Washington D.C.

Newspaper - National Intelligencer - 10 Dec 1825

Containing: * Deaths * Commodities for Sale * Service Advertisements * Slave Trade and Indentured Servants * Lost-Wanted * Boarding & Rentals * Real Estate Sales and Auctions * Court Ordered Sales and Foreclosures * Jail Notices * Legal Notices * Federal Procurements * Tax Lists * Congressional Events * Miscellaneous Notices *


Canal Boat Disasters.

- The Vermont Aurora of Thursday week, printed at Vergennes, gives the following melancholy intelligence: " On Wednesday, last week, the canal boat Troy of Westport, N.Y., JACOB HALSTED, master, loaded with iron ore, was sunk opposite Cole's Bay; all hands on board perished, viz: JACOB HALSTED and GEORGE HALSTED (brothers,) LUCIUS PARDY, DANIEL CANNON, and JOHN WILLIAMS. The boat was seen by two persons on shore at Westport, a few minutes before she went down; one of whom, as we are informed, anticipating she was in distress, contemplated going in a gondola to assist the crew, but the other, devoid of every human feeling, refusing to lend any assistance, they resumed the business in which they were employed! In a few minutes afterwards they looked upon the lake and the boat was not to be seen! The captain's hat, trunk, and pocketbook, and several articles attached to the boat, have been picked up, but none of the bodies have been found."

- The canal boat Champlain, owned and sailed by MR. DAGGETT of Charlotte, was sunk in the lake, near Ticonderoga, on the 10th ult. Crew saved by the small boat. She was heavily loaded with goods, principally owned by MESSRS. E. & E. J. SUTTON, VILLRE LAWRENCE, and B. & G. SPENCE, of Vergennes, and MR. LOVELY, of Hinesburg. She was raised the next day and towed to this place; 800 or 1000 bushels of salt, and a quantity of other property, amounting in the whole to four or five thousand dollars, was destroyed.


Fat Cattle. Will be exhibited on Saturday morning next, at the Stalls numbered 38 and 39, formerly occupied by JAMES MOORE, JUN'R. Six beeves, fed by ISAAC VAN MEETER, Esq., of South Branch Potomac. The inhabitants of Washington and the public are invited to call and judge for themselves, whether these beeves are not superior to the beeves fed by WILLIAM STEINBERGER, Esq., and exhibited by MR. JOHN HOOVER, on Tuesday last. This beef will be disposed of on moderate terms, and it is hoped that the inhabitants of Washington will encourage the market. By THOMAS ENO.

Elegant Chairs. By the Packet Hetty Ann, from Philadelphia, I have just received for sale 10 dozen elegant chairs, selected from the extensive and celebrated factory of JOHN A. STEWART, of that city, to be viewed in the wareroom over my Auction Store. MOSES POOR, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.

New Goods. Just received, and for sale very cheap, linen cambrics; cambric handkerchiefs; black nankeen crape, very superior; black levantine, black Italian mantuas; cotton hose. Also, 10 boxes spermaceti candles. W. S. NICHOLLS, Georgetown. I want to purchase a servant boy, from 17 to 20 years of age, to wait in my family. For one of good character for honesty and sobriety, I will give a liberal price.

HANSON GASSAWAY has recently received a full and well selected supply of hardware and cutlery, brass, and japanned wares, comprising a general assortment of building, family, and other goods in the line. H.G. deems it unnecessary to particularize the various articles, or to say more than his stock will, on examination, be found complete, and at fair prices.

JAMES MILES, Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 10th Street (over N. W. FALES' Grocery Store) has for sale, received this day:

- 4 hhds muscovado Sugar.

- 10 bags East India Coffee, very old.

- 10 bags old Java coffee, growth of 1823.

- 15 boxes sperm candles.

- 30 boxes mould and dipt candles.

- 30 boxes Nos. 1 and 2 soap.

- In store, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, 'Swan Gin,' Cognac and Bordeaux Brandy, in bbls. and demijohns, Claret wine in 1 and 2 dozen cases, old L. P. Madeira and Malaga, imperial, gunpowder, pouchong, and young hyson teas, in whole, half, and 13 lb. boxes, alspice, pepper, cassia, ground ginger, starch, English mustard, Ohio pipes, shaving soap, real Havana cigars, "Cabanas" brand, No. 3 Mackerel, &c. &c.

- Also, Royal and medium printing paper; superfine and fine folio and 4to. post writing paper; superfine and fine cap and 4to. post writing paper; blank and playing cards; binders' boards, colored, medium, ink powder, &c. at wholesale prices, for cash or good paper.

Fresh Fruit, Teas, &c. Fifty boxes Muscatel and Bloom Raisins; 15 chests, half chests, and boxes, Gunpowder, Imperial, and Young Hyson Teas; 20 bbsl New York pippin; 25 boxes sperm and mould candles; 500 gallons winter strained oil, warranted pure; received from New York and for sale by F. X. KENNEDY. Also, 4000 bushels coal, now landing at the Eastern Branch, and for sale low. Apply as above.

Coffee - At Auction. On Monday next, the 12th instant, will be sold at public sale, on J. CRUTTENDEN'S Wharf, the cargo of the Schooner Eliza, from St. Domingo, consisting of 150 bags of coffee. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. By T. C. WRIGHT, Auct.

Auction Sales, This Morning. This morning, at half past 10 o'clock, in front of the Auction Store, I shall sell a choice lot of new and second-hand furniture, well worthy the attention of house-keepers. Also, a quantity of first quality cider; a quantity of bacon (shoulders and sides); bags of coffee; kegs of starch; cigars, tobacco, &c. Likewise, a good second hand carriage; 1 good gig; 1 eight-day clock (warranted in order). by M. POOR, Auc.

Books! Books! Books! By P. MAURO, Auctioneer. Sales by auction of valuable books, will be held at the City Auction and Commission Rooms, on the Evenings of the following days, at half past six o'clock:

- Saturday the 10th instant, a collection of Miscellaneous books.

- Tuesday 13th, French, Spanish, Latin, and Greek books.

- Saturday, 17th, a catalogue of most valuable books, mostly in splendid bindings.

- Tuesday 20th, French, Spanish, Latin, and Greek books.

- Friday 23rd, an extensive catalogue of the most valuable law books.

Catalogues of each sale will be ready for delivery, and books for inspection, on the morning of each evening sale. Terms, cash. Books positively to be sold to the highest bidder, without the least reserve. By P. MAURO, Auc'r.

MURDOCK, YUILLE, WARDROP & Co's Finest Old Madeira Wine. The subscribers, agents for the above house, have received, by the brig Martha, arrived at New York, the wines ordered through them, which will be shipped round by the next packet. They will also receive, by this arrival, a large addition to their present stock, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter casks, warranted of the best quality, and now for sale at importation cost. Those gentlemen who have not been in the habit of having their wine especially ordered for them in Madeira, and may be disposed to do it in the future, will please forward their orders at any time to A. C. CAZENOVE & Co., who have on consignment, and for sale on the unusual terms, a supply of inferior wines; London market Madeira; Cette Madeira; Sherry, dry and sweet Malaga Madeira; Claret in cases, Cognac Brandy; Holland and country Gin; St. Croix and N.E. Rum; prime green and java coffee; Muscovado and refined sugars; molasses, common and old Whiskey; winter and summer strained oil; common whale oil; fresh salad oil; sperm, mould, and dipt candles; castile and common soap; cut nails and brads; nail rods and hoop iron; Swedes iron; Window glass (all sizes); mess pork and beef; Cargo, No. 1 Beef; Manufactured Tobacco, every description; Dupont's gunpowder; fresh olives and prunes. Now landing, fresh bunch and muscatel raisins, in boxes, halves, and quarters; Old Java coffee. Alexandria, Dec 8.

Coal. The Subscriber will receive, in the course of the ensuing week, 6,500 bushels of selected Grate Coal, (from the Manchester pits) which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. F. X. KENNEDY.

Grass Cloth Brushes. BARTOW & BRANNAN, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite the Centre Market, have just received from New York, a supply of the above articles, of American manufacture, which has given general satisfaction to those who have used them. Members of Congress and the public generally are invited to call and view them. Also, Ladies' Reticules, newest pattern, black, red, and fawn color, elegant. Silver spectacles, tortoise shell rim spectacles, 1st quality.

Coal. 2,000 Bushels of Grate Coal, just arrived and for sale, on board the sloop Cherub at Major DAVIDSON'S Wharf. Apply to THOMAS TAYLOR, Agent for A. RAMSAY. The Cherub will take freight on moderate terms for Norfolk and Richmond, and be ready to sail day after tomorrow.

Mahogany, Hides, &c. Now landing, from on board Schooner Mary, from city of St. Domingo, 200 logs Mahogany, of good quality; 191 dried hides; 14 seroons of St. Domingo tobacco; 4 barrels Gum Guiacum. Also, 3,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, afloat. For sale by JOHN S. MILLER, Alexandria.

Hall Lamps. The subscriber has just received a supply of hall lamps. On hand, an extensive assortment of China, Glass, and Earthenware. A. B. WALLER, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington City.

For Sale, at the subscriber's, a consignment of 84 cases, from London, of Wardale & Co's celebrated Durham mustard, pickles, and sauces. THOMAS C. WRIGHT, Georgetown.

Old and Selected Madeira Wine and Liquors. The subscriber offers to the public and his old customers in particular, as choice a selection of Liquors as the utmost pains and long experience can provide:

- 10 half pipes L. P. Madeira Wine, from the vintage 1818 to 1821.

- 12 quarter casks L. P. Madeira Wine, from the vintage 1818 to 1821.

- 12 half quarter casks L. P. Madeira Wine, from the vintage 1818 to 1821.

- 20 casks, 10 gallons each, L. P. Madeira Wine, from the vintage 1818 to 1821.

- Old London Particular Madeira, from the houses of Scott, Landman, Penfold, & Co. Monteiro, Lacock, Gordon, Lynch, Bland, Keir, Corea, Olivera, March, &c. &c. in Wood; Demijohns, and Bottles. All of which has been a voyage to the East or West Indies, Brazils, or Coast of Africa.

- Old London Particular Teneriffe, or Vidonia Wine, in half pipes and quarter casks.

- Old London Particular Sherry, both pale and high colored.

- Old Sicily Madeira, in half pipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks.

- Old Dry Lisbon, in quarter casks.

- Old Pico Madeira, in quarter casks.

- 400 Dozen bottles Old Madeira, from various selected importations, from 1811 to 1820, and many years in bottles.

- 50 Dozen Tinto, or Burgundy Madeira.

- Pale and high colored Sherry, Sicily Madeira, Vidonia, and Pico Madeira; which have undergone voyages to Calcutta.

- Old Cognac Brandy in pipes, from the houses of Otard, Dupuy, & Co. Rosteau, Herressy, Seignett & Co.; part of which was originally put up for the London Market, and imported from thence to the United States.

- Old Cognac Brandy in half pipes, of the vintage of 1814, and in bottles of 1808.

- Old Holland Gin in pipes, demijohns, and jugs - Schedan, Weesp Anchor, Lapouts, &c.

- Old Jamaica Spirits, in hhds, demijohns, and bottles.

- Old Irish Whiskey, in cask, demijohns, and jugs.

- Old Rye Whiskey of various flavors, and qualities, in wood demijohns, and bottles.

- J. C. Dinet, Ruin Art, and Rose Sparkling Champaigne.

- Celery still Champaign, Chateau Margeaux

- La Tour, St. Julian, Medoc, and other Claret Wines.

- Hermitage, Burgundy, Burgundy Claret, Sauterne.

- Old Hock, Muscat, Constantia, Southampton Port.

- Curracoa and Martinique Liquors.

- London Porter, and Hibbert's double Brown Stout, in quart and pint bottles, Philadelphia do. (Brown Stout?). Old Arrack, in boxes of one dozen each.

- A variety of Liquor Cases, Olives, Anchovies, &c. &c.


- Superior Spanish Segars, of the most esteemed brands, as Cabanas, Flint, Zamora, Woodville, &c. &c. in halves, quarters, and eights of boxes.

- Old Virginia Chewing Tobacco (Very fine).

- Dartford Gunpowder, in Water-proof Canisters.

- Dupont's Gunpowder, both Red and Blue label.

- Best Gunpowder, Imperial, Young, and Old Hyson and Pouchong Teas, in different size boxes, Caddies, and half pound Papers. For Sale by WILLIAM COX, at his new store, nearly opposite Williamson's Hotel and three doors West of his old Stand.

N.B. All articles delivered free of transportation, and to those who purchase 10 gallons or more, wholesale prices will be observed.

New Grocery and Shoe Store. LOWRY & DOUGHERTY respectfully inform the citizens of Washington and its vicinity that they have commenced business in the above line, on Seventh Street, nearly opposite the General Post Office, where they will at all times keep a good assortment of groceries and shoes. They have received an additional supply of 1,000 pairs of men's, women's and children's shoes, suitable for the season. Also -- 250 pairs men's boots, good quality.

MRS. BYRNE respectfully informs the ladies of Washington and its vicinity that she has just opened an assortment of Fashionable Winter Hats, Caps, and Turbans. Also a variety of flowers

and feathers.

Books, Drawing Materials, Stationery, &c. PISHEY THOMPSON has constantly on sale, a large and valuable assortment of books, in every class of Literature, many of them of very rare occurrence, and of the best London and other foreign editions. Catalogues, with the price of every article, may be had at his store. Books not in store procured at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms.

- A large and valuable collection of Juvenile and Children's Books, comprehending more than 400 varieties, and selected from Darton and Harvey's Wallis', Harriss', and other celebrated Juvenile Libraries.

- Classical and other School Books of every description. Colleges and Seminaries, and private students, supplied on liberal terms. Conductors of Seminaries, by leaving with P. THOMPSON a list of the books, &c. used in their establishments, will ensure a sufficient stock of them being always kept on hand, to prevent delay and disappointment.

- Drawing paper, of the finest quality, of all sizes, from foolscap to antiquarian.

- Reeves' and Neuman's English, and Osbourne's celebrated American, Water Colors in separate cakes, and in boxes of various sizes. Velvet Colors, Body Colors, Indian Ink, Crayons, Chalks, Camel's Hair Pencils, Brookman's superior Pencils, &c.

- Fine Writing Paper of every description; quills, fine black and red writing ink; Rodgers' and other penknives, inkstands in pewter, lead, glass, and Wedgewood; very elegant bronze inkstands, of various patterns; sealing wax and wafers of the best quality; steel and silver pens; silver pencil cases; ever-pointed pencils; writing cases; port folios; writing apparatus for travelers, in various forms; pocket books, note cases, and wallets of all descriptions; card cases; visiting cards; blank, memorandum, and copy books; albums, durable ink.

- Mathematical instruments in cases; Gunter's Scales in brass, box-wood, and ivory; Thermometers of various descriptions; telescopes, microscopes, magnets, spirit levels, surveyors' chains, compasses, Pentagraphs, parallel rulers, patent and pocket compasses, camera Lucida, &c.

- Chess Men and Boards, Backgammon and Cribbage Boards, Draughtmen, Crehore's, and Beck & Stewart's and other Playing Cards.

- Musical instruments of the finest quality, viz. 1 elegant Piano Forte, by Loud, price $250. Guitars of various prices; German flutes with 1, 4, and 6 keys; Flageolets, single and double; and Fifes.

- A very large collection of printed Music, to which new publications are regularly added.

- Blank Music Paper; Piano Forte Wire; Guitar, Violincello, and Violin Strings, Bridges, &c.; Fancy Papers, Bristol Boards; Gold Borders and Ornaments; Rice Papers; Screen Handles, and every requisite for Ladies' ornamental and fancy work.

Sparkling Rose Champaigne, Fish Sauces, English Pickles and Mustard, Fresh Teas, &c. Received per the Levant from Boston, and Exchange, from New York --

30 Cases and hampers Champaigne, I. C. & Dinet.

25 Cases superior Claret wines, Latour, St. Julien, Medoc, &c.

**12 Cases English Mustard, 1 doz each, in half lb. bottles.

**5 Cases English Mustard, 1 doz each, in 1 lb. bottles.

**7 Cases Fish Sauces, assorted, 6 dozen each, in pint bottles.

**22 Cases English Pickles, assorted kinds, 1 dozen each, in pint bottles.

**12 Cases English Pickles, assorted kinds, 1 dozen each, in quart bottles.

**Just imported from WARDALE & Co, of superior quality.

3 pipes Old French Brandy, from the London Docks.

4 hhds Old Jamaica Rum, 7 and 9 years imported.

3 pipes Holland Gin, Weesp anchor.

10 half chests Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Pouchong, and Souchong Teas.

10 bags Java, Laguira, Cuba, and St Domingo Coffee.

10 bbls first quality brown sugar.

5 bbls second quality brown sugar.

15 qr boxes Imperial Cigars, very superior.

10 boxes sperm candles, assorted sizes.

10 boxes Mould and Tallow candles.

10 boxes brown soap.

These items all for sale by WILLIAM COX, at his new store, nearly opposite WILLIAMSON's Tavern, and three doors west of his old stand.


For Norfolk. The Schooner Sidney Matilda, C. ASHBEE, Master, to sail on Tuesday next. For Freight, which will be taken low, apply to INGLE, LINDSLEY, & INGLE.

The Freeman's Banner. With the next year I propose to commence a Weekly Journal, having the foregoing title; devoted generally to the arts and sciences; but particularly to the topics of political economy. I shall endeavor to acquire, for the encouragement of this Journal, the favor of every good citizen; accommodating its varied contents to the varied tastes and occupations of the American population; and extending to every meritorious correspondent the most liberal facilities of communication for his literary and professional speculations. In this preliminary truce, I protest against the imputation to my motives of servility, duplicity, or sycophancy. I will conduct an independent and liberal Journal, in which genius, art, and science, without respect of persons, shall be regarded and cherished; and to which merit, intrinsic merit alone, shall have access. I have heard, and I believe, that such a Journal is wanting in the city of Baltimore; but such a Journal shall not be wanting in the city of Baltimore after the first day of January next. Terms and Conditions. The Freeman's Banner will be published, weekly, in the City of Baltimore, on a fine super-royal sheet, at three dollars per annum; delivered on the day of publication to subscribers in Baltimore, and forwarded to distant patrons, by mail, on its first departure from the Post office in this city. E. H. CUMMINS, Baltimore.


Public Sale. The subscriber will sell to the highest bidder, on a credit of six months, for approved paper, 70 valuable Negroes. Any person wishing to buy at private sale, by applying to the subscriber, can be informed of their price, and see the slaves before Monday the 12th Day of December, on which day, if not previously sold, I shall offer them at my farm near Bladensburg, if fair, if not, the next fair day. Sale to take place at 12 o'clock. By WILLIAM DUDLEY DIGGES. None of the above Negroes having been disposed of at private sale, they will offered at public sale as above mentioned. W. D. DIGGES.

Servants for Hire. A first rate cook, who can be recommended as a good washer and house servant. Also, a girl, 11 years old, who has been brought up in the house. Apply to MR. CROSSFIELD, 14th Street.

For Hire. A servant boy, well instructed as a waiter, and capable of the management of horses, possessing many qualities very desirable in a servant, will be hired by the year, if application be made immediately to SAMUEL BURCH.

For Sale. For a term of years, several servants, of both sexes. Should they not be sold before the 1st day of January next, they will then be for hire by the month or year. And for hire, immediately, a boy, about 15 years of age. JOHN A. WILSON, G street, north, near the Department of State. Who also has for rent, on High street, Georgetown, a three-story brick building, calculated for a store and family; and a small brick building on Green street.

Cash in Market, and high prices will be given for likely sound young Negroes. Those wishing to sell will do well to inquire soon at MCCANDLESS's Tavern, in Georgetown, DC, where they will find a purchaser. By JESSE BERNARD.


Wanted. I wish to purchase a handsome, smart servant boy, from 17 to 20 years of age, to wait in my house; one from the country, who is know to be sober and honest (and none other need be offered,) I give a fair price for. Apply to W. S. NICHOLLS, Georgetown.

A Situation Wanted. A young man, who graduated at Harvard University in the class of 1824, is desirous to obtain a situation as an instructor in a private family; he would, however, take upon himself the care of a large school provided the terms of tuition were such as to make it an inducement. His recommendations he presumes will be satisfactory. Any person wishing to employ an instructor, will receive immediate attention, by directing a line to Z.B. at the Washington Post Office.

Stray Cow. Strayed from the commons of the City, in October last, a cow, face white, with the exception of some red hairs around the left eye; white belly and hind feet; otherwise red; thin tail; a slit in one of her ears, believed to be the right; two false teats; about 7 or 8 years old; had a new leather collar around her neck, to which was attached a small house bell. Whoever will give information of said cow so that she may be recovered, to the subscriber, at the Office of the National Intelligencer, shall receive a reasonable reward. WILLIAM KERR, JR.


Boarding. WILLIAM M. SAWYER can accommodate three Members of Congress with good and comfortable rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, a few doors west of the Unitarian Church.

Boarding. J. GARDINER can accommodate a few Members of Congress, at his house on 9th Street (one square west of the Post Office) opposite to the residence of Mr. JOSEPH GALES, JR.

Boarding. MRS. HOMANS can accommodate six or seven Members of Congress. The house she occupies is the first in the second block west of the Market, on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Boarding: Four gentlemen can be furnished with genteel Boarding and Lodging, in B street, about two hundred yards south of the Capitol, and directly opposite the residence of MR. JOHN COYLE. By R. GILDER.

Boarding. MRS. LANPHIER very respectfully informs the Members of Congress and other gentlemen who may wish for handsome accommodations during the Session, that she has opened her house in Lenox's Row, on the south side of Pennsylvania avenue, between 9th and 10th streets, which, from its central situation, and the commodiousness of her apartments, together with a determination to give every attention in her power, to make those who may favor her with their company as comfortable as possible, hopes to receive a share of the public patronage.

Boarding. MRS. BALL informs her friends and the public that she remains in the large and commodious house opposite BROWN's Hotel, on Pennsylvania Avenue, where she can accommodate ten or twelve Members of Congress with private rooms; and will be happy to receive regular and transient boarders as usual. N.B. A handsome parlor to let.

To Let. Members and others residing in Washington during the Session of Congress, are respectfully informed that the subscriber will let, for the session, the front House, now in his possession, on Pennsylvania Avenue, nearly opposite Williamson's Hotel. It is a very desirable situation, and contains four good large rooms, with a fine large private passage. JOHN HOBURG.

For Rent, and possession given on the first of January next, the estate called Woodley, the residence of the late P. B. KEY, Esq. This property lies upon the Heights of Georgetown, and has all the advantages of contiguity to the two markets of Washington and Georgetown, of fine air, excellent water, and withal admitted to be as healthful a situation as can be found anywhere. The buildings are commodious, the orchards valuable, gardens well located, wood continuous, and the lands, of which there are about 230 acres, as productive as are any in the neighborhood. To a good tenant, and one who would take care of the property, the terms would be moderate. Apply to WILLIAM THOMPSON, JR., Agent for ANN KEY, Adm'x.

A good store to be Rented, at Auction. This day, at 1 o'clock, P.M. on the premises, I shall sell, at auction, the unexpired lease of the store on Pennsylvania Avenue, recently occupied by MR. SAMUEL ROBINSON (who has removed to the opposite side of the Avenue); i.e., to the 13th April, 1826. Terms made known at sale. By M. POOR, Auc. Note: The above sale is postponed to Saturday at 1 o'clock, P.M. By M.P.

For Rent. GEORGE BEALE's house and lot, about one mile (North) from the Capitol, lately occupied by JAMES MOORE. Immediate possession may be had. Inquire of EZEKIEL MACDANIEL.


By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Sparta, in the State of Alabama, on the second Monday in December next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of lands offered for sale at Sparta, viz: Township No. 6, 7, & 8 of ranges No. 21 & 22; No. 1 to 7, inclusive, of ranges No. 23 and 24; Also those parts of townships No. 5, not heretofore exposed to public sale of ranges No. 9 and 11. The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township, and range, and to proceed in the order here designated. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Alabama are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.

For Sale, or exchange for City Property, about 50 acres of land lying in Prince George's County, Maryland, four miles from the Capitol. JNO H. BAKER.

By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Jackson, the Seat of Government for the State of Mississippi, on the second Monday in January next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of Lands ceded by the Choctaws, viz: East of the Meridian line of the District west of Pearl river: Fractional township No. 16 of range No. 2; Fractional townships No. 17 of ranges Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4; Fractional townships No. 18 of ranges Nos. 1 and 2; and fractional townships No. 18 of ranges Nos. 3, 4, and 5. West of the Meridian line of the Choctaw District, Township Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of range No. 4; Township no 9, of ranges Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9. The townships to be offered in the order in which they are herein designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each township. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Mississippi are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.

By the President of the United States. In pursuance of law, I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, President of the United States of America, do hereby publish and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at Tuskaloosa, in the State of Alabama, on the third Monday in January next, for the disposal of the following designated townships of land, situate in the District of lands offered for sale at Tuskaloosa, viz: Township No. 24 of ranges numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, East. Also Township No. 24 of ranges numbered 1 and 2, West, all of Freeman's Survey. At the same time there will be exposed to public sale such lands as were relinquished or had reverted to the United States, prior to the first day of October 1821, which were originally subject to be sold at the Land Office, at Cahaba, in Alabama, but which are now situate within the limits of the Tuskaloosa District, a descriptive list of which will appear at the Land Office at Tuskaloosa. The sale to commence with the lowest number of section, township, and range, and to proceed in regular numerical order. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools or for other purposes are to be excluded from sale. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of June, A.D., 1825. J. Q. ADAMS. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Note: Printers of the laws of the United States in the State of Alabama are requested to insert the above once a week until the day of sale.


Marshal's Sale. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, upon a judgment of the Commercial and Farmer's Bank of Baltimore against JOHN COX, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on Monday, the 8th day of January 1826, next ensuing, all the right, title, and interest, which JOHN COX had on the 31st day of January, 1820, the day of the rendition of the judgment aforesaid, or since, of, in, and to, the following described lands, lots, and tenements, viz: Part of Lot No. 7, in Old Georgetown, beginning for the same, 38 feet 9 inches, Westwardly from East Lane, as it was formerly called, now called Congress Street, and on the North side of Bridge Street, and running Northwardly parallel with Congress street 120 feet, to a 20 feet alley, then Westwardly, parallel with Bridge Street, and by and with said Alley 24 feet; then Southwardly, parallel with the first line to Bridge street, then with a straight line to the beginning, with the improvements thereon. Lots Nos. 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, in THRELKELD's addition to Georgetown, fronting on Fayette Street and lying between Third and Fourth Streets. All the following described lot or parcel of ground lying in Georgetown, binding on Congress street, and beginning for the same, at the Southwest corner of a 12 foot alley on the East side of Congress street, about 140 feet south of Bridge street, then running east with the said alley about 90 feet; then south 25 feet; then west 90 feet; then North 25 feet, with Congress street, to the beginning, with the improvements thereon. The following piece and parcel of ground, lying and being in BEATTY and HAWKINS' addition to Georgetown, and beginning for the same on First street, 63 feet from Frederick Street, running east 27 feet on First street, then north 163 feet, more or less, to the alley, with the free use of the said alley; then west, 27 feet; then south, 136 feet to the beginning, with improvements thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of JOHN COX, bound by the aforesaid judgment, and will be sold to satisfy the said debt due from him to the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore, use of the Bank of Columbia. Sale to take place at 12 o'clock M. at SEMMES' Tavern, Georgetown. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal D.C.

Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of a writ of fieri facias, issued from the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on the premises in Georgetown, on Saturday, the 31st of December instant, the following described lands and tenements, viz: Lots Nos. 25, 26 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown fronting 120 feet on West street and 120 feet on Washington street with the two-story brick house and all other improvements thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of ELIZABETH WEEMS, and will be sold to satisfy debts due to ISAAC V. BROWN and JOHN WEBB. Sale to commence at 4 o'clock P.M. By TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal.

Trustee's Sale. Will be sold at public auction, by order of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, on Saturday, the 19th November, instant, to the highest bidder, all the real and personal property of GEORGE and THOMAS O. ST. CLAIR, consisting of several acres of valuable land, improved and unimproved; farming utensils, cattle, hogs, several valuable Negroes, male and female, and a variety of household and kitchen furniture. The sale will take place at the house of GEORGE ST. CLAIR, near the Bladensburg road, about a mile from the SPRING TAVERN. Terms -- a credit of three and six months; notes satisfactorily endorsed will be required to secure the payment of the purchase money. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. By ENOCH BRYAN, Trustee. Trustee's Note: The above sale is postponed to the 19th day of December next, same place and hour.

Trustee's Sale. In consequence of the failure of the purchasers to comply with the terms of sale, I will proceed on Monday, the 23d day of January next, at 12 o'clock M. to resell, at their risk, at public auction, the following Lots of Ground, in Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, consisting in part of the real estate of GEORGE KING, deceased, to wit: Part of Lot No. 76, fronting on Cecil Alley about 300 feet, on which are two two-story frame dwelling houses. Also, part of Lot No. 77, on Water street, on which is a three story brick Store and Dwelling house. The above sale will take place on the premises, and the purchaser or purchasers shall give bonds, with approved security, for the purchase money, payable in six equal semi-annual payments, with interest from the day of sale; provided that any purchaser, in lieu of giving bond may pay the money in hand; and on the full payment of the purchase money and the ratification of the sale by the Court, I will execute to each purchaser, at his proper expense, a valid conveyance of all the title to which the said GEORGE KING died seized. By RAPHAEL SEMMES, Trustee. The Baltimore Patriot and Fredericktown Herald will please insert the above once a week till the day of sale.

Marshal's Sale. In virtue and by authority of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, for cash, at the front door of the Union Tavern in Georgetown, on Monday, the 19th day of December next, the following described lands and tenements, viz: Part of Lots Nos. 63, 64, 65, in old Georgetown, fronting 23 feet 6 inches on the causeway; Lot No. 149 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 60 feet on Gay street, with the improvements and houses thereon, now or lately the residence of NICHOLAS HEDGES; A part of Lots Nos. 134 and 135 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 30 feet on Washington street and 120 feet on Dunbarton street; Lot No. 136 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, fronting 60 feet on Dunbarton street. Seized and taken in execution as the estate and property of NICHOLAS HEDGES, and will be sold to satisfy a debt due by him to the Bank of Columbia, use of the Bank of the United States. Sale to commence at 4 o'clock P.M. TENCH RINGGOLD, Marshal, D.C.

--------- Immediately after the above sale, I shall offer at public sale, for cash, parts of lots Nos. 14 and 15 in Beall's Addition to Georgetown, and fronting 79 feet 6 inches on Washington street; being the property adjoining and south of the house and premises of JOHN LAIRD, Esq., which parts of lots belong to the Bank of the United States. RICHARD SMITH, Cashier, Branch Bank, Washington.

Constable's Sale. By virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued by ISRAEL LITTLE, a justice of the Peace for the County of Washington, and to me directed, I shall expose to public for sale, for cash, on Friday the 16th day of December, 1825, at 7 o'clock A.M. at the Navy Yard Market House, one gig and harness, seized and taken as the property of D. G. HICKEY, and will be sold to satisfy debts due J. EVANS and PETER LITTLE, JUNR. By ENOCH BRYAN.


Was committed to the Jail of Baltimore county, as a runaway, by JOSEPH B. ELLIOTT, Esq., a Justice of the Peace for the city of Baltimore, on the 21st day of November 1825, a Negro man, 5 feet 6-1/2 inches high, about 18 years of age, who calls himself JOHN NORMAN, and says he is an apprentice to WILLIAM SMITH of Washington City. Had on when committed, a striped cotton roundabout, blue cloth trimmed with red, striped Marseilles vest, corduroy pantaloons, much worn, coarse cassinett, coarse mixed yarn stockings, coarse shoes, fur hat, much worn, coarse linen shirt; a scar on the forehead and small scars on each hand. The owners of the above described Negro man is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be discharged according to law. S. BARRY, Sheriff, B.C.


A Caution. I hereby forewarn the public against crediting my wife ANN FERRY, on my account, as I will not pay any debts for her after this date. By FRANCIS FERRY.

Charles County Court, August Term, 1825. JULIET HUNGERFORD, LETTY HUNGERFORD, GERALD HUNGERFORD, and WINNIFRED HUNGERFORD versus KITTY VINCENT, widow of WILLIAM VINCENT, ANN G. VINCENT, the children of THOMAS VINCENT, deceased, ALEXANDER VINCENT, the children of SARAH SHAW, deceased, the children of MARY ANN KING, deceased, CLARISSA WILDER, JAMES WILDER, the children of ELEANOR WEEDEN, ELIZABETH JACKSON, JOSEPH VINCENT, the children of SUSANNA ASHBURN, and WILLIAM VINCENT. The object of the bill of complaint in this case filed is to obtain from the defendants a conveyance of a tract of land called "Frailty," containing 200 acres, lying and being in William and Mary parish, in Charles County, State of Maryland; which said tract of land was sold by WILLIAM VINCENT to JOHN B. HUNGERFORD, for the sum of $4,000 dollars, current money; alleging that the whole of the purchase money was paid, agreeably to a bond of conveyance executed by the said WILLIAM VINCENT to the said JOHN B. HUNGERFORD. The said VINCENT and HUNGERFORD are both dead, and that the defendants above are non-residents of this State, except KITTY VINCENT and ANN G. VINCENT: It is thereupon ordered that said bill be taken pro confesso at the next Term of this Court, to be held on the third Monday in March next: Provided, a copy of this order be inserted in the National Intelligencer once a week for three months before the said third Monday in March next. Test, JOHN BARNES, Clk.

District of Columbia, County of Washington, to wit: ARNOLD BOONE has applied to the Hon. JAMES S. MORSELL, Assistant Judge of the Circuit Court of The District of Columbia, to be discharged from imprisonment, under the act for the relief of insolvent debtors within the District of Columbia, on the third Monday of December, inst. at 11 o'clock A.M. when and where his creditors are requested to attend. WILLIAM BRENT, Clerk.

A Proclamation. Whereas the Grand Jurors of Sumter district did on the first Monday in March inst. find a bill of indictment against EDWARD BROUGHTON and DAVID HENRY MOORE, for the murder of a certain slave, named MITCHELL, the property of JAMES B. RICHARDSON, Esq. And whereas the said DAVID HENRY MOORE has fled from justice, I have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, offering to the said DAVID HENRY MOORE, a free pardon for the said offense, provided he appears at the next and every other court of sessions for Sumter district, to give testimony against the said EDWARD BROUGHTON, the principal of the said murder, until he the said RICHARD BROUGHTON shall be dealt with according to law. But if the said DAVID HENRY MOORE shall not attend as a witness in the premises, on behalf of the state; and as it is understood that BROUGHTON has volunteered to be a witness against the said MOORE in the same behalf, Now Know Ye, That, from and after the next court of sessions for Sumter district, I do hereby offer a reward of $200 to be paid to any one that will lodge the said DAVID HENRY MOORE in Sumter jail, so that he may be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand and the seal of the State, this 24th day of March in the year of our Lord 1883, and in the 47th year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. By the Governor, JOHN L. WILSON; WILLIAM LAVAL, Secretary of State. Published at the request of JAMES B. RICHARDSON, Esq.


Naval Supplies. Navy Commissioners' Office, 17th October, 1825. The Commissioners of the Navy will receive sealed Proposals until the 15th day of December next, for the supply of the following articles, viz:

- Cordage, to be delivered 1-3d on or before 1st April, 1826, 1-3d 1st August, 1826, 1-3d 1st December, 1826: 35 tons at Portsmouth, NH; 140 tons at Charlestown, Mass; 130 tons at Brooklyn, NY; 35 tons at Philadelphia; 55 tons at Washington; 25 tons at Gosport, Virginia. The whole must be made of the best clean water-retted Hemp; Boltrope to be spun 32 threads to the hook; Standing Rigging 38 threads to the hook; Running Rigging 24 threads to the hook; Cables and Hawsers 20 threads to be hook; and stand the proof, as regulated last year.

- Canvas, to be delivered 1-3d at Charleston, Mass; 1-3d at Brooklyn, NY; 1-3d at Gosport, Virginia: No. 1 - 1558 bolts; No. 2 - 780 bolts; No. 3 - 668 bolts; No. 4 - 894 bolts; No. 5 - 864 bolts; No. 6 - 376 bolts; No. 7 - 150 bolts; No. 8 - 96 bolts. AND --

- Canvas, to be delivered one-half at Portsmouth, NH; one-half at Philadelphia: No. 1 - 186 bolts; No. 2 - 60 bolts; No. 3 - 56 bolts; No. 4 - 148 bolts; No. 5 - 138 bolts; No. 6 - 92 bolts; No. 7 - 50 bolts; No. 8 - 32 bolts. The Canvass to be delivered within the periods stated for the delivery of the Cordage. And for the supply, also, of all the Mattresses (of good tow, not less than 2 feet broad and 6 feet long) all the blankets (3-1/2 points), Shoes, Hats, Candles, Oil, Flour, Whiskey, Rice, and Butter, together with all the Paints and Oils, and Slop Clothing, viz:

- Blue cloth jackets; blue cloth trowsers; pea jackets; duck trowsers; duck frocks; duck banyans; red cloth vests; white flannel drawers; white flannel shirts; Yarn stockings; and black silk handkerchiefs that may be required of the Navy during the year 1826, at Portsmouth, NH; Charlestown, Mass.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Washington, Gosport, and Baltimore. Persons offering to supply the preceding articles, are required to make their proposals for each separately, and forward to this office samples of the mattresses, blankets, shoes, hats, and slop clothing with the prices marked thereon. All articles must be delivered in suitable boxes, casks or packages, free of expense, and will be inspected at the yards of delivery as usual. To be published in the National Intelligencer and National Journal, Portsmouth, N. H. Journal, Boston Patriot, N. E. Palladium, N. Y. American, National Advocate, Democratic Press, Franklin Gazette, Baltimore Patriot, Norfolk Herald, Richmond Enquirer, and Charleston City Gazette.


Persons Owing Taxes and Amounts Due. [Transcriber's note: The original published table contains taxpayer's name, the square and lot number of each piece of property, the outstanding taxes due on each lot for each year (1816-1824), the total amount due for each lot for all years, and the grand total due. I am only including here the taxpayers name, the total number of lots involved, and the total amount due for all lots. If you are interested in any of the data omitted, send an email to alp177@ix.netcom.com, citing the newspaper date, the taxpayer of interest, and "Page 4."]

CUTTS, RICHARD, 14 lots, $100.46.

DAVIDSON, JOHN, 23 lots, some w/improvements & water tax, $587.72.

DELANEY, JAMES (leasehold), 1 lot, $2.22.

DELANEY, THOMAS' heirs, 1 lot, $88.84.

DUNLAP, JAMES, 2 lots, $16.14.

ETTING, SOLOMON, 4 lots and Pump Taxes, $115.17.

FITZGERALD, EDWARD, 1 lot w/improvements, $18.36.

GETTYS, JAMES, 1 lot, $1.42.

GOLDING, REV. MR., 1 lot, $13.60.

GOLDSBOROUGH, HAWES, 10 lots and Wharf Taxes, $75.34.

HARRIS, JOSEPH, 1 lot, $5.52.

HARRISON, WILLIAM, 3 lots, $29.01.

HEADLEY, JOB and JOSEPH, 1 lot w/brick improvements, $16.00.

HERRON, WALTER, 2 lots, $21.29.

HERTY, THOMAS' heirs, 1 lot, $.78.

HILLEARY, HENRY, 1 lot, $4.50.

HOWE, ROBERT F., l lot w/reservoir & water taxes, $37.60.

JAMIESON, WALTER, 1 lot, $20.75.

JOHNS, THOMAS' heirs, 4 lots w/Pump Taxes, $60.76.

KEMP, CHRISTIAN, 1 lot, $6.01.

KEMP, DAVID, 1 lot, $3.93.

LANCASTER, STEPHEN, 1 lot w/improvements, $44.86.

LANHAM, ELISHA, 1 lot, $9.94.

LONG, SEWALL's A., 1 lot w/improvements, $5.75.

McCLEARY, JAMES, 10 lots, $58.17.

McDUEL, JOHN, 2 lots, $1.98.

MARTIN, HONORE, 4 lots, $63.40.

Masonic Lodge, 1 lot, $25.53.

MAUS, JOHN N., 2 lots, $30.55.

MICHAEL, NICHOLAS, 1 lot, $10.43.

MUDD, THOMAS J., 1 lot, $12.88.

MYERS, MOSES, 1 lot, $3.96.

NVITT, WILLIAM, 1 lot, $8.52.

O'HARA, JAMES, 2 lots, $11.91.

PARROTT, RICHARD's heirs, 7 lots and Pump Taxes, $161.98

PELTZ, JOHN's heirs, 2 lots, $30.62.

SHAW and BIRTH, 14 lots, $140.75.

SIDEBOTHAM, WILLIAM's heirs, 3 lots, $5.91.

SMITH, WALTER, 2 lots and Pavement Tax, $98.18.

SMOOT, SAMUEL, 5 lots, $83.15.

SNOWDEN, THOMAS's heirs, 23 lots, $157.36.

STEPHENS, JAMES, 1 lot, $5.08.

STEVENSON, THOMAS's heirs, 1 lot, $30.33.

SUTTLE, HENRY, 1 lot, $7.24.

TYLER, CHARLES, 5 lots, $34.85.

VAN NESS and MILLER, 2 lots, $30.00.

WARRING, MARSHAM, 3 lots, $29.56.

WHEELER, LUKE, 1 lot, $12.56.

WHITE JOHN B., 1 lot w/improvements, $20.96.

WILSON, ALEX's heirs, 1 lot w/Water Tax, $19.71.

WILSON, ALEXANDER, 2 lots, $5.21.

WINTERS, GEORGE, 1 lot, $10.12.

WINTERS, JOHN, 1 lot, $4.14.

WORSLEY, JOSEPH, 1 lot, $11.96.

----Terms, Cash - Time, 10 o'clock, A.M. By F. COYLE, Col. 1st and 2d Wards


Among the petitions and papers presented to day before the Congress were the following:

- MR. STORRS presented a petition of DANIEL HUGANIN, JR., contesting the election of EGBERT TEN EYCK, returned as the Member duly elected to represent the 20th Congressional District of the State of New York in the 19th Congress.

- MR. STEVENSON of Virginia presented a petition of RICHARD YOUNG of Richmond, in the State of Virginia, representing that, during the late war with Great Britain, at his instance, a schooner called the "John Willis," then lying at his wharf in Richmond, was seized by the Collector of that port, on suspicion of carrying on an illicit intercourse with the enemy; that the said schooner was regularly condemned in the Federal Court for the District of Virginia; that he was not received his full proportion of the proceeds of said forfeiture and condemnation, and prays that the same may be granted to him: which was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

- On motion of MR. WICKLIFFE, it was Resolved, That the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions be instructed to inquire into the right of JAMES BROOKS of Kentucky, to be reinstated on the Pension Roll of the United States.

- Mr. INGHAM offered the following resolution for consideration. [It lies on the table one day by rule.] Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to communicate to this House (if not incompatible with the public interest,) the documents and proceedings of the Naval Court Martial in the case of CAPTAIN CHARLES STEWART; also the documents and proceedings of the Naval Court Martial in the cases of LIEUTENANTS JOSHUA R. SANDS and WILLIAM M. HUNTER.


On Friday after Next. Grand State Lottery of Maryland, Highest Prize $100,000. Adventurers are notified that the tickets in this magnificent scheme will advance to $12 on Friday after next, the 16th inst. Tickets are already becoming scarce, and the most unexampled demand still increasing, the price will be further enhanced as the drawing day approaches, if indeed any are at all to be procured. The magnitude of the capital prize of $100,000, besides others of $30,000, $20,000, $10,000, $5000, &c. &c. and the very low rate of tickets have caused the great popularity of the scheme. The drawing will take place on the 15th February next. No time should be lost in securing tickets or shares. Present price of tickets: Whole tickets - $10; Halves - $5; Quarters - $2.50; Eighths - $1.25. To be had, in the greatest variety of numbers at COHENS', Lottery and Exchange Office, 114 Market Street, Baltimore, where more capital prices have been obtained then at any other office in America. Orders from any part of the United States, either by mail (post, paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the cash or prize tickets in any of the lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention as if on personal application, addressed to J. I. COHEN, JR., & Brothers, Baltimore.

Notice. An election will be held at the Union Tavern in Georgetown, on the first Monday in January next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and three o'clock P.M. for three Directors in the Georgetown Potomac Bridge Company, to serve in the ensuing year, WILLIAM THOMSON, JR., Treasurer.

Bank of Washington. The Stockholders are hereby notified, that the Annual Meeting, for the choice of Directors, will be held on the first Monday in January next, at the Banking House, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., WILLIAM A. BRADLEY, Cashier.

New York State Literature Lottery, No. 3. To be drawn on the 4th of January, next. Amount of Scheme, the great sum of $567,600, and only 14,160 tickets. In which are the following splendid estates, destined for some of Fortune's favorites:

- $100,000 in one capital.

- $50,000 in another.

- $20,000 in another.

- Also, $10,500; 2 of $5,000; 4 of $2,500; 10 of $2,000; 39 of $1,000; 78 of $500; 468 of $100. In this Lottery no prize is less than $50. Whole tickets $50; Halves $25; Quarters $12.50; Eighths $6.25; Sixteenths $3.12; Fifths $10; Tenths $5; Twentieths $2.50. This lottery, like all those under the management of J. B. YATES & A. McINTYRE, is arranged on the established and very popular mode by the combination of three numbers upon each ticket; there being only 45 numbers in the whole, of which 6 will be drawn from the wheel. It requires a ticket to contain some three of the drawn numbers, to entitle the holder to a Capital Prize, and that one which contains the three first numbers drawn is the Grand Capital of $100,000. A ticket with only two of the drawn numbers may be a prize of $1,000. And every ticket having any one of the drawn numbers, will be a prize of $50. A great variety of tickets and shares at the Managers' Office, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite BROWN'S Hotel, Washington City, where the cash will be paid immediately for all prize tickets signed by or for YATES & McINTYRE. Letters (post paid) enclosing money or prize tickets punctually attended to.

Highly Important. All who wish to be rich have now the chance! Grand New York Literature Lottery will positively draw and finish on the 4th of next month, when a most splendid distribution of Capital Prizes will take place, viz: $100,000; $50,000; $20,000; $10,500; 2 prizes of $5,000; besides 4 of $2,500, 10 of $2,000; 39 of $1,000; 78 of $500; &c. &c. The whole to be drawn in a few minutes. Whole tickets $50; halves $25; Quarters $12.50; Eighths $6.25; Sixteenths $3.12-1/2. The Lucky Numbers to be had at TYLER's TEMPLE OF FORTUNE, (two doors east of Brown's Hotel), Pennsylvania Avenue, or at either of his new offices, Bridge St, Georgetown, and King and Royal Streets, Alexandria. Cash advanced for prices at any moment. All orders promptly attended to.

Practising Ball. At the Washington Assembly Rooms, LEWIS CARUSI's Practising Ball will take place on Saturday, 10th Dec. Admittance 1 dollar.

An adjourned meeting of the Columbian Institute will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock. By A. DICKINS, Secy.

Washington Royal Arch Chapter, No.1. A special meeting of the Chapter will be held this evening, at the Western Masonic Hall at 7 o'clock, P.M. A general attendance of the members is requested. By order, WILLIAM KERR, JR., Secretary.

Notice. The committee appointed to devise means for the erection of a Masonic Hall, is requested to meet at the office of WILLIAM HEWITT, on north D street, on Saturday Evening, next, precisely at 5 o'clock. A punctual attendance of the Members is earnestly requested.

Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salas

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