Below are a few advertisements from Washington DC city directories, with a summary of their content, and a link to a partial family history of the related people.
William Dickson Baldwin, Joseph I. Peyton; 1881
Baldwin, Hopkins, & Peyton
solictors of patents and counsellors in patent causes
25 Grant Place
Patent Business Exclusively
George Milton Barker; 1881
George M. Barker, dealer in Doors, Sash, and Blinds
Glass, Hardware, and Building Materials
649 & 651 New York Ave, between 6th & 7th Streets, Washington DC
Horatio Beall; 1864
No. 499 Seventh Street
Washington DC
Manufactures and has constantly on hand,
A large and well made assortment of
Officers sword belts with his patent slide attached, saddles, bridles, breast collars, haversacks, presentation spurs, holsters, saddle bags, spurs, feed bags, trunks (both sole leather and wood box), valises (sole leather and common), traveling bags, harness of every description, whips, and every article in his line of business
John Wesley Boteler; 1881
J.W. Boteler & Son, importers and dealers in china, glass crockery ware, and furnsihed goods
Zachariah Berry Brooke; 1860
Claim Agent and Negotiator for Loans
Corner of Louisiana and 7th Street
Washington DC
William H. H. Cissel; 1881
Wholesale and retail dealer in
Fine family groceries, teas, wines, liquors, etc.
Israel Deming; 1864
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine
Family Groceries
Teas, Wines and Liquors of all kinds
534 Seventh Street, between D Street and Louisiana Ave
Washington City
Matthew Gault Emery; 1870
M. G. Emery & Brother
manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of
Granite, Marble, and Brown Stone Work,
Marble mantles and marble and encuastic tiles
Also, all kinds of North River BLue Stone
Wholesale and Retail
No. 223 2nd Street, West, between B and C Streets North, Washington DC
Samuel Emery; 1876
Samuel Emery
(successor to M. G. Emery & Bro.) Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of
Granite, Marble and Brown Stone Work
Marble Mantles and Marble and Encaustic Tiles
also all kinds of North River Blue Stone, Wholesale and Retail
No. 223 Second Street West, between B and C Streets North, Washington DC
Benjamin Erasmus Gittings;
Ladies Fancy Trimming and Millinery Goods
Always richest and latest styles
No 14 Market Space, between 8th and 9th Streets
Washington DC
Marcus Sterling Hopkins; 1864
Baldwin, Hopkins, & Peyton
solictors of patents and counsellors in patent causes
25 Grant Place
Patent Business Exclusively
Jeremiah L. Kidwell; 1864
Dealer in Paper Hangings and Windows Shades
Franklin Hall, D St near 9th St
Washington DC
Work executed by experienced workmen, and on moderate terms
Nathan Clarendon McKnew; 1864
Dealer in Lime, Plaster, Hair, and Cement
Coal and Wood Sawed and Split Wood
Corner of 7th St and Canal, Washington DC
Edward Michael Nourse, Frank Eliot Middleton;
Nouse & Middleton
under National Metropolitan Bank, opp. US Treasury
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Loans negotiated adn money invested
Richard T. Morsell; 1864
R. T. Morsell, Attorney at Law, Washington DC
Office 389 D Street, opposite west wing City Hall
William Barnard Moses; 1864
New Furniture & Upholstery Ware Rooms
Fashionable Upholsterer
and dealer in Parlor Furniture
of the latest styles and most desirable patterns
Sofas, Lounges, and Easy Chairs
in damask, brocatelle, and haircloth
commonly on hand every variety of
cottage furniture and cane seat chairs
best curled hair mattresses
feather beds and pillows
made to order
All kinds of furniture repaired in hte best manner, cheap for cash, particular attention paid to all orders
506 7 St adjoining Odd Fellows Hall and 398 D North, Washington DC
Louis F. Perry; 1860
extensive dealers in carpets, curtains, mattings, oil cloths, etc.
of the best class
Perry Building
Pennsylvania Ave and 9th St
City of Washington DC
Lewis F Perry, T.L. Darnall
Charles Edwin Rittenhouse; 1864
Rittenhouse, Fant & Co's
Banking House, 352 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC
buy and sell gold, silver, stocks, land warrants etc.
exchange on all parts of Europe and Northern Cities
John Harrison Semmes; 1860
Wholesale and retail dealers in
sugar, coffee, tea, flour, wines, liquors, cigars, etc.
No 523 Ninth St, corner Louisiana Ave
Washington DC
Thomas Somerville; 1876
National Brass Works, Thomas Somerville
316, 318, and 320 Thirteenth Street NW
A Large Assortment of Plumbers Supplies Constantly on Hand
Benjamin Henry Stinemetz; 1876
Fasionable Hatter and Furrier
agent for Knox, Youmans, New York; Dress Hats, Umbrellas and Canes
ladies' fine dress furs in seal skin sacques, boas, muffs, etc.
All goods sold at lowest market prices
1237 Penn. Ave, next door to corner 13th, Washington DC
Charles Wheatley, 1876Samuel Ederie Wheatley, Walter T. Wheatley;
Wheatley Brothers, dealers in Lumber, Laths, Shingles, etc
No. 37 South Side of Water Street
Georgetown DC
James Polk Willett; 1876
Willett & Ruoff
905 Pa. Avenue, Fashionable Hatters and Furriers
Our Stock of Ladies and Gentlemans Furs embrace all the leading styles now in use
All the latest styles of hats introduced as soon as adopted
We are agents fo the celebrated Dunlap New York Dress Hat
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