbia, to be discharged from imprisonment, under the act for the relief of insolvent debtors within the District of Columbia, on the third Monday of December, inst. at 11 o'clock A.M. at the Court Room, when and where his creditors are requested to attend. WILLIAM BRENT, Clerk.
District of Columbia, County of Washington, to wit: WILLIAM RICE, NICHOLAS FAGAN, ELIJAH HALL, WALTER S. DOUGLASS, and ANDREW RAMSAY, Jr., have applied to the Hon. J. S. MORSELL, Assistant Judge of the Circuit Court of The District of Columbia, to be discharged from imprisonment, under the Act for the Relief of insolvent debtors within the District of Columbia, on the third Monday of December, inst. at 11 o'clock A.M. when and where his creditors are requested to attend. WILLIAM BRENT, Clerk.
Was committed to Frederick County jail, as a runaway, during the month of September last, a Negro boy named JOSEPH HOPKINS, about 16 or 17 years of age, 5 feet two or three inches high, very black, says he is bound to a Mr. OSBOURN by his mother, LILLY HOPKINS, who lives in the county. He had on when committed a pair of old linen, and a pair of woollen pantaloons, a doublet much worn, an old hat without a rim, and a pair of half worn shoes. The owner of the above described boy is requested to come forward, prove property, and pay charges, otherwise he will be released as directed by the act of Assembly of this state. By THOMAS CARLTON, Sh'ff.
Was committed to the jail of Frederick County, as a runaway, on Monday the 10th instant, a Negro man named SOLOMON, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, about 22 years of age, says he belongs to DAVID DUDDERAR, below Liberty, in the county. He had on when committed a crossbar cotton doublet, cotton waistcoat, tow linen shirt and pantaloons, straw hat, and double nailed shoes. The owner of the above described boy is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be released as directed by the act of Assembly of this state. By THOMAS CARLTON, Sheriff.
This is to give notice, that the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Prince George's County, in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estate of COL LEONARD O. BROOKE, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the first day of June next; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to the deceased are required to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23rd day of November, 1825. By WALTER BAKER BROOKE, Administrator.
Orphans' Court of Prince George's County, November 8, 1825. Ordered by the Court, that the final account of THOMAS EDMONSTON, administrator de bonis non of NINIAN EDMONSTON, presented to this Court for passage, is hereby accordingly passed, unless some person or persons interested in the settlement of said deceased's estate shall make objection to said final account, or to any account relating to said estate which may give heretofore passed this Court, on or before the second Tuesday in January, next; provided a copy of this order be inserted in the National Intelligencer and set up at the Court House door within ten days from the date hereof. Test, TRUEMAN TYLER, Reg.
This is to give notice that the subscriber of Charles County, hath obtained from the Orphans' Court of Charles County, in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estate of DOCTOR SAMUEL HANSON, Senior, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at or before the 20th day of June next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. Given under my hand this 26th day of November, 1825. By WILLIAM D. MERRICK, Adm'r.
Charles County Orphans' Court, October Term, 1825. Upon petition in writing of WILLIAM B. STONE, Esq. praying for letters of administration de bonis non upon the estate of JOHN B. EDELIN, late of Charles County, deceased - It is ordered by the Court that notice be given to the persons entitled, to appear in this Court on or before the second Tuesday in February next, and take out letters upon said estate, otherwise the prayer of the petitioner will be granted. Test, WILLIAM D. MERRICK, Register of Wills.
In the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, held at New Castle, in and for the county of New Castle, of the August Term, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty five. JOHN MATTHEWS vs. MARY McCLUN, RACHEL McCLUN, SAMUEL McCLUN, JANE McCLUN, ANDREW LOCKHART BIGGS, MARGARET BIGGS, WILLIAM WELDON (the first), JAMES CHAMBERS, and JOHN CHAMBERS, son of JAMES CHAMBERS. And now, to wit, on this 7th day of September, 1825, on motion of GEORGE READ, Esquire, Counsel for the Petitioner, and on affidavit of petitioner filed, it is ordered by the Court, that RACHEL McCLUN, JANE McCLUN, ANDREW LOCKHART BIGGS, and MARGARET BIGGS do appear in this Court, to the said petition, on Friday, the 14th day of April, next ensuing; and that a copy of this order shall, within 30 days, be published in the Delaware Gazette, and in the National Intelligencer, for 3 months next after its first publication. By DAVID PAYNTER, Register in Chancery.
In the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, held at New Castle, in and for the county of New Castle, of the August Term, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty five. MARY CAVENDER, vs. ZACHARIAH MANN, JOHN MANN, ISAIAH MANN, GEORGE MANN, and BOTHEA CANNON. And now, to wit, on this 7th day of September, 1825, on motion of GEORGE READ, Jr., Esquire, Complainant's solicitor, and on affidavit of HENRY STEEL, filed, it is ordered by the Court, that ZACHARIAH MANN do appear in this Court, to the said suit, on Friday, the 14th day of April, next ensuing; and that a copy of this order shall, within 30 days, be published in the Delaware Gazette, and in the National Intelligencer, for 3 months next after its first publication. By DAVID PAYNTER, Register in Chancery.
Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for Washington County. BROOK WILLIAMS, adm'r of WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS, use of, &c. against SAMUEL HUNT, SUSANNAH HOLMES, and all the other heirs at law of JEREMIAH HUNT, _______ COOPER and his wife, late widow of said HUNT, and ENOCH REYNOLDS, administrator, &c. The Bill states that JEREMIAH HUNT died seized of the real property in the bill mentioned, and that his personal estate is insufficient to pay his debts; and the object of the bill is to have his real estate sold, and the proceeds applied in aid of the personal estate towards payment of the debts of the complainant, and such of said HUNT's creditors as shall come in and contribute towards the costs of this suit. And it appears in that SAMUEL HUNT, SUSANNA HOLMES, and all the other heirs at law of said JEREMIAH HUNT, some of the defendants above named, are non-residents of this District, and reside in Great Britain. It is thereupon, this 18th day of November, 1825, ordered that said complainant give notice to said absent defendants of the substance and object of this bill, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the National Intelligencer once a week for 6 weeks prior to the first day of March, next, thereby warning said absent defendants to be and appear in the Clerk's Office of this county, in person or by solicitor, at the Rules there to be held on the first Monday of April next, and answer the complainant's bill, otherwise that the same will be taken pro confesso against said absent defendants. By J. S. MORSELL, Assistant Judge Circuit Court, District of Columbia. REDIN, Solicitor. True Copy, Test, WILLIAM BRENT, Clerk.
Notice. All persons having claims against the Estate of Dr. CHARLES SMOOT, late of Charles County, deceased, are required to exhibit the same according to law, and all those indebted to the same are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, as no indulgence will be given. By HARIOT SMOOT, Admtrx.
Phrenological Society - A stated Meeting of the society will be held at Mr. HASKELL's room, near St. John's Church, this day, 13th inst. at 12 o'clock precisely. An introductory lecture with demonstrations will be delivered by Dr. LOVELL. By J. A. BRERETON, Rec. Sec.
Notice. An election will be held at the Union Tavern in Georgetown, on the first Monday in January next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and three o'clock P.M. for three Directors in the Georgetown Potomac Bridge Company, to serve in the ensuing year, WILLIAM THOMSON, JR., Treasurer.
A lecture on Education will be delivered on Tuesday (this evening) at half past six o'clock, at the Lancaster School in Georgetown - gratis.
The Members of the Union Rifle Company are requested to meet at the Lancasterian School Room on Tuesday, 13th inst. at 6 o'clock P.M. Punctual attendance is expected, as business of importance will be transacted. By EDWARD HANLEY, Sec'ry.
TYLER's Office. The Drawing near at hand!! New York State Literature Lottery, for January 4,1826! when will be distributed in a few minutes to adventurers, the following rich and splendid prizes, viz: 100,000 dollars; 50, 000 dollars; 20,000 dollars; 10,500 dollars; 2 prizes of 5,000 dollars; 4 of 2,500 dollars; 10 of 2,000 dollars; 39 of 1,000 dollars; 78 of 500 dollars; 468 of 100 dollars, and the lowest prize 50 dollars. The whole to be drawn in one day! Whole tickets $50; halves $25; Quarters $12.50; Eighths $6.25; Sixteenths $3.12-1/2. Those who are desirous of obtaining one or more of the above handsome prizes are requested to call at TYLER's justly celebrated and famed Temple of Fortune, Penn. Avenue, two doors east of Brown's Hotel. Cash Advanced for prices on presentation. All orders enclosing cash or prizes, punctually attended to, by P.G. AND METRO.
Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salas
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